275865 WHITE ,- CITV CLERKCOCCIITIUI�I� l.y ���NK - FINANCE Development G I TY OF SA I NT �A U L council �`����� ANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR C il Resolution Presented By + Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following transfer of Community Development Block Grant Year IV and V funds; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the budgets provided by the City to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the City's Community Development Year IV and V Program is hereby revised as indicated below: CD YEAR IU ,,. `— 4/10-143 No. St. Stan's Development: Line 1 - Acquisition 182,000 (8,000) 174,000 Line 4 - Demolition 31,000 (8,120) 22,880 Line 12 - Relocation 150,000 17,822 132,178 Project Total 363,000 (33,942) 329,058 Project Increase -0- Project Decrease 33,942 Amount to be transferred to CD Year V - (33,942) Project 5/13 - No. St. Stan' s Development CD YEAR V 5/13-143 No. St. Stan's Development: Line 1 - Acquisition 61,000 53,000 114,000 Line 4 - Demolition 15,000 (3,500) 11,500 Line 8 - Relocation 61,000 9,558 51,442 Project Total 137,000 39,942 176,942 Amount transferred from CD 33,942 (33,942) -0- Year IV - Project 4/10 - No. St. Stan's Development COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor �� , __ Against B�' Form A by City tt ' y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By 6lpproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council BY - – — BY � IP T Community WHITE - C�TV CLERK � �"�� IC 1 PINK � - FINANCE Development G I TY OF sA I NT �AU�L Co�n�it �,; 6 ���� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 CD YEAR V - Cont'd. 5/34-999 Unspecified Contingency 483,899 6,000 477,899 CD Year V Total 654,841 -0- 654,841 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: , PPROVED: AfY� ` , ernard J. Carls n, Director �(> Ri ard E. S hroeder Dept. of Finance anagement Services B get Director COUIVCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: �!� �e���r` � [n Favor PED (Communitv Development Division�� _�.,,. , n,i..�.,�,� � McM���cn �, __ Against BY Tedesco '"�`� OCT 2 8 1980 Form Approved b City Attor ey . Adopted by Counc�l: Date ertifi�`P�sed by'C '1 Srecretar ` / BY � ��, l'�-�—�- /' �1p oved by (Vlavor: at �.L? A i�Q� Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pi}8�.1SHED N O U f 1980 _t.:., . ,,.�� C��� �� ���.���r ��.�r�. ' •��`���� �� .`'� OFFI�E OF TH� CITY GOUNCT�.� � : �--~ �. � � � � �s�� �;� �� » ..o.; r:. }' ��41Y��1(J�.I! M� . � ".> �L'1 t1+. . �u- :��"� Da t e , October 23, 1980 ``4t• - � . � � . Y V � � �� / � � � � � � �� . . - T0 : Sain� P��l Ci#� Council FR� � � COtntiit'�t@� OR FINANCE, f�A"dAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George McPlahon , choirman, m�kes the following report on �. F. � Ordinance (2) XX� Resofution � Other Ti7�E : Rt its meeting of October 23, 1980, the Finance Committee recommended anproval � of the fol l owi na: _____ 1 . Resolution transferring surplus CD Year IV project funds to �CD Ye�r V project funds and providing an additional �6,000 in CD Year V from the unspecified contingency for completion of North of St. Stan's Development. 2. Resolution authorizing transfer of funds in the amount. of' $6,861 .�o pay . State Auditor for Central Village audit for the months �of June, July and August 1980. 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