275568 WHITE - CITY CLERK �y...� �.r PINK - FINANCE �J� j�Yl�CQ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COURCII � � ��tiV BLUE - MAYOR File N . ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution granting Holiday pay to employees in Special Employments. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section I, Subsection I thereof, by striking out the current item 5 and substituting in lieu thereof the following items 5 a.nd 6 so that said items shall read as follows: "5 'Fke�r-ov�i�3e�s�f-�i�-sabsee�io��o��ec��.ex-I-eka�l-se��a,�g}.}r to�a��r-e�lo�re�e-rav�iose-pesi�.e�.i.s-i�#,l�e�pec�ia�.-Fsx�loy�se�� �ee�io�re€#�ie T3x�.g�a�.e�.IDt�i�.ex-(�e�e���e€4�i�a�e-ATo, ���A},-�.�d-w�io-�s��aaid�}�#.�.e-�c�tkn o-r-by fi�ie-pe�fo�a�e, 5 Provisions one through four of this Subsection I of Section I shall not apply to any employee whose position is in the Special Employment Section of the Ungraded Division and who is paid by tlze hour or by the performance. 6 Every employee whose position is in the Special Employment Section of the Ungraded Division and who is paid by the hour shall be paid on a time-and-one-half basis for time worked on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays I/ pERSONNEL OFFICE I��, Levine �� In Favor Maddox � McMahon d A ainst BY �/��z-�L/ Showalter g T SEP 2 198A Form Ap oved b City ney Ado ed by Council: Date � �, � � ertified P• • d�by C il cretary BY , 4 App v Mavor: —P 4 t4an A by Mayor for Sub i sion t uncil By B �t,S���D S E P 1 3 +g$� _ _ _ - CITY CLERK - _ __ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ ����� - WHtTE - CITY CLERK � � . PINiC - FINANCE G I T Y O F S A I N T ��A ij L Council . ��� � � �D��-�� /; �� GANARY - DEPARTMENT F11E' N O. �BLUE - MAYOR C� u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution granting Holiday pay to employees in Special Employments. RESOLVED, th.at the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section I, Subsection I thereof, by striki.ng out the current item 5 and substituting i.n lieu thereof the following items 5 and 6 so that said items shall read as follows: ''5 �ke�r�o�i�ene�f-t,�i.�s-salasee�i�-bo���3s�-I-sl�.a�l-�et�-a.��r' 1so-�a.�r�y-e��loyetw�i.o$e-pestt3en i.�-i�#1qe�p�i�a.�F�pl�r�e�� a�ee�ion-e€#.l�e��.g�aded D�v�i�-ie�-{�ee�i�-�e��rc�i�a�e-ATo, 3�8},-�a.�l-w�o-}s�a�.�-k�}�#13.e-�o�.tr�o-r-by-t�.e-�e��o-r�ra�e�, 5 Provisions one through four of this Subsection I of Section I shall not apply to any employee whose position is in the Special Employment Section of the Ungraded Division and who is paid by the hour or by the performance. 6 Every employee whose position is in the Special Employment Section of the Ungraded Division and who is paid by the hour shall be paid on a time-and-one-half basis for time worked on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Q�n������y, Thanksgivi.ng Day, and Christmas Day. " �` lr �;!.�R � 1g�Q OFFICt OF G�URGE McMAHdN COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon B st,owa�ter A ga i n s t Y Tedesoo Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Co4ncii: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couecil Bp BY _ _ =- �,'1?'�� fl�i' ;��L:�?�� �A�7L �+ , : . ���(.�� � � , ',:. ! �: � 1�.: ��_''��Iv� �'t� l'i-���: �'j�L�_�: �'i�t3�,�'i`r� r _�;�.. L ��} { �� , . _ "� � , - � :;, �-:. , �,. � ,:� �:.:� t � '�-J ���\1 .'� f� Date : August 21 , 1980 �� r.;.;. ♦ ��. , .'� �.�.. �', � �'� �� � I � � � �a � c� � � t� T C� : �air�� F�c�a�� Gi�� Cc��r���� , _ -�, - �'�Q �j : ������7''�b L��i FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL , George McMahon ; eP�aiemany ���kes fihe ia1[c:^�ing �epnrf vn �. �'. ' � Ordinance : � �9) � F�es�tu�ion . � � � � O�her . . (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ) � �-r�.eo - . At its meeting of August 21 , 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approVal of the following: . . . --- - . • 9. Resolution placing title of Trainee (Custodian Engineer) in Section 3.0 - � Custodial Engineers-Ungraded. (11231-GM) � � 10. Resolution establishing rate of pay for Trainee (Custodian Engineer). (11232-GM) \ • - 11 . : Resolution granting time-and-one-half pay for major holidays to employees in - - Special Employment Section of Ungraded Division who are paid on hourly basis. (11.233-GM) _ - 12. Resolution establishing biweekly salary rates �for Grade 39 .in Professional- Administrative Supervisors Group. (11246-GM) " 13. Resolution approving 'collateral pledged by designated bank to protect funds . of City of Saint Paul heJd in said bank. (11247-GM) � 14. Resolution permitting teachers to remain in the group insurance up to five - years if they are on Mobility Leave. (11254-GM) 15. Resolution transferring $23,000 from Contingen� Reserve General to General Government Accounts-Urban Corps to provide "match° monies for student-intern salaries. (11260-GM) 16. Resolution amending previous Resolution No. 80-5/7-1 , to change agreegate principal amount of bonds from �150 million to approximately $Z5Q million for �_ McKnight Foundation Housing Project. (11276-GP�) 17. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds for payment to $tate Auditar for Central Village audit for months of March, April and May 1980. (11278-GM) :;iTY i-L�sLL SE1'ENTH �=LOrJR SAI\�: Pr�,I�L, ��II�\f'sSCjT�� S�tt?L ��c� nQ# d�tach tM(s memorandum from #1�� r��{��iot� �p that this Inforrnation yvitt � ����,Ii��c� to ths City Counci� ����8 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: July 23, 1980 �tECEIVE � JUL 3 1 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � � �Y�r� � FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submissf.on to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RA.TIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution is for the purpose of granti.ng time-and-one-half pay for major holidays to t1�.ose employees in the Sgecial Employmeat 5ection of the Ungraded Division who are paid on an hourly basis. A11 other City employees paid on a bi-weekly or hourly basis are paid at least time-and-one-half for worki.ng on major holidays. ATTAC�II�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.