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WMITE - CITV GLERKCorr�nunity ����� �o C NARY - DEP RTME�velopment l.�VnCll ' BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF 1978 CON9MUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT BONUS FUNDS FOR ASSISTANCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STILLWATER-BIRMINGHAM LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is eligible for grant assistance under the 1978 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Bonus Fund Program, Title 24, Part 570, Subpart E, Section 570.404; and WHEREAS, the Stillwater-Birmingham Housing project has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Metropolitan Council ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept the 1978 Community Development Block Grant Bonus Funds for the Stillwater-Birmingham Housing project with all the conditions and terms attendent thereto as contained in the attached grant agreement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute the grant agreement and contract between the City and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the 1978 Community Development Block Grant Bonus Funds. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Hunt Nays Requested by Department of: 'C� � _� PED: Community Development Division Maddox In Favor McMahon ��f� Showalter _ � __ Against BY —.����� r'Ir Tedesc W' n Adopt by Counci Date �CT 7 1980 Form Approved ity Attorn y C tified Pa- by Cou c' ,ecretary/4 By � t�ppr by 1�lavor: e OCj g �98� Approve yor for Submis ' Council — � By _ BY ���� acT � a ���9 'w�MEMf Ot � � � DEPAR IMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT �''� f"��"j� �o* oO �� *+n MINNEAPOLIS AREA OFFICE � � � �' � W'1 II�IIII) c°= 6400 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH �O�i�aa��a MINNEAPO�IS,MINNESOTA 55435 k1:G10N V IN REPLY REFER TO• A�� � � 1980 5.6CS �i► � � � � 4� � � ���.� i 1 i�'r�!J ,� � IV1�4Y�?1�,'� C��tiCl� Honorable George Latimer Mayor of St. Paul 347 City Hall 15 West Rellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: Sub�ect: Community Development Block Grant B-78-SA-27-9001 Areawide Bonus Funds I am pleased to iaform you that we have reviewed and approved your Community Development Block Grant Bonus Funds application in the amount of $56,100. Your program year officially starts on RUG 2 2 1980 Copies of your approved pro�ect and cost suu�aries are enclosed. We accept your Housing Assistance Plan as approved on May 19, 1980, as applicable to this program. Funds for the following activities are exempt from environmental re- view and certification procedures and costs may be incurred as of the date of this letter: Street Improvements SAC and WAC Charges General Admiaistration We wish to remind you of the audit requirements of the CDBG program. The cost of the audit should be part of the amount budgeted for gen- eral administration and is the responsibility of the city. No other funds will be made available for this purpose. The Grant Agreement contains a condition relating to a time schedule for program compietion. An attachment to this letter describes a program im- ����a ` Page 2 plementation schedule you submitted in your application. Your program wil], be monitored regularly to measure progress against this schedule, Your Funding Approval contract is enclosed. Please sign all three copies of it, return the original and one copy to us, and keep the oth�r. for your records. Upon receipt of the executed contract, }�our Letter of Credit ac- count will be increased by $56,100 to a total of $99,600,757.14. Income generated during the implementation of program activities must be used according to instructions contained in Section 570.506 and Section 570.503(b) of the regulations. In addition, the amount of income that you r.eceive must be regularly reported to our office on each Standard Form 183, Request for Payment submitted to the Treasury Department. The appropriate place to record the amount received is Section II, Line 3, Collections, Refunds, and Miscellaneous Receipts. Your application included assurances of compliance with Davis-Tsacon and related Acts. We will expect your previously identified labor compliance officer to enforce these Federal labor standards. Another assurance required compliance with Executive Order 11246. This prohibits discrimination in employment contracts and directs Government contractors to establish and maintain a program of affirmative action for all employees and applicants for employment. This Executive Order is ad- ministered through the local Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor. Any questions concerning your responsibilities under this Executive Order should be directed to Mr. Gene Dario at (612) 725-2192. An information packet has been developed by the Department of Labor for use at pre-construction conferences. A copy of it is enclosed for your use. As always, my staff and I stand ready to assist you in any way necessary to ensure the successful achievement of the city's housing and development goals. We look forward to continued close cooperation with St. Paul. Sincerely, �-, L' ' �. � F. v �i �h mSas"�P: �'ee�te � �� Area Manager Enclosures _ ...,.. .�, , • ��� . • .. , � t�^- � �� t �� � Form:.�prpv�.l �. _ O�A d�4��.!i:�.t T.y?� U.:i UFP/1FiTL�EN'f U'r f-iO'v:i��J;n�J 11=+J�;N G^V�LO??.lt`:i �, ��n+�❑ pF :.vrIICA��T � s�.��:.L CITtrS Ci ty of St. Paul , Minnesota F: 51N1";LE PUF?OSc PHOi�FiAi.1 --- ' 2. APPUCF.'IUN/G'riA.`JT tJUV3cR �. PRC?J�CT St)�„�",.4RY ~. 3. PEH�07C;� .:f'PI:C:.81t ifY �µ-, p �p (� FROhI ._.. ___ .-------.-•-....� 1T0�+— 4. V1J ORIGI�J:.I.UATED _S.�Q��.,7 .._ � June 6, 1980 ' June 30, 1981 ❑ nhi=_rva�+_ur,o.�.r=_o _ _ � 5. NAM�:- J: FHO�f.CT 6. ENVIHC]?1t.1E��'fl�L REVIELNiTA'fU5 � � Stillwater-Birmingham Housing Development Under Review k� - --- - - �. 7. DESi:Hi�i'ION UF PHOJFCT � E*" t The Stillwater-Birmingham housing development consists of acquisition, construc- � tion, and site development of 21 townhouse units, 100q Section 8 assisted. CDBG �k Bonus Funds would be used for public improvements. The development will consist � of one two-bedroom handicapped unit, ten two-bedroom units, and ten three- and f= four-bedroom units. 1+ F • t i• F � f" . [_� Chec�rfcontinuecl on��.lditional sheet'sl and attach. lden[rfy by/tem Pl:imb-�. `t� 8. MAY REFERENCE 9. CEhSI'S TRarTtS! ENU:•.1cRAT1U� DISTFiIGi;S� � � map attached. Census Tract #317 E ----�- � -- _ i0. AVTIi:i'A7EU ACCOM?LISH��+EnTS � s. t Street and Water and Sewer Improvements for the development of 21 townhouse � units by 10/81 . ; .. . 4 F R. � . ;. � "r C7 Cllt'CiC /l COrli:Rilc'!/On addition,/sheet!s�d^.::�iit(BCf1. �!/?�)Il�j�fJ}�if@/Tl!�.r:rr1':fJB�. i:, -- —I SINGIE r'IJ=iPOSE G�a��JT RcjCti%iC[S � ALl UTh±=Fi tt=SOURCr.��;�ri,; 11. PRUJcC�COMPOWFNTAC�I\�ITIES TOTAL ��!.t S A�.'UVNTFO� ( � t' LO:"!/?,�OprR, S ��vttil;�T SOURCc � ---- fal _ fbl `Jfcl _ (dJ .�e ( �P� .. 1^ (r1 } Street Improvements f � (Sidewalk, curb & gutter) 8,700 � t Water & Sewer Facilities I 13,755 I ' t � � I � � , � � t. . � I ` r I f � � ` � ( � I � � , 12. TOTAL��� � j 22,455 � ' _�� � -•- � - -- ---•-- � �__ ► _��._ ._ P:r__ � �'� 3 �'-.-� ApPI� Y �J ►+_.,,�'s� 'c, :', 0 f n�1r n � ?'1^''1 r - , I �„ . `, - �c , , � � ,�.; �f�,., 7. DESCRIPTIO.� OF PROJECT � � � � � PROGRAi�I AD�•fI�lIS?RATIO� The Sti 11�•ra ter-Bi r�mi ngham Housi ng Devel opr�ent Pro�ect ��ri T 1 hz administered througn the City of St. Paul 's Co;r���iuni ty Deve�op;r.�r�t . . division. Experience in the adminis�ration of St_ Paul 's Co:�.c�,uni�y Develo�men� 31ock Grant (CDBG) program and Urban ��velop,�:�n� rction Grant (UDAG) pro�ects has been docu�ented in FlUD ronitorirg re�orts. PROJECT FEaSIBILITY . . � � � - The �•linneso�a housing and Finance Agency (t•!�i�F�) nas pr2lic:�;r:�rily ap�raved the si�e location and project �pending S1L2 acc,uisitian. This project ti•�ould be financed �through �•1HFn, �•11�(1 20 unit� o` Section 8 housing. Upon approval o� ►'•�HFA and CDBG bon�s funds, ac�uisition o� � � the site could be accomplished by late Aug�st, 1980, rritn co;�struction begining in the fa11 . � PROJECT It•iPLE�•�ci•;TATIOy Upon a�prov?1 rrom the I��uFA, btetro�ol i�an Cour,cil , anc: �'i;� i� is anticipated �he follo�;iing irrplen��n�ation schedule :rzll oc��.�r: ;�1HFA financing approval : Julf 1980 � Sit� Ac�uisi�i�:� �� • September, 1980 ' ' Construction start . � Paov2mber 1�80 � � Construction duration . 8 mont"s � PUBLIC HE�?RI„G A notice of D'Jb� 1C hearing to receive citizen in;��:� on t^� CC3u bonus func'. proc,'r�:�� ancl tiie city' s intent to ao�ly for ��:ese t�� ��s :��r ��,e . Stillti•rater-Birmingha,n housing developr�zr�� ::�s pubi is��d ;:� ii;e S�.Pau�i Dispatch-Dioneer Press on P^ay 22, 1980 (affidavit at�a�c::���) . Qn June 2, 1980 a publ ic he�ring ��:as held by the Finance, i•.ana�e���:nt, an� Person►;�l Cc^,.�ittee of the St. Paul Ci ty Counci 1 . At �hat ti:;;� the 1 ocal ca�.�:ur,� ty counci I stated tna� they �•�ere a���are of the proposed de��e�o���zn� and :�:�re supportive •of it. paye 2 0: 3 pac,es , i!?'Pr7�?y��, bE'�QY�i AIfC 2 2 1989 n�ir, � 9 �an.r� � � �.. •,� A • �• K.' - � �'"��'��� COST ESTIh1ATE Cost :;stimates for the Still:•rater-Sir��inghzr,� housir�g Fave b°2R prepared by a tentative dzveloper in conj�rc�ion t•:ith city staff. '" . Site acquisition is based on the current fair r^arket valu� of the • property. Construc�ion estimates have bzen prepar2c{ by tF.� te�ta�lve developer and city staff. , Land Acquisition $ 115,000 Source: � t�t;-�FA �inancing Construction 924,000 Source: �:JF", rinancirg � Total � 989,000 � � � HOUSIPlG ASSISTt�`JCE PIA�f � � - � � An approved hausing assista�ce pian for thc Cit� o� S�_ Pzu1 is on file �•�ith both the �letropolitan Council ard ��e ::UD ;;rea o�fice_ . page 3 0� 3 pages '9 i»�1n�/�.Q r r�� n c� .r,.. , �p.�C1� ' . � . � � , . _ _ , �( l�; � ,— :� N� d �, �� r�' ,;,,�.<<"-�" � _--_J��,�,z a�,,, � �� � I � '� I ��'—� � <<.,�� �/�� � .� h� ' �� � �' � �� I ��I ll � ;; ' ''°� �D oi �, h I I` � 'i 3070� � � �� ___._��_ � _ ,� i� u V I� � I_ � ..I� � ,s� , ._. � � � � I'� I N II I ..o,fl., ..,..�..� i(��[ ._';I � "�I 'I I �._ i � ... . I �e,� 4�/�/ _.I� .�� � c.��� N 1 lI y 1 1 ��� al�: ���_ ��1 } - ��- � . , � _ � r r � . -,_�� -=-I�--- _ I�._ p I� . �—�t__.n �;� _.. -- — --- .�� ' - _ � � - ' f J )f � 1�._k � '.r� • �i I .. 1 � � �� ! 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IC .�• � I I' .iI- - - --- I� GREATER EAST SIDF DISTRICT 2 aN ��'-" '�°—_ `""--T�---'�'oo •���u__�o SULE iN iEE7 ��pi�j�,w�. :'E V4L(i���"'�C�. • ���� ���� � � PROPOSED LOCATION OF STILLUTATER-BIRMINGHAM � HOUSING DEVELOPMENT . �r.v. . , ._ . . . . ._ � , ��� = " . �!� �'�0 Form ADPwvtd O�iB No.0o3-R1624 U.S.OEPAHTMENT OF HOUSINC, ANO URBAN OEVELOPh1ENT 1, NAM17E OF <.PPLICANT SMql.l,GTIES Ci ty of St. Paul , MN � SINGIE PURPOSE PROGRAM ?, APPUCATION/GRAN7 NUMBcR COST SUi1AIf/IARY 3. PER100 OF APPLICABIIITY 3. �) Oa�G�rvAL,DATEO ReV. H���HO � fROM T� Q qMENOMENT,DATED �� - June 6, 1980 June 30, 1981 PART A•SUMMARY OF PROGRAM ACTIVITY(Im ortant: See ir�structions befo�e classifyin�costl . .,:_; Amount by Objective ,=� �.inC Housing Economic Pub(ic Health Tota! y`-`• . Development and Salety : (a) b (c (d ' : , . . . :� 1 Acquisit�o�� . S . 2 2 Dispoiition • 3 Public r=aci{ities and Improvements ' � � - a Sen�or C�nters I b Parks,Playgrounds and other Recreational I � Fac�l�?ies • c Cente�s for the Handicapp�d I d Neigh�orhood Facilities e Soiid 1�'laste Disposal Facil�ties I . � f Fire Protection Facilities znd Equipment „ I I g Parking Facilities ` . h PubGc Utilities,Other than�vater and Sewer I Facilities I i Street Improvements $,]�Q $�]OQ j �'Vater and Sewer Facilities �3,755 13,755 r k Foundations and Platforms for Air Rights � Sites -- — I I � 1 Pedestrian Malls and Wal�ways • . I I m Flood and Drainaga Facilities n Specially Authorized Public Facilities and � ' Im�rovements fList as an attachment.J � --- i 1 • _ . 4 GC?-'u��C^ �Ctivitics � � 5 Public Services ! k �--- --- --- � - ' ► 6 Intr.rim Assistance � . � {� t � Completion of Previously Ap�roved Urban Renewat � I � Prajects – --- � �- t ..--------- � ( 8 Pcfoa�tion Payments and Assistance • 9 Payments for Loss of fientil Income ! ` � � � ` ' ---------------- --- � j 10 Remov�l of Arehit�cturol 5arriers � ' ' � � ?apr t o+ 2 :�3;s Hll�-70�6{�•%31 ,1nr�qrlytJ! , , „ . �,���� U.S.DEPAH7MkNT OF HOUSING ANO UHyqN DEVELOPMENT �, NAME OF AP�UCANT � � 5�7A1L CITIES C�t Of St. Paul , MN SINGLE PURPOSE PROGRAM ' Z. APPLICATION;GRANT MUMBER ' COST SUVINIARY 3. PERtO�OFAPPLI�ABILITY 4• � pRIG�VAL,DATEO ReV $��—$O y - FRO`.1 TO p . ` June 6� �9�0 June 30� �90� ❑ AMEND,LIENT,DA7=_O Amount by 06jective ��; ' Housing Etonomic pub{ic H?aith Total •'-i • LInB Development and Safety -6 . Ial (b) Icl (dl -- .