275847 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF � SA I NT PA U L Council ���/�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT `� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Cou il esolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Construction of the RESERVE STREET BRIDGE, which carries east bound Warner Road over Childs Road and the railroads, in 1941 also included the erection of a steel stairway on the east side of the bridge to the south of the railroads' tracks, and WHEREAS, The said stairway was erected to furnish railroad employee's easy access to the Burlington Hotel via the bridge, and WHEREAS, The stairway is now little used as the Burlington Hotel no longer exists and other routes a-re available for pedestrians, and WHEREAS, Planned rehabilitation of the bridge will necessitate costly revisions to the stairway if it is to be ma.intained, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the removal of said stairway is hereby authorized and the Director of Public Works is directed to dismantle the stairway, place barricades as necessary to prevent its further use and furnish protection to the public, and to salvage such materials from the stairway that might be reused at other stairway installations. � COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Public r s �o a In Favor t (,� � ine __ Against BY a ox Donald Nygaar , Direc or how er e / ocT 2 3 �9ao Form Approved by C ty ttor y Adopt y Council: Date / �� C rtified Pa- by Council SecreLary BY � gy, � � A�pproved vor• Date 9�� Approv yor for Submission to Council By _ By Pit��-tSN� N 01f 1 19$Q` . OM Ql: 22/1975� • . , Rev. ; 9/$/76 � � . • , � � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTR.ATIVE ORDERS, � RESOLUTI4NS, AND ��flZNANCES �!�A / -a �tEGEIi/ ED Date: September 29, 1980 ' G�:� i 5���8� � MAYOR'S OFFlCE TQ: , MAYOI�`.GEQRGE LATIMER , ��' R. E. Grieder, Department of Public Works �� Stairway located on east side.of RESERVE �TREET BRIDGE ' betweea railroad tracks and Childs Road , . . ACTION RE4UESTED: � P�eess Re�solution. � . FURPOSE .�ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTIDN: , ' - When.�he bridge .is rehabilitated, it will be necessary to revise the sta�rway � � if•: �.t is to xem�.n.' As th� sta�Crway is no.].onger needed to s�rve the purpose ; for'which :i� was constructed and it lands on property. under th+� control of th� Port•.Auth�.�ity, and not on property u�ed as a publ3c thor�ughfare, it - is recoum�ended.L�at it be �removed. Sal�aged m�t�rials_ ean be u'sed at :other . loca.t�ons. . : ATTACHMENTS: . Resolution. , : � " REG/mp ' - � . � • � � ' f ��d����� � � .� ��-- PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��._� 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN, 55102 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 September 30, T980 Mr. Roy E. Gri eder Bridge Engineer City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works 600 City Ha11 Annex St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: RESERVE ST. E.B. BRIDGE N0: 5950 over RR.s and Childs Road, B-1048 Dear Mr. Grieder: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 24, 1980 regarding the stairway located on the south side ,of the above bridge at Pier 6. We have contacted Mr. John Pa1da of the .J. L. .Shiely Company who in turn leases the land in the immediate vicinity of the Bridge. He indicated the J. ,L. Shiely Company has no us� for this stairway. The Port Authority, therefore, has no objection to the removal of this stairway from the Reserve Street Bridge. Yours tr.uly, .�""' �, °Al`�-rn.c�-4��' C1 i f�o d E. Ramsted Chief Engineer CER:sjs cc: John Palda ROBERT F.SPRAFKA EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CLIFFORD E.RAMSTED RONALD O.SCHETTLE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ASSISTANT EXECU�IVE VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR,INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER CHIEF ACCOUNTAIVT COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER RUBY HUNT ARTHUR N.GOODMAN G.RICHARD SLADE DAVID HOZZA LOUIS H. MEYERS WILLIAM J. SEIFERT PRESIDENT VICEPRESIDENT SECRETARV TREASURER °�2 C.I.D. Certified Industrial Developer