275564 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE COIIIICIl � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. c ' Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A.n administrative Re solution changing the unit designation for the class of Trai.nee (Custodian Engineer) in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. B (Clerical) by removing from Grade 7 the title of Trai.nee (Custodian Engineer) and by placi.ng this title, in proper alphabetical order, i.n Section 3.C (Custodial Engineers - Ungraded). Approved: C airman Civil Service omrriission COUNC[LMEN Yeas Hunt Nays � Requested by Department of: �evine P ONNEL OFFICE In Favor Maddox /�, McMahon �jd __ Against BY — Show2lter Tedesco � Wilso �p 2 �1984 Form A roved by it tor y Adopte y Council: Date C � C ified Pas• by Counc' ,ecretar}r BY . : �1p by Mavor: Da SEP 4 1980 Ap by Mayor for S mis n to Council sy B pt�usKED S E P 13 19u� f � � C_�T�� ��' �'��x�rP ���.�� �l��.�D� ; :'' `.; '4-,., Ol�FZCr fl:� 'l�rll�'. G;'S':t' CO�'�G;L i �:ii' �' 4 ;; ��, :� s � - �� ` ' . _ ' �.. . �, ,:. �.�:: :3 t � — "-,� t-�J ' '�`�_' ''�f:�• Da t e : August 21 , 1980 .\.� ''�,' ' . _.� Li � �d"9 �y'� 1 � 1. 1! '��, !"`l � � � �i �� �' 0 : �airi� Pdut Gi�� Cc�����1 . � - �� Q � = �������'�� t?�i FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ , George McMahon ; ��3oIF(il{Ii'ly �r�ctkeG #I�e t�i [o.�ving �eporT c�n C. �. ` � Qz-c3iriarce : �9) � ftesotu�ion . � . : � � O'rtier (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ) . � i � 1 L..L.. e . . . . . . _ . _ . At its meeting of Augus�t 21 , 1980, the Finance Committee recommended approVal of the following: : . . . :_____ --- � \ 9. Resolution lacin ti.tle of Trainee Custodian En ineer) in Section 3.0 - p 9 � 9 Custodial Engineers-Ungraded. (11231-GM) _ � � 10. Resolution estabYishing rate of pay for Trainee (Custodian Eng�neer). (11232-GM} 11 . . Resolution granting time-and-one-half pay for major holidays tb employees in - Special Employment.Section of Ungraded Division who are paid on hourly basis. (1�1233-GM) � 12. Resolution establishing biweekly salary rates �for Grade 39 .in Professional- Administrative Supervisors Group. (11246-GM) � 13. Resolution approving �collateral pledged by designated bank to protect funds - of City of Saint Pau1 heJd in said bank. (11247-GM) - 14. Resolution permitting teachers to remain in the group insurance up to five - years if they are on P�obility Leave. (11254-GM) 15. Resolution transferring $23,000 from� Contingent Reserve General to General Government Accounts-Urban Corps to provide "match" monies for student-intern salaries. (11260-GM) 16. Resolution amending previous Resolution No. 80-5/7-1 , to change agreegate principal amount of bonds from �150 million to approximately $250 million for _ McKnight Foundation Housing Project: (11276-GP�} 17. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds for payment to $tate Auditor for Central Village audit for months of March, April and May 1980. (11278-GM� �iTY ��LL SE�.'ENTH FLOJR 5:�11tiT P�UL, �II\`ti{ESJT�1 S�ic�2 po not detech this memo►andum from the resc�lutioci so that this information wiil. be avai!able to the C�ty Council. ! � �'���� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Jul 16, 1980 R E C E 1 V E D Y JUL 3 1 1980 MAYOR'� � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' FR: Peraonnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recomnnend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution is for the purpose of placing the title of Trainee (Custodian Engineer) in a more appropriate occupational unit. (From Section 3. B --Clerical - Grade ? to Section 3. C - Custodial Engineers - Ungraded). ATTACHIKEN�S: Resolution a.nd copy for the City Clerk. wh11TE -C�TY CLERK � PIYK - FINA�ICE ry� CO�RCII /�I/`� C4NARY - DEPARTMENT � GI lY OF SAIYT P�UL � // �-���� BLiIE - MAVOR (/ � _ . , _ File N 0. C I T Y C L E R K CO�ncil �eso�ution ���,, t �� � ��..: ,_;. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the unit designation for the class of Trainee (Custodian Engineer) in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B (Clerical) by removing fram Grade 7 the title of Trainee (Custodian Engineer) and by placing this ti�tle, in proper alphabetical order, in Section 3.C {Custodial. Engineers - Ungraded). Approved: Chairman Civil Service Comrriission ����� r��. �; :�� �,���, �; ��a , � ,. y pFFiCE OF GEORGE Mc^d;AHON COUNC[LMEN Y'eas Nays Requested by Department of: PERSONNEL OFFICE [n Favor __ Against BY � Form Approved by City Attorney - Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Councit Secretary BY B� Approved by 1�tavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY