275767 WMITE - CITY CLERK ���yyy ��{{(l � PINK ' FINANCE ��- /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUACII � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the following securities $220,000 - 7.25% U. S. Treasury Notes due Februarq 15, 1984 pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with American National Bank of Saint Paul, herebq is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the S�ate of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Finan nd M t Services - Treasu Division �w�;++e [n Favor Maddox McMahon � Showaiter - __ Against Tedesco W' Ado ed bv Council• Date — OL'T 7 lggp Form Approv d y 'ty Att ey ertified Pa: by Co .i SecretazY By _ ♦ Ap o by :Vlavor. t 1Q8�_ Ap �o by ayor or Su ss n to ouncil BY – — BY P�.tsH�t� �4,T 1 8 i980 ���:'�'�' ;;, CIT`l CJ�+' �.A:�NT PAZTL �'����6� .�' � `��..,�. OFB'ICE OF THE CIT�' COUN�IL , (p� . �i•� �y b'����' �ie1�. . - "' �!• vi�a a� r.f � - . .y }1�71H(:P7�� � � . . � �'"'_ �,� -s - �'�• �� r_ Da t e : October 3, 1980 '_4 , C V I'� �11 �`�'T'� � F� � � C� �?�` T � : Saint Paul City Council FROI�/� � COi'i1lT11�l�e'g Otl FINANCE, MANAGElNENT & PERSONNEL George McMahon , c�airman, makes the fatlowing repart an C. �. � Orc�ir�ur�c�.i ��} (� Resolution � Other T !�' LE : . At its meeting of October 2, 1980, the Finance Commi_ttee recommended approval - - -of the following: _- 1 . Resolution approving payment of $10 per hour to members of the Fluman Ri.ghts Corranission while engaged in interviewing candidates for Human Righ�s Director. (11261-GM} 2. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation ftesolution to increase . the rate of pay for Parking Lot Attendant T> �17353=GM)_� -" . _ ___ � , 3. Resolution providing insurance for Teacher A�des-to comply with contract �� negotiated between Teacher Aides and the Board af Fducation. (11354-GMj 4. Resolution to provide the 10� local share of the cost of �he Infiltration�Inflow Analysis of St. Paul Sewer System, estimated to cost approximately $25,000. (11356-GM} V 5. Resoluti - on approving collateral pledged by Amer�can National Bank to proteGt city funds held in bank. (11369-GM) - 6. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Commercial State Bank to protect city funds held in bank. (11381-GM) . 7. Resolution approving budget amendments in Community Development Block Grant Program Years I through VI: CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINl�iESO�'A SSI02 .:�`�`;� .rs . � � �. Pe: x�� a�-�o�.z. � y OM Ol: 12/2975 : Rev.: 9/$/76 � . . �� EXPLANATION OF AD�IINISTRATIVE 4RDERS, ��: ` RESOLUTIONS� AND aRDZ —� � � �I_Fs� �yy i�t � �� : � J t�1� 1 J �3W � fes ■ ���0 �� � :- �rar�s o� RECEf��G� ' ; Date: September 8, 1980 ' ; SEp� g�, To: PIAYOR GEORGE LATII�R C}�Y IQ�TQR�� � � FR: Gary R. Norstrem, Dept. of Financ� � Kgmt. Servicee ' RE: COUNCIL RESO�LUTION APPRUVI2� COLI.ATERAL :;... ; ACTI'�i REQUBSTED: The pasaage of the attached resolutioa approv�a the aeeurities pledged t : by th� designated bank to protect f�ads of th� Citp of Safnt Paul while held in said baak. . � � ; � - , i PtTRPOSB Ai�D RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: , _ i � ; M*A 118 requirea colleteral to protect public funda and •ets o�rt a �rxc�aedare t - to be �oliowed in the haadling of said collateral including the raqnirHent ; d� approval by th� goveraing body. , � , . �' ATTAC��IITS: , � ! � Propo�ed Council Sesolution. ,' ; � ; i . ; ; . , i : � . _