275758 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L ' BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � , .s �ry�� : ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, An initiative petition proposing an ordinance pro- hi.biting the demolition or altering of Midway Stadium has been filed with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, The City Clerk has reported that the petition has the valid signatures of 3, 322 registere d voters of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, The City Attorney has advised that the subject matter of the petition is not legislative in nature; and WHEREAS, The City Attorney has advised that the power to vacate public grounds is vested with the City Council under Section 13.05 of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The City Attorney has advised that the powers granted to the City Council by the Charter cannot be abrogated by ordinance; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that aforesaid initiative petition is found to be irregular for the following reasons: 1. The subject matter of the proposed ordinance is not legis- lative in nature; and 2. The proposed ordinance would abrogate powers vested in the City Council by Section 13.05 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �e�a� [n Favor Maddox yMy;��°� _�_ Against BY Ted i son � �g�Q Form Approv C' y Attor y A pted by Cou il: Date O�� � ! Certifie asse ci Sec ary BY Ap o e by ENayor: D �CT g �9a� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By�, - BY � � !1 � .a OCT 1 a ��?0 ���'�� !e� �� `ti's ..?', � � s--�s-�-. � � � 5� H " ' �.� E H z � � � a � '� y 117� N rt O � � o � � N a � x d z �� `��; � � . � � � 1�:; �cn ' J�.7 ` n � , �. r N ° � ��+ � . ' fD �.,, � -,� � � o �- . - y X �, � ` - A' (7 r• v, �1 r* u' C� ~ � n o H N N H � Q � � �� � c � � _ � � H tn C� C� �� LTJ W F'• O ��� • � '� � � � `� xH roa r a � � � o � � � . � �3 3 � � � n _ (p H - tn F3 O �C � � O ``cl ��lh�v rl��. � � � � .�-� 086T � o z � � �� �"' � � , _ � n.� H �•;=, --� . O1, ;��" . -\" � � '";t J,_ �: ��_ ; , _ ` r �% E i,\``r, � ^ � .- ..``•` ��`• � o ��- �= � � ��� ; � = ��� �� � °_` _ `i � � `�� . _ - , - ... .... -�d . � = �"i � I J �' Rose_Mix ��TT o� Walter A. Bell _ City Clerk �d •,� Supervisor of Elections • y ° Colleen A. Norrgran `.� .r-: �e Assistant Supervisor ... OFFICE OF THE CITY GLERI( CITY OF SAINT PAUL lUREAU OF ELHCTIONS 33 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota SS102 To the Members of the City Council: An initiative petition asking the City Council to pass an ordinance to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demol- ishin� Midway Stadium or to let the people decide at an election was filed in this office September 19, 1980 containing 201 pages with �,055 names . The petition was examined by this office and found insufficient. Mr. Ed Delaney submitted additional petitions on September 23, 1980 that he claimed as part of the first petition filed September 19, 1980. The additional petitions contained 68 pages with 1,388 names. The original and additional petitions con- tained a total of 269 pages with 5,�43 names . The Charter requires such a petition to be signed by registered voters equal in number to eight percent of the votes cast for Mayor at the last City Election; and 37,003 votes were cast for Mayor at that election; eight percent of which number is 2,960 votes; and _ we found that the petitionsa�ntained the valid signatures of 3,322 registered voters of the City of St. Paul. Very truly yours, �-e_ ose Mix City Clerk .�e � � �"7 s�° Rose Mix . Walter A. Bell �,ITf O� Crty�lerk• ' �.` ; Supervisor ofElections . . * O ~ , , Colleen A. Norrgran . . +. =' �� Assistant Superviso� OFFICE OF TiiE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL � UREAU OF ELECTIONS 3.�C�ty Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 September 8, 1980 Mr. Edward Starr City Attorney Room 6�7 Building Dear Mr. Starr: In order to comply with the publication and notice requirements of amending the City Charter at the County and State General Election to be held November �, 1980, we are taking the following steps: , 1. Publishing notice of election with the full text of the proposed charter amendments in the St . Paul Dispatch on October 20 and October 27. 2. Publish notice of election stating the time and place thereof, the location of each polling place and questions to be voted upon at the election in the Legal Led�er and - post a copy of the notice in our office on October 17. 3. Post a notice of election at each polling place on Oct- ober 2�. 4. post a sample ballot in our office and ublish a sample ballot in the Legal Ledger on October 2�. In order to comply with the publication and notice requirements of a City Special Ordinance and initiative petition to be placed on the ballot at the County and State General Election to be held on November 4, 1980, we are taking the following steps : 1. Publishing a notice of election stating the time and place thereof, the location of each polling place and questions to be voted upon at the election in the Legal Ledger and � post a copy of the notice in our office on October 17. 2. _ Post a notice of election at each polling place on Oct- ober 2�. 3. Post a sample ballot in our office and publish a sa.mple ballot in the Legal Ledger on October 2�4. Please inform us if the above meets all requirements for publica- tion and notice. Ver truly yours, /--u Rose Mix City Clerk .•�e , �� J7 ��' . . . . The Midway Stadium petition filed September 23, 1980 contained 68 pages with 1,388 na.mes. Of these, the following were rejected for the reason given: 16 names rejected - duplicate signature 3 " " - signature appears signed by someone else 57 " " - no address given or improper address 259 " " - not a registered voter 137 �� rr _ outside city 14 " " - signature where initials only are used and/or identification of voter is not reasonably sure 1 " " - signature signed before person was registered 31 " " - printed signature 1 " " - circulator witnessed own signature 519 total rejected There were 869 valid signatures. . - i LAW OFFICE �,��~���''�K J JOHN T. FINLEY 390 East Richmond Street South St. Paul, Minnesota 55075 (612) 450-0444 FI�ED October 3, 1980 ;� ,. ��� l:i,`� `, �.`i 3 . �''Y ��_F�,�,:��.C�'����'�.F Jl�. ���failiLr i...,•. City of St. Paul Attention:Rose Mix, City Clerk Council of the City of St. Paul Attention:Ron Maddox, President City Hall Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Maddox: Mr. Edward Delaney, who is the driving force behind the "Save Midway Stadium" petition drive, asked me to listen to the tape to determine the effect of the City Attorney's opinion in which he stated that it would be an illegal delegation of authority for the Council to permit the initiative ordinance to be placed on the general election ballot in November. Section 13.05 of the Charter does, in fact, permit the Council to vacate public grounds; however, it does not state, nor does it infer, that an ordinance preventing the vacation is illegal or that the Council is prohibited from placing the matter of vacation on the ballot. The fact is that Section 8.04 states that any ordinance may be proposed by a petition and if the Council ails to enact such an ordinance within 60 days of filing the petition with the City Clerk, it must be placed on the ballot at the next general election, or if no general election takes place within 120 days of the filing of the petition, then the Council is mandated to place it on a special election ballot. The effect of this is that if the Council does not pass the ordinance within 60 days, it is required to call for a special election, which will be a heavy burden on the city taxpayers. However, if the Council acts swiftly and passes the ordinance with- out change, it would save the City approximately $75,000. There may even be time to place it on the general election ballot. The Charter is very clear in its language and easily understood by a layman and, therefore, I am enclosing a copy of Section 8.04 and Section 13.05, which was referred to be Mr. Starr. i � � � l����c� FlLE� •. •, o•t.�: ^� ;'.�?' � �i 3 s i �: . Page Two City of St. Paul CiT�f C!F�'.;�i'S �=r4CE October 3, 1980 ST �NuL� i-;i;1i�. Incidentally, the tape indicated that the City Attorney's Office was not sure how the proceeds of the sale of property could be used, but Section 13.04, a copy of which is attached, cl�arly points out that the proceeds from the sale must retire outstanding indebtedness and the remaining proceeds shall be used to finance other improve- ments in the capit�l improvement budqet or pay other indebtedness. I do not understand why that has to take further study. Yours very truly, T ��Z� John T. Finley JTF:hs cc: Council Members - Bill Wilson George McMahon Joan Schowalter Ruby Hunt Victor Tedesco Leonard Levine • �' � �' O � � � � � � T7 ,.'''t � O �* co -s �. p� � co . p� -� W p� � �� G m o jr �. � � °+ � `° ,.,� �' � �' `° cn � �j � � Cq rn �' �. � m r* � ?+ c� v�i Cr' °,_ (� °: � � 'b �a �r Q- `,�° ''� w c� ,'�° � ° �6 � � m �" cr' � � � fD `�° y < `...'. � � W� D `y � N Ll''L3 � A" x N � � C3. � �, �-n � � r. � k � � CL � � p' � .� 0o G. � �3' Oo � C A� 00 � � p� �• • O � � � �' � �' O O. 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O� G cn• � � �, �-c in � G c* � cp � co p- '� cts � O � �+ 7 'Lf � �� � � Cl. O p (9 A� ~ � p lO � !y� � ' � N � e+ .`�' � cD .-� (D fD � f9 ^t ..� Cl. � � A ^.� ro �, � �� f�D• � �'-�i l0 tp ! I .--�' ���°��n CITY OF SAINT PAUL '. ��*• ,.°,� ,;�.,:�.. s� ,� �:.��,._ ._. =�'� '-��"'�-- r�' �� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� �; >� iii i��u ii �� �.,; ,._ BUREAU OF RECORDS �..• �,��� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ncmt���.o.o . GEORGE L1ITIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR ' October 6th, 1980 Edward Delaney 97 Moore St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. Delaney: , Pursuant to Section 8.08 of the City Charter, I am returning to you a copy of the initiative petition concerning Midway Stadium which you filed with our office. The petition was signed by a sufficient nLmmber of registered voters, but it was found to be irregular because the proposed ordinance is not legis- lative in nature. Minnesota Statutes, Section 410.20, permits Charter provisions whereby the voters petiti�n for the enactment or repeal of ordinances. That authority of the voters to propose ordinances is covered under Chapter 8 of the St. Paul City Charter. The power of initiative is restricted to legis- lative ordinances and is not extended to executive or administrative action. Actions relating to sub�ects of a permanent and general character are regard- ed as administrative. Your proposed ordinance reads as follows: The City and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering� demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility of function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Ave. in the City of St. Paul, State of Minnesota. The practical eff ect of the proposed ordinance would be to abrogate povess specifically delegated to the City Council under Section 13.04 and 13.OS of the City Charter. Pursuant to Section 13.05 of the Charter, only Lhe City Council may by resolutifln vacate public grounds. Under Section 13.0�. only the City Council has the power to dispose of City property� and undet Chapter 50 of the Administrative Code, the City Council by resolutioa directs the proper City officers to convey the sold property to the putchu as. ��O _ -^�.- ,_, . ,• .. � ���"""^����� �� �».�-.. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL • i 4.``�T/ O,.''/'i/ ��� �� ' t' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ;� '���in i ,� '��+ "� 1°��� �= BUREAU OF RECORDS %• _ �l'`�, �••• 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ''�+mm..�o•o�``c GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR Page 2 Attached is a copy of the proposed resolution of the City Council, find- ing the aforesaid initiative petition to be irregular. The formal resolution will be considered by the Council at its regular meeting Tuesday, October 7, 1980. Very truly yours, . /'Z�� Rose Mix City Clerk Attachment RM/sch ��O ����� fILED �£P l`� ii 23 >.i� '"�) C!T'� CL�Ftf.'� OFFiGE • 5T P�,UL� #i!�(�. September 24, 1980 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL •City Hall CERTIFIED MATL - RETURN Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RECEIPT REQUESTED ATTENTION: Rose Mix, City Clerk Dear Ms. Mix: � On Friday, September 19, 1980 at 2:30 p.m. , I filed in your office the within Petition, copy enclosed, signed by in excess of 3,600 petitioner-signators and on Tuesday, September 24, 1980 at 12:30 p.m. , I filed 1, 300 additional petitioner-signators to said Petition which signators, upon verification, are sufficient to require the adoption of the ordinance or its placement upon the ballot pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Charter of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota within the time limits provided by the Charter. So as not to be charged with the accusation of causing the taxpayers of the City to be charged with the cost of a special election, I suggest that you give your immediate attention to this matter by placing it on your agenda for discussion and then ascertain from the city clerk whether or not sufficient signators are appended to the Petition to require either its adoption or placement upon the ballot for the general election in November. I am availabl,e at any time for answering inquiries in this . matter by council members should they require any additional information. However, it would appear that time is af the essence and delay would do nothing more than cause a special election. If there appears to be any legal infirmities in the filing of the � Petition, the council and petitioners should be immediately advised as required by the Charter. - Res ectfully, Edward K. Delaney 97 Moore Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 645-5004 . EKD: sdt Enclosure cc: Mayor George Latimer All Members of the City Council a � ����F ��� r�� September 24, 1980 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Hall CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RECEIPT REQUESTED ATTENTION: Rose Mix, City Clerk Dear Ms. Mix: On Friday, September 19, 1980 at 2 : 30 p.m. , I filed in your office the within Petition, copy enclosed, signed by in excess of 3,600 petitioner-signators and on Tuesday, September 24, 1980 at 12 : 30 p.m. , I filed 1, 300 additional petitioner-signators to said Petition which signators , upon verification, are sufficient to require the adoption of the ordinance or its placement upon the ballot pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota within the time limits provided by the Charter. So as not to be charged with the accusation of causing the taxpayers of the City to be charged with the cost of a special election, I suggest that you give your immediate attention to this matter by placing it on your agenda for discussion and then ascertain from the city clerk whether or not sufficient signators are appended to the Petition to require either its adoption or placement upon the ballot for the general election in November. I am available at any time for answering inquiries in this matter by council members should they require any additional information. However, it would appear that time is of the essence and delay would do nothing more than cause a special election. If there appears to be any legal infirmities in the filing of the Petition, the council and petitioners should be immediately advised as required by the Charter. Res ectfully, Edward K. Delaney 97 Moore Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 645-5004 EKD: sdt Enclosure cc: Mayor George Latimer All Members of the City Council �`����� _�.�"'°°�°""'' CITY OF SAINT PAUL GlTY OF��i.:: _ .C� � 7r. :a � �;; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �;.� IFI11 f1�Ii �� ,,,, EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,85. , 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR September 26, 1980 Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mrs. Mix: You have asked how to handle or treat the petitions submitted by Ed Delaney Tuesday, September 23, relating to the issue of Midway Stadium. You also related that on Friday, September 19th Mr. Delaney sub mi.tted a certain number of petitions and indicated he would be submitting more at a later date. You apparently ad- vised him to hold the petitions until he had completed his peti- tion activity and to submit them all together. Despite your advice, he apparently left petitions on Friday and returned Tuesday with the balance of those to be submitted. If you are to treat the petitions submitted Tuesday as part of the petitions filed earlier on Friday, we advise you to treat all petitions as one for the verification process, but to consider the date of filing as being Tuesday, September ��, 1980. In reviewing the applicable law for purposes of responding to your questions, we have found that there may be a legal issue as to whether or not the subject matter of the petition is a proper subject matter to qualify for submission to the voters by initi�.- tive petition. That determination pursuant to the Charter must be made by the City Council. Sincerely yours, / �'�,.- ��.- �; ,�r,.. TERRENCE J. `GARVEY Assistant City Attorney TJG:er � -, �.��� � � ��7�� ���°����^��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=_O�°,T* °j:, . =�' =`'�= OFFIeE OF THE CITY CLERK �� y� :e a: �'s`�► =It�ll��l� ^�� ,, � _ FILED BUR�AU OF RECORDS '•,, ,� -- o,,,�lm,`..•cr.��' , .: ".�'� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER ��,',i - �.�� 3�� ��� d `� 612-298-4231 MAYOR (,�,�i�(Y CE,.:�;<�t�� �1'i i�� � I �_'.'�i_� i'°':�°��I's. .M.-� �.____ ` .: .:—� � . .,_ d=- ,,. I� � ��-�-! -�' received�ages . l' � of petition (Midway Stadium) from ���-�-<i r'�`j `� ; � for the purposes of varifying signatures. _ Dated � c-�� Z , l CT � U n y�. n 1 `�,�•'u-1.� �-�+G_-�►-^-� _ '-�'��.�.�'� �� �°`�.°`�°`�`� .�e/ lt/-a-�-��c�;-�; ;�v�c.�.;,._. �-t.-z��,..�c:G�s.t,v � 1- L, �,., dti�` I. ��`\:�l.J ' ,....,.,.._,_.�__.._...._.�_�._....._.....___.__. � PETITION - INITIATIVE oJ ^)� ��� 00001 . This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'I ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 !� �.�'/R AJf r` �� �U (i✓ �— . 2 ' ` �° -�Q ,Ls �- 3 A�l l t S �,b�� � �-��s�- 4 ' a 5 �►' ,s''r' 5M4R/A �vPt i�s � ' .?Sa /�'�• `� v � ' Z, � sT N- s ��oA �� � � 8 . . . . 9�p�M M. . �yl� ' . Q 10��P. �'��� � 1� � � • 11 ,� n � 12 r�, � 13 • ... � ,., 04�E/� S i 14 � �( 15 ' 1 17 � � � 18 19 � � r Zo • " ' 3 sr�. � �•� 21 ' ; 23 '. � 24 '� � 0 � 25 26�� �� H � 2 oNd w cz. • 28 .a �R �ins��' SS so, uu.G�ite 29 � SS s� L� G� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made thel`r signature; I ur er certif that I am a re ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 9 � "�-/�' ` � � � Sub ,;�ed,.dnd sworn to before me � �" � �� ��_Ju(I�";`i�K�'xuX,,u�J�.�';�3tCMAkI�itNS' x ..,;+�,. IOUI$c ��- I ___ _____.__._ ___ _ •: .r i - �' . .,, .,�_ � I '�� u.'� F � - ° CC!INTy ,r� r n, � �r � b w�;,K .�„� .�� � YmrA r„� �� 1: �L'b.J�_�....,.......Y._ �i,...�..r._t.._—� � ..� �i � PETITION - INITIATIYE D�flQ� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) $'1 ed Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 � � ' . . "�,"' �-� � � �, L G � j��✓ S-rt' �iJ C.� 1 2 � ?T .�' ✓ . ;---_ 3 �o. 1 ' --"� �- � ./� .�� S S � 4 .- ,.,_ 5 G'�t . �-� S o o70a/ l.O �✓w � �-�� �/� 6 �� �, ��P�,u ' ' �• o�+.J �-. l41J'! ����.SD.� �-� �� � . i wo j lD� � .� �s��'� . $ '� 1����� L'� 5�� S�l� /��-{-� � �P�� l4 ���,u�.�� 9 �� - � �� �� - p ,�� l/ 10 ,��l� �0�J9"`�. c ! ��1�� �S' o>r/ �� /��� a�A� � �-� /�- �/ G��� 12 ,2 cr � �� �h� � �. -2__G�c� 13 c,�l� �dl _ -�_ �'�� /i i f� 14 ,o /�`y�rS�rj ��,� 3 `7` �oe-���5' l 15 � � �U������1 � .���/ � � � _ � 16 �C-� �I � � �'��_ �'7 � �- � � 17 �.:`JO,4- �CU�"�<.�L �-'"�"� ��r 18 � ff�J l� �� /� �-�1� C/�-�_ /�U`'� �9 �-"6 N �/- �� �IQ '/G �L �� ?_f�q�P�i.v� /�, T�iG�.e. � ��f�.h• %�� lil,� � _o __ _� 21 _ A.L D 22 �j''�'�`�� ... � � �� 2 3 /r� 7 �': � ,, � .�'� ' ,�,,.� ,�� 6�! c�w--c.:� 24 ) � G- � v , � LL. , 25 �. � � ,�, �,v 26 /" Gt ��_ i ��c.� � �1 � L � �� � 27 � c�- r.t�� � ,�- � �_ ..'�'�'�-��=�t�u� _..-�-c-�-u.t✓ ���.. �C1�2. �� � -, , � � l.� ��-t�,d..�-� �.�C .��c.