275817 WHITE - CITY CLERK � P�NK - FINANCE 2�581�7 - CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �PA U L COUflCII BLUE - MAYOR File N . ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated September 9, 1980, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 9/9/80 24-80-H 261-263 Sherburne Jeff & Debarah A. (three units) Johannsen BOARD ACTTON: Granted extension of time to November 15 , 1980, to complete it�ms No. 1 through 4, concerning water heater and heating plant, and No. 11, concerning dead-bolt installation, as designated in St. Paul Housing Code Enforcement Division' s letter of March 17, 1980, and extension of time to July 1, 1981, to complete remaining items cited in said letter. Property Description: Robertson and Van Etten's Addition Lot 3, Block 21 ------------------------------ 9/9/80 30-80-H 1656 E. Ivy Ray Gustafson (Single family residence) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10.00 filing fee. Property Description: Unplatted lands Ex. S. 150 Ft. , the 85 Ft. of N.E. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 (Subj . to Rds. ) in Lot 22, Block 2922 ------------------------------- COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ���� � � By - Approved by :Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK - PINK - FINANCE ��581'7 CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT �AII L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 9/9/80 33-80—H 394 Dayton Bruce Morgan (eight units - plus one in basement owner-occupied) BOARD ACTION: Granted temporary waiver of Section 54.13 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to basement occupancy, to expire September 9, 1982, after which time basement unit shall constitute an illegal rental unit, on condition that all remaining work orders, as designated in St. Paul Housing Code Enforcement Division' s letter of 11/2/79, be completed in the time allotted by said letter. Property Description: Kern' s Addition Ex. S. 22 Ft. , Lot 4, Block 2 ----------------------------- -2-- COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays �MOrre► Levine In FBVOr Maddox �p � __ Against BY sno�ite► Tedesoo �Ison pCT i 6 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopfed by Coun � . Date — � Certified ;�sed b C uncil Secretar �2G~ � �, Ap d by 1�1a o te 2 � 8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ — BY �u�E� o�r 2 5 �9sa _ _ _ . _ _ . _,...: . .� . . . �--.. ..��- � : _3_ g�9�80 - Meetzng No_ �b5 . . , � � X1-1 � �3 � T � �� � :���1� qFPELL1lNT . CAS_�_ PRO^ P_ ERTY � 30-80-H 1b56 E. Ivy Ray Gustafson (single family residence) CT: A eaI of order by the �it�y ta x�move �pet rabbi.t:s �ran� SUBJE PP Pr°Per y• . . APPEARANCE : Mr. � ��rs . Ray Gustafson - . Ear1 Conley - Mr. Conley provided a copy°� �� '�he ord�.na�7ce. cancern�ng PROCEEDINGS: � rivate prope�'t:)*: In t�iis the keeping of animals , fowl , or birds on p articular case , there had been several come�arabbits�hyj�h��'���Ct stafn what they felt was unsanitary handling of p son. An inspector had gone out recent�-ausa.nan nple asan�C adors�n� ��d found that food and rabbit feces were c � _ Chairman Wozniak questioned the authori.ty of the boaxc3 �o �x:an� a wa�.ver. on a condition that was alxeady found to eon.stit:ute a nt�a.sance.. Mr. Gustafson said he made every efTpund�under thee cages iithnaaphalt. Tt was his intention to cover theroblem during the past summer because He agreed th at there h ad been a p he had 22 rabbits and many of them had contracted a diari:he:rsp �h�t'number He had cleared up the matter and was selling rabbits agai-n , �s eas�er. had been cut down to 11, making management o� the rabhi�: droppin�, _ _ : _. --__...,....