275563 WNI7E - CITV CLER1( ���n� PINK - FINANCE 1 II� CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL COIlflCll �� BLUE - MAVOR File N . � - uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date_ Out of Committee By Date An Administ�.tive Resolution establishing the � title and class specification for Duplicating Shop Manager in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Groupl, by inserting the title of Duplicating Shop Manager in Grade 32; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Duplicating Shop Manager. Approved: � Chairman, Civil Se ce C mission COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Levine PERSONNEL OFFICE _ Maddox [n Favor � McMahon I� Showalter __ Against BY Tedesco C. �°"' 2 196Q �Q Form Approve by or y Adopte y Council: Date _ C � ertified Pass �by Coun � Secretary BY By� _ d b 1Navor: e � SEP 4 1980 A by Mayor for ission to ncil B By �stt�o S E P 1 3 198� v Title of class: , � ��'���� DUPLICATING SHOP MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory work operating and supervising the operation of print shop and dark roon equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a divis�on head. Supervision Exercised: Exerc�ses within the unit general technical and administrative supervision over lower level duplication operators, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed e�amples may not include all duties performed by alZ positions in this class. Operates and supervises the operation of duplicating equipment including various off-set duplicating and copying machines, photo-stat platemaker and electrostatic copiers. Performs and supervises the performance of camera work, stripping and opaquing of complex color overlays and the multiple burning of inetal printed plates. Operates and supervises the operation of peripheral equipment including paper drill, electric and manual cutter, stitcher, power paper punch, binding machine, collator and other associated equipment. Assigns staff to work orders, determines priorities and schedules. Trains new employees; assists otfier operators in diagnosing and adjusting malfunctions in machines; makes recor�mendations regarding personnel actions. Confers with staff from the department and from other City agencies regarding printing requirements, costs, applications, methods, and schedules. Estimates costs of producing prin.ted material, including materials, labor and purchased services. Prepares and submits itemized hills for printing services. Reviews and maintains records of work conpleted; requisitions paper and otfier printing supplies; make.s recommendations regarding the purchase of outside services. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS �ND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of graphics, printing techniques and materials. Working knowledge of supervisory techniques and procedures. Considerable ability to determine priorities, organize and assign work, and to schedule materials to related job assig�ents. Ability to develop solutions to printing problems. Ability to understand and follow through on client objectives and requirements. Working ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable skill in the operation of off-set duplicating and peripheral --_ equipment, performing minor maintenances and routine adjustments on such machines. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience in the operation and supervision of a duplicating ' service at least one year of which involved using darkroom procedures; or four years' experience in the operation and supervision of a duplicating service and successful completion of basic courses in darkroom techniques. Title of class: . . �'���� DUPLICATING SHOP MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory �aork operating and supervising the operation of print shop and dark roon equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general technical and administrative supervision over lower level duplication operators, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed. by aIl positions in this class. Operates and supervises the operation of duplicating equipment including various off-set duplicating and copying machines, photo-stat platemaker and electrostatic copiers. Performs and supervises the performance of camera work, stripping and opaquing of complex color overlays and the multiple burning of inetal printed plates. Operates and supervises the operation of peripheral equipment including paper drill, electric and manual cutter, stitcher, gower paper puneh, binding machine, collator and other associated equipment. Assigns staff to work orders, determines priorities and schedules. Trains new employees; assists other operators in diagnosing and ad�usting malfunctions in machines; makes recommendations regarding personnel actions. Confers with staff from the department and from other City agencies regarding printing requirements, costs, applications, methods, an.d schedules. Estimates costs of producing printed material, including materials, labor and purclzased services. Prepares and submits itemized hills for printing services. Reviews and maintains records of work coLnpleted; requisitions paper and other printing supplies; makes recommendations regarding the purclia.se of outside services. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of graphics, printing techniques and materials. Working knowledge of supervisory techniques and procedures. Considerable ability to determine priorities, organize and assign work, and to schedule materials to related job assigiunents. Ability to develop solutions to printing problevns. Ability to understand and follow through on client objectives and requirements. Working ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable skill in the operation of off-set duplicating and peripheral __ equipment, performing minor maintenances and routi.ne ad�ustments on such macfiines. MINIMtJ�i QUALIFICATIONS Four years� experience in the operation and supervision of a duplicating service at least one year of which involved using darkroom procedures; or four years' experience in the operation and supervision of a duplicating service and successful completion of basic courses in darkroom techniques. . � � CITY CLERK _ � . , ___ __ --- _ -- - - _ .