275670 �NHITE - C�TV GLERK 1 ����o PINK . '- FINANCE TT COIlIICll �jANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAVL � BLUE -MAVOR � File N 0. . K�Z/Lf�L/LCG Ordinance N O. / (�7�� Presented By �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 358 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to permits and licenses for wells and well drillers in the city of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ghapter 358 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows; CHAPTER 358. WELL DRILLERS 358.01. Permit required. No person, firm or corporation shall drill or dig a well on private property in the city of Saint Paul without first having made application on the proper forms provided therefor and having obtained a permit from the water �e�a���e�� utility of the city of Saint Paul. 358.02. Fee. The cost of such permit is hereby fixed at ���e-Be��a�� Ten Dollars. 358.03. Data re uired. The application for such permit shall s ate thereon the exact location, size, and approximate depth of the proposed well, and that the permittee shall, upon completion, report to the water �e�a���e�� �util�it the length and diameter of the casing used, t metering equipment to be utilized, the pump size and capacity, and such other pertinent information as may be required �e�-�ke-����eee�-e�-e��a��}��.}�g_��e-��e�e� sewe�-�e��a�-e�ia�ge-�e-�e-���e. COUNCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Water Hozza Hunt � I.evine Against BY Maddox General Manager Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by ity A, orn Adopted by Council: Date f i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � � - By . Approved by Mayor: Date Approve ayor for Submissi o Council By By WHITE - CITV GLERK �l � ��Y1��� PINK t FINANCE COUI1C11 W CANA�y -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �LUE - MAVOR • O rdinc�nce Ordinance N�. �b 7��/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. 358.04. Meter re uired. The owner of ro erty served by a we 1 shall ins a an main ain a his expense a wa er me er in accor ance wi h ha ter 31 o e ain Pau Le is a ive o e for e ur ose o es ab is ing he proper sewer ren a charge o �e made. uch me er shall be in conformance with e Sain Pau �ta er Utilit,y' s Well Meter Standards. 7��TA�T 358.05. License. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of digging, drilling or constructing wells for domestic, industrial, air conditioning, cooling or commercial use or purpose within the city of Saint Paul without being licensed ���e�-���a-e�ag�e� by the State of Minnesota pursuant to Chapter 156A of Minnesota Statutes. ��gT9�:--�l����ea��e�T--�4��-�e��e�-�e�s}�}�.g a-�}ee�se-���e�-��i��s-e�a��e�-��.a��-�����-��e�e�e� �e-��e-e��#3�-e�e��-��e�.-��a���-����}e�e�-��-�}�T �a��l-��a���-�����-ee��a}�-}��e��a�}e�-�s�e;v��g-��e q�a�}��ea��e�.s-e�€-��e-a���}ea�.�-a��-���-��e��e�.� e��e�}e�ee-��-�l�e-��}����g-e�-�,re��eT 358.06. Bond. No ��ee��se ermit shall be granted any applicant until he shall file with the • application a bond in the sum of �5,000, which bond shall be conditioned that the applicant shall in all respects well and faithYully perform all things by him undertaken in the digging, drilling or constructing o� wells within the city and shall save the city COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Water Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox General Manager Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK �,���Y.