275778 WNITE - CITY CLERK - �' PINK • - FINANCE � �' a � CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII � `BLUE , - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File � NO. - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Section 74. 11(G) of the St. Paul Legislative Code provides that St. Paul Htunan Rights Commission members sha.11 be paid Twenty-Five Dollars per meeting to attend scheduled Commission meetings , the aggr�.te of such payments to any one member not to exceed Six Hundred Dollars per year; and WHEREAS, Section 74.13(D) of the St. Paul Legislative Code provides that members of the St. Paul Human Rights Commission shall be paid $10.00 per hour when performing their duties hearing and deliberating upon contested matters prosecuted by the Human Rights Director before the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Commission is in the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Human Rights Director so that the Commission can present three nominees to the Mayor pursuant to Section 74, 10 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the interviews of the candidates for the Human Rights_ Director will involve at least �ight two-hour sessions and such interview meetings were not contemplated by the St. Paul City Council when determining the payments to be made to Commission members in Section 74. 11(G) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, if the Commission members were paid on the basis of $25.00 per meeting, it would be difficult to determine the number of ineetings because the interviews are not consecutive and it would result in some Commission members reaching their $600.00 limitlong before the end of 1980; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox sr,o,,,,eite __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ylayor: Date _ Approved Mayo for Sub �ssion to Counc'1 By _ By WHIT� - CITY CLERK �,/'' /, � PINK - FINANCE [ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUIICII � ��`^ ��� �BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council, recognizing the extraordinary time and effort being spent in 1980 by the St. Paul Human Rights Commission in its search for a Human Rights Director, hereby authorizes the Acting Director of the Department of Human Rights to pay members of the Commission at the rate of $10.00 per hour while engaged in interviewing candidates for HUman Rights Director, such payments to be made out of the funds appropriated to the Department of Human Rights for payment to Commissioners for hearings and such payments not to be counted against the $600.00 limit imposed by Section 74. 11(G) of the Legislative Code. _ COUfVC[LMEIV Requestgd by Depactment oE: Yeas Nays Hunt �ewwo In Favor Maddox � � McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Y Tede son Ad ted bv Council: Date ��+� 7 ��80 Form A roved by City Atto ey ertified Yas, y Counc.' , cretary BY Appro ENavor: D ��1 � �� Approve ayor or Submissi n to Counci By _ BY S��o OCT 1 � �9R0 f•�,�i��"' ` �•i. � �...1�.L .3. �� /.�L3..1 lYY 1 ��lJ.L . [�}�.'�p�y{.�j�. . j���I f�� ���� O�+�'ICE OI' TF3E f�IZ'� COIIN�IL � €! F �' ` !��.�. ,��• , . �� � •.:°;:�� �' - f a+a-va�`� �!p �. �il?.lNC.7.r �� . .�. �•, !y, �4�, _ '�� Do t e : October 3, 198� <.. .�. C � � � ���� �. � � � � �� T0 : Soint Paul Git� Council F R O I�/� � �0 iT1 Rf 1��L L O CI FINAVCE, MANAGEMENT & PER50NNEL - George ��IcMahon , choifman, makes tt�e following reporf on C.F. �] Ordir�cit�ce ��} (� R�solutior� �] 4ther TI'TL� : At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Commi.ttee recommended approval - -of the following: _ � _-- � 1 . Resolution approving payment of $10 per hour to mer�bers �f the Human Rights Commission while engaged in interviewing candidates for Numar� Righ�s Director. (11261-GM) 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensatian �Resolution to increase the rate of pay for Parking Lot Attendant I. (11353=GM} ; ` � . 3. Reso1ution providing insurance for Teacher Aide-s to comply ��►ith contract �� negotiated between Teacher Aides and the Board of Education. (11354-GM) 4. Resolution to provide the 10� local share of the cost of �he Infiltration/Inflow Analysis of St. Paul Sewer System, estimated to cost appraximately $25,000. (11356-GM) 5. Resolution approving collateral pledged by American Natio►�al E3ank to protect city funds held in bank. (11369-GM) - 6. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Commercial State Bank to protect city funds held in bank. (11381-GM) . 7. Resolution approving budget amendments in Community pevelopment Blacic Grant Program Years I through VI. � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, �flNl�f£SO"CA 51102 .� .� _ � _ �' �'`'�� C,�i✓ , d ;.� �; = t. , ' °'°`^��� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�s`�C�TT ��:''l' . �� �* ;_; �FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :o . a: %� riii�ii°i �� ,,,+� �� BUREAU OF RECORDS �`'an„lm�...c�.