275850 -- _ � -�5�sd
Councll FSle No.275E30-8�Acn lladdoz- ��••g••,
Aesolved. That upon the petSUon M San •., All tlu�t part of Lots Y and 10.Blodc 11.
F�anci�co tteal Fstate investon for the vaa- City ot St.Paul.(St.Paul P+uPerf 17�[
ti�of four dntguted eas�mt a�ns in the within tLe tollwvic�dexalbed Ilnes:
sk7W`7�7d�withln the/Ima�ican NaUonal �� �t the Sout6�vester�
Bank Buildin�, nx�6 ue�s as heninafter corner ot said Bloct Il,tMm S!9' 4.1Lat the petltlone�(s), thelr assi�s or
descrlbed�nd mbjeet to the te:m:and condf. � suocesson in inte�st agm to be�esDon-
�0' 40'E(am.�.�.d bearin�'1.0 feet
ti�s o!thSt Raolutloo,are 6ereby vacated ����utherly 1Sne of s�id Blocic sibk for all cas4 and �penses in tEe
and dlscaotinued a publie propert�: obllteratlon ot those yortions oi ttyw�y
11;thence N 0°0.5'W 48.17 feet along �rou�se hereunder to be vacated W in-
1.Ybat the lepl dnctiptfon of the four the F.asterl�Iine of Mlnnesota Stmt clude all con:tructlon, remodelin`,
vautcd a�eas in the Amaican Natlamal as widmed 2A feet:thence S 88°50'E
Hank Bulldin�Sk�way S�stem md ai . 10.66 ttet;theoce N 0°1D'E SB.Q7 feet: ' �oval, alteratioa and modificatiom.
tollowr. - theoce N 89°41'W�.55 feet acroa tLe Including all mM�,•r;cal �nd electrical
e�calator bue plate �t the �bcond revisionz necessarq to remove the +P
.LRHISTf"C" . � , lloor level W the palot o!bestonlo�d P�+rance of the publlc mnrnune aras
All th�t p�rt of Iat 1{.Block 11.(St�a1 the uae�t ha�Jn deacrlbed.tbence trom the skYw�Y rystem. all W be aa -
St,paul,(St.p�d pe�oye�1�l0�wltLfn S 0•19'W!.i feet;theax N!9'41'W , romP�ished to t6e satisfuUon of the
� 12.75 feet:thmce N 0°19'E 2.25 feet: �Wrt�t of Plaonin`and Economic
the follovfioj desalbed linec Devdopmm�
Commeacln� at the SoutLwater� thmce N!9°41'W 2.0[eet:thenx N
coxac of satd Bloek 11,thrace SAY' ' - �°lY' E 94.6 feet;thmce S 89°�l'E S.That the American National Bank
30' �0'E(ass�ed Dnr{o�)2•0 feet � 2A feet:tpmce N M 19' E 0.5 1cet; Bulldint sLall continue to the eztmt nor
alaoj the Sout�erl�line otsaid Slodc thence S!�'41'E A.�O feet:Lhmce 3 oblipted W provlde necessar7 and�de-
11,thmce N M Ob' O6'W�6.I7 Icet ' -" u'41'E 6.15 feet;thmce S 0°19'W • qwte dectrkal,mec6an1eal and 11�Ung
'al�[the Easterly llne of Ylnoesota ' Y8.2 feet;tLence S aY°41`E 1.E leet to aervlce to earb of the skyva�brldges
Street as wldeqed tA teet:t6ence S �Po�t ot be�inniaG subjed to�c noted Ddow that mi`IIt be affeeted by.
!9°SQ'E.�0.65 feet:thentt N 0°19'E . cess for xpair.aad maintenanCe of this vacatSon�nd are presenty mwlvins
, escaLtm'6andrai]s,Lousina.aud keT servltt frotn tbat bulldin�:
50.l7 feet;lheace S dY 41'E 1.6 feet; ` .
thmce N 0°19' E E0.4 feet:them S k a�u' ' - ` sJ The sic9�v+�Y brldse ovv Min-
!9°41'E{.33 feet:Lheace N 4S•S1•E , The sald dsement h limited!n heI�t , �sota Stteet betsve.m Erst Flfth" .
