275797 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COl1I1C1 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . Ordindnce Ordinance N�. � � /� Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING "SNOW EMERGENCY ROUI'ES" AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 149.03 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISIATIVE CODE AS AMENDED. . TF� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIl� PAUL DOES ORIaAIN: Section 1. That in accordance with Section 149.03, Subsection A, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby declare tha.t those streets named on the list attached hereto marked "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein axe hereby designated "Snow Emergency Routes" and a eomplete listira� of euch streets shall be main- tained on file in the Traffic Engineer's Office, Traffic Division of the Police Department, Traffic Violations Bureau, and the Clerk of the Municipal Courts Office. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 16605, Council File No. 273881, approved November l, 1979, is hereby rescinded in its entirety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and public�tion. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hunt � Public Works �. H zz [n Favor Hu �-e�•+ne �,/ �1 � e Maddox !J Against BY dd McMahon Donald E. Nyga&Y'd howalter Showalter DireCtor Ted Tedesco QC,1 3 0 �� Form Approved Cit Attor y Adopte y Cou il: Wilson Date C ifie ssed by il Secr ry BY � _ App v Mayor: Date N 4 1980 Appro e M or for Su ssi to C uncil gy B �SKcU iV�'�'�! i3 i�'t3�, . . fiev. : 9/8/76 , EXPLar�1A"'I�`1 0�' :�D�•tI.`:TS�i'�3TiVE UR�,rR�, " , i► �SpLL'b.i:::�;�i5 , r�i;ll ORi7livi��iCf:S . � ' , . - ����� . . . . . . � Date: September 18, 1980 _ �, �.. � . . . ��. � CE.IVE � • . OC� � - 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . . MAYOR'S .�iE FR: Public Works - Qperations . . R�: Snow Emergency Routes � . • � . . - � - . . _ . ACTZON �QL�STED: prdinanc� wi11 de�igna,te `"SnoW Emergency 3tout�s" and wi�7. � rescind Ordinanee No. 16605, Council �File No. 273881, � approved November 1, ,19`T9• _ . � � . . PIIEtPOSE ri4:'J RATICi�::�LT' FO�t T$IS ACTIni3: � � � _ Section 149.03, 8ubsection A of the Legislative Cocle requires that the City ' , Council by Ordinance desiguate�"Snow �nergency Routee:" This action �till upd�te the existing "Snow Emergency Routes" list now ia et'Pect. _ � . . . C.�._ . . �TTACcLME.�TS: Ordin.ance � � � � .List oY Snow Emergency Routes ' . � . � . . . , .,...:.... .. .;. .� . . ���� � ,_ � ' . � EX�i'IBI'r ,rA�� Ei�i:?RGFNCX ShTOti•� ROtJT�;3 9E�?��,80 Acker �"acicson to I,'O.rient - Albion W. Seventh to Lexin�ton Algonquin StillwatPr to NorJtonia Annapolis Cherokee to Charlton A;znapolis Bidwe.11 to Oakdale Annapolis Oakdale to Kansas Arcade S:ilcth to Larpenteur Arch-Pennsylvania Rice to Mississipp3 Arkwright York to Brainerd , Arlington, E. E. Shore Drive to ;Jhite Bear Arlington, E. White Bear to �Jinthrop Arlington, E. & W. Ed�arton to Victoria Axlington, W. Har�line to Sneiling Atwater Western to Rice Aurora A�arion to Rice Baker Cherokee �ve. to Cherokee Blvcl. Battle Creek Road Lower Afton to Upper Afton �ayfield Fi1l�ore to t�lisconsin Bayless Place Cro�nweLl to Raymond Beverl,y Road T?elham east to St. Anthony � Brainerd Arkwright to Edgerton • Broadway Tenth to Grove Burlin.gton Road A�cKnight to Lo�fi�er Afton Burns Suburban to ?!c?