275898 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - - FINANCE COUIICII /{�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L �_ ���j�,Y 8 BLUE - MAYOR File N O. 8eturn capy to Valuation Bureau �+O�n ' Resolution �J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REP,S, the Port Authority of the City of Sai.nt Paul has requested that the City of Saint Paul allav the Authority to use ten�orarily a portiari of City awned property clescribed in the attached Exhi.bit A which is herein incorporated; and Wf�E�S, the purpose of this t:�orazy use is to pile and store non-caribust- i.ble demolition materials fran the old Bruan & Bigelvw site through July 1, 1981; and Tn1��REAS, aft�er reviewing the nature of the demolition material and the re- quest�ed d�ing site, the Valuation and Assessrent Engineer has reooa�nded that such a requ�st be granted subject to the trernis and oonditions i��osed by the City. NOW Tf�'ORE BE IT R�SOLUED that the Council of the City of Sa.int Paul does hereby a�rov�e the request of the Port Authority and hereby authorizes and directs the appropriate City official to ex�ecut,e a 'I�tporary Land Use Permi.t Agreement in a form and manner approved by the City Attorney. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt .� Finance and ment Services Levine j[1 F8V0[ Maddox McMahon �1 B irector snowa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco w�son NOV 4 198a Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council- Date C ified Yass by Council Sec�tary B7`' ���/��� . App by :Vlavor: Dat N�v Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By BY P�t�S�FO ��:;� 1 � i9�0 . . . OA4 OI: 12/1915 Re�. : 9/8/76 �d�L��C� EXPIANATIQN OF ADMINISTRATYVN ORDER5, �Q�.0 � � oO,�,�,c (�jn�, F/ i \� � Fo al � �, �T�ccti�tiF �`� � � r o� Date: October 20, 1980 '�F�,T ,r���+� �,�N�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��� \� F�� J. Wm. Donovan, Val. 8o Assmt. Engineer, Dept. of Finance & M�nt. Services (Ext. 7019) RE� Te�porary land use permit as requested by Port Authority. ,i�E � E : `�" � i� � ;.^^n G�,... �.� : :,r>. �'� OFFICE ACTION REQUESTED: Approval by Mayor to submi.t to Ci�y Cauncil. P',1RPOSE At�D RA7I01+�tLE FOR THIS ACTION: Temporary use of certain City-owned property to pile and store non-ecu�bustible ' demolition materials from old Brown and Bigelo�vr site throu�h Ju1y l, 1981. AiTACHMENTS: 1. Caun�cil Resolution � 2. Copy of Lease Agreement 3. Map oP area where material wi.11 be sbored. �, . , �i/�•� U� �c 6-:f � l . , � 'x"��.,��-.� • ��'�.�,. �`� Z��pRARY LAND USE PERMZT AG�RF�I' THIS Z�'lPORARY PERMIT AGRE�]T is made this day of , 1980 by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation Lmder the laws of the State of Minnesota, Y�ereinaft�er referred to as "City", and the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a public body corporat� and politic organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Authority". V�1I'Ii�TEBSEI�i 4�REAS The Authority is Lmdertaking the redevelo�anent of the old Brawn & Bigelau site located in the Midway District of Saint Paul, which redevelo�yent re- quires the demolition of the structures located thereon; and Wf�RFAS, in order for the Authority to have the structures c�emolished there- frcxn in a safe and timely maivzer it is neoessary that the Authority be able to t�mporarily pile and store the nari-c�ombustible demolition material at a place in very close proximity to the old Brcxan & Bigelaw sit�e; and Wf�2EAS, the City has approximately four acres of land in the Midway Distsict which is available and wr�uld be an appropriate plaoe for t,em�orarily piling and . storing said non-c�ibustible cl�niolition materials; and W�]FFtEAS, the use of this City c�med land by the Authority for these pur- poses will serve the interests of the City by hastening the redevelogt�ent project thereby hastening and increasing the t�-ix�es to beocan� due on the property. NC7W TF�'ORE IN OONSIDERATION OF Tf� ABOVE AND ONE DOLI�FiR AND 0'I�ft QOOD AND UALL�BLE CC�NSIDERATIOI�THE CITY HERF�BY P�NIITS Tf� AUrHORITY, IT5 SLKXC�.SSORS, ASSIQ�IS OR DESIC3�TEES TO USE MIDY�Y DISTRICT ARF� PROPF.R'I'Y OWNID BY THE CITY SUB- JFX„T TO THE FOLSAWIlQG CONDITIONS: L I�ocati.