�._. �-..�..�. . - . - _4_ g/g/80 - Meeting No. 165 ' c�'�SG /7 'EIis goal �oas to cut down to three or four rabbits. I�ir. Tieso said he felt the matter should not have come before the board, � that it iJas a situation to be worked out between the code off_ice and the pexson alleged to be harboring a nuisance: BOARD ACTION: Chaixman �Vozniak moved that the appeal be dismissed and t e iling fee returned to the appellant. Mr. Tieso seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. � T�-IE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 ' 9/9/80 - Meeting No. I65 • , MINUTES OF THE NIEETING � , ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, September 9 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. ME1�IBERS PRESENT: D.D. �Vozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso A. Wali Naibi Glenn Gausmann ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake Thomas Reiter Ron Glassman AGENCIES PRESENT: Community Services Dept. - Divi.s�.�n of Housing sn� Building Code Enforcement Alice Bij j ani Earl Conley � � � Department of Public Hea�.th William McCausland OTHERS PRESENT: G. Jurgensen Debbie J�hannsen H. Wifal Dav�.c� Ries Joe Cochrane Ray Gusl:afson - . Bruce Morgan Mxs . Ray Custafson Ge Lee Art-hu�° T3xedy Don J. Sax�on Rof�ex� �:erchc�ff � Ni.ck S�ei.chen S.1V. l'ct:erson Naomi NAe�mann ___ �d. Ral�anef:t�c: Joe Kabxoski 3im C:ocaram M. Roacfi � Rabe��t .7. ��a1ey Alice Fo1ey � , M}�xi:3_e l2ogers Marvi.n E. Koen�g�, Jr w - STAFF PRESENT: Patricia l�ioxness , The meeting was called to order at 1:45 p.�ne The minutes of the meeting of August 12 , 298�, were appraved as maiT.ed out to the board anembers. The following cases were removed from the agenda: � (�) Case No. 23- 80-H, 773 E. 6th St. , Don J. Saxton - Ap�ea]. of. zonin g status pending. Matter was continued to October meeting. _. .__�.�._..�.._.�._,_._..___.__..r.__�__._�__...___� � � -2- 9/9/8Q - Meeting No. I65 _ . . . ����� 1 CASE N0. PROPERTY APPEL.LI�NT 24-80-H 263 Shexburne Debaxal� F Je�f Jol�annsen (three units) - SUBJECT: Request extension of time to compTy wi�:h Secfiion ].3. OG , per-- taining to fire safety requirements in hea�in.g plant area, 'and �or general rehabilitation work, as designated in ci�:y� s 7.ertex of 5/��/8Q, because of financial hardship. � Prior Hearing 8/12/80 : Case continued ta Sep�ember af: appellant' s request. Prior He.aring 7/8/80 : Case continued to August mee�ing to all.ow ��zne for appellant to apply for financing, to consul� Veterans Administra�ion, and to check wi.th St. Paul Water Dept. for per.mission �o a.nstalZ sprinkler system. g�g�gu - me�L��.K .... _ _3_ - ������- Debarah Joliannsen . J APPEARAIyCE � ��ice Bij j ani %� edit was OK' d by ly'ards , . Johannsen said she and hen c�band tiaere abauf: i:a iave PROCEEDINGS= �'is As soon as thea. �he wo���d ti� t��ro new furnaces installed. the work would be done. After the furna�Shewsaid�her husband �s�s �'�-�`-��- enclosed ��rith fire retardant materials • xo erty tha� j'a� T�`'n}� . onse from the Veterans Ad.mi.nis�xation as Y.a «hY e trying to get a resp had approved a 1.oan for the Johannsens to buy p hidden defects . uixed �.rnmc:di dt:� ' e Bi allation of proPPx 7.ocks . hs t:a fi.he 'j ani said there was o�e other item 'c�.at rea CI '��� Al1c J attention and that ��as the lns ' kler s stem, that would not aa tematerial.s� �he _uxnac sprin y raved fire reta enclosed with app 'eso moved to grant an ����ns�watex he�at e�`c�p�c*�.f�.