275807 Wi�11TE - .CITY CLERK -�,'j/� PINK INANCE COl1fIC11 `'° ' ���� CANARY �PARTMENT _ G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L BLUE� - MAYOR File N O. City Attorney/S.D.M — , , ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO CITY WIDE REHABILITATION GUIDELINES WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to authority granted to it by Chapter 351, Laws of Minnesota 1974 , by Resolution Council File No. 264630, adopted November 21, 1974, approved the Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, and Program Concept and Guidelines, copies of which were attached to said Resolution and are maintained in the office of the City Clerk as a part of the proceedings respecting said Resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to sai.d authorization, the Housing Rehab- ilitation Loan and Grant Program has been undertaken by the City acting in cooperation with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and with the advice of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the Program operational experience indicates the desirability of revising the Program Guidelines as they pertain to rehabilitation loans and grants for rehabilitation of owner- occupied homes to restate them in a more concise manner, and to make them consistent with other related rehabilitation loan and grant programs, such as the Federal Section 312 Program and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Program in which the City participates; and WHEREAS, there was presented to and considered by the City Council a statement of revised concept and guidelines entitled, "Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program Concept and Guidelines" , consisting of eleven pages and an attachment COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMaho� __ AgeillSl BY Showalter - — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY Bv -- Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � ���,.+�� PINK �,FINANCE � COU[ICII CANqRY QEPARTM6NT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L BLU� - - MAYOR . Fll@ N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- entitled, "Description of Immediate Health and Safety Hazards and Energy Efficiency Standards to be Used in the City-Wide � Rehabilitation Program" , consisting of five pages, which were prepared by the City Administration Staff Task Force in con- sultation with the Mayor's Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, at their Council meeting of November 30, 1978, and approved by Council Resolution File No. 272145; and WHEREAS, the City Wide Rehabilitation Grant Program (CDBG funded) is primarily used whenever an applicant is ineligible for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Grant Program; and WHEREA5, the City Wide Rehabilitation Program has utilized $358,406 under Community City Wide Rehabilitation Grant Funds in CD Year V and $868,508 under the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Grant Funds; and WHEREAS, on July 1, 1980, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvement Grant Program Guidelines were changed as follows: (1) maximum grant amount is $6,000; (2) maximum adjusted gross income of $6,000; and WHEREAS, Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff operating the City Wide Rehabilitation Program recommends amending the City Wide Rehabilitation Guidelines to conform to the New Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvements Grant Guidelines , which is essential to allow Saint Paul to participate in the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvement Grant self-approval process. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon _ A 81I1S1 BY Showaker g Tedescw w�son Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ;Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WNITE - CITY CLERK ��. L�� [ PINK -. FtNANCE �`�� v �' " / CAN�ItY -� DEPARTMENT COUIICII BLU - �MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T � PA U L �ile N�O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the above-noted changes in the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvements Grant Program Guidelines are acceptable and the said City Wide Rehabilitation Program Guidelines are hereby amended to reflect these changes . COUNCILMEN � Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine _�_ In Favor Maddox � McMahon snowa�ter A gai n s t BY Tedesco �Ison ,� OL+'r � 4 ��Q� Fotm Approved y Cit �t ' Adopt y Council• Date � rtified Pass by Cou . ecre'Cary BY B} Approv y : or: Date 1 6 1980 Ap by Mayor f S b Council By _ BY ��� 0 C T 2 5 1980 � 14794 R E S O L U T I O N N O. 80-8/13-3 RESOLUT ION AUTHORIZ ING AMENDMENT TO ����� CITY WIDE REHABILITATION GUIDELINES Y"`'°�' WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to authority granted to it by Chapter 351, Laws of Minnesota 1974, by Resolution Council File No. 264630, adopted November. 