275723 WHITE - CITY CLERK � (((���(� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll ����� { CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I NT PA U L + ! V BLI.iE - �MAYOR File N O. • ZIZGL�IZ P. Ordinance N O. 1 �7a� Presented By / Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning Regulations and Classification. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l, That Section 60.200 of the Legislative Code be amended as follows: 60.200 INTENT AND PURPOSE: This Ordinance is adopted by the City of Saint Paul for the following purposes: l. To promote and to protect the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community; 2. To promote the conservation of energy and the utili- zation o renewab e energy resou"rces. � 3. To classify all property in such manner as to reflect its peculiar suitability for particular uses; 3 4. To regulate the location, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and use of buildings, structures, and land; 4 5. To insure adequate light, air, privacy, and convenience of access to property; � 6. To conserve property values; COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In FBVO[ Maddox McMahon _ Showalter AgainSt BY Tedesco �Ison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by Ci y o ey Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M for mission to Council gy By � ��.�����3 6 7 . To protect all areas of the City from harmful encroachment by incompatible uses; � 8 . To prevent the: overcrowding of land with buildings; 8 9 . To avoid undue congestion of popul.ation; 9 10 . To fix reasonable standards to which buildings, structures, and uses shall conform; �8 11. To lessen congestion in the public streets by provid- ing for off-street parking of motor vehicles and for off-street loading and unloading of commercial vehicles; }} 12 . To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water� sewage disposal, education, recreation, and other public requirements; �� 13. To provide for the e�fi�tfi�a��e� adaptive reuse of non- conforming buildings and structures and for the elimination of nonconforming uses of land; �3 14. To define the powers and duties of the administrative officers and bodies; �4 15. To provide penalties for vialations of the provisions of this Ordinance or any subsequent amendment thereto; and, �5 16. To provide for a Board of .Zoning Appeals and its powers and duties. Section 2. That Section 60. 308 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows; 2. • � �,��,��^r��t) 60. 308 Basement: That portion of a building which is partly or wholly below grade but so located that the vertical distance from the average grade to the floor is greater than the vertical distance from the average grade to the ceiling. This �ortion is not a completed structure and serves as a su structure or oundation for a building. Section 3. That Section 60 . 313 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows: � 60 . 313 Building Line: A line formed by the above grade face of the building, and for the purpose of this Ordi- nance, a minimum building line is the same as a frant setback line. Section 4 . That Section 60. 336 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60. 336 Front Setbacl� Line: A line which is parallel to the front lot line which establishes the minimum front yard degth of a zoning lot. The location of such front setback line shall be determined by the required depth of the front yard as prescribed in the Schedule of Regulations of this Ordinance. The line is measured from the front lot line to the above grade face of the building. Section 5. That Section 60.341 of the LegisTative Code is amended as follows: 3 . ���r��t) 60 . 341 Home Occupation: An occupation carried on in a dwelling by the resident thereof not involving the con- duct of a retail business or manufacturing business, and provided that the use is incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof. Such a home occupation shall include office of professionals, home beauty shops and such other occupations which by custom are considered as a use accessory to a dwelling. Such a home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling, and shall be conducted by no more than two (2) persons, a�d-s�el�-ge��e�s-s�a�� one (1) of whom must reside within the dwelling. Services suc as a home beauty shop shall serve no more than one customer at a time. No structural alterations or enlargements shall be made for the sale purpose of conducting the home occupation. There shall be no detri�nents to the resi- dential character of the neighborhood due to the emis- sion of noise, odor, smoke, dust, gas, heat, glare, vibration, electrical interference, traffic congestion, or any other annoyance resulting from the home occupation. There shall be no exterior storage of products or materials and no display or advertising sign on the premises of a home occupation provided that a na�ne plate no larger than one square foot in area, stating the name of the proprietor, may be attached to the wall of the dwelling. Section 6 . That Section 60.352 af the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60. 