� 28 ' . ��/ � - i S� C � �_c � z9 r���� �, p y , � � CE I ICATION \ The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e• f th r certify th I a a id nt the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscri bed and sworn to before me � �� �-� - �-�' � '� _ _;- . � �OUISE A. LA FOND \ 'L�-r�� `� v<i-,,, �. .,��r'_��- r,.�Nr7E90T• .. I. - ''` R,��NScy Crt'NTV - � Commiss�or. Expir..� �i,c ?9 1977`z� . ..._ n s. -:''V. YdA'M=�".��.��I�f;f; �, '�°� PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 _ c� /``3`� t' 3 `'2-�d �7� . 2 7`ZCl • �� /.�"��$' �`- �.k .��. 3 �-„ � , �'` ��-t1o2, .... . �, , . � . . ; �.. �,- • ., . 4 Ro � Z ��. � " �.�� � 5 �.� 6 �/�l'�R 0��1G � �� / _ , `- ,� , � r � :'� � 3 0 ,�.,.. .,. � /�l�� � !�c- dv� c Z � ` GG Cp��� 9 �� �/2 d" �3�' /�i������ �J �. 10 - � ' � �� a 11 `°Y`I` . L. 1. 'C- � � '+ n �. � 12 /,�C,+/� �Lr ,v-��'�. - ` .�.. � 13 � r 14 �/�/�� ����i� �� �,�-r�� � •,� . �5 ��a�e� � �rz�n��Tnr�� /d/ � . �6 �. 1� , ��l . __ o�� �.��.-�.:, � � i� Q � - ��� �� ; is Z �. ;,,� � �9 �y�� �=� zo � ' Sr-- s.- 21 �'vR o� ...,��..,P�-�-� /�.s co /��s,S / .1'f�� 22 ,e�a� u. L E � /�s'��s�,�,�s,�-�e r9 ao �/,�c�,G 23 ' �e� vn � .1-� ��r r� n� h �Z� , S_�3�0 ��1 24 ' �Z - 25 " n R►�fi i,j" � s - 26 �`7an a �c ' � (�- 2� � l/o G � y s � _ 2s c 1� �"�Ck' � � Z .� '>' s-�i� 1 � : � s� ��� 29 ��� � r `" /' •� � � � ��T/�u;.. , ��_�_� %L�� ��� �,���:'.,�r. .s`s1�� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporti ng to have made hei r si gnature; I fu the erti fy tha am a res 'den o� the City of St. Paul ,, residing at . / • ed a d sworn to before me �'. '��` � 1:� � ' ' ; _ c�hei�il`x11tu.'Sh3t4:t'S'�n' ••. _/-• i/i .s .c�:�ttL�e., Si�.�N,=' . i�� ! l O�I S A. L 4 ' C..�tiL-L�_ `[� ' -'� ____�-- -— . ....... . � ,rv,�,ts.,.e ^ �, Rns��S�Y COUNTY �"Y Commistion Expires Dec. 29, lg �(R��{�I�'�i�'�"�I � , -.a2�„�_r . � Y PETITION - INITIATIYE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec, 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) Signed Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION _1 LL�A IJ N LARS C N I 39 5 W- 7E.s�� M��l?�' pk�lE - ? ` � �. ��.� �2 �-� ,���.11 �,-�.. . 3 4 �, � 5 � , r-- .� 6 ''�'�! / � fi v� ,d 7 � ! � � $ �, ��/ 7� 9 S�-SU� P��� z�z p ��I ���" �r��� s� P�v� lo �` a„�, f vLd, _ 11 �� , �ssa /��-Iahb�'�. �2 C�� �o ��Q � o i3 �G i4 p .� 15 /� 16 ����. ��.ot�.NV�[�1Y�� �S4 � Cc h�.� 17 ' ;� 18 ��S 19 20 'l..a ����� � �Q � , 2� ��� , l'�C/C 1�c � . 22 ' _�1��`� � S�3� i�. ��v=ce.�,�r- 23 � �3 cv r`-� ��,��.a 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to ti�e best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their s' n up�e; further c ti that I r iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at T , �. , 3�� �' ,�� �-1 ��--� �%� �, S s �i��� OUISc A Lq FOND ��'°"_�r°`�`— �' ' � NQt,��:. .. . _ MINMRSOTO � %� � � ,. . _ ����� � � . .._'_'____ '_'_ � P�y Comm;ssion Exn�{ss Dec.29, 19 i PETITION - INITIATIIIE 00��5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � �6 bR� ��.AN� � // �IR�S .�U�' 2 �vN�J � zER � � a 3 '� �� �-��tZ C= � 4 ��` �c/ , v N.Jr,.� A . � '� l� 3 /�.�� 5 � o.b� Rrt"- S- �t�NL�� g S S �� �$- s7 - 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tt�e best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their si nature; I f rther certif that I am e iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at�� ��r,�.� �f�r,a��_,,,�,�C/����,�� � Su n to before me ' l -� -� �> �1� �J ; ,, `, . .* !OUISE A. L ' � . � _------ ____ . _ , "� :S�• ,�` � � Mi.�l-r.•FSf1*A ,...._ _'_._ � S v Cr�!INTy .. .. J` � J;,- c �,,,j,q �`��r '�_ .. '\ PETITION - INITIATIIIE �,���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 �r� o r'� T-___ l y�3 � �Ue �a '�C� 2 -�vY✓ .I� ��vrti. r, ' G G " � s'�.�..��� � 3 ,Sa�r,N+�� !', Cl� a�rr�:ah / 0`' '�7 �il/�,i��Q �Pal� /��r�P 4 �v�.ar ru C �Ft !v� ,' a l '� 7 (.J �i�c 13.Q �q t� _ � 5 �f ��e� 6i%�ll��fr . f-�� � �� ��0-er�I � - d — _8 �9-�h L P P�-v /��� � h��d l�'r��.��4 %�f�� � -r� , 9 �/' - � w. /,-� �� �o ,� ' /� o � �� ' � 1 �� < ,� -,g� ^ s � - 12 (���A��a Gi/� 5 � � �3 �=� �:�X�� /S`� 13 ' e � � /�� re 14 �HD fl�.�<Pc L�S Si(�� L._ 15 � C`� � 16 ��f� ���-�t �l u l�H�CF12Air'/���/^ C.E� _ / .✓� 17 ,�i 1 � '� t "f.Ci '4�' �' '� ��` f!�� ,�' . � 18 � '�/�-,2._ '}'l'1�..L..rx,�.� j�_� K.,2 � jVl v JTi"��--I S ? �`)1.�c....�►.�..�...E-,�- 19 � � � ,� �__,,� ;v � �� 1 / 7`.'� - r �� ' `, f�Y" '�'.,C.^ r,. 20 , 6 �A•vo �Z�a� � . 21 � � � . 4 � (T 3 S�� �- �� � 22 ��(G'a • �(.J�-4 23 -,�„ ._ __ � ,"�_, ,. �i 5 < �� �..�,�, ;�. � � .'� '� ., z4 =�'.; � � `,� �,:..�' �c��� ji- � � G' c' �C� C�� : .,SS/ / r� S"/' 4, 25 e l � v� � 26 �' Ti4�G� ,�w/N � • /.3�, ���- GZ.r�.+2� 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presenc� by the person purporting to have made their signa r�y fur er certify t at I am a i nt o the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 1A / ^ �,�r e me � a ;�� `�= � / � ��` �s1� - LOUISE A. LA FOh1D _ �"� �.�_ Cf `" .i •• ,-.� � �N n.,•�F_isc)Tn . ' " �y�� - .�.. . .. � . . _'. _.—_._.—'__'_ _ ' �� 4 .SrY COUNTY ;T _ ��� " ,r� ��pires O�c. �'9, ]9 i � � i�.. .... -�.:_ �:�iP�JCr�����z_ PETITION - INITIATIVE ��fl�"� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�listSing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 iai� 2T' CJc � L � ,�'� ; ,� � �, 7/ , 2 2 � � - � �� � � C'�� , _ 3 �e� ,� F L���?.z ;`�i ^ � �h,--��Z�l G�s � 1av P �M �.� � v __ � �--� . �. ._ __.. ::�:�� _. ,,C�� I 337 ��s AU�- _ .. 5 � �- A. � r� ��� 6 �l`l� �i�i4.y�NG/is��? � A � � � r � � s - e - , � 9 • �Q a � � ° _ �` 6� ' 10 �.-7'� � � � ♦ r �� 11 (� , 12 �'� �.,�R'!I12 � '7 � � Ca-v�) �3 � l��s e� ( �2 �2_ iy •h �i � 14� �'� '�' ��� , < � � �' � �� � �;t "�. G�ff.�� , :, �. -. �l ; � . , -, � , , r. 15 �- � T. �� � <<,�� ����.rri� � ��� C.=�''2-�►�-;�_----_ / 7�� � ����-�� C��,,k� lfi-_ -� ,: , �_� �,%S ,� . -:"l� . ,;r 7;� � ��`� 1 ,J� 7 , �,� 1 ,.i. l.-J E�--' `. ' {�t.,�� � � � ) 17�� � . � � ' I � �� __.� � � �.,�,.. `G'v'���`. I I \ '� �y� �... is ,� ' ,� i9 ,� � zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowle and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and m �encE by the�s�cy�,��,�,pB►�i��m their s'gn ; I further certify that ident'.of the Ci t f St:pa-7'1,, f es i i ng S s . o j1��i, '�°��s `' i� ; �; lA FOND _✓ �-, ' ' �� vr:Tn�., . ,,,�.�� ��' MINNE80T• '. ' ,` r:.:�G . . �� . . �� ' ___...___._ _. .. R �^y Commission Expires Dec.29,lg � ,.. PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION /� 1 � �� 1 .C/-L o/2 SO�j ��%u / ��3i G�-' ',iC�a� , . ..�.--- 2 �,q.t's-��. ��, ,p✓ /�/ G� ��«�_4��f./.J/.. ��� ^ � 3 ��,��C �-'t.�1 �'' /�_21l �,'�� � !� `,/L, �� �J , ,._ (1 > , � �C.>. , ,,. . 4 - --__ - --�7- ��;� � �// [, -�, ,� 5 �I :L C�� �G��f� �1 � L (Z �� IZ ;l''t-ti� ���`:�-2-�>�2 � �� O �� �-' ���� �� N � 6 / �� �/ / / _ I-�-/L, ,°S ✓� r����-, l, r• r� L,' �C�c_L. G���1.: �a_._.. /� ��' ��. �%.C- !�., /l�n rl . . ._ � 7 �� _...__.,. ; J � :, C.�2: IZ',� ' ���_.Z V i� N L�t3 ;�u;y-"G G' .�'�C�.�-�-w�t„L'L.�...�,� �,�j /, ` ,.. � _8 D�c: Ic- V✓�;�'/�b P�f��'�-- ��-��`'� '�'_.�-�,..G��-�'— lL� S J ��<�-�.'.--�� � - 9 i u� /� :�E�r �''' ��..�? � I �� " �:� � x d . _� � � � �o � , ���.. 1' �1 �� � 1 J: �� � r �� �3 . >�� �. li �° ; � ��-' .�, � - ` � -, -, � � ' � o c �, �� � �2 J�a � �r�d`� r ��� ��� � 1�-- �.�- 13 �Q-c�v � �e 1i���G��� ����Z. / ��-/� � � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Z1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made t eir signat e• I ur r certify t at I am a s ' ent of the City of St. Paul,, residing at -Cr " , - ... - � m2 ' ` � � _ � -- . �_ LOUISf A. LA FOND �.�--'^ �/ / �` Nf�TAR� ••�r41�f . MtNA1E60T• , .'�� Gu�G-�/.1/L_.� /! ,� ; .� � � . _ . � �• !'nmm�.ssion EYair9s Dec. 29,l9 � �,� ' . :�z: -:yzr�sr. . .. . .::.. „ . ........ ... . __ PETITION - INITIATIVE ���.�,� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRI T I ATION � ' ,�r.• � 1 f�1�' �� 3 =.�.: � ���r7� �:� , � , 2 f s . F r- .��rs' �/6��r��o wr. 3 � u �E i .�v M ? .u,�•�s.� . 4 �. N D Is4 l 5�„� . 5 ao� " ' P � � � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si na re; I further tify t t m res ' ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing a ��� � � �'�''��"�i�..��.�?��,o�re me ' ��`� �L �,� ,.i � ��� �OUISt A. LA FONO � `'� `� x � .� ./ �_. �- RAMSEY COt1NTY / � My Commission Expires Dec.29, 1� -- � PETITION - ;�l�F�-7IATIYE �Q��O This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELNARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 �� 1 / 2 ; 3 � � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 , 26 , . 27 ; � � 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my pre enci by the person purporting to have m d t ir signature• rth cer 'fy t I a s 'de of th � �f St. Paul ,, residing at � _, , �,,- � , $ 5 Ftfl , , �,; ti < r ��' ��CiTP r.� � � � No . - . ���I,�C MrNNES01• � y :. R ,..: �u,�_ L . = - �Y Commission Exp�r� p�.pg, 1 , �__� - . �. . PETITION - INITIATIVE ����i This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed ` (Name) Siqned Address ELNARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � 2 3 �.e.R.k��.��-�.�✓ �z Z u �..g 4 ' " !�o � 5 ��5� , , , 6 2 Q ��'�`L, 9 u 10 � 11 �... .� � 12 13 ^ ' 14 � ^ ' 15 �u �' �'`�1 , 16 � �" , � p� , 7 •���� / a.u-� 18 4 �l c.c�- � ��. ,.d�';'� 19 � � .� �� � • .� �e S �-y 20 � � S�� C � 21 �' �--� 22 �� �� _23 G�,a�--�� AI� �1�� l�' 1�.4 � 10 � z 4 �i�,,,, � r,�U 25 �U,�]'`/�+ 26 �� 27 /� % '� 28 � 29 � � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in y prese e by the person purporting to have m de their signa , r r tify_��j I am ' ent the City of St. Paul ,, residing at . SS Su ' �� ;y__ � ' ,.r � / .�� �,� _ - `. LOUISE A, � � �� ' , _ LA FONO ;'`�-,�.�=,�s�-i`-- C j 'J"�!i ' � � --_ � ��fiY.��. ..., . " ii ` - RA3,�SEY COUNTY ,- _ __ --' --- - — � M�� Commission Expkes Dac.29,19� ':�ca"�rx�s�a�r� ... . PETITION - INITIATIYE 0���2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARO DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 �, �� �'Q 3 �� � � ' 1�r2 r G� �scT-►1. �"LC �res�a-�ir.c,� (�-31� 3 3v , '� �1-� , . . � . 4 /y .� Q �'�2J 5 ` . `^ ,� � .� ./i 6�:�,�� 6 G.�-�.,E��.-,..�- ��-z.E.` �� L 3�-� � ,�a-� , �.-�f �5�� � � � . -- 8 :v. ' �° ' y G � +� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 � 27 28 29 �� ti� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cert' y t I am a re ide of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at ; • ��� C ` ��� - � � Sub �'�� a�nd sworn to before me � � /l ?�:ax u�.._���� � , � xu,cu�� ��T � ,���., • ' ' ? RAMgEy` "�:r esoTA ,i� ` �,, COUNTY �. ,,; ��,�� ) Comn�iss�Yn�•as Dac.29, a�-'� 1., �n; PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 � � 2 �yll k �'" .� 1 3 �2 � ' � 4 , � � 5 /� S ctc G�v�..�, 6 . , OQ � J�// 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further er�t�y that�m a res '. ent of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � � � �� C m �� � Su �,�i worn to before me � ' �'` ' ` �' . �'��u�,��, � �', lOU1SE �= GC-�� — � �"�:gl.�f _ _ . R�MSEY � MINMESOTe � COUNTY � MY Commission Expires Dec.2g, �n7y�; PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. I—RI� f�� A�AA'If U��R�. S��I�AT�/�F ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) $1 ned J/ ddress WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 �.� �.r� �l'1� � - ��� � ; 2 - ,, 3 t��= ,u c'� H' � A w�t� ' ., ��5 - � �'� ��� 4 � ✓ ' � 5 a� �;�GC..E��'n �-`'� .�`�i��,� `��--- 6 ►�fil.o... �- .L�Li j e r r / 9 (, t �a�'�.1.�n k:�� 7 �� - ,. , ,- , Z � � �Z ;. - <<, 9 —t�. � C�� - �-' ''' ��a ��� �,t> ��., � 6 ` A � io � � ��� �/� ���,��.�`� �. �J 4 11 � , ,, �,. � //�� - �u/�� ��_ 1Z J ` /2.� Lc-c�_ 13 , � � - �,� �( 1, /" '' ' �,,_. 14 o G���z�.-� ���--�- � � , . � _ 15 _ � � / 1 es�� `� v�t ��rrf.l° /�}°'s �' �'i �c� 1 �n�,��i � ,�'�r ,�� l-✓ �� /g � _ . � � �� ,��� � �� .� 1H � -� , U t'�� � , i9�� �' !� gs° . ��.,P' 20 � � � , � 21 �, - ?�, - 2z ' � .� /�6ti� �'.�.��, ,�.. �-�.� z3 �, �� ��fh ..D � r � 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made the'r signature; I further erti that I a a r sid � of the City of St. Paul ,� residing at � - c� �� S s`3 � �L;,;�� orn to before me ' �- � / . . LOUISE A L � — ___--_ ...— ',�_� — - R� ��ir: rC MIW MSEV �p�N.ry�aT. �"'' Comr�i / ��'_�n�FyPires p s eC.?S!.la� -- PETITION - INITIATIYE ����5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIYE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Signed Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION _1=J Y�,�'=y �_ � 1� ! �� � G� l�9 n�°we.d'�H �tJ . t( 2 � G , 1/ 3 �'{� �'f � � 4 ` �_y v C � 5 � l�� � � � 6 � �- � .y � � � � � 6 1 /> � C�L�e�-t�- 8 � � , 9 ' F- "�,��..� f�G � ;� lo -�' j � . , -3 �f 11 �.._.__ � . � _.. . . _.,. � " i 12 .-^ �s��3 ��1 �'' ��c-� � �`1� dJ�-'e�'l 'c 13 l� ��r�ru�L 1 � � - 14 l�t� ls''�!�"n ✓ ,✓ `c' /.t. � v f���i J��J ,' 15 Z,C; 'vJV 1--�� Q c.'4 '7 � , �J � G� , �"t �'.nY�'w �..tJ 16 L�.11'_ �.� �; , � �:� : �•_ � ��' � ..;r<l f --,: �i.k'.-c.,��;� � ; � 17 i l� /� '� � � . .,�,,: , , � f �� i �t � � 18 ,; � �-' 19 20 2I f � ��� � � '22 GL�c � � �`-/�f �� � ,C� � - 23 � . r(/' 2a �� " , j��� L:,r;v, . 25 � � � � �- . , 26 � , c� ��/ h�+K�u. 27 � � .. t�-�. . � � t?�-v-� � . �'�c,r� 2s 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made thei signature; I furth ,ce if hat I a a r id t of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at - oo I(' • r — � S�.��,��,�and sworn to before me ` � �:�r --' �v � t O U��d?4�r`�L�;tt-;�i?: �f�f, i � v j! . .., . �: ':: .� M�ry�lEe:r�rn T R�'�'StY COUNTY k « l�"y Commission Ez ir P es DeC.29, 1� K, � PETITION - INITIATIIIE ����-� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 G-L' 'h. 'j� .,c , , , , 2 • _ � � -�-� � n-� C�.� ��.���.�1-� 3 , r � � � .�f..� / a�-r-,:.,�e=-�-�- -� 4 �C�C G� "-G-E- e. 'i-' � � c�� �� < 5 , �' � � � /�G� � 6 � -� .z- � _ _, 7 F - __"��-.��� ! ._ " c�c� -�C� 8 y ��- I� i i `i . ,. . . ,..i „ . 9 `"� '�° '�~�-�- `� , -C�'� � � z r c�,—� �� ,; � �.._...._.._ , i p ,. lo �. � , 4 C � o � 11 r�y- �l �7 "/ • � � 1"t�� • . 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', � � 18 ,L,,�,�,`d���, ..,t a.w _� � �-?�' c�° r . 19 ��^" � _ � ' ��,-1. f ,, c 20 ,,t�t�� /;?.�C` _..�, .� � ' ��. � ..t ,�. 21 i / '•:� �. y L' . .� L , ..., 1 � . 22 �^' , :.��`' �' l�L 4_.(�� ,L!_ / , 1 23 _ ��r.l ,��-c �� � �% ' �`���;c� ✓� .�� ± ' ,---� 24 - ; � � � 3 � �.r" (�'"GtuJ� �yK,�. �l s 25 ' ,� 26 � =J� - � t, c:�-�.•�.. 27 �.. ,.� , � , 28 � 29 J CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made the si nature; I furth cer ify at I am�res ° en of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at ��d v�; t " S bscribed and sworn to before me ' '�� � � � .�.�,�i:x�::r�� w:.��.� �; r i --�611�ufiituz�N�. � l�' Ikku�utll�f3' - �. �„ .i_. :. � ..- .�•F�„F.SiJT• � �"��•�SEY COl1NTY MY Commission Expires Dec.2g, 1 ! is "S � , - ' PETITION - INITIATIVE ����r� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed � �� $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION i � �j�% � �� � 2 ; �, , /GI 6 � � 3 E 'F �. .Sl�fa�s %�.�a �I�1P Sa�/ �� 3 8 4 J�' / S— ` uXt �cu �-'� 5 .� � � ` o�'11')a f� . � � 1�I � � - O 1�:.J �3 6 �I ) � /IPfZ���' . �ll'D('f?t� � ` l3� l`C� 7 , `,� � � � 8 9 10 � 11 12 13 14 � 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their s'gn ture; further certify that I am a re,s�i ent of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at �� � � �� Subscribed and sworn to before me c� ` �- �,e �e �s" � x R. o�eR :� NOTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA � RAMSEY COUNTY My Commission Exp.lune 27,1981 � � g W�, ' • A PETITION - INITIATIYE ����� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 �` � a E /3 �:5� ` l o 2 c a .S7`d ✓' r� � s��-�"/13 �"hw � � �� � f Pt�� �,,� � U � � . ., � 3 � L�-- � ni,�� '�?, �11�� ; �� i ��� � ` ' � ` � > _ : _ y t3,� �v v .�! v�- r i.L�L�, ?�� 7l� �, r � _ 4 ���1"r u�,!��'�S c�i e m z� � ,�� .I����n-a-iz f/d v l���n7�o�..v� �i� ��. 5 � - �_ �� � 6 G S� 6 � l� � ��T� - � � � 7 �. , o J � O 8 . + �,�h����� ,����v, � �..�% 'l ,3�j'J� `l.v� �.0 9 . �t/ d ` io �� c� v V� �ce- / � c�Yt �� �=° �, � I3 � d .� i2 . �l e e n s /.�.���_� .���� � 6 .� ..-� 13 �'� � � l� 9 �, � 14 / " 15 /•�`.� GZJ v 16 ' � � ` �r � , ... /S�� 17 t C� � +2 18 ,1}d�i S �i rJ y f/ A S �3 �� /3.��' :� 19 � ��� ' � ^ " �S . � .� 20 � S E� 21 ' / °� / � 22 � C, � � � /� , �Y�.�tir��t.�-�+c�2.� 23 � �r� / :���/v I �� z4 �(� I� L �l// fi� ��� �. - L s ` 25 j.�� I I ► a � d R �e y ��, o��c��-.� � ; 26 c C � /L /1L0� 2� � , �---- �. � � � ��,�- 28 � - - L �' : � � 29 ,�. ` - Fcl L- ' S'38' CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify t�ia l am a ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at i��'`� 6S Subscribed and sworn to before me Q� ' 2 e x nnrmnnn� nn� (J p �4'n!�Ei^ 01 S / �"�/ ��� NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY My Commission Exp.June 27,1981 x rw w -, �1.�,�C��-2 ��/-���-��t� PETITION - INITIATIYE ��;p�g This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election� Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION 1 s �� bls�� 1'� o. ow a°v- � �P� � , � 2 v " ✓`�-�,�� /-G� ` ` �'„i,, �d � �� f- � 3 �� � % (8���,; a ;- , �. ��'� � � ;� ��"� - �, ;� r-�� p '�. ,, � (9 �:� :�. 4 �C �, �, --x',�Q c9a� `'�C��, t�� (o � 5 U 4� 6 , , �/ 11��� . . .���� � uiv�' �1�1�� � � � ��� 6� Z9- 8 �...u,-�.iz�, r 93 .� � � �'� � � .1.� p� � 9 �°�� . ��3 ,���-�1 �- .�: . , ' io � ' � � �. � . 1� �u�a�.i� ��.� �� ��� it,�G�;v,��� �r� 12 �ox�u./ Z��—� %l1/ z/��� �� � 13 ' ` �.�x� �.- C� ,� / 14 �i ��'� �`e-- ,(�. 15 �:r � �-�- .�/ � � � � . 16 � 17 18 s- Gi� G L � 19 - � 20 21 ':-� � o F ,� ' c� � 22 �� � 23 f ' 9 �3 �.�°-fl-��� � � � 24 ��!� � 25 26 — :�: 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further rtify t ar� a res��nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at . ` a S � � � Subscribed and sworn to before me MARLENE ,___ -.--_. PUBUC,Ramaey County,Mlnn, My Commisdon Expires Apr.13,1987 /,�-GG�Gj-t�L� lt/..G x.���Z i PETITI ` - INITIATIVE Q��20 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.Q4 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by tlte City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION _..i 1 � � 2 7� � f � ' �.� �-�.-C..,� e o `��-.�.� l � _ � 3 ' fi A '�� e-IF ' ` /`I �b � � 4 /j/ , 3 L��i� 5 . I�� C� �''a v �- .,��-�- � $' �-1� 6 " j J � ' � � �� ,-- i $ 'V 7�.,� ,� �� � � �} �ti�,-� � �t p �' /�;, ri° ''"� �� E� � � . 9 �( � '� , -'1 " ;- � ' �,J� -` , , 1� nq L =�C. U 0 �v - ���� v`� �J , /� 11 ?�' �p �� Z��'-�-��ry c-Y d "� ��-ti C,l��1rz 12 � �' � .� �-�., . . _ � � � � ;.�1�� vZ �j o / � � � l�. � ' � �/ � 13 � 1 f 1 `� ,� � ^ , 16 � �` r � ,'' —. 17 �' " � y �'c.. i 18 ' f; �, G-G ,� 19 F3�.�.��. .�.! t o �n..,_l<o.-. /� ��, G , �� S � � $. 20 c��'6 �" � fc. ¢, � u � ,��� �. � G zz � �' , � � � � � — , 23 ;` � Sa � ! 2 ^ , 25 � n �?8 Gu� 26 V � � cr�E� � , � �S� � 27 � �� , 2s - �r/,��.r� �g�� � �-.v'�— �. ..:. _ � yr a �:"� � s>: ��=Y:.-s�.�-sc� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furthe certify that I m a esident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at �h!S7 � � � ��� Subscribed and sworn to before me ��' � MARLENE BOYLE ` My conanfabn EMMMr'p Mr.�3.�897 „���- ���'� �. PETITION - INITIATIVE ���2i This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. PauT Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents 'and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1%j'S(� j� l ,,;- � f � �-i_ � � � � � 3 �• � G ,06 � ° !o � 4 '� - S �� ��o � 5 � ��� (o�� 6 . l �30 0� �`.�- �i( ' . � �- . 8 , � 7�� `� , .� , �? 2 ' � � io � ` � �� .,r������r/ ,�Q,� �.�'o�s� t� �'.��...��... �.��� �� ,B 1 �--� �-�1 �' �� �33 13 � , _ 14 5�� �..�. Gt"---r�C�- 15 r ' ���� . i „� � � . 17 � � '?-2i��' � ��� 1�W�. � �_ � ,e; 18 ' �,:�.,.� - ��v�0 � �,t'� - , �,�► 1 19 ,, ,,, �,.. � �� .. . �. � - , . a 20 � �� �,� � w: i� x��' },,.�' � 21 � � �� , � -� � �z �, �' ,�. :Y � ,�� k � � ��.f� ,r:• �.� . .. ,� ���J .� 22 U(.-,t.c'w./ ��,� �. � ; k 'r;; +c�-�'. 23 ` � . .�..L-i � .�,.,p �„�� .��':��” .kG, .. 24 ;� ? � ��� � � �� � ���- ��. .� , 25 - �.,, - � ` 26 ' �� � �: � , c g- ..E? / i � � .. 27 .���. _� �. �28 }'�i � �.� ���,,,�.1 . 29 � �;� � !c�` � CERTI ;ON . ,�: The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify tfiat to th� best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was` affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad t eir si nature; I furttier��rt�,�-Y �that I a�j reside of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ��.�7 �J`l��i��i_ �' (�..���.�c�Y.�:���-� Subscri d and sworn to before me �< '� .:�'` MARLENE BOYLE � � � � -� NOTARV P —�-- ---�---- �MY Cpmrniuion Expins Apr.13.7987 �i�a-y� `�'���`--L,��-- PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���'2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Pri nted (Name) Si gned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ' � r� � , 0 2 f. � � c�i�R �i�—v� O-yc cY� . S.� -C . 4 o..u.. l t 7 y �' — 5 � �� 6 �t��� C1�E-�C /� 4 � � � � _ �.�: o-� ��f 7 ! .�ip ��"�-�C �"''`�-�.�- 8 �� ' , J �// I 10 �r . � �� � ao3� � 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have mad their signature; I furth certify th� I� am a r��,id nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at .�< 3 °sf � ,� �-��r��z Subscribed an MARLENE BOYLE ' � y TARV PUBLIC Remw Count Mi�n. — ---- ---- My Commis�lon E�cpins Apr.13.1987 PETITION - INITIATIVE 0��23 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City-of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESI6NATION ,. � - �- . • . � . 1 '' � 7� ��:�v /C �-4=�,--, , , y 2 �-f� J � �/ , , 3 / �, � . � 4 � � � -�,� 5 � � ,� �% � 6 � � ��'l'✓ 7 ,n ''+ �1 ' � 8 �'.D>_;�.��G�� � a g� i����:�oh ��� � �: �� '7 - �� �— 9 � p io �,_.- �.,,a,^,� ' j`3 �( " , , ii J°i i i 12 �' .- �` , ..�...� ,2 •2 .?� . �3 � ,u�� � �7 � �-�. ; �� 14 �Ci'iG�. � �/ � •- ���t..�..�_ �_ , 15 ,�� r �r -�_ 16 . ` `~ �1 R 1/ � �/�� 71 L% / V � � �-Q�i!>— �/ C._. �v- 18 ` �� d E' 19 ; o-. ' � / 20 �'— 2� � � - f :;� � 22 ' , , -��, Z�/ ' 23 � - �/ - -.. � �i'j�� 24 j� ;;,. 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixe and made in my presence by the person purporting to have m e their signatur • t certi hat I am es ' ent the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � Subsc, • �.� ,,. , . ,�w ; -'� d� �� : ,.. _ ->; t O'.JISt A. LA fONO � . ...•:�: . ... . ���IVJ^iE}FC)1• � �� _._-_ _-_____'__._.__. _ , � ' h�y Commis�;on Expires Dec.29, 197q'j� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � �_� � F• �.1.. � L].._ ��'.T,i O_.,. Q � V3 g W � �G J � `•.� CY;� wa J GL � �f- >-(n t- f- r� V � ! : • r r'' . � . . .... PETITION - INITIATIVE ���'�`� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARO N LDTSTRICTVE .,DESIGNATION 1 '� / -_�f,� :� -C�� ,._` �S`/ J .Cr•.. 2 �70 /a 6a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _ 21 . 22 23 ' 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat re• f ther ify t a resi nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �x .�:����,�� �,x��,��� � /�� � Subsc�i nd sw�r'�ns �A.�., ;��9rG� me ' q G tt�. i;• �. ��• . . _ ^.vririH50T• tt . ... -.,:.... - . �; '_ �",� R l;`J S F Y O U N TY � —`-- ------ ---_ h9y Commis.io� txpires Dec. 29, 1 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. Q w ... c, � �..�,: a- �:� � � �� �i �'�► �,.�"`�-,`' � �s r� v n` �-- � �cr� cn ::;;',7 U ������ ` PETITION - INITIATIYE 0�025 _____�_.__ —____... This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul legislative Code, we,, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in �ec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address wnRO DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 � � �, I��l � �t- � �' �-'� / "� 2 �'vC�"/1� 7� • (r' fZT ' / � � ?� /9. � 3 ;� ����F ,��G�c�'� � ` ' � ' 3 C��.—�� i Z— � 4 ,,! G . � '� � �/ � ,� 8� 5�.�;� i/'C 'c�, ` U 6 � ` l�bf? � rr�o BbU ��L��. 2 Z 7 �.�a � � rZ l0 5`� ' � � i � � � 8 'C�R1,� Fr �- 4 LtZ C �'' � � ' ..Y 1 I � � � u�' t� /j�-� �''' � � tE � � 9 ��� r����� �n� �Ts � � � � f o��,� . �+ � 1 ,2_ < � 11 ` � � a 12 ��,-C.C/�-n��I�f�.�� lPiir s,�^.0 L /P,_rc if(c�' f Gl`�� �UD�_ /a — G��- 8� _ . �3 s�ortr � �s�ke /.��-�'�c� _. �t� � � �.��.� 1 z ��� g' i4 a ,� s�or�N; .�. /G3� � � • � 15 � ` � r � � 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 �`� 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � A v E S7-� ut� Sli� Su to befor. me � ..-titi / x LOUISE A. LA FOND � . y �"� / '°� � `: x� RA1�tSEY COUNTY�o�• , 'r /� ,\� y..��C� � *,�,r/ ��,�. t �y Corrrmission Ex ir ''' — ` �,�z �, P es Dec.29,19��i 'ti �l�J�u'�'�� v 1 - � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. o w �� U � O� � � � W � v�"'L � � �� �� �.,-� �� cV cJ� "y�" � �� \ ? ;;,� U `�^ - ��J . � . � � '�• (i� ! � � ,� • �� .. .. , . . . •��..._. � . . .. .. . "r. . .. _ «,_ys 1 _ _____._ PETITION - INITIATIVE �����, This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents �and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION .�'��' /��A l..s ' CL� /5�G L .S �� !3��- oDb ST a 4.s. .r�' s S'/ 2 c • ;:� v �' ..r�// , � � �1 / 3 i�� � ��( I�i�F h l�f � � � � - ...._ .� � VV. �/=�c_ ;' , ��f L, �. _. , � I 4 � l.:��i < r�� �� �C. �- Li �� � ��� � � i ' . � 1 ��FI \�, vlrr:�� -� Y Y .S' (7 .( 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; further e tify th t am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at S 0 ` Sub � �� .� fore me �' � ' � � �`-�� �-� �1 �y��' � . ,. ,,: , :. ..,. ,.�, „lOU1SE A. LA FOND � _,��= L - �� �.� `� ., __ __---- -- Rnn�SFY COUNTy sorY � �"� fomm�s5;n„ EzpireS DaC. ?g, gj�j�,= ;:`�'`�';�' -�!'�r�'�:�;� i ees�: ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �,-�, W .. U . � � . � ��� O"`- � -1 W �`'1 t!�� � � �J �. ` e_� cLr-q J LL �� U F- 7--(f� F-� }-- r_Z ;�y C� _ « ` •A ' • ' . . :. , ' .� ''��� .a . `•.� + . PETITION - INITIATIIIE - 0�02'7 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 �v� �Kc�e ��(� � 'Le'� glKLt�,r�- 2 � ' , � ���' �.�t 3 ��,v--�--� �,�--� �; �''^'� `-' �r _�.: � h " , _ , - ---_ . 4 ,�.�� � � -� ; /� . �� i .�/ 5 ; .; � '� G� � .�_ /�// Clir7 6 _ . 7 �� ,�a._� �/ , � ,� • , � ` ..� �: �. -=-��:�., ���!���.,�' ���� � �-�-- . 9 �l '� � ' - /� ` �. � �� - � / r ,1� ✓ '_..r„ , �i � �f � �. �� - - +'� l,r - 1 ,' �� ` 2 f8�� h /��r` 3 � .4 � , 1 1 � � 0 � �C�� 18 �� � � c . ` �� , � - ' �- �� a J% _�- 19 "` '� 20 � ,. � (�, o ` . 21 /��,� � tJL°-�',-�.�.��+ :�� ' , �/ i�='�'!_ �'�.�'' � .� � ��� '� ' � � � ; 22 � ,� � � / L%GC.� . 23 24 � � a �� � tii ,✓�,�C' �f- , S 5 i �� � s ,,e �.�..� 25 ; _,/ , 26 � � (.U ' . • � � � , 27 - ;�� � � ���� '��-�� ��ac� �___-- z'� O � O��l�G'1�.-� 5�/F,`� � .-,, 29 ,�� � � ,��o� � e��o (� '" � �y .�-- —� ���--' , CERTI FI CATI�JN The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have m�de their si natu e• I further certif that I am r side t of the City of St, Paul ,, residing at � J' /D � S ����r�,�+���� me r� ' ' �' w / ��' LOUISE A. LA FOND ,��cti,.�� � y` , RANISEY �COUNTY � My Cemmission Expires Dec.29. U� � ��'�� ORDINANCE ` The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � M' � � �z �- �,= o � N� u., � C`'? �� w-a J CL N U�, �--� � � U U �:� . � _ .. ..�. .. . . ., .�.r. •.04-: . . �'A: - �� .. . � ��� . `4 .. _ . . . . . .. . . . . "� . . . . . . `'..+. p � . . . .. . ��� � � . . . . . . . • ,. a: •, r -r �� . PETITION - INITIATIVE oflp2$ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 '�, � � �. J �'. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 19 20 _ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further certif that I a a resi ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �7 �y��, � � �a.a�Q��1,w. SS! �. Su ��and sworn to before me ;� � ' ' �� �' ���. --� / r�°� , R�L�Y-SCA`-Jt�[61YN•... �,�/ _� ; /• \ 10 —"i°�iIL�411R1,X��71P7(d}["M_.�..Yanf'�i '� / / ,. l. �:' ;.��, ,. � .�.ivG�iC._ ' . .. .. . i� T��.. '�r41•!: MtNtiPVnI� / __._ .,"'____ _.__. � ' � ��hMSEY COUNTY h� Ccr^mission E•nires Dec. 2g 1.. .�j �y�x Y'�`�_ nQxr,-�ti,u�nr.-�— ��r ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �, �=�' � _:� �a �,, o�- o � N� w ,;J �J � :� C� W� J� fV C�� �--V� � � t-� U :.:.:� � PETITION - INITIATIYE ����� This petition is,. to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1.��`�� ���r/�'��l-��,►����- ' �f C�i;��s , 2 � s �� C •�-�- I �-/ J ,��� .- � 3 �.�-�.. / � �� . -� .--� � . � � 4 � �/ / � � �J'�) _ ,� 5 � r .�� a.. � 6 ..� , �' �� 7 '� ,� ' � " � 8 �L , � . � . _ �--�- -- � � �_, � � , 9 � . -� ;- , ' - - � ;�� -- 1Q � � _ '� �"' 11 L � . �� � . �L,l 12 '2� � � �/�� c�• ,E� - D C1 �c�-i� . � �" � � � 13 ' � � � � `,� �. . 14� ....Q .� � C.-�2�-�f �� �f 151 C" �• �, � X �. 17 � � � � t ,� i; 18 �,;�. � �� �.-� ,-- ' , 19 ;iz2_�' � ��f �-� ./' — ��a� L" C+. (� � , `.�� 1 � 20 ,� ` .,� ;,%A . � � ��Q /�. N d.�/ 2� � � � - G''' l___; `r r'r ✓ _ , ; . 22 � � -- � �� �- ��� �"' 23 A `� �� ."~?Q.�-.�' �,� '� `"��..� '��'C�-�.a,-�. ; ,� 24 � �i �(J �S f C-'s-�- -,C%�� � ./a�� ,f. �_,SJ�l� r r•-- 25 � < <�" v...-G � R , , � , 26 � .� � �/�,� :_� ��..j�/ _�7 �.. _._. � t - � z� `— � >> i � � � � � . �. 28 � ' ����' ��l rr�n �,r � �,�� ; T t c,� � �� � �; �� ��� z9 �_ � ��� � � � � � S CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my resence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur er c�rtify that� a r s n the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � J Su c an ���n r, . , � � l -.- - - � ., r. vc�rn.� .q�Al1C-MINNESOT� ��� �.. Gi . .. . . t :'v Cnmmission Erp�res DeC. 29, 19 �'l�Y�;io'��'�rz"g'.'_%t -'.✓1�.IfSIC3i➢�hfttlM�24?aT': ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � µ.::, � �. �a o�- w �*i �� --� v-J e� !� �=� �s�. c�., U� �� F�— F— � ;�:� 'v T'�.,. R .. ��Y. .. . :1. M . � �- � � . �, . . � . . . . � ..�... � .- _••�. v . PETITION - INITIATIYE Qfl�30 `aThis petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address E`WARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � � � .�-�-- ` �5 3 �l 2 �.,-`J'� � ' �.... 2r o i �r�►�-c�a-�. .��9 3 � 4 5 6 7 8 9 � 10 11 12 13 14 `15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information� and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natu • I furth r rtify th I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at Su�scri•bed:-aad��,wg�n�.:�sa.._b�sf�'�.: �� ' ''S' ��' � � Y�� ` tOJ1S� A. LA FJIVJ ����_ /� �,yi2.�s C� L A�1SEY COUNTY~ � My Commission Expires Dec.29, 19'� �..- ORDINANCE '��y' The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � c-�:, c.�.r � U �o, � � � �-'Z C� _.7 V<' Lt! � t�:� J ` lt" � C�:� f.1J� �.�� J q. v�� � �� �, ~ °=J ca I PETITION - INITIATIVE �a�3�- This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, ��A� ,�-�y/I�.CJ7/-liE�F Printed �Na�) � $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 Ti�,to�rt A g � � G� � o � ' 2 � � �' ' �-�- �T�°�.t� , , �_ 3 � Leo:'�/�iA4.% � � ,/�, 4 � iV W� `5T/'�v� S � �a Ztl l�1 o/uTi4N/} ` ' �i D -��� � 6 / �, i' ..-'� �� 7 � _ rZv� �ec1c� , `�p�► � e � 1`/'0 ) � $ � c�..� � �--� ��� 9 ��_t���� � ^ � � _ . _ � -. __. �.,. �, =�!,!J`� ��'n�►�c� �it2-� io "rY�a,� .��� � o � :,� , ,. (�, ii --� � � � � �� 12 ' �-w� 13 � � �. �� � 14 _ �- � -n-P 15 � �r� r--�,� /�o-� �� � 16 � . ' `��7 '_S-i � 17 (�u( — ^ Pj -1 / 18 � .,,,� ; / �, '� , � 19 � - � �� � - '' � ��. 20 : "' � �-�' p' .� ' -e�-;1 6/� - �t�-.:-�'f.-Cc� �) �,J� ,j——�c _... � ' � 21 �' �� � C�Jl.er � � �1 22 � , . � � � �_ 23 , � , c � , 2Jt O .� , . � 24 �. ��.a,1, . ` � . � .�� � � ., - 25 'r� � � �, � '�'__.. ,_,,,,,:-.a/ �.<ir � (.1 � � !.') „ 26 � _ —� ,.,. � f , �� � �. 27 �' �-- � „ ,� � �.� �',�� 28 • i, . i � � � � �',� 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at�' r� u �r�, -- - ' S -� ' °�`' f� � � .,..�•, LOUISE A, LA FOND .XJ "� .,.. M '�f,�Ta���.. v„�l'C MiNN X c _.... . —_ —__.—... _._....__ � � ` � COUNTY 9� t Mv Gommis�ion Exp�res Dec. 29 ]4�7r tt' "�.�._itt,"i�^_.��'_'��'_ ;'x!�JO�:tc�;rJT I� ��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. C��J C;',' W ... c� cL c`:_�: � �-=` W t+'� c�=:. � !-,� x:'-.1 ti - �-� tu 4-t c�; U�- � r,-. >`"� t— J ,J C.� r PETITION - INITIATIVE o���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Peul � Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attdched ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 ' rt � `, ' _ �,,_ , c. �1 � `� :7 2 '��, � vt,� �. ( ` �o.�.;, �� �* `' 3 `✓�`�=% h�°� � _.� -� r�/���-�-.=r� ,s�s'i�'� 4 � ,// _ �'� / L�'�-L� -Ly J,�._ / � �5�C1 �'`��:-z. L > ;^ �' 4 5 ` ` " - r �0�1- S �S j�� . 6 ° ` � , . � . - t , . , � _ . �.. . �. �'_ ;l.-�„ �� J r' � n, � � �S' y 9U -- ' jG � 8 �, �L � �1,� �, � � ��t 5�- .S S // , ,, 9 ��«.� � -iG_.. 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' , . -,;� . . . . . �" .�... . �y. S- '1 . PETITION - INITIATIVE 0��33 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION /��� � y ,_ 1 {r�f.�>'�':� ��i�:.�i '.��, � // �/ �- . � / 1.�� �' ii.'_ � � A 2 � C t . l � ��� 1 , ..___ V1� ; , 3 -� ' ' � , 4 � � I �"� s�-1��-� .� - 5 ,� � __ ��� r���,��� ,� 6 �--°- �' � l. � �% ,.�.k ��,,�..� 7 � �, `�� � �. 8 %,1�, ! �'/.�..t.� � 7� /•�G� ;��.�� 1 l���clr"P„l� �IJ�v`� 1!��nn��� ��t"a x -T ., 10 � �,�}- ��,_ �� < < . , tl%'l__.� , q 11 ; .i-���� `�'' ,*l.v � 'l , v - 5 " ' ,I 12 �' ` �'� ,� ^ �' , ,',.� �� , ,` � � (� 13 ,� � i �c� ����� '_ /til!�C , � 14 � � y.� � � �y�v � � ��%� �/ ' ,� '' ' 15 � 16 '�f`i-r�o�v r + ' �b � � , � G�c.cl. 17 � /� `4�Ji U' E ^, ��, - �, 't�'-C K �%�-=Ci..L`���- S -c. , �s , --� 1 r . , ; s.�f- ���� lD�. i9 ' ' � �� � � �l� � Q�� � Zo �.� yEs' � ,S`�- � Zi� �, ��.. /. i �-�- �// �,� , zz � , � � �. , � -_. 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"' �� � � 24 ' ' '' � i , n 25 � �� � , � � � LI ��.���--�: 26 �' � �'.. � �L%' cJ �� ' ��I� , � 27 - �' , ,` �,� �` � �'v �: 6 S� � � CC{/ct.w t.f/ V �l�o���C /� �/rj�/7��/-1 L / / J 28 • '�"'%���fi �—/-��7 `a T A `����c.?� �/' //7 /j � 7`7`�"7'r �i�d `�/ 29 � / � `�..�(:�ti�� :.'�'�����,t�.--r� .-�4..,,�-Ei J��..��, q'1 C,� 1 t�.�u.�tt�'��Nl t�..�V`� � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made i my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; _� fu he rtify t�at I d�s ' en f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ��� _ Su��e#��bed=�-a� ��;s.���,��efore me �' � L d �x _r•,;ckx,x z,��;�� �, '� ,,, =�':!SE A LA FONp � �/c� t Rn�,,rS -�or• � ' `.: . i:Y C,OUNTy it � � 7 �r! s p�� i x x u u'vyx;_c tt,r� ��,ra�� ��,�x 9. t 9 5: � tt r,r,,,�w1(ifx %f ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. a �:. � :.�_ �z � o� o � �� � �� � C„� cr� w.¢ _!rL N C.7�_ �� E--� �'- U U � PETITION - INITIATIIIE ���34 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELMARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION , -�c�,�/��� � �i X-- � �--� �� �� _ /S S�� U-a—�-�--c/� 1 � � , 2 I� �-- J�D�i� — � - �Q5 oa��i�� 3 � 1"' � - r L° / 4 � _ " , � 5 � � �h - C „�,�� �� ��, 6 0 ���� �- � �vk�e. �. �v-�/� �', �s � s���� � ��1-�.� � v 1��v7c� . �' �� /�S �.���,� St L'�.�G , $ , � � , � ,� ► , � �� � ����. 9��r-U�`?t� .S'��7�a�e:� ��i ' io � ' � �>"��� ' 11 � , -� ,� �� '� -��/'�. /�A .0 /7 t2 i l c� f /i47/_S _� �_�,Q/i iL %�7/V. ,�/� . J�7 _. DQ rn 12 � �L,O � � �O C� ��/G � C� �G�'� 13 1�� 15 �6 17 18 19 • 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; further cer if that I am � r, sid at of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �y -� c-, � � � �, Su -°� , � �r �/ tOU1SE A, LA fONO ..�•� `- .,.n�.,..: y..���i. '� ^A�NNES01• ^ . ' �� ' ' . .. . �. _ � :JI . .._. ...�__.r.. __'._ * :•;N Commissior. Expires Dec.29,19 � ,_;:R'�c': ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �--. �,., •` U !c. � U 2 � �] v-�_ w � �n� 'i ''� a=�� w` � _'rx- � U� �� !� �_.. :;:� U s� -"e a , . '�< x . . ,.,...p.3<`-� .i PETITION - INITIATIIIE ���35 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � _��; .i �ic' , l t��t .�C 1 bfyPi%`3f��� i! ./.rIJ1 i''!'t !�"�/�t "��6�`' ��� �, � I L.>� 2 �� ti��� �,;� n �^� � ��, - �.�„� �;��J � 3 I , / , � � ���J(r.'�' � .+G ��J<;.'� '[ ,',r( �r. :�` L!/, � 'f -2c`-=-t�..' l,„t C- ��.�...��t�' r � �/•.�.+�1 / �', � � . 5 ���,t D �, ��tZ � /9D! .�ir�C���l // �3� 6 �► ...,. - 7 �.�i��i�� . �.,r 6 1 S �-� � . � �� 8 .� ,"� ; 9 �.. -�'�L►� �;�.d•��- � T� 1 �:�� S. ��; - �.. �� r� �s W s�� ��� �� c�� r �2 �� �N�o � - � s--rz�? �3 � �� � Z f1 l = < 14 ...�--�- �`� � .. �.�r , , 15 ' � ��, ��� S� S 16 � � � � Sc �, �C� L� , 17 ��".6z 'A��@QE 1..�n� ExJ �� S . � ! ��. ' ' � 18 ��:` S _ � � / �9 - � �' .'' ; . � ti E l� � � � � .� 2O - _.` I ,� � � �� �' h b�t 21 � � o�-�/�� ti G Z c�r�- .� J/%� : 22 �'� .�� a — �� � ,ss��r 23 � A �S cv �� 8 8' �' ..�'�%/ � _._ - __ , _-- __ 24 _ , �_: ,�:�_ _, _ . , -- -- - _ � •y � � �eso� 25 ' i/ " � y � _ �j��f`',� 26 � .� , n ` "� � l:i 27 4 _ �►.� p� - i _ l� 2a � � F . •y�,� � �- , 29 � l �ey �� �� �C �S�/G q�r CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fu ther certify h� I am a r si ent f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at r _ `� .�� � _ �' � ��vvt. ,� ' to before me � �� �" � .� Subs �,�� . ,.H ` `�r�'���: _ c tt _!�.; t O�ISE A. LA FO .'" ------ --- - .� �_ -. _ ' M'NNESOT4 __'_ � "� ' R!�:'v�SEY COUNTY MY Commrsc+or Ex �/ `:�ltt x Jf ` ,,,������� pires Dec.29. 19X�, '�MRtlRRfXe _ j., . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. 0 �-.�:,• � c�.� a` w � v�.� � �� �� tu� �� t�..� c�� >—c/> 4 F— H- i ,. L..9 U ��! r , � PETITION - INITIATIVE ���v� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� Signed Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION „i!M�e�k C��2���� f�� C��-� 11� � /l� � N�fi���� � 2 s� ss a � 3 �.� /� N : . � 4�'�/n/'�/ /�7 � �/�i -Q.S i��"^�'�'J'' � //�� ff�/�.�/�'id-r o� /�i-.ill 5 e�e �A , � � �4 . 6 � � � � �z� � _G��--c� � 7 � .�� �.� ,�N G r/ �P $ � �,� . . . 9 - ` y �� f�.��_...� io � � � ii , / �� 12 - s� 3/ �3 • 0 3 1� i5 + `��9 16 � 17 _ �,� �.i..�,e,ae-� , ' _ �'�}'1 � ls .�o � � J -� + � ' �^��� ��-�.- _ \ � �( 19 � - � �r ., � ^ '�,,�,uv1/l ��. � ' 20 � , //i -� i ' ,� 21 �� % 22 �,.,�.._ — 1 �`y o � -S-s� � S . 23 24 - (� � _ 25 " � � � � ,, 26 � 27 -�f�� � 28 ��1 �: <' �.;��� ,�� 29 ! 1 � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my pre�ence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I urthe certify th t I aq� s 'dent f the it of St. Paul ,, residing at yr7 �,r-t.� � � ��- � �'�/o m � �-.�, Su � ��u�, :` p_ � , � �..�. l `�. .� , .; . .�. . �p, t.± C �g�� ' �?.,� - ---..---.. ,t.��. ..�"�' �� �..Y �-�$ IT���� ��: � __ ",',�� :4.i .::"43"5��.'� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. 0 «'C',a---" U -�_ t'i'� � +-'--�,. � �� w° � �� . "� ry� �J L�I.. �� +.�J+_ �� (-V C�� ?-C/� F- F�- � U , .� . _ . �Y'�. .. . � � � ' '. �'y . L . . . . , . ,.4 .. PETITION - INITIATIYE ���3� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, k.�� Qt ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 �e �a� � ��d �, 2 �l fl � 0. ✓1� ` �= - 3 ol�►e, � � (' / �C �r cJ'/4,oe,e� �,3! C .. �'o a l/ 5 6 � � 7 ' `�Z S-.� H �.� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signatu • fur her certify t t I am a esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 1°? ,� �r l� Su � �N��b ' ` / � �J LOUISE A. LA FOND _ ,..,�:<,, r.�m., :. .�.�qi�r . n��!v�rg:.��e tt .L-L �c �> �« .. I , :,� ',�� . -�,,,>s Dsc. 29. 19�) � _ �i'�LSt'f�'�tt'�•'Puu�9s� �c .,:t'� .i'?is i�3_c;;:_ � aei . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. 0 C:--, LL! ,� U . ^-- ti . Lj,� �L� . . LJ ' � . . . ..� . w �_.-, �n=� �-' ;c �.. '-'`°� �� �,-� �� '� ��. _. �� N— r— � � � PETITION - INITIATIYE d��38 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Na�) $'1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 � v /.� l �� � �° �l � t/ �/'�.�. 0,�� �� 2 ��-�17F_s /; _l�� � '_ ,�5� ,/� -, � I'� � �E-I A GG� f� (N(°;�c.� �'. 4 . - � ���� � �� . : 4 � . � . �w !'4 � � -5 � C:fI�✓�1'� �� /�� N�'c /�� � FEiP�w�Ul �S��, �Sy�/ F',� � L-- J�lr�x 6 �� c �-- �r � c�, L e s �s-o 8 ,��. r ll�' �a i �N� a.��„�- � G s- --��� . 9 � /�it� �i1'tZ /V"As ' �`�G � 10 ���� � �� 6� e �� J ��' �S'� , 11 � f� .� � � .3� 12 o C� � , , O � �� �-�� 13 - � � 7 0 `G'�� r�--� 14 f�� s��_ ,S �, �{T-z ��G�.� y�. ��3 c� C��-L,�.�. - 15 , c � � � ' 16 �t P; /�v c�� e h � 3� °� „c..7��l-c.� �� � 17 /�,..��! �__ �. �` -� 18 ' y,�� c/ c/ L 19 � , (�'` . p 20 �'�j . �-1 �' �� ` �r. � �'`j8' f�i�"�-,�— 21 � d c 7 3a � 22 � � ' J � � I A�'/ � 23 �, ' . �� . d � �'- - 24 � � �u!�N�/►� '�c�5 �Y �l' 25 V � � �� ��(� ��� , �� � C� 26 � 1��� S, ��' � - ,( .�-.�►a�� �` � a� 27 r��� � - � 0��.��.s� � 3 � 28 /�/�-/V�.� P.�c� 4 �. ' �Q 29 a r s�� � O � p o� � -c"�� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sign�ture; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing �t ��l �re, Sub ,�; �� LOUfSE A, LA FOND / �'� G ' � RnrnSEY COUNTY ��/ ��� ..,D C;r+nissian �rpires DeC. 29. 1°N � � OL�- �'x 4r ..:r: :,hz x ,_ _i�M?�+ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. o w �1_, � w,. -- �-� u.� `°-;�= o� C.� �^ � � �y � � ':'`�3 G:� W^�L J� N G..>F,,,_ � }-t� F^.- f" � V • r . . . . . ,. � �',>��� f .� . PETITION - INITIATIIIE ����c� ��� �; This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed �N e� $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ' �a�,�7�. �Nr, � , � ��� �U�� 2 r�/�I'�►c�L � �r ��s /��/� ���S �c. 3 �-- , ev'�;-�` .._ 9 �Rv ��t� 4 � �� !� je ��•- �� 2 �r vr 5 6 7 ^ r��-, U S C. 8 � � � � �S� 9 10 %� � � � �� ' 11 �N UL � `-L LI 1-v� � L�4 J 12 � I / 13 � 14 �!?;, .-- !� � � 15 ��' � �' � C O S` 16 :�, � '7 � �. �...� 17 3v°� �� -�, � R. �8 �' a:u;�, � / �, ��-�. �. � � �. , (� 19 1�S 1�,S � �.C,�C��l �T �0 • L Zo ; 1,� f��sd�, � `' �� /3�Cp .�' � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 ,��-'"'� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being fir t sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cert'f that I am resid t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �� ��nz�, ��„�'•�k,�„=, ,, ;,j� �.=.��� � _ �4_. S �sd� r��� vK�K���: � .:�- � � ` (� �,"�f.'ttit LOt)ISE A. LA FONO x _ � tt yf����.�. ....ti.��f, M�Nn:P_�¢c'1T• �C �— _ . . tt, Rn,�ASEY COIINTY � --_ _ ___--- - _. �* P!y f.cmmissicn Expirs D2c 29. 13T1��. '���?� .�K�%zx m,z,,r ,'�_' ?'�C��X7rx�;'',1-'�'M1:,:. ORDINANCE • The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing;' or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � c� � a � � �� � �-� o �� �� � � ��� � M '�—� �� �'� 4,Q � �� U� !�-� {�'�.� y=►7 U � . . � �`� PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed �Na�� Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � e�.en T' � %� ,8 2 , 3 u o �`t'l► �R.B , ul . 4 P eF �1 o H�.�o,� � � .� � 5 ' � 6 . � • p ,� � �, ,G �.� �-��-, �' ,�� G `� - ��� j�-�zZ. _ 8 �n. - .�..Z�_.��...G��;� , 3.� �� ��s� .s �- _ 9 � :�9. �A 2x�r2 ,-��t� , � �.� r� - C.�—,,.�-�� io � m� �7 � �� �. z� � 6 i2 �'��,� P. �� �iz /? � 2��3 � G�-�.. �3 . ,�r ,� . ,�1v•v� C� ,r� �� 14 � , 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si a ure• I furthe certify th I am a esident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at � � y � ' - .- - - - _ -� � SUL18 �5���A FOND �� � /' � ., -.. Gl � - _ . ..,,,: ,: ,��,� M�NNfirOT• � �, 9'+� ^or:mission E��ires OtC.29. 14 ':�w.�-'(a>::'ti'�u��:i�::::�aYi^-^R"�:�a:�it!���'u'"�". 4RDINANCE The City of St. �au1 ;aitd �ts �par'�ments �re� prohibited ,from remaving, altering, demolishing, Or„ i�,„any� way redu�cing� the vall�e, a�ccessibility or ft�nc�ion ,�oF �he Midway Stadiwn- located at IOQ�' �Vo. Snell,ing Avenu� in' the° C1ty of �t. Paul., State of M��r�ne5ota. . , .. � c-.�, � . � ,, . ��� � , , � �_. i�,�: � ,.�_ ���= , � � , �.n ��- tu �'''► � . , : � ``� ["� ' ' • _ iu� _..,�n.. N U� y" ' , , , �� . F— f— , �� V . • � � , , , . ;, : , � � ,� � . , . y. �9:�,r .. ' , . . . . . ..�. . � � . .. �.. ... .. � .. . . . ' ' �V .. . .. ., , � �' .. .� ' � . . . � I . - .. . .. . / ' . . � . .., ' .�. . . ,' �.ur.Y .�.� Y� �. ,..C. ' ., y f .➢ �l� pS:f: � �.�r ^t`,rY . � . . r� , s ,� �, . 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' ` , R !f_' ' ! + _ � PETITION INITIATIVE - �?0041 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. __ Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Le�islative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELNARD N LDIST�TIVE DESICNATION 1 ,.� -�5. � �'� 2 t.L . ` � �,� 3 � L �/ ��o � u�� 5� _ s� /��'r�L�' ���a � ' , �, > 4 ir �-�;. f� 1�:���� _-�'r� ��, � .�.�s i��i���.� �-y ��---�, �_ > -. _� � � L . �..,._ + 6 � ( 7 " - i �:��� , � ----� �> �' I/ �/o � l�'C� � � ��. �' �' � � � � � �x `�) ,� , .� 8 1 �_�, f � 3 c ��,;a:��.f..�.� ,�,��_ c-� , . �� ��� R ,,-� �' � �. - ia �� ,? 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A v s�t- I°au.l 5�'ll i5 � � � � � _ �� �� � �' o 16 z j ����C � v°�'����� % �/,� �i ? ,,. .� '�(r��'.�—. �' l� �, , , 17 i ,r , '� �", ;c— ��..< � �'> S % , r- •'—,, � � �, i " v��' ,� � ( 7�— �—�• � l��' 19 "� � - �' ; C ��7��,�--�-�.�-�� �'�_ i f ��`%/� _; . „ 20 " -'�'� �J '`'� ✓ •- / ,�i • // ����9 � 21 "' S / S�U� 22 - ' : _ � � _�?� �r l l 2 3 � �, � '�� ' � � C, a ✓"f' �� _�= I P� � 24 � � �� lr `�-� ' , , . 25 r. , r �- ,� -� -- � �-�.�-� ���� � ., �; � 26 � �� i � �`,— � 27 . � � � �.� 7 7 � l �, �-� SS' 28 . ; �, � �. � � < <—,-- `lY .. i .�, �� i ��.r..L `-�.-�� _J` ,/\ /�� � �� <a� 29 C,:_.�� ,( ,L(i.�', � � (,P�1�-t'-�,� � �� G�'.�-�''r�'-�� , .�� � � � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fu�ther certi that I m re ident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at u.F�,�. s �+ �,7�- Subs�,t��d;;��J��v�rn t�o before me ..-- � itt� ,�s�i;1�; u tt ;�u_'"x,,xus„.,;��,�]p' �� ,%��:�a.:. . +�.��. � r�UISE A. LA FOND n.f Ki)T � �':' �j:t' ''�' '�`y COUNTY ����' � �.�� iv Co�m ��:n Erni�.,, D2c. 79, 197�j . �iG€�7C�laili2�'L'�G,��FSi;'e�'"'���'�^ x tt:��:�:._;x:; y� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , St�te of Minnesota. q c:_.-� W « U �»' � 4�, tt-�°�-' � tn d°' [i.! C�'1 UJ.� � �J � a +:.J-� Cv `�� U� � �� c� �' .:.-�-, C.) i PETITION - INITIATIYE o���� 'This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pa�,l L�gi,�l��ati ve Code;�ue, the unders i gned res i dents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance pas�ed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION .;. r 1 � � i 2 ��r�� �Z 3 ' 4 5 1 S 6 ��. /�/. � • 8 ' t � p 9 10 �. 11 .... ' 12 � � � B�.-�- J� ` �/-�" 13 �� ��`�`_`" � � '��-°��- '" ���� � 14 ^✓ ��-� -�'...� �, ' .,* ,�- � � ," � � � r 15 � r� ' ,�.. G r., � ,.� � •�dt(: 16 i;� —� ` '' " '� 17 �/ �,' r r/ l�J / C� � ,"9i � ��'�'�..,#.'�,�.°"�;r'+�'. ! 18 �f.'�a�.� � =.�' "t f C ' �����1 i/ � 1� +�(�ih 4�*� �'�L+` - —� 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 � 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat r�,� I fu� her certify. that I am a�re iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at rr '' F � .uf' _ r` �� ' Sub a .d�sworn to before me —� ' � D a. ,tt; u:tt'xru�r�ex�....: - t OfJIS � ` . •� • t't�f . MfNN�SOT• , , kr��ASFV COUNTY � � Crr.�� m� ��ni*t5 Dec. 29, 1. ..,�P�"rr���;�:�:xas�rs� r�•..,.c,u�,r�'�?kr��aipl� � ORDINANCE . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , Starte of Minnesota. . N , ' • •`,� •� � � C•.—� ttl � .. �j , —.� � . . .. � � � � � . �� �,� ri., � � � � �� � � � � ��� � � t1. !.,,� ,,� • . J Lr'� .t;°� t'\J �'`'1' . v y� � �cn v � U , • a.. ,t � � v ' � � ; � � ( � • . c • a '�'ti1"�M'�'�.i��*x. �t � � ` — M y �1R . ws•. . ,,; . ' t� . fi� . ,_ ,t PETITION - INITIATIVE p���3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 iv S �a�. � 2 `/ /L � �G'�/ ���2�E`'�- 3 : �; L��i W IV , �k���. �_ �U � q � � ' � r �� � �. � .�j_ 5 ° 11��c_ E �� , �„� , �`� ' � 6 �� ,� .�� , _ c �l. , � , � � /' - ��. /�/o. �-� � v � , n 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to t�e best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I, fy,�rther ertify that I am a res '�e t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � ' .S� ` Subscri bed ,��� �me ' ��� � u�xi�n tt x��,:�:��.��.�,�-�l1�" . ICUISE A. LA FOND • LLi� � �i . � M�w�rif'w:lT♦ ,- __. ..__. -.._-_ " __.... �r��,nSEv C0�-�N x� - ,,,�Ir�s Doc. 2^ 1 � '� r ` My Commisslc P x� �n�,rr rvYs:lfulf�7�x x;,r r'd:C•�:`:�,�� x x x�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. a ��-, ,�, .. �, � �� o �, a� � � ��� �' c� �� L.t-.-. �v V� ti 6.,, �''C� ,�=J � `r.:r U r„ PETITION - INITIATIYE o���4 This .petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) $1 ned Address EL RD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION 1 /�r ' ����y� �'- - �� ; , � 2 � (,- :. �� '�- �U r�+.� 4 � �- 5 � (� ` �\ 'Z� -� �'-� CX«l.,. ��'- ' ' y � �r 6 � � 7 ; r 8 9 ' i f � 1� ; 11 ' 12 � � 13 ` � 14 � 15 ' � 16 � 17 ` � 18 t � 19 20 � 21 22 23 24, 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworri on oath, certify that to th� best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on th�s page of the above petition�was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have �made their signature; I f rt r certify t at I am a �es 'dent of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng a� �� � � . �, Ss/0 �l�� . � S u ' �' ' �C/ 4 �OUISE A. LA FON� ,�, .^+•:. •,.yi�r v�MNt�OT1 K c ► C:�. r�r.�ir!pSiO!1 ��'��irCS b?C.7.9. 1�� �... ;_:; �:r�cn . ::hi� , .:5 .-�::;�S�iT'�?'c'. :.�. �. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � .c+: � V �� � ��a; �.. � ` tiJ � �� � � �� �.` - , " ,_ . ... . .�� , . .,M J GL N C��„ A-v� �,-- f'-' � U � � . c,,,: . . ..i :�' :. PETITION - INITIATIVE Ofl�45 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned r.esidents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose �nd petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election �or s.pecial election, � Printed (Name) $1 ned Address � ELNARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ,I � � 2 l�. S rr.��►rrK..i 3 . • / /"u,�� 4 �i � ���.�,.L., f 3 e z. S- . 5 - � G�'.�/. 7� 6 ; 7 � 8 I ' �t 9� N �o 10 . . . 11 /„/. /� 7 � • � 12 � � �� . 13 14 15 i6 .r sy� a7`4 S a-�--� �� ' � O v .S'T t3'a�..Q � , 19 � �(� . 20 � . /�� ,`" 21 �> A . 22 � � ' . • . � w` ` 24 � . . 25 � � ' . . � � 27 � � � � . 28 �"'r 29 ' �/Z'/�,(r CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; further certif that I a �es den of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at '.^ � 5 /D .���� ' tt•�K,��u;:�. / � D Subscri be u �`�I��"� ,��r�� �n�,o ' �`'�` �:+, ,� . .�tit��< . M��':vc• ) .�,�. �,. 4,: :;-, .: ' ,� Y Cd�JNTY � _ �j s%� � ^.im� .._ .ee�r;f f�r.� __: . � —-— ---- . .. _ .. : �. . .z:,c. E��!!;T.'::. .,..t,,.. . ' ' ' . ' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. > �_, c.::-, cu � U -.,;�,_ �� . �" ��_ ' q .n W n'1 �� J � �i. � r_� LJ-r[ C�J �� • U� . � �� � +:,:;:� U t � r. � � ��. , �� . , � � � � t . ` ' � � �f ' } " s "�+s: ;� , PETITION - INITIATIYE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City .Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Signed Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 JD � J. �� l7"er � w�ao� S`� %z �2 � �G c.� �.tJ► lkin G��:� �!/�C��',�.��',f 1..2'� �ti'�a� G.G�c�r;c�St / J .- . 3 ��/�Ne e�e�us��c, � .�.°--► '�-�- 7 ?G �..�. 4 D'�,��21 � y N /3�'Lc n/t'T"��'' 1 a 3 �1'�cJ�.s r-r,v . , 5 h l� ti'1 � Gl� � f ,�v . , � � 3 5�- ���1-�v�d�--'��/�l �- (� r� /2- s �� `�d o .�,�,�-�._ �� � . 9 � G�-�- �.� � ' �`' �'_�-� =a � 10 � � `� � ,��� ,�,� � �� `���.� l�' '��c�--�, : <-•� ,-, � , - , , �; ii ��� ✓,� ��---:_ �� � � ,� �_ � ,_`�-� �_ ��', , , . , � - , , ,- . , , , _..t 12 �_ __.___._..._ . _�_,�__._ r. . ..�_ — , __ - . . _._�._�...._�,.�_,V.__._____, �� _ � 13 �_,.�-.� �_ ,� � b ...,� �._� �.--,�-c �_ , A - 14 ��S' � �3/a 15 � /�j �� /� � ` L✓a � �/ C/ � ' 1'!' �. t`-v </I.�-� �6 �� i�-i� �.�,��� �,� L�„�- ��, �� i� .-,�-u- 1����D�� � � �G�/ Yn-d.L���-.�. ;_,_��� �Y,� ls �`� - �.�. L��2 �-z.�� — 5 �r 7 � --N�t�r .� ���� j 4 �� � 19 '� -� ' �� �✓L21,�1�C.�i'1 �u r= � l� <'�.�� C l.� �L`�z:� � ,� ���;1 20 � ��r,�� _ 1, 'l: � �� � ,� ���- ���'� ��- i i /��yHia 21 ,� z.'-"�`L— ` � � (: � ��L,LZ�'. 2�� � � '`°-. t ,� - .. �_.._ ��; �� L= . �,fc'S S c•ir, i i "-' �� � �� , 23 �' �" � _ E 3 `� �., ,"'l �.� l G ,� S f,f=��� . 24 ��;�,,�, �, 25 ��. .�L--� � L��1� � 26 � ' � ._--, ��;; -- "��. � .� 27 � • ,,� 2$ ��' i��' c /�/� L�L �2 S ��j ��a J r�A R�'� r i r Z ��t� 29 �;� � �� �yc y 1�.�/� ���� �- ,�t�,� CERTIFICATION The undersigned be-ing first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on th��s page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I �rther cer ify�,t at I am r side t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at " � ?�� r r-- ZD -� .� � .� �L.. Subs o before me � ` -��" ' �Q � ��� �_ . IOUISE A, LA FON � LC -- ��`..' � ��' - MINN6l�OT• � .. R�'��S�.y COuNri �' � r �ir,�� F�pires Dec. 29. 19�1 . Y3:!:t.:t• s-`:... — . � . •..':?'f:^2'.���ftl3�'i;4C��ie,. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited ,from removing, altering, demolishing, or i� any way reducing the value, accessibility or f�nction of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � , <::__ � +c� U ..,_ V—� � �— U-'� O t:� — W �vy c!):F_ � ;� �� � �� �::-� _.1 a. c�a c.��_ >-cn F-- �-- � ;,:� V � • ' a • ,` , ��': . , ' ,� , � � �. ' �� a PETITION - INITIATIVE CI���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) ' ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT $1 ned '� Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 % /�� ' :a��.. ��C.t..� 1 .. . 2 � � � �. I�"� � � , �c..1� `.�� �`�"� 1-7 3 �-..�x, /� c,�. '���i ��.,�*�� ' G� a �. ��,�`l � '� 4 �— 1 7/ ��IG��7�J . �" ; � �� ' ► 5 ��e��..y /� c� � 6 � ^ _ �. /S �/ �, � � . S S�,r'G �' � �) � - ��- —--- �' '? � �,,/ � �o�3G ;, � '° ,,�',S'I l . °�.rr.x� , . r 9 " 3-`3 G '1 ,u.�,._..ti: �' - 'r � 1 � � � � S� � h � -� r"C` �� � � t'" � S7��:� / S�;`C�/ � 12 ` `�, 1'���.� � � 1 0 • ri� s�'- ., S 13 __ . _ _ � ���-- .- <- � _. Z o�.�r`��(� �:_- _ _ _ , t%:ik�! ' � __ _ �i _ _ . -� - 14 � � - - � , 15 �— � c-� �F,�',r ;�c _ /J��.. ���'// � �, � �� ¢ r� �p 16 �'" F� 17 ,� , � � � �' .� i -;�' ,�.� �` , . ,�, 1�,._,3 ! S- , � , : , . �. 19 ::�.�''..-- f �:.�::.��.,�� .; ; %�` ... � . -� �t-< `.���`.` �.;,.�. 20 ` 3 `�',� � �`/ ��� � Zi � �. . � ,� � .4 �/"'Y er�,.. 22 ' ,.� �..,� � `S�� ,i-'�,. ��~�'►Q- ��. /'Y1�3 �� r 1 C) � _ , 23 C���.�t%� �2� �',r,�� � I �3 �2P��-�,'�Ce ��. ; 5;�. �ctt--� '1��/+ V� 1 S (� � . / j. ,/ 2 4 � -Y Z (,.�,,fc ;/ �i�i �l �• �a�' "� l�-.--z�c f:;"J-'1/ - 25l/,�.�� ;, ' � -� � � �'q � ��� ' �.,..,.,� �.�-�.�. 26 c►��'�.G.. �r�' ' � t � U��rr •� � t�P�,; �j•� � 27 ` , .. �, � ^ , , 2o y�.°i` �'a'.,c ,�,` .�•.ii.,<.��,. � �'.��.. �.i.. � [� w�, �� ��:h _ /l � i 2 ��� <�.�,�: � � � " t�c.�� �a� r CER IFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presenci by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cert�f that I a a esid nt of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � 7' � �r�.� 3 '� � - -� Su ` ' �' � U �t�A. LA ND� � r�i.., �.r�_K. M:MN£f01• l � k � ;:mmis�fe� E�pires DAC_29, 19 w�'i516�!;AYC'lN115�'!�:�i��:!€;!'�'� ,s 4 <. � ��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. a A~ U -.s-.. � c'�` �Z � O`� W �''') ��. J � �J Ly. �� tit-� J� �V C,��, S--c� h 1-- � ;'� U ' - � . t•, . PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Signed Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1��1.�A.C.�r D. �2A�vC�" /�?l� ��� �t:�/1a��c�.� -� ���;��<� l f c� �� �-�/� 2 � � -� ,� / .i, � �l��,� t �-��.� , ,� � 3 � `� � 1�5 ��SO G�n � s�' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me �� �-�u�Cr �- . / 9 �d ary Jane Dickman NOTARY PU�LIC-upINNESOtA RAMSEY COUNTy MY COMMIf310N BXrlll!!JAPI.$A_t O� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ��., « �. v �` o� w° ; `„� --� ,.Y� �_...i lt_ � t,_;w C"v C>� �� !-- F�- � U ,.. , . . . „r: !� �. . ... . • . , PETITION - INITIATIYE �,���� 'This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Signed Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 � ' ° Z�. 2 '' � �� 3 T v , .�...,f S,e� 4 �` � � �� �� YS� �1 � - � ��� � 5 ,� � 5 C'� �s 6 e- � �S L-�.� �� � �"� L_ � %�,�' r � �,te. � -� ,� �' c�u �- .�n� - � 8 ��u,.��.��� �i�n���%��� ��� . , - 9 � r__"`,,-�'4� �� � � ' Z� io � , � (I��,(� ,_,�" , �l% " ii �� - � � �.. � . ,�� �r �� � � ) � ��k ' � I 0 � C� ` z� - s� �a :�' � � . . 12 q r e v1-P_ 13 ��(1���-���.14, �c�-'�,c��=.� + — - � 14 �'. "',, ` ,�° ��j,� ' 15 �. , 16 � � ..��a' �.T � �a�/r✓ /9" ��'-�� �/� . , � _ 1/ � s � ` �' f✓ is � ..� � � � � � �- , i9 � � -� , c-� ��' '�� � �- �-� �� 20 s� il � ,�vy, �..� �` �--� �, ! , ..,1..�%�z ��� 21 , _ � . 22 "� r '^ 1i ` � r / �� 1 , � �a .- .-, 23 , �� <� ��l 3 —KJ " �r�,,�' 24 �^ '�' cr- �__ 25 /� � 26 r���.c � �%t- �r,�i,- 3�o ' �—r 27 ��'� ,� � .c � � .,i ,���L�. v 28 � � �� 29 �,, � ,.,,'��% �i..�� .../'.. �' ��i�� . � �,� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatur�; I urther certafy that I m a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul,, res i di ng at �'a �, �� L ' Subscribed and sworn to before me ' � S � #iL'Juuu�+Jl%i�5�. ui l„Yt;:.%�J',��'sI�X���.�T .3:��,7SIS:p.Xyi:lBuJt�ud'. �' , �� .. � _ J_ , _ �� . . . �. . .:.n�r�IF-SOT• L. � r' �� �; �' CC?UNTY � x . f_.. �, _-r r,.,> D�c 2°. 19�� �:cZ'c=:r�.. ._r�...i:u �,_. � .Igl�'n ..l'r�'tir'�'111f:?�eiPCfi,"' ORDINANCE � � . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � c�:-: cw . c.> c;,_ ��' rJ t.n p=�. W � �3�� � �� �+- '� �� �u-`_ � U� � ]--� �-- t— :.� "� U PETITION - INITIATIYE �fl�50 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or specia� election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � �.�, ,,--�% �' --.� ' 2 � '" • " .� �.,,� � ,/ �/ '?�' ,/� `..,r�- { �: �� . � � 3 � � 3 .x. t�-� ' t 4 Lf 1 - -. � � :;, �,,�,; � 5 :fa,�,..,,�/ ¢ ' {y ,��i �..,1 � A c:.3� . , _�'.�-+.-�... 6 �,.�.�..e� � '�..�.-'�...°, �fl, `c� �` � ,�.-�. �. ��` ` s - ;'�-,e�.L►- . �f.,� .��� �, �-�=-t.m���.,r. � � �{ 'GG-� r� .�'�--���-�_ ''`' �,�" � � : t�":� 9 � ��C�..+.�'�'..c� .��:� ���Gc...-� �'.� , , • 10 �. ��til�,l� �,�crc��.�► � — 11 � ' s+, an f� / . �r ��J��►..,1 �1. ��U �'f �l'.L//�/l�t/ 12 �''�-`;., f''. '' ..�'f���~�--c,s-±� .�. 13 �`'���L�,,'� �� c�c---- : /" ,, �°7 e..�C..;.�.,.�.• 7_ ; — � n � i .- 14 � ,.,� � ,' � , 15 � ' � _ �-� j. � . � ,, 16 ,�_' ;,_ � ;� �-, � r.- i . � 17 ,� , L�..� : / � �'�i �e�._ a.-�- ��_ ,c� � 18 " �� • -r r f, ,, � 19 � �'l�r��� f� 4 ' � � � , -,�� ��.�,-� � � ��{_ ����. ��� � � �. ,r, � __ p ' �^ /� t � 20 � lA. i i /�\�,-^..,�,..% / �islJ� 1 �• � 21 ��''7' �°�f L''�:3' �y'"� +'�,? ��i''� � ��'�.,. �'-� ' 22 � y' — � � , 23 � , �� � ' ` ' � i' �"" t f��"`"�-�..' 24 � '� � � -C� r. ,�.� J��'S �i� � Gt'-t��� 25 � " �!__,,.-1--�.,L�-•�� ��'� � /��!��a cr�.,,.t �..r�-. ,� " � ., ' . .. ;ri� , ^� �. - � ,. �4 26 , '� � .. ,, ' ''I >,t � � � ''"��,,.- ,�'�z� t �� �'"� >.��"�"l..a „-�,:�� ��`"�'�IC'��....: � � ,=,. , r. `' 4.,7.. �^ � ..��wl 2� .� '-C t .�-= M yi_.t , '�i ` ��,s/�',3G.� � ���, . - -- r . � .' .,r . f ."� - � ;:- ' a�': i 28 �r d��.I.�.:ri.,'�,,/�."i�d.��ar�+t�a,�-w�,,. �`' �a .� , m-�. :-,G.,2J►.._M,.•, 29 ��/ ..�Yt..� � � c`a .�• �:{; �i(, f' !" `!.:b-.Q.__e:..�-�� ,:�'_;�. _� /�'cC -(.�(i", , � , .� j -c.� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; � f�+rther certif hat I am a re iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at '� .�'u�(� z .�'�'/� Subscri_b��_,and., ' Q ��- lp� v u'�r��x�u�x�u������'�" � lC�'.I1S= A. lA FUND �..- -� R.=.,"3�Y COUNTV -�l .r �; cL'� Ccmm,�icn Expirss�ec.29.19J�rie:.1 s • rr��n �r:�U, -�,�T•���i,T?�r,'�� �4t'v�tL�'SYd.3�ii�=. . * ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. i � �--:, � a,. U l�� f°,_. La"�.r . O,_ w° ^a v>=� . � M �� w-�z �� c-" v� :—c,� t— t— ca v , � . q....-.!' r . \ PETITION - INITIATIYE ���J� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION ,.�f�.�=--�-� �S���� � `�o� S � c.° C� l� `� 2 !�I V� _ ` �S =- .-- � 3 /V�� /�G! /�i�a�°.S�/ �'�l��`"�ri.'K�.�i� �/ �, .S �-S r 4 0 ` �� .5% �'. S��'c. 5 � �---� r V' L � 6 �i� Z.�p 1 /y �. ��yr „�� � �.i �u v t G�o �• L �s.►y 8 s . - 9 10 ' 11 � oZ� 3 �,✓�,�.Q • 1 soN . �/'�' T i3 ,Z,� ' �4 i�,. / .�,.; t� B��c ��-- i5 �• �� ' 16 . � 17 � �� ' � L ��f/ /0 . 18 19 � � 20 21 , �j 22 a �j�� , 23 � � 24 � . 25 /,�iyo � �`I�. , 26 ' . �� 2� f . 28 �� � 29 . CERTIFICATION ' The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signa ure• I� fu her certify that I am, a e ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � �c.�� J i `` Subs �,j��d and sworn to before me ' � y°'``� �� x J "'t}�"�,x,.u�ii�,' ttz::x`kr„`:�i�;��k� � � K .'�;, lG '!.-: �,,�:, .:,i _ ... .. v;��an;EbOt� tt � � R�+�SEY COUN7Y ~ n V Comn iss,�n Expi+es Dpc. 2g, lg�'-7 �'�� t .�1 �,,-,c�:lx�tt tt n� �'� J,,:• ,, ��2:'�T�,�jl':'�k�Y.�'lli� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �:�, �, v. � --�- ,� n"; ct� O t.^� ��= � � ��' � ;� �_i r�� c�:�� c V �j�1— f-- �„� �� � U PETITION - INITIATIVE ���J� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Signed Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION .�ir—oo 1 y � G' � 1�I�� % D Yj(�° S ti Y✓l/r ``'��-tt.-,C-,•�_ -�t.-�-�/� J (P�` � ��'ri ; �----- �� 2 !i�'v'�/�Y f/. l!/�Sr�G�i't�r' '�""-f` '�.����� �,1r� 9'�' ��-c�" �"`- 3��c.-'��kr,- P. �CAcN�`z ,�(.. '�r' ± r� ,,,.- /9� ��til�se .«c.� .3 G'� �3 -���2.�! �.9c�f�[.M Y�/2 �'�.�,�,?�`�t-c..�.. '.�.s�.... �9.L 9F,�rn,e�A�'�'r 6 �,�3 �3 5 ��LO . �� SG�b�T�sC�CK1a �^�� --.('�p��.C��l'�,-.�u 27lc� Lr N 1�tlraDol !.7 f 6 - E.►ienwi/irarns ' t� G%� , 7 ��h r�� � � �� g !.'i � ,� .? ,S�� ,! 1,� i � aro �: g ;�` '���,r " r=� o �QtSGh -�, � 10 ' �/ �� ; �w'�^,r�- � ' Z.._ 11 V.L �RL IMFS � ��r9 �� /j�i 12 � � .�' � �� t �° . _ � 13 • `; . •c \ ' � o � 14 r � � .i-�����- / / `�l. '� �. ��(/ i� �� - ��`„rt..�.� s�� �- �-- � � s ��� -' �. —�.-z-1 �T. ,l�-r' 15 ��� -v ti--c� �6 �, y [! 4� z �" � -= s'T� �-:� � �� .�- ,��- � �..� ,. -�-- � � �� �s /� i �,,% �, 1 ` t- � ,., , e�4 rw.,. � � � ��- ,��. � -�_ 1)r" S� - 0 a-__ 20 ��-e�� � � U _ , �r-d `�- � 21 � �� �� v �r�( ,�% 22 _ .�,� ) � ! 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J � 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certi y h t I am r si t of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � � � %- ' -� Subsc��' fore me � _�" �� - . l �� LOUISE A. �q FOND � � -- ------- —- .� R.4 ._ so*• •� .✓S.Y COUNTY �fj *' * ::y CoMmission Ezpires Dec.29.19N- ,::•:. - .....��;rx,,,�x�qz.-�.... �. . ......�:,..;� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � �-, � � � �,:' S,-� .r G�= � � (� C7�... J ,,,.� r-...i ' � �� ti_t-� ._.I�i C\J t,7�� � . � �"—U� F'^� f-- . � � . °:_:7 . . - . . • _ . , � . . .. .. . . ... . . . . .. . . �' ns.�. .. � , . •�c "`, PETITION - INITIATIVE ���J3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION ��` l. ^/�� f 1 / � v� 1 �?, 2 . � �,��� 3 � 2�— �� 'p- c-s e- — _ •�-E 4 -� ` �_ . � � �-.-- - --�,�' 5 ' � r�..i� �z s-- _ F� rJ 6 � ' -'�''\ o� � '�� � �-c�v .���I►r �_`ir-:��"�'.'� (8��� �'� �`� $ �,�. /i/rs /���% ' r.�'�`' / ,� _-,,, ' ._ ' � �.�� �-r�--ll� 9 �( CUC��i` �ti � � - ! � S / 10 ��j �'� 11 � ��� 12 � ,.� �%f`./� %��'(.� � � �' � 13 �.� � �'4� � ,�'i 1 c. ,, 14 ��Q,c � = ( L --�-PT"��c.� � ' �� 9 � � ' ` _ � 15 e �-�-P � � / -C•-P ���_j ,��"�.�-�� 16 C i � S � �f� �� <° _. 17 �� �`Z;� �� �' Q ��-�-�---� Gi�...�.r 18 , .e-Lc�.- � �r-�,c�--�� lo �.f �r�----- 19 ` C� � �� � 2O � ' / � -� � C'L � ��/ / L '/L�4-s� IE' ��' 21 22 � �� 23 � � � � � � ..� ( t�� �5 3 �C�'k9� 24 �-*� - � S Z.- CocO ��� 25 � -�-��-� .� ��� 26 ��:.�.v�� l�'i�c d��t r-�-� �(� �� c�-/`.`�i�-/t �j, � • 27 �q��� � , `'2 � � f�li'2-��-..�,� ,��:�' -- _ �: �,,� � ,,. 28 -+Sr �--l�- �-� � ' � - �:S`� ._. 29 � ' ��� C-�� � 1. ��`� � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I f rther certaf hat am sid t of �--�— r. e -,u�- the City of St. Paul ,, residing at l�'�, J " ' �-� �� � Subscribed and sworn to before me � � l � tiil��is�'-'xi ' u`x�Ptt OLi�.;i IC�J%� 'ii�;��i[ttdx�uRUUUli t'_ ' ...(t•... . •.. _MINNF_SOTA ' � � R�, �^�Y COl1NTY �f, � t.,�� f,�m�is �o, E■a+res Dzc. 29. 19��? �(:J:� ,fii-...�.:;�l.li:...,Y�,�."":--.-,.-+rf."St�-X��t II St " '- . ....7�--,J���-'�^ ��'f�''�; ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ���� � �� Cd� �T 4 �'� Cl? � � �� (+. �'� ¢-,i C;`��' � �4 U� k... �� cJ � U PETITION - INITIATIVE ����4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or �emolishing Mi�way Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $'1 ne Address ELECRD N �DISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � �C � 'C ,SO � . 2 ��I� A� �� L�awc2 3 4 '' ' `�a �� � � . � .S v C�Q D .G . ' 6 � �l �✓ � Y G� s.�--- ` � C�+�s�cc.,/M�►«� S3 /�►��,�t►i�s. � �.c• S i•�•...� 8 r v G � '' ' e,. � /6 i o iv w�. .t'? `, io • • . �rv� /6�� l�. Sr!� St, �, I � �`� 1 � ��`� �..}..�.t...� � .�2� �' '�'� U _11 /'"7� , r �i ��c-- �1rGkC� ✓r. ��z� �---; _, 12 �5 Or► � � A.�C�+�oe ri/A�C� � 13 IZA Ei. '�iv EIZ,t� ' I L i �PP � N 1�D.S S I D b �4 ; . Ey , ' s'a ,DD L UVE �Y 4� 15 ' ' � • . . 16 �� , , 17 18 19 20 21 22 i � ; 23 � � { 24 ' � � � 25 � 26 ' 27 ' 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my prese ce by the person purporting to have made their signat e; rt e�r certify t at I a a si ent f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � f � . .� r,- , � ,, . .���u-�- Su �a�e�,� j � ���b�fore me � z��:� ,�;�, :� �ou�s_ a. �A FoNO - ..,,.. -- . = .? � � ��,,;iniTr � t' r a� "�� `10 <" � � D�C 29, iS � .;[ti!k�x�,u�....: t�.;;„ ,r'fr g:qt' � ������' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �:::- w �- c, c �� o `� o� W n't cn:� � �� � � r� �c'�� N �:L U. r-- � �� �,.� f-- :� U PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Pau1 from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION C 1��C(�, � , 1 S � � �- Q d _, z,G�-/� jc'o/ ��s ` � s,�'a�' � �sh f� , ` -. , ; � 3� S�` �d �V` 4 � � N f�e 6r�� � � d� � d°T�- � . 5 � �`� �h K�_Z���e-�.--; %� o o C o w �. s � _ � ' � � , � � . ���� '� ' G y : 9 � . �.� � _.,.�'' l G s-� 'S". � io — r7' 'z2.3 � � �'', ii c�/tC1�'s D S",S' , 12 ..� � ; ; 13 � 14 15 16 i i 17 , �: i 18 � . 19 % 20 + ; .. 21 �� + i . 22 ` _ ' 23 � � _24 i� , 25 � � � i 26 ' ' i = 27 ; i 28 • 29 j CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature;� fu ther cert fy t,hat �I a ,a �resid�nt of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at y%� � � �fc%�,�/ � S�T�i�� �'.,,b�,r-�=.�i� '.���.e-��� Substt���a���r _�� . .... , , .� � d tt � �� �� �_ a. LA FONU - 2L -�` ,. ,�_� .....,� ,;� rn.n�.�.'�:c)�re � _ . .. � '_�.'::,,. , .'... _ , . _ r . . �j � �^,� r.omm+ssion Expires D2c. 29,19 4x �g5?..: .: �;!�:'fiZn�_�;s'!St!r�'�'-,[�IIRNii!".t _ . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �: �, "' U � tc.==" C] :h a�' � � �-� � � x tti� co� `�"�-- F-. f� �� �� ~ _..? U PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION -�.�c.�i4_e%��r.�.d e k ,��.��..����''��13 ��' Gv ra � �r;�a .� 2 -` �� ,�3 -� �� 3 -� ; � �.� �Z ���� `" .- �.,�� , 4 , >i �:�f �; - 5 ` � f� % 6 ♦ �!o cf� � � 8 ��'`��S�G� 9 � 10 • � , 11 + •r . � (. � . ;�' ����rc.t--., e , ; ! ir. 12 .� rb,t�s�:-� � ,c'.��a _,�-�_ ' �t �' �• • 13 � �� v N � t 14 15 c , . �6 ,� : �; , ,��, ; f_ , � cL L: i�. 1 � L 1� � • � i$ v / O �� 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I „ urther certif that I am a _re iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at , %C _ � Sub '�"�if�lW��'�'�;'F�'� ' o� -r j C� LO UISE A. L �.1:T..» � .• �C M!Nn1H$A?• C / Mv Commiss+on "pires Oec.2!,1 ^� x- . -- - _" ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its �epar�ments are prohibited ,from removing, altering, demolishing, or i�,,,any. way reducing the value, accessibility or f�nction �f the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of M�nnesota. . � �--. w .. �, �:'� �� o ,,, �= W r"1 cn:`4. � �^�-7 ��t �� W s �v �`` i- � �—c� f— C._� ;� U . �r .� _ .,y, . , , , . , + � � � .., , , . . , , . �j, � . . . . � . , 'f ,` � �4 . �.. .. ., , t . . , . , . ' . . ,. � .. � '�'l . , . . . R 4 . . . � . . . . .. . ' . "•`Y . . `. , .. . ... " ' .�. �. • . . . . � . . � . . . K. y- � . . . . .'.'@.�L . .. ..... . . �.S _ . . . �.} . � PETITION - INITIATIVE 0��5'7 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed �Na�� Siqned Address E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION _lirQ;�►J���w,t � (,� ' ''� � �4 t��,.� l�%i �n,f�" �C I l`7 2 � 3 .� �: .� �l y,�ui -- - 4 ;. '�J�/:�/�.tiNLU�,� .� �� �-� �G�,�,� . •5 S ( ( � ' ., � 5 ? � � /� �-� ✓ ,_ �., .� ._ � �1� -�iI ; , 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 ' CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first swarn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I ur� r certify tha am a res e�t o�j the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �� '�-L�-,;-�.,�.� �',�_��.�� 'S,�/G, �.�.v�� ,��iXa,�.¢��l! Subs . � s _ �- � , i -u� �'� t OU�Sc A. LA FOND . . . ' � . .n•�Gf1T• ��y � fr�� f�mm�ss�on "txplres Dec. 29,14 :�t��(,S;•''::':if�'.H�"rt'�I�i:�3L,�1(���i�If���L�X� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � c--, �u �, � � � � � k�__ c�.�. o r.n o' � � �� c� -'� �.,i e,_�� c�� ?<'ti �f� l... ''`�-7 r, ,� h. '� V 1 �' PETITION - INITIATIYE 0�058 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place �the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 �. _ - / - .,�� 2 �' � � . � �- � 3 � ` � �" , 4 � /��c'j G��J-� � � , � } � �.-e.-t=-��� � _ �:_�-c--�� )" �L.�- - ��. 6 �= � � — �� � 7 Z,G. ,- ��� ,' �� 8 � 9 , .�-. . 1� r—��Z�� � (� i� / °��-7-v� �G� ��� �6�,� 11 � ' 12 /''� a .� • "% ?. 1 �a � � . t... / ,// r � �Y�. / % �r� � G 16 . _ � c� � � r ! � . S 17 `f 18 19 :-�;�, 20 21 22 �3 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify at I am a r i nt o the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � ��-E �� ' �� � � Subscr' �.,�� sworn to before me � � �„�� �L',::rx �.�k�_tt�u.rxr`t,�n K, � tt tt �r'IiSE A ,- sr _„ r . . . ,,.,. ._� �r� " ����' �'�FY COUNTY ��] l'� � cmrui,sion Eapires Dec.29 1 aN-" ..s,,. 91�1` , � :M,.- � �,�,��r;xC i�.�&!2�'�l� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � a w w V � �i c� �+ °� w M �� J Y J LL. � CG� le1 Q �y � U� i� ►-..� c� � U '1: . � ..'':1.Y.:1:�..;. � � j���� ��°"°'°��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _,,`�.t, ,,�,, 'F' =� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� ,, ,e �; " "������' �� F�L�4 BUREAU OF RECORDS ,� �• ,s� ,,, _ �`a,,,,1�R.•o�.�'� �„� �� "�7' �J �°;'E ��.� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ��� '� 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR C{7�( CLE��iS �����"� S� p�UL, 1�SIPk;`rd. _ , received �pages of petition (Midway Stadium) fro � � for the purpose of varifying signatures. Dated - � �c.___����� � / . � �O ,..t .�.?-_ —� PETITION - INITIATIVE � �� '� �:J � � 000�11 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIECATION G� 1 ' ��� 2� C-R la u , , � s ,G �� �e� r " , � � �' �' ��, � �,,; � -- � � �-; 4` ` �v N � �.S G��-e 5 � S— / �� � (� `� -� �.' � Sri�.c� -� B��o- N� _..--..-�_._ 7 • �" ,` � - , .. % ` 8 � � -r �r 9 �� J � � � �3 3 � ' r ,Gtc� /o/� �'� 10, r % � 11 � /�--�f S— /Un, S�' S7� �-O /�� ;; 12 � 1/� j U � � S� J `_.; 13 �,: ,_ ,� �:,�*� � 0 1,�/L /,,. �- �: , ._ �4 �-n� G����-Gl,�o � 4'0�' � ���1� �1��� 1502, � Lr ll l � 0 ' �� � 1 � l�3 g � .�,� �.�'�/ ;;- � . i� � ��t Y �� ,�_ ;. � 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Z� a S �� �-�1- � �-�'�*�--�-� s�' ` � Subscribed and sworn to before me �--�i emo�.� -�.- _• � LORRAINE L.SCRIBNER � "" NOTARV PUBLi6—MfNIVESOTA RAMSEY COJNTY Mr Commission Exaires Aorit i l. 1986 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-,, �., ,- U . �,_�: Lt�-.,. ._..:..., �'- � t�v,y� � M 41l �'...x J �,t C.�:-� 1:.. ta``--� . ,mr`Ly' ..,:--7 i.:2 t�— ...�� �;� +^ �.... lt,i (a t;J;.* PETITION - INITIATIIIE 00��� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION ✓i`��l DlcS'e.N ��t�T ��' ��R ��cJ�,. 'Yt� o l -- � ` ` � . � , i ✓3` � � � %� � � � �° {� ;;°' V�F a�} -�f`• �. r �O ,C' , ``, ,� � �� � .�I 2� � , � , �� d � ! � � _ '� c �- � 8.� �f J� � �.d a f^ e�/ c �-w L-' '9 ►'� _ � S � ` .� � io � a s I �� — � P.�u: � � �.,�. , 11 � 53'l ! � — l� iz �'� f�3�i �? , ,' .. .� / 1� — i :�� �4� � i�f ,� �o � � 15 �T C� . �.. .�,. a . 3 ,� � c •� �. 16 ' �� � � � �� '� � 1 • � � 1V `' i p / / I9 �{� r� � �1 � �� ��� 20 L � o a-�- � � 21 �✓ ; ��. 22 jl C Q �,- .� " .:s:; :. �; � 23 ,, �'_ � �� � 25 �2 �� � F�, ,. . r' 26 -- —______ 2� �. ,,c,�.,e. � ��/ � i,� 1 Zs ,� / � '� z9 /a �' CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si�9 nature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 'ZZ� � 5��� �� �s���`�- r�'`` f Subscri bed and sworn to before me ,,�.�-� � �r �-�� � IORRAINE L.SCRIBNER ��� NOTARY Pl.�3LIC—P.TPlSVE50TA �, RAtJISEY C�J�lT`! My Commission Expires April Ii, 1956 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �' W 6_..,., c� �T _ �� ...,_ �,. � � cn=� w _j 2t:J _�I CC� �+- w t _::,i. :;^9 C.��.,_ .� _:n � N_ c.ti� V ��_3 PETITION - INITIATIVE OU003 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION v�' n �w� � N.l� s � � y ,,�� � � � - ~ .� .. . �4�Q•� � /97 f o�i�s �� .,? -> � � � ►�s� � � o ��. ={ ' �- ! V4 ,eE'' .9�e . � � > _ r. ,.-. � / 6 ; , V" � ��'� .: r ` �� � � � � .. �� ` �� �.�� �•� `. - e ', 419 C, . ( ��,. �� � i �� ���.,� lo _ . ._ - i7� � � - s �o �� _ a - � - �� 2 �a�'� ss-�o � .: y13 ' _ �a��-_� - � s'�-iv 6 � � ,:: 14 � � �'�/� ,,�. �5 � ��,�-��.� '7 Y � �`= G�'o�'X �e� � s�`s''/06 ,..� � , h 16 ? 1 "``1 �// � � �� ��� � � I� � � � ,� �u.� . . �i 19 .`� �o �� /� �7/U��� 20'� cs��h �. �,^c�l�� 21� � - 1/ ��" � 22 , f� a L i �l�iQw� .�S/ /,� 23 ,�-��.- k- ,? � / 24 4 � ��� UCc�� �� J ~/o� 25 ��' t�i �..u''�� � � 26 ✓� /S-- (f C r= _ �`�- 27 ' O ` ��� �-/�� i _� ��- /L� 28 � e�J��•� � � ,' : �����0 j0 29� � 3� � "����io CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the Cit of St. Paul,, residin at zz c Sw�w�-�s•�-�- ��� ' s� ��°�" 5 '`� '� Y 9 �..*..�.____.. • Subscribed and sworn to before me '1 �--- �• � ' � , . _�� L.SCRIQNER — NOTARY PU9LiC—MtNNESOTA ��,,, RAMSEY CaJNTY My Commission Expires April I i, 1986 - ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �' w c_.; v � -;`,_ c:7- � � V±..L � 1!J .J ;�� �,�� . li W+� ;-'� U F-- --- �_L7 C._ �� t tJ U �"'7 PETITION - INITIATIVE U�j��4 � This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION - 1 ��f1 ��-I E R 1Po �✓ �� C� a6� � 7�"��- � .�= 2 ��`�J L �/ ti . V1i D b ,D � ' " �-�, �1��_ � � �,.....-,-- . � �` ���� � - 4 �� / � �,� v 6/`�.�(�/ r ✓ , l�/ �r � �•-- 5 �' ' �' F�� .� �.° .i`�% ,,fi `" �`�! � � r' ' .�°g -`�r r• =��R,9 r✓G�� � L Le vQ. �.�a,�.-�..�,o.� �..�::�����t. �� 1� �' � ,� , j -� �„ .,.;�; . .. 7 v _.,.,,,�,,� �`,��, : :a.'°'� � �� ,�.. ^ '���� / �,. ; ` . � r C'! t / /� .`.s Z-�- /�.. CG% �� ��. �_ � A / A�i�,n ��„y�''-7 ��r' ,� . � �j � �.e :..! l•: .i r �1 �j���� r �. lU� � � ��Y�•�... � 6 4� '� �� � � s � .. ,e�t ) / ,,,,�,� �c 11 f �.a .•y ��:yl-��`�"•,� �.F�B�'��`.�r. r� !/�� ... e.'/.�'� .rt.�./�l,..: GJ f+r� ' ' 12����d-,'� :;, �,,�,�, ,._.C�.�..�; , � V� � ,,.. ��� �,:`, ,, 13�t'`�' , f- �e�-��'�'`�� � , f � �������.G�':.i __ -'_ '1 "��� 1� •- �w; e� � . 15 �. �. ' r..o,.�.. �,� ,eG.-��.�- F �"� �> � �. .r"" �. �_�=— , l,,,,, � ,� ,� � 16�"'�� /Q 1 S `�J 7�� i E � ��l , ��� y .� ,�J.� _ r�'� 'r �'w 1 °a, #; ( � e,-�' � � � � �i :.�`� , � ., � /� r^ ,/ � ,�� ,._ �j ,( ,� �. ..' ,�—� 1=�:y,f.�,.�,�p � s� „� G,s� t ;` "� � � L+* T'.' .s'�" ii'i:'�-'�...- �G�' 4/ <.�—.�f,_—. 1� A � �C f 1 � � r ,,C s��__' : l , _ --} ��," � �9 � ,� w -� � . � � r � ^. P 2��� _y.� � �� ' �__!�-L("'. ' c..� �' y Lo-, // �, �^ � ,j �... �� -,ya�_.i — ! ■ .� ! . � ( r �J 21 1,� � � ,� I _}---�-� �, �_�.. � p , . 22�r �'`r' .t r� i i .� � . . !�' r. � 1 � _. 23 ,�� �. �.- � ��1 �J � �'' J,,�� � �� �'�, , „�'�`.`� ,f��- .R�;;,..r._ � I / � ' _24�f����' I :� 1:� �t a � f' �� �/(�-� �P.f w^„'�+�'t�"7 r I I � f�s'! ��.�...�M � �� 25 ;` :J � i� �i. � !-_ �,�^• - ' : - n��-� �l ,r r t t ,c; ! � .�_ � � � � �j }! � � �P 26��, , r� �" .� `,��., : �, � �-�p '". . �, •� . �� � �� � � / 7 " � f/"� ✓,� t �:,:'� � � ,C�a• .�-,'' ..�,G�;r.�.;a':: �/�D � r/ r 28 ,,� �.� . �' �'" ..� ��... �` ���R R M s�-�t�� � �� y �3 , z o & � s , ` � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have e the ignat re; I further cert' y that I a a res ' n of the City of St. Paul ,, residing a Co Subscribed and sworn to before � , � � `�"� � r y.., _ r .;,; - ��'L%� �i �.. •�, �... . . . ,_,,, � � ; _ ,;'�'19�2 � � �.:..•�' i,y ,;;;�� : �: _::;.„ � �('�7C'I��''�`GG�%'�/G VGV V�i"'v V"v'�J�'JV^��'�'YX ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ' � �., r., ' �J � L� � – c.s. � �__ ��— � ;M `�^* �yA :;t�J '.J -.� C��� � 4– �j I:t_ C"") f��.'" . a� �� dk- �- .i�� V PETITION - INITIATIIIE 000�15 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ,r � .,� � �' ./�' %' ! ., j / �. � � ,. , ._ /' , i � .t 1"tr �`•J f^ � a- . � (, f,, � I `% � V/r� �. � , �S r � r A�� r" � � ..... ...� � i ' r , i` � .T ."r . .. t !�. � ` "„ ` t,� /( r �.'�� l. f 2 1l� CE \ ,,/ e, / y�y , `�/ � ;� - L*I , j � � / V� l � � t �`' � � i � _ � = C�f} L l) / N � J �rN LS /.J- 1 _ _ � � � � � ��. � �� � r, �',.: 6 �. /.��2 � - � � �c- a�r�n.e.. ✓G.� � �ti� � —�.�.. - j� � �t�ti � � 171 c.I ��Nc a.4-�, %9 �° Q�-c�l�. -r;�. l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have hei igna re; I further certify that I a a�esi ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at r .�� Subscri bed and sworn to before ={� .,. . , � ° �. r� ; r . �'�i � G . . .. .. . , '^ - - � .. . I� . .. . 4. Q '" .��'.'� y �..,.:::� i �..';r ..,;. � I:,�._� f. . �K'C14Y`�YV►�'tl1'V'Y/�1'GF/t�171Y�ia7GVG 1'(1"/17�'�!'JG�7'✓OY���r'y'�( ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-- w G=� v � �� �`_. ,:=�� v: o � ��� LLJ �!J -�-' :v �:� � �� .. � V t—' ..�--. r c1') il.. ~ uJ V .'.`� PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0���6 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned� residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION i ��d d -�. �'o.l3L �'ST .� 2 (� �eve� � � .o. —S . ,�� � � ��� � ' ��► �' �� -�� � � ` �� z r Z� Sc� S-�, ��-�, N. SS �a�I �; � ' �- s / �/G �,�� � 1� � / � '� '� �o�� �� ►�, � �. 1�- , �-� � �i �� � t /- �' t ` �� � 'M � l �r1 r � I ;;- -� `�rr� *;� �` .''"`;�J r . Ed w� �Z ��a2 � ; _-,r '�yw{ �,. �'.� t-^ , � , � 1 � " � , ,� �� ,. � .= 12��. , ��I� a� ����I � ��� lUU 9 t ,. 13 '� � °�`rr�� i . % . . 14 �� �-- r-�, .. �l (c ' j� ll'�. D �� 1 ` l��'o ` � ,! "�' S� D i6 ��D �T-��.L�_ � ��! 17� ��o�o ��� � J _ � I � `►�, S�� !��"� '�' L"`� !8 C��_ S�, �' t�7Z� � � �' ��� ��,` �: � �� l ( �r �� �� �( ,,� .. r�� 2� � �a -�f,�� �� /C>� 21 ��-_ l � � / . ,�Jti 1'�jv j S J- 6'A�L rr,� �� l D 2 : �, ��.,�, �� �� '(Y�ti., �r� � ��� ���''�'` �_ �'�1 ��� �� ,(�. N£S'7 a �'�1 �zx�33&�i �3/ � y�i�/U�� ST�UL ll �� �S/b� �.� —. P� '+- � �o r C> ✓ =s '� ' r l � 26 a,r,�, r���_ �G' � ,�,rdc.� < < � j _��� � I 27 �� U A � ' 28'T � �' � �y � s� � "� � ��.f.S S/O�% % � n�.,.�� � � �" „' ' ����=�,��, ��A E�.c��� ,. ���zs.�sl2��v,-� �� �=K/ �3%y CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made� in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature;, ; f,urther certi tha I a a 'esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ` , �y- i:� � �i � � '- Si�c��.b�d.,and sworn to before me � ` '� � � �. �—��,�:l,�iu�,�„�r�»,�;:��.,.+ '•« N: ' ONp �A,: ec ,� .�:, s R�MS�Y CO!� ��"r° i,��,:, � Comm�ssion f..,,,, � �ry � ;"���,�.,:_�. F�� ' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing; or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , � . , ' ' ' � c�s � l � � c � _ �� .. 0.v SS� G � � c�^ w t.,;=' y� � ��. _� `"" � ,M tl1"_ 1.t,1 g��.w.l � .y.s cC«.� � �� J t.-:_.....� �..7 �.. ~ �1� � . . / PETITION - INITIATIVE v������ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �� � X���1, „ ,`� � . , 2 ' '� r ;, /'� „ 1 C' y� , 3� / �: , _� CG l.i � �'/ 5 - liP/�9 � � -„�." ��e���- l�eu, Ier I� 3 l �or �a�� ' ) /�" , -� r — � l�c ��-� � �`�� � � � � -,7 y .S�'� "d /l.� � ' 1 / �—�',--'ll�l._�C � �� � /l�(!"l-/' ry,''1 "� (/� L��SI /./(,�i� �� � ����� �� _ � -- �, �� � � �-� I � ' ! ',K ii : '�.,�,►� , S y�r�,4�. �u�a�1 I�1�� � ,.,,� . " m� 'I� ��" � � �' i3�/ "`' �7�3�f Q.�, . �,�� :r��o:�" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at c�•� ��__�,� ��� 'Y�,,�.;io/ �� .�-.G' ��!L�-•�n��, Subscribed and sworn to before me � �' � L� " .._' ��. .e ':�"F{.�^;p7:;.•;:•r'itn; ,� � )N!1 . i.'': ',`t , 1� ..t�IY�IRH\ F� �l C�. /:.� ..r�Tn �, R�MSE� Cn,'N Fv Gr, T � D�y �'t ; Commissio� ,...: D_r, ,o , ' � . .. `� r . �, _-.:-�:��.,v:...:-.-.::-_� _ �_.. _m� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �' r,��a „ �, - L1Y� .,_i.'� �t„:` � `� �« � � �Ji +�, � .� &a",,� �.,�r �4� ..:�o—ns'.'! f�I.—,. �� f.�. '.^' {.� � !:f*� .. f PETITION - INITIATIVE ` 00��� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) i ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �v � ' ' i�� ��� ��-'�� � I� L�t��� _;_ .. , � � 2 �. �'ccl,a.-�;C/ ��i54..1�/� fJ�L �= � �.�d '�e�.s� � �- � `�� - �— / 1� � `t� -� 5� ��.,.. '- ��'S'�v �� �� � � , 6 � � �! � 'I � / �l J!� � �� r-,8 %YS KJo� �,�� , _ �� � ' � �1� / v�� o � 3 s � 1 � � % _ � t 1 �. . � ° �6/ �.!- �� � .��.�. ✓ � - } 1 .,�o " ` / 7CG ���° � _ 15.� ,�,-�c ''� �c� �J� �'J�l, 16 � 2`�o � � �-- /�,-�_ �� �7, �� � � � 1����0,�� - (�J 18 /�5 5^, `l��s � J� ��G� 1��,�e.. 19 : �yL 'J y1 � � — � ,� I�2� 20� � 21 l� CJ � ' ��`�" 22 ' �Z p � g 2.� F' - 23t ��l % �� � l, � i > . 24 f � � �+ a 2 � % �--'� ,. , - /�1:��%1��'� � J�. o � � , ; � � '�%�� ,�_ 2 , .-..,�:� 29 �l U .,�-A � i'.'.+ r�..� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sign ture• I further certi y hat I am resi ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �' �'io � �scr�bed and sworn to before me '�� � � x(;._ivyjL_,�1(:Jyl u =, � �ArF�t'�--.I�xJ.�;3j�itSSF:IIS_ :Yi - :���Nr H�r�l �r r:, _ . y � .`,�'''�+� R/�MSEv , ,,N f ` Cn�.NTv '"�k-' ��'Y Commission �/' •�",; :Y::��`:: Ex�iras Orc 29. IS7�� ���'r�'���'&'—�'�3c"�lgr—�.w. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way .reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �T� r-��•; �.,r � ca �� � � •,,. W �''') t_/�'�"' J ' � •V 2"� W- , _..1:� �%7 C.�� >-cn �`.�. f-- �`.� V •� PETITION - INITIATIVE p�Q�19 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the' City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Si9ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION / �./�� G� f� �� P-S- �'> ° I � �� G��� � � l/�?�'� 9�� ..�� �-e� f�-.� �� �R r���� � - _' ,.-, ,� 4 � , �- � �� �� ,� a- ` � � � �°"` ,.�a ,� �.r-ti�.�-�.�,.� �� _� � `� � � --- -t� �� �,�� ��:,.� � � �� `� , � �".�. ..� � � a� 3 r"a � �.� �"�'�--';� ,r � � �� �� i �� � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further c�rtjfy tha I a� resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at � � - 67- � ,�`�`� _ �ubscribed��nd�'-���e me _ � � ;' .�ISF A. LA F �NJ � ` �� ��� � r� �' c _ , .. . .�i.� . ., � � �; ' t,1y COmmissiMi Exrir„s U c 79. 1S� f;; t�',�uX��' �a�i,�u x z.. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. G"°' W c,: � ». a,._ u�'`.. _ u Q � �7::i_ U.d `..^.'�--a �..i -+� c::� W 1:!"`i �� ��.....,..'K� y�L`� �� � fs,� U t b.:. PETITION - INITIATIVE / �U�s.� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �_�A L S���1 ATu�ZF_ � � Printed (Name) $1 ned � Address ELWARD N D I RITI `�UE RGN�ION `�` 9,�r�—�C.L% �'i��'..S/.� .— ���� �/�39/c-��✓`�� ;���:� .�s, � �' s �r , � �aa 4.� �` �' �A�L I�lo - // ,� ;� ` , . I� 1N, �� �v�� ' �' �t-' -- i � . �� �-�� � �� � � �� ,� ������-� � � � �'�s�.�� �� � - � r � , � • 7 r � � � - � r r � ��� � -� ' ! C— rn � � � �;� � � +,� 2 o u �v 1 i _ L� . � ..- , . , , � ,_ �� .__ �. �: 12 - � a a �1 � �i,� f� � � 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purport�ing to have made their signature; I further ce �ify that am a re ident of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at , �uf Subscribed and sworn to before me ` �` :ttl`�-w,i�i.�a:���+i,�ur�uJ�iMJC�3i�lx�u -��iPtt I&';�i � ., x �" — (� �;�,'��.�5...... ..,iti�. , c�,. �li IC.�'�'. ._�:('1Tn � �a a i,; RA'v1SEY CO'IN�Y '',{ �� " My Commission Expirs Dec 19, l� ,ii �'�, 3�L�u:�Ir-��..s��7C^." u��f�l°'�Irr.l.:3.`�u'r, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:; �.�� c:� v � � • .s.- ,.. O== ..,�u ��" W � �� ..`.► :�'`� �-�. tr. ....a�' t7}� �� ��� !-� �,.:..► v f.r'� PETITION - INITIATIYE 000�i. This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ��i..L S��n�/�ILl�� Printed �Na�) �$1 11 d Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �T��, �1: G Uf� �w i ��- � ��.�^ � ��2�ae( R vle �— � . ,,� . ; ... ✓3 ` �, ,. r '� r�� ;�l� I �� � �I�+ zc�J .� r� � ,5'� 3 ! � ` �,� ,, 6 � i� � � `a .� r" � 7 __.. � , 1?'_ g ----=` ��` �2 — J�����j�l �� w., ' 9 G� �/ ��� , � . � � 1 y� �o �; � �N�r u�� �.���� �����.����,� ���;- � �� � - �a:s _ 2 - f - � , ; ,, , 13 ` - -- R_._. ., • ,--, - �-- ��,�. ' /G� � `/ ! I i/ i ,� J f � 14 ✓L-. , �v;'rt `� u.Q.�.c-� �7� -U . � _ ,^ � � - , - 15 ✓ '��� .�"��,�' .-,+ �J ��. — 16 _ '%� -� �"" , / ; 17 .. �: ,, � � � � � v 7 . � �c...�c- G'_ .�... '�..,c' (� � / _ r�" �;�..�, / — 1.. a -a= 18 , ',�°''� ` `�;'L��� ,"' -`" � �c%22�t' ' - � � . �� , �- ��c-' `J /�/ I� �; ! � � ' t; .� C_ f i�,., r� �r',�,t 1 ',a,: ��. `��' �'�� ��.�G�>t..°«.v� �' ,S"��' d��-�--� 20 �` � � � ��J � - / 21�/' �:�� l ! � - f � -i ' .�- . n ! r � " 22 / w► , 23 24 25 . 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my pres�nce by the person purporting to have made their si nature• I, further c ,r ify that am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at G ..�' - � ^� . �� Subscribed and sworn to before me ' � � ��k�,�����. - . - ---_ . :, -.,;,� � � ,� �.,�,,. �,��at �� � ;�r.dor� � �-., • '��` ('C!JNTY �( �t� � w�� Com� �„ � ��c 29.1914. � I.n�;;tt b � 1ulf�ix�l7RUXPUpk�i�£rii,r�'!�.J ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,�' G--; Zf3 w, r` r- �� - �� . ::� CI'i'�' O � �J J '"`,..� ��""'.'.� � l�zt -,"7 �`� •i�f YV� � Y {'"i v . `%� t� �+r " • •�`�,� PETITION - INITIATIVE o���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION "f1� � ���rc 9� � /� /i �I/G . :.. 2 0 �. � 17 S?"� `-�. T.3o S �i � -' �� � � �s j-1 �� o � -,..� a.� �� . v I i�. � - , ,�"I� � ' J� 3.�, ��-�_ �``.. �� �'� __ � � .�� = � - � �,- � cc�c�, C� �� - � � -.�. f ' '� t � �-��- 3/ � � �''j � _ c� ' � /s/� - /c/��/o a.0 p/f -- ST° T-�'a L-- --,/LI�_ si i �� ✓ � �, -- is�� .�'S�a.� � _ �� �� �, � ,,� ^ '-; �� r. �i= � .� Z+�" . _, _ � � r 1 � ,� �� r- � '� ,r�l ����: \�1��' �� � , �, .� 16 � ;��,�'� �� ;�z� 2 I�C� e.,1. ;.-•�.- �'� � �,��,; %/� 1��,;/ z-�-�.�T '� � , �,���� �/�/ �� �`r 1�1� �f , ��ycc� ��/� �s`// �, I_ , .� � , , y _ f�� �r� T����� -� �,�--�i3�p� �"- I �� 19��/ �� 1��� �� � � V '�'�-t! ��;n1.C,� /] �-I j.'�a.��� �) -! �� � 0�l� 1 -1 �� ^�(/! 1 �./ 20 r , � -, � ��,� F ,.__. /�l.:'� �-�j�,�G, �) � ��� —" �:1 �,-� � 21 � �, /� � � / �.� � %� �f� //� 22 �: �� � �� ,�� � �' /'/ ,7`-� �<`"/ t I�' /G 23 � ��'� 24��' � � ' . G, ,-"� ' �� ", % � �i-� ; ' / J ^ �� d��'�L�`'f —�2 a� / 2 G'. f w r 26C � � - % �'�.- �-����. � ��... � L%��^�-� � ,�., a . 2 ,t':� � .n �'� ��t�',��,,-. �� �l/ /� (�'� _� J pV�, - ..� ��� � -� � ;�:, � t , Y • c -- � v � �T�� ����� 29':_��,,�v-. ��� --� Z � �- �,�✓/� i�� �"°-�,��.. CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature� I further cer�if,y tha I a res 'dent of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at 7 '�-�..�.. � � S" � -�� -��� ��ub.�,c������� e me ' � �� (K�j a';s lOU1SE A. L�� F ivJ ;;1 �� N01�.:a +Vry� � . . .-,�ira . j�ll g/ � +, OAy Commission E ,�r,.s Dec 29, 19Y�-- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing-, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �, �;: �> �._.� -��� �= �= o --� -.. w r,., �� J �J ,`4� Ct� lL i.s.0 .,_.'4 _..^i �;� ..._._. r cn r:�_ �- I.i3 U . r,�•'� PETITION - INITIATIVE ` pQ�i 3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the- St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ne Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � 7� ..�.{. � 1 I''.' �"f sr�'"",� C J�� � t a�. .: .r j �� ti : : ; ... . ,, ` ( �"_ 2 "M � , ti __� __ y �. f �.�., (r' ��t�t.:!,!t � � � � � f ,'' " )�* �. sa;��i�' ..C. ,..e;r,�. �� I G 1 l.. � r r � l;� '� � �� �-�X'i/ � ,''"' `J � � � �'� �'e t.. , � � . � , ., � � �_ . � � ` � � � - 1 f n�+4 � t-�..�.a..-s � a . � �_'f��..� �- � —> � �.- ` . � � f ' i f 7 - ' ^ J �` / C � ���i+� L► � �'1 c�� 'i� ;.° 1%� cr.. 8 �7 ���.$'Lr��r�L��/ /� � .i �G'��� c;J ��� � '`,� � ' , _ Y --f'� . �. �[�' � _ �,/� -� . '' � '1/ � - - J - �' 1,� ��L/ L , f r �� v. / / 9 '1 !{ --�/ o P" � i, � �' �� ,�e�— ,�. �- ,� ' � �� � � 1I q���< < � � ..� � .�^ . .. V'" ���� ' � � r .;�. : /T � �� , i�� !t�'L-t.•....i�� �� d:. � /��� �"' �� . .•7 " , �..J� .. �r. . . �, `._ v � � :� , ;, - ,, ; � / .\ � � . 3 , � �_ � r.,cl. ' � -�s t..c ., t , t... �•J .,,-- , ` _.__ , r-, , , :: ; ,• , ,, , : ,:.. q -_____ ,r , ,� « � .. . _._ , . . - � � � � ,,, a � ' � �5 �� � T /� o �e � ��. � �� . �� � *� �_ ., . , � . � , , w 6 1 �, , ,� ;: `� � �►`_ ��'�` ; ;. . ._ -----__ f , � , , _. .---__�., ; �� ;� ' _ ..., �.Y ; f� ' �,j ::� 8 .L'� � � � 3 3 -- � 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature;� I further certi y that I m a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � ' and_ cwnrn_ to befpre R12 ' '� • � � ���,�y;i�us-r3�u�_�'tTaY-iPSfa�^S2��cn� �;ti LOUISE A. L: F:�NO _ - RAMSE`r C�;INTY w� J, C', Commission E� :u:s Dec 29,19�' �x��u�is:u's._..-,;�;.�r��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-� �a, �::�:,. « ` k�_� _ �s �` C3 � cfi'". � �o:.--� .J �..1 �� i��<.,L LL- �t.— ,_.� G7�_ ...�. '.r-Cn ta..i V 1'.A'� PETITION - INITIATIVE � ��4 / 0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•]ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION .. � . � P L..�..� �� t.� j ,Ih..�.^ l. �av / {� /^ jr� � l �� .J�`.` �, �i��,(, F '_.^ n"l I � ��_�✓�^�i��.�.-� .: �...�^�':�../ �.i� it �-;r `. !�. j � . _ I 2 ,.�-(� � �i � _ ,"� f F'"' � { �� � r 7 r � � ) ry� �4 ��"�P��+� � �`� L �:�Fh'� _ ,��.r ���x'.� �:.� -��� ✓�j' :,, ,;, , ;, .� ; � �'.-- e / . . v.a w. �`. � � .., 1 ' 'Z- �!L t. y -� / � ,r? .,, ,• ` r- � 1 � � tY;t1 r.,� �j► y]� , ��.;, ,�/� .��']A��`l�J�. � ' -si_ � 7 +� / ''G►--:C''�w.r;:�_.��r.u�i�iu..._._. �, `s.;..��.e.,:�. ._�� A' W / � °°`m � �, �.lu,- � .e.vs�a+ti oea � L-�x . ,.� -�.�, , �`���;� ,, j �•°y�� �� r_ , j . .. , ,s � ,, � / �_ .� � � I 8 � � , �i.. '� ' r 'e %��� l,r . � _ *...�'�•..��.a! ��� -�?t��rdC./`�� '�'� J- /_ ,�. • � �✓ / C7 � r� fp — 1 � � t� ;T'I L,l — �f,•1,,...,.-e e..�,_.. /5,!1 / � � - ,�t._ + ,,�� ,--� 3 a � ,� , , -�-._ , , . . �; .,—: � n .. . , , - :.-� - ' , —�. , . 1 ^ �'' ' ' r j�>> °� � � C.�,' ''''' �.. c (.. t ti r � �� � . . � � � �' j �� �� ' �- � � � 1".� 3 �-'"� // � - ��� �� � '�-- /� � ; � � �_.,a,�,.. � � �� � �, �: � - � ,� ' r k } � ' � C� '!_�l LL r, �, j . � , , , �.� ,.� � ,.. I � a C �°R ` } '�, ,.^`, 9 ' � � ` 1 ��. �_; �� - , �-4 � , �>> �_, , 2o K � zi 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cer�i y th t I am a res ' ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at '`i ' c �.��s: ._ :....�c.���i � Subscr�be� and���,�,vpr.nAt,o �efore � � 4; RAMSF�' C, ;N-y r �� � ' My Commission r •�:s Dec. 29, 1� �u�� � � , x���IRIRdtt��'ttfu z ^z x i~ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �--: �r �:, v_ «�� „�� _- �: ,�,` �:� o '^ ;�-� � � �� u- --� ,.� ��-- Y 47 .�� � ti�...,1 f.� .a�� PETITION - INITIATIYE 0���5 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted �Na�) i ned Address ELWARD N LOISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 0 1 ' �.t�a , �� ,.��t,� �� �' 1/ $ �' ` � / :� �d'� ' ;z i!. jt.>r ��/:*"n ;/� `'�w^a r ''� �' *n daw �� ��� , � �I . , . . . 3 �;��,; . � . . - , .. �1 _ { ,� 4 _ °' , ,�-� � 5 /..' �' '� �-"".. �, M.- '��}1 �'�-�,'�.,j - e�, °�r �„'' /�? 6 ��°' j � �'p . ya� " �.�- `' .�� — .� , - ...� 11 .J �� f � � � �. � � ��) �/'` "> � C•� :. 1,sat,��Hv' ('' !rr' w `J' � k �"� �-�d • �s �`��—� ...1 „�T't.���r�� f� �. � �.1 � +,� �,.d �� � ��, i/ , Q � ` �..F r, �,� "� 4 `:'�°"� � S `_ �.,, �� � , � � � � � � '� ` ` � �� G/ Ir� ,� ,�'�` � m:-c:;:_� � wj-_..J J ..? `'�' �c..srr b /G '� s� 1,� �d 4 � ��f ��.. �'— 1 ���,.�,. j�'_.-:� /�.� `� ` ,;:,.�,C�,,;_ �-�� �� ' ;'°°� `�-f�% �✓� N� . .J � . w L�Q�'\ �: .S 7/ �GL�c�Z., S r �S �1 � � �, � , ,: < , � r .. . . - � - 7 I' e�.» c�`.. d`�.r ; ,��' t i. wt.�f � � ��,.•�'`.,., , �,a� r"t �• , ^t, , � � " � �1� i t"ti �'s� 't'+a �„ ,-,.�y, / ` .�� W+ t�"� G';„�tla!�C''d- � �d�"`"�'► d"° �° �� ,s� � .. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in m presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certif tha I m a re ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at�' - � � ����-" ���� � � � � �"�� l0U}SE A. L� F�iND il r ���-:ti,p�r o RAMSF� C^!!NTy �" �`:���� � ^gmmiasio� : �,• . Jec 29, 19 _ 1<, ;'��'��.'La.,71F `'��CzJ[tt��, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � w �:�:: �, `__ �A_�: .� �.1...... ,....�- L..�e.... „ ��.. � � �� Y_� ^'� - :�,�' C�.� l.t.. �'-�" . .."_'� U F-' . _...� r.Cf� e.,� � i,+-1 G� ^.'>'1 � ' ..k���?j��jj,a. T a;.i:., ��, PETITION - INITIATIYE pQ��_6 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNA'flflN I 1 e. LD � �J� ' ; � ��( �' �� �V ' 3 �0 � �' � . 4 � �c �( A_ C� E � �� �-- �� f . � �, � � .� 5 " � L _ 6 k �'J�;��/ ; ;,. ; � ' � / �Q /� �i I _ � s :�!. � J��/ ,, � � �� � 9 '� � � ! � r , �o c l � rU� i �� � � �12 13 ° 14 • �15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 � 23 24 25 � 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have m de their signature; I further certify �hat I a res 'dent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � Sf #�.��-r' -���1:.:-:�Q.=b�if,Rre me _ �� � �� . ,; , �� ` LOU18E A. L!' F._iiVD �' � �� .. � a,�v�s�r cn��tvrr �f e My Commissio,� F, ,- , pec �y, 197�, I.: °:�f�bl/§�?�'����Xt'�!.►��I�i�'�i�i� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ;� C:� 1..�f -� - .�_ :...... i.e._._.,,; . _ t_ _'_ � � crj-�— ....,1 ':+:.:J l_�_ _'''..,�' CY_� Li-� � •'.-: 4..%4.... ��i�. If.i � ...� ��� •r. , a� . ..4:,?}, . PETITION - INITIATIVE 00 0 � �_� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION � !C� � `' I=-!�N!{IE'!� L'�'�C l� �'. ' �r 2CLP��/' �`^�jt /1` J�.�,�n ,��,�l lc.�„� 2 � / U � ..J r J �!� .� /' 3 , n � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their s�i gna_tu�e• I further er fy that am a sident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �'?�� lf 331 f�J�x-nss"JD� ��,���r` ��� - �ubscrib��''�''�hi'"to� ��" me , � ' l> _ ��is. •. �� � ��� - � ��_� HO��h. .,, t: � � .-.or�� � � i�:; . �j�' �.``� My Commissio^ E �..s Dec 29, 19 �h ,� ��� - ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. cv- w v F- �� _ � ._.._.-. G:'— �--i �r7_,:. O �C�'1 - � w �= -� ;i� G:� �. u.:i r.�, c.��" — r c%� �'.� �� U �:r� PETITION - INITIATIVE o00�_S / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pr' ted �Na�) � Si ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � rn � 5 � � �� w� �d � 3 ' � , � 4 � o - � // 5 _ � �--� j ; � a��/ �. S . /.�... � � `���-�c... �� �' \r�.., \'11g �v . ���I 8 /� � % o � p,3 ' 9 4/G��GL ��� � ��� � U ..� m, 10 s I , ri k� J[.-. �� � � 1 ' .d .�� f .� �-�� -���� /� / �� � . ��� �r�� � p�0, � CaS a �FS �/ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my pr sence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rthe certify �hat I am resid n of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � scr�bed and sworn to before me ' �' l� � i �� L..�s .. : _ �., , .�L� >: OU1SE r v..�";:;s,�.�::. � � y' � � �- •roti .�,.�t���: ,�. ,.FSeT• r RAfNSE� C(1l1NTy �/ � � ` MY Commission Err��es Dee,19, }9A ' .'. :' �� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �, � p�._ �� . {�`:� - �� ._ .�:=� o r; <„� w J ��� � `�.1 C�� �a: . v� ._.� r t� � � � i • �• � �i PETITION - INITIATIVE oU0�.9 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petitidn, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELNARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION , i . �b 1� �/ ' �+ � _ l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 , 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature• furt er certify h t I am a e iden of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at 7� �- / " �ti Su�.��r1.��� .�v,�n, to before me � �" 'S!'��':�:iJ���f: ':rs,�:, 10U1SE A. l� f,iND � ��rn � �.^- �, . RAMSEY ��t.iN?V � '� � �y COmmISSiOr E�r��e� D�C 29, 19 ' ._ux— . _ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-- � . t� ° y���+ �. 'C..�'•• S �r � � ' l� '� LL'�� ls- .�%"�._ ��;�� ........� i'"U� f` � ��r� PETITION - INITIATIVE / OU020 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'I ned Address E��aRO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ✓ 1 �Ll.,A.HCtJ o�p k R �nJ E U`,�8 r � � — � z�s� ��>>,��:.� o � 9 � y� �oG �3 i- � ��,eeR Ju� � ✓� s�.���u;Es O . J_ L A,e L E NE � , �,�c�.�,� � �-8 _ ���,°,;t 6 � � ,;�Nti���� -' �6 ,d��r� 6 �� � � LDArA KAi�.�ia��� �I � � �oZ .o � /�1�.Ql,c' �'A��'�,us� - ! - / .Oc,�c rhY � / �` HA �sT�AJ �f (O !/pn � . ,/17 q/L i`C ti , . 4a Il/7 ,1�:;i i;r_K i �r n io s ' _1 ii . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signa re• f�y rt certify h t� I a a e iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' ��" �S�G� U � �- Subscribed and sworn to before me -� l � ��� -��34i:►uu�uuudK�liYNl�i�,���,u s, � c '�� � r�n',-�^, . �+ r .., r; � �ltf `;d�rE50T� � � E�• RAMSEY COUN7Y ��` , My Cnmmiasion Ex�.i es Dec. 29, 19 �' �.r,�-'�v �.:!��'�,�"?��I�C�Cxr,�sP;K�CI ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c�. � . r_., '° �.,-.K �s-m;: c�:�=� .:"� `n`�' C.] -� `y;:—� � �� �� w --a°" • 4� v,— _.-- r c" r � �" v ;:� ,�t. , PETITION - INITIATIYE . 00021 �.—_._.. . This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned AdCII"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION L v v a 1 � ^ H.tJ• � � �'� � 2 1 / �' � ° C.J� /n/.r/t��ta/l�� '- 1 � -i+� (�, jolu.bi�sk � ?l g" �; �Yan ��,•�;� 4 � � ' '� �� a � 5 ------ ` - - _ _. _ . _. _ .__ .. _ __ ._. ._ _. , : _._ ___ _ _.__._ _ ... _ � _ . ,�.._- __ _ _ _ _ �- . _ ...� _ � e e � il r� °� � - C'� ve.. �" � I=. � � L� ' ,� - ' c�'S�'G' I•�, .- �/ _ � v° � n/ � 5^ 4� � ��an � . � � NS���c/ '� -s� U� � �J' `a"rfl 1- 10 ��.�v ����L 7.°E� �� - � �f�� '�'�i9�� ;� �c 1 fJ . �'�`/� �rl'r��� �'� �� � �- s �+ 12�� � _ _ � / t 13✓ � ��.2 7� �' `:>�� 5(� � � : � .>C"�-J-�r� i��<c��1'�-r��,ti ��, � � - ici 14 `" � " �-(° � r , 5`j/�o� i5' � o � _. ��� L �r � � � z -� -. - 16 ✓ � S i.v � 0 6 7 5� �'/� 17 18 -- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nat re� I rther ce ti that I m re 'dent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � ,� u-�� � /C' � ��s,�r�b��ad_ sworn to before me ' '��' �'d "�'� �' , tOU1St A, I.qttf��k'� _'� � � ,� ' '� ! f ...�,,,MFhc)rn >,' RA�'fSf:Y COUNTY ,� � r�5 Y �; My Commission � n�e, Drc 29, 19�'� �-���� x�L�i�� c-: � - u.t� �,_. � �: �..� ��-�' Ca .� °=J :.� � :`'� u=°'a. � J y vr ��� r� ✓ r �s v yA� t . _ 0�022 / PETITION INITIATIYE This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway ._ Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legisla'tive Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �' / � / � ��/Ill r���"s �f h,e `/ j� �v u basr� �. '"k � /�� ^ � l�O oi L`Ss.� ' � /, - � � �� � ✓ S- � � .�1� , �' � � ��S � �'� � �� �� al l. �RQ �`� ' -�� " — I- 1 , � � ` ' ��, ° t l � � � �, . ✓8 �-� _ � � .(� _ � �� �RR�. ": ,�� cv s f � �a - ` � i� � � G �e G. '� - ` � � � - �-Q,J��.��� �• • � �' -e d �� D t� G1 h l'T,�� �L. I- � ` G `G � � -S l,� � _, ��' �.z. - ►-► �b�.�-f o a �, a �.-�.�.. ��z3 � - � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I ur r certify t at I am reside of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �' � S� '� /� �L Ftt������:�.�.^�'�,,��a._b�f�re me , � - � � 4' � �""`� LOUISE a, lA FoND f __,__ �� ' RA�,nSF,r �OUN?Y y/ ♦ "�� ,S• My Commiss'an i r�es Oec. 24,19M• I,.r„ ;i`�Ri� iu � OROINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-� �., .:- �.> �=`x _ _. �,,� � � ,s�'y;� t�1 a�...`s �1 '.'"� la'� 66, /-l..1+�!� �� r,� �� "'°° �-�i t� ,� c� � . . .r� � � . .' • � i� PETITION - INITIATIVE � � O�Oti3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 11�d Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � � �.� I . �' /� ARo � �i�Soil/ L�-�-t' �-�-o�--� �s�'�'�.�-`�-�� � - � 3 3 2 � /�E�-�� `� � � 4 �Y��-�t�/ S✓-��v K� ����1 t _ 5 , ..,� - s � �- ' L, � �;c� ��l� � - � � �� :`�� , ►. � �- v�7. c � � � � �zL— �'1��� ��S""s� ►-7.. r.�-c., s: ,r ���v� � h,� ���1_L � 8 � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natur ; I further ce tif that I �m a res,ident of the City of� St. Paul,, residing at y ) � �� �`��-��-�--SS�� � � � ��cr�bed and sworn to before me ' � „.,��: , ,� .� �=a �,�.--� .�,.��;:':X i`.�s<� , :��<a: QL � m._ Ntit.*� .; . !� _ _ �� R�^��;SFy ...�_��,.�,�. �� � �'- CO('i1VTy � 4..�„_,.,�LLJ M9 Commissian m�es Dec.29, 19 " � �;��t.zx...;—�� ����'�Il_�11�� ORDINANCE . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �., W �;. � � �.� ��_- _ C'�� O � �'e' W ���j � iJ �� LL W Q —:d- C;'°; C7 F., .� �� n,_ �'_' u.� V i:� � � . .. _ � PETITION INITIATIIIE 00024 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election P �nted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ��/YJE . /✓ ( �� ' ��-�� v2 P�t►_�� w �e�t '� G�.���-£� �� - ( . _ i� - I E(s�%� I . � —� 1 a-�� 5✓� � ti, � � ✓�1� � � s �- �o��-�- �r- r g � �i-r ✓6 e �pE� Lt � 6 s c. � �•i o � l 3 -j � � �yyc,,.�,. . (� � . z - �/ s u ,� , �1s � ,�, s�;j'� .��►�., , � � 9 '�z� ��' v��� ►1�� _�c�,�,� v�� �4� s �►v��t ' �-�.ft.e.�' a ,r� , +, ,� �'Y�, .,, � ����� � S. � L C � U s. � � � o _� 1 �� , � �M,Cl�,� , , � '''9 �;; � r�-zc� . � S.LU, ' pL o5' � 7 �n �. SE�CN� Z/�/�f� �-l�L�i �/�-P./1Q./ ��+� �c�'t�U ��^,P���I Q'ix/. %�� ;�N(�..�1_��" '�� 1 � � Q'.7�� 'l!'1� 1 � v r�n b . ►� i2� �-- / a U �a��� S�+�d � U,✓YVrt,2 �.�'.E'.�%Lc-�j �.�.e S , . ��"� IJ • • fI � M. L L�/Cf/ � S i%C S-f. �v< .,�{ _ EQ . 1�� � � �/� O�L,� � �_.__�_ ��� �T,�/��/`/,�F S � ��r ,S����. 1� � ! � ` Zi , � �. ��, c�s �_ �� .� 3 ���-a-�,,L � .. 'Si�� i-� �. 22 �" 2 , `S '. 23 24 � �����/�i�. 25 - 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presenu by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rther certi y that I, � ,ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �' ,S ���� � ' � �sworn to before me � L'�``'�r � i��ed,. �� ttdn�x��,�;iu� _ LOUMSE A, l . ,. � `�'a RA �ISf ti � -•,,.�, � CO iNTY � MY Commission .•n�es Dec 29 19 � �tr�iiliur r.-.r7813�w,m,— �� �i xr�a� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � . ��., - ;:;� ,� _ L� � `�d� Q•.1 ,� i� i✓ Y�� �S ..,� G,'.:� tv�'� u.. _c� .�}.._ � >-�� � -,'a v c.:>'7 ' , . PETITION - INITIATIYE ���~5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from remqving, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P nted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESICNATION � , �,� � �� � . �.P� ('t��''' .G�.�,�wwr� �� ��c ('U�-�c<<`'� F ,,,,n.�,� -��� �� 2 " l.l. � �<� � -�1 3 � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further ertify th I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �7�� ,`��,� ��/ ' ` ,�,��ri 6ed?nd_cw�� fore me ' �`�' � IOWSE A. �A FONO � R^ S"' CO'.�N7Y i�, 'j� - My Cemm ssan �rr.�res Dec.29, 19 k tt z r -�z��x�lfx t u ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �; w a:•,:. cc.� {. t-•w �L�� _, v_ o �=' cn=�- u i �' ...� —J '`�,1 ::��� �y�, - �l!.cL ..w �� c:, v r __� r cn [y. � _� U � . � � . . . . _ .aF,:_ . ..,. .. � ., r .. . � . . . ., ,., • ... .�. . PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0�026 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Si ned Address � e� �oN . * �f l� � �� �.� �� s ,� �, d ,--� CG E�rA� 0,�.s o� �' �-Y. 3 ,��s �.,o .3 ,�� �"�' � . 4 , �5 � � i � ` / �'�� , . � � � � � w �� ... �� � � � ,�� ,.� �t . �,.� I � ..�r:w e ��/��/ � �S _ �^"" `f�� 1✓ ���tA t �ig W o c9 p , � 1 _ 9. ' Q' 1��M �+�t�✓l �-�o �� t�k�, �': �� �. a� y��2 l-� ` �� ►� ,�' , X. .' �v � '' : ��°'' ;+ ��j �• � � +"��.` f"�' �t� �� �..rt.a r�:: '°' `J ��, � � , '�� �ta � � � C� fl . �.�-�- � �, �--� �-- � ' .� 1 �� - '�-� i�f� � ,�'r9 e. �,s.�c,� �- . 1 �� r � fSu $ ` �o 19� . � � �'.tu � � � � � �"G , �- � c �d kL-�- �' l� � �-rl�c� t�• �� , � ,.. ,. : , . .� ,,. ,, :: � , , �' � f�.(; � �. , � � � , . �. � ,7 ,� ,�__� .�.r. �3�'' � ' � urr' �c ��L._ . �'s aac. s" L D m v �l,t� . � � z IT /Y�R,� ' ,�, � ...._.. . "'���e� �-IS a- i1 �6 �—� `�'j e �'9� v � ;� • S•G 2 , s9 ' � •G� ,���NA �. �1 G�uNDf�i9'l�5�P /� u/��T�R .5' /: q-� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature• I f rther certify t t I am r sident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �ov-� �: �1`. ��-� "S�� , , cr bed and sworn to before me ' = L � ' �.�r��. -. ,:--, - -, _�� �UUI ' e...,. � . . . .�••J.Yi2.OT• " ., ,. . . , � �t-� v C'JUNTY � �', r � � i� >;v Dec. 29, il�� . .__._ �xas,�� — - _..j ,.L r.n�;� f_._-- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��.� �, �. <� �L r� _ o_- � y��L � -� ;.-_i w .� _.; r.� � ,�!�s ;=1-- �i�, �J�.�, ...�+, y.:n i� e� f-+:� V � . «1 .. " . y� _ . . � ` . . , . {. . . _ , . • . _ . . . � . � 4 � .. , � - ' . . • . � � e. . . - � „� . � . � . � - . , n � . . ' � , _ . . -�� i . . . � . , � • r ` • PETITION - INITIATIYE 00��'°1 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters f the _i�t_�of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.�of said--- Chapter $� to�iave the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ���L Printed , Na�) $1 d Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ,/1 �, � . �� ,: � _�I � � � , �� � � � 'd 3 0� l3 P `a � � 4 4,�o � -�____ � �.� 7 P � � S / �� ��-� ��- ' " � " �` . s �^ i" "'�- 7? �/ J� � �1 c. � ,� pU✓1� I'�A I�K 1 E � ��i.J �� ���I:r 1 'fi°� . ♦ � 77 �SCPD a !' sP� I /�n� . � � v�/�' — ��-�x� ✓� , � ��> ,,� � � _. ' — - .� _ < .�- .�� ' -� ��� � , � ,. �,,� ti �- �� �./�=— � � � �' - J,- , 1� L'`. :! -�--i . i� � � - � i _ � � --��"` ��-�c 11 12 �._.r.. 13 14 . ,. �. -'-- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I f rtf�e certify��ct �m� r�i e of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �' Subs r��.�:.���x;.,��::-t�nrp.�rw — d LOUISE A, LA FONp � r,. •,�, �, `�''�'�'�'Y COUNTY A"v CeTr^�-;ar: ;xp�r�s Dec.29, 19 " fL�:c ic tt 'C�JQ� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �,_, ►�� G';.'�.... � ` �w _-' �y_r G.?�- 4, ��� O :J ',G J ui �l �-:� �4 � J�- .� U� -�--� Y N 1-^ � � i�7 , . . . � . . .. . . . . � ... ,� �� .. . .. . . .. '.i'-, . �!1•. . ��_,.►:;�. . PETITION - INITIATIYE �fJD�B / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Addl"@SS ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1�S�-� [�� L <-'- �L��in?�1 ��j y�l �.t ��;C t-e/�i�,� �-�����-�.. ,�� ��� �� � � 7 r� r:....� �;�, / , � �������'.�"� �_ L �_ k.s�l LL K�C1 S � � �� li�.��k..�:'� 'C-'�IZ� �� t�.�c:�/LE�U,= *,LJC�Al�6t..��,F't�� r�4.� 3✓ � � r �� 4 �J�� d Z`. R �I, s �� 5 �`r r � 6 i c�2 / �J'y�� ��M ¢� ��__. � � � 7 , - }�. � s� �`� ,� �'� � 9 ,,�1, ' /, � _ �, .�.S 10 ,� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I ur r certify t t I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at q � �- �� Ss�� �� �� ���;���&r?�.�����r.�, e � Y ' � � I � � l0',JICI_ A. LA FJNJ � � .,t� G;" C01_INTY ,� M1^y Gomm ss�e;�� _xp�res Dac.29,19��c ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �, w � . � '�� L�-.� L,L--.✓ -. v�._. � cI3°' � �3` :t J -_.,-� :`� �,.�c, W �.i�- • �:a U}— �,+ Y Cfl � r u� U �� / PETITION - INITIATIVE 00029 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION V 1 � z -�. (� .�e � I� a/ !� � ^ _ 2 ° ✓ � � I � '��..,,;�, '���"'' , `�� , �� —' �'' �- �' � _ ���e' -�C: ����C� �� �r .i� i .`}1 � � t4'_� .��; — / � 3 �.,,�c.� � L.�QST�'�/��` C��J� l�/�1� �t:,�Et��.�� —� , V4 ' '.,` T � • �- ✓5_ 1�i6;2iGI S /7� '��'.�Gf'1s� `7,G�.CL� � _, CJ,� � ���-�1 r'"T(�e � ° a �. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signa re; I ur h r certify tha I am a side of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at t S �.��,��:��',� ' � I d IQUiSE A. lA fOfYO � ' ,..,R� .. x , ,''��F�� CnUNTY � �!! M1.y Coirm�e�o; YN�(ES D(!C. �, l9 �� �}:Yu�,.3.:i fC '�..?� 3( ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �. �i < �, �.� �_� - - u-_� _ ,...,.,_ _ �.. v�". W -J ::J J "`+.S "'_ u}d yy .�.t�t. �,� v 4_ `� �..:✓� c = .,' v �� > . / PETITION - INITIATIVE QUQ30 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address NARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � 1 �> ` �i � � '�/��/ �CJ1- ( J �Ci � C �: � `� �-� 2 0 � / ' �- 3 , �3 ' J ' � � -� ; . V4 � � L � i� -a. � .,. � ` , / f r � 5 ` ""r yj �j��� � f.�fo',sf�'i �I,l�7l� ���C o� � ../ �Lil�L- 1 Z- - �? I 6 �� i c, c- � �_� � �� ,� ' �_��, _� � �� - � ri.� . -xf.'f�, .���'rt�' ��3 �' �� ��Gr.�c� �..t.�� -` � ; �` t1' > ,� � , . 8 � < ��.� ,• � � „/ � �� .,, ��.. 9 . '�L �/ r f , �;, ;�. �(10 _� �"� y � ' � � �, ..�y t�. �;' � I �1 � � � � ` � ;� �� �; �� , �2 '� � �, ' r ri / � . �.. � 3 ��� �.� - � i I �, , , G � �, ; -�, '� �i�;;�oe„�,J ��' ! �����.-h� �;�1 � �,vti :�r ���-�r.C� l'�' - '� �15 ���(�G� � �-�,L��r. c�/l :�✓�rn� , �� t.: � 7� ,�6 ����1 �� .�1•�- �-� ��� � ` .�� . � r 8 � ' � i S !� 1 ✓f 9 ' ` ' � - G -x r20 i , �,� . "`� �; �I , / / ,�AJ�'� . �-. ,�! 1 �� 1 (��"'vc /4l!: � i,a ". '�22 �lG�'�,�(I,�i 1�� / di�1;��1 .�7` �.� �, _'R 3 , , > � "� � -'� �4 ' � " � � `� �` `� �• 25 -�� - • � �, .� „ 6 • �� ,: , • � . �,> '� � � � C ��� � �)�c.��.c�L/ G� � ,d I28 �iom � ��G S� " � � ? 29 �V f � �.3 r✓��L S% fi�-- -- CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of rr�y knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my pr senu by the person purporting to have made their sign�r ; I ur h r certify th t I a re id n of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at S��u�����re me � -�` O �' i0U1SE A. lA FONp � �� x r�, , eeft� ft' '�F v COUIV7y �A Il"�- Carm^s�c,� -x..�r W� r 6S DeC, 'j9� }0� �"��ih�':_ �_ OROINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �'. v Ci:: l . k�� V-�:r r ���— .y' � F,.i �� � � � � � ��� ���+^� ✓ 11^ `� C.�t^'� � Y i CY'� C 7 �,0.• �.1� ..�... .. . � . . , T, Y�, � • . �.� ., . . . t *n��:..'. 1 . .. .f ..�.. / PETITION - INITIATIIIE ���3� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in S't. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election. �r NTr_t� L.��A�- S i GT�1/� 7'�c�.F ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT rinted (Name) $'I ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION �o^o S �. S�;�� ���wt�,�;�a �/D M�ci�G�,N �'� �� — ---1 .. �,(� � � � � c,�r -� 1 � ' ' % I-��, �S�!o 4 � � �,�� �� / h �� �",r1 v�l� 1 p�er � �,�v 1 �,,z-, �y �-" � � . �, k O 1'' �j'y�'�- p�i�* �� ttic � �>� C�t�ivT�rv 5 j ��9clL ihi`� iz� 3 6'J� �� -�'� �7 � � fi i-�L- ��� �fJ it//� a��'�� .S�'7 � �G � .��lG �'� � �/ j � � � � � Q � �:10 9 (� �'�G�e�� � 1 � � � j��O ��� f� � S� ���i�' �i � ��' ,-S�l�/����. ��I o� �`�' �: 5--- 1 . ... � �' � - - �`. i�- �� � � � �� � :r,� � ,� �` � � � �• , � - —— o �,� J 7. �.-- .� ._- � � f- . 315 � � �' � �' i ! ^ S.- � s'd < S � �d � � ��� G 17 _ ___ 18 - _ 19 � 20 f > ^ Zi J�. �_ ` -.. _.�('-_"" ..- 22 � `- j 23 � _ � ; _ 24 : ' . . %� . �' _ /�. � r . 2� � �.— _ ,� ; _ _ —�- 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signa��_O`_ f er certify t I am 'dent of the ���t-��p����--�_residing at � -----�-��,,u ' iu i;�;� � Subs �,�,5�►�at6Etra be�f� me ' ' o �,_ °, �.�-FL,nT. R^`� r r c�� n�-v . - --— - _ _ � xc,r�s ec.zs, 19 -- ��'iT�'�'Y1'T;K....c,J-t���,r ���� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � ��_ �., w. ��. __ �� o •-' �� S W k%.� J � � v a� c-'r'� U h- -�--- >-.cn � � ti�.a U C<':D PETITION - INITIATIYE � � 00032 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo:lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�� $'1 ned Address ELMARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � �" ��, . r� � � .7 9 � � = ,, . , � r ,,� �? , ��ar� � i�v.� �-� Q�' �r � 2 3 _ ' - ` `� � — �C�..c��.�� I �- ,.._. � , C �� S� J � 1i - �. 36 .-..,` � � �,.5' ,� � � ° `n�� � � � � o Sr��r� �1 - -` " � G•���v o l -(J� �•- u� � �_f/ �/� a� y" � � . 1 � �� �`� ` ` � � � ;�� ii °� � . � �l ✓�-e �vt /'r�.d..t.-� `�" / �''�'' � � � 3, S-S—. �' � �� �-�-� ';� � 4 � �,1,�� Cr�-� !c, �-= �5 .G�t� l'1. C, l�ir�-c �f G� . _ ., _ 6 ��-� __d _ � S -�-�-�-� G � � �� 1 �--�x--�-� � 4 �C.� ,-� o � � �. � � � s. . ro J �l - � a � � � � �� � �,�- ,��" �.� ` �...� :�� .. i ' ' � p +�,�,� 22 23 24 25 26 27 r 28 � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat�re; I f th rpcertify th am i en of the City of St. Paul ,, residing_at �7 7n-��-�- �'1� ����� m-v�a�S�a-���� - Subscribe_d�_�,r,� � Q� me � �` 19�� .:,�:.��`ni'S�,._c,..�.. T�?�1��5� LOUISE A. LA FOND ` ' TA .__._ ___._._ _._-_ � R� �Y CnUNTY �= G�i C:v Cemm:�:s��n r.;�ir:s Dec.29, 197N_ m � u u z �%�[:�� tt� �----.�.,:.-�,r„_n �r�uC�C�i� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �., �_..,, r-r�r � v cn� � --�n �T:., -*�r T.-Rl -n C� (`�... ' r� r rTs �� � o � — �� �- --� — � :-� � o 5 , � 1� • � :.� . PETITION - INITIATIVE ' / 0�03� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pri nted �Na�) Si qned Addl"2SS WARD DISTRICT OESIGNATION g� C.� a. /"/u�l/h Q.,/' / yo a sa �� �� 2 /i" '.� v� �,�..,�-.� ��. � � 4 ��' � � �� � Gt/� ��- r 5✓ �� l� . /�_ i A 6✓ I�� l/r i �i � A d, 8 � - �/ " f c„�.�,� f� �x�:a 9 � ao �3 , , ,_ _; � /9 i f� -�:� 11✓ 6L�.�„�, �t,a� �.3"`� l s .i f 1� / /,� -, 13 � " / , 1 14 �� , r � �� r : . 15 �/ ` ".� �1- i6 `,�a � � ,�� �.. �Z�3 . �.� i� S' � �o � � LL �s � ' � e,� � �:s ii� � � �` 19 ti`_� `./ -�—� �4 � I d� ,G�r J�� ���+� � ` 20 6 � 0 ' 21./ ` �i� i � 22 � �� ��>�;-��.�i�'��;��� `���:Z �' ;�t;�..�x��� � � r 1 l, � 23 / (� C��,K.�..�.' �� ���1�.��(�t.(�,1�� �' A . ; 24 ✓ , .�� .� _ r� !_ -�u � -:�1�\ 1= .�}-��`[t "yC �-�, , . 25 j '- -� : F �; �.{ / / � � �...� � _ �7 C:C.(�:SLE v L� �,'.-_.:� �� ,� � �,�„ `� , Za 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature;� I further cert'fy tha I a a r�esid �nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at y" � �� �i � �,�s„cribe an �sw.�or.����e�f4�re me � , � � " .� -� ,.L LOUdSf A, LA FOND � R^'.^SfY Ct1UNTY f �:'.± Comm�ssio� crr.iras Dec 29, 19 •- '���?�'�!�'Cx,_...�.,,T:x x , ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ' , , . , , . � , . . . � ry,� . , . . rr , � �� � t G�—C _. . , �� '�"�L"7 �..�J �. . . . � - '7.� 1' . . "� �l c-��7 ���'. _ . �._. ... f- � T�' ��., p `c.� �__,t — _. =�-n __._ `-� ::':� t77 � . . ,;.-¢ .t"1?4'w4�«. �•: .k, � y .. PETITION - INITIATIYE p�Q34 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION ,�Y� �-, - J�r rn N- ��.� � �� .� :; � . �'" �' � r � 1 � . 4 �/ � _ � - � ~ • �� � �' . a 5 �� �� �� - ��°� ��' 6 �'''�� � �'h-� � a�-�-er �/4-�� � I�• �v� � � . � �-�-.�� �, �a G��c °r . �Q � 8 ✓"� �; ! ?7�! ��o ' ,E_ ,� 9 ' y x� .�� 10 ✓ LD, 17� !Z ��� '2 11 j`�/ 4•1.t„�/•� �� /`� f dt ' �. !� 7 13 ..�- ,, , - ) � � �, � �' «�- ' � � �I � + � 15 ✓' 0`.'� a �s "� ��- � 16 �v �. �; 17 ly �� „ �a 18 ,� ` �� .�.7'c �'v� �I � .� 1 � Z -' '! � r 2 ' �� 2.:� , . 21 . . 0 g 3 �� �, -�-a 22`� �i D �l S•e � e n7� �`�G, �i '� � � .JU � zD� S l l?,� �C-�11L. ��'- �`�� 24 � , m.n�,�.' � /3z`f �f�zr o•`� �' � � 25 ✓ �, �r,,o(, t� "�� . � 2G/ _ qs--, 1 k . -�. .� 27� 1 a 1� 28 �,✓ ��- '��� 29 , ��• �'� " ., CERTIFICATION The u dersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have m�.de. t ir signature; ��}rt r e tify that I am a r iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at `-�' ` wr �..� �/. � S`�'� _�i,���d sworn to before me . , � . � � _ rk� ������ 10;±1St A. LA , t � �, :.h kor. ' ='�,;:15'y CDUNTY �� �:�y Comm;ssio,� Exp�res Dec. 29, l�j�, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. C � . . � , . n �". rn . . ,� ,_� . cn-< , '. .. . . , .. , � =i n -�a'_Y • T�� D?7 � C� �o,'.; r;�: r-- �N r. m —�� �� c� •,, , z .—__ �_TM �� � ' c� �_� . , . rn � . „ • , . �. .. , �' • ` PETITION - INITIATIYE ��035 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Si9ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION " e�:;� (c'ls,�i �3 t2 d, r;�.�. ,<< r.: �r ' � �e ? Lc.:�f .�..,'" �+� � �s� � �. fa�-d`` ,/6 7�,���/�� �t - f i � ` 3 � � � � � lC /� ' �; : � ://�� �, : , / � 4 '�.l'-C�.lZ��Gi� y ;ce � �/--S C' /-�� `�r� -f�-�r '" r�,,-�, ,�.���:� �,� .��� ,���: .�,� ��-� �_��_,��s.P -- 6 .i � � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ` _ ,-� - 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being fi�r�t sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at/�'� a�= � Subscri bed and sworn to before me �a-�c� ,.c.�� p� i"V"''^AN`^^IV'✓`/W�^hM/+-^-ntiNwM�vw�n. / —/S''�d �.�� �� N0T.3;tY PU'LI^—�,,;hM1ESOTA `�a�+t-'"' R!?P:iS�Y CUUNTY � My Ccm-nission Expires Uct.2, 1985. rr vw�nnnnnnnnnnn�,.��.,�,...,..--------. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c:�: c7 R,-, � -°� �.�...� ,.—.• -r*'— -sl -_„rrt1 [;-"�' �. �–' M _ .C" O �-c,'% �... ». ...- ...... –r _. ' �.� -'� f"�i C:� � . ` PETITION - INITIATIYE 00�3f � This petition is ta-prohibit the City of St. Paul from removtng, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Pau1 , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �, Printed �Ndme� ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 �/ --"_— r � � �.�.. 1-� -) � ' �' � � �S'� � /,��'I Q-��ix��c� .�/�/�- �� � �� � .�' � � — �''3 � �� � �� v~E.. 4 5 , 6 7 8 � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 �19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at /��-° :� S bscribed and sworn to before me � GcJ. ��� s/�•JV✓ �NN/y\INM�f .n �� ,��_� :`�?.!,� NO+.��;YPUgLIC—�:-�INNESOTA 'c.;��Yi�` R!`.�ASEY COUNTY : 1,!y Ccrrmission Ezpirt:;l,�t.2, 1585. � F v'� ■ , i • � ORDINANCE The �City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, •or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at ' 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �.:��F r,; -, -�, ,,; � _�. ,�:.:,-, -„ r::-�:zr k 5.- i_ � ` ' rn -:.��n �� p �—�, .:'-i t .._._.*i _...-° t:� 7 fz7 ;_� 4 � ' PETITION - INITIATIYE s Mi � 0003i This petftion is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT �rirl�ed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION '�� � ��i 1 ` � %� r,v � q _ v ` 2 ' � � .��-.J k� I 3 ��� 4t � ��� cc��, �..r-��-a``' ' , � � ? . _. 5 ��S � r - . � 6 �� ` , � a � � � �, ' �(� L��Q,� � :� ��, ��-��-�� ., , . . _ � " r �Q-z`�--�__ �- � � �, ��� � � � _ _ - �r9 ��-� �a.�-� /3.,3/ ,��� �` _ . 110 � '— " ,� /33/ 1 ' '�u� � � � r 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul , res i di n /o�-- �iL•-����- Subscri bec�.a��sworna.�aa b�f�t� me � Gv /�L�"`'"`-� � NGT.':;Y PUSi_1C—F,4lNhiESOTA � .. � RA.':t��Y COUN7Y 9—/� — �v ` .1y art:�rission xpires c. , . �.:v'�.ti • , y � • ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departnoents are prohibited from� removing, al�tering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, °a�'c�s�sibil�i.ty� or �fanctiv� -ofi �the�M�i�dwa�,�tadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the, City of St. Paul , State of�-�Minne$ota _�r��_.t � �-, �- -= � , _ _ � � . f,,, � _ -" �-, -�,� :- r.. v _-.."i _ _ .--�� - ° c: :z i�� �-, . � PETITION - INITIATIVE 0�03� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Si ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATIO 1 �G�% ' L-• L�°t" / �a � �� ` ► 2 � � ':/� �� C— '! � r � � 1 ? / �.'` 3 � � � �f�11���.���� � � � ��: � ��,��' ��-� ;� 9� � � 4 ���7 ti' �S. .5��`r'«� �.z��. �3, � .r-rc.o ���G :%Z� � L����.� (G��� , �' '� 9 ° Syr 6 � �_ 7• - , 17 0�'.�-c c� �` -� � // � �� �f � �` I� �� ��1 ��3 _ '_ _. 1 r , _ �� s - .� - �� �� ����r�r � � � � q_ , �- � , 4 - �. �f " ' � ►I � . , 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 � 25 , 26 27 28 , 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at . a� �_ti� Su cribed and sworn t � . ��� ��,���:� _ A�JITA L.TOBIN _�, r ;ni.. �—/�'.-�'� ��'a:.��'� R?•.'•tL'�Y(:OUNTY , I.Py Ca:^mission Expirc;C�t.2, 19E5. $ :v�.�vwyyy�nrJ"wwwvv�v�Mn.^. ^,v�.^,,w� � . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �� _-, '�.� �,�--: .__._. - � _ _ T ::.; ��,�, � '�' rn _ �. ,�:�'> �_� o ..__;-. :�.� _. ;---.� __° c> '� �'� .'�� • PETITION - INITIATIYE (1�03� % This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION � 1 � -' � � �_ , ' � J- ��.{ . �_ � 2 � , � �u„-� /l�`� �� r r,�.. �` � � 3 ' �, .� , � , _---� �� 4 �. �r ; -�.,�. � � , �� �_. 5 ' � I 6 Y''� c��"� � � �� (� �,,.. ., 7 :``��� � � J: � � �„ ` �GL�.G .� ~ ;` . / �, . -_ , -�. ._ � ; , , _, � . 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"� F'::'..��C�Ui'vTY , My Ccmmission Expires Oct.2,19$5. � ��� ■ . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � - r ,;, T� ,, �:, _, �- _ — -�, , �-..,: r- m _ r v ..<i, ,,. �i � - .,i ' `.� "'� � i� PETITION - INITIATIVE ����o � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway � Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 N1�'S . �a � . ��`� �_�, _ ��. , 6 .� � /-�- �' 2 � � ' �-. � ,� _�'' 3 �� a...�, � ` �/.� ;� e!` ���E���:.� �.N, 4 6 S-�: S� � � -� 5 �`/' ' � ;•'" 6 /.1�` „�n rz, Q 3" S^Ii vJ'v7� �'T �� � s � �,ti ,t,;.,� . , � , � � .. c,- � �� � �:,' �� N�: / :.;,�,� .�. 8 0 � x � � �-� 9 3 � - c��--� � �z.��� 1 11 •� 1 , �i�,��,�Rq��l � �� �' I �..'� : �� � ��� ii .' ,� , . o�I u C� Q . � � � r�� . ►'�`� 1 " v s � � � ��� � �� 13� .� ti�.�- � � �`i �'�► -ss .S-,�e� � : 14 �� .�� d-�z,-c��, � � � � � � � � � ` I��� 15 ' �A � ��,� �` `� � 7� � � I '`� 16 � �� 17 �� r�z �`c� � � y , i8 � � ,� , i9 ��' ��� � f� ��i�� Grs ° , l�l � y�g zo =, ' � y � $ 21 � � �� //-ri'/ 7�/�� S' �v.� r. .�.4w� �o - ) 22 - f �Y�- y ��-(.� � 0 - � RA �23 , r �:-;;., � ._ i � �y� 24 � ���,.��.�) � ,---- '� /$' � � • � . � / � z� � � � �0 ,� � .,� ' 2�° G .�J'l� .(� �`. 27 �,U � ;� � � � � �'� 28 1/l �4'}�f��, W��,�n.'�!A'v� _ �� �� � (.�h G P�C� i�J ��. lt'in.c� ��,_ : 29 � � G'� � G� � '�^•� CERTIF CA ON The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further e tify tha I m a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �� Subscribed and sworn to before me S "� 1 ( - . NOTAKI' :U6lIC-MINNfSOtA � `�'� RAM�EY COUNIY ppy commission expires Apr. 14,1987 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. f � �:�� ,_;, �, •..,, �.;_, `.. :.,� .� . �_ ��.; � -C:J Y � •'1 .-'�-� _..�., � C.:,� .._.,..:� rt �� � � ,. , - ,,. . PETITION - INITIATIYE � 00041 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Pau1 from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec, 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� Si ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION g1� � � a_ � e S � � � ir� o� � � �- / �-�'� ��� - � � � ►�t�� � �)v;.� � �.,-,.�o�`� 'J � o �� 1 � ' � V �/G�- �.�Q�1'' - .�ra�� �' ,�o� �I �' o. �t � ��$ ►� � r�/� ��. �. , � o � ��� ' ` FL.La"!fNC� � j��� ��/ ^ � s?�KV« , n _3 , �s a-- ! � r� ' � �� � ����5 �o �', ` s i�� � li .,,� � � l�6� �� �� 12 ,�.� 13 �� ,.e� 6 ti � x�� 14 �f � � t � - ► f 1 ' /a. - �I 16✓.�' �- � �7a `�" - ► a-�I 17 ' � � � $, � 18 �' � � � ` a, �h Lr .. ` ,� 19�—" � - �c7 a-- a` ` �` 2 ', �,.. � ' - �"„ � 21� " ! C, =� � A`� . - 22 S .� �j C� .. � '�. • � 23 C'�:rn��� tl��..�� � - � � � � 24�/ _ . � �' ' � ��_ �; 25 �G ,�G��-,.-a..,.--� � k�� 26 „ � 6�0 �0 7�`- ��r;..,;�.� �� �. g 27 � , k'huvn,� /�ha�n, ��7� STi�v.s��ti sr�.E�-- i�.� � 28 , `� Td�2�� /�hai� lo�l.