275694 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY DEPARTMENT � G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � �'� � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. RE"1'URN t�OPY TO VALUATION &TREAU �OZt�ZC • SO � • Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�E�S, The Council of the City of Sai.nt Paul by Resolution C.F. 274685, adopt�ed April 8, 1980, did vacat�e, among other things, that portion of public street located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, Sta.te of P�iinnesota, legally described as follaws: All that part of Ec�rnmd Street lying between the ea.st right-of�aay line of Marion Street and the west right-of�aay Line of Rice Street as widened, which right-of-way as widened. lies 50 feet west of and parallel tA the east line of NF}a of Section 36, Tcz�mship 29, Range 23; Alley platted in Michel's Rsarrangeme�zt of Block 14 of Robertson and Van Ettexis add to St. Paul arid �, Said vacatian reserved to the City of Saint Paul an.d other public in- strtm�ntalities, public utility ease�n.ts contained therein and thereon; and W�S, The Council has beeaz requestred to waive said retained easements, and the affect�ed City Depart�nents, Northern States Pawer Ccanpany and NortYn�st�ern Bell Tele- phone Ccc�-any have filed written oertifica.t.es of intended non-use with the offiae of the City Clerk, which Certificates are incorporated herein by reference; and Wi�REAS, The affected Cit� Departrnents and tY� above mentioned utilities have c�n- sented to waive certain specific retained eas�lts �n said vacated property as fully set forth in their Certificates of int�ended non-use as hexetofore m�entioned; NOW T�'ORE BE IT RESOLUID, That the Cotu�.cil of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant tA Section 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amEnded, does hereby waive, relea.se and extingu:ish certain retained easetrents in the vacat�ed public streets of Cotmcil Resolution C.F. 276485 adr�pted April 8, 1980, as follaws: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Depactment of: Hunt Finanee & Management Services Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Director snowa�ter - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — CertiEied Yassed by Council Secretary �'���� By • Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ � d by Mayor for S bm s cil By _ – BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � C PINK - FINANCE � Q1� dANARY�- DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA LT L COUIICII �� �y�, �� BLUE - MAYOR File � N O. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BURF.,AU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wat�er Deparf��ent of the City of Saint Paul All that part of Edirnand Aventtie l,ying between the easterly rightrof-way line of Marion Street and the westerly rightrof-way line of Rioe Street except: the south 30` of the north 38' ot Ec�n�nd Street. Public Works Departinent of the City of Saint Paul All that part of F�rnand Avenue lying between the easterly right=of�aay lir�e of Marion Street and the vaesterly right-of�aay line of Rice Street exvept: A 30' wide �zt sewer easemen.t c�.ntered on the existing 2'0" circular brick sewer extend�ng frcen Rice to Marion Street. Northern States Pawer Cc�pany All that part of vacated Edmund Avenwe lying betw�en the easterly right- of-way lirve of Marion Street and the west�erly right-of-way line of Rice Street. Northwestrern Bell Telephone Canpany All that part of F�nund A�we lying betr�ueen the east rightrof�aay line of Marion Street and the west right of�vay line of Rice Street except that part lying between the follawing described lines: a line parallel t�o and 279' west of the west right of�vay line of Rice Street, a line parallel to and 17' north of the south right-of-way line of F.dmund Street and a line parallel to and 27' north of the south right of�aay line of Ec�nund Street. BE IT � RESOLVID, That the above mentioned waiver and release of said ease�ents are for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whcen the City has reserved eas�azts in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, wat,er, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instnur�ntality. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: .�. � Finance and 1�r� t Services Levine [n Favor �� Maddox McMahon �_ Against B Director Showa�ter Tedesco Wilson Adopted t�y Counc.�l: Date SEP 2 3 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney � .-�� Certified Y•yx�d by ncil SecreXary �5' �� � A O •. A pro e by �Vlayor. ! `� ,�oQ Ap by Mayor for S mis 'on to Council � �usH�o S E P 2 2 1��� FINANCE (�j I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ���Q� ° CANARV - DEPAR7MENT File NO. `� BLUE - MAVOR . .:�Co��ncil Resolution .� ��'��� . ....,,.�_. �- . -., Presented By � , `'. � r ` ��"'� ,�'._. Referred To Committee: D � , Out of Committee By Date " �, �! �es 1�t p��Citi�os �R lors�ait �Mlr+w���o/r� ��► arit z3��rl� ��siarae��y iM� �I�o�t3�t at �'� �i�R a+1� �3.#a a�L� iis+�- !aal�e �rt�i, ia �d �t si■�t 111re�0►� �oslwd �t d as • � M� a�t �reM��.i�s ilia�s: �1 til►t �st a� ll�t � 1TS� i�w�s ti� M� s�•�► 1#�1 a�! !� � ai �irt �C s�/�- �L'�► 1#�t �t 3#rs �i �1t s�i�t, �It z�-ot• �► �s!li�i � �@ �� !�ai �ai�1 �O 1�1M . � � ��at �Ml�lt � �i� l�a� �'3i i'�.�10► �i '��i*is �M�� et �o�lt � ot' ��s�! �t��i�! � !t+ �.; a�ert � #� �t � ��rt sr�r�s 3. !!� !i� Ai1�as ii � #�r�ri � Me�w �i �e�s �d �';�Ir !� at �MIt�► � �II�l1� C�Y� as a�Yi» , � t. !M� �a�M� � s�M�t ��i�r� #�r�w► l�l'r�s� awrt s,i�s f�s�e�lSt t�t�ir�wst et �oa�irs�t��Mrs !�r �►. �. ��� '�t � �t�� �t� i�; �'30� �a �� '��� !E� ��wN'� �.1 � �� �« � � � �I�'►'� � �` M� �� �t � l� +� �i��` �!�' � � � �� '!�i'!� �S�3i! !� ���1. COUNCILME�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas ' Nays . , Butler ��� � �„� [n Favor Hunt � Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter . ,� Tedesco Form Approved ' City Att rney ` :� Adopted by Council: Date wr - ���� � �" , Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By . Approved by Mavor: Date - "`• _Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council x. By BY ���6�5 . -2- � Restrictions within the easement area are as follo�as: ���'i�`� a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary structures, material storage, fixture or other objects tha.t will prohibit normal access to sewer fa.cilities for maintenance purposes. b) Tha.t no change f�om the existing grade is nermitted without written permission frcan the Sewer Engineer. c) That no change in surfacing within the ea.se- ment area is permitted without written permission from the Sewer Engineer. d) That the petitioners, their successors and �,ssigns sY�.11 f�lly indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pa.ul, their officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise f�om any injuries or damages received or susta.ined by arLy break in any service pipe, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting . from any action or negligence of the petitioners, their employees, agents or business invitees. 5• That the petitioners will be responsible for all costs and expenses in the reconstruction of the street inter- section on Edmund Street at Rice and at h;arion Streets to include the relocation of drainage facilities and the construction of new side-�,ralks, boulevards, and curbing . across the said proposed va.cated street, all to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 6. That the petitioners, or �heir successors or assigns agree to provide energency access across the subject property as shown on the attached drawing labeZed Exhibit 2, and keep said emergency access snow f`ree in winter. 7. That a permanent water utility easement be retained in the area described as follaws; 30 The South '� feet o� the Pdorth 38 feet of Edmund Avenue lying between the East right- of-way of N:arion Street and the Zaest right- of wa.y of Rice Street; Restrictions within the easen�nt area are as follows: , ������ " � � � J��� 3 a . That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary . structure, material storage, fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes. b. That no change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. c . That no change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written permission from the Water � Utility. d. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, de- fend and save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners, the City of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or cla ims which shall arise from any injuries � or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioners, their employees, agents or business invitees. $ . That the petitioners agree to pay in advance for twenty water service connections to the Edmund Avenue water main that must be cut off by the Water Utility, based upon the cut-off charge in effect on the date that the street vacation becomes effective. CANARV - DEPARTMENT (� I TY - OF 5A I NT YAU L `�� ` . IG ��O�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `�°p" �° '�'°°" . ouncil Resolution . a� s �� L/ Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � 9. �t ti� �it3��ar, b�is� !� Ha�s,l� ast �1�I�c6 •�,bp�.l�r, rt b� s+�dtrd to pq► t�a�i�s ttar t�1� �os p� to tti �evrisiar �od tiMt H ?�t a� l�oras�-�alt Ca■�dt1► �rfat !e. ?s � � a�re�rd l�,y �M t�e�ei1 d t.� �Y� e� �3�d liwl oa i�n�r �s �3s Co�l ?i3! �. �6S'y9�• I�3. i�at is 3� d s baoi tLs C3�,jr 'M �e+vrSi�d � a mri�at e�o� aoo�#ti+oa�� to �i1�it�' aai �ald t� C�lt�1► � Z�oe a+�► i�wA�i, �r !be �• s�.s �s � aad soq�ws a�t anrarr 1r3�ert sa�R s�mr� �ur3s� ae �t� � . ort !� �►1a3+o� a� t�t s� s�ad f is a�11+� i�a��d ya+��a. � COUNCILMEN `' Requested by Department of: Yeas ��HON Nays � �1i1d ��AM Hozza � �n Favor Hunt Q D1ile�!' Levine A gai n s t By Maddox show�ter �pR 8 1980 Tedesco Form Approved by C1ty Attorne ;' Adopted by Council: Date � > By � � -� '�1 � �,fGt' '� Certified Passed by.Council Secretary Bl' /� Approved by iNavor: Date I�DR '� � �980 APP�oved by�Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY THE HONOFiABLE MAYOR AI�IF2�ERS • ��'"�c� OF THE COUNCTL OF TEiE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL •INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exerciee their • utility easement rights in the following described realty: � Al1 that part of vacated Edmund Avenue lying between the easterly right-of-way line of Marion Street and the westerly right-of-way line of Ri'ce Street. Datea oZ3 (�' . � . . � � � �( NORTHERN STATES POWER CO�iPANY By ti�.1.0:d't/� W� � . . � � t�le"�.� MARJORIE DICKlNSON ' �� NDTANI'PNBNP.•W�NESOTA . � �;��, RAMSEY COUNTY � , My Commiulon Explrp Ap�.1,19AS . � -� �7J'G9�/ �. TEiE HONOftABLE MAYOR AN•E2�ERS • OF TEiE COUNCIL OF Z�iE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their • u[ility eaeement righta in the following described realty: ' All that part .of Edmund Avenue lying between the easterly right-of-way line of Marion Street and the westerly right-of-way line of Rice Street except: the south 30' of the no�th 38' of Edmund Street.. ' Dated �,/c�v1� Z`'; �/ S� ' � . ' � . � � � x General 24anager, WBter Department • City of Saint Paul . � � , . - _ __ _ �_-- - - - - ,� . - 6 � � -` _ .- . . ._ -_ . � 8.- D �- . _ JUN 2 6 1980� � 2 • . r�c�rv,�,�, �. �- gEgYJ� � . : -.---�-- - _. - - A � ;;: Vi , � , . • �� • ;,. � � . TtiE NONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TtIE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITX OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE , The underaigned hereby certify [hat they do not intend to exerciae their • utility eaeement Yighte in the following described realty: All that part of Edmund Avenue lying between the east right-of-way line of Marion Street and the west right-of-way line of Rice Street except that part lying between the fpllowing described lines: a line parallel to arid 279' west of_the west right-of-way line of Rice Street, a line parallel to. and 17' north of the south right- of-way line of Edmund, Street and a line parallel to and 27' north of the south right- of-way line ot �dmund Street. � Dated August 22,, 1980 � � . . - . � .I�ORTHWESTERN BELL TEI�PHONE COEMPANY . / (S�AL) / J sy .