275872 M�NITE - CITV CLERK ��r�►ay� PINK - FINANCE COUnCII •e i CANARY - DEPARTMENT-. GITY OF SAINT PAUL � File NO. V L9 BLUE - MAVOR ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHER.EAS, pursuant to authorization by law, the Mayor has appointed Johannes Huyen to the position of Director of the Saint Pau1 Department of Human Rights, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said appointment is hereby concurred in and in all respects approved and ratified. COUNCILMEN Reyuested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddoz M�Ni.':;on _ 7�Against BY sncvaal�er Tedesco O lno� OCj 3 �a Form prove Cit ey Adopt y ouncil• Date C C rtified P- • by oun ' Secretary BY sy . t\pprov avor: Date 4 1980 Appr by Mayor for S b is a to Council gy By �rst��fl �°����s;� 8 1980 w ^ . r.. . _ • • ....; � John K. Huyen � -3- � ����� � �. . �` area, including court cases, employment practice decisions, potential areas of discrimination, legal interpretations and other topics . Prepare and participate in workshops , seminars and confer- ences and give presentations dealing with human rights is- sues; develop departmental programs to promote equality and eliminate discriminatory practice� ; serve as resource person to departmental staff; conduct demographic studies to deter-- mine the racial composition of the city's population; con- duct studies of the employment and housing conditions in St. � Paul. Prepare the departJCient Annual Report. � ACHIEVEP�IENTS WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HU'�1AN RIGHTS: l. INCREASED OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN: In the fall of 1976 , I conducted a study for the Iiuman Rights Commission to determine the reasons why there were no women in non-clerical positions in the St. Paul Fire Department. The study revealed that women were barred from jobs as Fire Prevention Inspector, Fire Investigator, and Fire Alarm Dispatcher because these positions required two or more years of fire fighting experience, and that the Fire, Department had no female Firefighters on board. Reports from other Fire Departments throughout the coun- try indicated that the narrow requirement for firefight- ing experienee, besides being irrelevant and unnecessaryt had' effectively eliminated female competition for posi- � tions in fire departments. , Following a refusal by the Civil Service Commission to remove these artificial barriers against women, the . Director took the complaint to court (Lewis 'v. Zangs) . - The dispute was finally settled in March 1980 with a ; . , clear victory for women: These job categories no longer require firefighting experience . 2 . CONTRACT COZ�IPLIANCE In the 1976-77 Winter, I conducted a study on Contract Compliance for the Human Rights Commission, which led to the publication of a 102-page REPORT ON CONTRACT COM- PLIANCE on February 9 , 1977. An immediate result of the study was the shelving of the City Council's proposal to �� transfer contract compliance responsibilitie"s out of the k: . . • John K. Huyen . -4- - �'� � � . , � ' '. ' � • - � � � Human Rights Department to the P.urchasing Division and � the strengthening of our department 's position on con- ; tract compliance . From April through August, a committee composed of Assistant City Attorneys Philip Byrne and Linda Fishsr and myself worked on a draft of rules . for the enforce- ment of affirmative action in city contracts. The com- mittee 's effort culminated in the adoption of the RULES GOVERNING AFFIRMATIVE REQUIREMENTS IN EMPLOYnqENT {drafted . by the committee) by the Human Rights Commission on October 5 , 1977. The Rules spell out the powers of the Human Rights Commission as well as the obligations con- tractors r,�ust meet in order to do business with the City, . They are the cornerstone of the St. Paul Contract Com- pliance Program. 3. AFFIRtiATIVE ACTION: � In the summer of 1977, I conducted a study of St. Paul's demography and found that the number of women and minori- ties in the� local labor force had increased significantly. This led to the recommendation that the City's goals for the employment of women and minorities be revised from 30 percent to 38 percent and from 6 percent to 11 percent res- . pectively. Later, as Affirmative Action Officer, I per- sistently worked toward the adoption of these goals, which were firially approved by Mayor Latimer in the autumn of 1979. ' . Zb streng�then the Affirmative Action Program and to attract qualified women, minorities, and� handicapped persons to the city service, .concrete steps must be taken by the City. My contin,uous emphasis on the importance of an effective pro- gram was rewarded with the establishment of an Affirmative Action Recruiter's position. This person will engage ex- clusively in recruitm�nt activities and, hopefully, will bring more protected class employees on board. - 19Z3-75, SENIOR SCHOLAR - National Endowment for the Humanities , Washington, D.C. Directed research, on THF EVOLUTION OF COURT INTERPRETATION • OF THE CONSTITUTION IN THE AREA OF CIVIL RIGHTS . . � � 1970-72, PROFESSOR OF p(jBI�IC ADMINISTRATION ' Mankato State University 1966-70., VISITING PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC ADMZNISTRATION � College of St. Thomas : � ' �` �_...�� , � � ,� . . � John K. HuYen � -5- ' �����a� � � 1964-70, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AND DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN � College of St. Catherine , . Taught courses in the following areas: Constitutional Law 9 Administrative Law � Human Rights and Civil Liberties � Executive Process � Legislative Process � Public Administration � State and Local Government � PUBLICATION: BOOK: VISION ACCOMPLISHED (Macmillan, 1971) ' • Articles in Five Professional Jaurnals AWARDS: MASHKE FOUNDATION FELL0�4SHIP (196Q) MACKNIGHT FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP (1968) NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HU.'KANITIES I SENIOR FELLOWSHIP (1973-75} � O . • THER ACHIEVEMENTS . . PUBLIC SPEAKING: Regular Panelist on Forum; discussing state and local govern- ment issues : . _ - The .Henry� ��olf Show, KSTP-TV (1968-70) , - This Must Be The Place, WCCO-TV (1969j - KTCA-TV (1966-69j ' - CBC-TV (Canada) - WDGY-Radio ' - KSTP-Radio Speaker at Convocations, Workshops, and Seminars on various college and university campuses. �. .