275887 WNITE - CITY CLERK � 111��� ^ }}}yyy � , PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ������� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAITL BLUE - MAYOR File N O. • ) -7 GI nCP, Ordinance N O. /(o /��S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 60.412 (i) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, be amended to read as follows: i. Family Day Care and' Group F�amily Day Care. Section 2. That Section 60.413 (j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code establishing Group Family Day Care as a principal use permitted subject to special conditions in an R-1 through R-4 zoning district, be and is hereby repealed. �_ Secti4n 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days r from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine (n Favo[ Maddox � b Showalter A gai n s t BY Tedesco wlson Adopte Council: Date NOV 2 5 1980 Form Approv y Attorne C ified Pa Cou ' Secretary BY App by Mayor: D e E(' �- i9�� Approved by ay for Submission to Council By BY D E C 6 198Q - \ , _ _ .. �� ' , lst �� — l' (` �� 2nd l�r �.�_ t�'"L) i/. 3rd �/— f �( � '(� Adopted lf �ti�— �Q " Yeas Nays � HUNT � � � �7� � � � LEVINE McMAHON �6,+ :����� . SHOWALTER TEDESCO iJILSON � PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � :« �.�r ¢�t�. ��' i . � _Rr���'iT-o;,,,`I ^,�,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - '"" DEPARTMENT OF PLA �1�f'a�AN'D ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT :� � �;. :o a> :' iiiiiiiii ,: "<:: 1 1.' ^ - DIVISION OF PLANNING ' .. .�,. .......:�°�� 25 VVest Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR ���.�� December 17, 1979 ' 6 �`���� � Council President Joanne Showalter Members of Ci ty Counci 1 c/o City Clerk Room 386 City Hall ' Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8364 - Zoning Text Changes: Day Care, Community Residential Facilities , and Residential Group Homes Dear Council Members: . Copies of three resolutions approved by the Planning Corrmission are enclosed. The first resolution , Number 79-85, recommends changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance which deal with day care. These revisions are in response to changes in state legislation which limit municipal zoning authority over day care facilities licensed for ten or feu��er persons. The second resolution , Number 79-86, recorranends changes to the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to Community Residential Facilities and Residential Group Homes. The recommended revisions are contained in a report accompanying the Resolution. The final resolution, (Vumber 79-88, recommends that City Council go on record in support of �increas�d communication beicween other goverr��nental ager�c�es that license and fund residential facilities and neighbors of those facilities. It also recorrgnends that licensing agencies notify the City when a residential facility changes size, location , purpose, or licensing. This recommendation recognizes the concerns of Saint Paul residents about the admTnistration and program of residential facilities, as well as location and zoning and recomenends a City position. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee held a public meeting and a public hearing in August on the proposed revisions. The Committee approved them at their November, 1979 meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 14, 1979, and approved a11 three recorranendations at that time. These actions are being transmitted separately to Mayor Latimer. If you �r your staff have any questions about the proposed revisions , we would be happy to meet with you. Sincerely, ,��i.��ti -- �l�''' �dar�es J . Be s �}�nning Administrator JJB/cc Enc. �� � i city of saint paul , ����"� planning commission resolution file number �g-$6 date ,2-,4-79 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Planning Commission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Gode, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Facilities; and - WNEREAS, the Current Planning Comnittee af the Planning Comnission rev9ewed the : suggested ordinance amendments and has recatr�nended them to the Planning Cornnission for approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Co�nission did � hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at �ts regular meeting on .December 14, 1979; WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission has determined: . 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the : ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, _ � 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance praposed are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use and to a plan for :future land use, and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on Nov�nb�r 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, that the Planning Camnission recommends approval of the zoning code text amendments attached hereto as proposed in the 40 Acre Study and direets the Planning Coordinator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. , m0�/ed U�/. Bryan - — ���U IUed by Hangg�--- ... in favor �__6_-__ . � . . � aga�nst— e 4 :. � PROPOSED CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING ���� TEXT CNANGES: RESIDENTIAL GROUP H4MES AND COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACItITIES NOVEMBER, 1�79 , APRROVED BY ?HE CURRENT PLANNING AND ZONIf�G CONBNITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL RLANNING COMMISSION: NOVEN�ER 1 , 1979 APPROVED BY TME SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: DECEMBER 14, 1979 PLANNING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI�G AND ECOfVOMIC OEVELOPMENT 1101 CITY HALL ANNEX SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55T02 (612) 298-4151 � ; � � p p p [� p �'���' D ZONING TEXT CNANGES RELATED TO RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOMES AND COhMUNITY 'RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES Carmunity residential facilities are currently permitted uses subject to special conditions in most residential zoning districts. These facilities ma�y serve children , or people who are mentally ill , mentally retarded, � physically handicapped, chemically dependent, or who have been charged with or convlcted of a crime. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in State . legislation, and input fran neighborhood residents and • group home operators indicate that revisions are appro- priate. The proposed changes include: 1 . Modifying the defini�tions to reflect related legislation and regulations and to make the types of facilities covered by the definitions more explicit; . . 2. Using licensed capacity to determine the size of facilities; � 3. Permitting all facilities licensed for six or fewer persons in districts zoned R-1 through R-4 and permitting facilities licensed for seven or more persons in districts zoned for multi-family or business use subject tb special conditions; 4. Increasing the minimum lot size required for facilities licensed for more than six persons, subject to modification by the Planning Comnission; ` 5. Allowing facilities to request modification from the distance requirements; and 6. Establishing off-street parking requirements subject to modification. DIVISION OF PLANNINO • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNIN(i AND EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANND( • 25 WEST FOURTH STREET,SAINT PAUL, MlNNE80TA 55102 TELEPHONE:612-�98-4151 � , 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS �E���'`� .0 IN R DUC . IfiISTORY . PROBLEMS .3 PURPOSE 2 . SC PE 1 .5 METHODOL GY 2 .0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS R SED R VI I N: RDING R L DGING H U E 2. PROPOSED REVISION: COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITY 4 2.3 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME OR BOARDING CARE HOME 6 R POSED REV S ON: GR UP HOME, RES DENT AL 6 .5 PROPOSED REVISION: GROUP HOME RESIDENT 7 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME 7 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 8 THROUGH R-4 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 8 3. R P E REV S . NC E P E SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8 4.0 REVISIONS TO R - TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL U ES SUBJECT 0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9 4.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12 5.0 REVISIONS TO RM- LOW 3 ' DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 5.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS }3 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2 4 MEDIUM DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 6. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL US S ERMI TED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 14 i . ' � � . ' . .. " . .. . , . ! � .. . .. . ' - �. . .. � � . '. . � . . - .. � � l 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 5 HIGH-DENSITY, HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT D R V S N: NC U E PER I ED . R P ED REV S N: R NC L USES ER IT ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B- 6 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 8. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 16 9.0 REVISIONS TO B-3 17 GENERAL B USINESS DISTRICT 9. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 9.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONOITIONS 17 10.0 REVISIONS TO B-4 �g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT � 0. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIP L USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIQNS 18 0. PR POSED REVISION: AREA, BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 18 11 .0 REVISIONS TO B-5 �g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11 . PRO�OSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 19 .2 ROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 19 .3 PROPOSED REVISION: AREA, BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 19 .0 REVISIONS - p INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT . S D RE N: NC L U E ER T D SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 20 ii , � . ���-���� 13.0 REVISIONS TO 21 PARKING REQUIREMENTS ' 3. PROPOSED REVISION: INSTITUTIONAL GROUP HOMES 21 4.0 ADDITIONAL 22 RECOMMENDATIONS 4. DEQUATE NOTICE 4.2 NON—RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITIES 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING 23 . EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES 23 5.0 ARPENDIX 15.1 SECTION 6 . 00 2 15.2 SECTION 64.209 d 28 15.3 PLANNING COMMISSTOPd RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING 45—DAY NOTICE 29 iii � � 1 .0 INTRODUCTION ������ 1 .1 HISTORY For more than a decade, federa and state po icy has encouraged residential programs located in established neighborhoods as an alternative to care or treatment in large institutions. Comnunity residential facilities include programs for people who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped, people who are being treated or are recovering from mental illness or chemical dependency and people who have been charged with or found guilty of a crime and would benefit from an alternative to probation, parole, or incarceration. As corrpnunity residential facilities developed, the need for regulation became apparent. The Minnesota State Legislature gave responsibility for programnatic �licens- ing to the State Departments of Public Welfare and Corrections. Authority for regulating the location, spacing and density of comnunity residential facilities remained with municipalities as part of their traditional zoning authority. In 1975, the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance was amended to include specific recognition of comnunity residential facilities. The Ordinance defined two types of facilities in recognition of state legislation at the time. These facilities were identified as special condition uses to be allowed in all residential districts except High-Density, High-Rise Districts as long as the specified conditions for the district were met. In 1976, state legislation was passed which defined residential facilities under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare (DPW) and estab- lished DPW's licensing responsibilities. This Ac� called the Public Welfare Licensing Act, continues to grant municipalities the authority to zone comnunity residential facilities licensed by DPW. However, limits on that authority are established through the Act. Separate legislation was also passed requiring the Minnesota Department of Corrections to license all residential facil- ities used by the correctional system by the Fall of 1980. No limits to municipal zoning authority are included in this legislation. In May 26, 1978, the Saint Paul Planning Comnission passed Resolution Number 78-14 to initiate a 40-acre study on Comnunity Residential Facilities. The need for the study, and potential amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordi- nance, was based on the changes in state legislation and Saint Paul 's experiences in apply the definitions and conditions of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 .2 PROBLE S Comnunity res� ent a aci t es ave een controvers a for a variety of reasons. Although programmatic and funding concerns are beyond the purview of zoning, zoning can address location, spacing, and density within the limits of state legislation. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in state legislation, and concerns expressed by neighborhood resi- dents and facility operators , indicate that a number of revisions are necessary or appropriate. These include clarification of the definitions to relate more directly to state legislation, modification of conditions that are inconsistent with state legislation, and additional conditions related to off-street parking and minimum lot size requirements. .3 PURPOSE e purpose o t e zon ng text c anges is to ma e t e Ordinance consistent with state legislation and to modify the conditions for use to reflect concerns expressed by neighborhood residents and operators of comnunity residential facilities. .4 SCOPE e propose revisions re ect �nput rom citizens an group home operators and current state legislation. A1- though the revisions reflect current information and legislation, it is possible that additional revisions may be required in the future. .5 METHOD LOGY On May 6, 9 8, the P anning Comniss on passed Resolution 78-14 which initiated a 40-acre study on comnunity residential facilities. As part of the study, Planning Comnission members and staff participated in a full day workshop sponsored by the Association of St. Paul Communities and the West Side Citizen Organization. The workshop brought together regulators , providers and neighbors of comnunity residential facilities. Two additional meetings, devoted specifically to revisions in St. Paul 's Zoning Ordinance, were held. These meetings led to specific recommendations for revisions from both providers and citizens. These recommendations form the basis for many of the proposed changes. The Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee held a public meeting on proposed changes on August 2, 1979 and a public hearing on August 23, 1979. In addition, the City Attorney was asked to give a legal opinion on specific questions related to Saint Paul 's authority to attach special conditions to correnunity residential facilities. 2 � . :�;���� �.��> : This report presents proposed revisions by section. New words are underlined (underlined) and deleted words are crossed out (ewesse�-ea� . Eac�i proposed change is followed by a brief discussion which presents the reason for the change. A final chapter presents additional recomnendations which were not incorporated into the revisions and the reasons for inclusion. Supporting information is included in the Appendix. 3 2.0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS ' 2. PROPOSED REVISION 60.3 0 Board�ng, ew-Ee�Q�p� Roomin , or Roomin and Boardin House: a building e�pe - ep-ew-ase - ew-a s�p� e-�arr��y-ew-�we-€ar��y-dwe���pg-a��-eep�a�����-�aes� wee�ns-whePe-�e�g}pg3-w��q-e�-w��qea�-�ea�s;-�s-�wev#ded #e�-eer�pewsa��e�-e�-a-wee�C��-ew-�e��M�y-bas�s.or structure which requires licensin as a boardin house, roomin house, or roomin and boardin house under Cha ter 335A, ect ons t roug , o t e t. au e is ative Co e. D Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with related legislation. Generally, these facilities are located in buildings designed for resi- dential family use. Rooming houses contain guest rooms where lodging is provided for compensation to six or more people. Boarding houses provide meals for five or more people for periods of one week or more for compensation. Rooming and boarding houses provide both of these services. .2 PROPOSED RE SIO Community Resi entia Faci ity: A-��a�e ��eense�-��e�q-qe�e-e�-#es�ew-�er�e-sewv��g-�e��a��y-we- �a�ded-ew-ql�ys�ea��y-Ma�ad�ea��ed-qewseps: a building or structure where: -i-c�i�dren•, ii . persons who are mentallv retarded, phvsicallv handicapped, mentallv ill , or chemically dependent; or iii . persons who are placed there bv a court, court services de artment arole authorit or other correctiona a enc aving ispositiona power over persons c arged with or convicted of a crime or ad�udicated deli_nquent reside on a twenty-four hour basis in order to receive food, lodging, care, training, education , supervision, habilitation, rehabilitation or treatment the need but wh c for an reason, cannot be furnished in their own ome. Comnunity res dentia faci �ties inc u e, but are not limited to, a. Residential facilities which re uire licensin b t e Minnesota Department o Pub ic We fare under: 1 . Rule 1 , Fami'ly and Grou Family Foster Homes; ' u e , ild �arin�nst�tutions; 3. Ru e 8, Grou Homes; . Ru e 34, ersons who are mentall retarded; u e , ine riate an ru e en ent ersons; . Ru e 6, menta i ersons; and u e , p ysica y an icapped persons. 4 . , b. Residential facilities which re uire licensin or certi ication t e Minnesota De artment of Corrections or Ramse Count We fare De artment inc u in Communit Corrections Faci ities, Adult a a ouses, oster Homes, Grou oster Homes , or Community Correct ons Foster Homes; c. Boardin Care Homes and Roomin and Boardin Houses w ic are reco nize t e Ramse Count We are e artment or ot er Count We fare De artment as resources, e i e or u ic reimbursement, or rp ovi in resi entia services to ersons who are mentaT�iT or chemica y dependent; and, d. Rooming and Boarding Houses which provide services to persons who have been charqed with or convicted of a crime and have been laced there b a court, court services e artment, aro e aut orit , or ot er correctiona agency. Residential Grou Homes s ecificall exclude hos itals, prisons an re ormatories. DISCUSSION This definition combines and expands upon the two definitions currently used in the Zoning Ordinance. Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recomnended that definitions be based on state definitions. In addition , use of terms which reflect relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. The definition attempts to clearly identify comnunity residential facilities for zoning purposes. Although not all comnunity residential facilities require programmatic licensing, those that do are specifically identified by their license. To the extent possible, the definition in- corporates language from related state legislation for consistency. Only the facilities under "a" are covered by the Public Welfare Licensing Act. Saint Paul 's definition is broader than that of the Public Welfare Licensing Act because there are many facilities which serve as community resi- dential programs but do not require DPW licensing and, therefore, are not covered by the Act. 5 ,� Specific examples of such facilities include correctional facilities which will be licensed by the Minnesota Depart- ment of Corrections. Both "b" and "d" cover these facilities. In addition, there are a number of facilities within Saint Paul which are not licensed by either state agency but which are essentially community residential facilities. Halfway houses for people recovering from chemical depend- ency are one example. Facilities for people who are mentally ill are the other notable case. Although they are under DPW's licensing jurisdiction, a moratorium has been placed on requiring licensure because of complexities associated with continuing federal funding assistance to the people needing care. 2.3 PROPOSED RE ISION 60. H Ndl°g�R§-I+er�e-e� oar ing Care Hame. -S�Pd8�F1P2 w#�I�-s�ee��n�-�eer�s3-wMe�e-�e�se�as-awe-Mease�-e�-�e��e� apd-a�e-€a�p�she�-w��q-r�ea�s3-pa�s�pg-apd-�e��ea�-eawe: A buildin or structure where a ed or infirm ersons resi e on a - our asis in ,or er to receive custo ial care and re ate persona services. DSCUSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. Generally� board and care homes serving five or more persons are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 2. R ED R � - �e��- e�ej- es� ep a �--a- a� ���-e�-s���E�a�e wMe�e-�e�sews-�es��e-€ew-q���eses-s€-�eha�}���a��eq3 ��ea��e�a�3-e�-s�ee}a�-ea�e;-apd-wh�Eh-�s-�e�-a-6er�a�a��y Res;�ep�#a�-�ae�}��y-as-�e€�ped-��-�ee��ep-6A.-3�6��;; be�e#p:--�aeq-�ewseps-�a�-be-ew�ha�e�3-sa€�e�-ehe��ea� ew-erpe��epa�-�Ri�d�l°RIeR�3-e�-Sk1��e�°-SAE�d�-IRd}B��aS�RI@R� � s�-�e�ew�epeyr DISCUSSION Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recommended that definitions be based on state definitions. In addition, use of definitions and terms which are re- lated to relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. 6 `. ( ' .����� ���,�.� �. 2.5 PROPOSED REVISION 60.339 6reap-Heme Faci ity Resident: person who �es���p� resides in a Corr�nunity Residential FaciTity 6weaq-He�e- ew-� e-qa��ese-e€-weee���pg-wehab����a��ep; �wea#�ep�-s�-s�ee�a�-eawe: and contributes toward meetin the Facility's licensed capac ty. DISCUSSION Comnunity residential facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using licensed capacity to determine the facility's size is straightforward and consistent. This licensed capacity includes only those people residing in the facility to receive a service, not the operator, staff, or their children. 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION 60.365 1 Nursin Home: a building or structure where a e or�inf rm ersons reside on a 24-hour basis in order to receive nurs ng care an re a ed services. DISCUSSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. Nursing homes are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 7 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 THROUGH R-4 • � ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 3. PROPOSED RE I N . rincipa Uses erm tte : j . A ��a�e-��ee�sed Comnunity Residential Facility serving six (6) or fewer �ep�a��y-we�awde�-ep ��ys#ea���-ka�d#ea��e�-�e��eps.- facility residents. DSCS N State legislation requires that all Community Residential Facilities licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for six or fewer be permitted single-family residential uses. This requirement should apply to all facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. 3.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.4 3 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions e:--4tes�de���a�-6we��-Her�es-s�b�ee�-�e-�he-€e}}�}pQ ee�d4�#epsj 4��--Ple-r�ewe-�qap-�ep-{�A3-g�ea�-qe�e-wes�dep�s-r�a,� �e-qeased-�p-e�eess-e€-�qe-qepseps-a��ewed-�y �qe-�e€��a���e�a-e�-'-'#a�}�y"3-e�ee��-�ha� s�w�e�awes-�es#gpe�-ep-�ew�y-ba���-s�ee�€{ea��y €s�-saeq-ase-�ay-a��ew-a-�wea�ep-par��e�-�wev��e� �qa�-a��-s�qew-E9R����9R5-A�-��eE�a�-dse-RePr��� �ssaapee-awe-r�e�: 4��--�qe-�ip�r�aaa-�s�-s��e-�s-�laa�-��esEw��ed-€ep-epe €a���y-�we���pgs-€ew-��e-d�s�w�e�-�p-wq�Eq-�be �ps�{�a��epa�-gwea�-ker�e-�s-}eea�e�: , 43�--A-r����ma�-d�s�apee-e€-};32A-€ee�-w�}}_be-we�a�wed be�weep-�e��pg-�e�s-ased-€ew-Re��dep��a�-6wea� He�e-�ae�����es.- DISCUSSION All facilities for six or fewer should be permitted in single-family residential districts . However, in addition to the licensed capacity of a facility, staff inembers often reside at the facility and additional staff may, depending on the facility, work shifts. When a facility serves more than six residents, the resulting density is not consistent with the intent of one-family districts which are designed to be low �density. 8 ; 4.0 REVISIONS TO RT-1 TWO-FAMILY , RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ��:���� 4.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.423 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions c. A Comnunit Residential �Facilit 6wea�-Her�e servin9 seven or more facilit resiaents subject to the 0 owing con itions: (1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling unless the Comnunity Residential Facility 6wea� He�e occupies the entire structure. (2) P!e-�ere-�qap-�e�a-{}A�-QPe��-I�er�e-res��ep�s-r�ay �e-qea�e�-�p-exee55-e�-�he-�e�ser��-a��ewed-by �qe-de€�p��{e�-e€-'-'#a����r"3 It does not serve more than sixteen (16) facility residents except t at structures esign�ce or newTy buiTt specifi- cally for saeb-ase greater capacity may allow a greater number provided that all other conditions of Special Condition Use are met. (3) Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) the minimum Tot size or Comnunit Residential—�ilities is that prescri e or a one- ami y dwe ing P- -us three hundred (300) square feet for each facility resident over and above six residents. In addition , ommun�t esi entia aci ties servin more t an s�xteen 6 residents s a meet t e requirements for hei ht, ard setback, and maximum ercent of ot occu ie main bui in set orth in Section 6 . 