- _ • p� - _ _ _ �.'� WNITE - CITV CLERK � CS�� '�`� . . P1NK - FINANCE G I TY O l� ►`JA I i� T l 11 lJ L �OUnCll � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � T � BLUE - MAYOR � File N . �ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date. Qut of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the � title and class specification for Duplicating Shop Manager in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group�, by inserting the title of Duplicating Shop Manager in Grade 32; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Duplicating Shop Manage�. Approved: � � . � ��� Chairman, Civil Se ce C mission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE In Favor _ Against BY Form Approved by Gity Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� — Approved by ;Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r Title of class: .. � , DUPLICATING SHOP MANAGER �`������ `�. DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled technical and supervisory work operating and supervising the operation of print shop and dark room equip�nent; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Fxercises within the unit general technical and administrative supervision over lower level duplication operators, technical and clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORN�ID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates and supervises the operation of duplicating equipment including various off-set duplicating and copying machines, photo-stat platemaker and electrostatic copiers. Performs and supervises tl�.e performance of camera work, stripping and opaquing of complex color overlays and the multiple burning of inetal printed plates. Operates and supervises tlie operation of peripheral equipment including paper drill, electric and manual cutter, stitcher, power paper punch, binding machine, collator and other associated equipment. Assigns staff to work orders, detexmines priorities and schedules. Trains new employees; assists other operators in diagnosing and adjusting malfunctions in machines; makes recommendations regarding personnel actions. Confers with staff from the department and from other City agencies regarding printing requirements, costs, applications, methods, and schedules. Estimates costs of producing printed. material, including materials, Iabor and purcha.sed services. Prepares and submits itemized hills for printing services. Reviews and maintains records of work completed; requisitions paper and otb.er printing suppl.ies; makes recommendations regarding the purchase of outside services. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of graphics, printing techniques and materials. Working knowledge of supervisory techniques and procedures. Considerable ability to determine priorities, organize and assign work, and to schedule materials to related job assignments. Ability to develop solutions to printing problems. Ability to understand and follow through on client objectives and requirements. Working ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable skill in the operation of off-set duplicating and peripheral -.. equipment, performing minor maintenances and routine ad�ustments on such macfiines. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience in the operation and supervision of a duplicating service at least one year of which involved using darkroom procedures; or four years' experience rn the operation and supervision of a duplicating service and successful completion of basic courses in darkroom techniques. ,-=_ C T rl� .L � �}_�� 1.,_E��:?'�i r� ��iJ�+ P�".� � r��r` �� o��rZv� �-�, i�t:�+: crrrY cO�rticzL �z���p� � �; L,; ,:-� F": ; 1 . � ~ � � , . , � � ,,i , �, .�i �::� - '� :�\' = - ��,:1 `. , f DU 4 e ; August 21 , T980 , �_. _��- �.� ` -� Cfl ��� �'y� ��� � � � �. ° � �� �� - 7' p : �ain� f�c��! �i�t� �����i� . - FRC} � = C�i�it11'��'�� O�! FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - George McMahon ; c�airmar�, makes fihe ��iio�fiin�. reparl` or� �. �'. � c�e di�►c���ce � (8) � �esc�iu�ion . . . � tJ►n et° - . �' ���...� : . At its meeting of August 21 , 1980, the Finance C�mmittee recorr�ended approval �f the following: __ ' .1 � , ' . . . .. . . . . � 1 . Resolution allowing S�lective Clearance Program to be closed out in CD Year's III, IV, and V and the Rice-Marion project to 6e completed in CD Year II. (11282-GM) ' 2. Reso]ution establishing title of Duplicating Shop Manager in Grade 32, Section 3.L (Technical -Group) and class specifications in Sec. 32, Civi1 Service Rules. (11145-GM; � 3. kesolution establishing� title of Project� A1anagement Technician irt Grade 30; ' Section 3.L (Technical Group) and class _specification in Sec. -32y Civi1 - � Servace Rules. (11182-GM) . 4. Resolution approving 1980 Maintenance Labor Agreement between City and Sheet Metal Workers Local 76. (11226-GM) : � 5. Resolution approving 1980 Maintenance Labor Agreement between City and _ Pipefitters 1oca1 No. 455. (11227-GM) � - 6. Resolution approving 1980 Agreement between City and Plumbers Local' No. 34. (11228-GM) 7. Resolution approving 1980-1981 Maintenance Labor Agreement between City and Elevator Constructors, Loca1 No. 9. (11229-G��1) 8. Resolution abolishing title of Senior Mechanical Inspector and establishing new titles of Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal and Senior Mechanical �_ Inspector-Pipefitter. (11230-GM) (CONTINUED} C:iTY i�LL SE`'ENTH FLOOR S:'\I1T PACIL, ti•fI\ticSOT_1 Sist�r ..b - � ...r '��J . . " ; � . ._ .. . . ... ... ... . . . � ._..............