275675 WHITE - CITY CL6RK F�'� PINK - FINANCE �� /� CANARY - DEPARTM6NT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COU(IC1I � BLUE - MAYOR File N . cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Surety Bond No. 96854, Officials' Surety Bond, submitted as required by Section 17.05 of the St. Paul City Charter and Section 22.01 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, be and is hereby approved by the City Council. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � F'inance & Mana eme rvices Levine jIl FBVOi Maddox � McMahon g �O Showa�ter __ Against Tidu.o � wison �� SEP 1 8 1980 Form proved y Cit At ne Adop by Coun il: Date c rtified P• _ed by ouncil Secr�tary BY � A ro by :Nayor: Date � 2 � 1980 Approve ayor Eor Sub i to Co cil B B �� �����,�" _ Y Y P,II�H S E P 2 7 1980 � . _ . ._. . _ . . . �' .1 � - ' . i ti . ..,; . . . . , . 2'75f'�� i ��-�9� . .- ; WOLVERINE INSURA�ICE COMPAiVY i . � BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN . ' CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE ` CONTINUOUS BOND - PREMIUM � 2687.00 �Annual ❑Yr.Advance KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �t -_:CITY OF ST. PAUL� MINNESOTA principal, and WOLVERINE INSURANCE COMPAIJY, e 1Vlichigan Corporation, Swety in that certain , Public Employees Blanket Bond �'~'�54 4th June 74 TWO HUNDRED FIFTY Bond No.—�' dated tha day of 19�in the penatty of THOUSAND AND NO/100 — _ _ �. — — — — _ _ •. �. — — — — —r�oller�. (S 2SO�Q00.00—) ia favor of CITY OF ST� PAITL does hereby continue said Bond in forca for the e:tanded tertn beginning on t6e_��Lday of August lg 80 ,� continuous in form and ending on the day of 19_.� subject to all terms end conditions of said Bond, ezeept as herein modified; Provided, however, that liability under the seid Bond and this and all continuations :hereof shall not be cumulative and ehall in no event ezeeed in the ag�egate the above named penalty and that thia Certificate ahall aot be valid unlees si�ed by said Principal. Signed, sealed and dated this 5th �y of AUgl13t lg 80 Witness: / � `� X ' /r�/-t'ic/j�CJ K (Seal) YYimefp�l � , (Seal) �- (Seal) WOLV RIN INS NC MPANY ' �,�'',, Coitn�ersigned: By J. I.SSOt&'' • '�� � �/ / Attoraq�-in-Fwet r ; r � . , � R�i ent AYent � , �YNB 14 . (Ed.2-68) . . . _ , + • �e I ���� , , , . ; ,� Transamerica� �� � InsuranceServices Transamerica Insurance Group RIDER Individual empioyee applications may be requested by the Company. Should the Company, in its sole discretion, decide to conduct a background investigation based on that application, the insured will be notified in writing. Absent such written natification a - background investigation will not be conducted. Any action undertaken by the Company in regard to the individual . employee application is not intended norshould it be understood to be. a representation on the fitness or lack of fitness of the applicant as an employee, APPLICATION INVESTIGATtON RIDER FOR USE WITH ALL fORMS PROVIDING BLANKET FIDELI7Y COVERAGE TO SET fORTH COMPANY POLICV REGARDING INVESTIGATION OF INDIVIDUAL EMPIOYEE APPIICATIONS. � B12900 (1-801 � i ` ,. . � , ' ., . ' - � � � ' A�o � �� dt9 � . - , •, , , ' � RIDEFt 11 � � ' ; i To be attached to and form part of Bond No. 96854 ' � ; � . ' � � Obligee CITY OF ST. PAUL, NR�T ` . � � insured CITY OE ST. PAUL ! , I It is agreed that: � I _ I . 