00, su �ect to t e rovisions of 6 .209 d . (4) Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , a minimum distance s€-�33�A-€ee� wi 1 be required between zoning lots used for Comn, unity Residential 6wea� He�e� Facilities serving seven 7 or more people. These aistances are as o ows: �a) Communit Residential Facilities licensed by t� innesota epartment o u Tic�TeT�a er o serve eo le who are mentall retarded or h sica handica ed must be a minimum of 300 eet rom a ot er Community Resi ential Facilities licensed b the Minnesota De artment of Pub ic We fare. 9 r � (b) All other Community Residential Facilities must be a minimum of 1 ,320 feet from an other Commun t Residentia Faci it , whether icense y t e nnesota Department o u ic Welfare or not. If a Community Residential Facilit is licensed to serve more than one purpose, the stricter require- ments wi�1 apply. 5 There shall be one 1 off-street arkin s ace for ever two 2 facilit residents subject to the rovisions of 64. 09 d . (6) Permission for Special Condition Use a plies to - the Commumt Resi en'�tia-'f Faci if't on� as�on as acensing, purpose, size or : ocation o not chan e. SCUSSIO This section allows Community Residential Facilities ta locate in RT-1 , RT-2, RM-1 and RM-2 Residential Districts subject to the conditions listed. Specific reasons for changes in conditions are as follows : C(2) Community Residential Facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using this capacity to determine facility size is a more consistent method than determination on a case by case basis by zoning (see section 2.5). The limit of sixteen is chosen to be consistent with state legislation which specifies that programs licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for seven through sixteen persons are permitted multi-family uses, although the municipality may attach special conditions. This change increases the basic capacity allowed most facilities from fourteen to sixteen. It decreases the basic capacity allowed facilities for persons who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped from twenty to sixteen. In addition to making Saint Paul 's regulations consistent with State legislative criteria, this change treats Community Residential Facilities equitably. Few structures have been specifically designed to serve as Community Residential Facilities. Occasionally, existing apartment buildings or nursing homes can be converted to Comnunity Residential Facilities or a new structure is built. Although choice of any numerical cut-off is , in part, arbitrary, the ability of providers to find suitable facilities must be weighed against the impact of a higher density on the neighborhood. While access to larger facilities should be allowed, the higher density requires 10 , � � ` , � � r� ,�'�� .1 � Y more stringent conditions if the intent of the Zoning Ordinance is to be protected. C(3) Under the current provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, a Community Residential Facility could house from fourteen � to twenty persons in any existing building on a lot which is only 5,000 square feet. The proposed change will require lots varying from 5,300 square feet for seven residents to 8,000 square feet for 16 residents, thus helping to assure adequate lot size given density without placing an excessive burden on providers seeking new facilities. Under the existing Ordinance, Community Residential Facilities licensed for more than sixteen persons can also be located on a 5,000 square foot lot. Facilities of this size should be required to meet all regulations for new buildings in the zoning district to protect the intent of the Ordinance. C(4) The proposed changes result from combining the definitions of Comnunity Residential Facilities and� Residential Group Homes and state legislative mandates for facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. Because there are situations where unique physical char- acteristics, such as a bluff ]ine or highway divide facilities, this requirement should be subject to modification under the provisions of 64.209(d) . C(5) Increased vehicular traffic and congestion on residential streets can result from the combination of facility resi- dents and staff who work at the facility. On the other hand, some Community Residential Facilities do not allow . residents to have access to vehicles or serve people who cannot drive. In those instances, upon verification, parking requirements should be subject to modification to prevent undue hardship. C(6) This condition is included to clarify the fact that per- mission to conduct the special condition use is contingent on each of these factors and that if any of them change, permission to conduct the use must be reviewed and may also change. 11 , •� , , 4.2 PROPOSED REVI ON 0. 3 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions d:--&er�bp��y-Res��e�a��a�-�ae�����es-sab�ee�-�e-�qe �e��ew{pg-eep���{eps= E�;--��-sba��-Re�-be-�eea�e�-#�-a-�we-€ar�#�}-�we}}}�� bp�ess-�he-�err�a�#��-wes��e�a�#a�-€ae����y-eeeaq�es �He-e�a��we-s�wae�awe: E��--Ple-�e�e-�qa�-�6-eet�b�a��y-wes}dep��a�-€ae}���y wes�de�a�s-�ay-�e-heased-�p-e�eess-e�-�qe-�e�seps a��ewed-�y-�he-de€�p���e�-e�-'-'€ar�}�y"3-e�ee�� �ha�-s�waE�awes-�es�gped-ew-�ew�y-�a���-s�eE�€- �ea��y-€ew-s�eq-ase-�a�-a��ew-a-�wea�e�-�b��e� . � �wev��e�-�laa�-a��-e��e�-E6R����6199-6�-��ee�a�. s919�i��AR-�se-awe-�e�.- �3;--�lae-r���a�mt��-�e�-s{�e-3s-�Ha�-��eseP��ed-€e�-e�ae €ar���y-dwe����agsr �4�--A-r��p}r�a�-�#s�apee-e€-�88-€ee�-w�}}-�e-we�a#wed �e�weep-�e�a��ag-�e�s-ase�-€ew-6e�ap��y-Re��dep��a� Fae��#��es: DISCUSSION This section is deleted as the result of incorporating the definitions of "Comnunity Residential Facility" and "Residential Group Home." 12 � \ 5.0 REVISIdNS TO RM-1 LOW DENSITY, LOW-RISf � ' MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 5.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60. 3 Pr�ncipa Uses Permitted Sub�ect to Specia Conditions b. Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , rooming and roomin and boarding houses which are not Communit Resi entia Facilities, provi e t at, �n a dition to the ot area for the dwelling unit, a lot area is provided of one thousand (1 ,000) square feet for each guest room in excess of two (2) guest rooms. D CUSSI N This revision is required because terms and definitions are being revised to conform with those used in licensing and to differentiate between rooming or rooming and boarding houses which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 13 l 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2, MEDIUM DENSITY � � ., LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ' DISTRICT . PROP SED R VISION 0. 3 Pr nc pa Uses Perm tte u �ect to Specia Conditions c. Nursing homes and boarding care homes which are not Comnunit Residential Facilities provided t e yard requ rements or mu t p e- ami y use in this district are applied. This revision is included in order to differentiate between nursing or boarding care homes which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 14 ' 1.0 REVISIONS TQ RM-3 HIGH-DENSITY, , HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 7.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.46 Principa Uses Permitte d._ A Community Residential Facilit servinq six (6) or fewer residents. 7.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.463 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions c. A Comnunit Residential Facility serving seven (7) or more ac� it resi ents su ect to t e con itions set ort�— �r R - wo- ami'r es�iaT Districts in Section 60.423 c , Princi a Uses Permitte Sub�ect to Spec a on itions. DISCUSS ON This second revision, 7.2, is necessary to be in conformance with the Public Welfare Licensing Act. This legislation mandates that all Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare for seven or more persons be permitted uses in multi-family residential districts, although the municipality may attach special conditions. This provision should apply to all Community Residential Facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. Similarly, equitable treatment would allow smaller facilities in RM-3 districts as well . 15 . . � - , . ' .. ' � J 8.0 REVISIONS TO B-1 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ` J 8. PROPOSED REV S N . 8 rinc pa Uses Perm�tte u �ect to Specia Conditions d. A Comnunit Residential Facilit sub'ect to the fo ow ng condit ons : (1) Mixed Community Residential Facilitv and comnercia� uses must meet the conditions set forth for mixed uses in Section 60.484(c) . 2 Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed for seven or more aciTity resi ents must meet the conditions set forth for RT-1 Two-Famil Residentia Districts in Section 60.423 c , rincipa Uses ermitted u �ect to pecia Conditions . DISCUSSION This revision would allow Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 , B-2 and B-3 districts , subject to the same provisions that apply to facilities in Residential Districts and to mixed commercial and residential uses in the business district under consideration. From a comnunity standpoint, this revision would provide greater opportunity for providers to find suitable locations without increasing density patterns unduly. Basically, it allows Comnunity Residential Facilities to be treated as residential uses in Business Districts as long as the conditions which apply to Facilities and the conditions which apply to mixed use are; met. 16 ; , �y.tt �-��.,�'�'� ` � 9.0 REVISIONS TO B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 9. PR POSED REVISION 0. Principa Uses ermitte a. All Principal Uses Permitted and Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in OS-1 , B-1 , and B-2 Districts , except auto service stations and Community Residential Facilities, and meeting at least the minimum con itions imposed in each district. D SCUSSION This revision is required so that the conditions which Saint Paul has established for Community Residential Facilities apply throughout the City. .2 PR SED RE ISION 6 . 0 Principa Uses Permitte Su �ect to Specia Conditions j . Comnunit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re�C u_� in - an - usiness Districts un er Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions. DISCUSSI N The rationale for allowing Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 and B-2 Districts app ly in B-3 Districts as well , as long as the special conditions are met. 17 , _ . = , 10.0 REVISIONS T0 6-4 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT � � � , � 0. PR POSED RE I . r ncipa Uses ermitte u �ec o pec a Conditions The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, sub 'ect to t e con tions hereinafter m ose for eac use and su �ect to the review and approva o the P anning Comnlssion. a. Comnunit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re u ate n B- B- and B- usiness Districts un er r nci a ses ermitte u �ect to S ec�a Con it ons. SCU The rationale for allowing Community Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 and B-2 Districts as long as the special conditions are met apply to B-4 Districts as well . 10.2 PR POSED REVI 6 : 0. rea, Bu an ar Set ack Reguirements IC This change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 18 , � . � , 11 .0 REVISIONS TO B-5 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.522 Principal Uses Permitted I�:-E�A� i . Mission type uses. DISCUSSI N This change is a correction. Mission uses are currently listed under "manufacturing uses" which is not appropriate. . PROP SED REVI r�ncipa Uses erm�tte u �ect to pecia Conaitions The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, subject to the con it�ons ere�na ter impose for eac use and sub�ect to the review and approval of the Planning Comnission. a. Corrmunity .Residential Facilities as permitted and regulated in B-1 , B-2, B-3 and B-4 Business Districts. DISCUSSION The rationale for allowing Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in 6-1 Districts as long as the special conditions are met applies to B-5 Districts as well . 1 .3 PROPOSED REVISION 68:5 3 60.524 Area, Bulk, and Yard Setback Requirements DISCUSSION The change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 19 ,� 12.0 REVISIONS TO I-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT • � ; 12.1 PROPOSED REVISI N 60.534 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions a. All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-3 Business District under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions except Comnunity Residential Facilities. e. Prisons, reformatories, and other correctional institutions which are not Comnunity Residential Facilities. DISCUSSION These revisions are included in order to differentiate between facilities which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not and to assure that this primarily residential use is not allowed in an industrial district. 20 � � , � 13.0 REVISIONS TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS , ��,��,, �6 J�.. ,. .� 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION 6 . 03m n �ps���a��epa Comnunity Resi entia Facilities 6wea�-Her�es: D C SI N This change is required so that terms used in the Ordinance are consistent. 21 14.0 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENOATIONS " I. ' . ' In addition to the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance, the following recommendations were made during the course of the 40 Acre Study. The following sections present those directed toward the City and in some instances, suggest additional action. They are not proposed amendments for the Ordinance itself. . DE U N E ecause istrict counci s meet mont y, ays notice to the affected district was recommended. Representatives of the Comnunity Residential Facilities indicate that, in most instances , this will not have an adverse effect on their ability to find and obtain suitable locations. Although there are occasions where the requirement may make the time-line for providers tight, the requirement is not excessive. E EDD Planning Comnission approval of a resolution requiring notice of application for special condition use for Comnunity Residential Facilities to be mailed 45 days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee. This notice will be mailed to the district council president and comnunity organ�izer as soon as application for special condition use for a Comnunity Residential Facility is re- ceived. Although the date of the public hearing on the application will not be known at that time, it would be scheduled for at least 45 days from the date of mailing. " All other notices will comply with current requirements and be sent to representatives of the district affected as well as property owners within 350 feet of the zoning lot in question. .2 NON-RESIDENT L ten, t e concerns expressed by a ne ghborhood are the TREATMENT FACILITIES result of a combination of programs in one neighborhood. Specific examples include drug treatment drop-in centers in close proximity to Community Residential Facilities. It is not clear whether or not there is a problem. However, concerns have been expressed consistently enough over time to warrant further study. PROPOSED ACTION The Zoning staff should identify the types of non- residential programs which are in question and, if appro- priate, request a 40-acre study to amend the Zoning Ordinance in order to determine the impact on neighborhoods and how they can be alleviated. 22 . . , r ` 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING Throughout the study, concerns were expressed which relate to features of Comnunity Residential Facilities which are not appropriately addressed by zoning. A major concern is proper monitoring of programs once they have received their initial license and funding. Facilities are monitored at the State level on a regular basis. In addition, the County reviews funding contracts annually. Frequently, however, neighbors are not offered a formal opportunity to provide input into these reviews. Yet, neighbors may be able to provide insights into the facility for those licensing and funding Comnunity Residential Facilities. REC M ENDED C N Planning Commission approval of a resolution asking the Saint Paul City Council to go on record supporting in- creased communication between other governmental agencies who license and fund Comnunity Residential Facilities and the residents of the area surrounding facilities. 14.4 EQUAL DISTRIBUTION A special condition limiting the population of Corrmunity OF CO�MUNITY RESIDENTIAL Residential Facilities to 0.5% of the total citizen par- FACII_iTIES ticipation dis.trict population and placing an upper limit on the number of facilities in each district based on total population was recomnended. The intent of this recomnendation is to reduce concentration of facilities. � The need for requirements beyond the distance requirements currently included in the Ordinance has not been documented. In addition, the data requirements associated with this recomnendation would make it very difficult to implement. Representatives of District 4 asked that they be put on record as recommending these requirements , although the difficulties in implementing it were accepted. RECOMMENDED ACTION Continued monitoring of Community Residential Facilities for evidence of concentration. 23 bZ v► � � * � �°s � -�-� . -7Di �o �o �a � m o� •�' W N � N 1r A' W N � rN....� � 9 C O � m-+ O � w c e7°i � JOO � � �"3 � > > > > � � N N � � —• � � �e �s �o eo ... o r cn x �.. �. �.�, uo � � � � � a o_.. a�. a-+� 1+ � � T �+f �n r � rr C7 O p� p � M 7 0 » » a' � � 3 3 3. 3 v � ►3-a m (D O �.. . . .r 9 ��,° �',° �°, p � � -r v, -i v .,d w p� o�� r � r7 fp � �c �c �e �c � � �-• C 'v H a � �"' fD � 70 �o �o �o r. z r ~ � -� � � N N N N N �-1 � � m p. �'d n �c �c �t a a n n a � s S O w > > > 7 � � �--� � � � � � � � � � -" x m �D °_'+ °_'. °_: °_�, °_', -y c7 v C r ao a -w A A � w cn v+ v �o T a o= c --1 ,. .�� r, r.-. �.. 1 � -s o Q ^' o � s a `�� 7� O z � o � 25 � o �� tn� + Z � r s� a A� ON m w°+ z Z N N -A � -+� � � .O O O O W 7 6 � � � . e� e► + � 7 e� � g 0 v N b O �71 W W W i.t fd W W �= N+ D � M �� n �.� a�o 6 7 � � � �� O O O O 1� 7 N e�► � o o C O O � 0 Z � 2 � O cNn vNi VNi � fNn. .tNl� VNt tN1� O � 0 Q P P d Q 0 Q Q Q � ►-+ (1 � A A n f'f A f7 A n � N _ � �r r. r. r 70 7 �-+ 3�. ^"" n O A � ��� � 1�0 �� n�i b �O �� .t C� O `.y � 3 N �►��cne�+ �.�..�v�.,�+ ~• � p a , N , N n ,.�J O. � g �1 < ��^ � < S� A OD � OD N O� O O �1 7 N� -A O�y �f N �y f1 W.� C�i � f1 W Q ? 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' � 7 � �fCtG "1�t0 '! vi-r �Q� °_:�� ° °_: �°...�° C A °•�s?-�+.� fPp N In O fp � � � �--r d� �. �+ fp � p -I 7' 7 N Q' N ..�.N � p' p1 {p 70 W 1C e'r� fp� 3 �p � 7 fA VI O'�p ` .r,s � � "'1 � �A e�'► ��e�'f "A "q OD � 7 �`� In .C,+.� N ro -• Q.s �n -+. a � �c s �_. • � � tC � "�f � -1���i.� ���'+. � ��'p! �1p � � t � ,. Ifr :• � � • ' � .. •. .• ` . y � ���� ��L.�ti � .. 15.2 SECTION 64.209 d When specific reference is made to this paragraph 64.209d) in Sections 60.413 through 60.607, the Planning Comnission, after public hearing may modify specified special conditions , when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure, provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health , morals and general welfare of the corr�nunity and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Sections 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and shall not be superseded or waived by any such modification of a specified special condition. 28 � ,� ,� � ' city of saint paui � planning commission resoluti� file number �9-87 date ,2-14-79 , ; , WHEREAS, public notice for consideration of requests for special condition use for Community Residential Facilities is now given at least ten days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Comni ttee; and " WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide sufficient time to the representative community group and neighbors of a proposed Community Residential Facility to fully analyze the proposed Facility in order to provide public testimony; and WHEREAS , district councils and other comnunity groups normally meet monthly; NOW, TN�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Cammission requests , as a matter of policy, that the Planning Adminstrator notify affected districts through their comnunity organizers and District Council presidents , forty- five (45) days in advance of the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Committee of all requests for special condition use for Community Residential Facilities . moved by Bryan s�econded by Hanqqi _� ______ in favor �__�___ �i����� 29 , ����� city of saint paul . plann�ng commission resolut�on file number �9 -g5 . date _ ,2-,4-�9 WHEREAS, the City�of St. Paul Planning Commission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Pau1 Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to Qay Care; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has amended Minnesota Statutes 1978, Section 245.812, Subdivision 3, to specify that licensed da�y care �acilities serving ten or fewer persons mwst be considered permitted single family residential , uses for the purposes of zoning; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Committee of the P1anning Comnission reviewed the suggested ardir�ance amendments and has recomnended them to the Planning Commission for approval ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Corr�nissian did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on December 14, 1�79; and " � WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1 . That the number Qf real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , 2. That a survey of an area fn excess ofY40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed are related to the ov�rall needs of the comnuntty, to existing land use and ta a plan for fu�ure land use, and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on November 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission recommends approvai of the following zaning code text amendments and directs the Planning Coordinator to forward this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by Bryan sF;conded by . H�; - in favor 1.� . . a�iC1St n_____ city of saint paul . planning commission r�solution � file number .zA-�5 � - , - �t� 12-14-79 � ,� 60.410 R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts 60.412 Principal Uses Permitted: i. Family Day Care and Group Family Day Care. 60.413 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions: �:--&�sa�-€ar���y-da�-ea�e�-��e���ed-�ha�-pe-�e�e-�qa�-�q�ee-�3� sae�-€ae��#��es-s�a��-�e-�aea�e�-e�-��epe���-a�a�����-e��l�e� s�de-e€-a-s��ee�-apd-�y�w�-�e�i,ree�-��e-�we-peares�-���e�- � seE���g-s��ee�s-e�-He�wee�-�He-�tea�es�-�p�e��eE����-���ee� . apd-a-�a#�wead-�}�q�-e�-way;-��sa�d�v��e�-ae�ea�e;-�e�y-e� wa�e�;-e�-e�he�-�I�ys�ea�-�a���e�-�e-��e-es����a��y-e� �e�re�e�r�e��3-e�-�e�wee�-�qe-�ea�es�-}��e�seE���g--s�wee� a�d-�he-Ee��e�a�e-�e�wda�y-��pe: � �,� _ _ _ _ . �0�/e� �/.. Bryan seca�d by .�g9, in favor� � � � against- �r . . : .. .� � � � . . � . . - - �.-t . . � . . . � � ����� �. city of saint paul � . pianning comm�ss�on resolut�on - file number �g-88 date ,2-,4-�9 . . WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Gommissian initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Pau1 Legjslative Code, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Faciiities; and WHEREAS, a major concern of Saint Paul citizens is access to information related to Co�nunity Residential Facilities which propose ta locate or are located in their neighborhood; and WNEREAS, these concerns relate to zoning, pub1ic funding and licensing of Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, funding and licensing are the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County. Welfare Department and the Minnesota Departments of Rublic Welfare, Corrections, and Health; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, that the Planning Comnission recomnends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting the Ramsey County Welfare Department and the Minnesota Departments of Public Welfare, Corrections and Health to notify the City of Saint Paul , throagh the Zoning Section, Division of Planning, Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment, of all proposed Corrnnunity Residential Facilities or changes in � ' licensing, size, purpose, or location .of existing Community Residential Facilities; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Comn�ssion reconmends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting that the Ramsey County Welfare Department and the Minnesota Departments of Public Welfare, Corrections and Health establish pracedures to solicit input from neighbors of Corr�nunity Residential Facilities as a routine part of funding and/or licensing renewal or review. � k m�Ved 1J�/, Bryan . . �i��d �/ Levy .________. in favor.—._. . � _ : . aga�nst � � w �F � " �"h�� � . PROPOSED CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING TEXT CHANGES: RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOMES ' AND COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES ��R'�-�6�79`- ��'1�=���� ��(� �����:�f� u� � �. - .��.����; �.o��v�w��v�"s �l t��,�, t.ti��} '.,�re�, r y,,�z���"c;��yv�y�.� �1 � �x � ,, � � C.�;�t,� C,���L�Yl�'.�,.�� ���� i���".�, c��.