00-941ORIGI�IAL S� `_ 5 �.;.�, h } `.. ���• ��' �pOO Council File #�-g�� �J Green Sheet # 1�0598 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, on the weekend of October 7, 2000, in preparation for the Minnesota Wild season opener, the teaxn's 2 logo will be painted on the pavement in the intersecrion of Fifth Street and West Seventh Street, also known as 3 Cleveland Circle; and, 4 WHEREAS, this visible demonstration of connmunity and team pride is a direct result of the hazd wark and effort 5 of many volunteers; now, 6 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council does publicly express its gratitude to the following 7 individuals for their participation in this momentous event: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bill Whalbarg - artist Jeff Jewett - Business Manager, Loca1 Union No. 61 Paul Richards - Business Manager, Local Union No. 880 Ed Linden - Business Representarive, Local Union 1Vo. 110 Paul Stoehr - Business Representative, Local Union No. 61 Jim Galles, Local Union No. 61 John Story - Wanung L'ates of Minnesota, Inc. Erich Mische -Executive Director, RiverCentre Authority Sherman Grossman - Community Activist Bill Huepenbecker - Aide to Mayor Coleman Matt Majka - Minnesota Wild Jamie Spencer - Minnesota Wild Tom Eggum - Public Works Director A1 Shetka - Public Warks Traffic Engineer Larry Lueth - Public Works Construction Engineer 7oanne Plankers - Public Works Administration/Pubiic Relations John Myrdahl - Public Works Survey Jeff Grosso - Public Works Survey Dave Nelson - Public Works Survey Tom Kuhfeld - Public Warks Right-of-Way Rob Klemm - Public Works Right-of-Way Tom Weidt - United Rentals Lou Cotroneo - Mayor/City Council Liaison ao-q't1 o�i��N�� Requested by Departrnent of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� �` 1 ne� 00-9�� GREEN SHEET N� i 05103 Council President Bosh�om 266-8710 OCtOber 11, 2000 - COnsent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Honoring volunteers who participated in the painting of "Cleveland Circle" at the intersection of Fifth Street and West Seventh Street in preparation for the Minnesota Wild season opener. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION � PoR ❑ CRYAitMlEY ❑ qlYtti111[ ❑ wwcR�a�weFSeR ❑ nur�uLLaenn,cc.o ❑ WYORI�YfYllltli� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � m�s aa�� �»�a � a�aea ro.u�� a�anme�n YES MO Nas M�a pe�aoNfirm wer been a uH emdova? YES NO Doec Mie persailfirm pwaes e aldl not normal�YW��d M�Y curtent cftY �P��� YES NO 16 Mie pelBOMfi1m e fnryNetl ventloYl YES NO iain aY ves at�s on seoe�ate sheM entl ettach to ataen aheet arccaw� 0 TRANSACTION COETRtE11ENUE BUD6ETED (GRGLE ON� YEE NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMATION (EXPWN) ORI��NAL Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # o C� 9� l Green Sheet # 100598 /D 1 WHEREAS, on the weekend of October 7, 2000, in prepazation for the Minnesota W' d season opener, the team's 2 logo will be painted on the pauement in the intersection of Fifth Street and West venth Street, also lrnown as 3 Cleveland Circle; and, 4 WHEREAS, this visible demonstration of community and team pride is a dir t result of the hazd work and effort 5 of many volunteers; now, 6 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council does pu�licly express its gratitude to the following 7 individuals for their participation in this momentous event: t � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bill Whalbarg - Jeff 7ewett - Business Manager,,%ocal Union No. 61 Paul Richards - Business Mana -r, Local Union No. 880 Ed Linden - Business Represen �'tive, Local Union No. 110 Paul Stoehr - Business Repxe� : ntalive, Local Union No. 61 John Story - Warnin % ites of Minnesota, Inc. Erich Mische -Executive irector, RiverCentre Authority Sherman Gros an- Community Activist Bill Huepenbe er - Aide to Mayor Coleman Matt ajka - Minnesota Wild Jami Spencer - Minnesota Wild Tom ggum - Public Works Director A1 Sh - Public Works Traffic Engineer Larry L th - Public Works Construction Engineer Joanne Plank s- Public Works Administrafion/Public Relations John Myrdahl - Public Works Survey Jeff Grosso - Public Works Survey Dave Nelson - Public Warks Survey Tom Kuhfeld - Public Works Right-of-Way Rob Klemm - Public Works Right-of-Way Lou Cotroneo - Mayor/City Council Liaison 00 - �K� ORI�INAL Adopted by Council: " Date AdopYion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: � ORIGI�IAL S� `_ 5 �.;.