275802 WHITE - CITY CLERK CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII ��p C� BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O._�.la ,/� e BC;�IG+ o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changi.ng the title and class specification for Bridge Foreman to Bridge Maintenance Supervisor in the Civil Service Ru1.es. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in 5ection 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors) by striking out the title of Bridge Foreman from Grade 38 and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Bridge Maintenance Supervisor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Bridge Foreman and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of Bridge Maintenance 5upervis�r. Approved: y 1 C airm Civil Servi e Commission COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine IR Favor - Maddox McMahon Showalter __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson OCT 14 1980 Form A roved City tt ey Adopte y Council: Date — � C tifiE:d Pas-ed Council Secretary BY ' Approved • avor: Date _OCT � 6 jg8O d by Mayor for i s n t Council BY -- – �� 0 CT 2 5 19�8� h Title of class: ,BRIDGE r1AINTENAI�CE SUPERVISOR �c,;�'��� DESCRIPTION OF IdORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervision and direct3on of crews of bridge laborers doing construction, maintenance and cleaning of municipal bridges, stairways, walls and fences; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: In'orks under the general technical and administrative supervision of a higher 1eve1 unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close supervision directly and through subordinate crew leaders over laboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR1rIED The listed examples may not include all of the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, directs and inspects the daily work of crews engaged in: � Repairing and maintaining steel, timber, concrete or masonry bridges in a safe condition. Repairing, maintaining or constructing concrete or timber stairways and retaining wa11s. Installing or maintaining bridge guard rails, fences and barricades. Keeping bridge sidewalks, and other assigned walks, available for pedestrian use by plowing and removing snow, sanding or salting icy surfaces and cleaning of debris. Assisting Lighting Bureau by making non-technical electrical repairs and changing bulbs of navigational lights located on bridges. Coordinates bridge repair schedules with other divisions, departments, and other agencies or private utility companies. Directs emergency repair worlc of bridges; notif ies bridge crews of emergency assignments. Prepares specif ications and requisitions, and makes recommendation for the purchase of materials, machines and equipment. Evaluates performance of subordinates, sets work standards, enforces safety regulations and initiates personnel actions. Assists in inspections of bridges. Assembles and ma3ntains daily records of time and costs expended for labor, materials and equipment by bridge crews. Plans and determines quantities of materials required for work to be carried out by bridge crews. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of procedures, techniques and equipment used in bridge mainCenance and repair. Considerable knowledge of laws and regulations affecting bridge mainten- ance and repair. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable ability to evaluate the capabilities and training needs of the unit. � Considerable ability to communicate instruction and information in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS �cao years` experience as a Bridge Crew Leader; or five years of experience in bridge maintenance work including two years of supervisory experience; or six years' experience as a Bridge Laborer or equivalent. Title of class: BRIDGE MAINTENAI�TCE SUPERVISOR ����� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervision and direction of crews of bridge laborers doing construction, maintenance and cleaning of municipal bridges, stairways, walls and fences; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close supervision directly and through subordinate crew leaders over laboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IED The listed examples may not include all of the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, directs and inspects the daily work of crews engaged in: Repairing and maintaining steel, timber, concrete or masonry bridges in a safe condition. Repairing, maintaining or constructing concrete or timber stairways and retaining walls. Installing or maintaining bridge guard rails, fences and barrieades. Keeping bridge sidewalks, and ottier assigned walks, available for pedestrian use by plo�ving and removing snow, sanding or salting icy surfaces and cleaning of debr3s. Assisting Lightir.g Bureau by making non-technical electrical repairs and changing bulbs of navigational lights located on bridges. Coordinates bridge repair schedules with other divisions, departments, and other agencies or private utility companies. Directs emergency repair work of bridges; notif ies bridge crews of emergency assigr�ments. Prepares specif ications and requisitions, and makes recommendation for the purchase of maeerials, machines and equipment. Evaluates performance of subordinates, sets work standards, enfarces safety regulations and initiates personnel actions. Assists in inspections of bridges. Assembles and maintains daily records of ti.me and costs expended for labor, materials and equipment by bridge crews. Plans and determines quantities of materials required for work to be carried out by bridge crews. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of procedures, techniques and equipment used in bridge maintenance and repair. Considerable knowledge of laws and regulations aff ecting bridge mainten- ance and repair. Warking ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable ability to evaluate the capabilities and training needs of the unit. Considerable ability to communicate instruction and information in a clear and concise manner. MINIMU�S QUALIFICATIONS Two years� experience as a Bridge Cre�� Leader; or f ive years of experience in bridge maintenance work including t�ao years of supervisory experience; or six years' experience as a Bridge Laborer or equivalent. .� .. CITY CLERK � WHITE - CITY CLERK . t1 � � PINK - FINANCE r T ..F G ����� . CANARY - DEPARTMENT (� I TY C��' SA I I�T 1 l,L�U L COUtiC1I BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Counc�l .�Zesolution Presented �3y Referred To .