��- o�, G ; , �. ��,;,�,���-- �r, 1����� . APPROVED BY THE CURRENT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: NOVEhB ER 1 , 1979 APPROVED BY THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING CONMISSION: DECEMBER 14, 1979 . � PLANNING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1101 CITY HALL ANNEX SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 (612) 298-4151 . . ���a� D p D C� D D ZUNING TEXT CHANGES RELATED TO RESIDENTiAL GROUP HOMES AND COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL-�ACILITIES Residential facilities are currently permitted uses subject to special conditions in most residential zaning districts. These facilities may serve children . or people who are mentally ill , mentally retarded, physically handicapped, chemically dependent, or who have been charged with or convicted of a crime. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in State lggislation, and input from neighborhood residents and k group home operators indicate that revisions are appro- i priate. The proposed changes include: � 1. Modification of definitions to conform with related legislation and regulations and to make the types of facilities covered by the definitions more fl explicit; � 2. Using licensed capacity to determine the size of 0� facilities; � 3. °'ng all facilities licensed for six � fewer pers ' districts zoned R- ugh R-4 � and permitting faci ' for seven or � nrore persons in di zon RT-2, RM-1 �\ and RM- to special conditions; .�. � 4. Increasing the minimum lot size required for • facilities licensed for more than six persons, subject to variance; . � ( 5. Allowing facilities to apply for a variance from � distance requirements; and 6. Establishing off-street parking requirefients subject to modification. • 3. Permitting family foster homes for six or fewer everywhere that residential uses are allowed; permitting all facilities licensed for six or fewer in single family zoning districts on the condition that they meet the 1320 foot spacing requirement (adopted by the State legislature in 1980); and permitting facilities licensed for seven or more persons in districts zoned for multi-family or business use sub�ect to special conditions. Sl1NdT P1�1lJL CITY PLA�MdI1VVG, 421 WABASHA STREET, SAqVT PAIJ�, MrWESOTA 55102 � ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ������ I�� ! .0 IN R DU N . . HISTORY ! .2 PROBLEMS ' 1.3 PURPOSE '' . SC PE ' .5 METHODOLOGY .0 REVISI NS T j DEFINITIONS i R SED REVIS� N: RD NG R L DG NG H US . PROPOSED REVISION: C NANUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITY ' . 2.3 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME OR BOARDING �' I CARE HOME 6 ' i.,�.�� . PR POSED REVISI N: GROU HOME, RESIDENTIAL 6 .5 PROPOSED REVISION: GROUP HOME RESIDEN � 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME 7 � 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 TNROUGH R-4 ONE-FAMILY , RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 8 3. R EDRV • N E ED ' SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS g ; .0 REVIS ON - TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL � � DISTRICT . PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES SUBJECT SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9 4.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12 ; 5.0 REVISIONS TO RM- LOW DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT � 5.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL I�SES PERMITTED SUBJECT T 0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ; 13 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2 MEDIUM DENSITY, LOW-RISE 4 MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 6. PR ED REVISION: RINCIP USES PER I ED SI�JECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 14 i i ' 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 5 I HIGH-DENSITY, HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . PR P SED REV S N: RINC P L U ES PERM D .2 PR POSED REV SION: PRINCIPAL USES ERMITTED , SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B- LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT � 8. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES ERMITTED ! SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 16 � . 9.0 REVISIONS TO 6-3 7 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 9. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 9.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17 10.0 REVISIONS TO 6-4 �g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 0. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 18 0. PROPOSED REVISION: AREA, BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 18 1 .0 REVISIONS TO B-5 g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11 . PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 19 . PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 19 .3 PROPOSED REVISION: AREA, ULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 19 .ORVI N - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT . SE RE N: R C L ER D SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 20 ii ' ' 3.0 REVISI NS PARKING REQUIREMENTS i � 3. PR POSED REVISION: INSTITUTI NAL GROUP HOMES i i .0 DDITI N RECOMMENDATIONS �' DE UATE N ICE ' 14.2 NON-RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITIES � 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING 3 . E U L DISTRIB UTI N F C MUNI RES ENTI L FACILITIES 23 ; .0 AP ENDIX ; � ' 5. SECTI N 6 . 0 i 5.2 SECTION 64.209 d g i 15.3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING 45-DAY NOTICE 29 I i i � . �i I i � 111 �� . , 1 .0 INTRODUCTION , I � .1 HISTORY For more than a decade, federal and state policy has i encouraged residential programs located in established neighborhoods as an alternative to care or treatment in large institutions. Comnunity residential facilities , include programs for people who are mentally retarded or �� physically handicapped, people who are being treated or are recovering from mental illness or chemical dependency ' and people who have been charged with or found guilty of i a crime and would benefit from an alternative to probation, j parole, or incarceration. iAs community residential facilities developed, the need for regulation became apparent. The Minnesota State ; Legislature gave responsibility for programmatic licens- ' ' ing to the State Departments of Public Welfare and ' � Corrections. Authority for regulating the location, ,� spacing and density of comnunity residential facilities remained with municipalities as part of their traditional zoning authority. In 1975, the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance was amended to include specific recognition of comnunity residential �� facilities. The Ordinance defined two types of facilities in recognition of state legislation at the time. These i facilities were identified as special condition uses to ' be allowed in all residential districts except High-Density, I High-Rise Districts as long as the specified conditions for the district were met. �� In 1976, state legislation was passed which defined residential facilities under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare (DPW) and estab- ' lish.ed DPW's licensing responsibilities. This Act, called 'i the Public Welfare Licensing Act, continues to grant � municipalities the authority to zone comnunity residential facilities licensed by DPW. However, limits on that ' authority are established through the Act. i � Separate legislation was also passed requiring the Minnesota Oepartment of Corrections to license all residential facil- , ities used b the correction al s Y ystem by the Fall of 1980. No limits to municipal zoning authority are included in . this legislation. In Ma 2 y 6, 1978, the Sa�nt Paul Planning Commission passed Resolution Number 78-14 to initiate a 40-acre study on Comnunit Residential Facilit' Y ies. The need for t he stud and potential amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordi- y� nance, was based on the changes in state legislation and Saint Paul 's experiences in apply the definitions and conditions of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 . PROBLEMS Community resi entia aci �ties ave been controversia for a variety of reasons. Although programmatic and funding concerns are beyond the purview of zoning, zoning can address location, spacing, and density within the limits of state legislation. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in state legislation, and concerns expressed by neighborhood resi- dents and facility operators , indicate that a number of revisions are necessary or appropriate. These include clarification of the definitions to relate more directly to state legislation, modification of conditions that are inconsistent with state legislation, and additional . conditions related to off-street parking and minimum lot size requirements. . UR 0 E e purpose o t e zoning text c anges is to ma e t e Ordinance consistent with state legislation and to modify the conditions for use to reflect concerns expressed by neighborhood residents and operators of community residential facilities. . SCOPE he proposed revisions re ect �nput rom cit�zens an group hpme operators and current state legislation. A1- though the revisions reflect current information and legislation, it is possible that additional revisions may be required in the future. .5 ME HODOL On May 6, 9 8, the P anning Comnission passe Resolution 78-14 which initiated a 40-acre study on comnunity residential facilities. As part of the study, Planning Comnission members and staff participated in a full day workshop sponsored by the Association of St. Paul Communities and the West Side Citizen Organization. The workshop brought together regulators , providers and neighbors of community residential facilities. Two additional meetings, devoted specifically to revisions in St. Paul 's Zoning Ordinance, were held. These meetings led to specific recomnendations for revisions from both providers and citizens. These recommendations form the basis for many of the proposed changes. The Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee held a public meeting on proposed changes on August 2, 1979 and a public hearing on August 23, 1979. In addition, the City Attorney was asked to give a legal opinion on specific questions related to Saint Paul 's authority to attach special conditions to community residential facilities. � i This report presents proposed revisions b section. New y ! words are underlined (underlined) and deleted words are � crossed out (ewessed-ea� . Eac proposed change is followed by a brief discussion which presents the reason for the change. A final chapter presents additional recomnendations which were not incorporated into the ! revisions and the reasons for inclusion. Supporting I information is included in the Appendix. 'I 3 2.0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS 2. PROPOSED REVISION 60.3 0 Boarding, ew-Ee���p� Roomin , or Roomin and Boardin House: a building des��pe - 9P-6P-d�e - ew-a s�p� e-�arrN�y-er-�►ve-€arr��y-dwe��#pg-a��-eep�a{p}pg-gaes� weems-wqewe-�e�g�pg;-w��q-ew-w��hea�-r�ea�s;-�s-�wev�de� €e�-ee��epsa��ew-ep-a-wee�C�y-ew-r�s��h�y-ba�#s.or structure which re uires licensin as a boardin house, roanin ouse, or roomin and board n house under Cha ter 335A, _ections t rouq , o t e t. au Leg s at�ve Co e D CUS N � Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are � consistent with related legislation. Generally, these facilities are located in buildings designed for resi- dential family use. Rooming houses contain guest rooms where lodging is provided for compensation to six or more people. Boarding houses provide meals for five or more people for periods of one week or more for compensation. Rooming and boarding houses provide both of these services. . PR ED S 6 .3 Comnun�ty Res� entia ac� ty: -��a�e GHAN�� �dj�3��' �{�e�sed-��eb�-be�e-er-#es�e�-ke�e-ser��wg-r�ep�a��y-we- -�..EMM��tT"� � �e. ,�,�. �a�ded-ep-��ys�ea��y-kar�l{e q�ed-,�ewseps: �ti,�?� ��a^ � ����.,c. � � r � Ov� r�c+,;,�,.:�u�.���, or ovtic zt.rru a. , c�3 � '�i� t�'t U� �� . c ren; � t� a-��.� u ,��j�-'� yjd,�,-�- i i . ersons who are mental l retarded h sical l • �+� � � • ��� andicapped, mentally il , or chemicallv depen ent; or � � �,SWtr �, ���}�,� 5-� iii . persons who are placed there bv a court, court • � � J � serv�ces de artment arole authorit or other • �'�'��� ��`�h • correctiona a enc avin �s os�t�ona ower ��;�, � INpu,ttP�', over persons c arqed w�th or convicte o a � � ^ �� ��,���, crime or adjudicated delinquent � '�► � r side on a twenty-four hour basis in order to receive food, lodging, care, training, education , supervision, habilitation, rehabilitation or treatment the need but wh ch for an reason, cannot be furnished in t eir own home. Comnunit res entia faci ities nc u e ut are not imited to, a. Residential facilities which re uire licensin b t e Minnesota Department o Pu ic We are un er: Gl�►�: (q��o): SGti*..�, �,s -b .�,���a.s.+�,� �:�--w��e.�- ���er�,esf. „ �� N �� u e i - arin nst tutions; � I. �r ���, „� , �r. � . Ru e 8, Grou Homes; {�y�✓�.�,�� �����,ti �, . Ru e 3 , ersons who are mental l retarded; y., . u e ine r ate an ru e en ent ersons• Q ��- "L�, c', . Ru e 6, menta i ersons; an �� u e 0, sica an �ca ed ersons. A �����?�s� ����� �.�1�!'�J ' b. Residential facilities �►hich re uire licensin or cert ication b t e innesota De artment of _p� L•��' ���`�� GV�'� Corrections or Ramsey County We are�De�artme�i- 0/Y"'� l � �� �4`�,�� includin Comnunit Corrections Fac�"lities �ult �1 ,.�C E�1� '�..t�'Ii M Y+1 �a a y Houses. ` s � t e,r. l a e s-;-. �'�+ , `�"' W".�D�Wav1�c..,,Ee+:re��rous �`�� i��"�'�` '^"0��� _ �� �� 1��� �1�. Boardin Care Homes and Rooming and Boarding Houses w�iic are reco nize t e Ramse Count e are �����yy��� p�,�� ��,�� De artment or ot e�r Count _We fare Department as resources , e i ib e1 for ub Tic reim ursement, or (.b'�iltf�L(7Y� �TS,�,�f'y�� rp ov� i�n _resi entia services to persons w o are _,��,,� � ������ mentaT iT o1—r chemicaT y dependent; and, LL�� � ,�.1�. Rooming and Boarding Houses which provide services ` to ersons who have been char ed with or convicted • f o a crime and have been aced there b a court, �✓���r� �� �' '�Wi�� court services e artment, aro e aut orit , or � - `�,�,�5 � -- ot er correcti ona a enc . • {.t-�r�r ��� (Gy;t�J'�y,,' ����c ,� .1Q,y ,t,v� 8fts_�d�ea��- R,- = specifically exclude hospitals, fj; � • ,pr s ons an_ re �ormator�es. . � �� Q1IV�.Y/�. 11�d/YLI. {� � ���I�C���Q�: Q.��j .�iO.�, �ilt�v�� ` , • �tQ'�' D SCUS ION GA'rts,ts�►�' �n1vu��'t�kx�. rvl'�iv�"�lnp dd,�,l,vK�Q-W . . This definition combines and expands upon the two y�a�, �,ar�s���6l� Gh. definitions currently used in the Zoning Ordinance. Two � • ' � ��(,� separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts "h ►� . -t �� is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recomnended i��`�- �n-� C.l.S that definitions be based on state definitions. In -F-- • addition , use of terms which reflect relevant legislation �"4 �� `��� and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding � ' � of the Zoning Ordinance. �� � ��tl �c�.�• The definition attempts to clearly identify comnunity residential facilities for zoning purposes. Although not all comnunity residential facilities require programmatic licensing, those that do are specifically identified by their license. To the extent possible, the definition in- corporates language from related state legislation for consistency. Only the facilities under "a" are covered by the Public Welfare Licensing Act. Saint Paul 's definition is broader than that of the Public Welfare Licensing Act because there are many facilities which serve as community resi- dential programs but do not require DPW licensing and, therefore, are not covered by the Act. 5 I ���'�'��� Specific examples of such facilities include correctional , facilities which will be licensed by the Minnesota Depart- ', ment of Corrections. Both "b" and "d" cover these : facilities. In addition, there are a number of facilities within ' Saint Paul which are not licensed by either state agency ' but which are essentially corrmunity residential facilities. , Halfway houses for people recovering from chemical depend- ency are one example. Facilities for people who are mentally ill are the other notable case. Although they are under DPW's licensing jurisdiction, a moratorium has been placed on requiring licensure because of complexities associated with continuing federal funding assistance to �i the people needing care. � •3 PR POSED REVISIO � i N 60.3 a Nars�ng-Her�e-e� Boar �ng Care Home. -s�wae�dwe �, w{�I�-s�ee��p�-we�s;-wke�e-�e�seps-awe-qedse�-ew-}e��ed a�d-awe-€awp�she�-w;�h-r�ea�s,-pd�s�pg-a��-r�e��ea�-eawe: , A buildin or structure where a ed or infirm ersons ! resi e on a - our asis in or er to receive custo ial ' care and re ated persona serv�ces i I ! D SCUSSION ' Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. � Generally� board and care homes serving five or more I persons are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. i ' � . R ; -� - �e��- e�e,- esa ep a =--a- a� }��-e�-s�waE b�e � wbe�e-�e�seps-�es��e-�ew-����eses-e€-weHa�;���a�3ep� �pea�r�e�a�3-e�-s�eE�a�-ea�e;-ap�-wM�eq-�s-196�-d-�9RMRtlii���r Res}�ep�ia�-�aE�}��y-as-�e€;pe�-�p-�ee��ep-6A:3�6E��; bewe;�=--Saek-�ewseps-�ay-be-ew�hape�;-sd€€e�-ehe��ea� � ew-er�e��epa�-�r�pa;wrflep�3-s�-sa�€e�-see�a�-�a�ad 'as�r� � ew-de�e��epey= 9 ep� i � � DISCUSSION Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recomnended that definitions be based on state definitions. In addition, use of definitions and terms which are re- lated to relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. 6 2.5 PROPOSED REVISION 60.339 6reap-He�e Faci ity Resident: A person who wes���p� resides in a Community Residential FaciTity 6wea�-He�e-�ew-�ke-�aw�ese-e€-weee}v�pQ-weha�����a��ep; �wea��ep�-e�-s�ee�a�-eawe: and contributes toward meeting the Facility's licensed capacity. DISCUSSION Comnunity residential facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using licensed capacity to determine the facility's size is straightforward and consistent. This licensed capacity includes only those people residing in the facility to receive a service, not the operator, staff, or their children. 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION 60.365 1 Nursin Home: a building or structure where a e or infirm persons reside on a 24-hour basis in order to receive nursing care an re a ed services. DISCUSSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consister�t with relevant legislation and regulations. Nursing ��ouies are licensed by the Minnesota Uepartmer�t of� Fle�il i;h: � 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 THROUGH R-4 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS �����;� 3. PROPOSED REV SION 60. Principa Uses ermitte : �'o���aw�o.s G�� ��'I�''���� ' j . tA���a�e-��ee�se� . C��M��-�-; � �� serving six (6) or fewer r�ep�a��y-we�awded-ew � • ��ys�Ea���-hapd#ea��e�-qewseps.- facility residents. ��'���.��L�,a�v'v� • , DISCUSSI N State legislation requires that all Corrmunity Residential Facilities licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for six or fewer be permitted single-family residential uses. This requirement should apply to all facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. 3.2 PROPOSED REVISION � 60.413 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions Ck}�i�v'aC- '.=;`�%���: es--�es�de+��#a�-6�ee�q-He�es-sab�ee�-�e-�qe-€e��ew�Ag 86R����9RSt �.. �p�`�41Ytiv�ly'v�.��l�y���n,�` G-�.,r�.s S�iWI StX ��, �,, 4}�--ae-�ewe-�kap-�ep-4�9�-g�ea�-her�e-res�de��s-�ary � � , _ � . � �e-qease�-�p-e�ceess-e€-�he-qewseps-a��ewed-by ^ ,V-Q�,,.•}�C.�'�t� ��IC��� .Q.lx..�uc�s�� �qe-�e€�����e�-e€-'-'#ar���y";-exee��-�ba� �� � �1 � � � � s�wtie�awes-des�Qpe�-61°-198YV�y-�d���-s�ee#€;ea��y , :,�,�.�,�pS� 51��lL�"Ta � �6P-SdEI9-tlSE-Ridy-d��6W-d-�1°ed�El°-par�be�-�wev;�ed � �ha�-a��-e�hew-espd���ews-e€-��ee�a�-dse-Pew�n#� ��.�ttr��.��o�" �ji'►'�.1,1N�'w��' •��saapee-awe-�+e�: �,i,�f�v�-t� r !�".�-o.�.�-' 1nit ��`�. E�3--�qe-�{p��ar�-�e�-s;�e-�s-�ba�-�wesEw��e�-€ew-epe �.1�;c7L `Z-�'I�' €ar��}y-dwe���p�s-€ew-��e-��S�P�E�-�19-wM�eh-�he , U��.O� �L COtiY6 • �RB���d��9Hd�-�wed�-qe�e-�s-}eea�ed.- . � • (,• ��t��t,�"�(��;�t�IDS� �ti {3�--A-r�#p�r�a�+-d�s�apee-e€-};3�A-€ee�-w�}}_be-re�d�red �e�wee�-�e��p�-�s�s-a5e�-€ew-Res�dep��a�-6reaq -�'�C�Jl,y�l� -��1^- .�h,��•,�u.5 He�e-Fae�����es: y,,i�.;r,,,��+,,:�t,,,,,�, c�s�,,,,.U�, �a��.Q,h,�,�" �ryt� ,�.Q .yYux��StGQ Gt,L<.,1� � � T S C US S I ON �-6 � `'���� �Al l faci 1 i ties for s i x or fewer should be rm' (� � pe itted in � .✓�c���l, single-family residential districts . However, in addition � to the licensed capacity of a facility, staff inembers often , reside at the facility and additional staff ma�y, depending C�j��jr: �, �N�SR�.�"' on the faci 1 i ty, work shi fts. When a faci 1 i ty serves more than six residents, the resulting density is not consistent �L'+�t ��d'J��'�j• with the intent of one-family districts which are designed ' V to be low density. 8 �������� ,.�, w C.DwtM�N�v#�Of���N���� _01� �? � `�� �aw` �vo� c.�v�.�tu� .�,,�.. ���� �o �-,,�,k�, i�z�c, ��-" � � � �u'�''`�� -�d L ��Vil �ti ..Q,i.�.�P�c��S�►, J � . '��� w� �s��f� �.��� ,� �" ��a� . . . � ��.� tG�, e�.c� r-�"�c�►�� a+-���+.c,..P 'y�. u�. . .� . o�`•� � . � �/�.t� (�l1 t�t1l vt�n �..'l �.�t,,�� ��. WI,�Q,i�vP�v.�"' ���Q,C�t.C,y . v , �� . � t�-�-�w�uu�.. �'-�.. r�ti -d .�-;- t��� -�;6-c,e� �'�l,�v► � .; /� �, � ��l`'1^,��-.3�(,�L, (��i, �r �-�•�'Ut�j'��1.4. YL�I�t/LI/1:� �� � , ;� ., �. fi-�1 c�novv�y�,� l�i����-� ,�����. -���, t��,si� cs2. r �,v�ti �s t►�z� n , � � � � -• � - �v�u�d � ovY� ���,��. Ccs�y�w� ' � ���.t-� !��'�'0 �.� C�Q"b���"t(TTiL (�S• �, � �,�ry�� , ��. �� y �'s ��r�., l3Z0 ���,.�� . ���un�s �. � �lPa.C.��nS'` aw �. - . �� w� � �e. �� (-�w� � C���a.v�c� w�¢. , �QV�.� �' "�1 V �����i�;s,�f v,�y�• � �".�"� ���t�r'`�,A-� yt�;�'"`� �,�&,�` (�t1'Gl;ti�v�la:y�.t� �l�vv�1,.,.� 0 t1�, `.�yC OrL � vt�- W���� l��1�1` t�.Q�c{ �'p � ��,l�.> . � � ��n�r�-e� � . �v�` � 6?� -���.�- � � � w�U--P� 1�� �.� �-�-=�us�i�, C,�► . . �" . ���� � , ���.c� �� f� �� �v . �v -�a ��- ��:���..�i�., . �.c.��� �a � � ,1 " �l ��`� Wte�. bt� I 7��.-C� .�� ��',�,�.: �,v.� t��Q �'-G�",�,� � �- c�,. . . , � . 4 yva,0�t,C��'i�y' t�� ��v'�6'�� �y1WU.���(,�:� Gl�-r�y� CS , � � b� � wew f,�,�y� r.�cti � �'�%'..�.��� �t�v�, �,t� , � y � . � '� J � �.�4 4.0 REVISIONS TO RT-1 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 4.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.423 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions c. A Comnunit Residential Facility 6wed�-Ne�e servin� seven or more facilit residents subject to the 0 owing con itions: (1 ) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling unless the Community Residential Facility 6wea� He�e occupies the entire structure. (2) We-�ewe-�hap-�ep-{}8�-�web�-�e�e-wes��ep�s-�ay �e-pease�-;p-exeess-e#-�pe-�e��ens-a}�ewed-by �qe-de€�����ep-e€-'-'�a���y-'; It does not serve more than sixteen (16 facilit residents except . t at structures esigne or new y u� t specifi- cally for sdeq-ase 9�r-eater�_ca�ac�__ty� may allow a greater number provi�' e�c. that a�o her cond i ti ons of Special Condition Use are met. (3) Subject to the rovisions of 64.209 d the minimum ot size or Communit Res� entia acilities is that prescri e or a one- ami y we ing us three hundred (300) square feet for each faci ity resident over and above six res�dents. In addition, ommunit esi ent a aci ties serv�n more t an GH�y,���,, (q�L�r�iv�: s�xteen 6 residents s a meet t e requ�rements ` for hei ht, ard setback, and maximum ercent of (41�' � �.�- �-� �L;��,4T-����;, �� ' ot occu ied main ui in set ort in 1 ect on . 00, sub ect to t e rov�s�ons of �• ��/! f� t�l�'�wv�--°�.. 6 . 09 d . c� � � , ' ?�1 .- � r (�� ►=��.�:�v�C�t � 1�1`�.,�., �.. i,��, (4) � ' :.snb� �._t-o � , �r.c�islt� b4,.2Q9-1�-���•mf�,imum � m _�-'<. .,�U�V'�Q,E� _C� t►�9.v�w� �d�stane�-a� j3g8-�ee��,i- - -he re�ui r�ed -be.tween "'L'�71�� �.��,, 't�:�� t� t,. -�°�ir�9._1�otS us�ed-for.Cc�mmaa�-- side�ti.d]--fredp � , � , He�e�--fac�-�i t��es� servi sev 3 .._or.--mor�. le: ����1�'�w�t�'L� {�t.�v�'t+aa �� d s��rices..-ar�as "�=�.c;�s�..o,�c��d,i,� �,��:`�.�L � . ����.i,� 'i�tsl�.t.ia�--FaC i 1't i S"l��e+a-sed-°h '�p����, t innesvta.._ art�nt...o ., _�,� rve.. 1.�_wl4o ar� �a3fi" tarde�-er G(�`��i�t�i'r'-: �✓1f�Vi�l�s�.� 5{�0+�. �,�,*- h ,s �a ha�d�ica -must--tre�-�� in}m�tm...u€� �; ' D-. eet ..f-rbin �� o r Co�rnu�fit Res �t�l �-p'V��,Q:�i�-�,G�,�G �'L rN�L Faci�-tta.�$.. �-i�e�rsed by�Fie_.b�rmeso�a--E3ep,artment y�'UY1riA�� ✓VL-��Vt�i1'G(i� �y� r^�i i��_M�.�t�:-t �� �i7D�.��/1�T�-a'1"�:: r� r .,.�1,�,�'�`�,�,i�.�� .✓ ij 1�W1�� ..Wr"�'y'f�.��f,fJL�'��1 , � �V.�.. �b r '�"�.,v�•. �f�.2� f.L""r����:°,.W►�u�i�, ��t(:�E>�.�-�G�ti.:t . �f� �f1-D (1In'tyA` �A 1'�!'�-�✓LX�1.JV~�, � 1�7 V: %� !`�i�{��,fj"l.r'�;a �I�'��l•'�,�.� . � �J � �y��, r �7 i�;1;�aY:v���l�- ��fr/L J�' .:> i�J'l:.^�� �����R'�.� €.L�..:Z `>��';�� �'`���✓�,�.�'�[,G� '1t"`�'��'f.%'v'P°��. f , f �s). A'�lk\��b�er.��br�i��Res�T�t�tS�a•�i.,f�,�i�'hes. . �''�� �a 1x�n-�mam.-ef �'�,h ��O..Yeet,.^from� �oc�mani 'i t'a 5 c' ,� ;�.w ther-r � �b�� �.-ah'r�es�o°L�} D�gen�.tmen�� �D►'e u�2Y'P��11D,'�.^-- � ------.. ��`a-t�trri, -ReS.i�derrt.ia�-�'fa�c�''Cfi� �i-s._aa�c�ri�ed�o �srer,.v�mo-r� a n s�,.,�he s� �ter,�equ T re� fier�ts�.wti.L7 � 5 There shall be one 1 off-street arkin s ace for ever two 2 facilit residents sub 'ect to ' the rovisions of 64.209 d . 