352 Lot Coverage: The part or percent of the lot occupied by the aL-ove grade portion of buildings in- cluding accessory ui ings. 4 . WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �o�n�ll - �''15�2� CANARY � �DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA iT L BLUE � - MAYOR Fll@ N O. • O/ ZIZG�IZCP. Ordinance N O. 1 � 7 a/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date minimum depth of 12 inches of earth; (2) 50 percent or more o t e wa area is eovere wit a minimum depth o inc es o eart ; t ose portions of the structure not insulated with a miriimum of seven feet o eart s a ave a itioria insu ation. A 1 earth-sheltere structures s a ave minimum set- backs o our feet. 60 .397 Vestibule: An ericlosed eritrance iritended for the conservation of energy-an attac e to an entry way of a p'riricipal structure. Section 12 . This ordinance shall take effect and be i:n force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 7 . COUIVCILMEN Yeas � Nays Requested by Department of: Levine � In FavOt Maddox -�Ae�6pa Showalter � Against By Tedesco wlson OC� 1 6 1980 Form Approved y it A orn � Adopted by Council:� Date Cerytfied P �y Coun Secre ry BY s Appr d by Mayor: D (�i �'�`9� Approved by M or f r Sdbmission to Council By - , ._. BY �� 0CT 2,� �950 � v�, � ��� �� � .;� � � ��3�a .� � .� - xi� �'�YY 'i' F�:^.: �, 3 I I I ,��� =. �� �`: ��,��at re in lder �_� �;. , _ . �I_ - ,. ' '���._:� , ��- r PINK- - FINANCE (RETURN �(,l JEROME SE� AFTER �p OPTION ������ CANARY - DEPARTMENT ��� V I TY O F A I NT YA U L �Council � . BLUE - MAYOR Fll@ N O. � • , O/ W Z/L�/`CG Ordinance N O.���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning Regulations and Classification. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Section 60.200 of the Legislative Code be amended as � follows: 60.200 INTENT AND PURPOSE: This Ordinance is adopted b�"�'`the City o� S.aint''Paul for the following purposes: 1. To promote and to protect the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of thE community; 2. To promote the conservation of ener and the utili- zation o .renewab e energy resources. � 3. To classify all property in such .manner as to reflect its peculiar suitability for particular uses; 3 4. To regulate the location, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and use af buildings, structures, and land; 4 5. To insure adequate light, air, privacy, and convenience of access to property; 5 6. To conserve property values; COUNCILMEN Yeas IVays Requested by Department of: Hun, Levine It1 Favot Maddox McMahon Showalter A.gai n s t BY TedPSCo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Ado�ted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . ����`� 6 7 . To protect all areas of the City from harmful encroachment by incompatible uses; � 8 . To prevent the: overcrowding of land with buildings; 8 9. To avoid undue congestion of population; 9 10 . To fix reasonable standards to which buildings, structures, and uses shall conform; �8 11. To lessen congestion in the public streets by provid- ing for off-street parking of motor vehicles and .for off-street loading and unloading of commercial vehicles; }} 12 . To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage disposal, education, recreation, and other public requirements; �� 13 . To provide for the e���t�����e� adaptive reuse of non- conforming buildings and structures and for the elimination of nonconforming uses of land; �3 14. To define the powers and duties of the administrative officers and bodies; �4 15. To provide penalties for violations of the provisions of this Ordinance or any subsequent amendment thereto; and, �� 16 . To provide for a Board of Zoning Appeals and its powers and �utie:_. . .. �.�o^. . � "' � ' is amended as Th�4 S.:c�f;�or� �:�i a . _<� �, �_ ��.:��c Legisi , c,< follows: 2. . . �����.�� 60. 308 Basement: , That portion of a building which is partly or wholly below grade but so located that the vertical distance from the average grade to the floor is greater than the vertical distance from the average grade to the ceiling. This�ortion is not a completed structure and serves as a substructure or�unc�ation for a building. Sectian 3. That Section 60 . 313 af the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60 .313 Building Line: A line formed by the above grade face of the building, and for .the purpose of this Ordi- nance, a minimum building line is the same as a front setback line. Section 4 . That Section 60.336 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60. 336 Front Setback Line: A line which is parallel to the front lot line which establishes the minimum front yard depth of a zoning lot. The location of such front setback line shall be determined by the required depth of the front yard as prescribed in the Schedule of Regulations of tha.s Ordinance. The line is measured from the front lot line to the above grade face of the building. Section 5. That ::�-^t:;.an Gt� : :' :1 of the Legislative Code is amended as '�oilows: 3. . . ������ 60 . 