275804 WHITE - CITY CLERK �*� (�(� PINK - FINANCE f�]��f� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �A LT L COU[IC1I � v f BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. Council Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the terms and conditions of the 1978-1980 Agreement between the City of Saint Pau1 and the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit, composed of Operating Engineers Local 49, Teamsters Local 120, and Laborers Local 132. WHEREAS, th� Council, pursuant to the provisions of Sectian 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit, composed of Operating Engineers Local 49, Teamsters Local 120, and Laborers Local 132, as exclusive representatives for the classes of positions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. 73-PR-427-A, for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and WHEREAS, the City, through designated representatives, and the exclusive representatives have met in good faith and have agreed to the attached Amendment to the 1978-80 Agreement between the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit and the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RE50LVED, that the Amendment hereto attached, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri- Counci.l Bargaining Unit, composed of Operating Engineers Local 4g, Teamsters Local 120, and Laborers Local 132, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment on behalf of the City. Approved: � hai ers vil Service Commiss COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONN EL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson OCT 14 1980 Form App ed b City Attorn Adopted ouncil: Date — e Cer ied Pass Council ecr�tary BY � y � 16 1980 '` Approved , vor. Date A ro e y Mayor for Su o oun il By _ _ B Pt�.tSt�t� 0 CT 2 5 1�$� � , „ . . TI�''iO::AI�PUri Oi� �u�i}�:r:t):f l:?`:F ;��i���'� � TO aIiE ].97£3•-1980 T�A130I� AGP.EE2•i):i�T "'� � �'s_,�� �-� - bet�•�ecn - �'fll's CIT� OI' SA�_I:7' PAl.T. -- an:? _ TIIu TP.I•-COUI�CIL ' Local 132 L�cal. 49 . Lora1 1?_� '�his docu�:ent sha11 serve �> a wz�tten agree.s�n� bet����c:n the City oi Saint Pa�al and the Tri-Cour.cil tt�at Axticle XI-Senior_it?, Secti��i 13.5 oS th� �978-80 Collective Eargain�n� A�reem�nt bet�aeen the Ci.Ly o� Saint Pau1 and th� Trz--Caunci� sliall be ar:►eaded to xead as follot��s: 11.5 Promotions shall be handlecl xn accordance t��zth t��e cuxrent Civ�i.l Servtce Fules and prac�ices. Hoti,T�•�Ter, the I•Tater Ut:ility may promote and assign a ne:�ber of a x-otatir.� emergency or ni�ht cre�� ho:tcl:�ng the ss�candary tit?e of t•:ater Sexvice jdoxlcer-Contxol Desk to a tempor_a�y i:ater Service l�;orl;er-Control Des�: vacanc}� on his ass:E&n�c� cre�a taitliout reference to his seniorit}� :in tliat titls. Regular perrea.ilent proriotions �,�ill continue to b� nacie in orcler of seniority in title. It is fur.ther, agrezd by the above part_ies that this amenc�r.ent t•:iII b� effec�ice August 1., 19£30. • CITY Or SAZ�IT �'��UL ThI-COU�:CiL ,-- � ��''�� . �t . ��- r �p,�_,���; - �,•"`���,�� 1a.�� r„�fi N:�,��":'"..''t�s��''r?� �U`r L:��— '�-!' J' �( � �_'ti.�----" +;' — . �,f3: Ga�.. .. _.j��• -y-- . �� ��--�—�--- —^ Labor Rela�.�o;�s�`ll�r�tor \ �11;;1I1�SS P.��ies�.►tztive, Loca1 132 � �;_�_ _ -- -�� ��- ---=`�;J ��%-:=_ _ . . �i.�� - "-t= B:is.iness Y.���L.�'.°Iltat`i.ve, T�ocal �f� `- • ;' � � •__� ���'•�9.�����`� '<��.=� Lus:i��es�� I:�presentat:ive, Local I2U Dated: Septc�nil�ez 9, 1.�F30 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANGE TT COLLIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O N SA I N T �A V L �� 6L,VE - MAYOR FI�E NO. C I T Y C L E R K Counci�' l�esolution ����`� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the terms and conditions of the 1978-1g80 Agreement between the City of 5aint Paul and the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit, composed of Operating Engineers Local 49, Teamsters Local 120, and Laborers Local 132. WHEREA5, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended, recognizes the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit, composed of Operating Engineers Local 49, Teamsters Local 120, and Laborers Local 132, as