275843 WHITE � ,-� CITY CLERK ��
PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 ;��5�4`3
File N 0.
r,�GZIZGIIZCP. Ordinance NO. / �o/J��
Presented By � � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining
to zoning.
Section l.
That Section 60.310 of the Legislative Code be amended to read
as follows:
60.310 Boarding, e�-�ede}��g Rooming, or Roaming and
Boarding House: a building e�es�e��e -�e�-e�-t�see�-�e�
.. �s-g�e��e�ee�-�er-ee�ge�9at�e�-e�-a-6aee3��p-er-�ter��l��p
bas�s: or structure which re uires licerising as a
boarding house, rooming ouse,. or rooming an board-
ing ouse un er the St. Pau Legis ative Code.
Section 2 .
That Section 60.316 (1) of the Legislative Code be amended to
read as follows:
60 .316 (1) Community Residential Facility: P�-B�a�e
�e�a��e�-e�-gk�s�ea��p-ka���eagge�-�e�se�s.- One main
building on one zoning lot where:
i. children;
ii. persons who are mentall retarded, physically
--�iandicappe�, menta�ly i��, or c e�nical�y-
depen ent, or
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�evine �_. In Favo[
Showalter A gai n s t By
Form Approved y it ttorn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by yo or Submission to Council
� � � � . � � ��:���
iii. persons who are�laced there by a court, court
services�.epartment,uparole aut ority, or ot er
correctional agency: havin� disQos_i ional power
over persons char�e�.w th or convict�ed o�a—
,•=r= -
crime or ad�ud_icated_ c�e�inquent
reside on a twenty-four hour basis in order to receive
food,�ing are� training.,_ e�ucatiori, supervision,
h�ilitation, rehabilitation or treatment they need but
which for any reasori, canriot e urni�ec�in t�eir own
home. Commurii�ty resi ential aci ities inc u e, ut
are not imited to,
a. Residential f'acilities wh�ich re uire licensing by
the Minnesota' Departmerit o Pu lic We are under:
l. Rule 5, Child-Caring Iristitutions;
2 . Ru e 8, Group Homes;
3. Rule 34, persoris who are` mentall retarded;
Ru e 5, ine riate an � rug epen erit persons;
5. Ru e , menta ly i persoris; an
6. Rule 8 , p ysical y andicapped persoris.
b. Residential facilities' which require licerising or
certification by the Minn�sota Department of
Correction�s or Raznsey Courity Wel are Departmerit
incluc�ing JCoiniriuriity Corrections Fac l�ities arid
Adult Ha 'way Houses.
c�Family Foster Homes and Group Family Foster Homes
license� y t e Minnesota Depart�ient o Pu ic
Welfare, and Foster Hoines, Group Foster Homes, and
Commuriity Corrections Foster Hotnes �icensed by the
Minnesota Department o Cor�ectiaris.
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d. Boarding Care Homes and Rooining and Boarding Houses
which are reco nized by the Ramsey Caunty Welfare
Department or other County Welfare Department as
resources, eligible for ublic reim ursement, for
providing residential services to persons w o are
mentally ill or chemical�y dependent; and,
e. RoQmin and Boarding Houses which provide services
to persons w o have een charge wit or convicte
of a crime and ave een placed t ere y a court,
court services department, parole authority, or
other correctional agency.
Community Residential Facilitie's specifically exclude
hospitals, prisons and reforznatories.
Section 3.
That Section 60. 318 of the Legislative Code be amended to read
as follows:
60 . 318 Pdn�s�r�g-I�ente-er Boarding Care Home. �i-s��t�et�t�e
A building or structure where aged or infirm persons
reside on a 2 -hour basis in order to receive custodial
care an re ated persona services.
Section 4.
That Section 60. 338 af the Legislative Code defining the term
"Residential Group Home", is hereby repealed.
Section 5.
That Sectian 339 of the Legislative Code be amended to read as
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60. 339 6re�p-i�eme Faeility Resident: A person who
res�d��e� resides in a Community Residential Facility
��ea�xqe��-e�-spee�a�-ea�e: and contributes toward
meeting the Facility's licensed capacity.
