275815 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COU[1C11 2�75815 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAVOR FIIe NO. . cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commitfee B� Date Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease agreement with the Saint Paul Jaycees for the use of the Masonic Temple for the purposes of the Jaycees' "Haunted House" program during the period of September 17 to November 5, 1980; said lease providing for insurance in the amount of $500,000 and naming the City as a co-insured �ii��e€�n for the purposes of indemnifying the City. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Financ and Man Services �� oz '�"'r In Favor Levine � L 'ne Maddox __ Against BY oe ler ��r��p 1e,-� BERNARD J. CA ON, Director ylve er �h_ walter Tedesco Ted co OCT � 6 1980 Form A by C' y t rney Adopted by Council:W o� Dat c �rtified Pa s y oun .'1 Se tary BY , ` � Ap e b i4lavor. ���� Approved by Mayor for Subm' ouncil BY BY ` �G �--., ��� OCT 2 5 toQn