275874 � �; �'i��"��`�
Council File:No.275874-8y Ron�aaeoX=
Resplved.'19�at u�on the petition o�:Okqn
Graphic Products,Inc.,tfia4:qtcta9p_of pubFic
alley beteinafter descrlbed,be�ni�ht,sane
hereby,is vacated and discontinued as a public �
alley> ,
The e8at•west`a11e1 as plattiL�in'91be(c 9
Baker's Addition;o the City o!St.Peul,
Ramsey County,blinaesota tying east ot
the:epat line of Pelham �d?
t�o�the�est9iee��t�� k?i s Ad� .�1
dition'to the CUq ot;Bt::�r��
Counry,Minnesota: ,��:� �
subjest expreuly to the�l i eon�litions
and reservations: .-
. I. Y7iat lht�'riklttoN'be�t��all the
terma oa�'1�Iflili�Leptes 226:of
•the Ti:StljlY'�YrW[�de.ss amend•� '
ed. _^'�Y %;i!��•;
2:''Dh�tS�j�is'C�1u.�`!"l4�13sLd to pa8 to.:� 1.
tlfe Ctt��{St,ParM�a�#t5on in�ibe
arqttudy,i��9,i�Ot1.Ud,ipiataid vacation. �.
3. Thas the pet9c;unrr,{,�intsr►�k'city w;�
a baul+yf t�te a,�RrS ot i$.�.00.end 1lY.
acceptance of t�tesmx acul ronditions of
. tqix vacatAOq s�sees to i��er,inify:�efe�d
and save haimIess the f:�:V,of Saint�aul;'
, its o�ficeca aa�employpl-trom aN suifs, '
aMionD,or cieiku of,'�y�hs�Fter, in-
clud�g, but no! limited tb, 9:rlaim
bro�ht.ba��Ne sof=;arry'•lt�aries, or
damages reccived or sustaiped by any
penon,�ersonY or property,on accourit �
oi this v�eatia4�i€bewnie of any act or, ,
tm4iss�og,,,ne,�leM at�igconduct.of spid
;jfetljtioPRr,Ve�YecauaR o[qn�;t�a[m or.�
� 8abilitq aneaig frocn or based on,a�v :
vi wpa¢.aay.law�or t' lnAfie.
ifi�uccolirif�e�vith Ehe 1a�'�t^6q , ,
the,petltfoper of any of N�-�!s'os'
��tr�,,,yiri�.i.n; . 'a{r;�x.�-a,•� . � � �.
YW��' . •.. . .. ,..
Aaopt��Y,y it,e�'omxft oc+t -
Appraved November 9.1980. '�°�� �
. � :.-y�p� � ,
(Nwember 8,i98