{nioht *�u:.ns Mound to �rihite Bear �Burr Tedesco to rase Bush AZ�ridota to Forest Capito7. Hts. Con10 to Winter Carter Cleveland to Eustis Carver �t. Douglas to P�Ick�ii�ht Case P�assissippi to Earl Case �T�!Znson P�wy. to Hazel Case Hazel to �dg�water Blvd. Cayuga Jackson to i��.ississippi Cedar Co�o to Tenth Ce.ntral Du��lap to Western Centxal Wabasha to Robert Chatsworth V�n S];jke to Front Cherokee Ave. Ba�Ler to Ohio Che•rokee B1vd. Ba.ker to Annapolis Chester Plato to E. Iafayette rrontage Ro�,d Chestnut Pleasant to Sheipard Road Childs Road 4�arner Road to Disposal Plant Circistie P1ace Prosperity to Larpenteur Cla.rence rfaryZand to P.rosperity Cleveland Univcrsity to River Blvd. , �leveland Hcyt to RayMOnd Cla.s�f . St. Clair tc� u�nith College Rice to Kel�o�g '�Tedesco Lafayf��tte �to t'a�,�ne Como 1\ve. City Lin�its �o '�'an S�ke Como Ave. Cratswortih to Cor:o �31vd. � , Como Ave. Capitol Hts. to �. Como IIlvd. ` � Como Blvd. , E.� Como Ave, to Marylr�rid g. Como Lake Drive, E. Mar,ylanci to Lexa.ngton �� �/�W'�'�`� QQ..� r.: � :` Como Lake Drive, W. Lexington to �. Cor�o �31vd. � Concord Wabasha to Annapolis Concordia �Ierschel to Summit Cortland Sycamore to Acker ' Cretin St. Anthor�y Freeway to Ford Pkwy. � ' Cromwell Franklin to Bayless Curve Ivy to Ruth ; • : Dale Fairmount to La,rpenteur i Davern Shepard Road to Montreal Dayton Victoria to Summit DeCourcy Road • Lexin�,*tcn to Rosen Road Dodd Hoad City Limits to Stryker ; Duke Pleasant to St. Clair Dunlap Hubbard to Pierce Butler Eagle Seventh to Exchange Eagle �yan to Shepard Road Earl Mounds Blvd, to Ivy East Shore Drive � Johnson P�wy. to I,arpenteur Eaton Eva to La,fayette Fronta;e Road Edgcumbe Road Jefferson to Munster Edgerton Payne to L�,rpenteur Edgewater Case to T�laryland E:ighth Broad�aay to I,afayette Elway Montreal to Shepard Rd. English Arlington to I,�rpenteur Etna Burns to sriarner Road Eustis Carter to Como Ave. Eustis River Dxive to St. An+hony Eustis University to Pear1 �Va Fillmoxe to Eaton Exchange S�7ilkin to Eagle Fairmount Dale to St. Albans Fairvieo� Pierce Butler to Ed�cumbe Fifth Broadw�y to Kittson Fillmore Robert to Bayfield Fish �iatchery Road Florida State to W, I,afayette Frontage Road Forbes Exchan�e to W. Seventh Ford Paxkway River Drive to Snelling Foxest Third to Wheelock Fores� Hudson Road to Third Fourth John to Ce,�mercial Fourth Access Conn. To State Frontage Road (9�+) Franlclin City Li.mits to University �'ront LexingL-on to Rice � I'ront�ge Roads East & West of Lafayette Freeway George Smith �;o Concord Grace Victoria �to Pleasent Grand Cretin to W. Severxth Grotto Pdaryland to I,arz;enteux Grove Diississippi to I,�fayette � ��amline Montxe�.:l. to Pierce Butler ' �Hamline , ' Como to Iioyt �,�����'� � Har�line Hoyt to Las��!enteur �" ' � � �- ' Hampden R�:ymc�nd to University Har.riet Island Roa.d Na�as�:ki to Boat I,aunch Ramp Hazel Nechanic to E. Seve.ith Hazel Nechanic to Jessamine . Hazel � Maryland to Ivy Hazelwood Arlington to Idaho Hendon Como to Cleveland �Hewitt Snelling to Hamline Highland Pkwy. River Drive to Edgcuc�be High�sood Pt, Douglas to P�cKnight �u Ches�tnut to Kellogg Homer W. Seve:�th to Shepard Road Iiope � Sixth to S�venth Horton Hamline to j�T. Coir.o Lake Drive Hoyt Snelling to C.