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Council File No.�—j�r}� �{gddox—
Resolrted,l'Aat typn4TiEpetitla�.oi the Port
AuthoritY�f t�CJ.t7�,Raiet Pjuil aiid joined
by 5t. Paul �epter_�t6e Aeier[can Red
Cross, tpe utilitj ersetnent here;pafter
described:be and t�e�me hereb�ls v.acpted.
and�liscoAtinued6sa_utilityeese�ient: '
The 20 foot utility eaeA�ment�ttie No�th
30 fcet�ti�$aet YO feet ot Lgt 6�,$i�ck d,.;�
Riyer�riea Iq$ystr�a�park Ne..i,:Ramsey
County, Minneaeta�eferre�:Ec in Uocu-
ment N5535T3. ' .'`;. '
subject fxPnss3](ta'the fot�oic,i�eH6d'ttions
and�5eYVati�t'`. „��"•r. .: .
1.'fihpt thR vacatio�t be s,�b,�ect io aA the
,��s and conditionro[5ection Y2S of the
�,��"aul L�isladye+Cec�e,a[amended.
2. �ut�lhe Iz�titipt�t;2lxPpri Authority of
tlie City ot SaiM$8;►};�be required to
fbrAt�t+ cotf�Pens�t�pp p3' 4ond,�or,the
vacatFon,arad/1a{hyt!!y 1�f a�d ihe
,�.qetitioner,its�successors snd.a7763gifl;�y- �
acceptance oi the te�ns and'condi.tiona of
this vacation,agree0 to an8 ahall fully in-
dauioify..defend anti.sa�#trrmlbs'1�
Oity oi Saint Paul, its officers,aaents.
employeES,and servants from airy and all
dsmages. claups for dame8es. costs.
charges,judgtnents and expenses of every-
kind e�ti ueture aris�c?�;Er9wiA8��..
the vacation of this utility.r,��erylept
Adopted by tHe Council OMOber 30,1980.
Approved i�iovember 4,1980.. ': .
(Novembe�8,1980) •