275768 WHIT6 - CITY CLERK COU[1C1I ��Y Y �� PINK - FINANCE �t CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L BLUE - MAYOR � File N . uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESO�LVED, That the following securities $200,000 - 10.80% Federal Home Loan Bank Bonds, due March 25, 1985 pledged as collateral to protect deposits of publie funds of the City of SainC Paul with Coa�►ercial State Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is suthorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Fi and M Services - Treasur Division t� In Favor Maddox McMahon 4� snowalter __ Against Tedesco Wilso Adopt y Council: Date �CT 7 1�$Q Form Approved by it to ey rtified Passe Counci cretary� BY Ap d by ;Vlavor: � �QD�_ Appr v d y Ma r fo u ion C �ihcil B BY P� iSN�T) ��T � g +qQ� �; m:�. �. ��--�'��w , ry OM Ol_: 12/�75 , , • , • � �5 E� �� Rev.: 9/$/76 ; EXP'LANATION OF ADNIINISTRATIVE t3�RDERS, . . RESdLUTIQNS= A.ND ORDINANC�S � ; �FcF� � , oF'�'��� �sF�°,� �� ' Date: SepEesber 11, 1980 '�Irp �OA,QT O� S1 �.,i, � T Mq��FNryFO�� � �: ''' T0: MAYOR GEORGE I.ATIMER �� FNF�R�CTp,� � �"�F � ' FR: Garq �. rorstrem, Dept. of �inance & I�at. Service• c� RR: COU�CIL RE30�'.UTION APPR+OVING CO�LLATERAt. � �C�� � ' � �,�-�: , E�3 . 1 � F��� �rq�.s ncr�o� �cxr�.s�r�n: °� . The passag� of the attached reaolution approv�e tbe securities piedgsd ' by tha designated baak to protect faads of t�e City of Saint Paul whil� ' ` � hald ia said bauk. , � : : � - � , �°� PURPOSE AI�ID �tATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: ; . . . � ' . . . . . - .�3 . . � .� . � � . �- �: M&A 118 requires collateral to prot�ct �ublic fnads and sets mut a prneedure �' to be fail�ed in the haediing of said eollater�l ��tcluding the reqn�rareat of Mpprovai by the goaerning body. . � :; � , , . ATTACR�ITS: . , j � � _ _� _ ,, - Proposed Council Sesolutioa. , � , . �. �:r.- -.. CI'�'�.' C)�' �.A..IN'3' PAZTII k /C',��' !.-' - � . f;r�� �!•�� '' ;s. OFFICE OF TIIE �IT�Z" C�IINCIL ����� �" :��,�z:, -�� ' - :""'��\�y �,-. ,.. ,..,.,,-• .� � �r,;s��,._ .... ,:� , �� � Da t e : October 3, 15&0 ���'y. CD � �ilTT � � f� E Pt� F��` T C? : Saint Pcrul Git� Counci! FROI�t4 � COiT�RiO�'��'t? Ot1 FINA�VCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSO;VNEL George McMahon , choi►-man, makes the �ollawing reporf on C. F. � Ordir�unc� ��� �] Resalutior� � OYhei� TtTL� : � At its meeting of October 2, 1930, the Finance Commi.ttee recommended approval -of the following: � __ 1 . Resolution approving payment of $10 per hour to members of the Human Rights Commission while engaged in interviewing candidates for Human Rights Director. (11261-GM) 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensatian Resolution to increase the rate of pay for Parking Lot Attendant I. (1j353=GM).� __ . 3. Resolution providing insurance for Teacher Aides to comply with contract �� negotiated between Teacher Aides and the Board of Education. (11354-GM} 4. Resolution to provide the 10� local share of the cost of the Tnfiltration/Inflow Analysis of St. Paul Sewer System, estimated to cost approximately $25,000. (11356-G��l) 5. Resolution approving collateral pledged by American National Bank ta prot�ct city funds held in bank. (11369�GM) �. V 6. Resolution approv�ng collateral pledged by Commerc�al State Bank ta protect city funds held in bank. (11381-GM) 7. Resolution approving budget amendments in Community pevelopment Biock Grant Program Years I through VI. CITY HAL.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, h1INNESOT'A 55102 .r3 .> _,