43.Y6 feet:thmce S eD°�0'�0'E 59.98 lrom the surface o�the Rallc�vay at and Slzth Stmta.
icet �lonj the NortLerly boundary ;� elevatlon l�.A icet upwud to tLc a� b)'lbe skyway bridge over'East
llne ot the 1Ya:wmerlu Buflding; i :: -co�nd ffoor eetlin�at elevatlm 9S.E Flfth Sticet between Ninnesota �
thenoe S 44°S3'b B2.Se feet:Lhence S feet empt the l�st l.IS feet o!ttie and Robert Stmts.
NaQth 90.lS leet thueol.vhlc6 oetl- E.'lbat the peUtione�(a)ezecute a new east
!9°Il'E S�.7Y leet;t6exe S 0°�0'W ' �L at elevatioo%.6 feet All deva-
11.6 teet;theoce S eY'41'E 16.75 teet � ���Qt������ ment agmmmt within bulldings owned
acroa�Uu acalator pLU:Tbence S 0' �qua:e leet moreorles. by the petitloner(s)�vhicL`rants a coa-
19' W T.S3 feet:thmce S 89 41' L I 0 - tinuous public easemmt over thelr s�
f�e� theo�e S 0° ;y w SZ O fPPI ••HI�R� ' ,_ • cond floor levd tmm the end of the ne�v
All th�t put o1 Lot 14,Block 11,qt�of bridae over Robe�i Stieet to the acistin�
t6ence N 89°41' W 2.81 teet to the St.Panl(St.Paul Proper)�fn`wlthin ��M�t or�ar tbe Robert Stmt
point of beginnie� o!the easemmt �fo��a���: vc�latuTS.
herein deuribed;thence S 0°19' W ���� �t tbe Sout6Westeru �•'1'�t the petSUoner(s), t6elr asstp�s er
�.35 feet; t6gnce N B9°�l' W 14.85 ��of nld Bloek 11,Lhmce S B9° s�����.by acceptance of
[eet; t6ence N 0° 1D' E 4.95 teet: sp' 4p'E(ns�ed be�rinp YA tcet �he�s and condltlons of t6Ss vawtion.
l6ence S S9°�1' E 14.83 feet W the �����l�r line of sa►d Block +6� to fully indemnify. defmd and .
point of be�iawin�. 11:tLence N 0°OS' OS'W 4b.17 teet cave humlw the City of 3aint Paul and �
The uid easemmt 4limlted Inhetsht �lon�tbe Easttrl�line ot Minanota the Houataa aad Redevelopment
from t6e surface of t6e�valkway at gtroet as widmed t0 feet;thence S Authorlty of St. Paul, their ofricen,
devation&1.8 feet upward W t6e se. a9°Sp'E�0.65 feet;thmce N 0'19'E +���s�employxa and servants from all
cond-11oor celllna at dev�tlon 99.8 �30.l7 teet;theoce S�'41'E 1.6 feeR; suits,'rdions or claims vhich shall arise
feet.All elevatioos are Clty Datum. ' thence N 0°�lY' E E0.4 ieet:thmee 3 ltnm aaY 1n7urfes or damases mefved or
Contains 85 squue feet moreor-leas. ' !Y'41'E�.a1 teet;theaee N 45e�•$ :ustained b� penoas, emplo�ee:,
EXAIBIT"D^ 25.2E fed;thm�ro S 6Y'�0'40'E SY.96 tman4.]nraas or third partla arlclnL
feet alacu tbe Northerlg bamdary , eut o!oc multto�lrom W�cUm ar
All that part of Lotc 7 and 1!.BlorJc Il. � � �.����. ' ne�ll�enee on theput o!tLe petiUmeRs). �
pty of St PauL(St Paul Proper)lyin` them S 4�•7Y E 62.56 feet:tbmce 8 thdr auip++�. sucnssoa !n lntemt.
within the followin�described IiMS: � emPle7ees�eLeats or business invitees in
a9 41'E SY.79 feet;tLeooe S 0°�0'W � �� � �y�umt eonstruc
Commmdn� at tLe Sonthwater�y 11.6 feet;thmce S sY°sl'•E 1A.7!feet
comer of aald Block 11.thence S 89° �cross tLe eacalatoz PLte:t6meeS 0' tioo/mnodelind of the public concoune
90• 40•E c.uumea be.rinv z.o�Ke �9•w�.ss tKc:t�e s es^Si•E i.o ar�.nercin v��a to be vac.c�a.