�rc�tto Hubbard Dunlap �;o Oxf'ord Hudson Road,0ld Johnson Pkwy. to Maria Hudson Road, Old Alley west of Birmingham to P�:cKnight Huc:boldt Winifred to George Iowa Dale to Grotto I� � Ed�Prton to P�yne Iyy Arcade to �ar1 Zyy Prosperity to Mc�ight Jackson Eighth to Larpent�ur Jefferson River Drive to Cleveland Jefferson Cleveland to W. Seven�th John I�'ourth to Pifth John Ireland Blvd. Summit to jdabasha Johnson Park�ryr. Burns tc� Wheelock Pkwy. Kasota Iiwy. �80 to Rayznond Kasota Snelling, �dest 1 block Kellog� Hill Sumr,�it to E. S�venth Kent��ood Pkwy. St. Alban� to Osceola Kittson Fifth to Seventh . La.fayette East & Z��est Service Road �- I,afaye��te E. Sev�nth to Tedesco Laiond Como tn Rice La.ndfill Dump Road Childs Road - Eas�L & Sou�h to Gate Lexington P2ontrea.l to L�.rpenteur Londin T,ane Lower Ai'ton to D'IcKnight L'Orient Acker to Cayugo L'Orient Pennsylvania to liniversity Low�r Afton Road Pt. Douglas to A2c�`szight Maria Seventh to Hudson ��toad Marion Como Ave. to 5+,. �:nthony Marshall River Dxa.ve to Surrimit P�aryland Como to Hazel p•4�.ryl.and Nokotnis to 2�icKni�ht P�aryland, Old Abell to Jaclssan Mendota Si.�ch to Bu�h ' . Midway Pkc�y, , � $or�ton �o Snelling � �����. P�iinnehaha Lurr to McI;rii�ht N'Linnehaha Prior to Como hlississippi River Blvd. Emerald to r�rina Ro�.d h�iusissippi Broads•�ay to Yorlc P•4ontreal Cleveland to Elway Pdontreal �lway to 35-E • �r�4ound Burns to Pacific � I��ounds Blvd. E�. Seventh to �urn� Mulberry St. Sixth to Kellogg Na�asaki Road Sdabasha to j��ater (top of Dike) I�1inth Strest Hill Su�mit to i,iain AToYoMis Algonquin to Ntaryland �Norfolk Davern to Gannon North Park Drive Ruth to �dcKnight Oakdale Anr,apoZis to State OakZand � Grar�d to Su�rlit Ohie George to Pl�to Olive Eighth to Seventh Osceola Grace to St. Clair Osceola, S. Randolph to Grace Otis Eustis to River Blud. � O�tto W, Seventh to Shepard Road O�ord Hubbard to Pierce Butler �Pacific Mound to Plum � Park Arch-Pennsylvania to S�'abasha � Parl:taay Drive Edgerton to Larpenteur ` Pascal • Hoy-t to Co^?o Pascal 1�srshall to P•4innehaha Payne E. Seventh to Larpenteur �`Pedersen Suburban to Burns • Pelham University to River Drive Pierce Butl.er Prior to 2`innehaha Pig's �e Trake Road Childs Road to Dead End Plato Water to Bayfield Pleasant Grace to Kellogg �Pl� Pacific to Mounds Blvd. Pt. Douglas Road Burns to Johnson Parkway Ft. Douglas Road I,o�aer Afton to F.ighwood Prescott Oa.kdale to ti9oodbury Prior Pierce Butler ta Summit Prior Randolph to Sur,..mit , Prosperit,y Johnson PYS•ry, to Arlington Prosperity Road Idaho to Larpenteur � Ra�sey Sur�mit to Grand Ramyey W. Seventh to Exchange � Randolph River Drive to Cretin Randolph Cretin to Shepard Road � Rankin Seventh to Shepard Road � Raymond Como to Ludley Raymond Cleveland to University Red Rock Road ATOrth Star Steel, west and north end Rice L�rpenteur to John