275828 WH4TE -_, CITYCLERK � � �t+^^� PIIV�kT - FINANCE �"\x�)�[ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T�Y ��O F SA I NT PA U L COUtIC1I �>«�V BLUE - MAYOR . File N . RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BURFAU CO CZl lu • n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Cotmcil of the City of Saint Paul by Resolutian C.F. 271422, adapted July 11, 1978 , did vacate, air�an.g other things, that portian of public street loca.ted in the (.`ity of Saint Paul, Cotmty of Ramsey, State of MiYmesota, legally deseribed as folla�ws: All that part of Ellis Street as pla.tted in St. Anthany Park, Mirm. and St. AntY�ony Park South Ramsey Co. , Mirm. and as open.ed in "Hewitts Out Ipts First I7ivision" lying between the Northerly extension of the West li�. of IAt 1, Block 2, St. Antlmn.y Park South Ramsey Co. , Mirm. and the Northerly extension of the Ea.st line of Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots First Divisian"; All that part of H.a�den Av�nue as pla.tted in St. Anthany Park, Mixm. lying Southeasterly of the SoutYa�esterly extensian of the Northwesterly line of Lot 13, Block 73, St. Anthany Park, rtinn. and the Northerly exte�nsion of the East line of Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots Fixst I7ivisian"; All that part of Larig Av�nue lying Southeasterly of tl�e Soutl�westerly extensian of the Northwesterly line of Lot 21, Block 8�, St. �thany Park, Minn. and all tha.t part of Lrnzg Avenue lying Soutl�.westerly of the Southeasterly exten.sian of the Northeasterly line of Lot 7, Block 82, said St. Anthany Park, Mirm.. ; All that part of the alley in Block 83, St. Anthany Park, Mirm. lyir�,g South- ea.sterly of the Northeasterly extensian of the Northwesterly line of Ir�t 21, Block 83, St. Anth,ony Park, Minn. ; The alley in Block 2, St. Anthon.y Park 5outh Rarnsey Co. , Mu�m. and W�S, said vacation reserv+ed to the G`ity of Sa.int Paul and other public instru- menta.lities, public utility ease.�nen.ts contained therein and therean; and Wf�REP�S, The Ca�mcil has been requested to waive said reta.ined easem�n.ts, and the affected City D�partments, Northern States Power Cac�an.y an.d Nortl�estern Bell Tele- phane Ca�any ha.ve filed written certifica.tes of intended non-use with the office of COUfVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays H��t Fi.na ce and 1�, nt Services Levine In Favoi J Maddox �e ite __ Against B Director Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv Certified Yassed by Council Secretary ��� B� Approved by EVlayor: Date Approved ayor for S �n to Counc� By BY "%� WF�,,TE -' CITY CLERK � �a����Q PII�K - FINANCE COUIICII U CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��U L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION HUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wi�RE�S, 'Tltie affected City Departments and th,e above mentioned utilities hav�e cansented to waiv+e certain specific retained easem�nts in sa.id vaca.ted property as fully set forth in their Certifica.tes of intended nan-use as heretofore men.tianed. NpW Tf�Rg'ORE BE IT RESOLUED, That the Coim.cil of the City of Saint Paul, pur'su�t to Sectian 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Coc�e, as am�n.ded, does hereby waive, release and extinguish the easements retained. b.y �the Water Deparisnent of the City of Saint Paul, Northern Sta.tes Pawer Ca�an.y and Northwestern Bell