< �� SRecially Authorized Ass�stance to P�ivately � . ' O•::ned Utilities $ S. $ S 12 Rehab;litation and Preservation Activities • �'�� ,r . �, . , ;y.,�. a Rehabilitation of Pub�ic Residantial Structures . I b � Public Housing Ntode:rization. 1 c � Re!-:abilitation•of Private Prop=rties d Cotia Enforcemen; - e � His;oric Preservation 13 �Specia�ly Authorized Economic Developmsnt . ' • ' i IActivities r�l. � a �Acquisition b I Public Fac�lities znd In-�prov�ments .. I c Commercial and Industria! Facilities. 14 :Sp2cial Activities by local Development _ �Corporations, Etc. (Lisr1 . 15 SUBTOTAL (Cost Sub%ect to Program Bene/it Rule1 22,455 I 22,455 16 iPlanning and Urban Envi;onmental Design ' . � , : - ` � 17 �General Administrat�onMHFA pl^OCeSS1119 dI1CI � � � .. '. ' - � � financing fees 33,645 � 33,645 18 Continc�encies (Not ro exceed )0'/,of Amount _ sho�in in Parr C, Line 1) 19 iTOTAL (,r,�m of tir,es 15 through 18) 56,100 � � ( , 56���� IPROGRAM COSTS � � PAR7 B-SUM1�MARY OF PROGRARI BENEFIT 1 �=rp�enditures PiincipatE; ;^�efitting Low•and f:1od�ratc•Inco:ne Pcrsons ` I S 22,455 ° � 2 iLine 1 as a Percent of Line 15,Part A �OO g� � PART C- BLOCK GRANT RESUURCES FOR PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS � �$:nyte Purpose Grant An':ount ___�_ s_ 5(��QQ � � `:� i �2 pr�r�ram Incumc S ; r 3 '$;,rplu5 Urban Rene:va+,�:pP Sett�2ment �S �, q �T�tal E31ock Gr;�nt R�sou�ces CS 56,�0� � i Page 2 of 2 pagcs ►�UD-703o U -�8) i �rr��tu�►c; 2 2 't�8� � � � . ��ue � � �����`` ,� �- �.� U_S. De�rtrne�nt oE No�si:x� and Ur:�an I�velc�r.�nt �'±R •a • Ccmrunity Deve)axr�n; Block Grant �,.t . Small Cities Progra� . • .i , Assurar.ces ,;.`� The a��licant he:e�f assures ar�d certiCies that: �� . (a) It �s_esses ltgal authority to ap�_y fo[ the gr:u�t, anc3 to execute the '" pro�+ose:3 prcyrv�. (b) Its yov�rnin3 ba3y has duly adc��:�3 0: p?s;�d as an o�ficial ��ct a rescr luticxi, r*�tion or si^ilar a;.ticx� authorizi�y Lhe Eilirr� of the atc�lication, inclir�ir�g all i;r�,'e:star�in;�s a;x] assura:ic:s co^tain:�: �:��:eir, Z!.7) C)10ECC1fYj .�rr' dUC}lOC1Zl�r3 t}1i: �CSpil identified as i.tl° O{._°1C1P.1 it`^:�SE•^i;f.'_1Vc' Of t�1? 77�I1C+U1� � to <�ct 'zn conrie�:�t.ion uith the aFnlication a;xi to pcovid� such ��di*.ic;�al irforrr.�- t.i0!1 �5 triy � CEv��irEd, (c) It has ca,�lic�3 �.�ith all the rer..:i.r=r»��s of O"3 Cira�lac No. A-95 as mcr?ifi�d t;f 2�i CFR 570.43� <L-� that eith�r; I1) ' A:�y Cortr=,nrs arx3 c�.,;xr.f:•n'a�ions rr:�:'� �y G: tt:[:,.;�'1 C1,:�.,Cir�1'i��::�, tj:e attacn� arr.3 t;av� �sY.� ccx�siue;r� prior to �u�.rl�sion of che applica�io�; or (2) Tt�e rE�?ui.rni pcctn�3ures h�y_• b�e� f:llc.�_:? a:� n� ccsrmen_s o: recan»:.-ic- L10I1.°, �1��'.'C tiE�•tl CC'L�l:�Eti), � �;�� .([ �_fl d�:;711C?:'i 1� _'�V.`�A�lttlfry aiR a.^.;�1?C'�lU(: EOC a 5Ta11 �.It1C5 1C�2'�:�_ h^nsive Gcant, L�^ arr._licari: ha�; ' �1� �CE'C�7CE;� c. �ti'(][�Cfl l'.I�1L'_�fl partic:;v9`10;1 D�;:,^.� 4;'i1C~: (i) Fc��.iues a� �tck,� tunit}� fo; ciliz4•r-:s to ::,.:rr:ici�a7c.e in thr_ ricvela�°-�n� of the a::�„icat:or�, c,n�c�u�,�.,.�: the sv:mis�;icn ot � :c._= _>.n •�•,c�al�_ p,�rti�.:.l:�r1y � • i,_..� �}' rr�_id•rr,ts oE bliy`�t<<1 nc•i<;ht��rh.c,�s a� c'_:iz�•c_ o% l:x.� arYJ ,^.�-,.'.i��.;F—in^a-��, provid��, for tiTely rc•:��r,�,; to the �rcY>-��_,1> s.;:r.`:Rj, ��.-? sc?��e:;�ilcrs he�rir�:s a[ tirv_�s anJ loc�tior,� �rhich F--,rmit h;oii �;:;ci;�tior:; - (ii) Prrvici�-s citizens vich a•?�.-�u�t� inft�rr.3�ion ccncernirr� the a�n:•.in` oE fUf/:j5 �1Vc?lidJl! �OL CCO���i.:SEi� C(YiTI'.:f�i':.j� �C'!�'i':,C!.'-_.'1� ':i[. �`J!!_.l'Y.� dCC1VI�ICS� tilt? [dlrjr, p( aCtlVl:lr'S Cf�2.0 f!'wy/ .5.. U�T:,�CCd1:C�1� i:..l,i U`.::�'C :CTn.�Ct.<lR� �:��C3;i! Cf`CJiiE m�nts; (iii) Pro.�ici_.s for E,�t,?i;• h�arir��� to o�'ai:i r!,e �i_ti.s of citi•r..�ns cn c;.raar nity de�•elc,x.•_r: arr' h•�.�.=_i�g r�_•�.is; ar�3 f(iv) F':c:i�'�_•s riGiz�ns �ith an u;�a;.ur.:'.; tc S.:!y':` cnrr-.�rits cCn_�cnin� �.�.� • C(7�ii,l:nicr dc..;eic,_c=-n: E,::ri��r;�:u�ce c: th� at,cl i,:�rc. (2) Fol]cM•�� ,� � . Ct:.. �',�dfl lf? J T?^ui•:! tG .-�'.� in.,c. f��ll :�2C!1C1�-.1!t0� U� Cltl'LfrIS ln d�.ve_o-ar�,�t or �!�� .,;,��t i�t�tio^. 'ih-� a,-�; ±;-��[ s.'..a'_I al�o ft� � 11:-.: tt;is pl<<� to �,chieve full citizen F,:�rtic:r;a�io;; in all ottie: st:•:��s p£ t;;� pra�r�,rr,. • � If [hF �,�:�,liC:�nt ir �u:mitr.i;r� in . _�lic_�[;c„ { - F. cr ,. :" : ,+, Gran�, [he Ci�v.11C<C�r_• .. . ' . � I Citi�•:; tiir�,,_ Pu,��:,:�� , (1) Has �:rr�EK3r_�? �,rr.3 fc,li;r�...1 a vtitt�-n c'.;iz�-n : =rrici�,,r.!on la:: ' the recr�ir�r�-�n�s cf 24 CFA 57U.�3:(c), nr�i ,� � � �' t,�,:: n.r�:s partici�acion in all stc+:�es cf ct�e p��3r�T;�;�" 1 fc,l.la.� �.,15 pl,•: « �;_�1,::,: C�1 � !1U!)- 7�1� ;, ��= ' . . ��� i >� -; � �„� r. ,� , (2) f{as prcr�:ce� citizer,s :+ith an ooc-nctunity to particiE}�te in the deter�i- nation oE prioricies in ca:�nity de�elc�xnent arx9 ha�siry neecis; (3) Has prwi�� adec^,�a�e no�ices oE �u51ic hearirr�s as cewired �f the �rcit�en plan; (4) Ras held hcarirx3s on the pcc�c�Ed applicatioci befoce a�cpticxl oE a ce:>e- � lutien cr sir..ilar actioci try tt:e local gc�ernirq bary auttiorizirq the filir:g oE . the ar��lication; i � (5) Hi!1 pre�ide for citizen particio:�tion tit�en cor.sidering aT�r�.'-:}ents to c.`:e Carr,.�nity Gevelop-FnC t roc,:am arxl che h'ousirr� AssisLance Plan; a.nd (6) will pr��i:'e for citizen nartici�tion in the G1�1111�Yj, ir�lc.�ntacion � and e;sessrAnt. oE �tie Ca.:;uniC� DAVELGr"'it�f'it Prc.r-�:a� incl;�din� Ghe d��elc,�ran� c° t�e G[antee Perfo^uice Re�rt arx. �he su�nissio� o: vieti+s to [.he 'cfL'� A�ea CE:i��. (e) Its chief execUtive oEficer or ot}�er oificer of applica�� a;r�ccr�d �/ F�ID: (1) Cons�nts to ass�-� the status of a re�-��si51e Fe�eral of°.ic:��: �.irx'•'.; =`° ?�a:ior.al En;iror-���ta1 Poli_ry Act o� 1969 insofa: as the prwisions o; soeh A::� a�ly to 14 CF'R 570; � (?1 Is a���`�o::;ed a�3 ec*nsents on b^_half of the a�?licant arr.3 hu�clf to accep: ttie ju:is�i_�io� of c`ie F�'ecal ccurts foc the t��rpose oE enforc�r�n: o: his cesp�nsibili:i�s as �uch an ofizcial. �F) :�l!' �Ci�7T�%'i::j' Ci"VE'.iCY_,Y�f'f?'� i CC[J:<ZR: tld� �'?(1 Cf�V?IC�'v SC dS CO O1'!° T.:X_- m,^� fe�:sible p:io::ty to acti•:i�ies ti'�icn uill ben_fit lar ai�i ma9<'LdCC-17C:X;:- f�Tilies or aid in the preven:.ior; or elinination of sl�.."rs or bliyht. (:he . . irf�-�_n� f;�r this c�,rtiiicar.io� will not p:��l�x.'e thr_ 5�-�rete:v frm rr�rovir1•? an ��-r.?i:;+ticn •..'�ere :he ac:plie4nt ce:ti`i-_s, ancl the 5:�-:e... , oct�:- minc�,, t:,�t. ail cr r-a-t oC ti:_ Ca-r,�ini;f C-_v�•lc-e:rr:r. =u��r.�m a_ti�•i:i-�s �:c � C�PSiJ:��^'_% tU C.°•r'C OL�1�JT CCC�"trJh2t\' U(•VE`IC�l:r?:lC il?"_�.15 f.��'1:.!1J .9 DL�C1C.;i2.' UCC•.•��f ts s;�ci�icall}' e�:>lair���i in che a:olication in acco:'ance ti•iGh $�7i1.'02(f).) (g) It vil? cc�:i.� •-ith th�3 LMU���tions, policies, guio�lines ar.� rec:�i:ry- tr*=nrs o: C?•'� Circ-,:'_c:r No. T.-102, Revir.E-�i, a-�i Fr..i^ral ranz,�c���nt Ci:c�la� %4-4 as [he� relate to ���e a;:�lication, accepcance, a�d use o� Fcrerai fu:xas unde: this Fact. (h) It Will ac�,,ini�ter ar�l er:o.ce thz la:�o: st�r.::rrd.°, CECU:C°_�'`'"1=5 set fc::..`, in 5570.605 an3 f;.'� re�;��l:.�:iort; issueu to irt�lerrnnt su�h ceyuirerr.nt�. (i) It :+ill ca-�ly �•i'h all [C7U1CCfr;1L5 inxsc�? bv �3�'D c^n�err.irr �rrx-ia? CE^',:10Eiti';1'S p� �' , nrCx:C�T. [E`::t11ICP�?:1:.5� �:.j U`:��^C !!"':"1�IECCu�1V@ CE'�I1CC^R:S� a�ra�ci in accorc4^c� �•:�h C,� Circula� No. ��-102, Fev�s�d. O I! wi11 cc�r,ly with t1�^ pra✓isior.s of Ex�ttiv� O;dr: 11"1.96, rel��tir*; ;� `�. e�•a!u��ion of flcr:- ,,a::��c'.s an� Exe•cu::ive �roe: 11Zo8 rc�:�.ir.a to tn� �.rev�nc.:.�, � c��tro?, ar��3 <ti:r.ce�•�nt cf �•at�_: ;�1lution. �. . (k) T: will . _-�ire eve�,• twildirr.7 er f�ci':;t� (nc!:�r than a ;>;.%�,�el•.. c-:.:= - � �eside^tial strur�u:^1 desi,:;,�•:3, ccr.;,:ucte�, or alter�^' :+i[h tur�:: n,-o.:i���� - �-� �: Uf7":PC !�t.16 i��l'� C'� CCx;*_:l.j' N1C�1 *�lE' �i�IfvrlC.lf1 rCA,'Y.�i'I� S:>-'^1f1C�:;1C'.'l°". fC�; 'f':L , b�ildiir?s an�: Fa�i'_.:.es .,ccP�si`„�le te, a.�d Csa`,•le b;, t�° Fh•;�ical: ii�,�:i:'=-. c�3,' ��r�^r r?-1i-1.'-? 19;1, sut�.j=.ct tu ''�° e�:'_��ic^s c^,tai.^.r�? �n ;': C'E.. lu,- � � ?9.60;. ;'hs �:�' �c._.. �i:l t,_ rc_;��;:s:t.L� :o� cor���.:�:._r�_ 1nrr��_ic:•s to in���.- ec�^�lian.e vitt ;.t:�se =�:-ci`ic�r:ons _�,� r.he cont:acc:,.. E _ HU�-7U88 2 ��,� � ������"�� (1) Ic r.�ill c�ly ai;'i: (1) Ti�le vI of tt,� Civil Riqhcs A:t of 1954 ;�,;5, L. 66-352), 4-�? thc C!'7�- � latio^s issae:i �•.�r�.u�nt G�ereto (��, CF'�% Part i), �ic;� p:c:iJes vti��_ no _cse� � in che Cnit�' State,; �!,all on che qca�rr'.� o: ra_e, c�'�:, or narior.:a? ociyin, t�e ex�luoe�i frx �.