1. Section 3 of the Bond is deleted and replaced by the foliowing: ' . EXCLUSIONS � Section 3. This Bond does not cover loss to the Insured as a result of: (a) liability imposed upon or assumed by the Ins!.ired to exonerate or indemnify an Employee from or against liability incurred by such Employee in the performance of duties; or (b) damages for which the Insured is legally liable as a result of: (i) the deprivation or violation of the civil rights of any person by an Emptoyee; or (ii) the tortious conduct of an Employee, except conversion of property of other parties held � . by the Insured in any capacity. The Surety shall not be liable under this Bond for loss sustained by any party other than the Insured as a result of any act or omission of an Employee whether or not such act or omission occurred in the performance of the duties by the Employee. 2. Section 7 of the Bond is deleted and replaced by the following: LOSS — LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Section 7. This Bond i� for the sole benefit of the Obligee for the use and benefit of the Insured. No suit, action or proceeding of any kind to recover on account of loss under this Bond may be brought by anyone other than the Obligee or the Insured; any such suit, action or proceeding must be brought prior to the expiration of three years from the cancetation of this Bond as an entirety, provided, however, that if such time limitation for bringing suit, action or proceeding is prohibited or made void by any law : controlling the construction of this Bond, such time limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of the limitation permitted by such law. 3. This rider is effective as of August 4, 1980 � WOL NE CO ' g ''. ' , J, �rney— n—F�ct': ,' , . ; , : , : DAMAGES SOLE BENEFIT RIDER FOH USE WITH PUBLIC EMPLOYEES BLANKET BOND AND PUBUC SCHOOL SYSTEM EMPLOYEES BLANKET BON0. ADOPTED DECEMBER, 1977. SR 607/ Pri�ted i�U.S.A. - � "�� __.�,�.c��..»:.��r.._'"'�..'_r_�__ . _::- _.�. -___• _' . . .__—_'_ . _�-_ __. __.-...-..�_✓ � . i.. � � ��'�; �, � � � � _ � �Transameric� (n��rance Grou ����' � � �����$Q��� _ .� , , P ��, � ` � � •- BOND t�0. 96854 .'�. .�'[nsurance ��rvices - ' � , � ' • : � Transamerica �tnsurance� Company . ,. . A STOCK COMPANY/HOME OFFICE: Los Angetes.CaGfornia ,. � X Wolverine Insurance Company �5��� . ' . � A STOCK COMPANY/NOf�IE OFFICE: Battle Creek,Michigan' '' lliERE{?�iAFTER CAILED SURE'�Y) � � � • • • • - At'P1.t�ATI�Af -QUESr1UNNAlRE �OR . � � � �• A ��UBLi� �M�t�AYEES BLANGCE7 BOND OR . � � ' � A PUBLIC SCNOflL 5YST�AA EMPLOYEE5 BL.ANK�T BONn ' �� . • CITY OF ST. PAUL Application is hereby made by • , (Ezact Name of Oblipee) (herein tafied Obligee) for the use and benefit of same � � _ • � (Ezact Name o! insured) , . 234 City Hall St.. Paul, � Mirinesota o� � (herein called Insured) (Sfreet) (City) • (Stafe) for coverage under the bond designatad below with resp�ct to such of the (oliow�g Insuring Agreements opposite whith an amount is atated, to become effective or to be continued as of • �/' • • Pabiic Em�ioyees Blanke! Bond �[ � ' Public School System �rn�ioyees Btanket Bond [I Insu►in9 Agreement 1 Honesty B�anket Bond Coverage - � - - - - . � • • ' s Insuring Agreement 2 Honesty Blanket Position Bond Coverage - • • - . • • • - ' _ � losu►ing Agreement 3 Faithfut Performance E3lanket Bond Coverage - - - - - • • • - S 250��00.