275864 WHITE CITY CLERK F? PINK ' � F NANCE C011IICll � ���� G�."�ERY - M�YORMENT GIT OF AINT PAUL File N 0. rdin�nce Ordinance N�. / �J �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 327 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Keeping of Animals". THE COdJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 327 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Keeping of Animals" is hereby amended to read as follows: 327.04. Biting; Quarantine. When any person has been bitten by a�-a���a� a doa or cat the owner or cus- todian of s�te�-a���na� the doa or cat, having been so notified, shall immediately quarantine ea�e�-a���ta� the dog or cat at owner' s home or other suitable place of confinement within the City or such other place as di- rected by the Health Officer of the City of Saint Paul. The period of quarantine shall commence immediately after a person has been bitten and such period shall last for ten (10) consecutive days thereafter. If on or before the tenth day the a���eta� doct or cat shows clinical signs suggestive of rabies, the a���a� dog or cat may be killed for rabies examination. W��e�-a��na�s-e�a��-19e-3����ee� �nee��a�e��-a�e�-��e-ea�eaee-et�rn���ee�-�e�-�al9�es-e�a�t- ��a��e�: Wild animals are defined as meanincr creatures, not human, wild by nature. If any of the followinct wild animals -- skunk, raccoon, fox. covote, bobcat or bat - b ites a human, a doa, a cat or anv livestock, that animal shall be killed immediatelv and the carcass submitted for rabies examination. When other wild animal species are COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt CO�IUNITY SERVIC Levine I❑ FavOr Maddox McMahon Showalter Against ` " Tedesco '' wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� •--_� B � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � Approved by Mayor: Date v d by Mayor for Sub is io o eouncil By BY . � � � � ���;��� 2. involued in a bitinQ incident with a human or anv other animal, the Health Officer shall determine whether the animal, based on the prevalence of rabies in the species and/or the prevalence of rab ies in the region, is a rabies suspect. Animals deemed to be a rabies suspect shall be killed immecliately and the carcass submitted for rabies examination. Animal species includinq live- stock, rodents, (squirrels, hamsters, quinea pigs, ger- bils chipmunks, rats and mice) and lagomorphs (rabbits and hares) may be considered rabies suspects on an in- dividual basis. If at the end of the ten (10) day quarantine period, the a���na� dog or cat appears to be normal, the quarantine will be terminated. During the quarantine period the a��xta� doct or cat shall be securely confined in a building or in a yard enclosed by a fence so constructed that the a���ta� dog or cat cannot get through or over and which will not permit other animals or persons to enter and will prevent the a���ne� doct or .� from coming in contact with other animals or persons other than the custodian. The a��x�a� dog or cat shall not be killed unless it cannot be safely secured. If the a��ma� dog or cat is killed, dies, becomes sick or escapes within the quarantine period, the owner, custodian, or agent thereof must notify the Health Officer of the City of Saint Paul immediately. When it is necessary to quar- antine a�-a���a� a dog or cat under this chapter, the cost and expense of such quarantine shall be borne by the owner or agent of the owner of et�e�-a���eta� the doq or cat. WHITE - CITY CLERK (((��� PINK � = FINANCE C011I1C11 � ����� CANARlf - D@PARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PALTL \.` BL1JE - MAYOR File N O. • Or in�nce Ordinance N�. .� �o ���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas NaXs Requested by Department of: Hunt I w COMMUNITY SERVICES Levine KJ In Favor Maddox McMahon J Showalter Against BY � wlson NOV 13 1980 Form Approved by City Attorn y Ado by Co il: Date ertifi assed by uncil Se�cretar BY r d by Mayor: 1VOV �. H �980 A d by Mayor S si n to Council B BY P���fl NOV 2 � i980 � . � ' �' OM OZ: I2/1975 , • � Rev. : 9/8/76 EXPLANATION OF ADMINZSTRATIVE ORDERS, _ RE LOTIONS, AND ORDTNANCES ___.i�`;�QC�..._. �G 1 0!J Date: SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 Tp; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � � ' v E p �� �- THOMAS J. KELLEY �� � QC; i �' 3��g� �= ORDINANCE - "KEEPING OF AN�TMALS" �p►YOR'S OFFiCE ACT20N REQUESTED: Approval and signature on attached Ord�irrance _ ._, PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Amendmerrt to Legislatl've Code regarding biting by anrmals_and quarantine ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance - \ , ___. _.......- _...._...____._ ... ..�._..__.__...._e.. � _.._. ___.�. J._.. __ _ _ � l s t i � �A' " .�� _"�j�i S 2nd /�- ��� �� 3rd / � — �— �(� Adopted � ` / 3"- O � // �, Yeas Nays - H� 1 �� �3� � ��5�64 ., �I.E VI NE : '� McMAHON � �� GSHOWALTER TEDESCO � WILSOPI PRESIDENT (MADDOX) � �� �'�r :�`.' �!� �Y