exclusive representatives for the classes of positions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services under Case No. ?3-PR-427-A, for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in the classes of positions as set forth in the Agreement between the City of St. ,Paul and the exclusive representatives hereinabove referenced; and WHEREA5, the City, through designated representatives, and the exclusive representatives have met in good faith and have agreed to the attached Amendment to the 1978-80 Agreement between the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit and the City of 5aint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Amendment hereto attached, dated as of the effective date of this Resolution, between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri- Counci.l Bargaining Unit, composed of Operating Engineers Local 49, Teaxnsters Local 120, and Laborers Local 132, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved, and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment on behalf of the City. Approved: Chair erson Civil Service Corrunission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In F�BVOr Maddox McMahon Showaiter - __ Against BY Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� -- — Approved by ll1ayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B5' --- - — BY �,,�;-� :-�•;; �iI7L`Y -O�+' ►.�'Aliti7'.P ��,.UL "�- � �' �` O c'�+`ICE flF THF CITY GOLi+TCIL ,��,.. ����� �i� i•. �:; ,�;_.. ��: ; „�.-„ >t, .:�...�-=,-�. 's�ts,.a aG".�•,:• �►.' _ ' ,�,;= Da t e . October 3, 1980 . . :,�- C � � � ��� � � � � � � �� T O : Saint Pau! City Coun�i ! . FRON� � Committee Otl FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PfRSONNEL George McMahon , choirman, makes fhe fo!lov��ing ` report on C.F. C] Ordin�nce (7� XX Rsso[ufian � �tt�er TITLE : � - At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Committee recomnended approval f of the fol.lowing: ' . _ � 8. Resolution allowing city to accept $56,100 grant award from NUD for assistance in the Stillwater-Birmingham Low and Moderate Income Housing Devel�opment. (11398-GM} 9. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Epidemiologist in Grade 13 of Section 3.J (Professional-Adm�nistrative - Non-Supervisors Group). (11386-G��I) � - - 10. Resolution establishing title and class specifications. for title of Schools Labor Crew Leader in Section 3.G (Labor-Mafntertance, Ungraded) of Civi1 Service Rules. (11387-GM) 11 . Resolution replacing the title and class specification f�r Bridge Foreman in � Grade 38 of Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors) of the Civil Service Rules with the title and class specification for Bridge t�laintenance Supervisor. � (11388-GM) 12. Reso7ution revising the minimum qualifications for Water Labarer. (11389-GM) 13. Resolution amending the Seniority Article in the i978-198Q Contract between the City and the Tri-Council . (11390-Gt�l) 14. Resolution establishing rate of pay for the new title of Schools Labor Crew Leader. (11391-GM) CITY H.ALL SEVENTH FLOO??. SAINT PAUL, 1EINNESOTA �Si02 . .�'o.�� ' . . ...._..._�...„. � �'.�..,.....;.._,.._.-.,:�.._..,.._-�._�s._ . .,,.,,_; .- ......:..-.+.� .�Hmy..., " � .., _.. _ � '...�.. ....,�...�..„+"Sr . . ...,_�.......,.s.....� �.�:r�� � - . _ ., .W..... �.,.._-. �-.._.............:-.-.,..,.._...:.-.....-.. . '."'^".s:.?�+..:n�+.�*.e--.-.*�a�...o-. ".'-a.'^�.^"^'�^.'_s'^. �.."^e�'.;.'p.xe'w'M:.!'r�°'r'w � ' f, m d- P� �� 8o-a�q 0o n�t det�ch this memorandum from the �es0lutiot� so that this information wii� be avallabie to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ����� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Septernber 11, 1980 �; E � E 1 V E D SF�' 1 81980 MAY_O_R'� � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' FR: Personnel 0£fice RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution amends the 1978-1980 Contract between the City and the Tri-Council. It amends the Seniority Article by allowing the Departmen.t to temporarily assign employees to the title of Water Service Worker-Control Desk with.out reference to seniority in that title: ATTACHI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.