-�:,_ . _ . '1 r i�r � � - Y r� ;��►'��� ��¢s��� r > �1 �. .... �):�± ►:��.I!'� 1 ..�"A_U 1�, �.. �'��„ � ��'-�`�'� O�E�ICE O�� TFIE I��iAYOF r�; ;���`.,�,'�} �.+ t;��i:!'.��'1' , 2,° ��+�Xt��1��' �. .,o ��;r' :., ,.., _.;;; 347 Ctl'l' 1fALL __..- SAIN'1' PALTL, ;�fIN?JESUTA 5�102 G�:O!ZGE LATII�1i:R (G12) 295-4323 ":fA.�'UR October 16 , 1980 Ron Naddox President, City Council 7th Floor City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Maddox: Attached is a Council R�solut.ion which approves my appointment of John Huyen as the Director of. the Department o.f FIuman Rights . Also attached is a copy of �:r. Fiuyen' s resume . As yotz kno�ti�, the Human Rights Commission conducted an e�t�•�sive interviewing process in order to recommend thr�e candidates for the position. I have met with eac=: of the candidates and have decided that Mr. Huyen is t:�e best person to guide the Department of Human Rights. I am particularly excited about the assistance which D1r . Huyen will provide in helping the City to make improve- mer.ts in its affirmative action and contract compliance programs. I believe that the high quality of the Department' s work regardina, discrimination complaints will be further enhanced by Mr . Huyen' s appointment. The City Council ' s approval of the attached resolution is respectfully requested. Sincerely, ��� 1 � .�11 �(,�'� iL���'�2�2��;U�_.�� GEORGE L�TINIER P�iayor GL:kh Attachment cc: P�lembers of the City Council John Huyen �Rose Mix _.� r \� I �i// ��� �. , `�f ✓i'��, � �� � (� � , ' R E S U M E � � � f ��,,[_,( �� ��, � �� Ls�� . John K. Huyen ����' ' '' �� . 639 Montcalm Place �n5 . St. Paul, ?�iN 55116 � EDUCATION: B. A. , Political Science (1958) Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware , Ohio M, A. , Public Administration Administrative Law Constitutional Law (1960) Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Ph.D. , Political Science (1964) University of Minnesota Fields of Study: � Administrative Law Constitutional Law � Public Administration Executive Process . Legislative Process � State and Local Government EXPERIENCE: April 15, 1980 - ( ) , ACTING DIRECTOR • . St. Paul Department of Human Rights March 1978 - April 15, 1980, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER . Performing duties of DEPUTY DIRECTOR . Direct Complaint Enforceme�t, Contract Compliance, and Affirmative Action, in addition to internal administration of the DepartJnent of Human Rights . With respect to ENFORCEI�iENT, review complaints taken by " ,Field Representatives and prepared by the Supervisor of Tnvestigation to determine wh�ther complaints fall within our jurisdiction and are covered by our Ordinance. Provide direct guidance to the Supervisor of Investigation and make decisions whenever necessary, inform investigators of pertinent court decisions. Review analyses and summaries of cases submitted by the ' Supervisor and Field Representatives and make recommendations � to the Director regarding the disposition of complaints. � John K. Hu en -2- ' � ' � Y . • � . - Handle problem situations with Charging Parties, Respondents or their attor.neys with whom investigative staff experiences difficulties. . In regard to CONTRACT COMPLIANCE, direct the work of Contract Compliance Specialists and Affirmative Action Technicians; review their desk audits and on-site inspection reports; se- lect .cases for investigation; deal with contractors and their , attorneys; make recommendations to the Director regarding . disciplinary ac tions against non-complying contractors . . Explain Contract Compliance Rules to staff and assist con- tractors in their effort to meet the city requirements . With reference to AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, monitor and evaluate the City's program; collect and analyze internal workforce data and external labor market conditions; recommend specific actions, goals and timetables . - Direct the investigation of complaints of city employees ,aris- ing under the Affirmative gction Program; assist department heads in the es tablishment of goals and timetables; confer with the Mayor and his assistants to discuss specific steps to be taken; review, with the Director, personnel requisitions submitted by appointing officers and make recommendation re- lating to civil service appoint�nents . Maintain contact with female,minority and handicapped employ- ' _ ees to check their progress; serve on the MINIMUM QUALIFICA- TIONS COMMITTEE, whose main function is to remove artificial barriers against women and minorities and to eliminate narrow experience requirements which reduce competion. . Prepare Semi-Annual Affirmative Action Reports, the EEO-4 Re- port to the federal government, and the depart�nent's Annual Report. Handle correspondence for the .Director and the Mayor in mat- ters relating� to human rights . In regard to INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION, supervise departmental activiti.es in behalf of the Director; handle all personnel problems; make rules to insure productivity and efficiency; _� � evaluate the performance of the Supervisor of Investigation and the Affirmative Action and Contract Compliance staff. 2darch 1975 - March 1977, HUMAN RIGHTS ANALYST Analyze and estimate the impact of human rights programs and ., policies on the .community; conduct research in the human rights