275565 WHITE - CITV CLERK y,�, � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L COUIICII U � CANARV - OEPARTMENT � . BLUE - MAVOR File NO. cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishi.ng the title and class specification for Project Management Technician in t,he Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.L (Technical Group), by inserting the title of Project Management Technician in Grade 30; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended i.n Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Project Management Technician. Approved: � �, hairman ivil Service Comrnission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � �e'�'"e [n Favor �'E S N O I C E Maddox � nncnnanon , __ Against BY Showalter Tedesco S'EP `�, ��8� Form pproved b Ci Atto y Adopt y Counc� . Date — c . Ce ified _ •ed by Counc ,ecretary BY `�'(y�"- � App ov y :Vlayor: Dat � 198� App ve y Mayor for Sub ssi to Cou cil � By _ BY ��SttEO S E P 13 1980 Title af Class: o�",�"'�,�°;�"�' PROJECT TiAIv'AGENiF�1T TECHNICI�'�I� ��?,�.,�`���?�r� DESCRIPTION OF WORK Gen2ral State�ent of Duties: Performs technical work assisting project managers and neighbarhood organizations with projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative suger- vision of a project manager, unit supervisor or of the Director «f Projects. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID Th�e:> listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Acts as a liaison between staff, developers, community groups and community-based staff. Provides requested information regarding city regulations and programs to neighborhood and community groups. Assists with the collection and analysis of project and program data; writes reparts and project/program summaries; monitors expenditures of allocated funds and completion of stated goals. Coordinates or assists others in coordinating ongoing progran activities including acquisition, relocation, disposition, publicity campaigns and special programs. Monitors assigned pro�ect and pr.ogram activities. Contae�ts:- property ownsrs regarding specific programs. , Assists neighborhood and community groups with goal setting and fund-proposal preparations. Assists in evaluatir:g pro3ect and program effectiveness and in �eterr.iining whather the program's objectives have been met. KDIOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of city gover�ent and city development process. Same knowledge of public redevelopment procedures and processes. Same knowledge of c�mmunity issues and organization principles� Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with pubZic and private representatives. Some ability to budget time; money and personnel. • MINIMUM QL'ALIFICATIONS Four years' experience providir_g technical staff assistance in a puhlic or private property development organization. Title nf Class: ' ��,� �, PROJECT MADiAG�^'IENT TECIiPdICIAN ��' w���%�-9`-� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of I?uti�s: Performs technical work assisting project managers and neighborhood organizations with projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical. and ad�inistrative super- vision of a project manager, unit supervisor or of the Director of Proj ects. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID ThP: listed exampZes may not include a11 duties pe�formed by all positions in this class. Acts as a liaison between staff, developers, community groups and commun�ty-based staff. Provides requested information regardi�g city regulations and programs to neighborhood and comnunity groups. Assists with the collection and analysis of project and program data; writes reports and praject/program summaries; monitors axpenditures of allocate� funrls and completion of stated goals. Coordinates or assists others in coordinating ongoing program activities including acquisition, relocation, disposition, publicity campaigns and special programs. Monitors assigned project and program activities. Contaats:� property owners regarding specific programs. Assists neighborhoo� and community groups with goal setting and fund-proposal preparations. Assists in evaluatir.g project and program effectiveness and in determining whether the pragran's objectives have been met. