275895 WMITE - CiTY CLERK ///��� � PINK ' FINANCE �-.."� .. n {������ CANARY - DEPARTMEN G I�Y O F S A I N T 1 A u L COUIICII ;� r i BLUE - MAYOR File N O. cil Resolution Presente Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Department of Public h'orks wants to conduct a test of low pressure sodium luminaires for the purpose of deter- mining what type of lights should be used to replace the present street lights; and WI3EREAS, The District 6 Council has agreed to the City placing such test lights within District 6 provided that the District 6 Council shall be given an opportunity to submit its recommendations to the City Council as to the type of lighting syst�m to be adopted by the City; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby authorize the Public �Vorks Department to install, on a test basis, low pressure sodium street lighting in locations of the City within District 6, satisfactory to both the Department and the District 6 Council, and to report back to the City Council the Depart�nent' s findings and conclusions, together with the District 6 recommendations, and the Department shall remove the test lights in the event the low pressure sodium street lighting is not selected by the City Council as the r•eplacement street lighting system. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department oE: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine � In Favor �a�GL�� Maddox McMahon snowaite� __ Against BY — Tedesco �I Ado bv Coun . Date NOV 4 1980 Form Approved y City orney ertifie ssed by Cou � Sect�etary BY � Ap by :Vlayor. �(�V 6 �980 Appr y Ma or for S mi sion to Council B BY �Efl �VOV 1 5 19�0 QM O1: Z2/I975 ' . ' . " � � Rev: 9/S/76 < . Ex1'LANF:TIC�1 OF AI�.'+?INI�TI2F'?'IVF URt?I?RS, RE'SOLIJ'?.'IC?;?S, At1D ORD1?IAS�S �/Ve►_/f �i�. Ikzte: October 14, 1980 Zl�: MIiYOR GDOFGE LATI.MF'.I2 �; J�sw. s�e � ,�tECEiVED O C� 2 "l 1980 ItE: � Pressure Sod.itun Lighting Test �AAYOR�S �. . �C.TICI�1 RF.�TJES'I'��: Approve the attacYved Council Resolution authprizing a test inspection of low pressure sodiimn street lighting as per certain conditions established by the District 6 Planning Council. PUFta�E PTlD P,ATI���,F FOR TF'TS AC'I'ZOI�T: . . 'I'he District 6 Planning Council passed a motion to allaw Public Works to install � a test installation of LPS street lighting subject to approval of tY�e atta.cl�d Council R,esolution. ' AT�'A�fTf'f�'T�: . Council Resolution ,