Section 6.
That Chapter 60 of the Legislat.ive Code be amended so as to
add the following:
60.365 (1) Nursing Home: a building or structure where
a ed or infirm persons reside on a 24- our asis in
order to receive nursing care an related services.
Section 7.
That Section 60.412 (h) of the Legislative Code be amended to
read as follows :
(h) Ps-s�a�e-��ee�ssee�-Ee�t�r���p-Res�e�e���a�-�ee����p
Foster homes serving six (6) or fewer facility
residents. xqe��a���-�e�a�e�ee�-e�-gl��s�ea���*-ka�e��eaggee�
Section 8.
That Section 60. 413 (e) of the Legislative Code be amended to
read as follows:
}9 s�tar�ee-a�e-�e�.-
� � � � � � �5���
e. Community Residential Faci:lities serving six (6) or
fewer faci ity residents, exclu ing foster omes,
subject to the condition that a minimum distance of
1,3 0 feet will be required between zoning lots used
for Community Residentia Facilities, again exc uding
foster homes. This min'i umm di:stance requirement may
be modifie according to the provisions o 9 d .
Section 9.
That Section 60.423 (c) of the Legislative Code be amended to
read as follows:
c. A Community Residential Facility 6�e��-He�te serving
seven (7) or more facility residents subject to the
fol owing conditions:
(1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling
unless the Community Residential Facility 6�e�.g
I�e�e occupies the entire structure.
(2) ATe-�e�e-�l�aa-�e�-{}9}-e}�et�g-l�ex�e-�es�eler�ts-�ap
��e-e�e€�n���ea-e�-L�ax����i; It does not serve
more thari sixtee� (16) facility residents except
that structures deigned or newly built specifi-
cally for �e�e�-t�se reater capacit may allow a
greater number provided that al other conditions
of Special Condition Use are met.
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T ,g
� f 'f.
(3) Subject to the provisions of 64.209 (d) the
minimum lot size for Community Residential
Facilities is that prescribed or a one-family
dwelling plus three hundred (300) square feet
for each facility resident over and above six
residents. In addition, Communit Residential
Facilities serving more than sixteen 6
residents shall meet the requiretnents for
__.— _� _
height, ard setback, anc� �naxi�num percent of
1ot occupied by �nain;bui ding set fort in
Sectiori 61.100, subject to the provisions of
64 . D9 d .
(4) Subject to the provisions of 64.209 (d) , a
minimum distance of 1, 320 feet will be required
between zoning lots used for Community Residential
6�e�g-I�er�te Facilities, excluding foster homes.
(5) There shall be one (1) off-street parking space
for ever two 2 facility resi ents su �ect to
the provisions o 64. 09 d .
(6) Permission for Special Condition Use applies to
the Communit Residential Faci ity only as long
as licensing, purpose, size or location o not
Section 10.
That Section 60. 423 (d) of the Legislative Code, Community
Residential Facilities as a special condition use in RT-1 districts,
is hereby repealed.
Section 11.
That Section 60. 443 (b) of the Legislative Code be amended as
� . . � � � �`�����
b. Subject to the provisions of 64.209 (d) , rooming
and 'rooming and boarding houses which are not
Community Residential Facilities, provided that,
in addition to the lot area for the dwelling unit,
a lot area is provided of one thousand (1,000) square
feet for each: guest room in excess of two (2) guest
Section 12 .
That Section 60 .453 (c) of the Legislative Code be amended as
c. Nursing homes and boarding care homes which are not
Community Residential Facilities, provided the yard
requirements or multiple-fama.ly use in this district
are applied.
Section 13.
That Section 60.462 of the Legislative Code be amended so as
to add the following:
d. Foster homes serving six (6) or fetaer facility
Section 14.
That Section 60.463 of the Legislative Code be amended as
b. Community Residential Facilities serving six (6)
or fewer facility residents subject to the conditions
set forth for R-1. t rough R-� one-�ami'-1.y residential
_ districts in Sectioh 0.413, Principa Uses Permitted
_ - _ -
,- , �
S �ect to Specia Con�itions.