Telephone Campany in Cotmcil Resolution C.F. 271422 adopted July 11, 1978, as specifica.11y waived in the Certifica.tes of intencled nan-use which ha� been incorPar'ated herein by reference. BE IT F[JRZ�R RESOLUED, Th,a.t the abov�e mentioned waiv�er and release of said ease�ents are for the City of Saint Paul an.d �tYwse persans for wham the City has re- served ease�ei.zts in said vaca.ted property for the installa.tian, mainte�ce and aperatian of any se�ex, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public in- str�urnntality. -2- COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Fi ce an gement Services Levine In Favor Maddox � � McMahon B D irector Showalter __ Against Tedesco Wilson OCT 2 �- 1980 Form Appro Cit Adopte y Council: Date — C tified Pa• by ncil �ecretar �~��� A ro by Navor. D t OCT�2 4 �9�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By � �f��� ���D N OV 1 1980 � - � , '������� � C•E R T' I F I � A T E 0 F. I N T E N D E D N Q N - U S E ' The undersigned hereby certifiee that it does not intend to exercise ite • utility easement rights in the following deacribed realty: All that part of Ellis Street as platted in St. Anthony Park, Minn. and St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn. and as opened in "Hewitts Out Lots First Division" lying between the Northerly extension of the West line of Lot 1, Block 2, St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Cv. , Minn, and the Northerly extension o€ the East line of Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots First Division"; AI1 that part of Hampden Avenue as platted in St. Anthony Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly �f th� Seuth•��es*er?y �xt�r.si�r. ef +t�e Northwssterl� line of Lot 13, B2ocrc 73, St. Anthony Park, Minn. and the Northerly extension of the East line of Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots First Division"; � All that part of Long Avenue lying Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Northwesterly line of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. and all that part of Long Avenue lying Southwesterly of the Southeasterly extension of the North- easterly line of Lot 7, Block 82, said St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; All that part of the alley in Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly of the Northeasterly extension of the Northwesterly line of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; The alley in Block 2, St. Anthony PaXk South Ramsey Co. , Minn. Except that portion of Long Avenue and Ellis Street described as follows: The North 1/2 of E11is Street lying between the Northerly extension of the East line of Lot 12 "Hewitts Out Lots First Division" and the Northerly extension of the West line of Lot 1, Block Z, St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn. ; and . . . The Northeasterly 1/2 of Long Avenue between the North line of Ellis Street and the southerly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 22, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Dated this �day of �" _, 1978, at Saint Paul, Minnesota. WATER DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL By � � Its � + , . C E R T Y F I C A T E O F I N T E N D E D N 0 N - U S E ' ' � � . ������ The undersigned hereby certifies that it does not intend to exercise its utility easement rights in the following described realty: � The alley in Block 82, St. Anthony Park, Minn. according to the plat thereof on file and .of record in the office of the Register o.f Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. �^ " Dated this �� aay of � , 1978, at Saint Paul, Minnesota. . - WATER DEPARTMENT ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL gy .