�s BpARD ACTION: Mr• T� # throu h #4 , concexn1ng 1 , to complete Items 1 #g �oncerna.ng �:he provs.s�.anl��� a de�c�-- cations and heating plant , and 11 � an� a.n extensi.�n aj= f=amE: t.c� work des:i.p:nated �n cii-y`s �.��-t.E:r bolt lock for an �omnletetremainin� door , r� r h Navemher ]S, ��&0 3 Julv 1 � 1981 - to of March 17 , 1980- City should inspectthatpcat�. Mr. Gausman SecandeGl.. to see if the work required is done by MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. �bstentions_ , �� _ THE VOTE: Ayes _ 4 Nayes - 0 ' 9/9/80 - Meeting N o. I65 MINUTES OF THE I�tEETING ' ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS $ REVIEtiV Tuesday, September 9 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso A. Wali Naibi � Glenn Gausmann � ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake Thomas Reiter Ron Glassman AGENCTES PRESENT: Community Services Dep�. " D].V1S7_07l of Hous�.n.g snf Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani Earl Conley � � Department of Public Hea�.th. William McCausland OTHERS PRESENT: G. Jurgensen Debbie Johannsen H. Wifal Aavzci Ri�s Joe Cochrane Ray Gust_afsan _ Bruce Morgan Mrs . Ray Gustafson Ge Lee Ar.thu�- B�edy Don J. Sax�on Ra�e-ri: }:erchafi' Ni.ck S�eichen S�1V. l'c:t:ers�n Naomi Niemann . ,: �d. Rt�1��.ne�'te Joe �Kabroski .f�_m t:c�coram M. RoacFi � �2Uberi: .T. FoTey Alice Foley Myrf.l.e Rogers � Marvin E. Koenig`, J�o - STAFF PRESENT: Patricia l�ioxness ; The meeting was called to order at 1 :45 p.m. _ The minutes of the meeting of August 12 , 1980s wexe approvecl as mail�d out to the board memberse The following cases were removed from the agenda: � (�.) Case No. 23-80-H, 773 E. 6th St. , Don J� Saxton - Appeal af zoning status pending. Matter was continued to October meeting. ,.__......_..w..�.._�-�__..._. �_.__ ___---__.�._..��.,�. � . _5_ � 7S�/ '7 . 9/9/80 - Meeting T�o. I65 � . CASE N0. �RQPERTY APFELLANT � 33- 80-H 394 Dayton Bruce Morgaz7. � (8 units - plus one in base- ment for owner only} SUBJECT : Request variance of Section 54. 13, pertaining fio Uasement: occupancies , to permit occupancy of one unit mor.e than S0� Ue1ow gi•ade , � liecaus� oti,m er "exclusively occupies the so-called cellax unit and h�.s no intent to rent it eut or establish a ninth uni_t. " APPEARANCE : Bruce Morgan Alice Bijjani PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Morgan said he xealized the basemel�t tziii�t: tyhexe lic: was living id not meet cade requirements , but as �.onv as he tlas fihc: only person to occupy it and was willing to take f3ae r.isks as owner, he saw no need to incur th� expense. He said it was usecl as much as 30 years ago, according to a tenant ivho had ]_ived in. thc� l�uzlding �'ar the past 21 years , but at some time. had been disconta_nued unt�I he decided to use it himself. l�sr. Naibi stated that he was concerned for the saFety of anyane, ancl that included the owner of property if he 7.ived :in an unsafe apaxtment:. He suggested that Mr. l�7organ live in .one of Y.he eight