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of city government and city development process. Some kn.owledge of public redevelopment procedures and pracesses. Some knowledge of co�unity issues and organization grinciples. Working ability to coamunicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both orall.y and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Some ability to budget time, �noney and personnel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience providing technical staff assistance in a public or private property deve.'.opment organization. Whi�TE - CITV CLERK COLI�ICSl � �����+'r.� C NA - FINANCE C I TY� O F S� I 1, T l,�I1 L (� g�' - DEPARTMENT Flle N V. � ` BLUE� -MAYOR � V C I T Y C L E R K C�uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the titl.e and class specification for Project Management Technician in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group), by inserting the title of Project Management Technician in Grade 30; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Project Management Technician. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUN CILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor F'ERSDNNEL OFFICE - Against BY — Form Approved by City Attorney - Adopted b}� Council: Date — Certified Yassed b}• Courtcil Secretary BY -- B, _ Approved by liavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By� _ _ By _ . ' Title of Class: � ' � �������� PROJECT I�,ANAGEMENT TECHIvICI:1N � '� �-�`'�'�- ± DESCRIPTION OF WORK Genera7. Stateraent of Duties: Performs technical work assisting project �anagers and neighborhood organizations with projects; and performs r�.lGted duties as required. Supervision Received: Works un�er the technical and administrative super- vision of a project manager, unit supervisor or of the Director of Proj ec�s. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The � listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Acts as a liaison between staff, developers, community groups and community-based staff. Provides requested information regarding city regulations and programs to neighborhood and comnunity groups. Assists with the collection and analysis of project and program data; writes reports and pro3ect/program summaries; monitors expenditures of allocated funds and completion of stated goals. Coordinates or assists others. in coordina.ting ongoing program activities including acquisition, relocation, disposition, publicity campaigns and special programs. Monitors assigned project and program act3vities. Contacts:> property owners regarding specific progr�ms. Assists neighborhaod and community groups with goal setting and fund-proposal preparations. Assists in evalu�ting project and program effectiveness and in determining whether the program`s objectives have been met. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of city goverximent and city development process. Some knowledge of public redevelopment procedures and processes. Some knowledge of community issues and organization grinciples. Working ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. So�e ability �o budget time, money and personnel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience providin� technical staff assistance in a public or private property development organization. r�J�(� ` C T_'I�Y v��` �x�-�:Z'�'r' ��.Z.7'L _, �,;- ����;�� �; ��-� O��F����, o�, l��_�r, t�r.�rY co��cfiL � .� �� . � .- r Ii; �;.-� ; ���� ��_��:� � � ;� �' ;.: = .�� �:::� . `'����`��`�'�' Da t e > August 21 , 1980 . ' " :; , _ � � � ��� �� � � � � � �u �. � � �� � �' a : �c�in�° �'vc�i �it� ���t���� � . F� � � � C0?t���ii`�� �}�1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . George P9cMahon ; choi�mara, ma<<es �the ��c�ita��r�ing �epari` ni-� �. �'. � �i-di�jc�i���� . �8) � �2esolR�Yi�n � � .�� C)s�et° � ���� � . - At its meeting of August 21 , 1980, the Finance Committee recorrmended approval - of the following: ---- 1 . Resolution allowing S�lective Clearance Program to be closed out in CD Year's III, IV, and V and the Rice-Marion project to be completed in CD Year iI. (11282-GM) 2. Resolution establishing title of Duplicating Shop Manager in Grade 32, Section 3.L (Technical •Group) and class specifications in Sec. 32, Civil Service Rules, (11145-GM) .