6 Permission for S ecial Condition Use a lies to the Comnunit Residentia Faci �t on as on as icens�ng, purpose, size or ocation o not � change• DISC S N This section allows Corrmunity Residential Facilities to locate in RT-1 , RT-2, RM-1 and RM-2 Residential Districts subject to the conditions listed. Specific reasons for �hanges in conditions arP .,� follows : C(2) Comnunity Residential Fac��lities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Usir�,q this capacity to determine facilitysize is a more cuns�stent method than determination on a case by case basis by zoning (see section 2.5). The limit of sixteen is chosen to be consistent with state legislation which specifies that programs licensed by the Department of Pub�ic W4lfare for seven through sixteen persons are permi.,te� r��u�ti-fami ly uses, al though the municipality may attach ��ecial conditions. This change increases the basic capa�:i*� allowed most facilities from fourteen to sixteen. It dF�:reases the basic capacity allowed facilities for perscns who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped from twenty to sixteen. In addition to making Saint Paul 's regulations consistent with S tate legislative criteria, this change treats Cor�nunity Residential Facilities equitably. Few structures have been specifically designed to serve as Community R�sidential Facilities. Occasionally, existing apartment i�u�ldings or nursing homes can be converted to Comnunity i�esidential Facilities or a new structure is built. Although ch��ice of any numerical cut-off is , in part, arbitrary, tht� ability of providers to find suitable facilities must be r,�aighed against the impact of a higher density on the neighborhood. While access to larger facilities should be allowed, the higher density requires 10 more stringent conditions if the intent of the Zoning Ordinance is to be protected. C(3) Under the current provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, a Community Residential Facility could house from fourteen to twenty persons in any existing building on a lot which is only 5,000 square feet. The proposed change will require lots varying from 5,300 square feet for seven residents to 8,000 square feet for 16 residents, thus helping to assure adequate lot siie given density without placing an excessive burden on providers seeking new facilities. Under the existing Ordinance, Community Residential Facilities licensed for more than sixteen persons can also be located on a 5,000 square foot lot. Facilities of this size should be required to meet all regulations � for new buildings in the zoning district to protect the intent of the Ordinance. � � � C(4) The proposed changes result from combining the definitions of Comnunity Residential Facilities and� Residential Group Homes and state legislative mandates for facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. Because there are situations where unique physical char- acteristics , such as a bluff line or highway divide facilities, this requirement should be subject to modification under the provisions of 64.209(d) . C(5) Increas�d vehicular traffic and congestion on residential streets can result from the combination of facility resi- dents and staff who work at the facility. On the other hand, some Comnunity Residential Facilities do not allow � . residents to have access to vehicles or serve people who cannot drive. In those instances, upon verification, parking requirements should be subject to modification to prevent undue hardship. C(6) This condition is included to clarify the fact that per- mission to conduct the special condition use is contingent on each of these factors and that if any of them change, permission to conduct the use must be reviewed and ma�y also change. 11 4.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.423 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions �.--6e�ap��y-Res��ep��a�-�aE#����es-sa��ee�-�e-�he �6��6W�R�-E6H����6RSt E��--��-ska��-pe�-�e-�eea�e�-}�-a-�we-€a�#�y-�we����� ap�ess-�qe-eer�ap{�y-wes��ep��a�-€ae����y-eeed��es �be-ep�iwe-s�waE�dwe.- E��--Ne-�e�e-�ha�-�6-ee�dp��y-wes��ep��a�-€ae����Y wes#�ep�s-�ay-�e-�eased-�p-e�eess-e€-�qe-�ewseps a��ewe�-�y-�be-�e€�p���ep-e�-'-'€a���y",-e�ee�� �ba�-s�waE�dwes-�es�Qpe�-ew-�ew�y-�a���-s�ee#€- � �ea��y-€ew-s�eh-ase-�ay-a��ew-a-�wea�e�-pd��ew �wev��e�-�qa�-a��-e��e�-Eep����eps-s€-S�eE�a�. 6ep����ep-�se-ape-�e�.- �33--�qe-�ap��d�-�s�-s��e-�s-�ha�-��esew��e�-€ew-e�e €a���y-�we����gsr �43--A-��p��a�-��s�apee-e€-3AA-€ee�-w;�}-�e-we�d�we� �e�wee�-�ew�pQ-�e�s-ase�-€ew-6erw�dp��y-Res��e���a� Fae�}���es: DISCUSSION This section is deleted as the result of incorporating the definitions of "Comnunity Residential Facility" and "Residential Group Home." 12 5.0 REVISIONS TO RM-1 LOW DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT �":�}�;;�'� � �,y'v.. �. 5. PROPOSED RE ISI N 60.4 3 Pr�ncipa Uses Permitted Sub�ect to Specia Conditions b. Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , rooming and roomin and boarding houses which are not Communit Resi entia Facilities, provi'�e�t�iat, in a t on • to the ot area for the dwelling unit, a lot area is provided of one thousand (1 ,000) square feet for each guest room in excess of two (2) guest rooms. CUSSION . This revision is required because terms and definitions are being revised to conform with those used in licensing and to differentiate between rooming or rooming and boarding houses which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 13 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2, MEDIUM DENSITY LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . R D E IS ON 0. 53 Principa Uses ermitte Su �ect to Specia Conditions c. Nursing homes and boarding care homes which are not Comnuni t Res i denti al Faci 1 i ti es provi d�tTie yard requirements or mu t p e- ami y use in this district are applied. This revision is included in order to differentiate between nursing or boarding care homes which serve as � Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. s�. ��i � �r 14 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 HIGH-DENSITY, � HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . PROP SED REVISION 60.46 Pr ncipa Uses Perm�tted c,�to�t�aEC� u�o�: :D1.�r�-s � j d. ti�- servin six 6 or fewer resi ents. U""'� 7.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.463 Pr ncipa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions c,+���NU�• C�/���� G. �A"����''"'�� ���`�'� �'a'A Co�mn�unit �Residential Facility serving seven (7) or more . �iTit resi'aents su�6'ect to t e con it�ons set ort�— �C��,�,�, �,� 5i K ��0� 0'1. or - wo- ami es ent�a i s tri cts �n ect on ' �•�� � 0. 3 c , Pr nci a Uses Perm�tte Sub ect to �:�n,��'� pec a Con i ti ons. �'.�. c� fo-�t, C�v�dtifco�rc �;�' ��'i'In, R�1 D I SCUS N �'`� �� �� � This second revision, 7.2, is necessary to be in conformance ' ' with the Public Welfare Licensin Act. This legislation ���'��� � � mandates that all Community Residential Facillties licensed v0.4�3���� �n�� � by the Mi nnesota Department of Publ i c Wel fare for seven or ���,,,�,� S�r,t- ��� more persons be permitted uses in multi-family residential , districts, although the municipality may attach special �,ry�t��f��. conditions . This provision should apply to all Comnunity Residential Facilities if the Ordinance �s to be equitable. Similarly, equitable treatment would allow smaller faci1lties in RM-3 districts as well . ��,�,�h1�': � �NI-3 Zdvt4. � 4��"C�:UL'� .Ct�/G�u� �ivt I�'� f�,1{��' , � . .V ,�,� � 6�. �,st�-�.G� —r.,�r�..�, � e �`..��-wr;.� �.v+,c��yti � a��►. . �.. �),�y►���5� i�'����'��! 1� �.�,+..��� �--��I� �"t, �PM�P�t./ �.� �,n,w � ����'t.a.i �ne:��$,�C�s� ;rrv �'�� w�-o�l.t, �� � � . � ��QQS�,d G���'''v�-� . J 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B-1 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 8. PROP SE REVISI N . 8 Principa Uses Permitte Su �ect to Spec a Conditions ��N�� ��y�.,/,�� : d. A Community Residential Facility subject to the '""! fol owing cond t'ons : �)�Wlw'�����'�r'�l�u�i,t2c ��� •�C����pa�� 1 Mixed Community Residential Facilitv and U'"�� commercia uses must meet the condit�ons ,���t` �(�Q,y��J������, set forth or mixed uses in Sect on 60. 84(c) . �'`�� y�'`'�`�� � G���� ��omnunit Residential Facilities licensed for �-,��ti� -p��, �� ta..�, �„�' �{ seven or more ac� i t res ents must meet � . � � . �,hi,��� the conditions set forth or RT- Two-Fami QrtiQ'��ti� ���►"�� U Residentia Districts in Section 60. 3 c , ���y ��,,-�'�..� �..cf�3��� '� ;��{;��A �rincipa Uses ermitte u�Gject to pec3aT , �� ���u��-,����$' Conditions . U�.�, ��.,�.k,��-t�� � DI CUSSI N Gt�MM��T: �vZCQ � t� This revision would allow Comnunity Residential Facilities _ to locate in B-1 , 6-2 and B-3 districts , subject to the � ,��-�,�� 7,a�,.Q,` same provisions that apply to facilities in Residential . • Districts and to mixed comnercial and residential uses -� �GiD+� C in the business district under consideration. From a . comnunaty standpoint, this revision would provide greater � ��'T-� G opportunity for providers to find suitable locations � �„J,�,�`,y,�,� ���,,p without increasing density patterns unduly. Basically, , � it allows Comnunity Residential Facilities to be treated �� as residential uses in Business Districts as long as the . �. .. ��. . conditions which apply to Facilities and the conditions �'�Q,.� ..�1,�yv�.p�,, SI�C fL which apply to mixed use are; met. �.�►���. D�S `I� Oti�% ,�� ' -� �z�,��.! u�-v�.��-� . �� 16 9.0 REVISIONS TO B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRI �,��.,�,,�, , ��c��.. . � . R SED REV ON 6 . 0 Principa Uses erm tte a. All Principal Uses Permitted and Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in OS-1 , B-1 , and B-2 Districts , except auto service stations and Community Residential Facilities, and meeting at least the m�nimum con �t�ons mposed in each district. , D SCUSSION This revision is required so that the conditions which Saint Paul has established for Community Residential � Facilities apply throughout the City. , R . rinc pa Uses ermit e u �ect to pec a Condi ti ons j . Communit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re u a e n - an - us i n es s Di s tr cts un er Principa Uses Permitte Su ject to Specia Conditions. D CUSSI N The rationale for allowing Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 and B-2 Districts a ly in B-3 Districts as well , as long as the special condi��ions are met. 17 10.0 REVISIONS TO B-4 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT . R SED R V S N . Pr nc pa Uses ermitte u �ect to pecia Conditions The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, sub 'ect to the cond tions here nafter im osed for each use and subject to the review and approva of the P anning Commission. a. Comnunit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re u ated �n B- B- an B- Bus ness D stricts un er Princ�pa Uses ermitte u �ect to pec a Co�n i ti ons. DI CU S ON The rationale for allowing Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 and B-2 Districts as long as the special conditions are met apply to B-4 Districts as well . 10. PRO S D R V 6 : 60. Area, Bu an ar et ac equ rements U I This change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 18 11 .0 REVISIONS TO B-5 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11 .1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.522 Principal Uses Permitted q:-E�A3 i . Mission type uses. DISCUSS N This change is a correction. Mission uses are currently listed under "manufacturing uses" which is not appropriate. . R rinci a ses ermitte u �ec to ec a � Con it�ons The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, subject to the con it�ons ereina ter im ose or eac use an sub�ect to the review and approva o the P anning Comniss on. a. Comnunity Residential Facilities as permitted and � regulated in B-1 , B-2, B-3 and B-4 Business Districts. DISCUSSION The rationale for allowing Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 Districts as long as the special conditions are met applies to B-5 Districts as well . .3 PROPQSED REVISION 6A:6 3 60.5 Area, Bu k, and Yard Setback Requ rements DISCUSSION The change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 19 12.0 REVISIONS TO I-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ������ 12. PROPOSED REVISION 60.534 Principa Uses Permitted Sub�ect to Specia Conditions a. All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-3 Business District under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions except Community Residential Facilities. e. Prisons , reformatories, and other correctional institutions which are not Comnunity Residential Facilities. DISCUSSION These revisions are included in order to differentiate between facilities which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not and to assure that this primarily residential use is not allowed in an industrial district. 20 13.0 REVISIONS TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS 3. PROPOSED REVISI N 62. 03m 2 n �ps���a��e�a Comnunity Res�dentia Facilities 6wea�-He�es.- D SCUSSION This change is required so that terms used in the Ordinance are consistent. zi � 14.0 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS In addition to the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance, the following recomnendations were made during the course of the 40 Acre Study. The following sections present those directed toward the City and in some instances, suggest additional action. They are not proposed amendments for the Ordinance itself. . D ecause istrict counci s meet mont y, ays notice to the affected district was recommended. Representatives of the Comnunity Residential Facilities indicate that, in most instances , this will not have an adverse effect on their ability to find and obtain suitable locations. Although there are occasions where the requirement may make the time-line for providers tight, the requirement is not excessive. C E EDD Planning Comnission approval of a resolution requiring notice of application for special condition use for Comnunity Residential Facilities to be mailed 45 days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee. This notice will be mailed to the district council president and comnunity organizer as soon as application for special condition use for a Comnunity Residential Facility is re- ceived.' Although the date of the public hearing on the application will not be known at that time, it would be scheduled for at least 45 days from the date of mailing. � All other notices will comply with current requirements and be sent to representatives of the district affected as well as property owners within 350 feet of the zoning lot in question. . N N- D N ten, the concerns expresse by a ne g bor oo are t e TREATMENT FACILITIES result of a combination of programs in one neighborhood�. Specific examples include drug treatment drop-in centers in close proximity to Comnunity Residential Facilities. It is not clear whether or not there is a problem. However, concerns have been expressed consistently enough over time to warrant further study. PROPOSED ACTI N The Zoning staff should identify the types of non- residential programs which are in question and, if appro- priate, request a 40-acre study to amend the Zoning Ordinance in order to determine the impact on neighborhoods and how they can be alleviated. 22 4.3 PROGRAM MONITORING Throughout the study, concerns were expressed which relate to features of Comnunity Residential Facilities which are not appropriately addressed by zoning. A major concern is proper monitoring of programs once they have received their initial license and funding. Facilities are monitored at the State level on a regular basis. In addition, the County reviews funding contracts annually. Frequently, however, neighbors are not offered a formal opportunity to provide input into these reviews. Yet, neighbors may be able to provide insights into the facility for those licensing and funding Comnunity Residential Facilities. REC ENDED C N Planning Comnission approval of a resolution asking the Saint Paul City Council to go on record supporting in- creased communication between other governmental agencies who license and fund Comnunity, Residential Facilities and the residents of the area surrounding facilities. . EQ L D S RI ION A specia condition imit ng the popu ation of Comnunity OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL Residential Facilities to 0.5� of the total citizen par- FACILITIES ticipa�ion district population and placing an upper limit on the number of facilities in each district based on total population was recomnended. The intent of this recomnendation is to reduce concentration of facilities. • The fieed for requirements beyond the distance requirements currently included in the Ordinance has not been documented. • In addition, the data requirements associated with this recomnendation would make it very difficult to implement. Representatives of District 4 asked that they be put on record as recomnending these requirements, although the difficulties in implementing it were accepted. RECOMMENDED ACTION Continued monitoring of Community Residential Facilities for evidence of concentration. 23 � bZ f� � � � -70,1 � 70 ;o • 70 A A O� � �n � .x � � � N � A' W N -� N� � � �� w� pi � � `j � � � > > �o O �+ N -r N � � IV -• ao � n A �s A � � ►r.+ cN'� ....�. r.r. .y �r. n r. n�• w �n �n -� � -n r �� �° » �o o r, � � � 3 v � �m 9 +'! �'! +° � � � ... � � N -�G � . �� �3 �` ft � at at ac at a[ � O �.r C 5 � � 7D 7O 7� 70 70 �r N y G7 R1 � � � � f"� .N.r �. N �Ni. � � � � �C � � � G' A A N � A Z O f�'1�1 �' rr 7 7 '� � r � � � .`�. � G�70 x m � � � � � � �� + C P� .y A w w c.� v+ o� v � �! or= C� a.. � � � o S 75 g c� �ir � "� 7t0 � � oo .+ u+-. � Z � + + tn r r � p � p f*1 �N Z ' ; N N 'q � �A ',1 � •Ci O O O �� 0. ±� � . � � v � • y� p O � O tJf fd fJ W W td tJ W � � N� � � � � � � O O p Q p O O O O �� �� � . 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SECTION 6 . 9 d W en speci �c reference is ma e to t s paragraph 6 . 09d) in Sections 60.413 through 60.607, the Planning Comnission, after public hearing may modify specified special conditions , when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure, provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health , morals and general welfare of the comnunity and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Sections 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain . � in force and effect and shall not be superseded or waived by any such modification of a specified special condition. 28 .- ������ city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 79'8� date ,2-,4-�9 WHEREAS, public notice for consideratlon of requests for special condition use for Comnunity Residential Facilities is now given at least ten days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Gomni ttee; and WNEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide sufficient time to the representative comnunity group and neighbors of a proposed Comnunity Residentlal Facillty to fully analyze the proposed Facility in order to provlde public testimony; and WHEREAS � district councils and other comnunity groups normally meet monthly: NOW, THEREFORE. 6E IT RESOLVED. that the P1anning Commission requests . as a matter Of policy, that the Planning Adminstrator notify affected districts through their comnunity organizers and District Council presidents , forty- five (45) ddys 1n advance of the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee of all requests for special condition use for Comnunity Residential Facilities. mQ� � Bryan �i��d � Ha.=99? , . in fav�or..�...,— agairut__°__ 29 i city of saint paul �5��'� planning commission resoiution file number �g -85 . date _ ,2-,4-�9 .� , WtiEREAS, the City`of St. Paul Planning Corr�nission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to Da�y Care; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has amended Minnesota Statutes 1978, Section 245.812, Subdivision 3, to specify that licensed day care facilities serving ten or fewer persons must be considered permitted single family residential uses for the purposes of zoning; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Corranittee of the Planning Comnission reviewed the ` suggested ordinance amendments and has recomnended them to the Planning Cammission for approval ; and . � WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Corr�nission did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on .„,., ,.. December 14, 1979; and � � � WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , � 2. That a �survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, � 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed are related to the ov�rall needs of the corr�nunity, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and � 4. That pursuant ta State Statutes praper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on November 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recomnends approval of the following zoning code text amendments and directs the Planning Coardinator to forward this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. m��/ed b�/ Bryan � �i�iVl IU� b�/ - Han�qi -_ in favor, �� : . agaltlSt o�— � city of saint paul planning �ommission resolution file number . �q_�� � date ,2-,4-�9 60.410 R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts 60.412 Principal Uses Permitted: ` i. Family Day Care and Group Family Day Care. 60.413 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions: Y �:--&�e��-€ar��y-�ay-ea�e;-��e�r�de�-�ha�-�e-r�e�e-�hap-�h�ee-�3} s�ek-€aE�����es-s�a��-�e-�e�a�ed-e�-��eqew�y-a�a�����-e��l�e� , s�de-s€-a-s��ee�-a��-�y#��-�e�wee�-��e-�we-wea�es�-���e�-� see��wt�-s��ee�s-ew-�e�wee�a-�qe-�ea�e��-#��e�seE���►�-s�aee� . ! a��-a-�a��wea�-�#���-e€-way3-a�sa�d��r��e�-ae�ea�e;-�ed�-e� � � wa�eps-ew-a�qe�-��ys�ea�-�aw��e�-�e-��e-ee����a��y'-e� d��re�e��e��-�-e�-be�wee�-�he-peares�-���e�seE���g--s�wee� , a�ad-�he-ee��e�a�e-�e�p�ary-���ae: �. t1'IOVeC� �JJy.�an �7CiV��� Vy . Nanq�i in favor� . against._.o.. : • �M �� %�t�.�►'v�..�� city of samt pau� . planning comm�ss�on resofution : , fiie number 79-�8 date ,2-,4-�9 � ,; WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the St, Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as i� - relates to Comnunity Residentia1 Facilities; and WHEREAS, a major concern of Saint Paul citizens is access to information related to Comnunity Residential Facilities which propose to locate or are located in their neighborhood; and . WHEREAS, these concerns relate to zoning, public funding and licensing of . Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WNEREAS, funding and licensing are the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County. ,.,� Weifare Department and the Minnesota Departments of Public Welfare, Corrections, and Hea]th; �: NOW, THER�FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission recomnends ' that the Saint Paul City Council go on recard as requesting the Ramsey `,; County Welfare Department and the Minnesota Depar�ments of Public Welfare, i; Corrections and Health to natify the City of Saint Paul , th�^ough the Zoning ,,�� Section, Division of Planning, Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment, of all proposed Community Residential Facilities or changes in _ licensing, size, purpose, or location of existing.Gommunity Residential, " ' Facilities; and , . �'�"` NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission : recorrmends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting that the Ramsey County Welfare Department and the Minnesata Departments of Public Welfare, Carrections and Nealth estab1ish procedures ta solicit input from neighbors of Corranunity Residential Faciiities as a routine part of funding and/or licensing renewal or review. � rnoved by Bryan ���d by .Levy in favor_ �8 against� , � , ; . �����'��� city of saint �aul planning commission resolution � ; f ile number 79-86 date ,2-,4-�9 , j � WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Planning Comnission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Corimittee of the Planning Commission revzewed the suggested ordinance amendments and has recorr�nended them to the Planning Comnission for approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Commission did � hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on .December 14, 1979; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the � ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , . 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 4�.acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed are re1ated to the overall needs of the corrmunity, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given�in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on November 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVfD, that the Planning Cor�nission recomnends approval of the zoning code text amendments attached fiereto as proposed in the 40 Acre Study and directs the Planning Coordinator to forr�ard the study and this � resolutian to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. m��/ed b�/ Bryan • ����d by Hanggi -- in favor �� �gairtst —. _K � . � . .. . � � � .. .