certifaed unifis. Mr. Morgan replied that he did not choose to da that. Ms . Bzjjani suggested, as an alternative to expendin� a eonsiderable amount of money to make all the improvements required ta make the tinit conform to safety and health recommendations , that the ownex be grant��d a two-year extension of time. This would a11ow him to �-emain anc� continue working on his building. She said he had already done a grea� deal of work on it. Such an extension should be given with the provision �khat the owner use it only for himself. . � . ������' . • -6- 9/9/80 - Meeting No. 165 BOARD ACTION: Chairman ��iozniak moved that the appellant be granted the right, recognizing the deficiencies of the basement apar-tment , to reside in the unit for a period of two years , after which perioc� the apartment will constitute an illegal rental unit, providing tha� a1I remaining work, as designated in city' s letter of 11/2/79 , is completed in the time allowed by the Housing Code Enforcement Divisi.on . Mr. Tiesu seconded. h10TI0N CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 3 Nayes - 1 (Naibi) Abstentions - 0 � - 9/9/80 - Meeting P1o. 165 V r MINUTES OF THE I�IEETING �� ' t ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIE`9 Tuesday, September 9 , 1980 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. A4Er1BERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman . Arthur Tieso A. Wali Naibi � Glenn Gausmann � ABSENT: Estyr B. Peake Thomas Reiter Ron Glassman AGENCIES PRESENT: Communit� Services Dep� . -- Da.va.s�.on of. Housing snf Building Code Enforcement A1ice Bij j ani . Earl Conley ' � � Department of Public Health. `�lilliam McCausland ' OTHERS PRESENT: G. Jurgensen llebbie 3ahannsen H. Wifal �avi� �ties Joe Cochrane Ray Gusf:afson � _ Bruce Morgan Mrs . Ray Gus�Gafson Ge Lee 1�xthu.�� }�rc:dy Don J. Saxton lto�,eri: }�exchc�ff N�.ck Steichen S�1V. Pet:ersan Naomi Ni�mann .._ �d Rc�banet_te ,Toe Kabr-oski .�im Cc�coram M. Roacfi. - Kabe��i: .T� ��o1cy Alice Foley My�xf�l.e P.agers Marvin E. Koeni.g, Jr o � STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness _ The meeting was called to ordex at 1 :45 pom. The minutes of the meeting of August 12 , T.98U , were appraved as mail.ed out to the board meanbers. The following cases were removed from the agenda: � (1) Case No. 23- 80-H, 773 E. 6th St. , Don J. Saxto�x - llppeal of zoning status pending. Matter was continued to October meeting. . � , . V-�si �. � � ��S�"/ �l ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REI�TIEtiti' • 705A City Hall St. Paul, P�Iinnesota 55102 (612) 298-4163 s � T0: Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386 FROM: Pat Moxness RE : Return of Filing Fee Please send a check for $10. 00 to the following: Ray Gustafson 1656 E. Ivy f St. Paul , NIN 55106 ° This is the amount of the filing fee submitted by Mr. Gustafson for an appeal on his _property. The fee was ardered returned by _ . �. _ _ . board action at the meeting of 9/9/80 , later ratified by City � Council Resolution #275817. Council resolution is attached. If ��a.0 have any questions , please call me. a �Y r'M ' _ '.'_....._ _. . .. _ _ _.__. ._ . -.. ._._ .. _.-.._.. _.�._...�_��.�..—...-�'_'��"_....r.�-.�..��_-�—_�-�.__.-.�-.��........� . ���-..�'�'.�w+'�.��- WHITE ' C{TY CLERK - - .�. . . � � � � � � COUflC1I .