Irelarid Blvd. Rice Sucamit to College ' . •Raad around �3a.rriet :Csland N�gasaki to N�.gasaki ������ R�ad on Dike Na�asaki to tidater Rcbert Annapolis to ItelYogg Robert Twe11'th to University Robert St. BS�pass (both sides) Coneord to Kin� �`Rose Na]ta:nis to Ed�eiaater Blvd, Rosen Road DeCourcy Road to Snelling Ross E. Seventh to Earl • Ruth � Dead End South of T,ongfellota to Nortonia �a� Chestnut to EagZe St. Albans Pleasant to Grand St. Anthony Cretin ta City Limits 5�;. Anthony Cle✓eland to Rice St. Clair River Drive to Cretin St. Clair Cretin to Cliff S�. Paul Ave. Clevelan3 to W. Seventh Selby . Fairview to W, Seventh �-Gannon Road Shepard Rd. to T•l. Seventh Sevsnth, E. Broadway to Hazel Seventh, W. Edgcumbe to Kellogg ��Shepard Road Jac�son to Gannon Road Sheridan C1eveZand to Davern Short Line Selby to Jefferson Sixth, E. Johnson Pkwy, to Mounds Blvd. Sixth Stre�t Iii1.I Summit to Main Smith, N, & S. Annapalis to Ke�.Iogg Snelling, N.& S. W. Seventh to hoyt Sneltira�, N. Access Roads Springsic?e Drive Pt. Dau,las to Burlington Road State Fillmore to Eaton StAte Robex� to Robie Stil�.t-�ater Hazel to b4cKnight Sti1lt��ater White Bear to H�.zel Sf:ryker Annapolis to Winifred �Subtuban White Bear to Pedersen Sunu:�it River Drive to Rice � Sycamore Rice to Jackson Territor.ial Road City Limits to Vandalia , Tl�.ird St., E. Mc1Lni�ht to Broadway Thamas Fairview to Marion �imberlalce RoAd Jac'�son to Jackson Totem Road � Burlin;ton to nurlington Transfer P.oad University to Prior Twelfth Jackson to University University I,a,fayette to Emerald Upper Ai`�on Burns to McKnigh-� VandaZia Territarial Road to St. Anthony Free�ray Van Slyl:e Horton to Chatswox�h Va.ctaria Lz�rpenteur to Como Blvd. � � Victoria Jefferson to W. Seventh ' Victoxia Jefferson to Grace Victoria St. Clrzir to Dayton ` Victaxi� Marshal.l to Dayton Victoria Marstiall to Pti.nnehaha r < < i • i . RWaUasha ' , Ke11o�;t� to jlinif.red � �� � ' � � . q t w� z_� �-� S•,abasha TY�elfth to Park Warner Road Jackson to Hwy. ;�61 ! W,ater St. City Limits to 47abas!za ` �ter St. , Old Wabashw to Starlcey i Western, Td, b4aryland to Summit '• 1rTestern, S. W. Seventh to Pleasant � Westminster York to Case � Westrninstcr Larperiteur to Jessamine , Wheelock Ave. Arcade to Forest � Z�Iheelock Pkwy. Johnson P!iwy, to Td. Victaria ' Whi�e Be�.r L�;rpenteur to Upper Afton ! Wina.fred Ohi.o to Hu�bold�: ' Winter Capitol Hts. to Jackson � Winthrop Spring�ide Dr. to Wildvie� ! �Winthxop North Park d?r. to Burns � f York ' Mississippi to Arkh�right � i i BUS TL�tIT�0UPIDS: ( 1 1.) Corner of Forest and ���heelock ' � 2. ) �°t. Anthony, 100' W. of Prior � ! D�T,�,'�.'ED � �. t -�Jessamine Arkwright to 35-E 4 t . �I�Iiss'_� ssippi York �o Jessamine � F 1V1��'� l�dlt'11.1iu, 1 . *CoZlins St, to Tedesco St. I �West Seven�h Blvd. �o Gannori Road � E �Aaendir.ent to Ordinance No. 1,6605 � i 1' . � P � � • � � � . . i ( r� . � i { t { � � k � �( ` F . � ( . ... ... . . - 1 .' -� � lst ; — ,'. � ;° 2nd .' ,�' /-_ � �, � 3rd / i �- _1; -- � � Adopted .�' -- � � _ �CL, i Yeas Nays HUNT LEVINE ' McMAHON F: � � � `'� SHOWALTER � ^-,h?� ; .., � �;�_ TEDESCO WILSOPI . � PRESIDENT (MADDOX) . . s,��.- ���