� . \� � �-; RR�POSED CITY OF SAINT PAUL-ZONING �' � ���� TEXT CHANGES: RESIDENTIAL GROUR HOMES AND COMMUNITY RESIDE[dTIAL FACILITIES NOWEhB ER, 1979 APPROVED BY THE CURRENT PLANNING ANQ ZONING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: NOVEI�ER 1 , 1979 APPROVED BY THE SAIPIT PAUL PLAl�lING COMMISSION: DECEMBER 14, 1979 PLANNING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECO(�OMIC : DEVELOPMENT 1101 CITY HALL ANNEX SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA 55T02 (612) 298-4151 �� � D p D C� D � D , � ����'� ZONING TEXT CHANGES RELATED TO RESIDENTIAI, GROUP HOMES AND COt�IUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES Comnunity residential facilities are currently permitted uses subject to special conditions in most residential � zoning districts. These facilities may serve children or people who are mentally ill , mentally retarded, � physica1ly handicapped, chemically dependent, or who have been charged with or convicted of a crime. Experience with the Zoning �^dinance, changes in State . legislation, and input from neighborhood residents and group home operators indicate that revisions are appro- priate. The proposed changes include: 1 . Modifying the definitions to reflect related legislation and regulations and to make the types of facilities covered by the definitions � more explicit; . . 2. Using licensed capacity to determine the size of facilities; � 3. Permitting all facilities licensed for six or fewer persons in districts zoned R-1 through R-4 and permitting facilities licensed for seven or more persons in districts zoned for �multi-family or business use subject tb special conditions; 4. Increasing the minimum lot size required for facilities licensed for more than six persons, subject to modification by the Planning Comnission; # 5. qllowing facilities to request modification from � the distance requirements; and 6. Establishing off-street parking requirerr�nts subject to modification. . DIVISION OF PLANNIN(i • DEPARTMENT OF PLANNINCi AND EOONOMIC DEYELOPMENT • CITY C1F SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANND( • 25 WEST FOURTH STREET,SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 TEIEPHONE:612•�98�4151 TABLE OF CONTENTS ���� . . �3 a.:��:;�% < .0 IN R DUCT . HISTORY . PROBLEMS .3 PURPOSE 2 . SC PE 1 .5 METHODOLOGY 2 .0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS R SED REVISI N: RD NG R L DG N H USE .2 PROPOSED REVISION: COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITY 2.3 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME OR BOARDING CARE HOME 6 . PR SED REV SION: GR UP HOME, RES DENT AL 6 .5 PROPOSED REVISION: GROUP HOME RESIDENT 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME 7 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 g THROUGH R-4 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 8 3. P ED REV . C PE ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8 .0 REVISION TO R - TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . PROPOSEO REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES SUBJECT 0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9 4.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12 5.0 REVISIONS TO RM- LOW 3 DENSITY , LOW-RISE MULTIPLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 5.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS . 13 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2 14 MEDIUM DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 6. PR P SED REVISION: RINCIPAL USES ERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 14 i � 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 5 HIGH-DENSITY, HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R E R NC U E PER T ED . R POSED REV SI N: RIN IPA USES ERMIT ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B-1 6 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 8. PROPOSED REUISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 16 9.0 REVISIONS TO 6-3 17 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 9. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 17 9.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17 10.0 REVISIONS TO 6-4 �g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 0. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIQNS 18 0. PR POSED REVISION: AREA, BULK, AND YARO SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 18 11 .0 REVISIONS TO B-5 �g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11 . PRO�OSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 19 . PR P SED REVISION: PRINCIP L USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 19 .3 PROPOSED REVISION: AREA, BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 19 2.0 REVISIONS T - p INDUSTRIAL OISTRICT . R SED E N: L USE E ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 20 ii � ��.�� � ��, i�'C,��,,L- .; 3.0 REVISIONS TO 21 PARKING REQUIREMENTS ' 3. PROPOSED REVISION: INSTITUTIONAL GROUP HOMES 21 4.0 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS 4. ADEQUATE NOTICE 2 4.2 NON-RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITIES 22 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING 23 . EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES 23 5.0 APPENDIX 5. SECTION 6 .100 2 15.2 SECTION 64.209 d 28 15.3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING � 45-DAY NOTICE 29 iii . ' ���'� 1 .0 INTRODUCTION ��L� � � 1 .1 HISTORY For more than a ecade, federa and state po icy has encouraged residential programs located in established neighborhoods as an alternative to care or treatment in large institutions. Comnunity residential facilities include programs for people who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped, people who are being treated or are recovering from mental illness or chemical dependency and people who have been charged with or found guilty of a crime and would benefit from an alternative to probation, parole, or incarceration. As co�nunity residential facilities developed, the need for regulation became apparent. The Minnesota State Legislature gave responsibility for programnatic licens- ing to the State Departments of Public Welfare and Corrections. Authority for regulating the location, spacing and density of community residential facilities remained with municipalities as part of their traditional ioning authority. In 1975, the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance was amended to include specific recognition of community residential facilities. The Ordinance defined two types of facilities in recognition of state legislation at the time. These facilities were identified as special condition uses to be allowed in all residential districts except High-Density, High-Rise Districts as long as the specified conditions for the district were met. In 1976, state legislation was passed which defined residential facilities under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare (DPW) and estab- lished DPW's licensing responsibilities. This Act, called the Public Welfare Licensing Act, continues to grant municipalities the authority to zone comnunity residential facilities licensed by DPW. However, limits on that authority are established through the Act. Separate legislation was also passed requiring the Minnesota Department of Corrections to license all residential facil- ities used by the correctional system by the Fall of 1980. No limits to municipal zoning authority are included in this legislation. In May 26, 1978, the Saint Paul Planning Comnission passed Resolution Number 78-14 to initiate a 40-acre study on Comnunity Residential Facilities. The need for the study, and potential amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordi- nance, was based on the changes in state legislation and Saint Pau� 's experiences in apply the definitions and conditions of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 _ = ; . .2 PROBLEM Comnunity resi ent a ac ities ave een controversia for a variety of reasons. Although programmatic and funding concerns are beyond the purview of zoning, zoning can address location, spacing, and density within the limits of state legislation. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in state legislation, and concerns expressed by neighborhood resi- dents and facility operators , indicate that a number of revisions are necessary or appropriate. These include clarification of the definitions to relate more directly to state legislation, modification of conditions that are inconsistent with state legislation, and additional � conditions related to off-street parking and minimum lot size requirements. .3 PURPOSE e purpose o t e zoning text c anges s to ma e the Ordinance consistent with state legislation and to modify the conditions for use to reflect concerns expressed by neighborhood residents and operators of comnunity residential facilities. . SCOPE e propose revisions re ect �nput rom cit zens an group home operators and current state legislation. A1- though the revisions reflect current information and legislation, it is possible that additional revisions may be required in the future. .5 METHODOLOGY On May 26, 9 , the P ann ng Comnission passe Resolution 78-14 which initiated a 40-acre study on community residential facilities. As part of the study, Planning Comnission members and staff participated in a full day workshop sponsored by the Association of St. Paul Corrununities and the West Side Citizen Organization. The workshop brought together regulators , providers and neighbors of community residential facilities. Two additional meetings, devoted specifically to revisions in St. Paul 's Zoning Ordinance, were held. These meetings led to specific recomnendations for revisions from both providers and citizens. These recorr�nendations form the basis for many of the proposed changes. The Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee held a public meeting on proposed changes on August 2, 1979 and a public hearing on August 23, 1979. In addition, the City Attorney was asked to give a legal opinion on specific questions related to Saint Paul 's authority to attach � special conditions to community residential facilities. 2 . ������ This report presents proposed revisions by section. New words are underlined (underlined) and deleted words are crossed out (ewesse�-ed� . Eac proposed change is followed by a brief discussion which presents the reason for the change. A final chapter presents additional recommendations which were not incorporated into the revisions and the reasons for inclusion. Supporting information is included in the Appendix. 3 � l 2.0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS � 2. PROPOSED REVISION 60.3 0 Boarding, ew-�e�g pQ Roomin , or Roomin and Boardin House: a building des �pe - ew-ep-ase - ew-a s�pg e-#ar��y-ep-�we-#a��y-dwe}}�pg-ap�-eep�a����g-gaes� wee�s-whewe-�e�g�p�;-w��h-e�-w��hea�-�ea��;-3s-�wev#�e� €e�-ee��epsa��ep-ep-a-week�y-ew-�e��q�y-bas�s.or structure which requires licensin as a boardin house, roomin house, or roomin and boardin house under Cha ter 335A, ections t roug , o t e t. au e is at�ve Co e D Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with r.elated legislation. Generally, these facilities are located in buildings designed for resi- dential family use. Rooming houses contain guest rooms where lodging is provided for compensation to six or more people. Boarding houses provide meals for five or more people for periods of one week or more for compensation. Rooming and boarding houses provide both of these services. .2 PR POSED REV SION Comnunity Res� entia Faci ity: A-S�a�e ��eensed-g�et��-I�e�e-e�-€es�e�-�er�e-sew��pg-�e��a��y-pe- �a�ded-ew-��ys�ea���-qa�ad�ea��ed-�ewseps: a building or structure where: i . c ren; ii. persons who are mentally retarded, physicallv han icaNNed, mentally il� or chemicallv dependent; or iii . persons who are placed there bv a court, court services de artment, arole authorit or other correctiona agencv av�nq ispositiona power over persons charqed with or convicted of a crime or adjudicated deli_nquent reside on a twenty-four hour basis in order to receive food, do ging, care, training, education , supervision, habilitation, rehabilitation or treatment the need but wh ch for an reason, cannot be furnished in their own ome. Comnunity res dentia faci ities inc ude, ut are not limited to, a. Residential facilities which re uire licensin b t e Minnesota Department o Pub ic We fare under: 1 . Rule 1 , Famil and Grou Famil Foster Homes; u e , i - ar n nst tut ons; 3. Ru e 8, Grou Homes; . Ru e 3 , ersons who are mentall retarded; u e , ine riate an dru e en ent ersons; . Ru e 6, menta i ersons; and u e , p ysica y han �cappe persons. 4 1 �`#'��'�� �,,.. .. b. Residential facilities which re uire licensin or cert ication b t e innesota De artment of Corrections or Ramse Count We are De artment inc u in Communit Corrections Faci �ties, Adult a a Houses, oster omes , Grou oster Homes , or Comnun�ty Correct ons Foster Homes; c. Boardin Care Homes and Roomin and Boardin Houses w ic are reco nize t e Ramse Count e are De artment or ot er Count We fare De artment as resources, e i i e or u ic reim ursement, or rov in resi entia serv�ces to ersons w o are menta y or c emica y dependent; and, d. Rooming and Boarding Houses which provide services to persons who have been charged with or convicted of a crime and have been laced there b a court, court services e artment, aro e aut orit , or ot er correctiona agency. Residential Grou Homes s ecificall exclude hos itals, prisons an re ormatories. DISCUSSION This definition combines and expands upon the two definitions currently used in the Zoning Ordinance. Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recommended that definitions be based on state definitions . In addition , use of terms which reflect relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. The definition attempts to clearly identify comnunity residential facilities for zoning purposes. Although not all comnunity residential facilities require programmatic licensing, those that do are specifically identified by their license. To the extent possible, the definition in- corporates language from related state legislation for consistency. Only the facilities under "a" are covered by the Public Welfare Licensing Act. Saint Paul 's definition is broader than that of the Public Welfare Licensing Act because there are many facilities which serve as community resi- dential programs but do not require DPW licensing and, therefore, are not covered by the Act. 5 Specific examples of such facilities include correctional facilities which will be licensed by the Minnesota Depart- ment of Corrections. Both "b" and "d" cover these facilities. In addition, there are a number of facilities within ` Saint Paul which are not licensed by either state agency but which are essentially comnunity residential facilities. Halfway houses for people recovering from chemical depend- ency are one example. Facilities for people who are mentally ill are the other notable case. Although they are under DPW's licensing jurisdiction, a moratorium has been placed on requ�ring licensure because of complexities associated with continuing federal funding assistance to the people needing care. 2.3 PROPOSED REVISION 60.3 H Ntll°9�RQ-F�e�e-e� oar ing Care ame. -S�PliE�dP2 w��l�-s�ee��p�-�eer�s;'-whe�e-�e�seps-awe-heased-er-}e��ed apd-a�e-€��w�shed-w��h-�ea�s3-�a��s��ag-ap�-�e�}ea�-eawe: A buildin or structure where a ed or infirm ersons resi e on a - our asis in or er to receive custo ial care and re ated persona services. D SCUSSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. Generally� board and care homes serving five or more persons are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 2. PR ED : - �e��- e�ej- es� ew� a =--a- � ��g-e�-s��aE a�e wbe�e-qe�se�as-�es��e-�ew-�a��eses-e€-weha�����a��e�a3 �wea��e��-�-e�-s�ee{a�-ea�e3-ap�-wM3Eh-�s-�e�-a-6e�ap��y Res3�ep�#a�-�ae����y-as-�e��pe�-��-See��ep-6A.-3�6{���; qewe�p:--��eh-qewseps-�-be-ew�haped;-sa€€e�-eker�#ea� e�-er�e��ewa�-�rflpa�w�e��3-e�-sa#€e�-see#a�-r�a�a��as��ep� ew-de�ep�epe�: DISCUSSION Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recomnended that definitions be based on state definitions. In addition, use of definitions and terms which are re- lated to relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. 6 � ` �d����� 2.5 PROPOSED REVISION 60.339 8reap-Heme Faci ity Resi ent: A person who �es���pQ resides in a Community Residential FaciTity 6wed�-He�ne- e�-� e-�a��ese-e€-weee�v�pg-weqa��}��a��ep; �wea�ep�-e�-s�ee�a�-eawe: and contributes toward meeting the Facility's licensed capacity. DISCUSSION Comnunity residential facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using licensed capacity to determine the facility's size is straightforward and consistent. This licensed capacity includes only those people residing in the facility to receive a service, not the operator, staff, or their children. 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION 60.365 Nursin Home: a building or structure where age or �nfirm persons reside on a 24-hour basis in order to receive nursing care an re at�e s�ervices. DISCUSSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. Nursing homes are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 7 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 THROUGH R-4 � ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 3. PROPOSED REV SION . r ncipa Uses ermitte : j. A S�a�e-��ee�sed Comnunity Residential Facility serving six (6) or fewer �ep�a���-we�awde�-ew ��ys�ea��y-hapd#ea��e�-�ewseps: facility residents. D SCU S ON State legislation requires that all Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for six or fewer be permitted single-family residential uses. This requirement should apply to all facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. 3.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.4 3 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions e:--�tes�de�a��a�-6�et��-Her�es-sa��ee�-�e-�qe-€e}}�}qQ eepd���e�as= {}�--We-�ewe-�hap-�en-{�A3-��ea�-qer�e-�es�dep�s-�ra� He-qeased-�p-e�ceess-e€-�he-�ewseps-a��ewed-�y �qe-de€�����ep-e�-'-'€ar��}y'-'3-e�ee��-�qa� s�wt�e�awes-des�gped-ew-pew��r-ba���-s�eE�€�ea��y €ew-saeq-ase-r�ay-a��ew-a-gwea�ep-par��e�-qwev��e� �ba�-a��-e�Mew-Eep�#��eps-s€-S�ee�a�-d�e-Repr��� �ssaapee-aPe-r�e�: E��--�he-r�}p�r�ar�-�e�-s��e-�s-�qa�-��esew��e�-€ew-e�ae €ar�{�y-dwe��#pgs-�ew-�I�e-d�s�w�e�-#�a-wq�el�-�Me �R8���!l��9Rd�-�1°9EI�-her�e-�s-�eea�ed.- �3}--A-��p��a�-�}s�anee-e€-};328-€ee�-w�}}_be-we�a�wed �e�wee�-�e�a�pg-�e�s-ase�-€ew-Res�dep��a�-6peaq Her�e-�ae��{��es; DISCUSSION All facilities for six or fewer should be permitted in single-family residential districts . However, in addition to the licensed capacity of a facility, staff inembers often reside at the facility and additional staff may, depending on the facility, work shifts. When a facility serves more than six residents, the resulting density is not consistent with the intent of one-family districts which are designed to be 1ow density. 8 ' � 4.0 REVISIONS TO RT-1 TWO-FAMILY � RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT �+����� ���: u L.�L.��...� . 4.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.423 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions c. A Comnunit Residential �Facilit Gwea�-Her�e servin9 seven or more facilit residents subject to the 0 owing cond�tions: (1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling unless the Community Residential Facility 6wea� He�e occupies the entire structure. (2) Ne-r�ewe-�baw-�e�a-{}8�-�pea�-�eme-�es�de��s-r�ay �e-heased-�p-e�eess-e�-�We-�e��eps-a��ewe�-by �qe-de€�p���en-e�-'-'�a���y"; It does not serve more than sixteen (16) facility residents except t at structures esigne or newTy �ijt specifi- cally for saeq-bse reater ca acit may allow a greater number provided that al other conditions of Special Condition Use are met. (3) Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) the minimum o�t size or Comnunit �esi�ial�acilities is that prescri e or a one- ami y dwe ingP us.. three hundred (300) square feet for each faciTity resident over and above six residents. In addition , ommunit esi entia aci it�es servin more t an sixteen resi ents s a meet t e requirements for hei ht, ard setback, and maximum ercent of ot occu ied main bui in set orth in ection . 00, su �ect to t e rovisions of 6 .209 d . (4) Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , a minimum d stance e -�33�A-€ee� wi� be required between zoning lots used for ComnT unity Residential 6rea� Ner�es Facilities serving seven 7 or more people. These c�Ti'stances are as o ows: (a) Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed by t �e innT� esota epartment��u6'Tic GTTe aT�e to serve eo le who are mentall retarded or h sica handica ed must be a minimum of 300 eet from a ot er Community Resi ential Facilities licensed b the Minnesota De artment of Public We fare. 9 r (b) All other Comnunity Residential Facilities must be a minimum of 1 320 feet from an other Co�nun t Residentia Faci it whether icense y t e innesota Department o u ic Welfare or not. If a Corrmunity Residential Facilit is licensed to serve more than one ur ose, the stricter re uire- ments wi app y. 5 There shall be one 1 off-street arkin s ace for ever two 2 facilit residents sub'ect to the rovisions of 6 .209 d . (6) Permission for Special Condition Use a plies to the Communit Residentia Facilit on� as � as acensing, purpose, size or ocation o not change• D S SION This section allows Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in RT-1 , RT-2, RM-1 and RM-2 Residential Districts subject to the conditions listed. Specific reasons for changes in conditions are as follows : C(2) Comnunity Residential Facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using this capacity to determine facility size is a more consistent method than determination on a case by case basis by zoning (see section 2.5). The limit of sixteen is chosen to be consistent with state legislation which specifies that programs licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for seven through sixteen persons are permitted multi-family uses, although the municipality may attach special conditions. This change increases the basic capacity allowed most facilities from fourteen to sixteen. It decreases the basic capacity allowed facilities for persons who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped from twenty to sixteen. In addition to making Saint Paul 's regulations consistent with S tate legislative criteria, this change treats Community Residential Facilities equitably. Few structures have been specifically designed to serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities. Occasionally, existing apartment buildings or nursing homes can be converted to Comnunity Residential Facilities or a new structure is built. Although choice of any numerical cut-off is , in part, arbitrary, the ability of providers to find suitable facilities must be weighed against the impact of a higher density on the neighborhood. While access to larger facilities should be allowed, the higher density requires � 10 < , ;�'���� more stringent conditions if the intent of the Zoning Ordinance is to be protected. C(3) Under the current provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, a Community Residential Facility could house from fourteen to twenty persons in any existing bui]ding on a lot which is only 5,000 square feet. The proposed change will require lots varying from 5,300 square feet for seven residents to 8,000 square feet for 16 residents, thus helping to assure adequate lot size given density without placing an excessive burden on providers seeking new facilities. Under the existing Ordinance, Community Residential Facilities licensed for more than sixteen persons can also be located on a 5,000 square foot lot. Facilities of this size should be required to meet all regulations for new buildings in the zoning district to protect the intent of�the Ordinance. C(4) The proposed changes result from combining the definitions of Comnunity Residential Facilities and� Residential Group Homes and state legislative mandates for facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. Because there are situations where unique physical char- acteristics, such as a bluff line or highway divide facilities, this requirement should be subject to modification under the provisions of 64.209(d) . C(5) Increased vehicular traffic and congestion on residential streets can result from the combination of facility resi- dents and staff who work at the facility. On the other hand, some Comnunity Residential Facilities do not allow . residents to have access to vehicles or serve people who cannot drive. In those instances, upon verification, parking requirements should be subject to modification to prevent undue hardship. C(6) This condition is included to clarify the fact that per- mission to conduct the special condition use is contingent on each of these factors and that if any of them change, permission to conduct the use must be reviewed and may also change. 11 4.2 PROPOSED REVI 0 . 3 Principa Uses Permitte Sub�ect to Specia Conditions �:--&errr�b���y-Res��ep��a�-fae����#es-sab�ee�-�s-�qe �6��9W�RQ-68R����9HSi 4��--��-sha��-R9�-be-�eea�e�-�R-a-�W9-€a�}��-�we����g ap�ess-�ke-ee�a���y-wes��ep��a�-#ae����y-eE�a��es �he-ep�}we-s�wde�awe: f��--�e-�e�e-�qap-36-eert�a���y-wes��e���a�-€aE#���y wes��e��s-�ay-�e-hease�-�p-e�Eess-e#-�qe-�e�sews a��ewe�-�y-�he-de€�w���s�-e€-'-'�a���y"3-e�Ee�� �ba�-s�wae�awes-�es��pe�-ew-pew�y-�a���-s�ee��- �Ea}}y-€ew-s�eh-dse-�ay-a��ew-a-gwea�e�-Ra��e� �pev}�e�-��a�-a��-e��e�-eep�}��ews-e€-��ee�a�. 6ep����ep-�se-a�e-�e�: E3�--��e-��w��a�-�e�-s��e-�s-�qa�-��esep��e�-€e�-epe €a�#�y-�we����gs= �43--A-��p#�a�-�4s�apee-e€-39A-€ee�-w�}}-�e-we�d�we� �e�weep-�ep��g-�e�s-ased-#ew-6er+�ap��y-Res��ep��a� Fae��#��es: DI CUSSION This section is deleted as the result of incorporating the definitions of "Comnunity Residential Facility" and "Residential Group Home." 12 � „ ' 5.0 REVISIONS T0 RM-1 LOW DENSITY, LOW-RISf , MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT �d����� 5.