— Committee: Date — Out of Committee By_ Date An administrative Resolution changing the tiitle and class specification for Bridge Foreman to Bridge Maintenance Supervisor in the Civil 5ervice Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. H (Maintenance Supervisors) by striking out the title of Bridge Foreman from Grade 38 and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Bridge Maintenance Supervisor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Bridge Foreman and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of Bridge Maintenance Superviso r. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILh1EN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt P�RSONNEL OFFICE Levine _ I❑ Favoi - --- Maddox McMahon B Showalter - _ AgainSt Y -- - Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — __ Certified Passc�d by Council Secretary BY - F3� — --- ---- - Approved by 1lavor: Date ___ __ __ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councit Title of class: � . . _ , 'BRIDGE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR �►''i��,�l�� DESCRIPTION OF tdORK ��`�y •~ A General Statement of Duties: Performs supervision and direction of crews of bridge labarers doing construction, maintenance and cleaning of municipal bridges, stairways, wa11s and fences; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. SuQervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close supervision directly and through subordinate crew leaders over laboring o�orkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all of the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Assigns, directs and inspects the daily work of crews engaged in: Repairing and maintaining steel, timber, concrete or masonry bridges in a safe condition. Repairing, maintaining or constructing concrete or timber stairways and retaining walls. Installing or maintaining bridge guard rails, fences and barricades. Keeping bridge sidewalks, and other assigned walks, available for pedestrian use by plowing and removing snow, sanding or salting icy surfaces and cleaning of debris. Assisting Lighting Bureau by making non-technical electrical repairs and changing bulbs of navigational lights located on bridges. Coordinates bridge repair schedules with other divisions, departments, and other agencies or private utility companies. Directs emergency repair worlc of bridges; notifies bridge crews of emergency assigrnnents. Prepares specifications and requisitions, and makes recommendation for the purchase of materials, machines and equipment. Evaluates performance of subordinates, sets work standards, enforces saf ety regulations and initiates personnel actions. Assists in inspections of bridges. Assembles and ma3.ntains daily records of time and costs expended for labor, ma.terials and equipment by bridge crews. Plans and determines quantities of materials required for work to be carried out by bridge crews. KIv047LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowl.edge of procedures, techniques and equipment used in bridge maintenance and repair. Considerable knowledge of laws and regulations affecting bridge mainten- ance and repair. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable ability to evaluate the capabilities and training needs of the unit. Considerable ability to communicate instruction and information in a clear and concise manner. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years� experience as a Bridge Crew Leader; or five years of experience in bridge maintenance work includino two years of supervisory experience; or six years' experience as a Bridge Laborer or equivalent. �; /n �- ��_ � � 80-o�7 � • Do not detach this memorandum from the resolution so that this informatiars will be avaiiable to the City Councll. c�r}�� � � (e.��.��t.� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Auguat 26, �9so ��. E C E I V E D S E�' 1 81980 1NAY_OR'S C� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution wi.11 replace the title and class specification for Bridge Foreman which is in Grade 38 of Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors) ' of the Civil Service Ru1es with the title and class speci.fication for Bridge Maintenance Supervisor. The new title and class specification use t1�.e modern format but are essentially unchang�d. The minimum qualifications have been changed to � broaden eligibility. There is no change in the rate of pay. ATTACHI�IENTS: � Resolution and copy for tl�.e City Clerk. . � ����.�� ,� �,; �:�� • Title of class: BFtIDGE FOREM.A�T Ih�.�ies and respon�ibilities: U$der direction, to �upervi�e the reconstructien, m�a.intena.�c�; and repa.ir of municip$1. bridges; and to perfarm related wark as assigned. Ex�unples of work performed: To ha.ve general cha.rge of the crews �ngaged in reconstruction, repairing; a.nd mainten�.ace :of structural steel, cancrete or masonry bridg�s. To pr�pare �eport8. I�inimurn qualification�: Eighth-grade ed�zca.tion �nd Lhree yea.rs' experience ae a Bridge Grer� • Leader, or three years' equivalent experience outside the City �ervice. • i Related titlese • Bridge Laborer Bridge Crew Leader Bridge Foreman �=- :- - C���. t�� �A.zzv�c �.��.u� �, , , ,-:� "� �'` O��+`ICE UF THI+� CITY GO�N�ZI► '�`���,,�'*� 4 �._ .? .�w ti.; �. '�. ,1. f\i���1�•1,:V�� �•A . . Z, 1�'q!!�{a(!� , �r.. � - ':,; �' ,:!�' Da t e : October 3, 1980 `� CV (� � 1�"� � � � � Pt� �y�' TO : �aint P�ul Cit� Goun�i ! _ � F R O N1i � C01�9 iT91fi��t° O Ci FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George McMahon , choirman, makes the fol lowing report on C.F. [� O�-dinance (7j X�X Resolufion � Ofilier TITL.E : - At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Committee riecorr�nended approval of the following: ' . __ _ _. . � 8. Resolution allowing city to accept $56,1Q0 grant award from HUD for assistance in the Stillwater-Birmingham Low and Maderate Income Housing Deveropment. (11398-GM) 9. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for title of Epidemiologist in Grade 13 of Section 3.J (Prafessiona7-Administrative - Non-Supervisors Group). (11386-GPd) � � 10. Resolution establishing title and class specifications_ for title of" Schaols Labor Crew Leader in Section 3.G (Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded) Of C7V1� Service Rules. (11387-GM) - 11 . Resolution replacing the title and class specification for Bridge Foreman in Grade 38 of Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors) of the Civil Service Rules with the title and class specification for Bridge �laintenance Supervisor. (11388-GM) 12. Resolution revising the minimum qualifications for Water [_aborer. (11389-GM) 13. Resolution amending the Seniority Article in the 1978-1980 Contract between the City and the Tri-Council . (11390-Gf�f} . 14. Resolution establishing rate of pay for the new title af Schools Labor Crew Leader. (11391-GM) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOC�?. 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