275869 WMITE - CITY CLERK � � E� PINK - FINANCE ��5��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COUIICII� ����, i BLIJ�. . - •MAYOR � File N . c 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the appointments by the Mayor of the 21 individuals listed to serve as city-wide task force representatives on the newly created District Housing Plan Task Force (established bp the Department of Planning and Economic Development's Planning Division' s "A District Housing Plan Process in Saint Paul") are approved. Representatives from Planning Commission David Lanegran* Liz Anderson Reverend Glen Hanggi Housing Task Farce representative Dennis Dorgan Tenants Union representative Spencer Blaws Public Housing Residents Council representative Mary Overby, Mt. Airy Lending industry representative Raymond deGeorgeo, American National Bank Realtor representative John Blomquist, Jr. , Blomquist Real Estate Developer representative Peter Boosalis, PEMBCO Private foundation representative Jack Klepp, Wilder Housing Development COUIVCIL.MEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� _ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certj-fied Pa• • y Counci'� Secret y BY � � Byr \ � �.. A oved by 1�layor: Da � _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B — — BY WHI'OE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE ��'�[}�'lj'� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUflClI �qhd� � BLIJ,� . -�MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA�U L File N O. �'fL��•� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. Representatives from planning districts District 2 - Otto Helemas 3 - Herb Dalglish 5 - Lee Runyon 6 - Tom P�Iuraski ? - Bruce Clendenen 11 - Julian Empson 14 - Jim Gabler 15 - Lynn Ward 16 - Carol McCleod 17 - Henry Schreiber 12 - Sherman Eagles * Chairperson COUNCILMEN ' Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox Mc�e��� � Against BY Tedesco VYib�p Adopted by Counci . Date ��T 2 8 1980 Form Approved it A torney ��Certified __ed by Council Secretary BY �gy �� ."�`- (, . Approv d y :Navor: D App by Mayor for ission to Council av By �D N 0 V 1 198� � ,�,„.,._,,..: , . -. �?� ' _ • ����„w : '�,9 �"i'-.�r; � _ C(TY OF SAINT PAUL ��' • �����N INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President Ron Pladdox and Members of the City Council FROM: Mayor LatimerQ � t DATE: October 24, 1980 SUBJECT: Resolution appointing members to serve on the District Housing Plan Task Force Attached for your consideration and approval 2� is a resolution appointing �0' individuals to the newly created District Housing Plan Task Force. As you know from Ora Lee' s October 22 memo to you, these persons were selected by their respective constituencies to represent them on the task force. Therefore, at this time we do not have applications. However, for the purpose of continuity, our office is asking for applications to be placed on file here. If you are interested, you may see ther.i when they are received. The membership is not complete. Seven additianal members must be named as representatives of the planning districts. Another resolution will name them. G7�/lm attachment ��,'s-:.�_