275658 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^�� '��'�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL� `� CANARV - OEPARTMENT �� � . BLUE - MAVOR � . Co ncil R solution ' ��Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�iERF•AS, the Public Works Com�nittee recoemnended and the City Council concurred, that the assessment for installation of a WaterMs.in in Suburban Av�eriue as ratified by C.F. 273838, October 9, 1979, was invalid, as pertains to the follvwing described praperty: The east �+5 feet of Lot 11, Block 30, Suburban Hills Add.ition; and WI�REAS, Section 1�+.01.3 of the City Ch�rter provides t1�at the Council m�..y reassess property in the event the Council finds an as�essment to be defective, inadequate or 3nvalid; and NOW, T�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment of benefits, in the amourrt of $359•55 levied against the abave described praperty, is hereby cancelled ar�d tha,t the sub�ect amo�unt cancelled b� f'unded by WATER UTILITY Azn coae 280oo-53i9• COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: tler Hunc �_ �n Favor F1 f arul 1� nt 3ervices H z Levfne � j��� Hun Maddox �� Lzv n M�Manon - � -- Against B ct r M ddo Owalte Showalter edesCO Tedesco cC g 1980 Wilson `�LP � Form Approved y it A torney Adopted by Council: Qate Certified s e by unc' , cre ry BY By Ap by iNavor: Date _ `�� � � 1980 Approved b yor or Subm' s' o Councii By BY ���Ea S E P 2 7 i 9$D . ��TY`o : � CITY OF SAINT PAUL --:M1��, ♦ y.., � . -a ,-� �: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ��� .����� 9-: �, -'!!!1!"1" „` EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY m ,e,� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 5, 1980 d�i►�'����L Mr. John Wenker ' Valuation & Assessment Technician II Room 218 City Hall Dear Mr. �rTenker: This is in regards to your letter of August lst regarding an assessment levied for a water main against property owned by a Mr. Mattick. This matter was considered by the Public Works Committee and the Committee recommended that the City take action to cancel the assessment because they were convinced that the Mattick property received no benefit from the improvement. � Section 14. 01.3 of the City Charter provides that the Council may reassess property in the event the Council finds an assessment to be "defective, inadequate, or invalid" . The procedure by which the Council may accomplish this reassessment is set forth in Section 14.01.3. Your office can assist the Council accomplish its determination of an error in the previous assessment by following the procedures set forth in Section 14. 01. 3. If yo ave any questions you may call our office. Ver tr ly yours, i r JE J. SEGA � A i tant City ttorney J S cg � cc: J. Wm. Donovan Paul Desch ����������,U • -� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL `••"G,T T O�UW4 .,i / ��{�'�✓ . =-••` %�_ � ' ` � r -�- OFFIC� OF THE CITY CLERK �� �-; . - �� u�nm �l , r �. =,,,, �� �� � �� 1� . BUREAU OF RECORDS ;• ` ' � � + 3 %, ,,< ,�_,....�.. .o,��lm�.��cc� `^ ,_.. _�-. 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 5, 1980 Mr. J. Wm. Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 219, City Hall St. Paul, Mn. Dear Sir: The City Council today concurred in the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the assessment for property at 1145 Buras Avenue belonging to Norman Mattick be cancelled, � Very truly yours, Rose Mix City Clerk / �� ABO:la � . _ OM Ol: 12/1975 . . • Rev. : 6 � ���I� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIYE ORD�RS, � , � oF,�, �SF,o� c���Fp OFA cF � E C E 0 �J E � �'�MqRTtiiF ry 2�� `""� c;;., .�.� , ,��,�� �'9C�,M�FO�RFc �r., gate: Av�gust 29, 1980 MAYOR�S Q.F�F,�C� �T SFR N F�' i�F _ T0: MAYOR GfORGE LATIM�R � � �R: J. William Don�ran, V�lue�tioa & A�sessmeat Engiaeer, Depe.rt�mer►t of Fim�nce 1� Maae�gemeist 3ervices (�t. 5317) RE: �eLl,atioa of Special Assesaneat � ACTION REQUESTEO: App�ovatl aad submission of Cu�acil Resolutiva �tte�ched to th� City Couneil. P;lRPOSE At�O R,�ITIQNAIE FOR TNIS ACTION: The p�rpose of this request is to for�lize the previcyus actioa of the City Co�aacil ri3iieh ct�curxed ia the re�areneLation of ths Riblic �Iorks Cammittee. Said Cc�maittee recca�ended tZ�at the eub�ect asseaaient fo�r Wat„�r I�►ia con- str�ction levied agaiasts The east 45 fee�t of T,ot 11, Block 34, Suburban Hi118, be c�ance�lled. ATiTACHMENTS: 1. Co�cil Resolution