����!%Zz,-v+i(� _.._ Its � . � . : F • _;,._.__ _ _..------.-- ___�_ _�.____._._.__...�:__..____.._._.-� _ , _ __ � � � , C E R T I F I C A T E 0 F I N T E N D E D N 0 N - U S E ����=�c� The undersigned hereby certifies that it doea not intend to exercise its utility ea8ement rights in the folloWing described realty: . , . . . . � . � All that part of Hampden Avenue as platted in St. Anthony Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension of the Northwesterly line of Lot 13, Block 73, St. � Anthony Park, Minn, and the Northerly extension of the East iine of Lot 7, ''Hewitts Out Lots First Division"; . � All that part of the alley in Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly of the Northeasterly exterision of the Northwesterly lirie of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; The alley in Block 2, St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn. � all according to the plats thereof filed of record in the office of tlie Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Dated this �2� day of ��/,g '�' , 1978, at Saint Paui, Minnesota. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . D� By / Its Q��f� � � � � _ l • • . � . y - � � ' . , . - � C E R T I ,F I C A T E 0 P I N T E N D E D N 0 N - U S E - . , . , . . �'��;��c� The undersigned hereby certifies that it does not intend to exercise its utility easement rights in the following deacribed realty: � � The alley in Block 82, St. Anthony Park, Minn. according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. l Dated this /� day of ��F,�v/t�F_!2 , 1978, at Saint Paul, Minnesota. � � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � CITY OF SAINT PAUL By " xts ���� � ;, ;_ . � ., � _ _ _— --------- _ ______�._.�.----------------� � C' E R Z' I F I C A T E O F I N.T.E N D E D N O N - U S E ����,��� ' The undersigned hereby certifiea that it does not intend to exercise its utility easement rights in the following deecribed realty: All that part of Ellis Street as platted in St. Anthony Park, Minn, and St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn. and as opened in "Hewitts Out Lots First Division�' lying between the Northerly extension of the West line of Lot 1, Block 2, St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn, and the Northerly extension of the East line of Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots First Division"; All that part of Hampden Avenue as platted in St. Anthony Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extension o£ the Northwesterly line of Lot 13, Block 73, St. Anthony Park, Minn. and the Northerly extension of the Fast line of Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots First Division"; � All that part_ of Long Avenue lying Southeasterly of the Southwesterly extectsion of the Northwesterly line of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony Park�, Minn. and all that part of Long Avenue lying Southwesterly of the Southeasterly extension of the North- easterly line of Lot 7, Block 82, said St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; All that part of the alley in Block 