�0 • Insuring Agreement 4 Faithful PerEormance Blanket Position Bond Coverage - • • �• • - S � Premium payable: prepaid ($� 1 yr., ❑ 2 yrs., ❑ 3 yrs., ❑ 4 yrs. instaltments ❑ 3 yrs., ❑ 4 yrs. , . 1. �a) (s the Insured a part of the gavernme�t of the State ❑, county [7, city ($i. town �J, village � or other politicai subdivision Q, and if (ast, sfate wfiich. • (b) If this Application-Questionnaire is for a Public' Employees Blanket Bond, is a Schoo! System part of the Insured? No . (c) List all subordinate deparements, divisions, offices o� institutions which fhe Insured is authorized by law to manage, govern or tontrol. , � . � see attached . 2. Give total numbar of�persons employed by the Insured. __ 3 s 124 3. Will the Insured arrange to have new Employees complete personal applicafions (supplied by Surety)? NO �poSitiOn Onl 4. Is there likely to be a substantial increase in the number of Empfoyees durin9 the premium period by reason of seasonal activity o: , other cirCUmstances peculiar to Insured's function? • NO ' 5. Audits (a) How frequentiy made? annual (bl /1re all locations inctuded?Yes �c) By whom? CPA; Staff Auditor; • Other�-(explain fully) State Auditor; CPA's for select financial programs • (d) Whe� was last aud�t made? 1979 (released 5/80) (c) Period covered 1/1/79 - 12/31/79 (f) Were any discrepancies or loose practices commented upon? I�O (f so, submit a copy ot audit or auditor s comments. 6. Losses of a nature wfiir.h would have been covered by the bond applied for (past 5 years)—Check if none Q� _ Date Amount Employee't Position Corrective Measures 7aken (Other 7han Discharge) , 7. Present coverage in force—Check if none [] Form of Qond Effective Date Amount Name of Company Above policy � 8/1/80 � Use separete sheet if necessary. _ ___ ' 8.• Complste !be Claseifitation of �mployees o» �erene side.— _ __ � - 9. If additional indemnity under any Insuring Agreement is desired on any position, comp(etc the iollowing: _ ^ Insuring Total Number Amount o{ �osit:or. lecotion Agreement °��^'^Ioyees Additional lndemnity in Each Position on Each Employee ..---= ��-'��Jr,� n'. - ^this '���� �d�y of � . l9Y�, Dateci at �/`/!� -- • �•L .E7f� �L•+%L�//t f? \`-'��`k/I�'►� r�'' . —:� (Insurc9� �.��,,� r� �Y -' ��� . (T�tic} (OYER) . �r• . . � - . . � � � � � � - • , ., r ' ' � ' CLASSI�ECAYlON 4� �MPLOY��S BY DUTtES OR RESPOAiStP.tu{71�5 •- ' • • � 7h�s tTassi(ication under Class/l, 0 and C, together witfi suppleme�tai tlassification required in tfir event coveraga un�er t'.�c bond� ap�tied for is to be yiven under more tfian one I�suring Ngreement, constitutes the Insured's e„ti�a parzonnQf as of thc date of this ap- p};tation-questionnaire and includes members of Boards.and Commissions whetAer or not such penonne! or the members of such Boards and Com�niss+ons are to be covered under the bond. If coverage is to be given under more than one (nsuring /igreement, separate Clacsifications ol Employces must be tomptete<! for eath Insuring Agreement and in such event this classificaticn applies to Insuring l�preement . � • . ' GLA55 A EMPLOYEES. ,' AI! fxecutive, Aciministrative, Judicial and Supenisory officials, Oepartment and Division Heads and /lssistant Department and Divi-� sio� Fieads, ail peace oificers� ar.d atl oEticials and employees whose principal duties are to, : . 1, hendle, receipt Eor, or have tustody of money, checks or securities, or accouni for wpplies o�other property; authorize (or make appropriations for) expenditures; approve, eertify, sign or countersign checks,drafts,warrants,vouchers,orders or othet dotuments providing for tfie paying over or delivery of money, securities, supplies or otfier property, or serve process; or 2. maintain or audit accounts of money, chetks, securities, time reco�ds, supplies o� other property, or take physical inventories of money, thecks, securities, supplies or o*fier property. " •Pat�olmen are classified as "A" Employees under both "Faithfu) Pertormance"Coveraqes but are ctassitied az"G"Emptoyees under both°t(o�esty"Coveroges. Nwnber of • Number of Number ot Posit�o» Occupanfs Position Occupa�ts Position Occupants � � ---- • See attached list - �' - ....r.�.' . ' totst Class A 641 ' CLA55 B EMPLOYEES All person�ef whose principal duties consist of: _ � 1. fnside or outside clerical actiYities. 2. Office work such as stenography, typing, liling, switcfiboard operation, business machine operation, etc. , ' 3. Operation ot vehicles transporting passengers for tash fares or tickets, ' ' � NumUer of Number et NumDcr of � Position Occupa�ts '' Position Occupants , Positio� •Occupants See attached list 7ota1 Cla:s B 503 � CLASS C EMPLOYEES AN personnet whose principal duties consist'of; 1. Skilled or unskilled la6or and craftsmansfiip. 4. Any teaching capacity in the field of education. 2. So�ety the mechanical operation ot automotive equipment. 5. Outside or field work of a non-clerica( nature. 3. Non-clerical activit�es of the medical or nurs+ng professions. 6. Patrolrnen under tF�e "Honesty" Covcrages. Number of tJumber of Number ol Position � Occupants Position Occupants • Position • Occupants See attached list � _, � �ots1 Cfass C �,980 ' PERSONNEL. EXCLUDED " Certain Officers and Subordinates are ezcluded automatically from coverage by the terms of the Jesigfiated Blanket 8ands: � , 1. All Coyera9r..—Treasurers and Tax Collectors by wfiatever title known. , . 2. FaitF,ful Perfarmante Coverages—Personnel required by law to fumish an individual bond to qualify for office. ' ' 3. hones�y Corerage:—Personnel �equired by law to give bond for faithful performance of their duties. List hereunder f6e positions otcupied by sutfi Officers and Subordinates � • Number of Number of NumDr of Position , Occupants Position Occupants Position Occupanls °— ' — . , Y'otal ' • � Other Officers and Subordinates may be ex�luded by the Surety by rider. See Public �fficial Nlanual Rule "Exclusion of Emptoyees", LisY �2reunder fhe pas+tions octupied by such Officers anJ Su�ordinates. � -- ------^ - —Number o/' -- �-------_—Number of -- ' l�tumDer of � Posision Occupants , iros��:on ' Occup�nts Position Occv�anFS . _r�__ — - . -- — , .� _��. ---;., -- '---.—___------ .Yotci --- - — - �____—�----- ----�. -- �=► ._ -- . _, ---- ----_ __ .�. .__ :_ . . ._ _ _ . _ .--------- -_----------_-_-- _ . ____ _ _ __. _ .__ _ . ..._ __ _ ._ ._ _ .._._.. _._. �. .. . � . . ..„ _ ATTACHx�t...