275672 ,WMITE - CITV CLERK ���4+-y' A� PINK - FINANCE COUnCII v� 0 CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the agreement with the Minnesota Department of Health whereby the City wi II administer the Minnesota $pecial Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Chi Idren (WIC) within Ramsey County for a period of one year commenc i ng October 1, 1979; the C i ty to be pa id a sum not to exceed $299,630 for said services. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /I Requested by Department of: Hunt � C mmunit $ervic s �e";n` In Favor M.ddoz � M�manon __ Against Y � sno�:vaiter Tedesce W�� Form proved by ity y Adopte y Counc' : Date SEP � R �oQn C C tified Pa- d b ouncil Zecret ry BY � Approved or for Submis ' o Cou cil t�p by 1�tavor: �;°�6 < By — By �L Pt�USHEa S E P 2 7 1980 . . - � � STaTE OF h1IV��ESOTA � � � AM,OUNT �y����� -. DEPARTi•]ENT OF HE.aLTH � � � _ �,, . $5,OOO.QO . ` . - , � �iE'tc�iDi-icNT TO CON►RACT ti0. 126^Q-55402-01 - � 1�lERCAS, the State of �-linnesota, Oepartment of Health has a Contrac� identifiad as •Contrac� Number 12600-55402-01 vith the St. Paul Division of Public Health • to ad�nini�ter the ��linnesota Special Supplemental food Proyrar•� for - Homen, Infants, and Child�an, and _ � 4dNEc�,EAS, an .ihcrease to the administrative funding level specified in this �ontract is necessary sfl the lllC Progiam may be expanded, and WHEREAS, Paragraph 2(a1 provides that: "2. The State Agency agrees -�o: 07a. Provide funding i� accordance vith this Agreement in an anount n�t to exceed $294,b30.o�or Local Agency l•1IC administrative costs _sub�Pct to the follouring conditions: "(1) ?hat the State Agency receives funds from the United States _ DepartmeRt af Hgriculture. � - ' � "(2) That the Local Agency subcits a properly completeL Claim for Reimburse:�ent/Report of Expenditures form on a tir►eIy basis. • � "(3) That the Local Agency expends funds at a rate commer�surate ' to the authorized !•JIC participation and expendi�ure levels " outl�ined in the apprvved "Application for the Ad�inistration , • ' of a Local lIIC Project" and b�dget. The State Ag�ncy reserves the right to reduce the f�nding provided uncer this Agreement � �f such Ieveis are not being accomplished." - NDtJ� THEREFO�E, IT IS AGP,EED 6Y AND BE7l•1EEN THE PARTiES HERET� THAT: Paragraph 2(a) shall be amended to read: "2. The State Agency' agrees to: � . � _ _ "a. Provide funding in accordance vith this Agreement in an amount _ not to exceed 5299,63U.00 for Local Agency IJIC administrative costs subject to the folloving conditions: � . . . i • . . - . .: -2- � , �����P . �' "(1) That the State Agency receives funds from the United States Department of Agri cu Iture. "(2) That the Local Agency submits a properly completed Claim for Reimbursement/Report of Expenditures form on a timely basis. "(3) That the Loca) Agency expends funds at a rate commensurate to the authorized WIC participation and expenditure levels outlined in the approved "Application for the Administration of a Loca) WIC Project" and budget, The State Agency re- serves the right to reduce the funding provided under this Agreement if such levels are not being accomplished." (N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contract to be duly amended intending to be bound thereby. Funding code: 33247 STATE OF MINNESOTA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Department: Mayor Attorney General by Director, Department of Finance and Management Commissioner of Administration by Director, Deparfiment of Community Services Commissioner of Finance ' by A ve t form C � - Assis ant C ty t mey � �75�'�2 � � OM O1 : 12/].975 . Rev. : 9/8/7'6 _ EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, . �� � iE � �� E '� .c .... _., �_ -�f;'1 MAYvn�s �F�iCE Date :AUGUST 29, 1980 `- RF�EI��D oF�,� SFp_4 198 -�- T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER DFp E OF T � �: THOMAS J. KELLEY AN� M NA ENr F�F�ReCT� c£MENr s R��F �� Council Resolution to approve Amendment to Agreement ES ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on attaehed Counc�'1 �esolution PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Approvdl to administer funds for �fTC program ATTACI�IENTS: Council Resolution , Copy o�F Ar�tendment to Agreement 2������UNCIL RESOLUTIONRECEIVE� R 0 U T I N G 5 L �� C 19� '" J Y'- r'� �r ! i� L Please i itial and forward to next office ,,, � listed: . Community Services Office ✓ City Attorney's Office Finance & Mqmt. Services Office (only if Funding Code is inaicated) t�ay.or's Off i ce City Clerk's Office -� _���" ..�-�u.�, l�c� :_= -r�:x