83, St. Anthany Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly of the Northeasterly extension of the Northwesterly line of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; The alley in Block 2, St. Anthony Park South Ramsey Co. , Minn. ; Except therefrom: An easement for underground telephone conduit in that portion of vacated Hampden Avenue above described, five (5) feet in width" on either side of a line drawn twenty-one (21) feet Northeasterly of the Southwesterly right-of-way line of said vacated Hampden Avenue. all according to the plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of .Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Dated this � day of /1/Qj�� /'', 1978, at Saint Paul, Minnesota. (SEAL) NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ay t$ District Staff anager- bution i By �ts As '-stant Secretary STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUI�TY oF HEfJfJEPIfJ) . On this /D� day of , 1978, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ,_ S_ , � and Mari�n L_ Hauck , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the �ist_Staff P�Igr.-Dstb.EnginePrin� and Assistant Secretary, of the N�RTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO2�ANY, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seaT affixed to said instrument"'i5•tk�e corporate seal of said corporation, and that the said in- strument was signed and^sealed in belialf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and that said C. S. Getty and Marian L. Hauck acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. y(snena.., . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ..,,�r.,e� ,� A.A}( - - _,_, ___ "-i � . , .. _._._._.t� (SEAL) : �: sr . a�` _ -�__.. ._�,,__�. _b.£s,i�a�3- . � .; . . ,, ,., , ....�c - � '` . . . . . ' . � ' . . . . . ..}r,w ' . C E R T I F I C A T E 0 F I N T E N D E D N 0 N - U S E . . ������� The undersigned hereby certifiee that it does not intend to exerciae its utility easement rights in the following deecribed realty: � The al�ey in Block 82, St. Anthony Park, Minn. according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the off ice of the Register o�. Deeds i.n and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Da.ted this � da of � 1978 at Saint Paul Minnesota. 1Q_ Y ,_.�.�I � , , (SEAL) � . . NORTHWESTERN BE LL TELEPHONE COMPANY . By . . s District Staff Mana - i tri I�uti on ri ng By � its ssistant Secretary STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' ) SS � COUNTY OF HENfdEPIfV ) On this � aay of �rC��1�/ , 1978, before me, a Notary Bublic� in and for said County and State, personally appeared G. S. G2ttY and �arian L. Hauck , to me personnally known, who, being by me - duly sworn, did say that they are -the Dist.Staff Mqr.-Dstb.EnQi eerin� and _ Assistant SecretarY of the NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal aff ixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument .was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and that said G. S. Getty and Mlaridn L. HduCk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. xsra�,.�.��,,.. ,,,� . ,,.,,,ac�E � . _ . ..�•. . F. . .... . ...r�.{ � (SEAL) . � _ .� ._ _�.. �) �iu�i.,.,:1.�3y �_ _.;D..S ..'���J , ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......�..�.� . � ' � . � . . � � � a� . . � . � =�l/ y�.�-:�- _-..�... ,.� .. . .. �'�"����� Councl!'