341 Home Occupation: An occupation carried on in a dwelling by the resident thereof not involving the con- duct of a retail business or manufacturing business, and provided that the use is incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof. Such a home occupation shall include office of professionals, home beauty shops and such other occupations which by custom are considered as a use accessory to a dwelling. Such a home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling, and shall be conducted by no more than two (2) persons, a�e�-st�el�-ge�se�s-s�a�� one (l) of whom must reside within the dwelling. Services suc as a home beauty shop shall serve no more �han one customer at a time. No structural alterations or enlargements shall be made for the sole purpose of conducting the home occupation. There shall be no detriments to the resi- dential character of the neighborhood due to the emis- sion 'of noise, odor, smoke, dust, gas, heat, glare, vibration, electrical interference, traffic congestion, or any other annoyance resulting from the home occupation. There shall be no exterior storage of products or materials and no display or advertising sign on the premises of a home occupation provided that a name plate no larger than one square foot in area, stating the name of the proprietor, may be attached to the wall of the dwelling. Section 6. That Section 60 . 352 of the Legislative Code is amen��:��� �� follows: 60. 352 Lot Coverage: The part or percent of th� �. _�t occupied by the above grade portion of buildir.���; � :r; � cluding accessory bui dings. 4 . �'1�' . la��r.:�.�. ��:t�,: �'..�. .�'.::.w�.0 � � ' , ..�. '. . Y ...,... . � '",�`Y�: ��� ��;� Section 7. That Section 60. 363 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60 .363 Nonconforming Building: A building or portion thereof �ar,���t��p-e������e�-a�-�I�e-e��ee���e-da�e-ef-�I��s e��}�a�ee which was lawfully constructed, converted or enlarged pursuant to building permits issued by the � City prior to the effective date of this ordinance, or amendments thereto, and that does not conform to the provisions of t�e district in which it is located. Se���.on 8. �� That Section 60.364 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60. 364 Nonconforming Use: A use which }����}}� eeet�p�ee�-a-bt���e��r�g-c�-�a�e�-a�-�ke-e��ee���e-e�a�e-e� �i�}s-e�e���anee was lawfully established, converted, or enlarged prior to the effective date of this ordi- nance, or amendments thereto, and t at does not conform to the provisions of the district in which it is located. Section 9 . That Section 60.376 of the Legislative Code is amended as follows: 60.376 Setbar : '�- � distance required to obtain front, side, or rea�� yr::r �� r _.P* ..-:ace �Yo.�isi�^-. , . i:;.� " s Ordinance, measured frc�ni t.'s-:� �c�t. ;.i:� i :�= �.h^ �F� g ~.�s of the ._ �___._.._.,__.._.__ ,.�._ . _� building. -._.._,_�._ . _.._... ,_. .__ , S�ction 10. That Section 60.391 of the Y.,egislative Code is amended as follows: 5. , _ . . ... ::t�-y��� -:.-i'.eit�u.i+s�a.:..��x;�..:1+u�Y�*�'A�4�{i:ti..'Yn�ua'.a . �t�+e�e�:� ,....,�•.3 'meY�;:.l..�n.. •...:;Ya r.,:.. .�.... .µ:,,:,..• .� ...;.W-vY'1'.�a'isf..� .,i.r.4-rv.iiys ,.;D.'.. . , . . ������� 60.391 Yards: The open spaces on the same lot with a main building, unoccupied and unabstructed from the ground upward except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, and as defined herein: a. Front Yard: An open space extending the full width of the front lot line, the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between the front lot line and the nearest above grade point of the main building. For a corner lot which is not a reversed frontage corner lot, the front yard shall adjoin a front yard in an adjoining lot. b. Rear Yard: An open sp�� extending. tY�e f�'I1 width of the lot the depth of which is the minimum hori- zontal distance between the rear lot line and the nearest above grade point of the main building. In the case of a corner lot, the rear yard may be opposite either street frontage. c. Side Yard: An open space between a main building and the side lot line, exter�ding from the front yard to the rear yard, the width of which is the horizontal distance from the nearest point of the side lot line to the nearest above grade point of the main building. Section 11. That Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code is amended so as to a�d the following thereto: F0. 396 Earth-Sheltered Structure: Any completed r�ui.lding constructed so that 50��ercent of the ex- ' erior surface area of t e building excluding garages and other accessory bui dings is covered with earth, and coistructed to the o lowing stan ar s: 0 percen :. or more o tre roof area is cove're wi� a 6 . WHITE - CITY CLERK • t PINK ' FINANCE .. . . . i � . ,:- .°.,.:;;GOURClI - : �:.. . �r .� ��r'r. . ♦..i�h�:4FS . ,.. _. CANARY - DEPARTMENT .';��.�`�., ' . . .�.. .. . � � yry� . B�u� , , �+nroR GITY OF' SAINT PALTL File N0. '' s� !'��.� Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. � � �r� 1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date minimum depth of 12 inches of earth; (2) 50 percent or more o t e wa area is covere wit a minimum depth o 12 inc es o eart ; t ose portions of the structure not insulated with a minimum of seven feet of eart s a have a ditiona irisu ation. A 1 earth-sheltere structures sha l ave minimum set- backs o our 4 eet. 60 .397 Vestibule: An ericlosed-entrance intended for the conservation of energy an attac e t�o an entry way of a principal structure. Sect�.on 12 . . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force. thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � C:Ui1NCILMH:N '� Yeas :days i�equested by Pepartment of: Hunt �evine In Favor — Maddox — McMahon Showalter Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By _ ,::.. ., . _ , _ - - . .. � � � - • . �5�23 CITY OF• SAIi�TT P�1U1. ���y�' ` OFFICE OF TI3E tiL�YOR tr' u,�i7,u�n� u�till'Ii�l�� 347 CITY FAT.T. GEOgGN. 7.1TI�fEB S.AI�TT P�ISL,�IZDTNESOT1i 5�10.°. :�IAYOB (gl�) 298-4�323 � Council President Ron Maddox and Members of the City Council City Hall , Seventh Floor Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Transmittal of Zoning Text Amendments to the City Council Dear Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council : r On July 25, 1980, following a public hearing, the Planning Corranission � unanimously recorr�nended approval of text changes to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to energy conservation. These text changes reflect the recorr�nendations of the Existing Housing and Zoning Subcomnittee of the Mayor's Committee of 100 and address such issues as non-conforming structures, earth-sheltered structures and home occupations. The intent of all of these changes is to make Saint Paul a more energy efficient city. The proposed amendments have been reviewed by the district councils, affected parties , and City agencTes and departments. I am dis- tri6uting copies of the plan to you for review preparatory to your public hearing. I believe these text changes will make our Zoning Ordinance a better and more equitable regulatory instrument. I am pleased to transmit this document to you. incerely, Georg atimer Mayor GL/cc cc: James J. Bellus Planning Administrator �— . v . , ..,'� J� . � _ _ ,., .... .__ , ,, _ : . .. . , _ , •, - , , •, , '< . . - �. � - . �. . . �' ,. ` F. � � � � . ' � ' .� � � .. . . , . � ` - . . . .. . . .. '�1'.* , - , .. i .��+'�1!' {.. . _ . .. . . ' . .. . . . _ . �.. � �. �. , , . . .. . . � .. " .� . '`._. . , �.., .�� . . . . .y . . .� .�,_ . ., . . . . ,-� . c � . . .. � . � � . .. . .. . '. . ' . .. �..s . . . . , . . � - . � � .:�3 r ,::. . . . . . ' .. � - �� � . . . �� ' . ' , . . . � � ' . _ ..D � � , I . ' : . ..�..., -.' - �-A=; .. . 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C.EORGt I._1TI>]EB SAI_\"T P�LZ,�IL\'\ESOT� 3010^ �I_1YOE ;fSl°) 298-4333 Council President Ron Maddox and Members of the City Council City Hall , Seventh Floor Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Transmittal of Zoning Text Amendments to the City Council Dear Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council : _ On July 25, 1980, following a public hearing, the Planning Commission � unanimously recornrnended approval of text changes to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to energy conservation. These text changes reflect the recorrrnendations of the Existing Housing and Zoning Subcommittee of the Mayor's Committee of lOQ and address such issues as non-conforming structures , earth-sheitered structures and home occupations. The intent of all of these changes is to make Saint Paul a more energy efficient city. The proposed amendments have been reviewed by the district councils , affected parties, and City agencies and departments. I am dis- tributing copies of the plan to you for review preparatory to your public hearing. I believe these text changes will make our Zoning Ordinance a better and more equitable regulatory instrument. I am pleased to transmit this document to you. incer�ly, Georg atimer Mayor GL/cc cc: James J. Bellus Planning Administrator �- _� ` y � . � . - �� � ;�� -� . , . . � � I. [ PROPOSED CITY OF SAINT PAUL [ ZONING TEXT CHANGES: ENERGY CONSERVATfON � � � � JUNE, 1980 � � . � i � � � � � � � f ' Planning Division , Department of Planning and Economic � Development 1101 City Hall Annex � Saint Paul, Minnesata 5510� > 612 � 298-4154 � , � . ` i3 ��'`�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL a�a, � .p� ., � ,� �� • OFF'ICE OF THE CZTY COUNCIL � ������ �i� svs�>. f v� ���I lP4BIII�,fl . �r. ��;�,Y Da t e : September 5, 1980 . ':�...-. COMMIT'TEE REPORT T0 : Saint Pau! City Council FROM � Committee 011 Energy, Utilities & Environment Joanne Showalter , choirman, makes the fol lowing �eport on C. F. [� Ordinance ❑ Resolution ❑ Other T t T L E : Letter from Mayor transmi tti ng a P1 anni ng Commi ss i on recommendation for approval of text changes to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Energy Conservation The Committee recommended approval of text changes to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Energy Conservation CITY �-IAI..L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI02 ;..� ��;