�:�ici�.�;:on in, tu de�tie� the t•neCits ot, o: L? o:t�ur•.:ise s�w`— � jected to dis.:ri�'_n.��ion u;xl,.r r�� t:a�:� or �ctivi.y for ,.•tiic:� the a�;.,;ita�: .F receiv�s Eeaeral �ir;�-�cie'_ assis�an�e �ti,� vill i^r,�-`:a'elv [ake a-ry r->as�:es � t��CS.�.,2:y CU- n?:E:'��.19.^ 2�:15 ASSUCr?.l=•a. Ti d:'.V C8?� '::O!v_'C:,! O' Ct•,JC�UCE C.rl�?:.'— on is pro•:ia�.°: o: i��:oveci aitn the aid oE Fr.�;�ra, fi-����i�. as;irc:n:e ext�x:•� ! ' - co the arolic..nc, this ;� � � ` " t= � •_�SUC.tI1C° S11B_1 O.�ZICJC° �F� 'd�,^,�1Cd�1C, O[ 1^ _�ll' C<'.5° Oi rnY trr_�s£e_ af su:'i pcccr•rty. �rcy tra.:sferM, °o: ��;� ;:•:ric� du-irr �.,;�:c!� -:,� � real pr~�rty o: ::tructurr is u.^J fo; a L;:r�-s�• fo: �.^ic', ehe Fe�eral finsn��=_2 � as�i:;:s:::^ '_s cr.te-x��, o: for �.�o�1e: FuC�:e i�r�o?v.rr� [he prwis:on of sim:lar �, ' ser�•ices or �-:�.;it�. � (-) 'si=?° `•':I: o` ri:� l'ivi: P.iShts \Ci bf 14�5 (i.:.�. L. S�-2EdJ , a; arrende�, � a'ain_s�c•:ir>� a'.I ;�:cr:;c;s az� activities rel��i;�q t� h7;sir,? a;,c� c;r�r;uii�� de.^_lc��r*•-�: :� a r,rtnr,.�c �o af�in:.tiv._i.� :urth�: cair �ti � � � ,r JSitY.; ar,� �..:il Cal;� acri.r :� ..�_`i�-ativ•�;v fur�h<•r fair ;,ousin;; ;., :ti� s:_le o: re�c�:l e` ho.:si;r„ ��e fin��ci;� of hcy�sirg, a;x3 th� pra.isi�n af^b:o•:era.c ser:ic,s. (3) 5�,.�on 1C? c; ;:'�e Iin��,_,�; anj tc-�r.�l�c.i�'c^ _� ' C:�-t-•��:_, :f:e:'c-�;;t Act cf '_974, ar�: th� . :^_'CS�7 ?'1 Cill^l'f11"��`1$:.i.'1• ��yCP!.0 (C4 �[n PdC: 77�.�j:)� �,,:`'.1C�:1 GCJ:I�25 Lh3: ;1J � �O 'll� CY1 G'1° CCPJ,'l:5 C_ '3^� CC;!p•� ;}�_:Uticl: 0;1���1 j GC SCX� `-" ^XC�:X�� iCCf9 ��dCt1C1�.}�10.^, 111� �f' CE]�ic�) `ti� � F c , � ,��.,_i:s o., cr � s��— � ;�-c�e�3 ;- dis_riT;��*i��r ur�-:•��, �',v p:��rar o: a-..i:i~y f�:x9�3 i� w�.�ie o: in re:[ �.�i:h iun.� ;,ccT�id�c? un-i^, thi� P�:[. � ��) �x_-� _. _ Ord^_ 11053 u❑ •-�n„i �...y,.tur ��� i� ti,.. y � [ier, in t`i�� sa . "`. • '- . � ,•�.:sir � an� no-iiscri;cir.a- � 1^nc: ren:�1 oi hc�s:rt, `.vi1t ��it^: Fe.��-.�i essiscarc•�. � (5) Fy�...;iv�_ n,-c�e: I12•;5, e;r' [he [�,aula, � : :<- ��? , _�� " .>��_ �u:,,..n; .. re:o (24 ,r CF�� ;r,:� 1±J �..rTa'4: C== Cha te: 6C�� �-d Sc`'�;c�.._ _ -_ • 4,1.�.-� ' � � ti� �l �•° �.`.E' l�Ci.l� :..'�.�1�`;?^ � - ." :,_� :h:it n. ��csc;� sha.l t�� :is :i�;�:-� -•�;";- on :h•>r.,�-;� �,a :ac� � �..7C=� '(r r, . ` '_'.. _ ' ...._..., � il:::��fl, ,.,v `: �R:�IC.+:1.>> C:l,iil 1I1`u�� •1��°^nc<, • r C':•'.`C:i'...,.' :'o:°'�.�7 � 1. : - ,. C: °'�:G-'•:il_ G'__iir7 L;hn . ,.,., s.:__ � , - �� .�r fcc�er�l.: as�is��.a �„�•.._�„_,ic-� cr,:�_: �t�. __, . �o, o;� c����ral ���) Fec'.c �cK�tract- � Gi+c=. a(t r.ctic'� to _ :a.ily s� e� c�-:��:u_:ton c'�r�rz�.:, s'i�i 1R:L':C IP:C L!Ci,.?' ��r-�.� t.ion, o: [.,,�,;.-e: r�-�r•�icn�, ; _ �.n _ : i��-:;"=in-, dc��:• 4 ' ' � o; rec:::i�-r.�n[ �•v.,-,�, - la�_�E`_ or terTina�ie,, r�+:��s of �ay c; o�';e: fcrrrs of ccc,ti..ns��io� a�: s•�ie-:,_on�tot tra;n:� and a;nrentic�s;,i�. (�r) I` �ill co*r_ly �.�ith Sr_Y 'i.,,-i 3 oE G`�e iio�c'^� > ' C;C�3.� ; c 190&, � �.-:�, rF-� � _. . _ ;}'�, �F,-_'�; A;:- d_ jC�'-7 i .:i!�j.'7j U1dC tJ ti:^ C:c;r n ' @7::n'1� `o ;t, C Lo: G:a1,,. � a.�c� c��;;l�,.--,,;- �,. � -_ . . �s. le c��- ,.�.�nities �- r7 1 V�?'1 CO ,• C7.-`?:-1;1�:Yr� '_S1:in..�5 U ::1F ' '1 arca d.^C C:"7:=dCCS i0: t,��Ck 1^ Ci��^,4CC10C b'1L�1 ")t. C•��^-.• �f, �.f•;nj CO`fI1G_7�o tYlS2�l^... :O'1C'n'.,Si 'w':i^• � . • . .• ere lcr_�t��i i, .;� res.;iirr; :r, ;.�� ore� o�� t!�� p �, o: ....�n_� .., s:_, ,._�:c:e7 p:._ by Fr.���s COIEti_ (Il� 1: 4�:11: (�) :� t'�� :re�' , � zcen: 3l^i: [ - .0 �,: .-, ��r'l.'��1_:..)lP L�)�_. \�..... ���J� C�)�'�1.�. il.�. �Ll�l�..... � f0:"�,�e.�l` �NC "_a I '�UBRf r�Pa� D�rO'C:.� .�^...51:._...� :'�IICf'� `.� :�1P �':?: r ti+1:1 c�r'c �i:� :. � , . ,i r��__ y :.�: .s__:-- . ^'tc-,-- „c: c'_ 157� �r�: � :'? ?0 a,�� _'.04 c:�.:[�e :' t:o,s at 2< f_;'R Pa._'ti1; a - � •'-''� �� i;-';,..,?f;::fi: lfl:;::'J.^- � 77:: t � r ('�1 T..;�•C� A�i. ",.-? `�r`��,. J� t�.ul! 1=:hC5 ,.'i; � cl:w� � .._�.,�... _� �•C(.:J.'._.. `lfl L.�lt , - ' ."-. �... __.:'J:5_::<•^ :.::1C_c'S ', L«PJI):2^^ ��. ...: Yil:. .: cl'a �' � . ._. dL : iJ.O�Gih�. (01 7C �:ilt : (!) Ccr�'• w•i�h '. ,:� .1 ((:,�:f � CL;lr_,', ?< - , O" -_C��L10^ ..�..,..:'.._ . � ,. , . 5:....,...__ d:t� N^Gt i'(R -, r� : -ol nF ti.�. �.�::1:�;C �ty�C , . �f .... _15.:.10-� .,.._�Sl..�_ O: Iy/U '' :� .'.."1_. '� j HUU -705S ` � �- � . - , . , � ,�'F��� ��� .' � , lrnl�:^Yntino [e.7ula.ions at 29 CF? Pa[. 42 arxl 55%C.6'v2(al; (.'.l F;cr:ici^ rE•la�ar_ion �xfrr,��•s �tY3 ot:^r rel�r_.:.�_icn r.ssisr_ance <.s dPscri`rd � � o � � r7 dll C57�15 �1.`'.��c'�E'G in Sec:ion 2J5 0: t;�e U�iio:n Reiccaciori Ass:�:..�,c_ =- R° - a, a re:-ulc of rc�ni�it.ion nF rea� pccz:^_r.y ioe�an ��_i�•it� assistr_1 urcieshall be �, � Ca;minity Uevelcr.r�:n: Alock Gra.n: �.:�;[a-�. Su.... ..e;^�n.s and assiscance t � provid<<1 in a f.aic ar�� cor.�s:�:ten: a:d ecr�ita�le �r:^.e: c�,a: ir.suces thoc knG� relceatien rr��ess d�'s no_ <<:s'.:lt in dif_c:ent o: ��a==ete trear�`''n: of � ` • p�r=ors on accx:ric o: ra;:�, co?ot, religior�, na�ie^�.: oric:n, s�, or source o� � � inccr-*�; { �' (31 Assure that, w•i�liin a rAason�l° p_cioci o' tice ?rioc to displace.^,t.nt, � ; . � ,,, canica�� re�lece.-�a: c--�?;irns ��ill b� av�il�le �o . cora:ra�.e d_.:s•r.t, s:f.c r_n] . � 'r <11 diMlac�� IclTlllf"' arrJ irx9icic'.::als a�ti:l ti,�. [:� ra�?� of enoic�s availL,le � s � • color, religion, national � ' - to su-`� ��,•s^ns �•ill not vacy a� zc^�:n: of th_i. ra_e, J_ti origin, sex, cr swrcc of in�ccY; an: ' (4) In`om aEfectt�'. [y?:'�xs o: t!�e relocatio� assistarc��, policies and p:o�e- dures set fo:::� in tl�f� rEK?ulatiors at 24 C? Pz:: y2 �'z3 5570.602(al. p:chibit e�-?:7;n`•s frcxn usin� p�sitio�s . (p) it vill e::ta�li�� saFFy�*:-> to -- for a c�.c���° t`�at is or c,ives ��^ a��-anc� o_` `'r_irc :.�ti•.a�� ty J CPSlC� �oc p,ivatrr cr.in °o: th�u,;s^lves o; o;.*�e:s, pactic�Ia.=� ttios^ �•i:l� ��' tr�°Y hav° f..b^!11V, tL'Slfl°S:, OC Oth°C C1C5. (a) It ti�ill ccR:�ly Nic'�, th� p:v�isic:s o` t.ti° ::'-=c~ �ct w';�ich 1'vnits :he ppl:t:i:31 d=C1V1CV Oi Eti��l�fe"5. (�} Ir_ vil] give RL� an'� the C:rrtrolle; G°^°:'-i th':r��ti ern• r.uthorizcd o` [E'P'P:',_.. lt'n �,r.r�_-._. CJ ��n� G���B Lly . t0 eX°�,.lC'.£• 31� CE\:OCdS� fXN�!CS� pdR:S� `�« dcw:-unts rel��i.�' to t2:c gcallt. ,, � � , ' ' - v.r�ts�:i•�, le:��e or su:Y':�•i- (s1 It aill ir.,ur� t.,az t,�_ i_c.li_i�s ur,�e. _._ � st�d sion �;.i�h s`�::11 F� utili:c-'. in L�e �cca-�,is':.;Y',_•��-` �tir. (':cnr�-� are noc li Oil .�'._ F.h'l1C0^.-�!';lt'1 i COC.r••�::0 i �?°:fij'� (C�'�'.) 1-�' O� ��lO1dC1"A t�dC1ll:.lE'S d(YJ `v :'Tl G. C}l.� r._ ::>� OL on•� �-�-T—.-�l�a'lC.'1 �CCIi' CriF' D]CEC:O: O� tti,. i� •�il] ^c-i. ... --- " .� . - ? tc be usrJ in the the'F"?A 0`fic�, ef 'r'��9..:a1 ;�ctivi_._� i;�i:z..•r _.. :_ a fa_. -cy :,• �h° :-'' p[p�r.^, l.� .�i"s:�E•. CCh^.;]l:�'dC.lU!1 fOC I1:iL:f)� J _ r.. . (t) It uill ccrplv Wich th�� _°1�.� irs:;rzr�c� =•:'�::2"` rE.?u=rF.��^,�s of Scr,lon 102(a) of ch•. cicn? Dis���:ce: ?rc:°e'icn Ac': u` .�-s. P�7. L. �33-23G, 67 S�a�.. �'. C.�ery> 31, 1973. >e�.io^ 1r�3(a, �.=t=��'? en ar�: �ftec Ma:c� 2, 975, .�;��.. ,. ' - , ]975�•.'``�^ p��cha�e ef'flo,d ir.sur�.c^ i:-: c�':^;�r.i�:^s w��ece s.:=.`� irL���ranc° is ' financi:i assist�nce fo: avai;at,iF� as a caiii[io:i fo: t��^ :ece:�t o� an�= c�.�e:�'- c^ns.�:�ction �r aa.�.,isi:ic�;� �a�-ses fo: Lse ia z:: ere�, th�t has t�n ioe;,ti- f i� bv .he S�-cre�arv of th� C���:�;..:e�'. of Ha.:si-.� ,rr� D:b�� D��velr._a�*_n� as �� area h�•;in� _ial flo�� h�xar.;s. T�a �`�case .-_...:z; fir,an�ial ,,:-,sis�anc�" �_ .� �.,r.�, �ua;a��y� i.^.s.. �a.--_�,�� re�zce, su`:sicy. i�c!u9_s am� focl o° lc�_� • . ._.._ . , dis�sc_r assis_anc�_ loa:i or. gren_, or an}� oc.'�e. .-._., o_' direct o: ir�i:c�� FeJeral assi.,�:..,�e. (u? lt t��ll, ir cr�.:�x-r.ion �ri,.': it.. :u:`o--:�-.__ o` •.^,v:ro:,.�ntal �ss�s�,-,�ncs un�e: ;ti^ t:,�:c,r,:i _:�,:i.;c;��nta� 'o'ic, ��_ c' :.� 'r�,, ��it`� Seccio� 1:�,5 oE • t,'�^ ''r._ic:�:.al ;?,s�:�:ic Pr�s,�•rva ic•-. ,c:.oi 1°bo ._. .�.�. �7�i , Exe:utire Order .� - � 1i�93, ,r.-i �:F. �- _,�rva'ic.� .,:�F,cc��,,.'_ccic�l z:r= --_.-o:ic�, L'a;.._. Act o[ 1960 (16 U.S.C. 4o9?-i, e[. st��. ) �v �. •`� � (�) C°.;n��.tl'.1'i: �+i':�l t:i^ S:dt� �'-SLC.:. 7:-'-- '--.... O.`_i=E)� CP 1dP^..:c.. . �� D['('!"r.':C:t'> >.S:C� Iti U: Ci �U:�.l.' `O: 1f:C�'.n:i:n _. :-,o�.,.)":l:l a.,.;l:�•CCC 0�.�1`-'— ^� teri;- ?i�r._ 1r.h�+ ���e . _ icr.t tc a�.,_-_ _ _-F'-_-- ;s°° s5 CFi� iar: E3C0.8) by thc 1 proxs�-:] ac.. :i'y, >_n.i Y , � (?) C�,'��'� tm .;1t1'. �:1? rc�.i;. .. .',t5 _�.�:1-`-�-- , E':,'� tp av^ld oc c.lt , :e �+ ac've:s�, c�tcr_ts u.-r_�n �u;_ti , ::r.s_�ct.:s. f�Un- i�7" �� {r V$. GUVERNMENT PRINSING Or=FICE: 1979650�011/163 r\^� . rr�._ , :,. Cz���T �� �.�:�iv�c �.c�ui.. . .:>:. [� `�,' ^�;�� ���:; O:":FICE OF TIIF. GITY �t7 ,Z"�i CIL ,� ��t'�� a d=�� � �j m » '� I F�A . �� ���t.e�.:v•^��:;�, . . . ��: � �'� Date : October 3, 1980 "-ti: C � �� � ��� � � � � � � �4� TO : Saint P�ul City Cou�Gi ! _ � . FROI1i� � Commifitee OC� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George McMahon , choirman, makes the folto�ing � report on C. F. � Ordinance (7� �X� Resotution � Ofiher T1TLE : � At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Committee recorr�nended appraval of the following: ' 8. Resolution allowing city to accept $56,100 .grant award from HUD for assistance in the Stillwater-Birmingham Low and ;�loderate Income Housing Devel-opment. (1t398-GM} 9. Resolution establishing title and c1ass specifications for title of Epidemiologist in Grade 13 of Section 3.J (Professional-Administrative . Non-Supervisors Group). (11386-GP�) - � 10. Resolution establishing title and class specificatiuns. for title of Schaals Labor Crew Leader in Section 3.G (Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded} of Civt1 Service Rules. (11387-GM) � 11 . Resolution renlacing the title and class specification for Bridge Foreman in - Grade 38 of Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisars) of the Civil Service Rules with the title and class specification for Bridge Nlaintenance Supervisor. � : (11388-Gh1) 12. Reso1ution revising the minimum qualifications far Water Laborer. (11389-GM� 13. Resolution amending the Seniority Article in the I978-1980 Contract between the Ci ty and the Tri-Counci l . (11390-Gt�1� 14. Resolution establishing rate of pay for the new title of Schools Labor Cr�w Leader. (11391-GM) CIT'� H.4LL SEVEi�iTH FLOC�R SAINT PAUL, 1�iIN�FE5tl7!� �5F02 .� _.._ _.. _.,.. ,. _._....:. . - . ._ . .,...�� _ �_.._. . .,_.._ _w ._,.,,..y�, - - _. �. __.,> _-,_. ..__.._. ... _ . ,._., .._,.._ - . ^T. . .} . .. . ' �� N• M�► � �b���� �j ; y ������ �C �, � � � �tJ�� . EXP�ANATION OF At?MIN�S�'RATIYE �f�R�, : - �:' - S L , ,, �►-�'' F� , �:��� � � � � _ , �� ; "'� � s ' � < �; _ � .�,;����� ���; i�a�e:: �ept+�ber 15, �98p ��� �:�� �t��!�"� , �: � �._ � � ���.: ���� � SE, � �1� ; ' �� . .. . .. . . . . .�.. ���.�j ' �: � ��}�. �: [�AYtIR GE4RGE LA7IMER ��: . , .. : � ,� ��; . r 7,► ��������f '������� . . l . ���x �. 4-A � _ � i � . . . � .. . . .. . . � . . � '. v,� ..,�^ „ ..{;< . . . . . .. .- . �� . : �. -.. , : ..� . . . . .,; . . .... . �: . . .. . . . . .. .. .. , ,;, . :.... -. �K�- : �: acc���� c� ��aKr �ws� ��a� ��� u.�. €a���►�c �� � � �� � .� �1�I��.f�1�T �!�#J�3� F4E� ASS�STAI��E IN TME ST�Lt��iA�'�R-���MI � a���=' �` „ .�` ��� It�C� �IUU�INf DEYELflPMENT ;� _ : � `� � � � � � � ; � . � , ��> . . �.: . . . � . '..� , .. .. Y . ... � . � . 1 ' . •:. . ' � ,;., ��. .. .� . - � . - . �,� . . , �. � '+pu. .. � � . . . . . . . . - . � .� .. " � � - . . . . . . . .. .I . j� �. . �. . . . . � . . - - . � ��t�; .. . . , , 1 5 R ' �IE� �t���TEO: ��� �� Rar��ie� and appr�val r �� _ �� .�� � _� � �� i x:� : � ; " :i � _ . _. ,7 . §� .� ; � � � �� ,. . ; , - ! + , ... : , ..,, . � . . s. k . � , �. � a � � . . , _ . � , . ` ; . , � ; , , .: `_ :: � � t - r � -,. , . ,: .,, : �,t�Pa�� �I{� �tTI�VAlE Ffl� TNiS ACT�dN: � �►�val of t.his :R�lution witl �llow t!� City to acc� �.�$!�x1���g�: �t�r L � � ` � �� � . . = � � _ : ;: �.::: .:._ , . �! �'"t�r assi�t�nc� in the construction of 20 Sec�C,i�n 8 �r��� :���;�,^�i�� �t . - ,. ` , � � ; . �e .S�i�lwat�r-Birmf�gham site (see atta�hed site tnapj.f d � : : " <, ; . .. ... . . . .. . . � � � .. - _ �'Y . . . . � . . � . . . - . . . . � � . . - � , .. . . � � . � .. +e .. . . .. � _ . . .. . . . . . f . 'J . . � . �.. ,� � � � � � � . �:�����\�• .. � . � . . . . . . ; , Fr"01�'s�� C('�+ t�J�t1*�� ��SAi�t'1019 _ ���-Y� .'V� R�'W��• 1������.. - � f t f C�^ant �p1�catio� { : . . , � �, : , . _ , � � : � � , � - .. .. �.. �.. � ... � .� � . - . . . . ti . r:: r . 'd � � .. ..� . j�a . �i �.� . . . . . '... . � , . n f +1 � � � � � � � � �� ' . . , . . � - . �. . . . . . . . . _,. . .� �. ��.r,.. , . .., , . . ......�;,, t�•,'a_„