275859 WHITE - CITY CLERK ///��� PINK '- FINANCE COl1I1C11 �l■ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L �� J BLUE - MAYOR �FlI@ N O. � : . � Co nc ' eso tion Presented By l' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in accorda.nce with Ordinance No. 1.53u and following the public hearing held on April l, 1980, did adopt a Resolution, Council Fi.le No. 27�+6�+7, establishing the level of street maintenance service to be performed in the City of Saint Paul, and the estimated amount of service chaxges to be levied against benefited property, the work to be performed in 1980, and the chaxges to be collected with the regular taxes in 1981; and WHERF.AS, the Department of Public Works has performed the approved street maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street maintenance in the amount of $�+,885,600.00; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resol.ution, Council Fi1e No. 272705, determined that the City shall pay the sum of $1,300,500.00 of the street maintenance costs from: Municipal State Aid $706,500.00, Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid $228,000.00, County Aid $346,000.00, and Federal Disaster Assistance $20,000.00 and that the remaining amount of $3,585,100.00 shall be assessed against benefited properties, and fl.irther resolved, that a public hearing be held in the Council chambers on pctober 28 , 1980 for the purpose of adopting the service charges against al1 benefited properties; and Wf�iERF�S, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a public hearing on October 28 , 1980 for this purpose, and, having heard all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter and said Ordinance No. 15311, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the following service charges as a special assessment against benefited properties: Class I - Downtown - $1.32 per front foot. Class II - Out],y3.ng Commercial and Arterial Streets Commereial Property - $.89 per �ont foot. Residential Property - $.�+ per front foot. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter - __ Against Y — Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by C' Att ey Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By —_ - Approved by Ylayor: Date _ Appr ve y Mayor for u m' s'on to Council By _ BY , _ . OM G1 : t2/1975 Rev: 9/8/76 ' EX�LANATICN OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORD�RS, � RESOLL'T!CNSy. A.ND ORD 1�d:,NCES � . . �����,� ��t�: October 8, 1980 . T0: MAYOR GEQRGE LAT(MFP. i� E C E �i � E :� �, _ -.� C=�� �: �°.,��� FR: Donald E. Nygaard �Y�,� �� RE: Street Maintenance Asses�ment Rates .� ACTtON REQUESTED: � Approve attached Resolution for ubmittal to City Council . _ _... ,� !.,_ - PURPOSE ANQ P,AT i ONA.LE F0�? T�i!S ACT E O�J: This Resolution rs�ifi�s the Street Maintenanee ABaessment rates and is passed i on the day of the public hearing. �� . � . AT7�lCNMEPaTS: ��� ��� ,, � � Resolution � -����-�i . ��' _ � �� O�� DEN�ms . . WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK �- FINANCE ���yyyaaa,,, CANARY - DEPARTMENT ..G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COI1i1C1I � �� BL,UE - MAYOR File N . �w ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - Class III - All Residential Streets Residential Property - $.4?+ per front foot. Commercial Property - $.67 per front foot. Class N - A11 Oiled and Paved Alleys - $.24 per f`ront foot. Class V - Unimproved Streets and Alleys Streets - �.22 per front foot. Alleys - �.12 per front foot. and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service charges levied herein shall be extended on the proper tax lists of the County and collected in 1981 along with cuxrent taxes, the said service charges to be payable in a single insta7.]Ynent. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PubliC Works Levine IR Favor � Maddox McMahon . � �__ Against By Tedesco -- OCT 2 8 198D Form Approved by i rney Ado�d by Counci , - Date i `�ertified Y• - ed y Council�Secret y BY ' `��. A ed by :Vlayor. D CT 2 9 19fl0 APP by yor for Su issi t Council g By ��� N OV 1 1980 �_---- . i � , WMITE - -CITY CLERK �F�j+�� CANAi'iY - -. DEPARTMENT � � COUOCII �� C ��4+� BLUE-' - MAYOR C� ITY OF SAINT � ALTL File N 0. `'� , Council Resolution a�,M� -� . , _ _ - ,� ,: - �� ������ Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date �s ?LM �it� t�0�� � 'RAII � �Q. � t'ld1�Od:� �ZR #ot. �� � �! �s �9?'