275671 - � . � . � . ������� Page 2. Section 2. That Section 2l�9.07 of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code, is hereby amended to read: 2l�9.07. Cost of Settin�. For all meters set or chaxiged and reset at the request of the consumer or owner there shall be a eharge of �� $10 for each meter not exceedin.� � one and one-quaxter inches in size, and for each meter laxger than � one and one-quaxter inches, the actual cost of installation shall be chaxged. All payments must be ma.de in advance and before water is turned on. Section 3. That Section 249.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read: 2�.9.11. Meter Testina�. At the w�}t�e� request of an owner e�-se�s�ae�� the �s���ae�� utilit:v will test the meter supplying �e the owner's premises. A-�s�ee��-s�-��.AA w}��-�e-�ee���e�-�e€e�e-��.e-�e�e�-}e-�see�.ee�e�T-W�e�i w}��-�e-�e��e�-��-��e-ffie�e�-}e-�e�-€e��-�e-�e-�eg�s�e�e�. ee�ee���-w}���.-�we-�e�ee�.�-e�-a-��ew-eq�-�e-ese-e�g�i��. e�-��.e-�a�e�e�+-e�-��.e-ee�s�ee�-e�-��.-€a�e�+-e�-��.e-se�s�a�# e��.e�r�eeT-t�is-�s�es��-w���-�ae-�►e�a��es�-�-��.e-�a���a��-#e ee�e�-��ie-sset-s�-�ke-�s�s�a�-aa�.�.-�es�. A deposit determi.ned from the followin� schedule shall be reauired before a meter is tested: Meters l�i.nch and smaller__._. . . $5•00 Meters 1� inch and 2-inch_ . �. . 25.00 Meters 3-inch and lax�er 50.00 If the meter is found to be re�isterin� in excess of 10290 of actual flow, the deposit will be returned to the consumer; if r�,ot; the deposit will be retained b,y the utility to offset the cost of the meter test. The meter shall be tested at three rates of flow: ma.Yimnm intermediate and minimum as defined b the American Water Works Association AWWA Standard for Testir� Cold Water Meters, C 705-60 or latest revision thereof. owner may, if desired, be present at the time the meter is tested. The result of the test sha.11 be reported to the owner e�-ee�.s�ae� in every case. ������ Page 3. Section 4. That Section 250. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read: 250. 18. Illegal use of fire service. In any case when the owners or occupants of any premises are found to be using water from a fire service for e��e�-��t��ese�s any purpose other than fire protection, the water shall be shut off from same until the offenders shall give reasonable assurance, before the ;va#e� board of water commissioners, that the offense will not be repeated. A charge of �}�e-�e����s 10 will be required for turning the water on af ter it has been shut off for this cause, and the board �ese��e� shall _have � �he right to require, at the owner' s expense, the ins �allation of an approved ���e-���.e meter to record the amount of water which may thereafter be used on the service for other than fire purposes, such meter to replace any detector check meter then in use. The installation and maintenance of the meter shall � be �t the expense of the owner, and any registration of water which has not been legitimately used for fire protection will be charged for at the regular consumption rate (not including the fixed charge for water) . Section 5. That Section 250.21 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read: 250�21. Order to Shut Off. Fire supplies shall be turned off upon the written request of the owner or authorized agent at no expense to the owner. A charge of ���e-s�e��a�s 10 shall be made for turning the service on again. Section 6. That Section 252.14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read: 252.14. Char�e for Turn-on. When water has been turned off for the non-payment of charges due, for the infraction of rules, or upon the written request of the owner or authorized agent, the sa�e water will not be turned on again until all charges a��-�e�.a���ee are paid, together with ��e a service charge of �}�e-�e��a�s 10 to cover the cost of the turn-on. ��-��e-�e#e�-�t�s=�e=be-�e--se�3-��b-ee��-e� �ese����g-?��e--�e�e��e����r��:e���e�=��ie-����--e�«.e�a���er,_:. �f, �n a�.dition to �h�� turn-on, _thE metEr ha�: to be retset, th.e e�.��ge-�e�-����-e�-a�.�-�e�e�-�eee�-s�a��-�e-�T99T cost o� resettin� the meter shall be paid, in addition to the turn-on char�e, in accordance with Section 249.07. . . , ������� Page 4. If a water utilit.y truck is dispatched to a propertv for the purpose of turnin� off the water service for non-pa.yment of a bill and the owner or tenant pays such delin uent bill rather than have the water service terminated, the 10 turn-on service char�e shall be deemed to be due even thou�h the water service is not actually shut off. Section 7. That Section 253.