275849 WMITE - CITY CLERK �'���AI'1 PINK - FINANCE 1 i �/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. o.,�ncil Resolution Presented By ' �r v Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of the Tnterior, Heritage Conservation and Recrea�ion Serv9ce requires that the City of Saint Pau1 develop and submit a Recovery Ac�ion Program for its parks and recreation system; and WHEREAS, the Recovery Action Program must be officially approved by the Saint Paul City Council ; and WHEREAS, the Recovery Action Program must be submjtted for review as required in Federal OMB Circular A-95 prior to final submission to the Depar�ment of the Tnterior; therefore, be jt RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby approve the Recovery Act�on Program and authorizes the proper city officials to transm9t the document to the appropriate state and federal agencies. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � COMMUNITY SERVI ES Levine [tl F8V0[ Maddox McMahon sr,o,�,eite� � _ Against Tedesco - n Ado ed by Counci . Date OCT 2 3 198fl Form A proved by 'ty A ertified Y� _ed by Council Se�cretary BY Approv :Vlavoc Dat O �� APP�o Mayor for Sub � ion to Council By -��,1- BY � �:�H�� N OV i 1960 . �.��k �� �h. ��� E� 1111 ,E � � ��I 'y°0„��u� i..,. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � ECEIVED October 15, 1980 G U�� "t r� ���0 To: rtayor George Latime MAYOR'S QFFICE FROM: Robert P. Pir SUBJECT: Recovery A�ction Program for Parks and Recreation System Attached is the Recovery Action Program far the St. Paul Parks and Recr�tion system which is required by the U. S. Department of Interior as part of the Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery program. We are asking that this documexit be transmitted to the City Cauncil for approval as soan as possible. The Recovery Actian Program is a synthesis of the adopted Parks and Recreation Plan (September, 1979) , the district plans and other pertinent docu�nts and is responsive to the Department of Interior guidelines. We are asking fror City Council approval at this time because St. Paul will have a definite ad- vantage in the UPARR grant round set for November, 1980, if an approved Re- covery Action Program is on file with the Department of Interior prior to the rating of grant applications. There are sevexal proble�ns with askin.g for City Council approval at this time. 1. There is insufficient time for a formal review by the Planning CanYnission prior to Cauncil action. Planning Co�ni.ssion review will occur after Council adoption and the RAP is subject to changes which they recomnend. 2. One elemexit of the RAP will also serve as part of the Capital Improve- m�nt Program which will be reviewed ar�1 appraved by the City Council in January, 1981, as part of the Capital I�ravement Program for the City. 3. The Department of Interior requires that the State Planning Agency and the Metropolitan Council also review the document prior to the final sub- mission to the DOI. We need to allaw enough time for their review. �ased on this information, I wr�uld reco�nend that we ask the City Council to approve the RAP document with the follawing conditions: l. The Planning Co�anission will initiate a review and public hearing process insnediately. Any revisions will result in a revised RAP surmitted to the � Department of Interior; this is acceptable to the Department of Interior. 2. The Project List for the RAP, as listed under Program Priorities, will be reviewed and approved by the City Council in January, 1981, as part of the Capital Improvement Program. 3. The yearly revisions in the RAP will include Planning Conu�ussion revieca as a necessary step in evaluation and update procedures for the RAP. R.P.P. cc: Jim Bellus Peggy Reichert Lisa Rod.en Tho�nas J. Kelley :cm �, � , 2'75�49 - ^' • J OM OZ: Z2/I975 ' - Rev. : 9/8/7 EXPLANATION OE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLIITIONS, AND ORDINANCES oate: October i4, i9so R E C E I V E D G C; 1 4 1980 MAY_O_R'S� G� TQ: MAYOA GEORGE LATTMER pg; 'rt#OMAS J. KELLEY - g�; APPROVAL OF RECOVERY ACTTON PROGRAM FOR PARKS AND RECREATION ACTION REQUESTED: Approvnl of the Recovery Action Program by the �t. Pau1 City Council . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: City Council approva1 is required by the Department of-Tnter9or. ATTACFIIKENTS: