275803 WHITE - GTY CLERK (((���}�f � PINK - FINANCE � �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A LT L COUt1C1I � , BL.UE - MAYOR File N O. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revising the Minimum Qxalifications in the Class Specification for the title of Water Laborer. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Water Laborer, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the title of Water Laborer. Approved: s— � i man Civil Servi e ommission COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSON EL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox !� McMahon �fl B showalter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilso OCT 1 4 19sn Form A rov by Ci y t mey Adopted Counci . Date — r Cer ied Pas- by C ncil Secr,etary BY � ! Approv 1�lavor: Date Ap by Mayor for m' 'on to ouncil BY - - — Pii�.tsN�D 0 CT 2 5 �980 : ���,��� Title of class: WATER LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform manual labor in connection with the laying, replacement, and repair of water mains, water connections and other Water Depar trnent apparatus in the water distribution system; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To do labor work in connection with repairing utility cuts � in streets. To shovel snoca, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and refuse. To stack or load pipe, lumber, and other supplies. To act as helper on emergency trucks. To assist in thawing hydrants. To work as helper on thawing machine. To lay new sod in boulevard areas. To work as storeyard laborer. To assist carpenter or blacksmith.. To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete. To excavate trenches for curbs and sidewalks to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. To shovel hot asphalt from trucks, and to place it for asphalt rakers. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack coating ma.terial. To do labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. To do street sweeping. To spread sand, cinders and salt. To remove snow and ice from street and sidewalks. To use picks, wheelbarrows and other tools as necessary. Minimum qualifications: Must be in good physical condition and be at least eighteen years of age. ������ Title of class: WATER LA�ORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform manual labor in connectian with the laying, replacement, and repair of water mains, water connections and other Water Department apparatus in the water distribution system; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples af work performed: To do labor work in connection with repairing utility cuts in streets. To shovel sno�a, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and refuse. To stack or load pipe, lumber, and other supplies. To act as helper on emergency trucks. To assist in thawing hydrants. ' To work as helper on thawing machine. To lay ne�a sod in boulevard areas. To work as storeyard laborer. To assist carpenter or blacksmith. To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete. To excavate trenches for curbs and sidewalks to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. To shovel hot asphalt from trucks, and to place it for asphalt rakers. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack coating material. To do labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. To do street sweeping. To spread sand, cinders and salt. To remove snow and ice from street and sidewalks. To use picks, wheelbarrows and other tools as necessary. Minimum qualifications: Must be in good physical condition and be at least eighteen years of age. � GIT� C L�R K , _ _ _ WHITE - CITY CLERK . � [^� PINK - FINANCE j J�j CANARY - DEPARTMENT � I ��� O F S A I � T 1,L�jT L COI1I1C1I .,;; � '�':��j�� '�� � �BLV E - MAYOR F1Ie N O. Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By_— Date An administrative Resolution revising the Minimum Qualifications in the Class Specification for the title of Water Laborer. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Water Laborer, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the title of Water Laborer. - Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILh1EN Yeas Na}�s Request�d by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney �ldupted by Council: Date _ — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY E3� --- -- --- — Approved by :�tavor: Date _ ____ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . , ��� �� G � � ti"' � ::u�.; Title of class: WATER LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perf�rm manual labor in connection with the laying, replacement, and repair of water mains, water connections and other Water bepartznent apparatus in the water distribution system; and to perforni related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To do labor work in connection with repairing utility cuts in streets. To shovel snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and refuse. To stack or load pipe, lumber, and other supplies. To act as helper on emergency trucks. To assist in thawing hydrants. To work as helper on thawing machine. To lay new sod in boulevard areas. To work as storeyard laborer. To assist carpenter or blacksmith. To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete. To excavate trenches for curbs and side�aalks to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for conerete curbs and side4�alks to lines and grades. To shovel hot asphalt from trucks, and to place it for asphalt rakers. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack coating material. To do labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. To do street scaeeping. To spread sand, cinders and salt. To remove snow and ice from street and sidewalks. To use picks, wheelbarrows and other tools as necessary. Minimum qualif ications: Must be in good physical condition and be at least eighteen years of age. ._ .� f=/�r �-- P��� �o -a�g Do' not detacti this memorandum hom the � resolution 'so that this information wii! be avaitzble to the City Councii. �"��� a.i EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: September 8, 1980 . R�zECEIVED S E� 1 81980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � MAYOR�S Q� FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This resolution will revise the minimum qualifications for Water Laborer. Present minimum qualifications require two years' experience i.n a comparable classificatien. The revision will require only good physical condition and a minimum age. ATTACHI�IENT S: a . � , ����� • Title of class: WATER LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform manual labor in connection with the laying, replacement, and repair of water mains, water connections and other Water Department apparatus in the water distribution system; and to perform related work as assig�ed. Examples of work performed: To do labor work in connection with repairing utility cuts in streets. To shovel snow, ice, dirt, sand, asphalt, gravel, and refuse. To stack or load pipe, lumber, and other supplies. To act as helper on emergency trucks. To assist in thawing hydrants. To work as helper on thawing machine. To lay new sod in boulevard areas. To work as storeyard laborer. To assist carpenter or blacksmith. To wheel wet concrete from a mixer and spread and tamp the concrete. • To excavate trenches for curbs and sidewalks to line and grade. To help in the setting of forms for concrete curbs and sidewalks to lines and grades. To shovel hot asphalt from trucks, and to place it for asphalt rakers. To cut out old asphalt on repair work and load it into trucks. To prepare asphalt surfaces for repair work and to apply tack coating material. To do labor work in connection with earth boring and testing. To do street sweeping. To spread sand, cinders and salt. To remove snow and ice from street and sidewalks. To use picks, wheelbarrows and other tools as necessary. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as an Unskilled Laborer, Public Works Laborer, or Sanitation Laborer. • Effective December 21, 1970 �4.�<- . ��: G'I'��' �F I�A I i.'�1''� �AU T� tJ- r'�fi- `� �%� ' 0:5'FICE UF THF GITY CClt'INCIL t'��"`� t;- -�`� ¢:; - ;�; G ���� , ,,: � .k, \ ,, i„ j X- ��' }\'1\IJ ) ♦1 � . � . j - 1,�71����df.:.,��� 1,: . � � . . �-:_�'� fL, ¢� � Da t e : October 3, 1980 :� r;, ���-:�: ..:�.- COf+� � ��"� � � F� � P � �� T0 : �aint Pctul Cit� Councii _ � FRON� � Ca17�i7ii��t?L Oil FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . George McMahon , choifman, makes ihe foElowing report on C.F. [� Qrdinance (7) XX Resolution � Other TITLE : . . At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Committee recor�nended approval of the fol l owi ng: ' . ___ _ ._. _ 8. Resolution allow�ng city to accept $56,100 grant award from HUD for assistance in the Stillwater-Birmingham Low and P�loderate Income Housing DeveYopment. (11398-GM} 9. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Epidemiologist in Grade 13 of Section 3.J (Professional-Administrative . Non-Supervisors Group). (11386-G��) - 10. Resolution establishing title and class specifications. for tit1e of Schaols Labor Crew Leader in Section 3.G (Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded) of Civil Service Rules. (11387-GM) - 11. Resolution reolacing the title and class specification for Bridge Foreman in Grade 38 of Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors) of the Civi1 Service Rules with the title and class specification for Bridge Maintenance Supervisor. (11388-GM) 12. Resolution revising the minimum qualifications for Water Laborer. (11389-GMj 13. Resolution amending the Seniority Article in the 1978-1980 Contrac� between the City and the Tri-Council . (11390-Gt�1} - 14. Resolution establishing rate of pay for the new title of Schools Labor Crew Leader. (11391-GM) CITY F-LALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINI' PAUL, 1iIN�1ESOTA 55IO2 �>. ::�.- � � __ _.___ _ ,___ .. ___ _.....-��