�I'l�e No."S'1]�22—By Rosaltr I.. Butler— RC�Olved, That upoa the petltlon uf g, TpiA th!W�tCr'Ut111ty,taremente ' the Hpusln/•and.Redeveloprnent Au- be retalned in p���lo�is of Long thuri�y thone �ectlon� o! publlc etreet�. Avenue and El �I e St�eet legelly end publlc ellry�heretnefiet deecrtLed.� described ae!o]luwe: Le Rnd +the'wme.�hereLy �re vuci,te�l � TLe Norih !y at 'LI1L� $treet and QtecouLnunci sy pu0llc �treew rm� t,�ylnQ Aetween the Nortl�er►Y yuGUC p11CY�� � � cxlin8lon o!�Lt�e L'�abt llur. ut Allt!�a�!part of]�'llls Street xr {�lat- !h .l.�.t 7S:'Hewlttr C1ut T.otai F'�rnt ; ted 1n19L Anthm�y Prrk Mlnn. end � i� 1)lvletlon" &nd the iNoriherly � 5t. .Anthoqy.lark SouF.h Iturnney f �.ixtens(on•ot the We�t llne uf C7o.. Ml�ui: rnd ro upen�•d in � i` 1,i,t 1. lil�:k 2. St. Antl�uny �' .•Hewltta C)ut'Luta 1�`lret n�vlaluu" ' � Y�,rk .�tiouttti R�nnney Cu., lying betwenn �the Northcriy ex- � ' � ;Mlnn.; ' , •teneiun af�the Wret llna uC I.��t ( ' `•��he Norihruslerly 34 ot l.ong � .'7. 231ock 2. St. Anitaon,y f'urk 5outh , pvanue between .ihe North , 2tarrt6ey Co. Idlnn. end tlie Nutth- � ��r�� c�t k:1��B gtrret'and 'the nrly extenslun of thn F•nnt llue of • � l.ot 7,"°Hewlttd Ou{ 'Lo4 l�Yrst ' euutherly •extenstm� -of ihe � l�lvlrlw�": � :ynuthnenterly llnn ot I.ot '�2, �tlock Ii.Y. St. AnLhony Yark, All that purt o! Hampden Avenu! Ml�uf.; / Ln pletted ln 8t. Anthony Perk, I1 �.Id.eaeemente to be auD)ect to� Mtnn. lying �uuthex9terly.-ot tDe �r 1i�llowing rextrictluns: � Lioulhwavterly exte�wlun of the NurthWa:sterly Ilue u1 l.ut 1S, 131iK'k � - 6) Thet no buRdings.•etructurna,� 7S. 9t. An�6uuy Park. Mlnn..and or trees ure pei'mltled wilhln! tAe Na'therly rxtenalon o1111e Faist Yhe ebsernent erca, or any' )Ine ut Lut 7� "I1CW�L(6 Uut Lots i ' 1emp�rnry structure, flxture yiYrat Dlvlulon': a or other oLJects that wlll All thet part o! Lony Avenue Lytng \ prohlblt normal aceens to Souther�terly uf the SouthwVesterly � , . weter focilltld fur mafnte- exCe[ulun of the Northwesturly llne i � ►�annr purpoxen. ut Lqt�al, l3luck 89, ut. Antbony � b) That nu change irom the ex- •r ark. Minn. nud rill that part� ut �drtliL� {�racye fe (>n['mltted 7.0�Lg� Avnnue lylng Southweelerly � w11��1n Lhe cusement area. ! +it tpe Snuthne�sletlq extensiun o1 � C) Thut no cAan�e in nurfaclug I 1 th Nurthr.usterl ]tnc of'T..ot 7, witliln the easen�ent erea la 1 F11ook'82, su11 :t. Mtlioi 1'ark, ! . ,perrnittud wllhoul wrltten �' , perrr�laslpn irum 4he Weter � 'ldtnp.: . I711Uty. ( AU th8t pert ut the alley ►n Block �� U9. AC. AnUwnY YarK, Mtr�u. ]ying d) That tha e ----- - -- � Suutheab-terly �2 Lt�e Nurtheasterly � p Ul1on r, ,/li auc- extenslup of ttie Nortliweeterl3� c�eaoly and nss�gns ehull line pt Lot 21,}Slut;lt U3,��.Aatl�ony fully ludemnlfy, detend and � �'urk, M1np.; � -rave hnrinlesa the Board oi� , � Tt�e alley iu lilw:k 't. St. Antho�iy � Weter Contmtxl�uners, lis ut-� �'ark 6ouUF 2i+uyuny Co.. Ml[u�.• . • 2lcers. agents. em�loycw aud' . bervantn trom al� sul[s, ac-i subJnct exprcaoly tu the-lollowln un- tlmw or cl�trris wtilch sh�ll, dlUone erid reeervntluns: .•\ arise lrom any vi�urlrs or; 1. Thdt the vncutlu�� Uu subJect to �iui��li6�recetved ur austalned nll the 1(:Y1[lti au� cundltlocu� of � �Y �i�Y break or Iruk in a��y Chapter i2D o1 thc 3[. Yuul Legts- nervlce pl��e, weter maLi ur lntive Cude, ae a�nended. .. � . ' cunnectlon ln sald dedicatc�� 2. 