275866 WNITE - CiTV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE COURCIl � � CANqRV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File N . , ; o ncil Resolution Presented By � j� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10 . 07.4 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $6,861 To: Planning and Economic Development 06000-537-000 Transfer or Contribution to Special Fund $6 , 861 For payment to State Auditor for audit of Central Village. Approved as to funding: Approved: � Dir. , Dept. f Finance & Mgmt. B dget Dire tor Servic�o �c ,y,��� �� /� wn` l COUNCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: �evine � [n Favor Ni•�ddo�: �vi::r,�-!,�;� C'' _ __ Against BY s�+t�r Tedesco '''� OCT 2 8 198Q Form Approve y C' ttor e Adopted by Council: Date Ce ified Pas- y Cou cil Se y �' BY � � � Appro e by 14avor: OC '2 9 �s��. Approved by yo r Submission to Council 1 By _ By , �sx�� �uov � is�o � I ' r . - < �. R ' (.'laim F<>r Audit ` t ,,,�.` ' p � �=�= STATE Of MINNESOTA - � • '� OFFICE OF THE: STAT'E AUDITOR ������ ti �� (612) 296-2551 To: Mr. Tom Meyer Date: August 29 , 1980 City Hall �nnex ; Room 1400 - Accountant 25 West 4tr. Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 For the month of June, Services rendered an�i expenses � inrurred in examinin�* t7nancial affairs of The City of Saint Paul Central Village covering $ 3 432 . 52 the period 1973-1980. � Detail Senior Auditor 16 1/2 days @ $156 $2 ,574 . 00 Intern 20 5/8 days @ $ 40 825. OG Reimbursable Expenses - Mileage 33. 52 Total $3 ,432 . 52 Please indicate claim number on remittance. (Details are on file in the Office of the State Auditor) ��- f STATE AU I /, I declare under penalties of law that j the foregoing account is just and correct By: "� and that no part of it has been paid. Curtis . Sippel Assistant tate Au�itor Please make remittance payable to Minnesota State Treasurer and send to: PAYABLE PROMPTLY UPON RECEIPT Office of the State Au�itor Minn. Stat. § 6.56 Veterans Service Build:ng St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 � � . . • ' 'jt� •. � • Claim For Audit � ' ..�„.� ���`���� e �. ��s STATE OF MINNESOTA ��� • � OFFICE OE THE STATE AUDITOR �� ~ (612) 296-2551 To: Date: August 29 , 1980 Mr. Tom Meyer , City Hall Annex Room 1400 - Accountant 25 West 4th Street . St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 For the month of July, Services rendered and expenses incurred in examining financial afiairs of The City of Saint Paul Central Village covering the period 1973-1980. � 2 ► 712 . 00 Detail Senior Auditor 12 days @ $156 $1, 872 . 00 Intern 21 days @ $ 40 840. 00 Total $2 ,712 . 00 ,:�=:1� .a.� � l. � ;y `�FCEt��-�Qo -; �;U 4 �no� � .'r�, pp�AlN,�� � � ��; �� �� �� ,-�, ,.,,�, � ;,�� � �. � _.._ Please indicate claim number on remittance. (Details are on file in the Of�ce of the State Auditor) i STATE AU � I declare under penalties of law that � ; the t�oregoing account is just and correct By: and that no part of it has been paid. Cu tis Sippel Assistant State Auditor Please make remittance payable to Minnesota State Treasurer and send to: PAYABLE PROMPTLY UPON RECEIPT Office of the State Auditor Minn. Stat. § 6.56 Veterans Service Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 ' � Claim For .Audit ���' ,�° � �° � � � � �,`��,,.�w e -.� ��`s STATE Of MINNESOTA ������ �'� • o OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR � ~ (612) 296-2551 �.,:� To: Mr. Tom Meyer Date: September 29, 1980 City Hall Annex Room 1400 - Accountant 25 West 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 For the month of August, Services rendered and expenses incurred in examining financial affairs of The City of Saint Paul Central Village, �overing � 716. 00 the peroid 1973 - 1980. Detail Senior Auditor 1 day @ $156 $156. 00 . Intern 14 days @ $ 40 560. 00 Total $716 .,00 Please indicate claim number on remittance. (Details are on file in the Of�ce of the State Auditor) , � STATE AUDIT � / I declare under penalties of law that �� ' f � the foregoing account is just and correct By: ` X ' and that no part of it has been paid. Curtis L. pp Assistant State Auditor Please make remittance payable to Minnesota State Treasurer and send to: PAYABLE PROMPTLY UPON RECEIPT Office of the State Auditor Minn. Stat. § 6.56 Veterans Service Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 ';.�t.", � , . C�T� ��+` ►'�,�.�i`�7''.�' �AV�. r � i''. �1 `'.� OFF'ICE OF T.HE CITY COUI`�CIL � (��!�� ��= .,::.,,..,-� �'� a �wr�i��a-� i;. . . ���- �'����i',. �§., . . . �� i Date October 23, 1980 : ...__ - �,: .x� CQ � � ���� � � � � � �� T O : Sainf Poul Ci�t� Cour�ci! Ff��� � CO(�1Ti�1��@L OCt FINANCE, ��IANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George McMahon , c�oirman, makes the foliowing repart on C. F. � �rdinancs (Z) XX Resolution �] Other Ti?�.E : At its meeting of October 23, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended anproval � _ _ of the following: � - -- 1. Resolution transferring surplus CD Year IV project funds to 'CD Year V project funds and providing arr addi�ional �6,000 in CD Year .V from the unspecified contingency for completion of North of St. Stan's Deyelopment. 2. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds in the amount. of $6,861 to pay _ State Auditor for Central Village audit for the months 'of� June, July and August 1980. (11449-GM) - � CIT�' HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, biI�T�1ESOTA 55102 � � ....� .. ;.� � OM Ol : 12/1975 Rev. : 9�8/76 � ' . Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, F� (r� .f. �i � #gQ-��� RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ���n�� � RECEIVED Date: oct. 1, �9so �GT `:� - 1980 IIAAY_Oi�� � TO: Ma.yor George Latimer '�. n • FROM: Council President Ron Maddox 'TFCF John W. Connelly (� �� � �' Audit of Central Village. ��p���'F CT�,: FD 'vV q o,� 1�j � ACTION REQUESTED: O�qMFNTh'F�� " cFM�/pTS/���oR Transfer of funds. FRV��F ' FS PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The City Council authorized on February 14, 1980, ( C.F. 274433) an audit of the Central Village program to be performed by the State Auditor. The dollars requested in attached resolution are for payment for the months of June, July, and August, 1980, on the work performed to the State Auditor ' under this authorization. t._,,�. 1 . ATTACHMENTS: