00-919ORIUII�AL Council File # Op — � Green Sheet # ip' G �(� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the division of Information Services of the Department of Technology and Management Services provides computer and data processing support services; and �a WF3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul has an immediate need for a data base administrator 7 and the City does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timely basis the capacity or S expertise to perform the City service or services proposed to be contracted out; and 9 10 W��REAS, the City has advertised for the position with a salary range; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WF�REAS, the open market salary for the position is substantially above the salary range for the City's position; and WHEREAS, the City has not received any internal or earternal candidates that meet the requirements for the data base administrator position; and WF�REAS, the division of Information Services has proposed to negotiate to enter into a one year contract for the current year with a prospective outside vendor that supplies, within the City's cost range, data base administrator services so that the City can fulfill its immediate computer support needs; and Wf�REA5, the Saint Paul Administrative Code §8611 requires that all managed competition contracts be expressly authorized by the City Council by resolution and Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.06 requires that a per£ormance plan be implemented prior to any city services be contracted out; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.13 {a) permits the City Council by resolution to waive one or more of the requirements of Chapter 85; and now, therefore, be it i 2 3 4 5 6 00 -q�g RESOLVED, that the requirements of Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.06 for icntiation and preparatian of a performance plan prior to any city services being contracted shall be waived for a period of one year and the division of Information Services is authorized to negoriate and enter into a contract for a one-year agreement for remote data base administrative support with an outside vendor. QRI�I�IAL Requested by Department of: r� � � �� � ' �1 Bp' --�% `c `� ` � Approved by C M�a J yor: Dat 1 � BY• �ff./�I�iAA !�/ArNI Form prc ed by City A�toY / By: �•, Xpproved by Mayor for Submission to Council � BY= � i� l/v'BU�'�--- I Adopted by Council: Date �.�{ 2-a ca c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary oeparlmenuocfweJ�w,n�a: TMSlInformation Services Contact Perwn & Phone: George Huschle, 266-8558 Must Be on Counci{ Agenda by �Date)1�-4- OQ o�te tnittated Green Sheet No .103679 September 15,2000 � O. q� n aa� inrtwuaac� � 1 DepaRmcvt Dir. 4 CityCouactil p z c;ry nvo�ney� c;ty clak Numbef Finaw.ial Serv Dir. F'i�n�tial Savfacdg For 3 MaYor(OcAzsc) - � _CivilSaviceCommission Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages I (Clip NI Locations nzaon �ue�tea: Council approval to initiate RFP process to hire remote database support for Oracie database administration_ (dba)_ � Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Pianning Commission CIB Canmittce Civil Service Commission � Perwnal Service Contracts Must Answer tfie FoOowing Questio�: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a confrad for this deparkneM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No � EzpWin al( yes answers oa sepamte sheet and attach tn green sheet Initiating Problem, iss„e, Opportunity (Who, wnat, wnen, wnere, wny�: IS has been unable to hire the Oracle database administrator approved in its year 2000 budget using conventional methods. As a result, IS �piored an alternative approach and found several reputable vendors who may able satisfy our need for a DBA. IS wouid like to determine by RFP whether these vendors can meet our specific needs, and based on the outcome, contract for the'u services. navantayes ir aPPro�ed: 1. Ability to support our expanded dependence on this technology; 2. Access to an expanded dept� of knowledge in a highly technicai field; 3. Due to the shortage of qualified Oracle dbas there is a better possibility of continuing service with a vendor that retains large numbers of dbas, city has two; 4. Training and leaming curve time greatly reduced with vendor; 5. Expanded hours of eoverage possible. Disadvaatages If Approved: 1. A V@ridOC scope of service is specific to the contract while a city can and often does work on a more fle�ble job description; 2. Cost per hour, vendors will most likely bill at a rate which is at least twice the salary rate for a Information Tech Analyst V which is our dha title. Therefore we will most likely need to contract for half the hours of a FTE. o�5aa�a�tay� if Noc aPPro�ea: Potential ioss of support for criticai city systems which now have only one IS staff assigned to support Oracie for them. Systems inciude, payroll system, city attorney's system, AMANDA (LIEP, Fire inspection), part ofF'MS (Finance system), Imranet and IS Work Orders. Totaf Amount of Transaction: S Funding Source: Financial Info`mation: (Ezplain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Pl��£��YC:�? ��e'°4t'`P � S�� � � �i'3� ao . q�1 A new DBA position was approved for IS in the 2000 Budget. Here are the steps IS took to fill this vacancy. 1. Early December 1999 - A position description for an IS Information Technical Analyst IV (TTA I� was developed by George Huschle and NTike Gits who is our senior DBA. See Attachment 1. 2. Late December 1999 - Description reviewed and approved by Cindy Mullan December 3�,1999 to Present - Job assignment posted on intranet to solicit any interested City technical employees. 4. Early January 2�00 - One City employee expresses an interest and was told to apply through HR which they did. January 14, 2000 to Present - Announcement posted on the city internet fhttn:ilwwryv.st�aul.govltechjobs? ) 6. January 14, 2000 - Kathy O'Neill sent the announcement to local universities and technical colleges where the announcements were posted for one month. Early January to Present - HR screened all ITA N applications and provides IS with sis potential candidates that have some related DBA experience. 8. Early 7anuary to Present - To date, IS employees have scored the tests of six candidates who have applied for an ITA IV. Five passed the test but do not have the DBA experience necessary for t7ils specific assigtunent. The 6th appiicant, the currem City employee, indicated that she knew she did not qualify for the DBA assignment. However she offered to be a trainee at her current levei ITA II. That emp]oyee has since resigned from the City. 9. Mid February - George and Mike reviewed contract employee resumes provided by outside vendors (Consultis, NIMS, and Maxim) in the hope of finding someone who could fill the position on a temporary basis and perhaps eventual]y become a Ciry employee. Rates for people with qualifications comparable to the job assignment posting was $75 to $125 per hour. Based on these costs and the risk associated with using a contract empioyee for ongoing support and maintenance, contract assistance was considered to be an undesirable option. 10. Mid February - IS customer, CAO indicated they may need DBA services outside the normal workday hours and that administrative work cannot be performed during regular business hours. This led IS to examine other ways to provide ABA services that would provide the necessary level of expertise consistently and cost effectively. Remote DBA services appeared to be a viable option to explore. 00 _q�°l i l. Present - George and Mike are rewriting the assignment as an ITA III to see if there are candidates with less DBA experience that may be interested. 12. Present - IS is exAm;ning the feasibility of subscribing to a remote DBA service. Two companies, Rapidigm and Oracle, are being closely examined. Each provides database monitoring tuning, backup and security services along with other specialized database services on a 7X24 basis. Conference calls and reviews of their proposed services and prices is underway. IS inability to acquire adequate database administration resources puts major city applications at risk. With increased Oracle applications in FSO, Police, LIEP, PED, and Fire, the 2.0 FTEs respansible for DBA duties within the City can no longer adequately meet the demands. 00 -'l�� �.,�a h,�, z� City of Saint Paut RFP # For Remote Oracle DBA Services Date L Overview The Department ofInformation Services is seeking proposals from qualified providers to provide remote Oracle database administration. This service will offer several advantages for the City including more flexible expertise to support critical Oracle production applications. Bidders must be able to demonstrate that they employ a sufficient number of Oracle Data Base Administrators (DBAs) to meet City needs and are capable of offering a wide range of database support services. II. Background Due to increasing demand the City of Saint Pau] needs to expand its Oracle database administration support. The city DBA coverage now is provided by one employee for siac production systems. The usage of these systems is expanding and often e�ctends beyond the normal workload and schedule of a single employee. The shortage of qualified Oracle DBAs and the salaries needed to attract this talent requires that the City look for alternatives to the traditional hiring of anothet full time empioyee. III. Scope af Work i. Proiect Sco�e The City production systems targeted for remote database administration services will not have the same up time requirements as an a'uline reservation system or a banking ATM Aowever, theses production systems must be available every work day and most weekends. This will require a company that can offer services on a 24 x 7 basis. 2. Contract Structure The City is seeking a single provider of these services. The City understands and expects that these services will be handled by mare than one individual or a team, but requires that one individual is designated as the Project Manager for the duration of the contract. Any change in the designation of the Project Manager must be approved by the City in advance. IV. Speci�c Project Requirements Minimal requirements for the DBA Services are defined to include the foliowing: A. Support at a minimum two (2) production instances. This would include an inspection tracking system and the City's Payroii System. These applications run on separate NT 4.0 servers and are currently using Oracle 7.3.4 and 8.0.5. The Payroll instance has several oo- °l � other peripheral application areas. There are other Oracle instances that are now supported by City Staff; they include the City Attorney System, Public Works Fleet Management System, data warehousing of our financial historical data and help desk. These other instances are not included in the minimal requirement but bidders can include options for there administration. B. Options available for supporting the test and development instances of the inspection tracking and City Payroll applications. C. Additional support time available for other e�sting databases and for planning of new databases. For example, if the City plans to migrate instances to 8i, how will contractor assist? When designing a new application, what help can the City get from the contractor? D. Successful contractor must provide a p]an that will ensure data security and privacy of all City data. This wiil require the contractor to have in place procedures for hiring and assigning staff to our contract, ensuring that all access information is protected, encrypting sensitive data that will he transferred to and from any remote site and protection against viruses. E. Provide a sample Crantt chart that illustrates the complete implementation cycle for a remote DBA services contract such as the City's. This chart will define all major tasks, estimates of their beginning and end times, differences between chargeable time to the project versus startlstop time, interdependencies of tasks, and parties responsible for completing the tasks. The task assignments should clearly show what is expected of city staff and what the contractor expects to do. The Gantt chart should provide the overview that will be used by the contractor to implement remote DBA services for the City of 5aint Paul. V. General Project Requirements A. Overall Pro�ect ManaQement The successful proposer will be required to work closely with the designated Project Manager for the City. Similazly, the successfitl proposer(s) will be expected to identify an individual who will serve as the key contact person and to specify other staff who will perform various tasks. Any substitutions of staff during the course of the contract must be agreed upon by the City in advance. B_ Human Ri�htslAtTirmative Action Vendors bidding to the City of Saint Paul must comply with the City's Affirmative Action Requirements in Employment. These requirements are explained in the documents that are included in Agpendix B of this Request For ProposaL If you have questions about the Human Rights requirements, please contact the Human Rights Oflice at (6S 1) 266-8966. Oo, q�q C. Vendor Outreach Program The Office of Contract and Analysis Services administers the Vendor Outreach Progam to assist women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses (WBEs, MBEs, SBEs) in participating in the public contracting process. Proposers are encouraged to identify ways to include the City's certified vendors in their proposal. For additional information about the Program or a list of certified vendors, contact the Contract & Analysis Services Division, at 651-266-8900. D. Year 2000 Compliance Any vendor/contractor who submits a bid or other response to a City of Saint Paul solicitation for computer hardware or software is required to include a written certificaUOn that all items proposed are Year 2000 compliant. E. Bonds_ Insurance The successful proposer will be required to carry insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown below for the life of the contract. Professionad Liabiliiy Insurance a. $1,000,000 per occurrence b. $2,000,000 aggregate General Insurance Requirements a. The policy is to be written on an occurrence basis or as acceptable to the City. Certificate of insurance must indicate if the policy is issued on a claims-made or occurrence basis. All certificates of insurance shall provide that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services be given not less than (30) days prior written notice of cancellation, non-renewal or any material changes in the policy. Agent must state on the certificate if company catries errors and omissions coverage. b. The Contractor may not cammence work until a Certificate of Insurance covering all ofthe insurance required for this project is approved and the Project manager has issued a notice to proceed. Insurance must remain in place for the duration of the original contract and any extension periods. F. AuditlPublic Information Reguirements Pursuant to Chapter 386 of the Minnesota Statutes, the successful proposer will be required to maintain all books, documems, papers, account records, and other evidence pertaining to work performed under any Agreement issued in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of such Agreement and to make such material availab]e at proposer's office at all reasonahle times during the Agreement and thereafter up to six (6) yeazs for audit or inspection by the City, the State Auditor, or any other authorized individuals. The successfu] proposer will also be required to comply with the data practices requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.05. VI. Required Information/Content of Proposals To facilitate review of the information submitted, proposals must contain the following oe. q4q information presented in the order shown: A Description ofproposer's overall approach or solution a) Approach, rationale b) Overall project manager B. Breakdown of project by phases, tasks, etc. For each phase listed identify: a) Specific staffto be involved, roles, responsibilities b) Number of chargeable hours for each consultant and an estimate of the hours required of city staff. c) Timeline d)1�eliverables e) City responsibilities � Other pertinent details C. Costs ' a) All costs to be charged to the City for 24 x 7 coverage b) Hourly rates for staff c) Period of rate stability d) Assumptions used in deternuning overail project costs D. Questions a) Proposers responses to questions in Appendix A. E. Description of past experience providing similaz services to public and private sector a) Names and addresses of contact persons b) Work samp3es F. 5ample contract a) Vendor's proposed contract terms. G. Appended materials a) Corparate qualifications b) Resumes of project partisans c} Other relevant materia]s (work samples, etc.) VlZ Instructions For Submitting Proposals A. Coaies and ClosinQ Date Qualified proposers should submit to: copies oftheir proposals by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Division of Contract and Analysis Services oo� q�.1 Room 280 City HalllCourthouse Building 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8900 Proposers shoutd note that one record copy must be submitted in a sealed envelope or other container with the name of the company, the RFP number and the project title clearly labeled on the outside. The top page of the record copy must include an original signature by an individual who is authorized to make representations and commitments on behalf of the proposer. Failure to include this original signature may result in the disqualification of the proposal. The remaining copies may be duplicate copies of the original and may be packaged together. (They must be separate from the original, however.) The outside must also be clearly marked with the above information. B. Public Information All information submitted to tfie office of Contract and Anatysis Services will be considered public information in accordance with Minnesota statues governing data practices. Upon submission, proposals become the property of the City and will not be returned to proposers. C. uestions Proposers are asked to submit questions related to the specific project requirements and contents of proposals in writing by (time) on (date) to: Dale Stevens Division of Contract & Analysis Services Room 280 City $alUCourthouse Building 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Questions may be faaced: (651) 266-8919 or e-mailed to dale.stevens@ci.stpaul.mn.us Written responses to all questions received will be mailed to all proposers by (date). No oral quesrions wilt be entertained prior to or after the deadline for written questions specified above. VIII. Proposal Selection Process and Criteria A. Criteria Proposals will be evaivated using the following criteria: 1. Philosophy and approach to project 2. Past experience doing similar projects Oa -°l�q 3. Resumes of personnel assigned to do project 4. Responses to questions in Appendix A to demonstrate the contractor's understanding of the City needs. 5. Cost B. Process A staff committee (or other individuals) will review the proposals against the criteria in this RFP and rank proposals. At its option, the corrunittee may invite one or more proposers for an itrterview. The City requires that the project manager and any other key individual(s) for the project participate in any interview process. The interview process may be satisfied via conference calls. The staff committee will make this decision. Proposers will be espected to pay for any costs they incur for the interview process along with any costs associated with preparing and transmitting proposals. The City reserves the right to ask for additional information or clarification of the submission from any or a11 proposers. The final contract award(s) will be conditioned upon the successful proposer's complying with al] terms and conditions, mutual agreement about the final work plan, and completion of a contract agreeable to all parties. IX. Estimated Timeline For Proposal Submission, Review, and Selection Request For Proposals Mailed date Deadline For Written Questions date Responses To Questions Mailed date Deadline For Proposals date Interviews Consultant Selection date date Project Begins date oo-'l� Appendia A: Questions The followittg set of questions will be used to help the City identify which proposal can best meet the City's minimum service requirements and be capable of providing an expanded service offering to accommodate future growth. Please answer the questions as completely as possible. 1. What experience does your company have in providing remote Oracle database administration services? Please provide specific information regarding (a) I3umber of distinct cusiomers (b)Number ofindividual applications/instances administered (c)Size ofeach application/instances administered in terms of transactions/usersJdatabase size (d)Oracle versions administered (e) Technology platformsJservers. 2. How long haue you provided this service? 3. How many full time Oracle dbas do you employ as of7une 1, 2000? As ofJune 1, 1999? As of 7une 1, 1998? 4. What is the overall profile ofthese Oracle dbas in terms ofoverali dba experience and time with your company? 5. Describe the structure and experience of the team assigned to support the City's account. How is contact with the City handled? Is there a primary or lead technician? 6. What has your company done to ensure continued, uninterrupted dba services? 7. How do you package and market your remote dba services? By instances? By db servers? Combination/other? 8. What software tools and procedures do you emp]oy to monitor a production db? Where do these reside? 9. What software tools and procedures do you employ to resolve db problems? Where do these reside? 10. What are the levels of expertise and what are the requirements that you will have of our City oo-q�t staffto assist you in successfully performing remote dba services? 11. How do you assure your customers of data security and privacy? 12. What are your connectivity expectations associated with this service? Define areas of responsibility and any additional costs in this regard. 13. What service options or additional wst items aze there? Do you have defined hourly or special fees in your plan for work beyond the agreed contract? 14. Do you have customer references who are now receiving the same type of services? Who are they and can we contact them? 15. What are the startup and cancellation policies associated with your service contract? What are the defined time frames associated with your contract? Do you offer monthly, quarterly, annual only service agreements? Do you offer any incentives to lower the City's risk when entering into a service agreement with your company? 16. How much notice must we give to cancel our contract and are there any costs associated with canceling? 17. What start up costs will be the responsibility of the city? For example, connectivity cost, startup software, server enhancements, etc. 18. If we consolidate database instances that are not initially covered in our contract with the instances that are covered, will this resuit in additional charges? oo-q\ Append'u B: Affirmative Action Requirements DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS W.H. Tyrone Terrill, Director SA[NT PAUL � AAA CITY OF 5AINT PAiTI. 900 City Ha(1 Te[ephone: 651-Z66-8966 Norm Coleman, Mayor ISW.KeZloggBlvd. FacsimiZe:651-266-8962 SaintPauI,MN55102 TDD: 651-266-8977 AFFIIiMATiVE ACTION/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIl2EMENTS NON-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Section 183.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (Human Rights Ordinance) and the rules Goveming Affirmative Requirements in Employment set forth the Affirmative Action Requirements which aze to be incorporated inro and made a part of every contract entered into by the Ciry of Saint Paul. These documents aze available at the Departrnent of Human Rights, 900 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102- 1681, (651) 266-8966. The Saint Paul Depar[ment of Human Rights is responsible foc monitoring the Contract Compliance Program to determine whether or not persons or firms doing business with the Ciry are complying with Sec[ion 183.04 of the Human Rights Ordinance and the Rules. As stated in Section 183.04, the contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, religoq sex, sexual or affectional orienta6on, color, nalional origin, ancesiry, familial status, age disabiliry, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. EMPLOYERS WHO CONTRACT WITH TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MCTST DO MORE THAN MERELY AVOID DISCRIIvIINATORY PRACTICES. Tf�Y MUST ADOPT AND IMPLEMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROCsRAMS TO EMPLOY MINORITY, FEMALE, AND DISABLED PERSONS. The contractor must also include the Affirmative Acdon provisions of the Human Rights Ordinance and the Rules in every subconttact, purc}�ase order or agreement with any subcontractor (including material suppliers and subcontractors who enter in[o a contract with another subcontractor or material supplier), with stipulaUons that the subcontractor is bound by the terms thereof. A CONTRACTOR=S AFFII2MATIVE ACTION IN Tf� EMPLOYMENT OF MII�TORITY, FFMAT F AND DISABLED PERSONS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION IN Tf� AWARDING OF A CONTRACT. M Advmetive Actoq Equal OpporOwry Empioyer 00 -Rt°1 It is the contractor—s responsibility to become familiaz and comply with the City=s requirements and to ens�ue that their subcontcactots comply with them. Tectwical assistance will be pmvided by the Human Rights Department staff upon request The following documentation must be submitted to the Department of Human Rig]rts for approval before a crontract will be awarded: AFFIItMATIVE ACTIOI3 PROGRAM Every contractar or subcontractor wLose total accumulated contract or subconuact awards from the City of Saint Paui over the preceding twelve montLs has exceeded $SQ000 st�all develop and implement an effective Affirmative Action Program in writing substandally similar to the Depar[ment's Model Affim�ative Action Program for Non-Construcaon Contractors, which shall include hiring goals for ffie employment of minorities, females and disabled persons in the contrac[or—s work force. Once the Affirmative Action Program is approved by the Department of Human Rights, the contractor will be notified of their compliance status. Compliance with Section 183.04 is valid for rivo (2) years. At the end af the tcvayear period, the AAP must be reviewed and updated. The Model Affirmative Action Program is avai]able from the Department of Human Rights. A Model Modified Affirmative Action Program is available for contractors with twenty (20) or fewer employees. Contact the Department of Human rights for more information. EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNIT'I' POSTERS must be posted in the offices of the contractor. The Huivan Rip�ts Department staff will moniror the conuactor's affirmative action efforts and results. Qn-Site Compliance Reviews will be conducted on the work force of companies tktat enter into contractual agreements with the City of Saint Paul. The pwpose of the review is to deterntine the contractor—s compliance with ihe niles, regiilations and orders of Section 183.04 of the Hucnan Rights Ordinance. On-site reviews include reviewing the implementalion of the contractor's AffirmaUve Action Program, personnei policies and procedures. Contractors may be required to provide additional documentafion in order to deternrine whether or not they are mailing meas�irable improvements in the hiring of minority, female, and disabled persons, including, but not limited to the following: 1. Good Faith Efforts Questionnaire 2. Applicant F1ow Data 3. Employee Turnover Data 4. Documentaflon Supporting Dissemination and Implementaflon of EEO/AA Policies. 5. Documentation Supporting Recruitrnent Efforts Failure to comply with any of the requiremen[s set forth above is sufficient grounds for disciplinary or remedial actions provided for under Article IV of the Rules, namely: 1. Ternunation of the contract 2. Suspension of the contract until conective steps aze taken; 3. Continuaflon of the contract subject to the imposition of conditions to correct the non-compliance; 4. Declaration tha[ the con[ractor shall be ineligible to bid on fuhue contracts either pernianen[ly or for a stated time; or 5. A combination of the above. It is imperntive that Vendors who aze being considered for contracts of $50,0�0 ot more contact the Human Rights DeparUnent Compliance Division to obtain copies of the requiremems and docnments in order to expedite the Affirmative Action reviewing process. If you have any questions, please contact (651) 266-8966. ORIUII�AL Council File # Op — � Green Sheet # ip' G �(� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the division of Information Services of the Department of Technology and Management Services provides computer and data processing support services; and �a WF3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul has an immediate need for a data base administrator 7 and the City does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timely basis the capacity or S expertise to perform the City service or services proposed to be contracted out; and 9 10 W��REAS, the City has advertised for the position with a salary range; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WF�REAS, the open market salary for the position is substantially above the salary range for the City's position; and WHEREAS, the City has not received any internal or earternal candidates that meet the requirements for the data base administrator position; and WF�REAS, the division of Information Services has proposed to negotiate to enter into a one year contract for the current year with a prospective outside vendor that supplies, within the City's cost range, data base administrator services so that the City can fulfill its immediate computer support needs; and Wf�REA5, the Saint Paul Administrative Code §8611 requires that all managed competition contracts be expressly authorized by the City Council by resolution and Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.06 requires that a per£ormance plan be implemented prior to any city services be contracted out; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.13 {a) permits the City Council by resolution to waive one or more of the requirements of Chapter 85; and now, therefore, be it i 2 3 4 5 6 00 -q�g RESOLVED, that the requirements of Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.06 for icntiation and preparatian of a performance plan prior to any city services being contracted shall be waived for a period of one year and the division of Information Services is authorized to negoriate and enter into a contract for a one-year agreement for remote data base administrative support with an outside vendor. QRI�I�IAL Requested by Department of: r� � � �� � ' �1 Bp' --�% `c `� ` � Approved by C M�a J yor: Dat 1 � BY• �ff./�I�iAA !�/ArNI Form prc ed by City A�toY / By: �•, Xpproved by Mayor for Submission to Council � BY= � i� l/v'BU�'�--- I Adopted by Council: Date �.�{ 2-a ca c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary oeparlmenuocfweJ�w,n�a: TMSlInformation Services Contact Perwn & Phone: George Huschle, 266-8558 Must Be on Counci{ Agenda by �Date)1�-4- OQ o�te tnittated Green Sheet No .103679 September 15,2000 � O. q� n aa� inrtwuaac� � 1 DepaRmcvt Dir. 4 CityCouactil p z c;ry nvo�ney� c;ty clak Numbef Finaw.ial Serv Dir. F'i�n�tial Savfacdg For 3 MaYor(OcAzsc) - � _CivilSaviceCommission Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages I (Clip NI Locations nzaon �ue�tea: Council approval to initiate RFP process to hire remote database support for Oracie database administration_ (dba)_ � Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Pianning Commission CIB Canmittce Civil Service Commission � Perwnal Service Contracts Must Answer tfie FoOowing Questio�: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a confrad for this deparkneM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No � EzpWin al( yes answers oa sepamte sheet and attach tn green sheet Initiating Problem, iss„e, Opportunity (Who, wnat, wnen, wnere, wny�: IS has been unable to hire the Oracle database administrator approved in its year 2000 budget using conventional methods. As a result, IS �piored an alternative approach and found several reputable vendors who may able satisfy our need for a DBA. IS wouid like to determine by RFP whether these vendors can meet our specific needs, and based on the outcome, contract for the'u services. navantayes ir aPPro�ed: 1. Ability to support our expanded dependence on this technology; 2. Access to an expanded dept� of knowledge in a highly technicai field; 3. Due to the shortage of qualified Oracle dbas there is a better possibility of continuing service with a vendor that retains large numbers of dbas, city has two; 4. Training and leaming curve time greatly reduced with vendor; 5. Expanded hours of eoverage possible. Disadvaatages If Approved: 1. A V@ridOC scope of service is specific to the contract while a city can and often does work on a more fle�ble job description; 2. Cost per hour, vendors will most likely bill at a rate which is at least twice the salary rate for a Information Tech Analyst V which is our dha title. Therefore we will most likely need to contract for half the hours of a FTE. o�5aa�a�tay� if Noc aPPro�ea: Potential ioss of support for criticai city systems which now have only one IS staff assigned to support Oracie for them. Systems inciude, payroll system, city attorney's system, AMANDA (LIEP, Fire inspection), part ofF'MS (Finance system), Imranet and IS Work Orders. Totaf Amount of Transaction: S Funding Source: Financial Info`mation: (Ezplain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Pl��£��YC:�? ��e'°4t'`P � S�� � � �i'3� ao . q�1 A new DBA position was approved for IS in the 2000 Budget. Here are the steps IS took to fill this vacancy. 1. Early December 1999 - A position description for an IS Information Technical Analyst IV (TTA I� was developed by George Huschle and NTike Gits who is our senior DBA. See Attachment 1. 2. Late December 1999 - Description reviewed and approved by Cindy Mullan December 3�,1999 to Present - Job assignment posted on intranet to solicit any interested City technical employees. 4. Early January 2�00 - One City employee expresses an interest and was told to apply through HR which they did. January 14, 2000 to Present - Announcement posted on the city internet fhttn:ilwwryv.st�aul.govltechjobs? ) 6. January 14, 2000 - Kathy O'Neill sent the announcement to local universities and technical colleges where the announcements were posted for one month. Early January to Present - HR screened all ITA N applications and provides IS with sis potential candidates that have some related DBA experience. 8. Early 7anuary to Present - To date, IS employees have scored the tests of six candidates who have applied for an ITA IV. Five passed the test but do not have the DBA experience necessary for t7ils specific assigtunent. The 6th appiicant, the currem City employee, indicated that she knew she did not qualify for the DBA assignment. However she offered to be a trainee at her current levei ITA II. That emp]oyee has since resigned from the City. 9. Mid February - George and Mike reviewed contract employee resumes provided by outside vendors (Consultis, NIMS, and Maxim) in the hope of finding someone who could fill the position on a temporary basis and perhaps eventual]y become a Ciry employee. Rates for people with qualifications comparable to the job assignment posting was $75 to $125 per hour. Based on these costs and the risk associated with using a contract empioyee for ongoing support and maintenance, contract assistance was considered to be an undesirable option. 10. Mid February - IS customer, CAO indicated they may need DBA services outside the normal workday hours and that administrative work cannot be performed during regular business hours. This led IS to examine other ways to provide ABA services that would provide the necessary level of expertise consistently and cost effectively. Remote DBA services appeared to be a viable option to explore. 00 _q�°l i l. Present - George and Mike are rewriting the assignment as an ITA III to see if there are candidates with less DBA experience that may be interested. 12. Present - IS is exAm;ning the feasibility of subscribing to a remote DBA service. Two companies, Rapidigm and Oracle, are being closely examined. Each provides database monitoring tuning, backup and security services along with other specialized database services on a 7X24 basis. Conference calls and reviews of their proposed services and prices is underway. IS inability to acquire adequate database administration resources puts major city applications at risk. With increased Oracle applications in FSO, Police, LIEP, PED, and Fire, the 2.0 FTEs respansible for DBA duties within the City can no longer adequately meet the demands. 00 -'l�� �.,�a h,�, z� City of Saint Paut RFP # For Remote Oracle DBA Services Date L Overview The Department ofInformation Services is seeking proposals from qualified providers to provide remote Oracle database administration. This service will offer several advantages for the City including more flexible expertise to support critical Oracle production applications. Bidders must be able to demonstrate that they employ a sufficient number of Oracle Data Base Administrators (DBAs) to meet City needs and are capable of offering a wide range of database support services. II. Background Due to increasing demand the City of Saint Pau] needs to expand its Oracle database administration support. The city DBA coverage now is provided by one employee for siac production systems. The usage of these systems is expanding and often e�ctends beyond the normal workload and schedule of a single employee. The shortage of qualified Oracle DBAs and the salaries needed to attract this talent requires that the City look for alternatives to the traditional hiring of anothet full time empioyee. III. Scope af Work i. Proiect Sco�e The City production systems targeted for remote database administration services will not have the same up time requirements as an a'uline reservation system or a banking ATM Aowever, theses production systems must be available every work day and most weekends. This will require a company that can offer services on a 24 x 7 basis. 2. Contract Structure The City is seeking a single provider of these services. The City understands and expects that these services will be handled by mare than one individual or a team, but requires that one individual is designated as the Project Manager for the duration of the contract. Any change in the designation of the Project Manager must be approved by the City in advance. IV. Speci�c Project Requirements Minimal requirements for the DBA Services are defined to include the foliowing: A. Support at a minimum two (2) production instances. This would include an inspection tracking system and the City's Payroii System. These applications run on separate NT 4.0 servers and are currently using Oracle 7.3.4 and 8.0.5. The Payroll instance has several oo- °l � other peripheral application areas. There are other Oracle instances that are now supported by City Staff; they include the City Attorney System, Public Works Fleet Management System, data warehousing of our financial historical data and help desk. These other instances are not included in the minimal requirement but bidders can include options for there administration. B. Options available for supporting the test and development instances of the inspection tracking and City Payroll applications. C. Additional support time available for other e�sting databases and for planning of new databases. For example, if the City plans to migrate instances to 8i, how will contractor assist? When designing a new application, what help can the City get from the contractor? D. Successful contractor must provide a p]an that will ensure data security and privacy of all City data. This wiil require the contractor to have in place procedures for hiring and assigning staff to our contract, ensuring that all access information is protected, encrypting sensitive data that will he transferred to and from any remote site and protection against viruses. E. Provide a sample Crantt chart that illustrates the complete implementation cycle for a remote DBA services contract such as the City's. This chart will define all major tasks, estimates of their beginning and end times, differences between chargeable time to the project versus startlstop time, interdependencies of tasks, and parties responsible for completing the tasks. The task assignments should clearly show what is expected of city staff and what the contractor expects to do. The Gantt chart should provide the overview that will be used by the contractor to implement remote DBA services for the City of 5aint Paul. V. General Project Requirements A. Overall Pro�ect ManaQement The successful proposer will be required to work closely with the designated Project Manager for the City. Similazly, the successfitl proposer(s) will be expected to identify an individual who will serve as the key contact person and to specify other staff who will perform various tasks. Any substitutions of staff during the course of the contract must be agreed upon by the City in advance. B_ Human Ri�htslAtTirmative Action Vendors bidding to the City of Saint Paul must comply with the City's Affirmative Action Requirements in Employment. These requirements are explained in the documents that are included in Agpendix B of this Request For ProposaL If you have questions about the Human Rights requirements, please contact the Human Rights Oflice at (6S 1) 266-8966. Oo, q�q C. Vendor Outreach Program The Office of Contract and Analysis Services administers the Vendor Outreach Progam to assist women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses (WBEs, MBEs, SBEs) in participating in the public contracting process. Proposers are encouraged to identify ways to include the City's certified vendors in their proposal. For additional information about the Program or a list of certified vendors, contact the Contract & Analysis Services Division, at 651-266-8900. D. Year 2000 Compliance Any vendor/contractor who submits a bid or other response to a City of Saint Paul solicitation for computer hardware or software is required to include a written certificaUOn that all items proposed are Year 2000 compliant. E. Bonds_ Insurance The successful proposer will be required to carry insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown below for the life of the contract. Professionad Liabiliiy Insurance a. $1,000,000 per occurrence b. $2,000,000 aggregate General Insurance Requirements a. The policy is to be written on an occurrence basis or as acceptable to the City. Certificate of insurance must indicate if the policy is issued on a claims-made or occurrence basis. All certificates of insurance shall provide that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services be given not less than (30) days prior written notice of cancellation, non-renewal or any material changes in the policy. Agent must state on the certificate if company catries errors and omissions coverage. b. The Contractor may not cammence work until a Certificate of Insurance covering all ofthe insurance required for this project is approved and the Project manager has issued a notice to proceed. Insurance must remain in place for the duration of the original contract and any extension periods. F. AuditlPublic Information Reguirements Pursuant to Chapter 386 of the Minnesota Statutes, the successful proposer will be required to maintain all books, documems, papers, account records, and other evidence pertaining to work performed under any Agreement issued in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of such Agreement and to make such material availab]e at proposer's office at all reasonahle times during the Agreement and thereafter up to six (6) yeazs for audit or inspection by the City, the State Auditor, or any other authorized individuals. The successfu] proposer will also be required to comply with the data practices requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.05. VI. Required Information/Content of Proposals To facilitate review of the information submitted, proposals must contain the following oe. q4q information presented in the order shown: A Description ofproposer's overall approach or solution a) Approach, rationale b) Overall project manager B. Breakdown of project by phases, tasks, etc. For each phase listed identify: a) Specific staffto be involved, roles, responsibilities b) Number of chargeable hours for each consultant and an estimate of the hours required of city staff. c) Timeline d)1�eliverables e) City responsibilities � Other pertinent details C. Costs ' a) All costs to be charged to the City for 24 x 7 coverage b) Hourly rates for staff c) Period of rate stability d) Assumptions used in deternuning overail project costs D. Questions a) Proposers responses to questions in Appendix A. E. Description of past experience providing similaz services to public and private sector a) Names and addresses of contact persons b) Work samp3es F. 5ample contract a) Vendor's proposed contract terms. G. Appended materials a) Corparate qualifications b) Resumes of project partisans c} Other relevant materia]s (work samples, etc.) VlZ Instructions For Submitting Proposals A. Coaies and ClosinQ Date Qualified proposers should submit to: copies oftheir proposals by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Division of Contract and Analysis Services oo� q�.1 Room 280 City HalllCourthouse Building 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8900 Proposers shoutd note that one record copy must be submitted in a sealed envelope or other container with the name of the company, the RFP number and the project title clearly labeled on the outside. The top page of the record copy must include an original signature by an individual who is authorized to make representations and commitments on behalf of the proposer. Failure to include this original signature may result in the disqualification of the proposal. The remaining copies may be duplicate copies of the original and may be packaged together. (They must be separate from the original, however.) The outside must also be clearly marked with the above information. B. Public Information All information submitted to tfie office of Contract and Anatysis Services will be considered public information in accordance with Minnesota statues governing data practices. Upon submission, proposals become the property of the City and will not be returned to proposers. C. uestions Proposers are asked to submit questions related to the specific project requirements and contents of proposals in writing by (time) on (date) to: Dale Stevens Division of Contract & Analysis Services Room 280 City $alUCourthouse Building 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Questions may be faaced: (651) 266-8919 or e-mailed to dale.stevens@ci.stpaul.mn.us Written responses to all questions received will be mailed to all proposers by (date). No oral quesrions wilt be entertained prior to or after the deadline for written questions specified above. VIII. Proposal Selection Process and Criteria A. Criteria Proposals will be evaivated using the following criteria: 1. Philosophy and approach to project 2. Past experience doing similar projects Oa -°l�q 3. Resumes of personnel assigned to do project 4. Responses to questions in Appendix A to demonstrate the contractor's understanding of the City needs. 5. Cost B. Process A staff committee (or other individuals) will review the proposals against the criteria in this RFP and rank proposals. At its option, the corrunittee may invite one or more proposers for an itrterview. The City requires that the project manager and any other key individual(s) for the project participate in any interview process. The interview process may be satisfied via conference calls. The staff committee will make this decision. Proposers will be espected to pay for any costs they incur for the interview process along with any costs associated with preparing and transmitting proposals. The City reserves the right to ask for additional information or clarification of the submission from any or a11 proposers. The final contract award(s) will be conditioned upon the successful proposer's complying with al] terms and conditions, mutual agreement about the final work plan, and completion of a contract agreeable to all parties. IX. Estimated Timeline For Proposal Submission, Review, and Selection Request For Proposals Mailed date Deadline For Written Questions date Responses To Questions Mailed date Deadline For Proposals date Interviews Consultant Selection date date Project Begins date oo-'l� Appendia A: Questions The followittg set of questions will be used to help the City identify which proposal can best meet the City's minimum service requirements and be capable of providing an expanded service offering to accommodate future growth. Please answer the questions as completely as possible. 1. What experience does your company have in providing remote Oracle database administration services? Please provide specific information regarding (a) I3umber of distinct cusiomers (b)Number ofindividual applications/instances administered (c)Size ofeach application/instances administered in terms of transactions/usersJdatabase size (d)Oracle versions administered (e) Technology platformsJservers. 2. How long haue you provided this service? 3. How many full time Oracle dbas do you employ as of7une 1, 2000? As ofJune 1, 1999? As of 7une 1, 1998? 4. What is the overall profile ofthese Oracle dbas in terms ofoverali dba experience and time with your company? 5. Describe the structure and experience of the team assigned to support the City's account. How is contact with the City handled? Is there a primary or lead technician? 6. What has your company done to ensure continued, uninterrupted dba services? 7. How do you package and market your remote dba services? By instances? By db servers? Combination/other? 8. What software tools and procedures do you emp]oy to monitor a production db? Where do these reside? 9. What software tools and procedures do you employ to resolve db problems? Where do these reside? 10. What are the levels of expertise and what are the requirements that you will have of our City oo-q�t staffto assist you in successfully performing remote dba services? 11. How do you assure your customers of data security and privacy? 12. What are your connectivity expectations associated with this service? Define areas of responsibility and any additional costs in this regard. 13. What service options or additional wst items aze there? Do you have defined hourly or special fees in your plan for work beyond the agreed contract? 14. Do you have customer references who are now receiving the same type of services? Who are they and can we contact them? 15. What are the startup and cancellation policies associated with your service contract? What are the defined time frames associated with your contract? Do you offer monthly, quarterly, annual only service agreements? Do you offer any incentives to lower the City's risk when entering into a service agreement with your company? 16. How much notice must we give to cancel our contract and are there any costs associated with canceling? 17. What start up costs will be the responsibility of the city? For example, connectivity cost, startup software, server enhancements, etc. 18. If we consolidate database instances that are not initially covered in our contract with the instances that are covered, will this resuit in additional charges? oo-q\ Append'u B: Affirmative Action Requirements DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS W.H. Tyrone Terrill, Director SA[NT PAUL � AAA CITY OF 5AINT PAiTI. 900 City Ha(1 Te[ephone: 651-Z66-8966 Norm Coleman, Mayor ISW.KeZloggBlvd. FacsimiZe:651-266-8962 SaintPauI,MN55102 TDD: 651-266-8977 AFFIIiMATiVE ACTION/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIl2EMENTS NON-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Section 183.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (Human Rights Ordinance) and the rules Goveming Affirmative Requirements in Employment set forth the Affirmative Action Requirements which aze to be incorporated inro and made a part of every contract entered into by the Ciry of Saint Paul. These documents aze available at the Departrnent of Human Rights, 900 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102- 1681, (651) 266-8966. The Saint Paul Depar[ment of Human Rights is responsible foc monitoring the Contract Compliance Program to determine whether or not persons or firms doing business with the Ciry are complying with Sec[ion 183.04 of the Human Rights Ordinance and the Rules. As stated in Section 183.04, the contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, religoq sex, sexual or affectional orienta6on, color, nalional origin, ancesiry, familial status, age disabiliry, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. EMPLOYERS WHO CONTRACT WITH TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MCTST DO MORE THAN MERELY AVOID DISCRIIvIINATORY PRACTICES. Tf�Y MUST ADOPT AND IMPLEMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROCsRAMS TO EMPLOY MINORITY, FEMALE, AND DISABLED PERSONS. The contractor must also include the Affirmative Acdon provisions of the Human Rights Ordinance and the Rules in every subconttact, purc}�ase order or agreement with any subcontractor (including material suppliers and subcontractors who enter in[o a contract with another subcontractor or material supplier), with stipulaUons that the subcontractor is bound by the terms thereof. A CONTRACTOR=S AFFII2MATIVE ACTION IN Tf� EMPLOYMENT OF MII�TORITY, FFMAT F AND DISABLED PERSONS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION IN Tf� AWARDING OF A CONTRACT. M Advmetive Actoq Equal OpporOwry Empioyer 00 -Rt°1 It is the contractor—s responsibility to become familiaz and comply with the City=s requirements and to ens�ue that their subcontcactots comply with them. Tectwical assistance will be pmvided by the Human Rights Department staff upon request The following documentation must be submitted to the Department of Human Rig]rts for approval before a crontract will be awarded: AFFIItMATIVE ACTIOI3 PROGRAM Every contractar or subcontractor wLose total accumulated contract or subconuact awards from the City of Saint Paui over the preceding twelve montLs has exceeded $SQ000 st�all develop and implement an effective Affirmative Action Program in writing substandally similar to the Depar[ment's Model Affim�ative Action Program for Non-Construcaon Contractors, which shall include hiring goals for ffie employment of minorities, females and disabled persons in the contrac[or—s work force. Once the Affirmative Action Program is approved by the Department of Human Rights, the contractor will be notified of their compliance status. Compliance with Section 183.04 is valid for rivo (2) years. At the end af the tcvayear period, the AAP must be reviewed and updated. The Model Affirmative Action Program is avai]able from the Department of Human Rights. A Model Modified Affirmative Action Program is available for contractors with twenty (20) or fewer employees. Contact the Department of Human rights for more information. EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNIT'I' POSTERS must be posted in the offices of the contractor. The Huivan Rip�ts Department staff will moniror the conuactor's affirmative action efforts and results. Qn-Site Compliance Reviews will be conducted on the work force of companies tktat enter into contractual agreements with the City of Saint Paul. The pwpose of the review is to deterntine the contractor—s compliance with ihe niles, regiilations and orders of Section 183.04 of the Hucnan Rights Ordinance. On-site reviews include reviewing the implementalion of the contractor's AffirmaUve Action Program, personnei policies and procedures. Contractors may be required to provide additional documentafion in order to deternrine whether or not they are mailing meas�irable improvements in the hiring of minority, female, and disabled persons, including, but not limited to the following: 1. Good Faith Efforts Questionnaire 2. Applicant F1ow Data 3. Employee Turnover Data 4. Documentaflon Supporting Dissemination and Implementaflon of EEO/AA Policies. 5. Documentation Supporting Recruitrnent Efforts Failure to comply with any of the requiremen[s set forth above is sufficient grounds for disciplinary or remedial actions provided for under Article IV of the Rules, namely: 1. Ternunation of the contract 2. Suspension of the contract until conective steps aze taken; 3. Continuaflon of the contract subject to the imposition of conditions to correct the non-compliance; 4. Declaration tha[ the con[ractor shall be ineligible to bid on fuhue contracts either pernianen[ly or for a stated time; or 5. A combination of the above. It is imperntive that Vendors who aze being considered for contracts of $50,0�0 ot more contact the Human Rights DeparUnent Compliance Division to obtain copies of the requiremems and docnments in order to expedite the Affirmative Action reviewing process. If you have any questions, please contact (651) 266-8966. ORIUII�AL Council File # Op — � Green Sheet # ip' G �(� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the division of Information Services of the Department of Technology and Management Services provides computer and data processing support services; and �a WF3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul has an immediate need for a data base administrator 7 and the City does not have and cannot reasonably develop on a timely basis the capacity or S expertise to perform the City service or services proposed to be contracted out; and 9 10 W��REAS, the City has advertised for the position with a salary range; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WF�REAS, the open market salary for the position is substantially above the salary range for the City's position; and WHEREAS, the City has not received any internal or earternal candidates that meet the requirements for the data base administrator position; and WF�REAS, the division of Information Services has proposed to negotiate to enter into a one year contract for the current year with a prospective outside vendor that supplies, within the City's cost range, data base administrator services so that the City can fulfill its immediate computer support needs; and Wf�REA5, the Saint Paul Administrative Code §8611 requires that all managed competition contracts be expressly authorized by the City Council by resolution and Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.06 requires that a per£ormance plan be implemented prior to any city services be contracted out; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.13 {a) permits the City Council by resolution to waive one or more of the requirements of Chapter 85; and now, therefore, be it i 2 3 4 5 6 00 -q�g RESOLVED, that the requirements of Saint Paul Administrative Code §85.06 for icntiation and preparatian of a performance plan prior to any city services being contracted shall be waived for a period of one year and the division of Information Services is authorized to negoriate and enter into a contract for a one-year agreement for remote data base administrative support with an outside vendor. QRI�I�IAL Requested by Department of: r� � � �� � ' �1 Bp' --�% `c `� ` � Approved by C M�a J yor: Dat 1 � BY• �ff./�I�iAA !�/ArNI Form prc ed by City A�toY / By: �•, Xpproved by Mayor for Submission to Council � BY= � i� l/v'BU�'�--- I Adopted by Council: Date �.�{ 2-a ca c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary oeparlmenuocfweJ�w,n�a: TMSlInformation Services Contact Perwn & Phone: George Huschle, 266-8558 Must Be on Counci{ Agenda by �Date)1�-4- OQ o�te tnittated Green Sheet No .103679 September 15,2000 � O. q� n aa� inrtwuaac� � 1 DepaRmcvt Dir. 4 CityCouactil p z c;ry nvo�ney� c;ty clak Numbef Finaw.ial Serv Dir. F'i�n�tial Savfacdg For 3 MaYor(OcAzsc) - � _CivilSaviceCommission Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages I (Clip NI Locations nzaon �ue�tea: Council approval to initiate RFP process to hire remote database support for Oracie database administration_ (dba)_ � Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Pianning Commission CIB Canmittce Civil Service Commission � Perwnal Service Contracts Must Answer tfie FoOowing Questio�: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a confrad for this deparkneM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No � EzpWin al( yes answers oa sepamte sheet and attach tn green sheet Initiating Problem, iss„e, Opportunity (Who, wnat, wnen, wnere, wny�: IS has been unable to hire the Oracle database administrator approved in its year 2000 budget using conventional methods. As a result, IS �piored an alternative approach and found several reputable vendors who may able satisfy our need for a DBA. IS wouid like to determine by RFP whether these vendors can meet our specific needs, and based on the outcome, contract for the'u services. navantayes ir aPPro�ed: 1. Ability to support our expanded dependence on this technology; 2. Access to an expanded dept� of knowledge in a highly technicai field; 3. Due to the shortage of qualified Oracle dbas there is a better possibility of continuing service with a vendor that retains large numbers of dbas, city has two; 4. Training and leaming curve time greatly reduced with vendor; 5. Expanded hours of eoverage possible. Disadvaatages If Approved: 1. A V@ridOC scope of service is specific to the contract while a city can and often does work on a more fle�ble job description; 2. Cost per hour, vendors will most likely bill at a rate which is at least twice the salary rate for a Information Tech Analyst V which is our dha title. Therefore we will most likely need to contract for half the hours of a FTE. o�5aa�a�tay� if Noc aPPro�ea: Potential ioss of support for criticai city systems which now have only one IS staff assigned to support Oracie for them. Systems inciude, payroll system, city attorney's system, AMANDA (LIEP, Fire inspection), part ofF'MS (Finance system), Imranet and IS Work Orders. Totaf Amount of Transaction: S Funding Source: Financial Info`mation: (Ezplain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Pl��£��YC:�? ��e'°4t'`P � S�� � � �i'3� ao . q�1 A new DBA position was approved for IS in the 2000 Budget. Here are the steps IS took to fill this vacancy. 1. Early December 1999 - A position description for an IS Information Technical Analyst IV (TTA I� was developed by George Huschle and NTike Gits who is our senior DBA. See Attachment 1. 2. Late December 1999 - Description reviewed and approved by Cindy Mullan December 3�,1999 to Present - Job assignment posted on intranet to solicit any interested City technical employees. 4. Early January 2�00 - One City employee expresses an interest and was told to apply through HR which they did. January 14, 2000 to Present - Announcement posted on the city internet fhttn:ilwwryv.st�aul.govltechjobs? ) 6. January 14, 2000 - Kathy O'Neill sent the announcement to local universities and technical colleges where the announcements were posted for one month. Early January to Present - HR screened all ITA N applications and provides IS with sis potential candidates that have some related DBA experience. 8. Early 7anuary to Present - To date, IS employees have scored the tests of six candidates who have applied for an ITA IV. Five passed the test but do not have the DBA experience necessary for t7ils specific assigtunent. The 6th appiicant, the currem City employee, indicated that she knew she did not qualify for the DBA assignment. However she offered to be a trainee at her current levei ITA II. That emp]oyee has since resigned from the City. 9. Mid February - George and Mike reviewed contract employee resumes provided by outside vendors (Consultis, NIMS, and Maxim) in the hope of finding someone who could fill the position on a temporary basis and perhaps eventual]y become a Ciry employee. Rates for people with qualifications comparable to the job assignment posting was $75 to $125 per hour. Based on these costs and the risk associated with using a contract empioyee for ongoing support and maintenance, contract assistance was considered to be an undesirable option. 10. Mid February - IS customer, CAO indicated they may need DBA services outside the normal workday hours and that administrative work cannot be performed during regular business hours. This led IS to examine other ways to provide ABA services that would provide the necessary level of expertise consistently and cost effectively. Remote DBA services appeared to be a viable option to explore. 00 _q�°l i l. Present - George and Mike are rewriting the assignment as an ITA III to see if there are candidates with less DBA experience that may be interested. 12. Present - IS is exAm;ning the feasibility of subscribing to a remote DBA service. Two companies, Rapidigm and Oracle, are being closely examined. Each provides database monitoring tuning, backup and security services along with other specialized database services on a 7X24 basis. Conference calls and reviews of their proposed services and prices is underway. IS inability to acquire adequate database administration resources puts major city applications at risk. With increased Oracle applications in FSO, Police, LIEP, PED, and Fire, the 2.0 FTEs respansible for DBA duties within the City can no longer adequately meet the demands. 00 -'l�� �.,�a h,�, z� City of Saint Paut RFP # For Remote Oracle DBA Services Date L Overview The Department ofInformation Services is seeking proposals from qualified providers to provide remote Oracle database administration. This service will offer several advantages for the City including more flexible expertise to support critical Oracle production applications. Bidders must be able to demonstrate that they employ a sufficient number of Oracle Data Base Administrators (DBAs) to meet City needs and are capable of offering a wide range of database support services. II. Background Due to increasing demand the City of Saint Pau] needs to expand its Oracle database administration support. The city DBA coverage now is provided by one employee for siac production systems. The usage of these systems is expanding and often e�ctends beyond the normal workload and schedule of a single employee. The shortage of qualified Oracle DBAs and the salaries needed to attract this talent requires that the City look for alternatives to the traditional hiring of anothet full time empioyee. III. Scope af Work i. Proiect Sco�e The City production systems targeted for remote database administration services will not have the same up time requirements as an a'uline reservation system or a banking ATM Aowever, theses production systems must be available every work day and most weekends. This will require a company that can offer services on a 24 x 7 basis. 2. Contract Structure The City is seeking a single provider of these services. The City understands and expects that these services will be handled by mare than one individual or a team, but requires that one individual is designated as the Project Manager for the duration of the contract. Any change in the designation of the Project Manager must be approved by the City in advance. IV. Speci�c Project Requirements Minimal requirements for the DBA Services are defined to include the foliowing: A. Support at a minimum two (2) production instances. This would include an inspection tracking system and the City's Payroii System. These applications run on separate NT 4.0 servers and are currently using Oracle 7.3.4 and 8.0.5. The Payroll instance has several oo- °l � other peripheral application areas. There are other Oracle instances that are now supported by City Staff; they include the City Attorney System, Public Works Fleet Management System, data warehousing of our financial historical data and help desk. These other instances are not included in the minimal requirement but bidders can include options for there administration. B. Options available for supporting the test and development instances of the inspection tracking and City Payroll applications. C. Additional support time available for other e�sting databases and for planning of new databases. For example, if the City plans to migrate instances to 8i, how will contractor assist? When designing a new application, what help can the City get from the contractor? D. Successful contractor must provide a p]an that will ensure data security and privacy of all City data. This wiil require the contractor to have in place procedures for hiring and assigning staff to our contract, ensuring that all access information is protected, encrypting sensitive data that will he transferred to and from any remote site and protection against viruses. E. Provide a sample Crantt chart that illustrates the complete implementation cycle for a remote DBA services contract such as the City's. This chart will define all major tasks, estimates of their beginning and end times, differences between chargeable time to the project versus startlstop time, interdependencies of tasks, and parties responsible for completing the tasks. The task assignments should clearly show what is expected of city staff and what the contractor expects to do. The Gantt chart should provide the overview that will be used by the contractor to implement remote DBA services for the City of 5aint Paul. V. General Project Requirements A. Overall Pro�ect ManaQement The successful proposer will be required to work closely with the designated Project Manager for the City. Similazly, the successfitl proposer(s) will be expected to identify an individual who will serve as the key contact person and to specify other staff who will perform various tasks. Any substitutions of staff during the course of the contract must be agreed upon by the City in advance. B_ Human Ri�htslAtTirmative Action Vendors bidding to the City of Saint Paul must comply with the City's Affirmative Action Requirements in Employment. These requirements are explained in the documents that are included in Agpendix B of this Request For ProposaL If you have questions about the Human Rights requirements, please contact the Human Rights Oflice at (6S 1) 266-8966. Oo, q�q C. Vendor Outreach Program The Office of Contract and Analysis Services administers the Vendor Outreach Progam to assist women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses (WBEs, MBEs, SBEs) in participating in the public contracting process. Proposers are encouraged to identify ways to include the City's certified vendors in their proposal. For additional information about the Program or a list of certified vendors, contact the Contract & Analysis Services Division, at 651-266-8900. D. Year 2000 Compliance Any vendor/contractor who submits a bid or other response to a City of Saint Paul solicitation for computer hardware or software is required to include a written certificaUOn that all items proposed are Year 2000 compliant. E. Bonds_ Insurance The successful proposer will be required to carry insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown below for the life of the contract. Professionad Liabiliiy Insurance a. $1,000,000 per occurrence b. $2,000,000 aggregate General Insurance Requirements a. The policy is to be written on an occurrence basis or as acceptable to the City. Certificate of insurance must indicate if the policy is issued on a claims-made or occurrence basis. All certificates of insurance shall provide that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services be given not less than (30) days prior written notice of cancellation, non-renewal or any material changes in the policy. Agent must state on the certificate if company catries errors and omissions coverage. b. The Contractor may not cammence work until a Certificate of Insurance covering all ofthe insurance required for this project is approved and the Project manager has issued a notice to proceed. Insurance must remain in place for the duration of the original contract and any extension periods. F. AuditlPublic Information Reguirements Pursuant to Chapter 386 of the Minnesota Statutes, the successful proposer will be required to maintain all books, documems, papers, account records, and other evidence pertaining to work performed under any Agreement issued in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of such Agreement and to make such material availab]e at proposer's office at all reasonahle times during the Agreement and thereafter up to six (6) yeazs for audit or inspection by the City, the State Auditor, or any other authorized individuals. The successfu] proposer will also be required to comply with the data practices requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.05. VI. Required Information/Content of Proposals To facilitate review of the information submitted, proposals must contain the following oe. q4q information presented in the order shown: A Description ofproposer's overall approach or solution a) Approach, rationale b) Overall project manager B. Breakdown of project by phases, tasks, etc. For each phase listed identify: a) Specific staffto be involved, roles, responsibilities b) Number of chargeable hours for each consultant and an estimate of the hours required of city staff. c) Timeline d)1�eliverables e) City responsibilities � Other pertinent details C. Costs ' a) All costs to be charged to the City for 24 x 7 coverage b) Hourly rates for staff c) Period of rate stability d) Assumptions used in deternuning overail project costs D. Questions a) Proposers responses to questions in Appendix A. E. Description of past experience providing similaz services to public and private sector a) Names and addresses of contact persons b) Work samp3es F. 5ample contract a) Vendor's proposed contract terms. G. Appended materials a) Corparate qualifications b) Resumes of project partisans c} Other relevant materia]s (work samples, etc.) VlZ Instructions For Submitting Proposals A. Coaies and ClosinQ Date Qualified proposers should submit to: copies oftheir proposals by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Division of Contract and Analysis Services oo� q�.1 Room 280 City HalllCourthouse Building 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8900 Proposers shoutd note that one record copy must be submitted in a sealed envelope or other container with the name of the company, the RFP number and the project title clearly labeled on the outside. The top page of the record copy must include an original signature by an individual who is authorized to make representations and commitments on behalf of the proposer. Failure to include this original signature may result in the disqualification of the proposal. The remaining copies may be duplicate copies of the original and may be packaged together. (They must be separate from the original, however.) The outside must also be clearly marked with the above information. B. Public Information All information submitted to tfie office of Contract and Anatysis Services will be considered public information in accordance with Minnesota statues governing data practices. Upon submission, proposals become the property of the City and will not be returned to proposers. C. uestions Proposers are asked to submit questions related to the specific project requirements and contents of proposals in writing by (time) on (date) to: Dale Stevens Division of Contract & Analysis Services Room 280 City $alUCourthouse Building 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Questions may be faaced: (651) 266-8919 or e-mailed to dale.stevens@ci.stpaul.mn.us Written responses to all questions received will be mailed to all proposers by (date). No oral quesrions wilt be entertained prior to or after the deadline for written questions specified above. VIII. Proposal Selection Process and Criteria A. Criteria Proposals will be evaivated using the following criteria: 1. Philosophy and approach to project 2. Past experience doing similar projects Oa -°l�q 3. Resumes of personnel assigned to do project 4. Responses to questions in Appendix A to demonstrate the contractor's understanding of the City needs. 