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.4 3 Pr�ncipa Uses Permitted Su �ect to Spec�a Conditions b. Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , rooming and roomin and boarding houses which are not Communit Resi ent�a Facilities, provi e that, in a dition to the ot area for the dwelling unit, a lot area is provided of one thousand (1 ,000) square feet for each guest room in excess of two (2) guest rooms. USSION This revision is required because terms and definitions are being revised to conform with those used in licensing and to differentiate between rooming or rooming and boarding houses which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 13 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2, MEDIUM DENSITY " „ - LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL , DISTRICT . R POSED REVIS 0 0. 3 Pr nc pa Uses Permitte u �ect to Specia Conditions c. Nursing homes and boarding care homes which are not Comnunit Residential Facilities provide t e yard requ remen s or mu t p e- ami y use in this district are applied. S This revision is included in order to differentiate between nursing or boarding care homes which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 14 . 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 HIGH-DENSITY, �`'�,�;�� � HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY ��t'"`'"" ' RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 7.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.462 Principa Uses Permitte d. A Community Residential Facility servin six (6) or fewer residents. 7.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.463 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions c. A Comnunjty Residential Facility serving seven (7) or more �aciTit res� ents�_ su �'ect to t e con tions set ort�— or R - Tw-o-�ail Resi'3entiaT Districts in Section 60.423 c , Principa Uses Permitted Sub�ect to �pe �c a Con itions. DISCUSSI N This second revision, 7.2, is necessary to be in conformance with the Public Welfare Licensing Act. This legislation mandates that all Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare for seven or more persons be permitted uses in multi-family residential districts, although the municipality may attach special conditions. This provision should apply to all Comnunity Residential Facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. Similarly, equitable treatment would allow smaller facilities in RM-3 districts as well . 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B-1 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT r 8. PROPOSED REV SI N 6 . 8 rincipa Uses ermitte u �ect to Specia Conditions d. A Comnuni'ty Residential Facility subject to the —fof'fowing conditions : �l� Mi xed Corr�nuni ty Resi denti al Faci 1 i tv and commercia uses must meet the conditions set forth for mixed uses in Section 60.484(c) . 2 Comnunit Residential Facilities licensed for seven or more aci it resi ents must meet the conditions set forth for RT-1 Two-Fami Residentia Districts in Section 60.4 3 c , rincipa Uses ermitte u �ect to Specia Conditi ons . D SCUS ION This revision would allow Community Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 , B-2 and B-3 districts , subject to the same provisions that apply to facilities in Residential Districts and to mixed comnercial and residential uses in the business district under consideration. From a community standpoint, this revision would provide greater opportunity for providers to find suitable locations without increasing density patterns unduly. Basically, it allows Cortmunity Residential Facilities to be treated as residential uses in Business Districts as long as the conditions which apply to Facilities and the conditions which apply to mixed use are: met. 16 ' 9.0 REVISIONS TO B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 9. PROPOSED REVISION 0. 0 Pr ncipa Uses erm tte a. All Principal Uses Permitted and Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in OS-1 , B-1 , and B-2 Districts , except auto service stations and Community Residential Facilities, and meeting at least the m�nimum con itions imposed in each district. D SCUSSION This revision is required so that the conditions which Saint Paul has established for Community Residential Facilities apply throughout the City. 9. PROP SED RE I N 6 . 03 rincipa Uses ermitte Su �ect to Specia Conditions j . Communit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re�u ate in - an - usiness Districts un er Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions. DISCUSSION The rationale for allowing Community Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 and B-2 Districts ap ly in B-3 Districts as well , as long as the special condi�ions are met. 17 10.0 REVISIONS TO 6-4 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ' ,, . . 0. R SED RE S N . r ncipa ses ermitte u �ect to pec a Conditions The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, sub 'ect to t e con it ons hereinafter m ose for each use and subject=to t e review and approva o the P annin ' Comnission. . a. Communit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re u ate n B- , - and - Business D stricts un er r ncipa ses erm tte u ,�ect_ to . pecia Condi ti ons. D SCU N The rationale for allowing Community Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 and B-2 Districts as long as the special conditions are met apply to B-4 Districts as well . 10.2 PROPOSED REVI A: 0. rea, u an ar Setbac Requirements D CU This change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 18 � " 11 .0 REVISIONS TO 6-5 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11 .1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.522 Principal Uses Permitted q:-E�A} i_ Mission type uses. DISCUSSION This change is a correction. Mission uses are currently listed under "manufacturing uses" which is not appropriate. .2 PRO ED R S N rincipa Uses erm�tte u �ect to pecia Co�fcn itions The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, subject to the con it�ons hereina ter im ose for eac use and subject to the review and approva of the P anninq Comnission. a. Comnunity .Residential Facilities as permitted and regulated in B-1 , B-2, B-3 and B-4 Business Districts. DISCUSSION The rationale for allowing Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 Districts as long as the special conditions are met applies to B-5 Districts as well . 1 .3 PROPOSED REVISION 6A:5 3 60.5 4 Area, Bu k, and Yard Setback Requirements DISCUSSION The change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 19 12.0 REVISIONS TO I-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT " „ - 12.1 PROPOSED REVISI N 6 . 3 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions a. All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-3 Business District under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions except Comnunity Residential Facilities. e. Prisons, reformatories, and other correctional institutions which are not Community Residential Facilities. DISCUSSION These revisions are included in order to differentiate between facilities which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not and to assure that this primarily residential use is not allowed in an industrial district. 20 ' � 13.0 REVISIONS TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS .��;�� . ����.. 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION 6 . 03m n ��s���a��e�a Comnunity Resi ent�a Facilities 6wea�-He�es- D CUSS This change is required so that terms used in the Ordinance are consistent. 21 14.0 ADDITIONAL RECON�IENDATIONS • . "' � In addition to the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance, the following recomnendations were made during the course of the 40 Acre Study. The following sections present those directed toward the City and in some instances, suggest additional action. They are not proposed amendments for the Ordinance itself. . ADEQU E N ecause istrict counc� s meet mont y, ays notice to the affected district was recommended. Representatives of the Community Residential Facilities indicate that, in most instances , this will not have an adverse effect on their ability to find and obtain suitable locations . Although there are occasions where the requirement may make the time-line for providers tight, the requirement is not excessive. C R D Planning Comnission approval of a resolution requiring notice of application for special condition use for Comnunity Residential Facilities to be mailed 45 days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee. This notice will be mailed to the district council president and comnunity organ�izer as soon as application for special condition use for a Comnunity Residential Facility is re- ceived. Although the date of the public hearing on the application will not be known at that time, it would be scheduled for at least 45 days from the date of mailing. All other notices will comply with current requirements and be sent to representatives of the district affected as well as property owners within 350 feet of the zoning lot in question. .2 NON-RE IDENT L ten, the concerns expresse by a neighborhood are the TREATMENT FACILITIES result of a combination of programs in one neighborhood. Specific examples include drug treatment drop-in centers in close proximity to Conmunity Residential Facilities. It is not clear whether or not there is a problem. Ho�vever, concerns have been expressed consistently enough over time to warrant further study. PROPOSED ACTION The Zoning staff should identify the types of non- residential programs which are in question and, if appro- priate, request a 40-acre study to amend the Zoning Ordinance in order to determine the impact on neighborhoods and how they can be alleviated. 22 r 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING Throughout the study, concerns were expressed which relate to features of Comnunity Residential Facilities which are not appropriately addressed by zoning. A major concern is proper monitoring of programs once they have received their initial license and funding. Facilities are monitored at the State level on a regular basis. In addition, the County reviews funding contracts annually. Frequently, however, neighbors are not offered a formal opportunity to provide input into these reviews. Yet, neighbors may be able to provide insights into the facility for those licensing and funding Corrmunity Residential Facilities. REC MENDED C N Planning Comnission approval of a resolution asking the Saint Paul City Council to go on record supporting in- creased cor�nunication between other governmental agencies who license and fund Community Residential Facilities and the residents of the area surrounding facilities. 14.4 EQUAL DISTRIBUTION A specia condition limiting the population of Corrmunity OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL Residential Facilities to 0.5� of the total citiien par- FACILiTIES ticipation dis.trict population and placing an upper limit on the number of facilities in each district based on total population was recomnended. The intent of this recomnendation is to reduce concentration of facilities. � The need for requirements beyond the distance requirements currently included in the Ordinance has not been documented. In addition, the data requirements associated with this recomnendation would make it very difficult to implement. Representatives of District 4 asked that they be put on record as recomnending these requirements , although the difficulties in implementing it were accepted. RECOMMENDED ACTION Continued monitoring of Community Residential Facilities for evidence of concentration. 23 bZ * 3 �3 3� --�� . --�i i�. i° .� i° m� � � .z 1 1 1 1 1 A W N � N• • 9 w N � N � 00 � � � N C A� A� � y � 7 � 7 � -ir O y1 --+ N � N � � � � N N A N �-+ p r N x ...... .+ ...,* w � � � � � a a�. n r. o,.�. µ +� � p-n � � r � ►-� C� r �� �� �� N O r. � 3. 3. 3 0 + ►-3i m ,� ��1 �a J� �'�? �W �C �S �c �C �C � � �-�i C '�7 + w. �o z r r. 3 a P� n A A A A r� �+ G� m i i i Y• .� r � �.+ N N N N N �-1 w �[ �t � N A � � N N � , O � m � > > o � � �--� �-' � � � � � G�7D fD °_'. °_: °: °_'. °_', x m -H G7 � C r 0o a -4 A A O lr� tn V� V i0 �N> 0= C --i 4r. 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The requirements of Sections 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and shall not be superseded or waived by any s�ach modification of a specified special condition. 28 . , . �1��� . :� city of saint paul � planning commission resolution f i!e number 79-8� date 12-,4-�9 WHEREAS, public notice for consideration of requests for special condition use for Corranunity Residential Facilities is now given at least ten days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Committee; and � WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide sufficient time to the representative community group and neighbors of a proposed Community Residential Facility to fully analyze the proposed Facility in order to _ provide public testimony; and WHEREAS , district councils and other community groups normally meet monthly; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO, that the P1anning Commission requests , as a matter of policy, that the Planning Adminstrator notify affected distric'ts through their corrvnnunity organizers and District Council presidents, forty- five (45) days in advance of the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Committee of all requests for special condition use for Community Residential Facilities . moved by Bryan _ sE;conded by Hanq�; � in favor �g . aaa��t�.__°.�__ 29 ������ .v ��.�,... � ;.���;`o;�;, CITY OF SAINT PAUL =-�a4 �,°�. �; '"" �; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC D�VELOPfv1ENT %i ',Iltl� 9�� :� 'IUIII�illl ^_ DIVISION OF PLANNING ..,. �� ::;.,.,.,,,m�` 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR December 17, 1979 Council President Joanne Showalter Members of City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386 City Nall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8364 - Zoning Text Changes: Day Care, Community Residential Facilities, and Residential Group Homes . Dear Counci� Members : Copies or three resolutions approved by the Planning Corrmission are enclosed. The first resolution , Number 79-85, recommends changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance which deal with day care. These revisions are in response • to changes in state legislation which limit municipal zoning authority over day care facilities licensed for ten or fev�rer persans. The secor�d resolution, Pr"umber 79-86, recorranends changes to the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to Community Residential Facilities and Residential Group Nomes. The recommended revisions are contained in a report accompanying the Resolution. The final resolution , Number 79-88, recommends that City Council go on record in support of' increased corr�nunication between �iher governmental agencies that license and fund residential facilities and neighbors of those facilities. It also recorr�nends that licensing agencies notify the City when a residential facility changes size, location , purpose, or licensing. This recorr�nendation recognizes the concerns of Saint Paul residents about the administration and program of residential facilities, as well as location and zoning and recorr�ends a City position. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee held a public meeting and a public hearing in August on the proposed revisions. The Committee approved them at their November, 1979 meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 14, 1979, and approved all three recomanendations at that time. These actions are being transmitted separately to Mayor Latimer. If you or your staff have any questions about the proposed revisions , we would be happy to meet with you. Sincerely, :--. � '`��.�y�,.� -:�� �(�-� 3ar�es J. Be�l s P�-anning Administrator JJB/cc Enc. �,� _ . . ' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ����� ���. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY Gerf Corrig�, , being ; duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during ' all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer ��,,,o;;,��� Press, a newspaper of ger�eral circulation within TM.u�y�.��+���m��,� the City of St. Paui and the County of Ramsey. N 3Nef P�W Iws initisted pro- p�diMµro1�tlw to Dsy Gra ResldenHal up Homn and CamnunNy�R�is10iM1�1.Fsci1F �. ,,..,,.„,.a,�,,.,�a,,,,�a.,,. That the Notice hereto attached was cut from !'"°'""ndn"'"'°�Cap1irf0 the columns of said newspaper and was printed �n0 bb Ineluslre, Sa1M PaW Lplsltliw Code. 1.�.. Zonlnq, ���«��"��°�*d^°- and ublished therein on the followin dates: ,���.����w���»�,��� p g !S�etloo W ihe Clty Plsoniny Dn- M bwNd �t 1101 CI1y alf Anne 4S Wst Fourth �st...�. .�� m.r a „�.,�,se � day of Navember 19 � tM[�u�pon�pwst, - � . . .TM G1ty Pl�nnln Commissloe . h�s ftx�d fM�ItD•day of *' �A O�C�mW►. 1979,at 9:00 In/M �0 day of +wv�YFir � 19 � mornM on 1M 1SM floor of Yhe � Cify!NR Annex,75 Wast Fourt� SfnN, and at wia fims and plau 1M Pbnn._ley Commission D@C��lr wIN Mar MI oD��cflons end nc- omm�ndsnons rNafive to ssid �� d ay of , 19 ?2 .�em.�,,.: TAom�aFlhplAbon .': ChalrmM . - of'�°;�'�"P:����„m���. day of . , 19 - Pryu-Dispstth.no 62L Nov 23, � . . : �0 an0 Dsc l. . day of , 19 day of , 19 day of , 19 ---� 1.;- .� ��, �'�;���` Subscribed and sworn to before me�his �— day uf Decesabe , 19 .�.;,,,, _ Nocan� Public �SgY Cc�unty, Minnesota My commission expires M�'� �3 , 19� � _-�?� F:?�1_`.t'"'..' �=, `-':'ir. :� _. , ,,, � �4 . _ � td\?r `� . t Y....� ' \ ��� `d� <� "r a u r c�'. , . . ... . . . t 1`. ' . �. �..s . . . . . �,,;.-�- _k }��nn Zlh . � .� (� . � .D -.D - p D : D s t��:�� � � . � �� ' 4 � ZONING TEXT CHANGES RELATED TO RESIDENTIAL GROUP i HOMES AND COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES ! ; Community residential facilities are currently permitted ` uses subject to special conditions in most residential ' - zoning districts. These facilities may serve children .� � . . ' � or people who are mentally ill , mentally retarded, physically handicapped, chemically dependent, or who �`� ; have been charged with or convicted of a crime. ; ; Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in State > legislation, and input from neighborhood residents and �' � group home operators indicate that revisions are appro- � °� � priate. The proposed changes include: �_'� . . _k-y.. -' ` ; 1 . Modifying the definitions to reflect related ' ` �"' � ' legislation and regulations and to make the N � types of facilities covered by the definitions more explicit; � � � � � 2. Using licensed capacity to determine the size � of facilities; f� ; . 3. Permitting all facilities licensed for six or fewer persons in districts zoned R-1 through R-4 ' and permitting facilities licensed for seven or - more persons in districts zoned for multi-family � ' or business use subject to special conditions; � 4. Increasing the minimum lot size required for facilities licensed for more than six persons, subject to modification by the Planning Commission; 9 . . . .. ��. . 5. Allowing facilities to request modification from the distance requirements; and i 6. Establishing off-street parking requirements � subject to modification. t ► a b I DIVISION OF PLANNING ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' CITY HALL ANNEX • 25 WEST FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 TELEPHONE:612-298•4151 � � � . . . .,�..���.,. . . . . . . ...:- . , . .. . � .. :. .�. ::� . 4 • � . , . ' . . . .. � . ''ti, .. . _ ' ' . . .. . . ' . 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U't•'3i'J:J E': U;' '.I_r:i:: �;i'_C':y' �;i)�,\�G?1�., �� ��� ;_ '� , . ; ; r� � ��1 , , I�' _ ,� E.. � �'�• �`�; .� - � i:=:' Da � e : August 21 , 1980 •,,` .,_�� � � � ! x_ � _, ! �4f) �i,;! � a t f.�_.. � � �.... i� � � i f S � ! ` � �j � J �J . �dini pc�u( Ci��,r C�v�ti�i I . � F� C) �i� = C Oi't�i791"i i�.'� C?[l CITY DEVELOPMENT AND,TRANSPORTATION - Leonard W. Levine i ei�oi�mGn, ma�es the follc:jiinc� � report on �. F. �� Orelinance. � , � Resolu'rior�� � • �] eJ�t�pr i �l�� : Resolutions of the Planning Commission regarding text changes for day care, community residential � � � facilities, and group homes. � . The Committee recommends approval of the three resolutions, further recommends that th�se � • � . text amendments be updated to include recent . - � � changes in State 1aw, and finally recommends that the City Council set a date of public " . hearing for �hese matters. � Encl . � . � -r � �� I'l.\ �� . .. , ♦ �' t i �-f , �' i�'�:,L. St;.F'.'�"i:i ' ,� �:�i�;1� Y.: �i. _.Ie� •E-3 iCe'ti >i.i.� . .• . . , cit of saint aul ����� Y p . . .planning commiss�on resolutfon . file number » -85 . date _- ,2-,4-�9 WHEREAS, the City�of St. Paul Planning Commission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 thraugh 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to D�y Care; and WHEREAS, the Sta�e Legislature has amended Minnesota Statutes 1978, Sectian 245.812, Subdivision 3, to specify that licensed day care faejlities serving ten or fewer persons mwst be considered permitted single fami.ly residential uses. for the purposes of zoning; and � WkIEREAS, the Current Planning Ca�mittee of the PTanning Conmission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments and has recommended them to the Planning Commissian for appraval ; and . WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Gorr�nission did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on December 14, 1979; and : WHEREAS, the Planning Comnissfon has determ�ned: i . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical, 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments ta this ordinance proposed are related to the ov�r�ll needs of the community, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has � been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on Navember 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recomnends approval of the following zoning code text amendments and directs the Planning Coord�nator to forward this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. m��/�d b�/ Bryan �>��d b�/ .. Han�i �_r.�.� in favor �� . against � .� . � � city of saint paul : . � planning commission resolution � file number_ �q-�� ,_,, date ,2-,4-�9 �� _ 60.410 R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts 60.412 Principal Uses Permitted: i. Family Day Care and Group Family Day Care. 60.413 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions: � 3:--��e�r�-€ar���y-day-�a�e3-��e��ded-�ha�-�e=�e�e-�ha�-�t��ee-�3� sae�-�ae�����es-s�a��-�e-�eea�ed-e�-�a�e�e��y-a�a����g-e��qe� s��e-e€-a-s�wee�-a��-�y�t��-�e�wee�a-��e-�rve-peapes�-���ep- see����-s��ee��-ew-�e�weew-��e-�ea�es�--���e��ee�}�g-s�ree� . a��-a-�a��pe�d-�}�h�-e�-way;-a�sa����r��ed-ae�eage3-�e�y�-e� _ wa�ewa-er-e�hew-qMys�ea�-ba���e�-�e-��e-ee��}�a��,�-e� . �e�e�e��e��3-e�-�e�wee�-�he-�eawe��-���e�se�����--s�wee� � a�d-�(�e-eew�e�a�e-�e�rpda�y-��pe: - :: �: R.; . . . . - y.. . . . . . . . . � . . . ... � � _ . ' moved by_�=- . . s�econded by .��g, .� : in favor.- against� : � � � � ! E � . . � . � � . ` ' J M . . � . . . .. . � ..� � . �. . -.. city of saint paui ����'� planning commission resolution file number 74-86 � , - date _ ,2-,4-�9 : r WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Planning Comnission initiated a 40 Acre Study on Ma�y 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Pau1 Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Comnittee of the Planning Commission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments and has recommended them to the Planning Comr►ission for approval; and _ WHEREAS, pursuant to. Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Commission did � hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular�meeting on December 14, 1979; WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission has determined: . 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impracticai , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40:acres has been made, 3. That a determinatior� has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed are related to the overall needs of the � community, to existing iand use and to a plan for future land use, and , _ 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press an� Dispatch on November 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES4LVED, that the P7anning Cor�nission recommends approval of the zon�ng code text amendments attached hereto as proposed in the 40 Acre Study and directs the Planning Coordinator to farward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by Bryan sE;conded by Han�9; in favor �� against__�__ ! � .