275783 WHITE� - CITY CLERK � ����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � B�UE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - Class III - All Residential Streets Residential Property - $.�+4 per f`ront foot Commercial Property - $.67 per f`ront foot Class IV - All Oiled and Paved Alleys - $.2�+ per front foot Class V - Unimproved Streets and Alleys Streets - $.22 per front foot Alleys - $.12 per front foot and be it further RESOLVED, That a public heasing shall be held in the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul at 10:00 a.m. on the �_ day of October, 1980, for the purpose of adopting service charges against all benefited properties to be collected in the same manner as other real property taxes in 1981. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: (�, Yeas Nays � �e�r- � Publ'c Works � in Favor Maddox �J McMahon V snowaiter __ Against BY Tedesco �Ison Adopt�d� y ouncil: Date OCT 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney ! � `Q'`' �Certifi� , • sed b Coyncil ecretary �B� � �CT � � �980 Approved ayor Eor Sub issi n to Council Approved b avor: a — � BY - BY � �-►��� OCT 1 8 i9�Q WMITE � - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE . � CANA�Y - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA LT L COUIICII 2���`5� 6LU6 - MAYOR File N . ` o ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 15311, Council File No. 260426, adopted January 23, 1973, did hold a public hearing on April 1, 1980, in the City Council Cha.mbers fox the purpose of establishing the level of service of Street Maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service chaxges to be levled a�ainst benefited property; and WHE'REAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did determine that the program of Street Ma,intenance Services to be performed within the City should be in the manner � as set forth and described in the report of the Department of Public Works; and WI�REAS, The Department of Public Works did perform the Street Maintenance Services in a manner as set forth and described in the report of the De�partment of Public Works; and WI�REAS, Pursuant to Ordinance No. 15311 the Department of Public Works has submitted to the Department of Finance and Management Services a report showirig the total cost of Street Maintenance to be $4,885,600.00, a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City shall pay $1,300,500.00 of the cost of Street Maintenance by using Municipal State Aid ($706,500.00), Trunk Highway Aid ($228,000.00), County Aid ($346,000.00), and Federal Disaster Assistance ($20,000.00), and be it flirther RESOLVED, that $3,585,1�•� shall be assessed a.gainst benefited property according to the following rates: Class I - Downtown - $1.32 per front foot Class ZI - Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Commercial Property - $.89 per front foot Residential Property - $.�+�+ per front foot COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snoweiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B � � � "" /O--�►� BY -- Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved Mayor for S miss' n to Council By _ — BY -�..,r� t..----�� {„, yn." 4'. ..._.X ' . \��.� 1 . `ROt�=== op , CITY OF SAINT PAUL =o �,�_ a� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ~+ "'��10° ��' BERNARD J. CARLSON, DIRECTOR . �_ ,.,. 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)298-4637 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 9, 1980 Honorable Council President and Members of the City Council In compliance with Ordinance 15311 , Council File 260426, effective February 22, 1973 the Department of Finance and Management Services does hereby inform the City Council that ttie total estimated cost of services performed during 1980 for STREET MAINTENANCE, to be charged to the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund, to be $4,885,600.00 for the year 1980 as reported by the Department of Public Works . It 3.s proposed to assess the amount of $3,585,100.00 against benefited properties, with the total cost to be financed as follows: Municipal State Aid $706,500.00 Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid $228,000.00 County Aid $346,000.00 Federal Disaster Assisstance $ 20,000.00 Total Aids $1,300,500,00 Assessments $3,585,100.00 Total Costs and Financing $4,885,600,00 Attached for Council consideration is a Resolution to determine the total cost for street maintenance service, the amount and rates to be assessed, and fixing a date for public hearing, at which time ttie Council shall consider adopting and levying the service charge. pectful itted, � � — BERNARD J. LSON, Director Dept. of Fi ance and Mgmt. Services BJC:PFD:dal �� Attachment O