5. Cost B. Process A staff committee (or other individuals) will review the proposals against the criteria in this RFP and rank proposals. At its option, the corrunittee may invite one or more proposers for an itrterview. The City requires that the project manager and any other key individual(s) for the project participate in any interview process. The interview process may be satisfied via conference calls. The staff committee will make this decision. Proposers will be espected to pay for any costs they incur for the interview process along with any costs associated with preparing and transmitting proposals. The City reserves the right to ask for additional information or clarification of the submission from any or a11 proposers. The final contract award(s) will be conditioned upon the successful proposer's complying with al] terms and conditions, mutual agreement about the final work plan, and completion of a contract agreeable to all parties. IX. Estimated Timeline For Proposal Submission, Review, and Selection Request For Proposals Mailed date Deadline For Written Questions date Responses To Questions Mailed date Deadline For Proposals date Interviews Consultant Selection date date Project Begins date oo-'l� Appendia A: Questions The followittg set of questions will be used to help the City identify which proposal can best meet the City's minimum service requirements and be capable of providing an expanded service offering to accommodate future growth. Please answer the questions as completely as possible. 1. What experience does your company have in providing remote Oracle database administration services? Please provide specific information regarding (a) I3umber of distinct cusiomers (b)Number ofindividual applications/instances administered (c)Size ofeach application/instances administered in terms of transactions/usersJdatabase size (d)Oracle versions administered (e) Technology platformsJservers. 2. How long haue you provided this service? 3. How many full time Oracle dbas do you employ as of7une 1, 2000? As ofJune 1, 1999? As of 7une 1, 1998? 4. What is the overall profile ofthese Oracle dbas in terms ofoverali dba experience and time with your company? 5. Describe the structure and experience of the team assigned to support the City's account. How is contact with the City handled? Is there a primary or lead technician? 6. What has your company done to ensure continued, uninterrupted dba services? 7. How do you package and market your remote dba services? By instances? By db servers? Combination/other? 8. What software tools and procedures do you emp]oy to monitor a production db? Where do these reside? 9. What software tools and procedures do you employ to resolve db problems? Where do these reside? 10. What are the levels of expertise and what are the requirements that you will have of our City oo-q�t staffto assist you in successfully performing remote dba services? 11. How do you assure your customers of data security and privacy? 12. What are your connectivity expectations associated with this service? Define areas of responsibility and any additional costs in this regard. 13. What service options or additional wst items aze there? Do you have defined hourly or special fees in your plan for work beyond the agreed contract? 14. Do you have customer references who are now receiving the same type of services? Who are they and can we contact them? 15. What are the startup and cancellation policies associated with your service contract? What are the defined time frames associated with your contract? Do you offer monthly, quarterly, annual only service agreements? Do you offer any incentives to lower the City's risk when entering into a service agreement with your company? 16. How much notice must we give to cancel our contract and are there any costs associated with canceling? 17. What start up costs will be the responsibility of the city? For example, connectivity cost, startup software, server enhancements, etc. 18. If we consolidate database instances that are not initially covered in our contract with the instances that are covered, will this resuit in additional charges? oo-q\ Append'u B: Affirmative Action Requirements DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS W.H. Tyrone Terrill, Director SA[NT PAUL � AAA CITY OF 5AINT PAiTI. 900 City Ha(1 Te[ephone: 651-Z66-8966 Norm Coleman, Mayor ISW.KeZloggBlvd. FacsimiZe:651-266-8962 SaintPauI,MN55102 TDD: 651-266-8977 AFFIIiMATiVE ACTION/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY REQUIl2EMENTS NON-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Section 183.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code (Human Rights Ordinance) and the rules Goveming Affirmative Requirements in Employment set forth the Affirmative Action Requirements which aze to be incorporated inro and made a part of every contract entered into by the Ciry of Saint Paul. These documents aze available at the Departrnent of Human Rights, 900 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102- 1681, (651) 266-8966. The Saint Paul Depar[ment of Human Rights is responsible foc monitoring the Contract Compliance Program to determine whether or not persons or firms doing business with the Ciry are complying with Sec[ion 183.04 of the Human Rights Ordinance and the Rules. As stated in Section 183.04, the contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, religoq sex, sexual or affectional orienta6on, color, nalional origin, ancesiry, familial status, age disabiliry, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. EMPLOYERS WHO CONTRACT WITH TIIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MCTST DO MORE THAN MERELY AVOID DISCRIIvIINATORY PRACTICES. Tf�Y MUST ADOPT AND IMPLEMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROCsRAMS TO EMPLOY MINORITY, FEMALE, AND DISABLED PERSONS. The contractor must also include the Affirmative Acdon provisions of the Human Rights Ordinance and the Rules in every subconttact, purc}�ase order or agreement with any subcontractor (including material suppliers and subcontractors who enter in[o a contract with another subcontractor or material supplier), with stipulaUons that the subcontractor is bound by the terms thereof. A CONTRACTOR=S AFFII2MATIVE ACTION IN Tf� EMPLOYMENT OF MII�TORITY, FFMAT F AND DISABLED PERSONS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION IN Tf� AWARDING OF A CONTRACT. M Advmetive Actoq Equal OpporOwry Empioyer 00 -Rt°1 It is the contractor—s responsibility to become familiaz and comply with the City=s requirements and to ens�ue that their subcontcactots comply with them. Tectwical assistance will be pmvided by the Human Rights Department staff upon request The following documentation must be submitted to the Department of Human Rig]rts for approval before a crontract will be awarded: AFFIItMATIVE ACTIOI3 PROGRAM Every contractar or subcontractor wLose total accumulated contract or subconuact awards from the City of Saint Paui over the preceding twelve montLs has exceeded $SQ000 st�all develop and implement an effective Affirmative Action Program in writing substandally similar to the Depar[ment's Model Affim�ative Action Program for Non-Construcaon Contractors, which shall include hiring goals for ffie employment of minorities, females and disabled persons in the contrac[or—s work force. Once the Affirmative Action Program is approved by the Department of Human Rights, the contractor will be notified of their compliance status. Compliance with Section 183.04 is valid for rivo (2) years. At the end af the tcvayear period, the AAP must be reviewed and updated. The Model Affirmative Action Program is avai]able from the Department of Human Rights. A Model Modified Affirmative Action Program is available for contractors with twenty (20) or fewer employees. Contact the Department of Human rights for more information. EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNIT'I' POSTERS must be posted in the offices of the contractor. The Huivan Rip�ts Department staff will moniror the conuactor's affirmative action efforts and results. Qn-Site Compliance Reviews will be conducted on the work force of companies tktat enter into contractual agreements with the City of Saint Paul. The pwpose of the review is to deterntine the contractor—s compliance with ihe niles, regiilations and orders of Section 183.04 of the Hucnan Rights Ordinance. On-site reviews include reviewing the implementalion of the contractor's AffirmaUve Action Program, personnei policies and procedures. Contractors may be required to provide additional documentafion in order to deternrine whether or not they are mailing meas�irable improvements in the hiring of minority, female, and disabled persons, including, but not limited to the following: 1. Good Faith Efforts Questionnaire 2. Applicant F1ow Data 3. Employee Turnover Data 4. Documentaflon Supporting Dissemination and Implementaflon of EEO/AA Policies. 5. Documentation Supporting Recruitrnent Efforts Failure to comply with any of the requiremen[s set forth above is sufficient grounds for disciplinary or remedial actions provided for under Article IV of the Rules, namely: 1. Ternunation of the contract 2. Suspension of the contract until conective steps aze taken; 3. Continuaflon of the contract subject to the imposition of conditions to correct the non-compliance; 4. Declaration tha[ the con[ractor shall be ineligible to bid on fuhue contracts either pernianen[ly or for a stated time; or 5. A combination of the above. It is imperntive that Vendors who aze being considered for contracts of $50,0�0 ot more contact the Human Rights DeparUnent Compliance Division to obtain copies of the requiremems and docnments in order to expedite the Affirmative Action reviewing process. If you have any questions, please contact (651) 266-8966.