275799 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE T �� J�9 CANARY - DEPARTMENT —V.Devlin G I TY O F SA I N T PA IT L . Council t�� i✓ a �„ BLUE� - � MAYOR � - File N . C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FIf�tEAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has set forth the require- ments for emnloyees to be eligible for participation in the city's health and welfare program in Council File #267621, and WI-�tEAS, the Board of Education of Independent School District #625 desires to provide health and welfare benefits for Teachers Aides, to comply with the a�ree- ments made in collective baxgaining, and WHII3EAS, said collective bargainTng provides that such aides to be eligible for health and welfaxe benefits must have worked for the School District at least 36 bi-weekly pay periods for at least 1+0 hours in each period and that the pay periods occur within the regular school yeax and within twe ox three consecutive school years, now therefore be it RESOLVID, that Council File �267621 be amended to comply with the above conditions of eligibility for Teachers Aides. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon (,� B snowa�ter __ Against Y — Tedesco wlson }980 For�Appro d by it t ney A pted by Counc� . Date �CT � �, � rtified •sed by Cou . ecretary BY By, �� Approved b . yor: Date L� 6 1980 Approve y or r Sub ' �o ouncil By — BY ��� 0 CT 2 5 198Q. - -�� � ~ Cz�� o� �.A.��7�c P.�.u�. x��� � . w 5 �" ' �' �, t t� OF+��CE OF THE CI'.i'3'c' CUIINCIL �t.y�y �. ,, ��,.� � "9� _y *`` ��s�� , . i � . - �+77• �ava�..�� i_ - '��.,y g��)t�a�NC�r�' �" . . °'-- -.ru,_-+ j.,' . . s. -_ �.T r_ D o s e : October 3, 198J co � � t�-�r� � � � � c� �� T0 : Saint Paul Cit� Gouncil FROl�il6 � Comrr�i#��€ on FINAiVCE, ^1ANAGElNEf�T & PERSONNEL George McMahon , chairman, makes ihe fiaitowEnq report on C.F. [� Ordir�ancE� �7� (� Resotution � Other TiT�.� : � At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Commi.ttee recommended approval - -of the followin9� . ---- 1 . Resolution approving payment of $10 per hour to members of the Numan Ri.ghts Corronission while engaged in interviewing candidates for Human Righ'ts Director. (11261-GM) 2e Resolution amending Salary .Plan and Rates of Compensation itesolutian to increase the rate of pay for Parking Lot Attendant I. (11353=G!�)_ :' . - _ .. . 3. Resolution providing insurance for Teacher Aides �u comply witfi contract �� - negot1ated between Teacher Aides and the Board.of Education. (11354-GM) 4, Resolution to provide the 10� local share of: the cast of the Infiltration/Inflow: Analysis of St. Paul Sewer System, estimated to cost approximately $25,000. (11356-GM) 5. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Americart National Bank to pro�ect city funds held in bank. (11369-GM) - _ 6. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Commercial State Bank to protect city funds held in bank. (11381-GM) . 7. Resolution approving budget amendments in Community Development Block Grant Program Years I thraugh VI. CITY FiALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, �IINNFSO"i'�i SzLQ2 .ry ..� ., . - " ��n�-P� ��p'a-o�o EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, t�ND ORDINANCES �5 E�.�`-9 Date: 9-5-so � E � E i V E D �,.... ,- _ �;s�� �.1�._, �... T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �'Y�'� � FR: Personnel 0€fice RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: To provide insurance for Teacher Aides to concply with the contract negotiated between sa3d Teacher Aides and the Board of Education. . ATTAC�IlKENT S: Copy of proposed Counc3l Resolution.