'Chat the peiltlonr.r .br, respunel- cusementa. ble Lpr all coeGt und ex{x�usea in �. Tt�at ihe peUlluner be responsibJr the Teplutting ut tl�n al�utting tOr pruvlding e�t�er�rncY accesa • prop eity +�lon{�wltli thn dr.iltcuUun ecceptable tu the P'!re De��artment ul 1t10 ncc'r.ne.�ry uew r'ircetb, ul- for any development wltt�Li thc lny;, 8nd cnneinenis nn dctermin�d li�nitn n[ ihe pI�t requlred tri Con- by lhE Depurtinent nf PuUlic dltlon Nu 2 nUove NVprke, and &y per prencrlbed pru- 10. 1'hal �cpecltle easemenW bu re-� 4tdlli'Cl ot ihe Ar.ting CountY I tuined tu protect the lnterests ut ; 9w�ypyor �uf 8emeaq Cuunty fur the Nw[hKru StYlee PoWei Can-: � p181J. . ! pa�iy. $. Th81 the petlttimrr be reapuciel- 11. 1't�at speclGc ease�nenta De rn= r. bld'!or all coeita and expc�wce In Laln�d ln Ilampdnn� Avenue to , � th� reconr,�tructlou Of tlie new pralect the tuterentn o1 tht NOrth- f etreeta +���d {tlleye en ��er (7fiy weslcrn Bell 1'clr,phone Compauy. / � yY�eclBcnttons nnd utandards 1n t��e 12. ']'hat u,e petltluuar, belng the � f:ontract wider Yro�ectb NU. ]'- ltousing nud Hednveluprnent Au- lkT'l7'Bnd S-lM&1(�iyH_ thm'lty, nqt ba t�eyutrCd•to pny {. 'Chpt 1.he �[ltlu�er �bulkhewd tlir, cu�ty,ennatlon for the vacatlun, � 9-iRCh VCP aqnttery eewr�' lu ' puryunnt to the ��rovltilunn of LLe Hampden Avenuc, and alnu prup- Redevetopment Yl;�n for the Wrst Crly ebendop all catcli biislns and Midw,�y-6t. An4hony Yark Dls- iL61r druliu !n `t�e stree:tn here�n irlct 1'l (Mt�u�. A-lqt), up{�rovrd , vucated undpi' Li�a dlrectlun•�,nd June 12, 1675, per Couuc!] Flle to the B�distsctlon qf the�Drpart-'� 2�i55Nti. . . ment u! Yublle Worlce Se:wcr Fi:- 1S. T't�ut 1n lieu ot e Lond, ihe Clty be titnati• • pruvlded wtth a wrlttrn covenant i- 6. `i'hqt tl�e peLtifuner Ue ree4unsl- condJUoned to indetqnify und � ble iur the proper barrlcudtng �,nd' hold tl�e CItY I�armiess trorn any 1. oblileratlng u1 tLe etreets un.l anA eU damagry, clul�ns Qor de�n- ulleys lu be vaceted, uudr.r ttie agze,cu�Ls,ChArgec,Judg�nent�anJ ditect�ou a�id tu the netUcfnctlo�� �C.Y�)tl11LC5 of every klnd pnd nt�- �, of ll�e Departmeitt uf Yublic ture a+rlsLig or growln out ut thr Workn. utrreu and nlleyn �ICICIU de- � 8. 'l't�nt q�e petttluner be reaponel- acrlbed tu b�: vrceted. . b1r 1or all custa and exEier�v� ln Adu��ted by the Councll ]uly 11, 197tl. ` tt�u crn�structlwi of all new catch APPruved July 12. 1f17d . Ir �usL�. drnqw and sewere� neces- lJul 2'l, 1d78) r nary tor the �,ro},er drulnage uP _ y [he new etrertn und alleyb to i�e . ' � dedlct�ted U� the rcplattl7ig ut thls property. �mdnr the dL�cctlui� and � ' io ilir aut�Yuctidu nf tlie llepurl- , rnnnt ut Publlr. Wurkx. � 7. 'Pl�lit the peUtioner be r�apunsi- �� bin for �ill c�k;i� and tx�enseH for � si�Ijuy�.n�c��L� w Wutar �tlllty f&-. � -��clliClut. . . . � � � � � f ' � � � � � -�I �-� -�"7 ������ r.•�� •.y. ., .�_ _ . , . . .. .,,._. . `�ou U 1+yle No.�2717T7—BY'RwwLe L. d3u�ler— � , tthe�e�Jous ng76nd uRedeveloprue rt A� . �Yhorlcy pf'the Cfty of Salnt Paul, thut ecUon pt publlc ullry heretr,atter de- b`.Ilb�d. be aad Ri�e sarne hrteby �' acated ahd dlscontlnund� pa a publlc }ulley: , . � PI. T4e xlley tit $lock 82, gt. AAth�y ' x'ark. naiiu,.; f�ubJect 'expresxly to the fullowing 4011�1W�� �d reservatlony; 1• That� ttie vaceUun be 6ubJrct to i �'ll the terrns and ca�ditlons of C►�syter 22t1 uf tl�e tit. Yaul Le�Lsla- � tive Cude. as xn�ended. 4. 