�'+iT TO REQ_ No. 46 , • • ' � .: ' � . - .� � •-,• � � �, s , , . � . . ,. � ' CLASSIFICATION OF E1�iPLOX�S ����'�' BY DUTIE5 OR RESPODJSIBILITIES � � � Number o� II�ployees � Dept. of Offi.ce Class A � Class B ''Class C Elected Officials � . � ' :'� Mayor � 1 � . - Ci.ty Council 7 . . - , . - . . . - _ Appointed Officials � _ � '• . . . Director, Fa.nance &. Mgmt. 5ervices . 1 �- • � • Director, Community Services , 1 � � � � � � � � Fise Chi.ef . . � • � • 1 . ' .� ' ' . - . ' k'olice Chi.ef � � � � � 1 . : - . . � Dixector, Public Works � � 1 . . ;__ . , . • Directox, Planni.ng & Economic- Dev. ]. . � � � � Executive Assi.stant to the Mayor 1 � • . Director of Managemen't ]. .. • . ... Budget Director : 1 - - - . . � Puxchasing Agent : x � � �r• .- , l�iayoz's O£fi.ce 32 -3-� g8 - . _ . City Attozney ' 14 �l : . . - . ' . ', . � Qity Clerk � � 7 - ?• .. � , � . . Dept. of Finance & Mgmt. Servzces � 74 ' 10 � 11 � Sub-total� (09085-2b3-000� ' 142 75 11 Aept. of Public Works (02010-263-000) 20 � 75, - 300 : . Dept_ of Community Services (03002-263-000) . . • Li.braries 4 �? - 20 � Health 7.8 37 129 . � Parks and Recreation , .107'` 14 320�' � . *Includes Seasonal • -��• �� �. Buildinq Code 10 12 59 . . � � rlanpower 7 . , . . 146 ~ � �10 . 528 � . � • . Dept. of Police (04300-2b3-000) � 221 � $p �80 Dept. of Fire & Safety Services (05001--263-000) . 26 6 �162 �. . Dept. of Planning & Economic Dev. (36002-263-000) 34 126 ' Civic Center (20101-263-000) � 2 62�� **Includes 40 part-tisne hired for events � Water Dept. �28181-263-000) 48 28 ' 237 TOTAL 641, 503 1,980 �. � � , } ������ ,�* �'� ;��. ; � -,«> �;_ x� • 1 � � � .. {' ��' � �� �lf Pr , ��'� � y'.'�'''�� ,_ , -i �� � • ; � ��'l��� _. � `�`'� �� +� • r • A . i �. � • ' ��' � '� - � i NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY COMPANY ``F Paul J Breher Company Wolverine Insurance Company ':� Effective 12:O1�t August 1, � ig 80 � 625 Stryker Avenue ;a,; St. Paul, Mn 55107 Expires 12:01 am August 1, , ig 81 �, X$I This binder is i�ssued to extend coverage iri the above named ^� company per expiring policy# 96854 � �except es rwted betow� -;� NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INSURED Description of O�eration/Vehicles/Property ;� _� City of St. Paul Public Employees Faithful Performan � City Hall Bond in the amount of $250,000 for �.- 5t. Paul, Minnesota 5510 2 all employees and officiaZs appoint�c� and elected for the City of St. Pau �� ' � Type and Location of Properry Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt of tnsurance Ded. �' � = P t .- R 0 � p _. E R T I: Y : 'f: Limits of Liabili *= 4 L Type of Insurance Coverage/Forms � EachOccurrenca Aggregate � O Scheduled Form O Comprehensive Form Bodily Injury $ $ :� A � Premises/Operations Property :<� , B � � Products/Completed Operations Damage $ $ s� � ❑Contractual Bodily Injury & ! ❑Other (specify betow) Property Damage �`� y Combined $ '� Y ❑ Med. Pa . $ person � Atadent � �Personal Injury ❑ A O B ❑ C Personal Injury $ � A _ Limits of Liability � V O Liability ❑ Non-owned � Hired Bodily Injury (Each Person) � $ -�� � T ❑Comprehensive-Deductible $ Bodily Injury (Each Occurrence) $ � °:� � O Collision-Deductible $ "� ` � ❑ Medical Payments $ Property Damage $ :. 