�r �3d �t+� �t p�ZLs ��rt �� �s �s � !�r Ci� t�a�l� C�■�r� !�e �#s p���r ai` t��+�Ai #�w � +� +�ar�r3+ivM al.' � 1l�i��a� t� 1� p�rlbQS�t #s t� 4�.i� o�` 8�t� � � #� ra�n� �d' s�re�es � ts �r �e3ad� � �.�id y�p�r� � � . ttll�IB, S!r Coae�it aC t�s t��► � �r0 lWot� +�t i� !�R t� �raMt aL' �t lMds�m� �L�t 'ia Ds � �3� i4s �r s� �r !� ##� �wrNe �a �tt lba�'ti� +Y�! d�i 3at tD� �'� a�[ t�h! D��� a!' ltiitl�Ot Y�'lr�; ra3 �, !b� ��t o! ��Sa 1Ma��u� di�d �erlb�t #�r � t�M�rta�aa� �nrisat 3a a �aws aa s� i�oar� s�! 8esesibed i�e � �si aP! !b� D��t +at A�tLe �i= �rid �!� o�t �Ses� r�nd��r�+s+nti S��a s z�pa� sborl� �ota� oo� ot �6s�C lla3�ta,a�c. �a b. �.$`�,�0�•00, . va� +ed' a�1 r� �.. bat��rtot0an. Deea �21�s�+ed t�o t� t�Y1� Qa�mre32i �,� t�wlb�,� � it - �YJ.�, ?!� t� Ct� a�t �f�s5�.� � #� +�os� �t �t�r�se� 1f�#s�o� b�► S'ist�t A�! ��!904.t'�D)s 'ls�o�c Ei�Y � t$�,�•�}s �1 � t��,��o�a �r�.�. �sast�or �a�o. C�o,c�oo.00a� a� b. st � �� +.� #�,��.� � a. �s..�a.ea .�«s� ��s.a � �� �o �s �iq� sa�s: C�s�rt I — � � �l-32 per � th�0 - �I►.I= � t�Tl� C�o���l ntd �#+iar��t► �a t�or�ar�#� Ft,c�rl� •• �. pas l�+oio� � �f�.�st � � �� pra� lt+onl� tl�a� s f .` COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:i . Yeas Nays Hunt Levine IR Favor Maddox ���°e Against BY Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Counc.il Secretary BY � By Appruved by 4lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY -- -------- ---- --- By ' - CSTY CLERK �:,.�-�_.. � :i�r � ne ARTMENT G I T Y O F S A'I N T PA U L Council ~ ����a�r � - MwvoR File N O. �''+- �� � Council Resolution � ��5��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .� � .� C�+�a� II� �+ �Y �3it1 �e+Ir�R/ lMdi/�rE3aY �sf� � #.#� par l�+�R !i� Cr�..e�� l�ra�r�ei� •• �.f� �e !leas� t�oo� � IT • � 0� a�d !�� ,�e� «. � � �oa� 3�ooa Csst� � •• �3a�+a�a�d f�tz+efts a�d �1�s • , �ot+� - #���� sao� aaa bs 1# �ari3� l�.'�SD, T'�� +is11 �ww � � ;ds Cil� td' �a� Psn1 st �tl: s.r�. oo� � ,�� ,�r3ae �ar� +�i�ut alt 3�s � r+o�t �tm�ar a� 'r�i � � � � I��i M COUNCILMEN Requestg_ d by De artment of: - Yeas Nays �,,.--� ��� liwrt �- � [n Favor Maddox � McMahon B • �.- sno�iter d Against Y � { � � ` Tedesco - w�son O�+T 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g5" --- - —_----- BY , - � . . ;.� � ' , �i�'��'t�'��.` < < � ;_.��,t� o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;�=` � =�s DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :o , . .,; " iiiiiiiii' '" BERNARD J. CARLSON, DIRECTOR :V: ^� ����� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55'102 � (612)298-4637 CEORGE LATIMER MAYOR pctober 9, 1980 � Honorable Council President and Members of the City Council In compliance with Ordinance 15311 , Council File 260426, effective February 22, 1973 the Department of Finance and Management Services does hereby inform the City Council that ttie total estimated cost of services performed during 1980 for STREET MAINTENANCE, to be charged to the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund, to be $4,885,600.00 for the year 1980 as reported by the Department of Public 4lorks . It is proposed to assess the amount of $3,585,100.00 against benefited properties, with the total cost to be financed as follows: . Municipal State Aid $706,500.00 Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid $228,000.00 County Aid $346,000.00 Federal Disaster Assisstance $ 20,000.00 Total Aids $1,300,500.00 Assessments $3,585,100.00 Total Costs and Financing $4,885,600.00 Attached for Council consideration is a Resolution to determine the total cost for street maintenance service, the amount and rates to be assessed, and fi�cing a date for public hearing, at which time the Council shall consider adopting and levying the service charge. pectful itted, � � — BERNARD J. LSON, Director Dept. of Fi ance and Mgmt. Services BJC:PFD:dal �� Attachment �G � ��a .. :.�'���;; . .��� . ��'�,., � . x ,�t �,.. W.w+�.•^g� �d y,.y9' tW 3 � � �. ���. r+ ���� � „�vy d x.`� ��.�'r' . 1 ; �-.. .�E �«���. � a.� ��. � ' i. � '��: ;e�� k� :i � . i � er ��' ,a �.. �k k �r+4�a_: .P �.,�,o,�a ' i "" �� � ��� � � � b "w * r��° +a � ,. �"a�.F '��;,,� € � . � + �.�,p��c �� � p;��� 8� d r. N��- ia� �� �r":;iry.�y.� i y✓iW � ��� � � � 4 ,R '?� ? 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