'Tl�at the petlGuner, being the Huus- 1��6 and 12edeveloyinent Autl orlty,' . nut Ue reyuircd w furn(sh cw�ipen- � sntlun pursuunt to the Hedevelop- t rrient Plati for the Des� Jd��Way__ ' SUiitli St. Anthuny Yuck 7��y���t �2 �!�-1-1). ePPruvetl �ui�e 12. 1975, by IAy. T�at lr� Il�u��ttlu�b C�l, 1 n5(!ty be I � provtded wlth a wrltten ,cuvr.nant t'uniYltlolled to Lnde�nnlfy anil l�uld� Uir (:Ity h�n n�irss frurn uqy auU ull� dnn��Krs, claim� fur datnaSes, cusu,: eLurgey. Judgruents tlfld CYj/C1ibeS uf, cvery kLid t�nd nature ai-letr�g ur i gruw�ny uut of thn v&cetioh of tl�r I i,lley Lerefn v8cpted. A�op�etl bY the Cuuncll Septeu�bCr� �12, 1iY78. APpruve� ��p�e�Uer ltl, 1BT8. I . . l�Nleinber J:i, 1878) --_---- � • 1 I _ ' u _ -' , . . . . . ,. , �_ . . / 4-. ..� � �.-i ` ----- � , �i ����.J '- �-- , ---- - �' k . i•!� � , . ------------ - -- ._ ._ ._ . �/) .-��.J �'� / J�, � . `�'� ?�ii..�lJ,s:i, •,/ , � A � � � • , �♦ •. / � 0 O � .� /� :� �,.� � .� ,, / i ,��•�\ �; � < < �;� =o ; a � / �`'.\ � \`� ��� � ; ; � - . �h � , �n ; y .. .� � '� ,. ;p a � �\ _ _ . • . � � a . .��\ �' ,�0 D%' ; 1� � �� ` ,: ' _ - . � K� � �;. �'� ,�' '� �O � �-�--- H - . . .. , � � ' H H • \ti / � \� `o�, ° ,o � � � . , . �. . o � : � � �-' - (� . ` � ' ` `� � ' - - - . a' � 7� ,� . , . �. •- � �� Q Q / i � � \ •� : � �� . . , � ; �; � � . ,�; �. �;� Q � -: :; � `ti�` �o � �� � � . �j , �, , ' � � �� � . � � ' S `t-- '� � -- ---- � -- � � � �! c! v� � �' � . ` � � : � � � E ! . o �o, : � � � ; , . ,o 0 0 � , � � j. �� � ;� �_ �i' � r-1 ���.� � J � . , O � ^ � . _i► � — . _' � � . . , a � .� � � .. . 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S- o ` .- . � �,- .. ------ h ,.V �1 j� ; o OZ/ :m0� o� '�SF ��.v 0 SS/ 9 ��/ '�ha V. � ------�---- - 4`� ! } �� ` --•._. ►��9 p �► /� �: c � t7�`� � � �%p/� 1 '' ` 4 �� ; :� h � ; , _ _� _. _, �, � _ o, .�_ �r� � � ` �. � _ _.. . _ . �V' �'�l �bi '� _._.._� � : y�� ' � � �CZ! ' � � �'��' ;�' •S �SOl . ti a7'.� � I �" :,. � �a � �i' ,� � i� � � o �- —� : O� o- �f/% � �` ^ Q O1 � , - - -` -- � � q • �, , / \ V� (,ti �� °�/'y n � . -�.--�L-L--s-�---__---='r�.,,,'._.ai'_____�:6.�_° 'r',df � � ' \ �.s� �' : � bc-�a -s 4 3 1 d�J J'i/ _ O Q� o , �. � �. � -- - ' �"' £'L 6� ='l . o r I , 1 ;, � ��o -� . ��'����. '� � , ; i ; y -�:- . . . s ,� � � ��.J=� y ��� � i ,� �, � � �' � `� �`� �n �: 'J �' r' ti^i,�' f -�--'"�� -"� ' � �.. ���- '�y�-�� � � ` � .� � ` Y �' [� � 'oLnG�� • �� . . : � _ . � � �^h �: ' - '�i � :�r�•sr���9f:� � ( � � / T � � ' Q � � • ,� \ . .5� � E£ op�-- -- _.. _ �_.I.� _ E .on!�1.�1��1. .. ,� L. G� � � -- Ql �.� ,�1 i z.r: .c rs: �� u v -- � � � 1 , = . • • � ' --7r ~ �=r,v• � .+ • ..� . . - - - - - - --�-90:Q�9Z' . _ _�,`/=l - S-- ;'�f;rt.�? --- - .�J l� �_�_. . --- � - -{��-�Y'.�I1.��� � � , OM Ol: 12/1975 Rev.: 9!8/76 !G��L��iV £XALANATION OF ADMINISTRAtIVE ORDERS, L , ��i�� � ECEIVE � oc7 a - �sso Date: October 6, 1g80 �Y�� � T4: MAYOR GEORGE U4TIMER �R: J. Wm. Donovan, Va1. & Aesmt. Englneer, Finance & Mgnt. 8ervices (Ext. 7019) R�� Relea.se of certain utility easemen�s set forth in Counc��le ,1�271�+22, adapted July 11, 1978 (Ellis Street). � AC7ION REQllESTED: Mayor's appr�tirsl for submission to City Council. P',lRPOSE AP�D RATIONALE f0it `THIS ACTION:" _ To release certain utility easements in aarea described in Council File �71Z122. ATTACHMENTSr 1. Cauncil Resolution` 2; Copy af Council File �271�+22 3. Certificates of Intended Non-Use (4) (N�S.P., N.W. B�].1, P.W. & W.U.) 4. �ieea Map