0 ; � 0 Uninsured Motorist $ - ' � O No Fault(specify): Bodily Injury & Property Damage ; L ❑Other (specify): Combined $ E U WORKERS' COMPENSATION — Statutory Limits (specify states below) ❑ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY — Limit.� $ :� y SPECIAL COND�TIONS/OTHER COVERAGES .� �.� , NAME AND ADDRESS OF O MURTGAGEE ❑ LOSS FAYEE ❑ADD'L INSURED � LOAN NUFABER / - ; � .,.�,,,.� 7-31-8 '� Signature of Authorized Representative �A Date 's `a ,. s ' ACORD 75 (6-71} - . , : , : . .� ��' . ,. . . : . . , ? . , . - - �, .a.' Y�,.VENDOR , . . '-•_- ��49��� ���c��"►�� �il��(i •�:3E�,,;,.%�+tF�E►VD!G/PO''.dENT �;rH,;e `�( �11ABERAhi.ti = t � • C I TY 0 E ST. P AUL L � P 17205 PiNK -L�PARTMEN7 JOINT PURCHASING OFFICE G`� ° � THIS NUMBER GP�EN -PURCHASIN G R O O M 2 3 3 C I T Y H A L L-C O U RTH O U SE���v M U S T A P P E A R O N A l L I N V p 1 C E S AN CORRESPONDENCE SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 , � THJS ORDER. . ;__ ����.T 31 .80 � VENDOR '�5040 FINA CE, & M NIIGEMENT ��� � CNUMBER '�- � i-.; 234 CITY HAI.L � � �._. ��� ST PAUL MN 55102 ' . � '�' � � . �� 1 7ERMS� DELIVER �� PAUL J BREHER INS CO FINANCE & l9ANAGEMENT � r 625 STRYKER AVE o }:� 234 CITY HALL ' a ST PAUL MN 55107 �'' S7 PAUL MN 55102 . ., �•� ., y . ACCOUNT CODE QUANTITY ' OESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 POUBLIC EMPLOYEE FAI7HFUL PERFORMANCE BOND ,COVERAGE IN THE AMOUNT 4F $250,000 F R ALL • EMPLOYEES. AND OFFICIAI APPOINTED . � AND ELECTED FOR THE CI7Y OF S7 PAU AS PER SPECIFICATIONS ON BID f12568-8 WRITTEN BY WOLVERINE TNS CO 8/1 /80 70 8/•1/81 � • 707AL # OF OFFICIALS AND Eh1PL0YEES CLASS A CLASS 6 CLAgS C 641 503 L,980 ' TOTAL PREh1IUhl 268?.00 2687.I eE�ow R�Q# �+b 2687-i T07AL 2687.� CONFIR!'flING DO NOT DUpLICATE CONFIP.MING DO NOT DUPLICA'�E ACCOUIvT CODES" - . 09085 263 OOQ $595.00 - 02010 263 000 84.00 . 03008 263 000 612.00 � 04300 263 000 926.00 360�0��2�2 UOS�� 143.00 - � 20].Ol 2 G3 000 �7.00 . � 281SJ. 263 000 201.00 '�'� 6����� ��3�;��T' pA�b c���'�': 1. DO NOT SHiP C.O.D. OR SHIPPING CHARGES-COLLECT � 2. MAIL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE SHOWING ORDER NUMBER TO ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE THIS PURCHASE IS EXEMPT FROM MINN£SOTA SALES AND USE7AX UNDER STATUTES 297A.0170 PURCHASE AUTHORI2E0 297A.44 ALSO FEDERAL EXCISE AND TRANSPORTATION TAXES.,RETA�N THIS P.O.AS PROOF OF 7AX EXEMPT SALE. WILLIAM E. PETER CP61/CPCMICPPO 7HE VENDOR IS ASSUMED TO BE WILLING TO CO�APLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE EQUAL PURCHASING AGEN7 EPAPLOYiv1ENT OPPORTUNITY PROGftAM OF THE CI7Y OF ST.PAUL.IT IS FURTHER UtJDERSTOOD T'HAT 7HE VENOOR IS WILLING TO PARTICIPATE AND BE EVALUATED BY 7HE CITY'S HUMAN �. �!4 RIGHTS DEPT. IN ORDER TO DETERMINE COMPUANCE WITH SAID PROGRAM. ��� BY• '�G�•� __—�TC�i.T� ►, � , . � ' - • . ' � . . + � . _ . • ' _ _ • , • , . . i . ' . ' . . . ' . ' I � _ I m ' ' I z pp � � 1, ', • • ' • � . I o � Z � m D m I , O , , • . . � 9 :; � a � � � m O �7O � � m �-+ v ' � I c e> � � � � > f!� N C� a0 . '-"-" . ' I a m � f'F VJ �'a• � _ . . " � 9:! � m • W [t F-' , . � �3• •• lfl � � h'7 n� 1 - - . � , 0 9r�S � � � A1 I-'• O OD � � � � ft Fi1 O . � � , A.,,x . . . . '_ ' . Co i' n � � � C � N� �s t-� !-� H � fl� .. . . . 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