21, 1974, approved the Aousing Rehabili- tation Loan and Grant Program, and Program Concept and Guidelines, copies of which were attached to said Resolution and are maintained in the office of the City Clerk as a part of the proceedings respecting said Resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said authorization, the Housing Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program has been undertaken by the City acting in coopera- tion with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and with the advice of the Rehabilitation Advisory Com- mittee; and WHEREAS, the Program operational experience indicates the desir- ability of revising the Program Guidelines as they pertain to rehabili- tation loans and grants for rehabilitation of owner-occupied homes to restate them in a more concise manner, and to make them consistent with other related rehabilitation loan and grant programs, such as the Federal Section 312 Program and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Program in which the City participates; and WHEREAS, there was presented to and considered by the City Couneil a statement of revised concept and guidelines entitled, "Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program Concept and Guidelines", consisting of eleven pages and an attachment entitled, "Description of Immediate Health and Safety Hazards and Energy Efficiencg Standards to be Used in the City-Wide Rehabilitation Program" , consisting of five pages, which were prepared by the City Administration Staff Task Force in consultation with the Mayor' s Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, at their Council meeting of November 30, 1978, and approved by Council Resolution File No. 272145; and WHEREAS, the City Wide Rehabilitation Grant Program (CDBG funded) is primarily used whenever an applicant is ineligible for the Minnesota Hous- ing Finance Agency Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City Wide Rehabilitation Program has utilized $358,406 under Community City Wide Rehabilitation Grant Funds in CD Year V and $868, 508 under the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Grant Funds� and WHEREAS, on July 1, 1980, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agen�y Home Improvement Grant Program Guidelines were changed as follows: (1) maximum grant amount is $6, 000; (2) maximum adjusted gross income of $6,000; and X WHEREAS, Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff operating the City Wide Rehabilitation Program recommends amending the City Wide Rehabilita- tion Guidelines to conform to the New Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvements Grant Guidelines, which is essential to allow Saint Paul to participate in the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvement Grant self-approval process. 14795 ' 8/13/80 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the above-noted changes in the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improvements Grant Program Guidelines are acceptable and the said City Wide Re- habilitation Program Guidelines are -hereby amended to reflect these changese :.:;� � � � � I � ,�� -_ . � .,,'._:_. �'ITY �3�+' ��1��� ��..�7�. �-:� °°'���� ;`:� L�� �`z OFT'Z�� O� '�°ili�. GITY CO-iT1 Cz�� ' ,, 1� :1 �' f. �' �, � , �� _ � .� � K�.�-. ��,�s� { ,1 �� �J � -���b`.;; v � ..� � _.,- �;:� ��� __ �;^' Da t e ; October 9, 1380 �,-�_�>'` �. :,� • ,s•s� , C C? I�d� �:�� � i T � � � � �' � �-� � -� ? a : �oin� Pdu! Ci��t �our�ci� _ , _ �R O � � �O i�1 i7'!I��'2� �tl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL _ - . � George McMahon ; et�oiFmon, makes Phe �fiolla�r�ing repori° on ` �.F. [� Orcfinancs - _ ' �2) [x� �4esolufiion � . ' - . � O'rh�r � � ���..� : � - gt its meeting of October 9, 1980, the Finance -Committee recommended - apprcival of the following: . _ � � 1. Resolution. revising Saint Paul' s Rehab Grant Guidelines to be consistent :with the State' s. �- _ � 2. Resolution approving financing for Gillette: Hospital demolition � � � from the Dowritown People Mover project. � . . C�TY iI�1LL SEVENTH FL002 S:1I1T PA,UL, M€\\'ESOTr1 S.SIOZ 4.j _ . -•..� "::_Y . F � ; � r�, ,�� � �do_o� � oM oi: iz/Y97� . Rev. : 9/8/76 ���.:� ;. �XPI.AN1l�`IC'1�11 t� �IINISTRATIVE I�RD�,RS � � RECE1VEt3 SEP 3 ;�198(l `' �� � . t:. Qate:'�i�b�r �3, 198p � .,,: • � �'0: MAYOR 6r�E� LAT�N�R 0�-Q� 1,�,.t ��`�'.b,t � FRONI: Tecr�► lt�cNe�lis�� � a R�: Rchab Gc�ant Guidelir�s � ,, �� � acTi�.�sT�o. :; Rp�avc far ptace�ent on City.Co�cil Agenda. . : ��" _,;� �-,; � : F�JRP1� � ��,_.�.E.F� �i'I S �IC'1'ION: i4tHFA i�raised inCOme air�d maximum grant arnounts fran $S,AfiO to $6,t'ktQ. This actl� t�evises St. Paul's guidelines to bre consistent with tfir Stat�'s. P�reviouslY approlr�d by th� HRA. . ��' „€; � ATTACi�NTS: Co�ci� Iieao�ution _ H�tA Resol�tia