alon`tLe Sout�sly llne of safd Block . leet: L6mce 8 0° lY' W 1f.0 feet; !.lhat thls vuaUon shall not bt final or
11.thmce N 0°06' 06•W 46.17 icet sLall the Citr Qeflc issu�a eerti5cate of
alon`the Easterly liu of Minaesota t6ence N B9°�1'W 2.61 leet:them S irompletion nntll Lhe petltl�er a�the
St�et as�vldened!.0 feet;them S"' - �°19'W�.35 feet:thmce N t9°41'W pty ahall b�ve accecuted�mutual apec-
� 17.7Y feet;thence N 0'17'E 11.8 leet �����t���� .
B9°SO'E�0.65 icet;thm��e N 0°19'E : W the poiat o!be�indn�of tLe e�se-
50.87 feet:tLmce S 8Y°41'E 1.8 fcet: mmt herein dheribed:thmtt oonU- 9.That the petitioaer pay to tLe Qty tEe
thmce N 0°19' E d0.4 feet:theoce S o�N 0?I7' E 10.0 fcet;thence S sum of i500.00 u oo�pmsatton for t6e
�'41'E 4.5,1 feet:t�ence N�S°S1'E ep°{I'Lr 10.0 feet;tlrm S 0°17'W ad�lnistradve costs�of the vwUam pro-
E5.26 feet;thenoe S 8Y°90'10'E 59.96 10.0 feet;theace N!9°{1'W 10.01cet °�j°R•
teet �lonj the Norther�y boundary W the polat ot bennnin�. 30.'Ibat the peUUooer fumish the t:lty.�s
line of the�nnmerin Suildin�; • rpuired b�Sectibn Z28.O:Kb)ot t6e SL
• thence S N•E�'E 62.56 fat:theoce S Ne ufd e�senmt Is limited in be.i�ht Paul I.epslative Code.as�mmded,wit6
ED°41'E 35.79 ieet;thence N 0°J0.E trom tBe surf�ce of tDe ralkwq�t
elevetfon 83.6 teet upward to Ne ac� �D°°d fn t6e�mwnt°t i�'000'00•and!n-
1S.S3 feet to the point of be�imin�of ' demalIIes. defmds �od savu h�rmlas.
Lheeasemmth�xlndesctibed:tLenc� . cor.�i flr•��r reiling a! rlrvat:or� 956' _
the cas�ot s.snt Paa1.tu ouioas ana
S 89•4a'E 16.51 feet:thence N 0°�0' ":-� .
E 8.01 feet;tbmce N 90°48' W Yl.11 I�et.`A11 ekv�Uow are Cftp Datum ��%� �� � ��• �� �
elatms of�ebaracter.1orludGK.Yut
feet; � s a so• w e.oi c�; Contains 10�square teet more-or-less. �.����i��brou�t benote of
�hmce s!�° 4!� E 4•SL feet to t6e 4.That the vacadon be subjcct to all the uU iqjuries,or damasea received or sur
potat a1 be�inntn�. terms and coaditfons of C6apter 228 of 4ined Dy an�penon,persoos or pzoprr
'ibe said easement is limited in 6ei�ht the St.�aul Le�isLtive Code,u ammd- ty,on aocount of thfs vacatloa or baause
lrom the surtace of the�vrlkwqy at ed. of a�act ar omission.ne6leet or misrno-
devrtion BS.E feet upward to tLe rr ' 9. That the petitioner(s) provide a 'duct of aaid petitioner,orbecause of aay
cond floor ceilin`at devation 99.8 minimum.contiauous 1Y.0 foot concou�se claim or liabillty arising from or based on' �
� ' feet All elevatlmt ue Clt�Datum. w�idth frbm the top of the Edinnesota an�violetlw d any Lw or resuLtiou
C�talnslS7squareteetmo:e-orlas. Street eacalaton throughout t6e second made fn accordance �vit6 the law,
floor(skqwsy)levd rdjacent to the area pb�er by the petltionv or an�of ita
�noted as Eilsibit••E•� . . � aamb or employee�.
Adop4d by the Councll October 23.lYlO.
/lpyroved Octobet Y8�1980.
(November 1.19E� -