���� PINK � - FINANCE COl1IIC11 tti� y CANARV•- DE?ARTMENT GITY OF. SAINT PAiTL � ��LUE - MAVOR File NO. • Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. ��D 7�,7� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. harmless from all accidents and damages consequent thereto, or by reason of any opening in any street or alley made by him or by any person in his employ, and that he will restore all streets excavated or opened by him to their former condition and will keep and maintain any such street, alley or sidewalk in good condition, to the satisfaction of the ee��se}e�e� director of the department of public works, for the period of one year next after he has opened or excavated the same, and that he will pay all penalties imposed upon him for the violation of any part or p�rtion of this chapter or any lawful rule or regulation of the city governing the drilling of wells in the city. . ��vTA�T���Be��B����e8�}.B�T��7S28���'}.�}.�E�����88�}.�e �ee-���e�-�k}s-e�ag�e�-��ia��-�e-�e���-�}�e-�e����e ����T88�: Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Bu er Hunt � Water Hoz a �.e,�,� In Favor Hun Maadcx � McP,1ahon � Against BY Ma x sr,owaiter General Ma.nager S w esc edesco O�+T rr ;�g� Form Approved by C' A orney ; Ad ed by Council• ilsonDate �' . ertified Pa by Cou i cretaty BY Ap r d by Mayor: \ — g �� Approved by Mayor f r Submission to Council gy By €� 0�;T 1 8 1980 � . ' t • � Ql� 1�/�.9�� " " � ' �av«i � g j8/76 # zc� : � a�s �+o���� k f � � � a � ECE � � E � � ; ; - t � � � � � �SE��1 �,�1980� � � ,�� �Aa#et SEPT�ER 9, 1980 � � ��� � ' . 1�0�`t ir!!A'!� G�GE IATIMI�t - , �t �R A �[1SET: GENERAI. MANAGER.- ST. PAUL WATER UTILITY �� REVI�IO T0 CHA�TER 3�$ OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVS COi�E ' � " $ , u - } � , � . � - � ; i The Ci�y C uacil 3.s requested to approve�the attached ardi�ance revisiag Cha�pter 358 � �"` , , . of the Sa� t.Paul Legislative Code. . � . � , �; F ,, ' � _ . i � . • : ` � " � a , � � ' � • P , TI� S FQR THIS ACTION� � ° , , ri The sttsch progased ordinaaice perta3.aing to well drillers consist� of deletion of obsolete teriala, updating of refere�nces to prflper City officers snd cc�dea�,' clar3-� , f�.caticn o langvage an,d i�creases certain fees and cha=ges. � � . The' gropos�ci ordinance .is recom�ended for approval by Board of '�iater Co�issio�texe• � j ResoTut�on 3043. . , , � :;, � �` _ � , � k , . 3 • , �. i , . ' ., � � � . — � Board of W er C�enissioners' fiesoiution 3043 ' , Proposed o �.naace. , . � �.�; ;�. � . � _ . � . s_ . . .w.. ,.�:; .. CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �� — OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �►-� c n RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �'�' ���-Y�E� PRESENTED BY �t�"' A�i4� �� I,Twv COMMISSIONER — DATF' �;. . �� �n» ••r., �fi � +� � �'� ���� � � '� �� 't!! t�a�'k� � O# 1� �alat �a1�1 Lr�ila��ti1� t� 1�i�rd "f+1l1}. no�1�", u spo03lted 1n � att�a�d � �rt'b�!! 1 tmc+aa� �: �+a�t sw�►i� o�ia� �t d�],�#i,oa�► ot o'br�:�r�► ar�►1a7.�. �at�iai c�t' �c+�t'� �o � o�tiq► o�ttio�a��r rmd ward�� o��'i�at�aa�r e�t 1�, a� l�a��s S�a +o�l�ta �'Nar �aqrd �� �ad 1� 1t l�h� �T�1'3, 'i�et �s aoea�d +�' t�i�t+r� C+e�ia�l,on�� r�eia�� #D� ea�Q s+��i� �rt�pr � � t�a► �� �: C�i�r Caaaasil !q� �q�►. ..;�� �,»��,. .�;t,�,:�+.� Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas� Nays �al'��' Pr��eid�o� Lrnrsw — �� � — 19=� �'' — � !�� � 0 �In favor Opposed ' SECY. �. ��''' i: � ` , lst %— � �� ��,� 2nd l ' � � ` �"� 3rd �—3�•— �� Adopted �(J — / '� �U' Yeas Nays � HUNT . LEVI:�TE ���r,�� -- McMAHON SHOWALTER ! �p�/S TEDESCO � WILSON ' PRESID�iT (MADDOX) ,� / s _� .