< _ �, � � / _. � � � • �/a THE HONORABLE MAYUR AN•F2�3ERS ����� � . OF TEiE COUNCIL OF THE , CERTIFICATE O�F CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exerciee their • utility easement rights in the following described realty: � All that part of Edmund Avenue lying between the easterly �ight-of-way line of Marion Street and the westerly right-of-way line of. Rice Street except: A 30' wide permanent sewer easement centered on the existing 2'Q" circular brick sewer extendinQ from Rice to Marion Streets . � Da6ed - �G ( Q.8b � � � - C_ � . - � Saint Paul Sewer En�ineer . � ` (SEAL) . � . . . � . �• ..._.... . .. . .._• • � ������ . . . . . . . . .. �. :. - . . .. . . ,.. . . . . • . . � . • � . � . .. � . . . . . . � � _ . . . � ' ' • . .,.-•� � �_.. . . . • ' ' • . ' . .. . - � . . � . .. .. , � � • - ' - ' � , .. �� . . , � . . . • . .• . • . ' . . � . .. ,� ' �.. . , . . . . � . . � . . , . . � ,S�R� QF I4INN�SOTA } , • � ' • . ' . : . . . _ • • �.. : . . _ . . . . i �s. . . � - . . � - : - • : .. � GO�JAi't'�` �x'' �•�SIE�C � � .� . � _ :-. • � . . . . . . . � ' � � � ' ' . � pn fhis 22nd day o� August ' �� _. . � �,� 8U�,, hefore me�� a �notary public ti�ii.hin and for said. Coun�,3f, , -: ��rsvn��.ly appeared R E Luqer � _ to ma � p�xsona�.ly knvwn, tuho bzing by me duly s�•�orn, did s�y thatc . ` - , �� �.S ths District Manaqer-Distribution �o£ Iv'ORTH��IES�^��Y �3�LZ� T�x,E°HO�. �• � •• cor��A�, a� �oXpoz�tion, natn�d in tre foregoing .ins�runent„ �nd �}�a� ��,� seal a�f�xed zo said instrurian� is iche .corgoYai� sea3. . p� ��id ,�or�o�ation, and �cha�L said in�struc�ctent was sigr�ed axid . � ��al�c� �n behal,fc of said corpora�iQn by authority o� its B�ard . �• p� �?ix�cto�s and said Carporatian acknac�].ec2�ad - . � • s�iG� ��ns�.rc;m�nt to be the �ree act and deed of saic� corpo�:���.on. � . ' � . . . , �l�ah- �.�� . • . . � ... . . , . . ., �. . . . .,. � • � No�ary Public, Ramsey Cour^.'�y, l�lx»n. . . . � . . . biy cotnmissio:i� e:cpires -� ' °z �' �� . . , s , � IvIARG,1;�::T t�tUl'lr,i;���dIV •• � � � r • ' Not�ry'PuL,lir,, fiam�ey County, Minn. • 2 MY Gomm;ssjcn Erpires �Jlay 24, 1982 . . . . � • , . ' ' •. - • , - • •,. . , �I Ol: I2/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 ���� . EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER5, � ' i� ECEtVED - s��� �� r� �r�ao : �►YOR�� c.� Date: geptember 12, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: J. Wm. Donovsn, Valuation & Assessment Engi� Finance & �nt. Services (Eut.7019) �� Release of certain utility easements set forth in CounciZ Fil.e �27�F685, adapted April 8, 1980, approved April 10, •19$0. (Rice-Tda�und site� ACTiON REQt1ESTED: Mayor's approval for submission to City Council. P;IRPOSE AWD RATIOI�RLE FflR THIS AC7ION: To release certa3n utili.ty easements 3n area deecrf:bed in Couneil File �7�685. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution . 2. Capy of Cauncil I+`ile �/27�85 3. Certif'i.cates o� �ntended Idon-Use (4) 1Qoxthern States Pc�wer Co., Northweetern Bell : Telephon� Co., W�ter Utili�y & Public Works Dept. �+. Area Map . ,. - ---_ .._ ._.._ , r _._ ,,, _ _--_ _.._...._� , _ , .. _._. _ ' � .. � -- _ ..____.-- -- ___.._. ;.+ •.. � i f ; , �T - R '� j '� '�V � � ! __ _..' •_j � \ � � ; � �'' • `� + "v r? l t� '�.._�...!' .7 21 y 7 �__- ' t_.. � _. lY J - . �--..� _—___._ : . . {., �---' ---' — �t...�_r_.� ... � � _ . .. � s .. � , i -�__. ..- b `---.. �__._ :_._--- _ _ �.. . " - ���� .� :.,:. - t���89Gt=. , �, ^ _ _ . ._.._. .___ . _._ __ _ _._.___..._.: �� A : � _ . _� _ ..__ ..._•� ;-� �. : . ��---����.y 31.i �"�� ��02 z�o " ..._�� ,� �c 1. ��, `� �r � 3�_s�•,lS3r�'^----- J� � � � `,� . � �' O, � .� � e � � , M � } � .._...._ � � w' + ' ' � ._ � � � � � � � � :� , � � ' � � i ^ � `�i 1 �D, '�► I � � � , b ' � :� ....� � v� � + E la+ 0 .. . , � � o f i , 1 _ � V. t L.•• -- - . . . . . . . . . . �� . . .. i 'i f"`. 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