275897 NNN17E - CITV CLERK ��� �yy PINK - FINAN�E COIIIICIl �. � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL � File NO. �� � BLUE - MAVOR � C u ' es ti n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date h1HEREA.S th,e Camnissioner of the Departrrn�tzt of Transportation has prepared a preli.minary layout for the improven�nt of a part of Trunlc Highway No. 280 renw�bered as Trurilc Highway No. 280, and Trunk Highway No. 392 rernunbered as Trunlc Highway No. 94 within the corporate limits of the City of 5aint Paul; frcan the West Corporate I�mits to Pillsbury Street; and seeks the approval tY�ereof, and Tn��FtEAS said prel�minary layouts are on file in tl-�e Office of the Departrn�n.t of Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Layout No. 13B S.P. 6242-56 (28�280) and S.P. 6282-126 (94=392) frc:�n Seymout Street in Minneapolis to Cretin Ave./Vandalia St. in Saint Paul. NOW, TI�LV, HE IT RESOLUED that said preliminary layouts for th,e in�rove- m�nt of said 'I�urilc Highway within the corporate limits be and hereby are approved. COUNCILl14EN Requested by Department of: ��,(� Yeas �N��ys ����� utier �evine 1 [n Favor �lic TraffiC-RHR) z Hu Maddox � 1 e McMahon _ __ Against BY -- d x Showalter owa er Tedesco edesc W� on NQV 4 1980 Form Approved ty orney Adopted ouncil: Date — Ce ied Pa_ • y Council Secretary BY v /�p by ;Navor: Date 6 19ao Approved b r for ubmiss' uncil gy By i, ' ED �V�;�J 1 ;; ���?t� QM O1: 12/1975 • - Rev: 9/8/76 ► . ' . E�LA"�-±Ti:CN OF �'T�IISTRATIVF ORi'►I?RS, ����� RESOLU'"IC�?S, A?1n ORDL"ZANQ'S ��: October 15, 1980 T0: MAYOR GDO�E IATII�I2 FR; Donald E. Nygaard, Director, Public Works Department � �: �r��ts � z-94 and T.x. 280 Interchange. e� E C E 1 V E D 0 C�` 2 1 19� MAYOR'S O,f.� �crzc�t x��'�: City Council approval of tt�e attached Council Resolution. PC'F�E ArID P,ATIO�IALE FOR Tf?IS AC'!'IO'�T: The NIl�T/bOT is proposing a major maintenance project for.I-94 frcen Snelling Avenue to Minneapolis in 1981 and 1982.. Included in this project are proposed revisions to th�e interchange of I-94 and T.H. 280 as sYiaun ari Layout 13B. This will pravide a three lane aontinuity for I-94 through the T.H. 280 interchange, T.H. 280 south- bound to westbound I-94 is changed fran left side acceleration lane to a standan� right side acceleration lane. The westbow-u1 ma�n line (left side) lane drop is changed to a standard right side deceleration lane. We feel this will re�nove the confusing lane drops and ramp configurations. All work will be done within existing right-of�way. 'I�e City approved layout 13A C.F. #274439 on Feb. 19, 1980. The layaut 13B includes minor changes in ramp align�ients. In oth,er respects, layout 13B is the same as previously approved 13A. �ATrACfIl�'�T!'S: Council �solution. '17�e detail plans, construction schedules, and traffic provisions are not ccxnpleted. We will work with I�MT/DO'T' as they are developed. RHR:DDT:kaj