• ����j�� , '. PINK -� FINANCff � � � - CANARK - DEPAitTMqNT � � G I TY O F SA I-N T PA LT L � - BLU E -� Mi1YOR � _ - Fll@ N O. � � � . .. �. ,-� ,- � .. . , : � :* -- _�..- - --�-_��:`�_.�.�.�.7 _____ _____CO�t�ZCZ�-- R�s�IZ�tZO� -=-______�� .���., �o � . Presented By ' . _, �_ . . __. Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date . BT3 I'P RSSOI.�ED, T�ia►t ti�s Councii o� the ea�ty t� Sainrk Pa�at2 he�eby certifias aad approve$ the action oi the Citg o� �siut Paul �z'r� af. �ppeal,� a�d xev►i�� �aertaini�ag to t�e €ollowiug 33st�d groperty an� as shc�n by the �ccerpted I�3i�autes of sa#�c� Bc�rr� of Ag�eals a�ad �evi�, s�ated �aptembez 9, I980, aad marked SXBIBIT A� and attaehed her�att� ar�& �$ � gart hereca� by ref erence s DATS 4� �OARD . �IINaTB$ G�SS bTO. P�P�'�Y APP�.LT,�? _�._.__.___r.___ 3j9j8fl 2�-89-8 2�I-253 Sherbur�sa Jeff S IIe�ar�h B� tthre� �nit�3 Jo�axuss�n �aARD r'�It�3s Graafi.ed e�+ensi� o� tsrr�e to �ovamber �,5, 1984, tc► av�gl�� it�s �o. l �baronqi� �#, Cc>nteru#.ng wa�ter heater �n+d 3�a�i�g . pl+nIIt r t3Ad �. L'L� �t333Ce�i3�riq d8�d b4lt �C.lstallAt3olt� a8 c��siyaated ia St. Paul �t��ng �ode� Enforce�e.nt Diuf siax�t s Iette�c flf �tarc�e 1?, 398A, � �ctea�ie� o� ti�a to Julg 1� 19�1, tt� cc�plet�a ra�tiai�in� it�s cit�3 3.n said letter. �ro�e�rt� Dest�iptions 8�k�rtson aric� '�tan �:tt�rt=s �dt�ititn� I.ot 3� �2c�ck a2 � ..____..�....,_.�,.._..__.,,...�,......�.�....�._...,� 9/9f#3a 3�1-80-�f 1fi5G �. Zvy Ra� Gus�a�s�a�: � �Singie famiip resid�+a+�e) �c�A�i's �.3'IO�i: Gr�aated �c�aad cf ��0.�A �i�q ��s. � Qroparty �i�t3v�: Etnpiatted T.aads Ex. s. Zst# �t. , �ha 3� Ft. of �.E. I/4 t�f s.�� IC+� of S.E. 3/4 �Sub�. tv �d�.� isx I�x� 22, �ock Z922 _ , ,� , , . , . - : . � � . _ � COUNCiLMEN . Yeas Nay�s Requestgd by Departmertt of: Hunt Levine [fl FBVOI Maddox McMahon B Showalter Against Y _ Tedesco - Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — k'orm Approved by City Attorney .,.....�_.__.._ � �--�--� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary g-- `�- C-G_. � � l.�f.?.4:�►, -'^„�J�j±�{,�' '�,.� B� ' Approved by :Vtayor. Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By� _ BY WHITE �' CITYCLERK . . . � � . J /�]�� / • .� . FINK - FINANCH � � �OLiiCll N� �,� s . . B.AUE�.r�-^ I�AYORM�~T GITY OF � SAINT PAUL File � NO. . ' " • • .: . . _ Council -R-eso ut�on_. ___ __ __ _ --_� ____ _ --_—__�� Presented By Referred T� Committee: Date � - Out of Committee By Date �f9j$#t 33-s�t-H 394 �aytaa Sruee luiorgan {eight �xn�.ts -- plt�s o�xe in b�sem�en� own�er-occ�pied) s�O�ARa �:TS�Ns 6rant� t�poraxy �ieex of Seciir�n 58.13 0� t�e St. Prtu.2 Legis]astiv� Code, pertain,ing to �aa�aeat accu�eYr � es�iyC+i� Septe�beaC 3, 1982� after' t�tie3� �i�ae basenextt �ix�t sshal2 �o�si�itnte a� �3�ga1 rental unitt r�� cand3.tio� tbat ail re�aiai�g wor� �ord�r9 f a� des�.gnatec� ia �t� Fa�3, Sausi�g Cvde snfarce�ent ni�ris�a's 3.Q�tt�r flf I112jTS, I�e complet� i� tT�e ti� allot� by saisi �.stt.ar. . � �rope�cty Destaciptiv�as X�r�`a �c�ition F�t. 5. 22 �"'t., Lot 4,� �►Ic�Dt 2 ..._ -2- COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays ' , / �� � In Favor : Maddox ^1tl1't1GlaMbn � g Showalter A g8i[l s t y 7edesco w�im� p�� � 6 198Q Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date .,,�..-� _, �rc�c+� .�-,�'••,'�-Pit � .i t�. � Certified Yassed by Council Secretacy �Y� s� 2 �����y A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��� pP y y By By