` � 3. �esolution establishing title of Project l�lanagement Technician in Grade 30; Section 3.L (Technical Group) and class specificat�on in Sec. 32, Civil Servace Rules. (17182-GM) 4. Resolution approvin_g 1980 Maintenance Labor Agreement between City and Sheet Metal Workers Local 76. (11226-GM) - � 5. Resolution approving 1980 Maintenance Labor Agreement betwe.en City and . Pipefitters Local No. 455. (11227-GP�1) 6. Resolution approving 1980 Agreement between City and Plumbers Local No. 34. (11228-GM) 7. Resolution approving 1980-1981 �1aintenance Labor Agreement between City and Elevator Constructors, Local No. 9. (11229-GP�1) 8. Resolution abolishing title of Senior Mechanical Inspector and establishing new titles of Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal and Senior Mechanical �_ Inspec�or-Pipefitter. (11230-GM) (CONTINUED) `:tTY 'c�LL SE�'ENTH FLOOR SAI\T PAUL, ��I\�cS;�"rA 5�;0? � - � ..... ''J . . . � `: ��-rPC � *t Sia•�.�.�' '- . _ -c�r ��: �2/ ��s � � ' �ev. : �/gI�'� � ; � ' : , = � �y. EI�P'�4TIt�t1 E1E. J1flMINIS�'�IT�Y£. fil��itS � ' �1t���� ' �� ,. : ., � . _ ; � : . � , f�ate: A�r�ust 7, 1980 i � , . �'fd: MIkYOR 6E0�6E tATII��t � . � � � FR�M: PER�ObN�L OFFICE AND PED , , � ` :,;� Rf: RESOLUTION FOR SUBMISSION TQ CITY CQUNCIL � .' � � ' . : � , . ACTt�! .I�EQ�ESTED: � �; We reco�apend yocir approval and submissian of this:.Resoi��ion `to t#k �ity ��wnci3._ _ � , � . �EPQSE �Np RATI4NALE FflR TIiIS ACTIDN: . , �"his Resolation es�abl ish�s the titl+e of Prc��ect Mab�g�ent '�ec���#ar� irt �,��e � :� . :34 of Secti�n 3,L (Tect�nical Group) of the Git�i.l ��vice R�al� and xi�t th�<�lass � �; s�ecif�cation for this title in SectTO� 3� �# �#! C1v�T `5e�rii�� ��lea. The bi-�I��y� s.ml�ry rs� fcr 6rade �4 �� ��rm be}�ts , �`Y . r A �- C D E � �#��yr: ��ytR. �8�y�r. = 2�- �. . r ,. �'i�.24 ��.57 6i5,.9�3 . 645Ti�=-536.@Q 7�.06 7�T.5� 7�48.�$ 7i�3�.7� '774� `' � � �1�,700.�Q annually - - - ��4,��,�� ' � The crEation bf tbis pvsiti�rn by P�D is an at�eiept 'to, b�:am+� th��'d€�ie��a�:��►- ; , � ',a sibi,l���ies� of rsa�s who .have been'tra�it����ll . a�si. �. - ,il. 1� Y !�d r�y 1 i�i tsd v� �g r�an�i�ilities. The best exa�le I c�n us� is th� t� a�, :� r+ele�at#�n �`� , �� ' t�a�r r�1��#i�o�r wo�r�k i oad i s .no��re �e�r tfie s i�,� i t ���t.t� �e,°�tio�a�er : , .�^ �° ��; . ,. , � th�n, �e �t�ce .on �ajar ret�►ca�ti�n pr�3ects t#ras �ci�g. 4����e��ary ta �� � Y� . avai la�#�" wh�n n�eeded. To sapplewest these peqple's t��:,, w�'h��e �.,` "� �` � invfl1v�ed. in �ro�ect :rrork witfi fi.he pr��e�t sa�r�.' � �e���el tbis.;wf lI"' S� ,�rf� ��. ., ��°� catre�r Z�dder for tecMnical level staff f� ti�e �l�art�� to �1t�'�ral�,� �«�� ���� level pro�ect rpanagement pes�t�or�s. PED pro�ec�t Nork�st�d �a� b�e�t° f��r��si�r�g +c�a�'��C�1• ' � ; and �khe additionai effor� b these � e 1� en;ables �s �a �ati�tai� �ur extsti � Y P �P �►`�!� ' � Norkload. � In �any cases, th� peopl� being switcMetf to �'fs �w �'t�b t�€'t1� �r�� be �'1'1�1��► � �. a l ateral tra�sfer wi th no pay i ncreases, F�orrev�r, in t�fi�er cases, thert �r 6�. p�t; � � �;. . increases or atfier pay adjwst�ents invslved. In these c�tses, t�re i�divid�d�l �r��1���.. ; �"' to test €or �the. me�r pusifion. The f�t�ds for t�ese posltions ri]1 ci�re ft�r� ��t�a�r � � � _ � � :: b��ted.f�nr�s far �zist'tng p+�sit�on� �� PED. It is not inteir�d tt�€ this � t���+� � rr�l crs��e ��r �ew:pasitions in PED, I�sfi.ead, 1E rri'�� s��,�l� re�lassif�r sc� s�°a�s� � : t� aiit3w �s .to give the�n 'broadex�-scoped du#ies aad res�rnsibfilities �th�s ��'��f ' Y` theiM :��t of their pr�er job classification. - � � f �, �„TT�l�1'tS:, � ` � � � Resol�tion ,and coPY for the City Clerk. . . . , � . � ' . . . � . . . . . : .. . .. . . .. . . . f. � � , .`� ..- . . . . . . � ;,�.. , �� . .' .. � � .: � . � .. � _. . . � . � . � � . � � � �. � � �. � � . � , . . . � .. � . .... �; -!�li�"� �z--7 rz�r�v 1 . � 7� .�� � ���i1i'c,/ji���,'w '�--E��� . �� r--- , ���� �� . �� � -- . _ � � ;,� - � ��� � � � ��� �� ��2� � i � 1 ��� ���.����� � . � � .�--�-az.�� ,, %�� . .: !�►�� ''—z%YL� . - _ , �� ;—� � � �_ L�e � ; � - � � � ► Do ►�ot detach this memor�r��uc� frotrs the ��res�dut�vr► sa that this information wiil b�t _� asailable #o the City Council. ����� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: June 25, 1980 �, � � �; ; �r� � � _ JG� s ���3� - - : MA��3�t'S C�F�.� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � � , This Resolution establishes the title of Projec� Management Tecnnician a.n Grade 30 of Section 3. L (Technical Group) of the Civil Service Rules and also the class specification for this title in Section 32 of the Civil 5ervice Itul:es. The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 3� is shown below: A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr. 563. 24 589. 57 615. 90 645.67 676. 00 ?08. O6 727. 52 748. 70 76I. 70 ?74. ?0 $14, 700. 00 annually $2Q, 220. 00 ATTACHMENTS: - " - Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.