�, h } `.. ���• ��' �pOO Council File #�-g�� �J Green Sheet # 1�0598 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, on the weekend of October 7, 2000, in preparation for the Minnesota Wild season opener, the teaxn's 2 logo will be painted on the pavement in the intersecrion of Fifth Street and West Seventh Street, also known as 3 Cleveland Circle; and, 4 WHEREAS, this visible demonstration of connmunity and team pride is a direct result of the hazd wark and effort 5 of many volunteers; now, 6 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council does publicly express its gratitude to the following 7 individuals for their participation in this momentous event: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bill Whalbarg - artist Jeff Jewett - Business Manager, Loca1 Union No. 61 Paul Richards - Business Manager, Local Union No. 880 Ed Linden - Business Representarive, Local Union 1Vo. 110 Paul Stoehr - Business Representative, Local Union No. 61 Jim Galles, Local Union No. 61 John Story - Wanung L'ates of Minnesota, Inc. Erich Mische -Executive Director, RiverCentre Authority Sherman Grossman - Community Activist Bill Huepenbecker - Aide to Mayor Coleman Matt Majka - Minnesota Wild Jamie Spencer - Minnesota Wild Tom Eggum - Public Works Director A1 Shetka - Public Warks Traffic Engineer Larry Lueth - Public Works Construction Engineer 7oanne Plankers - Public Works Administration/Pubiic Relations John Myrdahl - Public Works Survey Jeff Grosso - Public Works Survey Dave Nelson - Public Works Survey Tom Kuhfeld - Public Warks Right-of-Way Rob Klemm - Public Works Right-of-Way Tom Weidt - United Rentals Lou Cotroneo - Mayor/City Council Liaison ao-q't1 o�i��N�� Requested by Departrnent of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� �` 1 ne� 00-9�� GREEN SHEET N� i 05103 Council President Bosh�om 266-8710 OCtOber 11, 2000 - COnsent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Honoring volunteers who participated in the painting of "Cleveland Circle" at the intersection of Fifth Street and West Seventh Street in preparation for the Minnesota Wild season opener. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION � PoR ❑ CRYAitMlEY ❑ qlYtti111[ ❑ wwcR�a�weFSeR ❑ nur�uLLaenn,cc.o ❑ WYORI�YfYllltli� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � m�s aa�� �»�a � a�aea ro.u�� a�anme�n YES MO Nas M�a pe�aoNfirm wer been a uH emdova? YES NO Doec Mie persailfirm pwaes e aldl not normal�YW��d M�Y curtent cftY �P��� YES NO 16 Mie pelBOMfi1m e fnryNetl ventloYl YES NO iain aY ves at�s on seoe�ate sheM entl ettach to ataen aheet arccaw� 0 TRANSACTION COETRtE11ENUE BUD6ETED (GRGLE ON� YEE NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMATION (EXPWN) ORI��NAL Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # o C� 9� l Green Sheet # 100598 /D 1 WHEREAS, on the weekend of October 7, 2000, in prepazation for the Minnesota W' d season opener, the team's 2 logo will be painted on the pauement in the intersection of Fifth Street and West venth Street, also lrnown as 3 Cleveland Circle; and, 4 WHEREAS, this visible demonstration of community and team pride is a dir t result of the hazd work and effort 5 of many volunteers; now, 6 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council does pu�licly express its gratitude to the following 7 individuals for their participation in this momentous event: t � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bill Whalbarg - Jeff 7ewett - Business Manager,,%ocal Union No. 61 Paul Richards - Business Mana -r, Local Union No. 880 Ed Linden - Business Represen �'tive, Local Union No. 110 Paul Stoehr - Business Repxe� : ntalive, Local Union No. 61 John Story - Warnin % ites of Minnesota, Inc. Erich Mische -Executive irector, RiverCentre Authority Sherman Gros an- Community Activist Bill Huepenbe er - Aide to Mayor Coleman Matt ajka - Minnesota Wild Jami Spencer - Minnesota Wild Tom ggum - Public Works Director A1 Sh - Public Works Traffic Engineer Larry L th - Public Works Construction Engineer Joanne Plank s- Public Works Administrafion/Public Relations John Myrdahl - Public Works Survey Jeff Grosso - Public Works Survey Dave Nelson - Public Warks Survey Tom Kuhfeld - Public Works Right-of-Way Rob Klemm - Public Works Right-of-Way Lou Cotroneo - Mayor/City Council Liaison 00 - �K� ORI�INAL Adopted by Council: " Date AdopYion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: � ORIGI�IAL S� `_ 5 �.;.