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further anended to read: 253.07. Permit fees; penalty. A permit fee of ���e-���} �e��a�� 10 shall be paid for each permit issued. Should any person, firm or corporation begin work of any kind s�el�-��s-ke�e��.�e�e�e-se�-�e����-e� for which a permit from the water �e��� utility is required ��-����-e����a�ee under this code� without having secured the necessary permit therefor, or within 24 hours after work is commenced, he shall be required to pay double the plumbing permit fee required by this code, except that such time limit shall be exclusive of holidays e� �,nd Sundays. If such plumber fails to take out such permit ae-a�e�e-se#-�e���3-me�e oftener than three times in any calendar year, he shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of at least �#9 100. After five such violations of the provisions of this code, the license covering such plumber in his plumbing activities shall be revoked. WHITF ' - CITY CLERK �^�' /� p NK - FINANCE COU[IC1I V ( �ANARY - D6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. • O/ ZIZGLIZCP. Ordinance NO. � ��l � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: H� t Water • Hunt In Favor Mad x � Mc n Maddox � Sh wal er Against BY T desco McMahon ilso� howaiter General Mana er edesco OCT 7 �gg0 Form Approved by Ci tt rne Adopted by ouncil• WilsorAate r Certifi Passe y Co cil Secretyiry BY � � "� App by Mayor: OCT � Approved b o�r S�mission to Council sy By � p�.ts��fl 0 CT 1 _ _ � ' � ' E7�i �41 t 1 7,5 ''�__�. � � � Rav.t 4/8/76 �''�-�' �NIST,�A�I@'& 4�D�'B8 ���.y� 1T1`� A"N'D '�ATA�TCI�.R -( � � � ECEiVED . � � � ��:' 1 . 198p Aa�at September 9,? 1980 �Y�.S � t � ; ! TQ t MI1� G�R�S �I,T� i � FRt ELM$R A. �iU3E�, GENERAL.MANAGER - ST. PAt3L WATER IJTILITY � ; $�� RSVISION TO S CTIONS 246.01, 249.07, 249.11, 250,.18, 250.21, 252.14 aad 253.07 OF THE SAINT AUL LEGTSI�ATIVE CODE. . ; ' � � � ; . � � . . . j � . . . � � . � ; . . � . ... i. � . � � . �.. f , � .- -,-���'�'„� � . � . . . � , � � . . . - . - � .. . . The City Couneil� is requestetl to approve the attached ordin�tnce ame�ding the above refexeneed s�ect�ons of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. , , � , . � � . _. . . . € _ : 4 , ' . . . . ' f . . � ' . . -' . . . .. . . . . � � . . . . . . . . , . . . . " r ' '. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 4 . ' � .� . . .. . . ' _ . . . ' � ' . . . � '..t'�. � , p S ANA IO FOA T�I�S AG'fiIQN t Eharges for ter�d �at�r are not consistent with current water rates. Rates acyw in effe�t for c rtain aerviees no longer refle�t the' actuai �o�t of �hese serviEes to the ��ter Ut lity. Eaaetment of the attached ordiasace will resolve tbe�e problems in addition to emovirig obsoiete' referen�es and Clarifying ��isti.ag l�igusg�. The propos�ed ordina�ce is reeo�nded fox approval bp` Board of Watsr Coam�issioaers' Resolutiou 28I2p a ? . : �. • { :� , � , � . . � . y � . � � . � _ A�B�S t � • P . Board'of W�ter �o�missioners' Resolution 2812. � Proposed ordina�ce. , r . . � R � . � V ' r � . � . . , ; , CITY OF ST. PAUL No.,���� _. _ . _ OFFICE OF THE BOARD�OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ����7 COMMISSIONER _.-__� .,, DATE—��� �J��� ._ __ RESOLVED � � � That the Board o� Water Commissioners hereby approves the revisions to Chapters 245 through 2�7 and .Chapter 78 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, �iown as the Water Code, as specified in the attached pages numbered 1 through '7?, which revisions consist of deletions of obsolete materials, updating of references to proper city officers and codes, clarifications of language, and increases in certain fees and charges; and be it further RESOLVID, that the Board of Water Commissioners recommends the said revised Water Code to the Saint Paul City Council for adoption. • Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commiseioners Yeas Nays 3aohra.ch . • i;�td.d�s �t 3J ---- -�_—lA�i �_. :�ic�aral.t�r ��pscu , ' �r'r�rid�w�L �rvi�a � -------------__ . � ! _._.r- In favor `� — Opposed �' — --- -- - ----- . sECV. 1M10•60 � .. i , l s t / —� �/� /� C,� 2nd � — ,� ,S-- �L� � 3rd � — �C; — � l� Adopted l G ' /� ' /; �� ' � � Yeas Nays HUNT LEVI:�1E ����� , - McMAHON SHOWALTER I K� 7/ S� TEDESCO • WILSON PRESID�IT (MADDOX) �, S