���_ �F�E��E� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 551p2 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR AUG 2,217fJN OFFICE OF GEORGE McMAHON Aagust 19, 1980 Counci2man George MeMahon Chairman, F3nance, Management & Personnel Committee 7th Floor, City Hal.l Dear Councilman MeMahon: The City Council referred to the Finance, l�a,nagement & Personnel Committee for consid�ration and recomm�endation, a resolutiott approving pa,yment ot' $14.00 per hour to members of the Human Rights Commisaion while engaged in interviexin� candidates for Human Rights Director, �Tery truly yours, C� , / •'�7� Aose Mix City Clerk � Attach. ABO:la cc: Director oP Human Rights Dept. O y _ i ' 6��� . ., .. J �i � ,�% , r �,^ _ . . . �Rj ����. . f �� ,C WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE n COUtICIl CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T 1 �U L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Section 74. 11(G) of the St. Paul Legislative Code provides that St. Paul Human Rights Commission members sha.11 be paid Twenty-Five Dollars per meeting to attend scheduled Commission meetings , the aggr�gate of such payments to any one member not to exceed Six Hundred Dollars per year; and WHEREAS, Section 74. 13(D) of the St. Paul Legislative Code provides that members of the St. Paul Human Rights Commission shall be paid $10.00 per hour when performing their duties hearing and deliberating upon contested matters prosecuted by the Human Rights Director before the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Commission is in the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Human Rights Director so that the Commission can present three nominees to the Mayor pursuant to Section 74.10 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the interviews of the candidates for the Human Rights Director will involve at least- eight two-hour sessions and such interview meetings were not contemplated by the St. Paul City Council when determining the payments to be made to Commission members in Section 74. 11(G) of the Legislative Code; and _ WHEREAS, if the Commission members were paid on the basis of $25.00 per meeting, it would be difficult to determine the number of ineetings because the interviews are not consecutive and it would result in some Commission members reaching their $600.00 limitlong before the end of 1980; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department oE: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter A ga i n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adi,picd h� Councit: Date --- -- � /`� r �� Certifie•d Pa�sc�d b�� Council Secretar� BY - ---- B ,.-.,�.,, ..a ti, �� ., ,,, n.,r� Approved�y`ayodfor SubrtNssT'on to Counc�l . , ' ���� WHITE - CITY CLERK ,�,�� � �t � PINK - FINANCE � COUfICl� CANARY - DEPARTMENT (� I Ty O F S� I ��T PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council, recognizing the extraordinary time and effort being spent in 1980 by the St. Paul Human Rights Commission in its search for a Human Rights Director, hereby authorizes the Acting Director of the Department of Human Rights to pay members of the Commission at the rate of $10.00 per hour while engaged in interviewing candidates for Human Rights Director, such payments to be made out of the funds appropriated to the Department of Human Rights for payment to Commissioners for hearings and such payments not to be counted against the $600.00 limit imposed by Section 74. 11(G) of the Legislative Code. _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter _ Against Y Tedesco Wifson Form A roved by City At�ey Adopted ht• Council: Date —_ Certi(ied Vassed b} Council Secretary BY ---------- B'� -— _— -___ . ----- . _ � t_ .._.___ r....� ,Approve��ayor�or Submission to Counci� � - � •,� j� . ,� � i� ';��H . � . � � ' � . � n " - a._.. , . ..c . � . . , , . . „� " ..�,. � ... � .-: ..t' �J. :.. .. . '... � . ' . . � . � . . . � . . � . . � ' .F .' � . , ; . , -, . � �75'�'�8 1 � : . .. � � i . . . , .. . . � , , . . ... .. . � . . ,. � . .. . . . , . . . Q.. ' , . . . � . . . _ . . , . .. . \ . . .. .. � . � „ � , . . . � � . , . . . . . . .. . ' . . . , • .. . . � . ,. � . _ . � , . . . �. ( � � �. ' . . . , — �:, . � � . . � , .. . . . . , . . . .. . - , . /�e�e�s`t 19� I91g0 ; , r � . , . , . , . , . Co�nci�►c► tieorgt HcM� ` � _ ' GRiitirmsn, �'in+m�e, Nuyagtaow'Q J�i �4r�onat3 yC'oti�it� 7th� Floc�r s �ity H�al.l . - :�� . . . _ . . . . . . .. . l.. . . l�Sl' "{.tl1�lC3x�l'1 �2�1 \ . . ' Tl�e C3�g qaq�cil n�er�ed �o t21e ,Fi,xunce� �nt b Ptrsemnel , =t � CaAe�ittas 2'��,aae��derat3.oz� and re�omn�en�l��ion, a �solutioa . � . app3wv�,ng.'psym�rnt- of �l(1:00 p�r �'to �r�,'�o� th� I�an . _ : �Righta t�ssion �hi-le png�gsd in �.iatervi�la8 ctsad��tNt i"or ' 8ueaao �tight� Direetor. . � � . , . _ , Y1kry-t�c�],y'�y�0�tx`tl, , - _ , . , ,+ � ' , , . � _ , �e 1tl�i' . � .i � � ' Ci'�y f:Ilrk- , . !.. , . , , . � Att�acth. ' ` � , ' A84s].a , � � , cc= Di�tar of t�uurn Rigbt� Hrp�. � . . i - _ - , . - , �;- , • . , r , , - , , i , , . , . ;, . - , . _ • . _ / \ . _ , , , , , . . ,��,; ' ` � � ' � , � `�: � .. - \ �, _ . . �{-