•,� . . . . . . � . . , . • . � . . � � � � � . c'rt of saint aul ����� Y p , . . planning cornm�ss�on resolution file number 79-88 �te 12-14-79 � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Comnission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the St. Pau1 Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, a major concern of Saint Paul citizens is access ta information related to Corranunity Residential Facilities which propose to locate or are located in their neighborhood; and , WHEREAS, these concerns relate to zoning, public funding and licensing of Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, funding and licensing are the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County. Welfare Department and the Minnesata Departments of Public Welfare, Corrections, and Health; � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recorrmends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting the Ramsey - County Welfare Department arrd the Minnesota Departments of Public Welfare, Co�^rections and Nealth to notify the City af Saint Paul , thraugh the Zoning Section, Division of Planning, Department of Planning and Economic Develop- ment, of all proposed Community Resideritial Facilities or changes in licensing, size, purpose, or location of existing Commun�ty Residential Facilities; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission recommends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting � that the Ramsey County Welfare Department and the Minrtesota Departments of Pub1ic Welfare, Corrections and Health estab1ish �procedures to solicit input from neighbors of Community Residential Facilities as a routine part of funding and/or licensing renewal or review. � moved by Bryan sE;ca�ded by �e�y in favor ,8 . . agair�st� , . ; , '�. � - , � - � ' �< �` ° . � � l ' \. � i / �:# ,_ - :_ . - , , .: ,,. . - � i., _ \ � , , ' , ; � ' ' . 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(`. .��}-� � 3" ' , . - . . . . . . . . - � � '� � .. � . .� \ . . . � ' � � �. ', , � � . � . ..t. `$+:-� @: � � .. . � � . . � . .. ' � .1 �!� ��= 4,.= _ - . . _ - � � i�`� r +s �'�;� � , , s+� 5�:�.�t#c � _ � � - ' �,,. �. � � , � � �4��rt�y��;` ` � ', , ' � .,+ `��',�t, �a��'l�# � � i� � ( ��-- ��`�t=YO.m CITY OF SAINT PAUL �oR 'a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �,.�r �=ii'i i1° ; %°��� ^,� DIVISION OF PLANNING '��r�r i e e• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR December 17, 1979 Council President Joanne Showalter Members of City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File No. 8364 - Zoning Text Changes: Day Care, Community Residential Facilities , and Residential Group Homes Dear Council Members: Copies of three resolutions approved by the Planning Comnission are enclosed. The first resolution, Number 79-85, recommends changes to sections of the Zoning Ordinance which deal with day care. These revisions are in response to changes in state legislation which limit municipal zoning authority over day care facilities licensed for ten or fewer persons. The second resolution, Number 79-86, recomnends changes to the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to Community Residential Facilities and Residential Group Homes. The recommended revisions are contained in a report accompanying the Resolution. The final resolution, Number 79-88, recommends that City Council go on record in support of increased comnunication between other governmental agencies that ' license and fund residential facilities and neighbors of those facilities. It also recomnends that licensing agencies notify the City when a residential • facility changes size, location, purpose, or licensing. This recomnendation recognizes the concerns of Saint Paul residents about the administration and program of residential facilities, as well as location and zoning and recomnends a City position. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee held a public meeting and a public hearing in August on the proposed revisions. The Committee approved them at their November, 1979 meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 14, 1979, and approved all three recomnendations at that time. These actions are being transmitted separately to Mayor Latimer. If you or your staff have any questions about the proposed revisions , we would be happy to meet with you. Sincerely, �., .,, �� a es J. Be s nning Administrator JJB/cc Enc. �n � . . � � . . w � � . . . . . . � . . � � . ������ � .. .� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file nurnber �9-86 date �3-.4.79 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Planning Gorr�nission initiated a 40 Acre Study on May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Paul toning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Committee of the Planning Canmission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments and has recorr�nended them to the P1anning Commission for approval ; and � WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Commission did � hold a pub1ic hea'ring on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on December 14, 1979; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: . 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ardinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical ,. 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to ti�is � _ ordinance proposed are related ta the overall needs of the - community, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That pursuant ta State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on November 23, November 30, and December 7, 1979; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission reeomnends approval of the zoning code text amendments attached hereta as proposed �n the 40 Acre Study and directs the P1anning Coordinator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and Ci.ty Council for their review and action. . moved by Bryan �i��d �/ Hanggi . in favor �__6__ . . aga�nst � ;� 3 PROPOSED CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING ���� TEXT CHANGES: RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOMES AND COMMUNITY`RESIDENTIAL FACILITIfS � _ NOVEMBER, 1,�79 , APPROVED BY TNE CURRENT PLANNING AND Z4NING COMMITTEE OF THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING COMMISSION: . NOVENiBER 1 , 1979 APPROVED BY THE SAINT PAUL PLANNING CQMMISSI4N: DECEMSER 14, 1979 PLANNING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1101 CITY HALL ANNEX � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 (612) 298-4151 .' �� D D D p D D ����'� ZONING TEXT CHANGES RELATED TO RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOMES AND CON�IUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES Caimunity residential facilities are currently permitted uses sub�ect to special conditions in most residential zoning districts. These facilizies may serve children or people who are mentally ill , mentally retarded, physically handicapped, chemically dependent, or who have been charged with or convicted of a crime. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in State . legislation, and input from neighborhood residents and � group home operators indicate that revisions are appro- priate. The proposed changes include: 1 . Modifying the defini'tions to reflect related legislation and regulations and to make the types of facilitfes covered by the definitions more explicit; . . 2. Using licensed capacity to determine the size of facilities; � 3. Permitting all facilities licensed for six or fewer persons in districts zoned R-1 through R-4 ' and permitting facilities licensed for seven or more persons in districts zoned for �multi-family or business use subject tb special conditions; 4. Increasing the minimum lot size required for facilities licensed for more than six persons, subject to modification by the Planning Commission; 5. qllowing facilities to request modification from � the distance requir�nents; and 6. Establjshing off-street parking requirements sub�ect to modification. DIVISION OF PLANNIN(� • DE�ARTMENT OF PLANNINCi AN��CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • CITY(�SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANND( • 25 WEST FOURTH STREET,SAINT PAUL, MINNE80TA 55102 TELEPHONE:812•298•4151 < � TABLE OF CONTENTS . IN R DUC N . HIS ORY . PROBLEMS .3 PURPOSE 2 . SC E 1 . ME HODOLOGY 2 .0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS P ED REV SI : B RO NG R DGING H USE .2 PROPOSED REVISION: COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITY 4 2.3 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME OR BOARDING CARE HOME 6 R P SED REVISION: GROUP H ME, RES DENT AL 6 .5 PROPOSED REVISION: GROUP HOME RESIDENT 7 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION: NURSING HOME 7 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 8 TNROUGH R-4 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 8 3. ED R V N: E R ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 8 4.0 REVISI NS T R - TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . PROP SED REVISION: PRINCIP L U ES SUBJECT 0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 9 4.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12 5.0 REVISIONS TO RM- LOW 3 DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 5.1 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 13 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2 4 MEDIUM DENSITY, LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 6. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL US S PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 14 i _ _ '� - � 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 5 HIGH-DENSITY, HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT R S NC U E PERMI D . P ED I N: RINC L USES E MIT ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B- 6 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 8. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 16 9.0 REVISIONS TO B-3 17 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 9. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 7 9.2 PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17 10.0 REVISIONS TO B-4 �g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 0. PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIQNS 18 0. PROPOSED REVISION: ARE , BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 18 11 .0 REVISIONS TO 6-5 g CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 11 . PROPOSED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED 19 . PR P SED REVISION: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 19 .3 PR POSED REVISION: ARE , BULK, AND YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS 19 2.0 REVISIONS TO - INDUSTRIAL OISTRICT . R ED E N: NC L U ES ER ED SUBJECT TO SPECIAL CONDITIONS 20 ii � ��x�:� �'L.'1.� S: 13.0 REVISIONS TO - � 21 PARKING REQUIREMENTS ' 3.1 PROPOSED REVISION: INSTITUTIONAL GROUP HOMES 21 4.0 ADDITIONAL ' 2 RECOMMENDATIONS 4. ADEQUATE NOTICE 4.2 NON-RESIDENTIAL TREATMEiVT FACILITIES 22 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING 23 .4 EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES 23 15.0 APPENDIX 5.1 SECTION 6 .100 24 15.2 SECTION 64.209 d 28 15.3 PLANNING COMMISSiON RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING 45-DAY NOTICE 29 iii ' 1 .0 INTRODUCTION ,����� . b i�..��. � 1 .1 HISTORY For more than a decade, federa and state po icy has encouraged residential programs located in established neighborhoods as an alternative to care or treatment in large institutions. Comnunity residential facilities include programs for people who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped, people who are being treated or are recovering from mental illness or chemical dependency and people who have been charged with or found guilty of a crime and would benefit from an alternative to probation, parole, or incarceration. As comnunity residential facilities developed, the need for regulation became apparent. The Minnesota State Legislature gave responsibility for programnatic licens- ing to the State Departments of Public Welfare and Corrections. Authority for regulating the location, spacing and density of comnunity residential facilities remained with municipalities as part of their traditional zoning authority. In 1975, the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance was amended to include specific recognition of comnunity residential facilities. The Ordinance defined two types of facilities in recognition of state legislation at the time. These facilities were identified as special condition uses to be allowed in all residential districts except High-Density, High-Rise Districts as long as the specified conditions for the district were met. In 1976, state legislation was passed which defined residential facilities under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare (OPW) and estab- lished DPW's licensing responsibilities. This Act, called the Public Welfare Licensing Act, continues to grant municipalities the authority to zone comnunity residential facilities licensed by DPW. However, limits on that authority are established through the Act. Separate legislation was also passed requiring the Minnesota Department of Corrections to license all residential facil- ities used by the correctional system by the Fall of 1980. No limits to municipal zoning authority are included in this legislation. In May 26, 1978, the Saint Paul Planning Commission passed Resolution Number 78-14 to initiate a 40-acre study on Comnunity Residential Facilities. The need for the study, and potential amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Ordi- nance, was based on the changes in state legislation and Saint Paul 's experiences in apply the definitions and conditions of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 .2 PROBLEMS Comnunity resi ent a aci t es ave een controversia for a variety of reasons. Although programmatic and funding concerns are beyond the purview of zoning, zoning can address location, spacing, and density within the limits of state legislation. Experience with the Zoning Ordinance, changes in state legislation, and concerns expressed by neighborhood resi- dents and facility operators , indicate that a number of revisions are necessary or appropriate. These include clarification of the definitions to relate more directly to state legislation, modification of conditions that are inconsistent with state legislation, and additional conditions related to off-street parking and minimum lot size requirements. .3 PURPO E e purpose o t e zoning text c anges is to ma e t e ' Ordinance consistent with state legislation and to modify the conditions for use to reflect concerns expressed by neighborhood residents and operators of comnunity residential facilities. .4 SCOPE e propose revisions re ect input rom cit�zens an group home operators and current state legislation. A1- though the revisions reflect current information and legislation, it is possible that additional revisions may be required in the future. .5 METHODOLOGY On May 26, 8, the P anning Comnission passe Resolution 78-14 which initiated a 40-acre study on comnunity residential facilities. As part of the study, Planning Comnission members and staff participated in a full day workshop sponsored by the Association of St. Paul Communities and the West Side Citizen Organization. The workshop brought together regulators , providers and neighbors of community residential facilities. Two additional meetings, devoted specifically to revisions in St. Paul 's Zoning Ordinance, were held. These meetings led to specific recomnendations for revisions from both providers and citizens. These recommendations form the basis for many of the proposed changes. ' The Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee held a public meeting on proposed changes on August 2, 1979 and a public hearing on August 23, 1979. In addition, the City Attorney was asked to give a legal opinion on specific questions related to Saint Paul 's authority to attach special condi�ions to comnunity residential facilities. 2 , � ����� This report presents proposed revisions by section. New words are underlined (underlined) and deleted words are crossed out (ewesse�-ea� . Eac proposed change is followed by a brief discussion which presents the reason for the change. A final chapter presents additional recortmendations which were not incorporated into the re�visions and the reasons for inclusion. Supporting information is included in the Appendix. 3 2.0 REVISIONS TO DEFINITIONS � 2. PROPOSED REVISION 60.3 Boarding, ew-Ee�g�pg Roomin , or Roomin and s{p�Boardin House: a building es Qpe - ew-ew-as�w-a ar�i�r-er-�we-€art��y-dwe�����-ap�-eep�a�R�n�-�ae�� weer�s-wkewe-�e�g���;-w��h-e�-w��qea�-�ea�s;-�s-�wev��e� €e�-eer�epsa��e�-e�-a-wee���-ew-�e��h�y-bas�s.or structure which requires licensin as a boarding house, roomin house, or roomjn and boardin house under Cha ter 335A, ections t roug , o t e t. au Legis ative Co e. D SC N Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with related legislation. Generally, these facilities are located in buildings designed for resi- dential family use. Rooming houses contain guest rooms where lodging is provided for compensation to six or more people. Boarding houses provide meals for five or more people for periods of one week or more for compensation. Rooming and boarding houses provide both of these services. .2 PR POSED REVIS N Comnunity Residentia Faci �ty: A-S�a�e �{eepsed-��e�q-qer�e-e�-�es�e�-�e�e-sew��pQ-r�eR�a��y-we- �a�ded-ew-q�ys�ea���-Ma�ad�ea��e�-�ewse�as: a building or structure where: i . c ren; ii . persons who are mentally retarded, physicallv handicapped, mentall ill , or chemicallv depen ent; or iii. persons who are placed there by a court, court services de artment aro e authorit or other correctiona a enc avin is ositiona ower over persons charged with or convicte of a crime or adjudicated delinquent reside on a twenty-four hour basis in order to receive food, lodging, care, training, education , supervision, habilitation, rehabilitation or treatment the need but wh ch for an reason, cannot be furnished in their own ome. Community residentia faci ities inc u e, ut are not limited to, a. Residential facilities which re uire licensin b t e M nnesota Department o Pu ic We fare under: 1 . Rule 1 Fam�il and�Grou�Family Foster Homes; u e (, ild=�i'n s itutions; 3. Ru e 8 Grou Homes; . Ru e 3 , ersons who are mentall retarded; u e , ine r�ate an ru e en ent ersons; 6. Ru e 6, menta i ersons; and Ru e , p ysica y han icappe persons. 4 b. Residential facilities which re uire licensin or certi ication b t e Minnesota De artment of Corrections or Ramse Count We are De artment inc u in Comnunit Corrections Faci ities, Adult a a Houses, oster omes , rou oster Homes , or Comnunity Corrections oster Homes; c. Boardin Care Homes and Roomin and Boardin Houses w ic are reco nize t e Ramse Count e are De artment or ot er Count We fare De artment as resources, e i e or u ic reim ursement, or rov in resi entia services to ersons w o are menta y i or c emica y dependent; and, d. Rooming and Boarding Houses which provide services to persons who have been charged with or convicted of a crime and have been laced there b a court, court services e artment, aro e aut orit , or ot er correctiona agency. Residential Grou Homes s ecificall exclude hos itals, prisons an re ormatories. DISCUS ION This definition combines and expands upon the two definitions currently used in the Zoning Ordinance. Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recommended that definitions be based on state definitions . In addition , use of terms which reflect relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. The definition attempts to clearly identify comnunity residential facilities for zoning purposes. Although not all comnunity residential facilities require programmatic licensing, those that do are specifically identified by their license. To the extent possible, the definition in- corporates language from related state legislation for consistency. Only the facilities under "a" are covered by the Public Welfare Licensing Act. Saint Paul 's definition is broader than that of the Public Welfare Licensing Act because there are many facilities which serve as community resi- dential programs but do not require DPW licensing and, therefore, are not covered by the Act. 5 Specific examples of such facilities include correctional facilities which will be licensed by the Minnesota Depart- ment of Corrections. Both "b" and "d" cover these facilities. In addition, there are a number of facilities within Saint Paul which are not licensed by either state agency but which are essentially community residential facilities. Halfwa�y houses for people recovering from chemical depend- ency are one example. Facilities for people who are mentally ill are the other notable case. Although they are under DPW's licensing jurisdiction, a moratorium has been placed on requ�ring licensure because of complexities associated with continuing federal funding assistance to the people needing care. 2.3 PROPOSED REVTSION 60.3 8 Plaws�Rg-I+er�e-e� oarding Care ome. A-s�pae�awe w��l�-s�ee��p�-�eer�s3-whe�e-�e�seps-awe-Meased-e�-}e��e� : apd-a�e-€�wp�sqed-w��h-�ea�s�-19iii°9�R�-ap�-�e��ea�-eawe: A buildin or structure where a ed or infirm ersons res e on a - our asis �n or er to receive custo ial care and re ate persona services. DI CUSSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. Generally� board and care homes serving five or more persons are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 2. PR S D R : - �e��- e�es- esi ew �a =--a- a� ���-e�-s��dE a�e wbe�e-qe�seps-�es��e-€ew-����eses-e€-�eha�#���a��ep; ��ea��e�a�3-e�-s�ee�a�-ea�e;-apd-wW�Eb-�s-�e�-a-6er�dp��y Res��ep��a�-�ae�}��y-as-de€#ped-��-�ee��e�a-6A:3�6F��; qe�e��:--�beh-qewseps-�ay-be-ew�ha�e�;-sa€€e�-ehe�#ea� e�-e�e��epa�-�r��a;w�e�a�3-e�-sa#€e�-see#a�-�a}ad�as�r�e�� ew-de�ep�eqEy: DISCUSSION Two separate terms and definitions for very similar concepts is not necessary. Citizen groups specifically recomnended that definitions be based on state definitions. In addition, use of definitions and terms which are re- lated to relevant legislation and regulations enhances interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance. 6 w ��� ` ���L.J i_� .+ 2.5 PROPOSED REVISION 60.339 6reap-Heme Faci ity Resident: person who �es���p� resides in a Community Residential Faci ity 6weaq-He�e- er-� e-�a��ese-e€-weee�v�pg-peMab�}��a��ep; �wea�ep�-e�-s�ee�a�-ea�e: and contributes toward meeting the Facility's licensed capacity. DISCUSSION Comnunity residential facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using licensed capacity to determine the facility's size is straightforward and consistent. This licensed capacity includes only those people residing in the facility to receive a service, not the operator, staff, or their children. 2.6 PROPOSED REVISION 60.365 Nursin Home: a buildin or structure where a e or infirm ersons reside on a 24-hour asis n order o receive nurs ng care an re ate services. DISCUSSION Interpretation and understanding of the Zoning Ordinance are enhanced by using terms and definitions which are consistent with relevant legislation and regulations. Nursing homes are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Health. 7 3.0 REVISIONS TO R-1 THROUGH R-4 " ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS � 3. PR P SED REV I N 6 . Princ pa Uses ermitte : j. A S�a�e-��eepsed Community Residential Facility serving six (6) or fewer �ep�a��y-we�aw�e�-ew ��ys#ea���-ba�d�ea��e�-�ewse�s: facility residents. DISCUSS N State legislation requires that all Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for six or fewer be permitted single-family residential uses. This requirement should apply to all facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. 3.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.4 3 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions e:--�es��e���a�-6�e��-Herfles-s�b�ee�-�e-�qe-€e}}�,,j}�Q eepd#��eps= ���--Ple-r�ewe-�Map-�en-¢�A3-Q�ea�-qe�e-wes�dep�s-�ay �e-qease�-�p-e�eess-e€-�Me-�epse�s-a��ewe�-�y �Me-de€��a���ep-e�-'-'#ar�}�y"3-e�ee��-�qa� s�w�e�awes-�es}gpe�-ew-�ew�,�-�a���-s�ee�€}ea��� €ew-saeM-ase-�ay-a��ew-a-gwea�ep-par��e�-�wev�de� �ha�-a��-e�qep-eepd���ews-e€-SqeE�a�-dse-Rep��� �ssaapee-awe-�e�: E�3--�'qe-��p��br�-�e�-s��e-�s-�qa�-��esew��e�-€er-e�ae �ar�#�y-dwe�3�pgs-#ew-�I�e-����P�E�-�R-wq�el�-�he ��s���a��epa�-Q�ea�-he�e-�s-�eea�e�.- �3�--A-�����a�-d�s�apee-e�-�;32A-€ee�-w�}}_be-wee�a�we� �e�wee�-�e��pg-�e�s-ased-�ew-Res�dep��a�-6wea� Her�e-�ae�����es.- DISCUSSION All facilities for six or fewer should be permitted in single-family residential districts. However, in addition to the licensed capacity of a facility, staff inembers often reside at the facility and additional staff may, depending on the facility, work shifts. When a facility serves more than six residents, the resulting density is not consistent with the intent of one-family districts which are designed to be low density. 8 � ' ,� 4.0 REVISIONS TO RT-1 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 4.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.423 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Specia Conditions c. A Comnunit Residential �Fa___c�ilit,� 6wea�-He�e servin9 seven or more facilit residents subject to the 0 owing con it�ons: (1 ) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling unless the Comnunity Residential Facility 6wea� He�e occupies the entire structure. (2) Ne-�ewe-�qap-�e�-{}A�-gpea�-�e�e-�es��ep�s-�ay �e-qease�-�p-e�eess-e�-�he-�e��ens-a��ewed-�y �qe-�e€#p���e�-e�-'-'#a���y'-'3 It does not serve more than sixteen (16) facility residents except t at structures esign�ice or new�i'�t specifi- cally for sae�-ase reater ca acit may allow a greater number provided that a other conditions of Special Condition Use are met. (3) Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) the min�mum ol t size�or—Comnunit ResidentiaT Facilities is that prescri e or a one- ami y dwe ing us three hundred (300) square feet for each fa�ity resident over and above six residents. In addition, ommunit Resi entia aci ities servin more t an sixteen residents sha meet t e requirements for hei ht, ard setback, and maximum ercent of ot occu ie b main ui in set ort in ection . 