� The legal c�scriptian of the property to be used is: Al1 thpse portions of Lot 1, Block l, Kasota addition to the City of St. Paul as colored on the attached piat marked Exhibit "A" which is herein incorporated and made a part of this Permit. 2. Use The property shall be used only for the pur�ose of piling, preparing and storing nan-oombustible demolition materials in accordance with the dtanping re- quisen�e.nts stated in Chapter 323 of the Sa.int Paul Legislative Coc3e. The property sha11 not be used for any other purpose and shali at all times be maintained in a safe and orderly manner. a . . . . . �� ``,C.��;,�� � �:Y�,��„ 3. Duration This teng�orary land use perntit shall camience iim�ediately upon its execution and shall termiriate on July l, 1981 Lmless earlier terminated by the parties. 4. Surety Bond The Authority oovenants that it shall execute and deliver to the City a surety ccgr�any bond in the aQnount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) , oonditioned to inclenmify and save the City hannless fran all ck�ges, judgments, lasses, claims, suits or liabilities of whatever nature arising out of or growing out of the use of the subject property. ' 5. Liability Insurance The Authority oovenants that it shall maintain bodily injury insurance (including cleath) in an amQimt of not less than $250,000.00 for all da¢nages arising out of bodily injury to or death of one person, and subject to that same limit per acci- c�erit, further subject to that same limit for each person, in a total amr�unt of not . less than $500,000.00 on acoount of any on�e accident. The Authority shall further maintain insurance in the amount of not less than $250,000.00 for all clamages to or c�structioaz of property in any one accident, and, subject to that limit per accident, f�the.r subject to a total amr�unt of not less than $500,000.00 for all damages to or destruction of property during the policy period. The insurance oov- �rage above shall be aut-:anatically restored i.mrediately after the occurrence of any accident or loss. The insuranoe coverage shall further nan� the City as an additianal insured and that the policy cannot be termi.nated without at least thirty (30) days notioe to the City. In the event there is a loss or damage to the property the City shall be entitled solely to the prooeeds. 6. Default In the event the Authority fails to mzintain the property in a safe and orderly manner or in the event the Authority breaches any of its covpxiants the City, in acklition to any other remedy it may possess, may ternninate this agr�zt without notice to the Authority and may imrediately take possession of the prvperty. 7. Restoration Upon termination of the tes�orazy perniit, and for w�atever reason, the Author- ity cav�xiants that it shall restore and peaoefully surrender the property to the City in the same candition and to the satisfaction of the City. -2- ,`. ' . e ! �7����� 8. Indeirniity Notwithstanding any other requirement imposed in this agreen�nt the Authority oov�nants that it shall protect and defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City fran any and all claims, d��unages, judc�nents, losses, suits or liabilities of evezy kind arising out of or growing out of the use of the subject property. Dated this date first writt�en above. CITY OF SA.Il�IT PAUL By: Its Mayor APPROVED• _---��.:r�c��`--.4__— ,,-�.—._ � Its Director, Departrrent of Finanoe and A.tiST. r,t?7���1T�RN2�' - Management Servioes � - ��-�-.��� Its City Clerk and PORT AUI�iORITY OF 'I� CITY OF SAIl�1T PAUL BY= Its , Its -3- . . . . , , , _.._..._.__----_..__._.. . `. _._ . .. __� ___- : _.- -�------�_____.__—�----�• -•--(�--- ..--r . ����•rti�c �•�: • _ � � . � � • � .. � �' • � , • I ' � .: .; :�� '�: : J 3 ��__ I ,f - �,Il t; `t `,? .. :� . . ` : .. " j� i� �� _ . �1 ; . ,^� f � e . ;, . , , . � ii. •�•i. i. . � . � i J))•I � . �� - -,� - - � -_ . ._ _ _ _ t _ � N- - - -- - -- � 1 - - - - � - �,-;: � • " � ,....,.:�:�Y� - - - - , .., ., .`` � , + ' - \ ` �� `. ;; '�, ; `. � i '�� . � ' - 1 -, � ` "µ� ��,2 •�'�r� . � '�– .� � v: 1 k� � � 0 , ;4 •, ', I. �� 1 O � .�: • ! .�� •• 4 ", I .� ` r.�.� _ .. ' ' ' _ _ _� _ -� V �°� + •i: �� ° , . � •. �: �' ��.�.. V � _ �'r;�,�;�� . 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