��.,....,�-....,n,:..-...,w-.��.�. .�, /y1.�-Pc� �r�-'�80-�! � Da �ot detach this memorandum from tF�e (� � resolutian so that this information wiii be avaiteble to the City Councit. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ����� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: June �2, �9so �t E C E I V E D J U� ;'� ..� ��i�3�J �IAA�"� �F�1C� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � ' FR: Personnel Office b�c �' �-"� --��a RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED , ' We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: , This Resolution establishes the title of Duplicating Shop Mana�g����e.�`- Grade 32 of Section 3. L (Technical Group) and the class specification for this title in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 32 is shown below: A B C D E F 10 yr. 15 y��. 20 }��. 25 ��'. 594. 15 623. 34 652. 54 680. 58 713. 78 748. 70 767. 59 791. 63 $04. 63 817. 63 $15, 507. 32 $21, 340. 14 ATTACHI�ISNT S: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. 8,`.a�-°+�'aC�r'�'!�� ; I�EL REflUISITION l•'ry +� `�''�'"''"' CITY QF ST. PAUL TO FILL MINNE50TA PERMANENT POSITION REP. N0. INSiRUCTIOPtS: Use this form when it is desired to fill any vacancy in the City service. Make five cogies of this report. Send four copies to the Office of the Budget Director. Keep the blue copy for your o*�rn records. The original (white) and the �uplicate (pink) will be returned to you w'ith the certifications listed on the reverse side. After tne appointment is made, fill in the report of appointnent on the reverse side and return this sheet to the Personnel Office, keeping the pink copy for your files. If the vacancy to be filled is only temporary and not to exceed 60 days, use Foz-m 26 (Reqnest for 60-clay Permit). For emergency appointments, use Form 27. Be svre to list all the typical examples of work which will be perforcied by the appointee. A complete description is necessary in order that properly qualified eligibles may be certified. i) Deaartment , P�d11n1 ilQ & Economi c Devel opment Division of Admi n i strati on 2) Title of Position D,U��1Cdtlt1Q Shop Manager No. of Vacancies �,,_Grade ��_ 3) Check One: R¢�lacement X Ner► Positian X Promotion Other (exolain) 4) If realacement aosition: Name of former incumbent D o n ald 6 r au Title Planning Technician I Grade3� Date of Vacancr Reason for vacancr (retirement, resi¢nation. etc.) Reclassifieation What alte matives to filling the position have been exvlored? All 5) Activity to be char�ed: Title Administration NumGer �� �� Has this aosition and classification been avvroved in the current bud�et? Y 2 S Are there bud�eted funds available to finance this aosition? Y eS 6) list duties to Ce aerformed. Indicate aercent of tiroe on each dutr. Those normally performed by Duplicating Shap Manager. 7) Exvlain the effects on rour ooerations if this reouisition is not aoprvved. The department would be unable to meet current demands placed on its printing operation as well as demands being placed on it by the Mayor's Office, Budget Office, and other city departments. 8) Comments: The verson(s) eli2ible to be certified and aavointed to this oosition should reaort to: ..w Mark 0. Senn at 1400 Annex -4971 - �la� (vhone) ➢ate /� -7 � cAavo' � ,B�fi r? l � ��� 4) A�vroved: I, / --'�T"'�'f t�u �et Director) 1 Form IS (6-78> _ .. .._ .�.__.�. __... �. _ . -,,... . �;�:�.� ��-�—�� _�•�_����� .'; l�c; q `,'�++��,:%�' 5,�. � �a ""'�:'..�" CtTY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: July 15, 1980 T0: Mayor George Latimer FROM: Mark Senn�S RE: Position Control/Duplicating, Shop Manager For some time now, approximately the last two years, we have had an individual, Mr, Donald Brau, running our duplicatinq and print shop activities under his old title of Planning Technician I, Grade 30. Mr. Brau is currently at Step F which is $708.06 biweekly. Civil Service has now performed an audit of the job and has classified the position as a Duplicating Shop Manager, Grade 32. If Mr. Brau were to obtain this promotion, his salary would then fall at Step F and be $748.70 biweekly. This is an increase of $40.64 per pay period. Mr. Brau has been very patient in waiting for this classification due to the massive workload created by the formation and transitional issues confronting PED. Consequently, we would like to nbtain your approval and move quickly to get Mr. Brau properly classified and no longer work and pay him under his old title of Planning Technician I. The funds for this position come from the numerous grants attd other funding sources coming into PED. Funds also come from other agencies for which we do work in our duplicating and printing operation. Each job, as it comes in, is attached to a project funding source as it is done. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact me as soon as possible. MOS:cac Attachment �� ("•zT�� oF �<�z�T•r P1�vL ��c,��'�� �'��,, �, -- _>� � oFrzcL oF •r�rr: ����or. .�.3•7'_ ';F �` � . �1:� J���;.;i.'��! �Y .��� ."". 3 7.7 CIT1' I�1LT, GEO1:G2; LA7'I�I3:E; �2�L\T P,�I;L,JiZ\.\"I:,Sp"l:� �.�10`_.'. JI�11UH (612) 2s)8-43�3 TQ: Thomas Gleason Director of Personnel FROM: Mayor George Latimer DAT�: July 16, 1980 SUBJECT: Pasition Control . As yo;� :�cnow, the r•Z�yOi ' s Office zs reviewing each vacancy i�� City positions. Ivo City positions are to be fillec� unless approved by t�e Mayor. The purpose of this �::emo is to indicate my approval to . fill the position r.ot�d below: Title: Du�licating Shop Manager Activity Numi�er: 36002 Depart*nent: PED-Admin. GL/lm cc: MARK SENN