275852 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINIF -'�FINANCE �4' CAr`a�ARY - DEPARTMENT COUQCII � BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �'�% ���� ncil Resolution , Pcesented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AS THE ADMINISTRATOR OF ALL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS CREATED BY THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURSIIANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 472A WHEREAS: a) Minnesota Statutes, Chaptex 472A (the "Act") allows cities to create Development Districts and develop programs for their improvement pursuant to the Act; and b) Section 472A.10 of the Act allows a City to designate a housing or re- development authority to administer all of the districts created by the City under the Act, idOt•? T'rIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Saint Paul as fo�lot�;s: 1. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, r�innesota ("HRA") is hereby designated to administer all development districts now in place, or hereafter to be created by the City of Saint Paul ("City") pursuant to the Act. 2. To enable the HRA to effectively carry out its duties as administrator t:p following powers are granted to the HRA pursuant to Section 472A.10 of the Act: (a) To acquire property or easements through negotiation: (Continued on Page 2) COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department oE: Yeas Nays Hunt PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon snowa�ter A gai n s t BY Tedesco J Bellus, Director Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By _ Approved by :Vlayor: Date Appr v by Mayor for Submi ' n C ncil By _ By WMITE - CITY CLERK PINR -�FINANCE ��f�[���('1 BLUE RY•- MAYOR MENT COl1[ICII r ►�[ -1 GITY OF SAINT �AUL File N0. � ��� �+ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page - 2 - (b) To enter into opexating contracts on behalf of the municipality for operation of any of the facilities authorized to be constructed under the terms of the Act; (c) To lease space to prz.vate individuals or corporations within the build- ings constructed under the terms of the Act; (d) To lease or sell land and to lease or sell air rights over structures constructed under the authority of the Act; (e) To enter into contracts for construction of the several facilities or portions thereof authorized under the Act; (f) Administer all of the provisions of the Act; (g) Certify to the City for acquisitian through eminent domain property that cannot be ac4uired by negotiation, but is required for imple- mentation of the development program; (h) Certify to the City the amounts of funds, if any, which should be raised through the sale of bonds (consistent with the City's debt policy) to f inance the program for development districts; (i) Apply for grants from the United States of America; (j) Apply for grants from other sources. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PLANNING .AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �evine In Favor Maddox _/ McMahon V snowa�ter _ Against BY T�e� Jam Be us, irector wilwn ''� `~ �Cj 2 3 �� Form Approve y Ci rn Adopte y Council: Date — � rtified Pa_- y Counc.il Secret�ry BY Approved vor. ate O 2 g 1980 Ap o d by Mayor for b sio to Council gy B Pi,��SHE� N OV 1 19$0