00, su �ect to t e rovisions of 6 .209 d . (4) Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , a minimum �istance e€-�a3�A-€ee� wi 1 be required between zoning lots used for Comn, unity Residential 6�ea� He�es Facilities serving seven 7 or more people. These distances are as o ows: (a) Comnunit Residential Facilities licensed by tFe T�Ti nn esota epartment o�-ubTi c�le aT�re to serve eo le who are mentall retarded or h sica handica ed must be a minimum of eet rom a other Community Resi ential Facilities licensed b the Minnesota De artment of Public We fare. 9 ) (b) All other Comnunity Residential Facilities must be a minimum of 1 ,320 feet from an other Corr�nunit Residentia Faci it whether �cense t e nnesota De artment o u ic We fare or not. If a Comnunit Residential Facilit is licensed to serve more t an one ur ose, the stricter re uire- ments wi app y. 5 There shall be one 1 off-street arkin s ace for ever two 2 facilit residents subject to the rovisions of 6 .209 d . (6) Permission for Special Condition Use a plies to the Communi t Res i den ti aT Fac i Ti t � on� as-1 on as �cens�ng, purpose, s�ze or _ ocation o not c an9e• ISCUSSIO This section allows Community Residential Facilities to locate in RT-1 , RT-2, RM-1 and RM-2 Residential Districts subject to the conditions listed. Specific reasons for changes in conditions are as follows : C(2) Comnunity Residential Facilities have a capacity associated with their licensure. Using this capacity to determine facility size is a more consistent method than determination on a case by case basis by zoning (see section 2.5). The limit of sixteen is chosen to be consistent with state legislation which specifies that programs licensed by the Department of Public Welfare for seven through sixteen persons are permitted multi-family uses, although the municipality may attach special conditions. This change increases the basic capacity allowed most facilities from fourteen to sixteen. It decreases the basic capacity allowed facilities for persons who are mentally retarded or physically handicapped from twenty to sixteen. In addition to making Saint Paul 's regulations consistent with S tate legislative criteria, this change treats Community Residential Facilities equitably. Few structures have been specifically designed to serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities. Occasionally, existing apartment buildings or nursing homes can be converted to Comnunity Residential Facilities or a new structure is built. Although choice of any numerical cut-off is , in part, arbitrary, the ability of providers to find suitable facilities must be weighed against the impact of a higher density on the neighborhood. While access to larger facilities should be allowed, the higher density requires 10 , � � �,��� �. more stringent conditions if the intent of the Zoning Ordinance is to be protected. C(3) Under the current provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, a Corr�nunity Residential Facility could house from fourteen to twenty persons in any existing building on a lot which is only 5,000 square feet. The proposed change will require lots varying from 5,300 square feet for seven residents to 8,000 square feet for 16 residents, thus helping to assure adequate lot size given density without placing an excessive burden on providers seeking new facilities. Under the existing Ordinance, Community Residential Facilities licensed for more than sixteen persons can also be located on a 5,000 square foot lot. Facilities of this size should be required to meet all regulations for new buildings in the zoning district to protect the intent of the Ordinance. C(4) The proposed changes result from combining the definitions of Corrmunity Residential Facilities and� Residential Group Homes and state legislative mandates for facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. Because there are situations where unique physical char- acteristics , such as a bluff line or highway divide facilities, this requirement should be subject to modification under the provisions of 64.209(d) . C(5) Increased vehicular traffic and congestion on residential streets can result from the combination of facility resi- dents and staff who work at the facility. On the other hand, some Comnunity Residential Facilities do not allow . residents to have access to vehicles or serve people who cannot drive. In those instances, upon verification, parking requirements should be subject to modification to prevent undue hardship. C(6) This condition is included to clarify the fact that per- mission to conduct the special condition use is contingent on each of these factors and that if any of them change, permission to conduct the use must be reviewed and may also change. 11 / 4.2 PROPOSED REVIS ON 60. 3 Principa Uses Permitted Sub�ect to Specia Conditions d:--6er�ap��y-Res��ep�}a�-fae�����es-sa��ee�-�e-�he €e��9W�pg-Eepd���eps= 4��--��-Sha��-pe�-be-�eea�e�-��-a-�we-�ar���}-�we����g ap�ess-�he-se�ap#�y-wes��e�a��a�-€ae����y-eE�a��es� �he-ep��we-s�wae�bwe: ��3--Ple-r�e�e-�pap-�6-eer�d�a��y-wes��ep��a�-€ae����y wes��e�a�s-r�ay-�e-qease�-�p-e�eess-e�-�qe-�epseps a��ewe�-�y-�qe-de€�p���e�-e€-'-'€a�}�y"3-e�Eeq� �ha�-s�waE�awes-�es�Qpe�-ew-�ew�y-�a���-s�eE�€- �ea��y-€ew-s�eq-ase-r�ay-a��ew-a-gwea�e�-�aa��er �rev�de�-�laa�-a��-e��e�-eep�{��eps-e€-�yeE�a�. 6ep����e�-�se-a�e-�e�: �33--��e-r��p�r�t��-�e�-s��e-�s-�ba�-��esep��e�-€e�-epe €a�#�y-�we����gs: �4�--A-t��p�mar�-d�s�apee-e€-38A-€ee�-w#��-�e-we�a��e� �e�weep-�6N�RQ-�9�5-ase�-�6P-sAFF�iikll9��y-Re���e���a� Fae�����es: DI CUSS ON This section is deleted as the result of incorporating the definitions of "Comnunity Residential Facility" and "Residential Group Home." 12 � 5.0 REVISIONS TO RM-1 LOW DENSITY, LOW-RISf ..,������! � MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 5.1 PROPOSED RE ISI N . 60.4 3 Principa Uses Permitted Su �ect to Specia Conditions b. Subject to the provisions of 64.209(d) , rooming and roomin and boarding houses which are not Communit Resi ent a Facilities, provide t at, in a di� to the ot area for the dwelling unit, a lot area is provided of one thousand (1 ,000) square feet for each guest room in excess of two (2) guest rooms. SION This revision is required because terms and definitions are being revised to conform with those used in licensing and to differentiate between rooming or rooming and boarding houses which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 13 6.0 REVISIONS TO RM-2, MEDIUM DENSITY � - LOW-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ' DISTRICT . PR POSED REVISI N 0. 3 Principa Uses Perm tte u �ect to Specia Conditions c. Nursing homes and boarding care homes which are not Cortmunit Residential Facilities provide t e yard requ rements or mu t p e- ami y use in this district are applied. This revision is included in order to differentiate between nursing or boarding care homes which serve as Comnunity Residential Facilities and those which do not. 14 � 7.0 REVISIONS TO RM-3 HIGH-DENSITY, � HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 7.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.46 Principa Uses Permitted d. A Community Residential Facilit servinq six (6) or fewer res�dents. 7.2 PROPOSED REVISION 60.463 Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions c. A Comnunit Residential Facility serving seven (7) or more aci it�resi en_ts�su �'ect to t e con itions set ort or R - wl�-o-mil Residentia�istricts in Section 60.4 3 c , Princi a Uses Permitted Sub�ect to Spec a Con itions. DISCUSSION This second revision, 7.2, is necessary to be in conformance with the Public Welfare Licensing Act. This legislation mandates that all Comnunity Residential Facilities licensed by the Minnesota Department of Public Welfare for seven or more persons be permitted uses in multi-family residential districts, although the municipality may attach special conditions. This provision should apply to all Community Residential Facilities if the Ordinance is to be equitable. Similarly, equitable treatment would allow smaller facilities in RM-3 districts as well . 15 8.0 REVISIONS TO B-1 LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ` 8. PROPO ED REVISI N . rinc pa Uses Permitte u �ect to Specia Conditions d. A Comnunit Residential Facilit subject to the 0 owing condit ons : (1) Mixed Corr�nunity Residential Facilitv and comnercia uses must meet the conditions set forth or mixed uses in Section 60. 84(c) . �2) Comnunit Residential Facilities licensed for seven or mor�ciTi ty resi en�ts^must meet the conditions set forth for RT-1 Two-Famil Residentia Districts in Section 60.423 c , rincipa Uses ermitte u �ect to pecia Conditions . DI CUSSION This revision would allow Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in 6-1 , B-2 and B-3 districts , subject to the same provisions that apply to facilities in Residential Districts and to mixed comnercial and residential uses in the business district under consideration. From a community standpoint, this revision would provide greater opportunity for providers to find suitable locations without increasing density patterns unduly. Basically, it allows Comnunity Residential Facilities to be treated as residential uses in Business Districts as long as the conditions which apply to Facilities and the conditions which apply to mixed use are: met. 16 � 9.0 REVISIONS TO B-3 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 9. PROPOSED REVIS ON 60. 0 rinc�pa Uses erm tte a. All Principal Uses Permitted and Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in OS-1 , 6-1 , and B-Z Districts , except auto service stations and Community Residential Facilities, and meeting at least the m�n�mum con itions mposed in each district. D SCUSS ON This revision is required so that the conditions which Saint Paul has established for Community Residential Facilities apply throughout the City. 9. PRO SED RE IS N . 03 r�nc pa Uses ermitte Su �ect to Specia Conditions j . Comnunit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re�u ate in - an - usiness Distr�cts un er Principa Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions. D SCUSSION The rationale for allowing Community Residential Facilities to locate in 6-1 and 6-2 Districts ap ly in B-3 Districts as well , as long as the special condi�tions are met. 17 10.0 REVISIONS T0 6-4 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ' . , . R SED EV S N . r ncipa ses ermitte u �ect to pecia Conditions The followin additional uses shall be ermitted, sub 'ect to t e con tions hereinafter m ose for each use and sub ect to the rev ew and a rova o the P annin Comn ssion. a. Comnunit Residential Facilities as ermitted and re u ate n B- - and - Bus ness Districts un er r nci a Uses erm tte u �ect to S ecia Con tions. CU The rationale for allowing Community Residential Facilities to locate in 6-1 and B-2 Districts as long as the special conditions are met apply to B-4 Districts as well . 10.2 PROPOSED REVISI 6 : 0. Area, Bu an ar Setbac Reguirements S U S This change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. . 18 .' , 11 .0 REVISIONS TO B-5 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ����� 11.1 PROPOSED REVISION 60.522 Principal Uses Permitted b:-E�B� i_ Mission type uses. DI CUSS N This change is a correction. Mission uses are currently listed under "manufacturing uses" which is not appropriate. . PRO SED REV S N rincipa ses erm�tte u �ect to pecia Co�nc itions The followin� additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the con itions Fiereina�ter im ose� for ea.c use and subject to the review and approva of the Planninq Corrm s s ii on. a. Corrmunity .Residential Facilities as permitted and regulated in B-1 , B-2, 6-3 and 6-4 Business Districts. DISCUSSION The rationale for all�ving Comnunity Residential Facilities to locate in B-1 Districts as long as the special conditions are met applies to B-5 Districts as well . 1 .3 PROPOSED REVISION 68:6 3 60.524 Area, Bulk, and Yard Setback Requirements DISCUSSION The change is necessary to keep the numbering and organization of the Zoning Ordinance consistent. 19 , 12.0 REVISIONS TO I-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT � • 12.1 PROPOSED REVISI N . 3 Principa Uses Perm�tte Sub�ect to Specia Conditions a. All uses as permitted and regulated in the 6-3 Business District under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions except Comnunity Residential Facilities. e. Prisons, reformatories, and other correctional institutions which are not Community Residential Facilities. DISCUSSION These revisions are included in order to differentiate between facilities which serve as Community Residential Facilities and those which do not and to assure that � this primarily residential use is not allowed in an industrial district. 20 � ' ,' 13.0 REVISIONS TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS 13.1 PROPOSED REVISION 6 . 03m n ��s���a��epa Comnunity Resi entia Facilities 6�ea�-He�es: D SCU SI This change is required so that terms used in the Ordinance are consistent. 21 14.0 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS � ' In addition to the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance, the following recommendations were made during the course of the 40 Acre Study. The following sections present those directed toward the City and in some instances, suggest additional action. They are not proposed amendments for the Ordinance itself. . ADE U E N C ecause �strict counci s meet mont y, ays notice to the affected district was recommended. Representatives of the Comnunity Residential Facilities indicate that, in most instances , this will not have an adverse effect on their ability to find and obtain suitable locations. Although there are occasions where the requirement may make the time-line for providers tight, the requirement is not excessive. C E DED Planning Comnission approval of a resolution requiring notice of application for special condition use for Corrmunity Residential Facilities to be mailed 45 days � prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Committee. This notice will be mailed to the district council president ' and comnunity organizer as soon as application for special condition use for a Community Residential Facility is re- ceived. Although the date of the public hearing on the application will not be known at that time, it would be scheduled for at least 45 days from the date of mailing. All other notices will comply with current requirements and be sent to representatives of the district affected as well as property owners within 350 feet of the zoning lot in question. " .2 NON-RESIDEN L ten, t e concerns expresse by a neighbor ood are the TREATMENT FACILITIES result of a combination of programs in one neighborhood. Specific examples include drug treatment drop-in centers in close proximity to Community Residential Facilities. It is not clear whether or not there is a problem. However, concerns have been expressed consistently enough over time to warrant further study. PROPOSED ACTION The Zoning staff should identify the types of non- ` residential programs which are in question and, if appro- priate, request a 40-acre study to amend the Zoning Ordinance in order to determine the impact on neighborhoods and how they can be alleviated. 22 .� �������� L,:� _ 14.3 PROGRAM MONITORING Throughout the study, concerns were expressed which relate to features of Comnunity Residential Facilities which are not appropriately addressed by zoning. A major concern is proper monitoring of programs once they have received their initial license and funding. Facilities are monitored at the State level on a regular basis. In addition, the County reviews funding contracts annually. Frequently, however, neighbors are not offered a formal opportunity to provide input into these reviews. Yet, neighbors may be able to provide insights into the facility for those licensing and funding Comnunity Residential Facilities. REC E DE C N Planning Comnission approval of a resolution asking the Saint Paul City Council to go on record supporting in- creased communication between other governmental agencies who license and fund Community Residential Facilities and the residents of the area surrounding facilities. 14.4 EQUAL DISTRIBUTION A special condition limiting the population of Comnunity OF COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL Residential Facilities to 0.5% of the total citizen par- FACILITIES ticipation dis.trict population and placing an upper limit on the number of facilities in each district based on total population was recomnended. The intent of this recomnendation is to reduce concentration of facilities. • The need for requirements beyond the distance requirements currently included in the Ordinance has not been documented. In addition, the data requirements associated with this recommendation would make it very difficult to implement. Representatives of District 4 asked that they be put on record as recomnending these requirements , although the difficulties in implementing it were accepted. RECOMMENDED ACTION Continued monitoring of Comnunity Residential Facilities for evidence of concentration. 23 tiZ * 3 3 3 --�1 . � � � � P� 7D O� � m• � Z 1 1 � 1 .�' A W N �+ »� 9 W N N O O ...r � �o a �o� �o€ �d y -� o 0 0 0 �� O x +� uni � N,� � � � N m N 1�'C D o r N p�.. d.... d-+� �'�' �1 '�1 T 1'1 T P" 7 F-� n ^ �� �� » �o o � � � �. � v � � m .ti �p„ o� o a ,�-► ry�p �c �c �c �c �c A � �c° '17 + H �3 a W' � �0 70 �0 70 �o r' G� rTl ~ ..�+ -+ � f-+ N N N H N -1 � N' r. .+. .► n �C �C � 0. d 6. O. d N f1 S O � > > > 5 � � mT � r-� � ..�.. .�+. � _�.. 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'! ��� fp O 7 O a 7 O� � fAp C � -+ pr f0 N e?* W Or 'f � Li-b � � -+� �-it� '� r�*1 V� -r-r� f o fp fp fp 0► f1�N � -+� "A C f�p} e"F �-+ N O < -+ Z --�-+ d Z -C,+Z -a.+ C A �-+Z W � C7 -+• 'S fD f� {f� fD fp r.W N W � � f"►e'F d fD N IA a ' � '�� �� � c = ' = o a ^•�» in°w -a � a � .r �..,. a o 0 0 -+� N v► ��c � .., �o -�s o a -� -•a o � �n o � -s -s oai � o c�� rs � -� � a� • e► Z c� r, � � � �rn�a ve�r °_'.Q� °�' ,.�„r� ° °�' �� � ro ��-hs?�f° ro N In O fp � -� �t -r a_. r. �. fp � pi --�1 ? � In Q N .+.N 7 Q p1 �Q �v a �c s o a f°o o . � p �o ��H v► �en ` .�,, � � � -� �*� � _'s� -� -a oo `� � �n r.�i N fp 3 -M 7 fp -� A fp te] ?� S-+ a � �i � � � -1�.�+.� ��di. � O �'! �+� � � � , � . • d ., v . �• , .' 15.2 SECTION 64.209 d When specific reference is made to this paragraph 64. 09d) in Sections 60.413 through 60.607, the Planning Comnission, after public hearing may modify specified special conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure, provided that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health , morals and general welfare of the comnunity and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Sections 61 .100 through 61 .105 and 62.103 shall remain in force and effect and shall not be superseded or waived by any such modification of a specified special condition. 28 , C • city of saint paul � planning commission resolution file number 79-8� date ,2-14-79 i � WHEREAS, public notice for consideration of requests for special condition use for Corr�nunity Residential Facilities is now given at least ten days prior to the public hearing before the Current Planning and Zoning Committee; and ' WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide sufficient time to the representative corr�nunity group and neighbors of a proposed Community Residential Facility to fully analyze the proposed Facility in order to provjde public testimony; and WHEREAS , district counciis and other camnunity groups normally meet monthiy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the P1anning Commission requests , as a matter of policy, that the Planning Adminstrator notify affected districts through their community organizers and District Council presidents , forty- five (45) days in advance of the public hearing befare the Current Planning and Zonirig Committee of ali requests for special condition use for Community Residential Facilities . moved by Bryan �onded by Hanqqi . in favor__��___ a�a���t�.° z9 �G�o���� city of saint paul . pianrnng comm�ss�on resolut�on f�ls number Tg -85 . , date _�2-,4-�9 WMEREAS, the City�of St. Paul Planning Commission initiated a 40 Acre Study on - May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments to the Saint Pau1 Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, as it relates to Day Care; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has amended Minnesota Statutes 1978, Sectlon 245.812, Subdivision 3, to specify that licensed day care facilities serving ten or fewer persons mWSt be considered permitted single �Family residential . uses for the purposes of zoning; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Committee of the Planning Comnission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments and has recorrnnended tMem to the Planning Co�nission for approval ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planrring Comnission did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on December 14, 1979; and . WHEREAS, the Planning Cpmmission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical, 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, � 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this � ordinance proposed are related to the ov�rall needs of the comnunity, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on November 23, - November 30, and December 7, 1979; - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission recammends approval` of the following zoning code text amendments and directs the Planning Coordinator to forward this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. : m0�d by Bryan s�econded by _ Hanq�i --- in favor� - . � against o�._ : city of saint paui . pianning commission resolufic� . file number �A-�5 _ � date ,2-,4-�� : • i 7 60.410 R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts 6U.412 Principal Uses Permitted: i. Fami ly Da�y Care and Group Fami ly Day Care. 60.413 Principal U$es Permitted Subject to Special Conditions:. � 3:--6�s��-€ar���y-�ay-ea�ea-��e�#de�-�ha�-pe-�ae�e-�qa�-��wee-�3� sae�-€ae�����es-s�a��-�e-�eEa�e�-ep-��e�e��y-a�a����g-e��qe� s#�e-e€-a-s��ee�-apd-�y#��-�e�wee�-��e-�we-�eawes�-���er- see�#��-s��ee�s-e�-�e�wee�-�be-�ea�es�-�p�e�seE����-s�pee� . . a�d-a-�a#�wea�-�}�h�-e€-way3-aRSd���v�ded-ae�ea�e;-Hed�-s� w��e��-er-e�he�-�hys�ea�-ba���e�-�e-��e-ea����a��y-e� de�re�e�.�ep�-�-e�-�e�wee�-�he-�eares�-i��epsee����--s�wee� .... a�d-�{�e-Ee��e�a�e-�s�pda�y-���ae: -__ : m0�/ed b�/ Brvan r.r�r i� �r�� :��U �.fGd �/ __Nasgg' in favor� against__o_. . r � city of saint paui planning commission resolution file number �_�.. date __�-,4-�9 � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Comnission initiated a 40 Acre Study an May 26, 1978, to examine the need for amendments �o the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance, chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as it relates to Comnunity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, a major concern of Saint Paul citizens is access to information related to Comnunity Residential Facilities which propose to locate or are located in their neighborhood; and WHEREAS, these concerns relate to zoning, public funding an� licensing of Comnanity Residential Facilities; and WHEREAS, funding and licensing are the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County. Welfare Department and the Minnesota Departments of Public Welfare, Corrections, and Health; � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting the Ramsey County Welfare Department and the Minnesota bepartments of Public Welfare, Correetions and Heaith to noti�fy the City of Saint Paul , throu.gh the� Zoning Section, Division ef Planning, Department of Planning and EEOnomic �evelop- ment, of all proposed Community Residential Facilities or changes in aicensang, size, purpose, or location of existing _Community Residential � Facilities; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission recommends that the Saint Paul City Council go on record as requesting that the Ramsey County Welfare Department and the Minnesota Departments of Public Welfare, Corrections and Health establish procedures to solicit input from neighbors of Corr�nunity Residential Facilities as a routine part of funding and/or licensing renewal or review. moued by. Bryan --- ��.��d b�/ _Levy -- in favor__�s__. . . aC,�ll1St � \ ' . / . - . � _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _. � _ - _ __ �J � ' , ' ' / �j�y � lst _ l�— `�' — 1� C.� 2nd ��— �� c�v �. T - 3rd /l— `I�� d �� Adopted �� —a S��l� / Yeas Nays _ �T J � ��� c� LEVINE �`7���Q ` v McMAHON. '� � SHOWALTER � � TEDESCO WILSON - PRESIDENT (MADDOX) . .�.f'-`.'.: ��,;� � -�`+ �/��� ����� � -�= a� �� � . �M � ��� r � • �: i��rP�, I�,�C c.�, � . . �Atn�.l �3� �'��ry�j � . . a� C���� . . � � �- � � • • , �� Gc�.v��� �-i,c.a . (� � a�v�. v�h: ��t' a���sw�' c�s�J'�t, �n�, . �' S '0 -1 �' � '� n m c .� m m � O 'v � a �' m _ � .m > O � _ � n � Z � � Z t7 - .b.{ C'� • m -a c� ro -� t� -t N r.� �� � � t � O O -.-r � �� �.� �O � O � 1C! 10 � fSD N� C C . 'r! �1 �.N � W. , y t'�� r. �. �.'O .�.�G ... ..r r � •3: � �� � D t� fD -y-+• :�] Vi pi'� C Z �� A� �-�. � c � � e��+ -�+� m a � a � a P � o'� °_r� � � .p � � v+ �c � �, • ° ro ,. �-* d . � � � ro� �. �° � � �r cn-s � a o 4 � � � � � � � `° '� �� �.o� a. g n� � �o� � .. � g �P C /"h N n 'S S M .r, � . s �� th lD �. ry . � � � 3 S � �G i � • ? NfD � . � �, c+ A+ � � � , �, 'r 10 {p � � � ' t�9 tb N e'h � � � O � C 1"h � "'�� _ � � � � ? � W 2 G1 � � O � v ;n w � � K —+�„ i � � :�" /