_ . . � , � �����4�
c. A Community Residential Facility serving seven (7)
or more facility residents subject to the conditions
set forth for RT-1 Two-Faznily Residential Districts
in Section 60. 423 c , Pra.ncipal Uses Permitted Sub�ect
to Special Conditions.
d. {�} Accessory buildings, structures, and uses
custo�narily incident to any of the above permitted
Section 15.
That Section 60. 484 of the Legislative Code be amended so as
to add the following:
d. A Community Residential Facility subject to the
following conditions:
(1) Mixed Community Residential Facility and
commercia� uses must meet t e conditions set
ort or mixe uses in Section c .
(2) Communit Residential Facilities licensed for
six 6 or fewer facility residents, except
foster homes, must meet the conditions set
forth for R-1 t rough R- One-Family Residential
Districts in Section 60.4 e , Principa Uses
Sub�ect to Specia Con itions.
(3) Communit Residential Facilities licensed for
seven 7) or more facility resi ents must ineet
the conditions set fort or RT-1 Two=Famil
Residential Districts in Section 60.423 c) ,
Princ�a Uses' Permitted SubJect to Special
Section 16.
That Section 60.502 (a) of the Legislative Code be amended as
a. All Pr�ncipal Uses Permitted and Uses Permitted
Subject to Special Conditions in OS-1, B-1, and B-2
Districts, except auto service stations and Community
Residential Facilities, and meeting at least the
minimum con itions imposed in each district.
Section 17.
That Section 60.503 of the Legislative Code is amended as
i. Community Residential Facilities as permitted and
regulated in B-1 and B-2 Business Districts under
Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special
j . f�} Accessory buildings, structures, and uses
customarily incident to the above permitted uses.
Section 18 .
That Section 60.514 of the Legislative Code be renumbered to
Section 60.515, and that the following be added as Section 60.514:
60.514 Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special
The follawing additional uses shall be permitted, subject
to the con itions ereina ter impose or each use and
su �ect to t e review and approva o t e P anning Com-
� ' � � ����4�
a. Community Residential Facilities_ as pe�mitted and
regu ate in B- , B- and B- Business Districts
un er Principa _ Uses Pe�mitte Su aect to Special
Section 19 .
That Section 60 .522 (h) of the Legislative Code be amended so
as to delete the following:
Section 20.
That Section 60.522 of the Legislative Code be amended as
i. Mission Type Uses.
j . {�} Accessory buildings, structures, and uses
customarily inciderit to any of the above per�nitted
Section 21.
That Section 60.523 of the Le�islative Code be renumbered to
Section 60.524, and the followin� section added to the code:
60.523 Principal Uses Permi�tted 5ubject to Special
Con itions.
_ _ . _
The followin� additional uses shall be permitted,
s-ubject to t e condi�ions�reiria ter imposed`'�or
eac use `an su �ect to t e review an approva of
t e lannin� Commission.
_ _ _ _
a. Commun:ity Resi'dentia� Facilities as permitted and
regu ate in B- , B- , B- an B- usrness Districts.
• j
0/ inance Ordinance N�. �(� �J�/
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 22 .
That Section 60.534 of the Legislative Code be amended as
a. All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-3
Business District under Principal Uses Permitted
Subject to Special Conditions except C_ommunity
Residential Facilities.
e. Prisons, reformatories, and other correctional
institutions which are not Community Residential
Section 23.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, appraval and publication.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
�evine In Favor
Showalter Against BY
Adopt y Council: Date NoV i 3 �98� Form Approved by C y torn
rtified P by Coun ' Secretl4ry BY
Appr . by Mayor: D � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
S��D N OV 2 � 1980
\ ,
. � �
1.Cf t . � � � 1 l � r.
i � - J` '' '�CJ 2nd / �i — � G - �,?'�, �
3rd f/ " y— ��� Adopted �� — / �— �(�
Yeas Nays -
• xurrT �� ��� .
LEVINE ��5��� ,
.•��`�.` .