275664 WMITE - C�TY CLERK ��(�/�� P�NK - FINANCE ��L CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICIl v(\ BLUE - MAVOR File �O. L� C il olution Presented By �CENSE CO�TTEE Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEF�.S, George Bal�itzes� doing business as Best Steak House at 1666 Ftice Street was notified in writing by the License In,spector that he would recommend dsnial of the application for the renewal of the Class C2-Restaurant I3.cense for non-compliance r�rith the St. Paul Food ' Code, and WHEREAS� the Council of the City of St. Pau1 did meet on September 10� 1980, to consider the reeonamendation of the License Inspector end WHERFAS, the applicant did not e�pear, ar�d 6iHEREAS, Margaret Christison, Chief Sanitarian did appear and testified that the appli- cant has been uncooperative with the Division of Public �ealth in their attempts to enforce compliance with the St. Paul Food Code, and WF�RF,AS, Ms. Christison testified that she spoke wit�h the applicant on September 9, 1980 and informed him of the pending Council hearing, now therefore, be it RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of St. Paul that Application Q 15819 for the renewal of the Class C2-R,estaurant License is hereby denied, and be it further RESOLVED, that on compliance with all of the provisions of the Sa3.nt Paul �'ood Code by the applicant, the Council will consider the application for renewal or a nex application by any subsequent purchaser of the establishment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: utler Hu�t �_ In Favor Z Levine HU Maddox Le e _ __ Against BY d OX ��Mahon o lter Showalter edesco Tedesco SEP 1 � 1��� Form Appro d by City Attomey Adopted by Council: 1Nilson Date Certified •sed by Council ecret ry B � � gy, /�1 r A7avor: a E� 1 � 198� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY ��E� S E P 2 `i i9t��