�, h } `.. ���• ��' �pOO Council File #�-g�� �J Green Sheet # 1�0598 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, on the weekend of October 7, 2000, in preparation for the Minnesota Wild season opener, the teaxn's 2 logo will be painted on the pavement in the intersecrion of Fifth Street and West Seventh Street, also known as 3 Cleveland Circle; and, 4 WHEREAS, this visible demonstration of connmunity and team pride is a direct result of the hazd wark and effort 5 of many volunteers; now, 6 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council does publicly express its gratitude to the following 7 individuals for their participation in this momentous event: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bill Whalbarg - artist Jeff Jewett - Business Manager, Loca1 Union No. 61 Paul Richards - Business Manager, Local Union No. 880 Ed Linden - Business Representarive, Local Union 1Vo. 110 Paul Stoehr - Business Representative, Local Union No. 61 Jim Galles, Local Union No. 61 John Story - Wanung L'ates of Minnesota, Inc. Erich Mische -Executive Director, RiverCentre Authority Sherman Grossman - Community Activist Bill Huepenbecker - Aide to Mayor Coleman Matt Majka - Minnesota Wild Jamie Spencer - Minnesota Wild Tom Eggum - Public Works Director A1 Shetka - Public Warks Traffic Engineer Larry Lueth - Public Works Construction Engineer 7oanne Plankers - Public Works Administration/Pubiic Relations John Myrdahl - Public Works Survey Jeff Grosso - Public Works Survey Dave Nelson - Public Works Survey Tom Kuhfeld - Public Warks Right-of-Way Rob Klemm - Public Works Right-of-Way Tom Weidt - United Rentals Lou Cotroneo - Mayor/City Council Liaison ao-q't1 o�i��N�� Requested by Departrnent of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� �` 1 ne� 00-9�� GREEN SHEET N� i 05103 Council President Bosh�om 266-8710 OCtOber 11, 2000 - COnsent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Honoring volunteers who participated in the painting of "Cleveland Circle" at the intersection of Fifth Street and West Seventh Street in preparation for the Minnesota Wild season opener. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION � PoR ❑ CRYAitMlEY ❑ qlYtti111[ ❑ wwcR�a�weFSeR ❑ nur�uLLaenn,cc.o ❑ WYORI�YfYllltli� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � m�s aa�� �»�a � a�aea ro.u�� a�anme�n YES MO Nas M�a pe�aoNfirm wer been a uH emdova? YES NO Doec Mie persailfirm pwaes e aldl not normal�YW��d M�Y curtent cftY �P��� YES NO 16 Mie pelBOMfi1m e fnryNetl ventloYl YES NO iain aY ves at�s on seoe�ate sheM entl ettach to ataen aheet arccaw� 0 TRANSACTION COETRtE11ENUE BUD6ETED (GRGLE ON� YEE NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER INFORMATION (EXPWN) ORI��NAL Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # o C� 9� l Green Sheet # 100598 /D 1 WHEREAS, on the weekend of October 7, 2000, in prepazation for the Minnesota W' d season opener, the team's 2 logo will be painted on the pauement in the intersection of Fifth Street and West venth Street, also lrnown as 3 Cleveland Circle; and, 4 WHEREAS, this visible demonstration of community and team pride is a dir t result of the hazd work and effort 5 of many volunteers; now, 6 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council does pu�licly express its gratitude to the following 7 individuals for their participation in this momentous event: t � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bill Whalbarg - Jeff 7ewett - Business Manager,,%ocal Union No. 61 Paul Richards - Business Mana -r, Local Union No. 880 Ed Linden - Business Represen �'tive, Local Union No. 110 Paul Stoehr - Business Repxe� : ntalive, Local Union No. 61 John Story - Warnin % ites of Minnesota, Inc. Erich Mische -Executive irector, RiverCentre Authority Sherman Gros an- Community Activist Bill Huepenbe er - Aide to Mayor Coleman Matt ajka - Minnesota Wild Jami Spencer - Minnesota Wild Tom ggum - Public Works Director A1 Sh - Public Works Traffic Engineer Larry L th - Public Works Construction Engineer Joanne Plank s- Public Works Administrafion/Public Relations John Myrdahl - Public Works Survey Jeff Grosso - Public Works Survey Dave Nelson - Public Warks Survey Tom Kuhfeld - Public Works Right-of-Way Rob Klemm - Public Works Right-of-Way Lou Cotroneo - Mayor/City Council Liaison 00 - �K� ORI�INAL Adopted by Council: " Date AdopYion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: �