� Sfij'rt�SON ��r" �� -`�S 29 � � n �C�I /�ha� �S-� �`�lo��S g-lo �_ . -- — CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify th t I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me g� f � NOU�:�' !UZLIC—M1NN£SOIA } '�'� RAM:.EY COl2 lT1987 1 My commissiori expires Ap►. �..► ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the �value, accessibility or functi ,� of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State �f Minnesota. . ' . ,� . . ', �`� , -+ f. .�; . � -� p ^ r-�! }� ♦ } • ��-� 'J�� ����t. �•4„ri -� � •1•. .. .'.� w.S J �. • � � �' .a i . �.0 � l'.,' 4.�,. . ' .-J ..,.;J ' . � ' i.�' .__. . _ .� �� � -. = r,-i . �c� t`, ca _:<_:, _ , . . � _,, --�� ' ,, ;:; , f�t ��.a M� � .w,. ... . � ) r�' ' PETITION - / INITIATIVE 00042 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. printed (Name) Siqned ACIdI"@SS ELNARD� LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � C n�A S �� � � � /'� � � C� r� ss%/ `-��-�! , � �si� - a '� or�=A/zD � �lzS6� � �Z � � , .��5��/� �� -� .� �4� ';c.,� Il��vE T T ��� N�y�t�` ,�r�.,C� �;-x-�e� / �S' � r�� ,►� 5" s �i 7 >- � , �'` /?�,�� ,/� !��/��' —%'1;����� /C'C% � C�F,�or.n7` _�'S-��'� ,� � �' ./ /�/d'�"� - � C_,'(�Gc: - •r�-�- C l /v2t� �/� _cu-+-'ur' %/ ` • u� � - �� l� l C��/`CLf- �(-'l. 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"3 �. ("'':J Y'"a ..,J Ci. • �... �'. 5 ___ _.' _ .,, ��, � - r- . ` .r.. n ';' . v I 1 a.'—} ._-�.�3 �Y� �� PETITIQN - INITIATIVE � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�is��g Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) i ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � �.� k .� Z oa - rb an; l �— r � `s"r � � � . � i' . Jr��,-��-�.�� =�K�'�n�,� ;��. ;° � �- ,,_ �, � � C � Z_ � �` �,�1__.cti �/ ` �rl� � / � ?�_..� � � +i~ "" � � � , , g9 �._ r b ���. � �'U i►-, ��e L S f�- S J��O� � �' - � ��.c��Gv� `�� ��L'�-c� �'f�a �-�-�` -� (l' SS`/G � � � 7 , �D�� ' -.1' / /.L - � . 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Y . . � - , � ' �-� �---� �� .. .. . . � . . � k- �. . . .. � . r - . � i � � , . .� � ' � " , � � � �" . ' i . �� �' .. -� � �}� • _ . C JL P �. _ 6?� p PETITION - INITIATIVE ��Q�� ` This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address E�waRO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ►4 o G- l�� � ' �) -7 —♦ �s o t �-� s'r � -�cS��j `'. � , •l.� `' cl � l=S � ' - � l o ��� �//L 6 f�l���r r "� c�.A��� �- �... . �._ ti � � `�'o s N S w 3 3 -So �t! ivr s�" � ' bn �ry ' � " '' , L 9 ' •�',� �rJI�'iv /I �� � 1 �R� �� t 1� � 1 yFaR� C ��-'� �.� tR � lz �-G ` ' �" � � ° � 8 1 L f �t. • /YI � `d � . 4 ' � s� �.. � .�'• /�'� vn.�r w k � � 1/�� e v� � �r��� i G 1 L?er,�,��.� � f S Jr-��� , .... � � ' ' �� i9 �' f.� G .. �.0 ,� � r�i / 1— � .� � �E_ �c � -�' 1_ � ��l 2 cj J �--J- �o d� ( . . � � � �.a� L. 2 � S � " �� Z �'s� `��lc-� � �' `° 2 � ("� f� 1 L ��1t=1�N � � �U'S'T�F'Sc�� • ; f l--L. 24 . `�+ � � � ����5 - �; . 1 ,,ta-,� �� ,� �� �. �� _ � � ,� W► a � c 2'5 , 5 , �G• '�L #.� • 7,2 & �r� 2 � � �, _ , ; i - y' � �= --- .� � � �_ , 28 ,�� : - � ��;" r . < . �. 9 �.R 2 ..c�1 � e '�J�' `� � ERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma their signature• � I further ce tify h� I am �� esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at .�� � ,.��� �r;� - /a i�� u-; �� - Subscribed and sworn to before me � L N�.tary Public� - F3�msey County, My term �xn�rP� �ct. 1, 1q80 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. • . � � . , - . . � . �. �-:,, . '� . � . . � • , . .. �, , . " � . . � , � ,, _ � „ .� _ ;, � �;.:, . �: ,. ; , -- .__ _. � _ .._, ._J 1 . . . �� .. � . , ' � � . .. . ' _ . ._ �i � _ 1Y,% r - r � .. v --. _-., f . _.. _ - :. ; - °'� ,-.� , PETITION - INITIATI E / y 00045 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said . Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, rinted (Name) Si ned Address �p'"� E�wA o N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION o� ,' e • ,� /o G � �' , , �2 �r�-i� oZ� t � x �� � � � G e �- �;' �' � S � �.2 N , �' v`_t�' � `Yk.% � . ��,� r � � � �. � � ff A,C��/. M fe' F,� �•► ' -.�.. t Z - ` '� r�y�`r�`""`.`� I �, v �I - h�.� S r C.'".. S T_ f'�:�, I . .� �� �� t�'''`�- �._ _ .... ,r, ¢ ; c 9 � j � G a/�( '�i�a.w:� t�ri - 7 e�-�(�. t � 10 , '.�L �l !. ii y'- � ;�� .�. �. i2 � %,r�S , ' � ��`�` 13!i'` - ` �-� . 14 _ l L-- /Y� yL�� `�� 3 - ,,�. • " - '��-/ 5 � ' 1 w �7� �� c� � � � M �,�, 6 � E � �, /3 " ` �� � � , � �. �. V � ss . -� 1 �I� � � T/ _�. - � ,. � , � .: ��-��' 1 � �r 3 R `�_� . 20� /,� , �/. 7` �` lr�cr ; r > -� - r D� 3�: 4 21�� �L-I� �lc L �k� � -a •�i ,s��' � ��1/r�/ °'.`.- . ���� , , 22�E,E,� � � , Cf ,,.�- �', ,J m. t ;�,. 23� � - ,S-p .S'� i�cc.�.�'L� .- /'� -� 24� �� J . � �� �,.,,� 2��t�iLtv ���rFt , l�� I'�cm�- � �-�[.�,��:��l�c.Uf�, �� _.rri1 c��ca��s--�--�'��'7��_ c � ?��,c��` ,1 ;�.� f�01�.•�i�c-�; 7r� Q��.�....a�.�� n���'�z.��a-�.,.��^� .� 27 " . � f G, � � :.� 28� • � ` > � �- �/$.'p'-�oe�/ , 29 - f� //a o t� ,�ii •1 °�f CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have ma their signature• I further certify a ; I am reside t of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at ,�� � ` � - �• % - - _- _ Subscribed and sworn to befo.r.e me �� ' N�tary Publia , Eamsey County, My term expires Oct. 1, 1q80 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. • r a ,, ` }t , . ,, -. . � , x.,;� -+� . ' . , ,• � j �' , � � � � � �- : C� f—,;s �n--� _ _.-1;_, ... _. _: �.� {-;=� (`�.. t' _ � _ `� r— � —,..tl= y_" . �� _ � �:.� .y°,� -__.- �p1y .� 1•• :.e.'..S PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, inted (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �- - / ��� � !� S_— �r- . � �� �i$ /pr � .. y. � .a.t.c�X� . !v � .�_ , z. 4,�� � � . -J- ,�- � .z � C �• l� I � ' , l ��� 4 ` �� /S S � 2 �'._ � tc 1 , � �i /` S� l f - 3 ` _ :l �' ��-5�-, �-- ,• -Z- .-- 9 �� � �.� ��� � a io ` � � � � �.,�. .;,.� � ii ^rs �� �� -� � � �..� � 1 , �S��� � G�`�'�.,.�. ,� 1 � � � � — � 14 � i �:,,-� � �� i �/�/ 1 ,�.'�� � ..� ��^��, ,...:.e'� � i6 , /� � y,, .a -� � 1 �, � �y „��� G .5 � , � �� _ � � , 19 � �f� � �, � � � � � � � � � �o ����'S-D .�" ° l v -�.. . 5� li�j ,.� 21 , 'L� w e � a > E� . a.t+t Q...� - ��.0 L L.�1�' �l o � f= 7 se ��� �'l o ii, t"�N"A / �, l� - r � /� .���� �r � Ha �/`' �1 � '� � � z� f w - � Y , � ,— . �, �� �. z4 L � � °I w o � W�25 � ' � ,/�'-� � � � ' S 5� � v �..� 26 t - � ' & — 1 . � .� � 27 - � " a� Ii..r � ; �.h n � �'� �� i ���'l C � � °`e5� �t� �U� ' ^ � �' ( �� � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma e their signatur '' I further cg,r^ti -at I a - re�ideat of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at �" L" �- �1/�.-� •-/; = Subscribed and sworn to before me � Notary Public , H�msey County, My term expires Oct. 1, T980 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. C 1 r.,r, � C': '-�� ��'.' �{:� ... ., - _,�� .... .. . :1;.;.;7 �` r``� � a f"- � A '`°'(.') - �T� F-... Q , !t t� " � 1.. n'7 C�:7 � PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0004� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election inted (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 Arvilla M. Zong � �-� � C� 101 Manitoba Ave �J 9 .�. 64B 2 2�Eu�ene A. I,ong �`'' 101 Manitoba tive ;� 9 �, 64B 2 ���� � � -% . � � p 3 usan M. I,ong. Ol Manitoba Ave. . 9 6¢B 2 � ;,�� 4�ichael J. Zong 7 j����`�C , 101 M-a.nitoba hve. 9 y 64B 2 c,��- d �I F F3�1�t �� � _ 2 6 �' i9�2 S o u.5 h �� � ,q� � � �� , �� � � �� . ��-� � ��r �� (: f� �� ' ` �ZC�,�..� . `yt �-�-�- 14 �L� '�la-' �-�� 8 1.- ��� �c I"1 ,� �� 9 : �`1/,�s 3 � f'� � � F io �-.e�- �c�A.� - ��� �.,�. .�,��,.�� �- . sr: l��� - i ii � � 1 eS � � ct �,:� _ � � �_�, �2� . � �� �� l � ,,` � s c,,� �, y --�... 3 ``� � D 14 J f' � . y 'P�,r r' �,, � � c� - I� Y` ` �� 15 ' �'1RS.F �'o � nt�kv tGc �;oZ3 ' � - � - I' --�..-� 6 �i¢,QE�v@ � °��-�o/�� � ��3 it/, f,/�zcL sT. P�4v� .k ���v SS�� S i�"' � 5 �. ��iv� J s� � _ � ���0 9.��v �. is ✓ � o s �-�/ F3c Q �z-�` - ���� � �� /��� ✓ 19y� u�ti� � �..'�..�' �/ f��r=- 20 � � /"'��f F] -� �,._ �" g�^ � . � 2 � 3 , ' Z- _. 2 � �v12 : �/'Cti� ="l,'Z-'1� � ' 3� ����j�../�c�� � r /� ' - � ', • ; , s . �-.7 ,. � l,� .._, , � 5� "il,/il� � !i�/ z ��- � 1�l .���s� : 26 i�' C S �- 0 F' ' o� 9 t � �_ �•. z� YYl o � --��° V - �� � 3 I ttI � t L�8t R . �� _ � 29 ' ��-��° � i . CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my wledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and e in my presencE by the person purporting to have ma their signature; -I further certify th i nt of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at ':<<_- t_ -. , �� �- - - Subscribed and sworn to before me Notary Publi� - 8a�nsey County, My term expires Oct. 1. �980 ___—_ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� � � ti i� c• � � �r� �. L , �;:� ., � �, } ��,: �-: .�� . , Y�y� W,:Y j il -{t C.-'.7 t'.. _� ��--'y � (T` . ___ �' r. v .:_':7' - -,... �� , rn �_� > PETITION - INITIATIIIE �U0�8 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed �Na�) Siqned '' Address ELWARD N+LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION '��� - � � L G./ ' .�� ✓ �► ,w' '� - ~ ,� �� .. C 3 3 � �e � �,��ou �' l3� � � � ! 4 G d �;- � 5 �— ' c,�e. - s � r ;,: � 6 � � - � �Q-- i � $ � '° -i 4 � � �..t.yal �/�G� !����� -� .S � t�A.� �' r� — � 9 ,6�:��' T� �c� �� a �� s/� �'rr� .� � , ;,� o ^ - � � ' `� � �, � ' � i1/ �'�I"� ,�� � �`-�� ��,�,.,�, _ i ,� .� . .�, � ' � t 11� 12 T S 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signatu ; I further certify hat I a • resid�nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � s - � u � - t , '" Subscribed and sworn to before me '�.��e-� � � � C�c�� ,�� / Notary Publi� - F�am�ey County, My term expirPS E��t 1. 1980 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,'.' 4 � <-> c-.,; . �� �...:, a�-� �<^ .w.. c- .�; �;e �n __. ., ' _ r- -,-; �• r:i _ �--. o `; . �; ;J PETITION - INITIATIVE �cJ / 0�0 This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. c..,.��,,,�� �,-�'.,� Printed (Name) Si ned Address ` ; "' � ELWARD N LD STRICTVE DESICNATION • " ' l oL ,S �' ^ rL� • . � '� � ,��5 i � �' �-�-. ., - � " � ���� , _ �.. a` ------ , � � _ . . �7 ��� ' a3� 1� �, w , , . � ., ^ ,� � , � $ L�FA P i , %� �. - 9 - ✓ ✓' ✓ � � � ` .2..�7 GT�C�{,,.�-,,�.�.� � . � 1� ' ` . � 12 , � a � o� � t/ ♦ . � „ ,. Z - �' � 4 ' " /� . � �}� 5 I � �' - . 6 / l� � �.� Q � s � 1� ►1�� � � � . `�+ ., 18�� [� . 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'� ' '__ r ' � � _� _ _..' '� � :7 } �-_ _> • .:,, . . 1 >l�:l/. ;`;;.;� :�, :J�!ti'�<. , ..�..✓,,-,; ..: ��= - :,� - , ;-�:_- _ �lo .Y �• � � � '`�` `� , ��' ...rl � . �. r -�,�M ��' � PETITION - INITIATIYE � " R � � '� 000J0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, alterin or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � 9 � �t 2 - , �� � �� -� �' ` . < c� d -s ' e, F1 q rti. r • �I/ �, � ` I c,5' / % / � � � I �6 � ' � � �/ C o� a� � , G ►�"( � ✓�f, � � (� `� / 2f "y + �,, �i ; 1 10 ' �- . � � � G� � � � ' � � � 2, � -� !� ` y /f 13 rR � t � 2 8" C;c'��_W/,�� � — , 14 � ,/ --� - ,�, u- / `�/ / 9 � � � 5 � f - J� { � „ � 16 �' (;� �- � �� � � 1 ��a�2� r�j, ��-f�-�4�v�- �a,�9 ,�� ��'�` .i ' tI ��. �� � �,a ,�� �; �` 18 . G 1 ,�"LYI'l 4 7 t `: � 19 � ' S �� o G�n�-ec� �s �� ; � -� 1 G � f� � r�� 2 � � ,' ! �, , 23 � /7 � ; c � 4 l l � �� � �� 25 ( 7 � �; �t; F 6 � < < 7 � �- , � ' � � % , � � �� / ��" ...� - � �._ 27 -E� 2 _ � 29 • :y �, ;,w,,, ,�� ;,, � � CERTIFICATION �=`����.'��;=���'�'�' "-;, � �� �: The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to ttie best of my kno►���dge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed anc�rrra�de-- i�n my presence by the person purporting to have ma their signature; I further certify that�� `a�m� a% resident of the City of St. Paul,. residing at � • � Subscri bed and sworn to before me c •,'"''� ^• ,'`� ,�•. f..!'�,�� �l��"I'i�� . �e s r—� rr'+•�-- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,-, �-2. �;; .., --. - -,, - -, r�, — _ �. �r �c�, , a ,-, ; ;:�:1 _ :� _ t'� ,-:i � �. � / PETITION - INITIATIVE �`� � j�� ���` � `." ��� ���� ''�' 00'�51. This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, alte ing or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pr'nted �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION / _/ � /— /� / / f� « r"c 1 �A /t'h/-�/r'� �T / /' �C� �.3/� /7 .(�,6.E/77 A-G 6 = �-- � � � �,�� o ��P T Z, I� I�- �� �c?W��. �r��-�_ S� �' -� ��. `f��- `�� 3 ��c�_u��-�- C-ti�,.e-� ��-t t�. l 3 V � �1�-e�-,�-�-�a _ � . . -� ���� 4 ' /.��o �'� �-� (; Gl"��,l��i�-�' "�h` ���e�v ����zr/G � -- L" �-1,!-� i _ � k�5 �o-�Q___ ��-Q-�-2I P� �l'G �`-��-�ir, a�_ <�r _ (� �j- ,C� � 6� ,�-. r `. � � � _. � � ` . ,��-_ `r' . �'� , ,, f� ; , , � •°�"�' 6�fil_/' ." / � f"�� � „�'._ v ] '� .. � f � / �. 9 .. /�t � � �� l�C��%���vj �> � �i �'" ;.fk � , �' �"���S .: ` � 10 _ � ... 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E, �i:� , �� ` _ « ��e. �;, -� t4 - �L7 � � l�'Iw;���v� ` ���-.�"�.f� , ��3 w r.: �, �.� � "� `l��/-� _' � 8� `'�'�eS� l�� � �br,� �` . � ��'� � 9 � ��.� � ���.�-�--� ' -C�.�13 �,; ,. :�-�, ;, ,, . ,,' , CERTIFICATION ����•.- - The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my kno�►T'�dge,�inforr�ation and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and-�made_ �� �y presence by the person> purporting to have ma their ignature; I further certify that=;I'��m � res�den� of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at o�7''g, /��9���cs���. S�: �' � ��- �". Subscri bed and sworn to before me "B��-,-��,..� � � o� 17��.-�. ` ' � �'�m� i_,.,/�, i��3 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , . , , ;-, , -T, ��... ' - �.. fTl _..:..;�, J ..., � r_... �'� _�::::.� PETITION - INITIATIVE r� � 0����M This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 �.Q�3� I� ' o� � I '- - � � 3 � cJ�l.�. e ti �� �' � •L,' �J� /�? o�✓�' �1 ��3 � � � � � . v�" �;,r ��4�L :1+�1�LL�N ��z���`72��'�� G��----- l'°8 � Ci`f�Ur�C� �IL� J � � �' .-a/e U — - Rl, 6 � � /I/�. C� � ,-1 ST; , �'' c�, , ` � �o� y � � � �, � �r�' c,ivG r,�. ' 7 �a .�-.� � � / � — � �� � � � . �,,. -- �, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sig �ture; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at � • '> ' 'm � � Subscribed and sworn to before me � " �D -� � � ��I,�.j L��, ,�"i..�k�r �un�L�, ,�.r�- �1� �i+�e.�x,:� �jLffuut��—'Z�i—c� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ( n �=� -,. U" �� r-' "T'1 t-s-� C�-::C� �'w` f r_;:.: rn _ - .r o _�u, ��. �-� - -, - . -� � <� > rn ��:a PETITION - INITIATIVE � � 000�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESICNATION � � ,i���GJ.,/ Cr} s f"i �/ n %/�l��:Lsurc.��.�� � Y � � oh ` � l��u.c�cw.��-e ��. �i'-�a�•�e 1 L G��.� :f � �.. �. ._�,y �'".N v M I?Sv 1V � � � 4.� l� � �� ��ca�. re s a /3 ' f �' `. 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CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a residgnt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at l, S� ° - '• Subscribed and sworn to before me � , .:�Zo�� .t�.�,. ���� ��.,..� )'�-�,,,� ��y����-�z�: ���- z�_�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r . �: �.�: �f)'-:.. �..._ �J _ _ . . -r1 �:�" _..? . ;.' � _- �_�„ ` cn -�t� j � -;-:-� :_ c:—� ,, �tl ,_) � _ �t PETITION - INITIATIVE / 00�54 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ✓ �►��5�;N�. �� �;�. ��. .Q Z ►3 � . ce� �-�r �T � ' � i � � - �� , ; rc.. � � �4,-, ' �G � �F �-n r- �. -- S�` ✓4 - ' � i���, c r�c � �' � _ 5 ���/� / -- _ ��"�.r-;tic.��1�°��d ��.. .� I � � � � G / , ��o.... l if,� � 1 � � � D — $ , . � s R, N. � E�v � � � � �� �� - �,�. �.�.e �.n. � - � 9 L � � , �,._6r � G�� s, r GI n � io , `� �_ ,- 3 �� � � .�°" � � �... �..3 13 ' /� � i,c� D/ r— �` � 6 14 3 �=� �i�Z� � � .� � �'�� f� _ �� �1? .,,.�1�<«- �C- z/_�-,�-L.-�.,� /.�5�/ �' r�'1�-�,�r��r��-�.-�., 15� _ _ ? �� '�`" , �-,�r, a - T U / , %��/ f" . ti- � � t-, �. � •r �„ � i6�t� /���t'� � .�a �,r t��t� � �G� _Siif� � � �..�:- i��, ,�- ` �-�,l a ....% - - . ; ..-- - � 17 � � ... _ r ,. . , � - , : a� - � .�: �, � � � .,_ , , , �; ,� � 18✓= /= � �V /I/1 � ��/� l� S - /L��// -� /1 �1J 1� c•a ;v,c.�- ti � ,-,� � 19� f i �� � I! C_�, ' �f �� �; �.... � �J I � _.. /.I ^ / C, / ,�... j;C! ZU: � / CJ �Ti�� ! L,�!L(.-L l � YL �G" J /y✓ /, 2� v � // �� �v �)�L'� � � .� s� � � � � �/, �� �' � .� -/ (3 22 � �' k C( �KC' � y � - .� ._ r � , � �� 2 S ��[� (� � f' . • _ ��. l-� 'Z-`g` r � / t^ ,� N 1 2 .��1 :� ,� � ✓ � C �' �^. � �d `� .C:�C, � 2 '"' , / `� �... u c� �� �lx " F I�/1 a r l � }� '���. 2 ►- ,- � �,� � S � � ,�— � � � � — � 7`Z. �c�13 ,,� � _. 2� ,��,.� �. _ � �� ` -s" ,- ° G�.B ` 7 29� C F �.1 � �� � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si tur ; I furt��'.g r certif that I am a resid�g nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at .� uw-L �/ ����7 Subscribed and sworn to before me M 1 NpTARV PUBIIC,R�mMy Cou�H•�^�• My Commiaio�Eapire�M�.13,19!'/ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. _ � , . �_.y.-, � ... _ - � , _.. - - �f'l ' . :7 ;� {�1 _.J 4....,�......- � -.,....,....� �u � i.:.� . . . . _. .�...�.�r • PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0100�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted (Name) $1 ned-- ' Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION /, ; r,.- 1 � - f' / � �` -�'` ' t � �=�.}�/ 'i`"3'%' r,'.vL'7�.��;:�'' ''�S / ,G:(„';::-y-rL.-ar-•L oJ .-l O 2 • . � � ' � ' • �L � - �' �' - C � � _ �ale6 � \ � L1/� V . � �~� . 4 `��� �-L J' � Z� 7'f , � C /"/ - 7 �� � � y r l ��.�� ,, ��,<.!'� �,, � � " � 9s ���� � //� L G'�'.C. �� � 7 n �-� � � � 8 \� � , , � • r �;i ,,,. �" � � /` ' -�� � � � � c--�.-.+.--� �� ��•��-', - �.�.e..t.� 1� �►�' IG.L� `� � ��t^ �� � 11 .�., I�`! � � S"�' i / ` 13 � � �R.� s a'� 1�1/ ��1 A� ,�- ' ��5 � �` la ,�a �/ � ,� /, � ��-�� �r.�,, ' ��3�, ./�o�-� �'��-� _ 15 .� 1 � - ;,� i7 3 ��r>�� � -.. �,�,o c� �s �'= Co ��c. �� I � /f" 3 �� � ° �`�'C� _ 1 �-- ��' ����` �- �� � �' 18 - - � � � � `� t . l � - � � � rs ' C�L.� �' � .. � .� • �— i��'�' <«C����,ssQ v. � �- � �-� 6� �`'lic�h'�Et 7' /y�RTF . , _ � 2 � � -, ,,�:;=' � .�— ' i' � �s ., � " -1 f_' . � =c' ,n � � i '--"�'----. � ,-� , u�! 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R My Canmiesion Eapirw Apr.13,1987 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-; �.: �. _� -- �,,_. _ — T • - j ` TT1 _ r o :.� �. •1_J __. .,-� .,..,...�-.._ ^,} � (� T {� �.� { ��o�.:i :i✓�3, .,. � _. .�._. _ ._ �w-,bt . . � -- - E�. .. � .,i , �. " . v...,,._4A,,,,.,.v.n�..,e j . PETITION - INITIATIYE ���r�� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. � Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION a L � - �v5e /�d °S J Q 2 ,�.,,,. � C� 2 . �-� �"OrV �.�3 S h� . � ,� _ , ,r, C�' �� E �� .�t�.2�- ,rr ,,,� ,��-�2/ .. r C.$ .� ��� �+�} �.� �� �L`'�"�' '' f' � �-'����-_ �__ � � �' �,�_�i-�T � /)� �! +.. ,� ',`1 _ �.�..��:o 5 ✓�`� "� -�.-- �� � �,-��-� ,�-r �� � �, —�'..-L�.2�.,' � " .�<z ''�'// � '�.�-c�- �,'�.:.��.-� � ' �� J �" f'.�, {� � e se � � ' ��� E; �. ��. 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PETITION - INITIATIVE ����r1 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8,�to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pl"1 ted �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 (Krc. �A ZZ� ��• �o.. l 1 � w �� �J _ � �/�-L'S � /7'//f/v T/��= �=S � /��7v � ��- �-� � _ ��� n. �. ���� ����. ` I .:� __ � � r 4 � ' ` /5 �v �:, ;, ,: �� � . � D°�-u 7 ' � — � c�' 6 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 — 22 23 24 � 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petitiq� was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature; I fur�her cer ify that I m a resid nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 3/ - �t �N .f Subscribed and sworn to before me ' � P�!1RLEN OYLE 5.��,— NOTAR`/Pi16tIC,Rameey County,Minn. y Commission ExpirES Apr.13,1887 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c c t '-�' c:� :. � � i ., c. ' 'c�c` � � � S � � F. ,. . 4'} c`:', �-�i� fw►..+ww•-...�w.yww.�+...,i....,>... _. ._..a..,... ....- -....+��..;.+n.i.rr.�.rov,....�.,.a�..�.� . . .y...... ' �' ... PETITION - INITIATIVE ���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or d�molishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, �o have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � ' � �` ? 1 '� � �/ � � �_. `� ti r 2 � �� � �r S S // _ a / z�x i��� - ��/�G �� ��� .4 ' ' ��ti� � i �-� S %/ 5 l , � _ � a r „ --- 3 � � 8�7 �� SSI l �ri- � � �c�..�._�a;i,,,,_._,�.. �r , I, --.�s,_ Zti ' �� - 3� ° � � �- .� /� - �- - i � � �. �� �,1 � , �, ,. , � � � �%l�.h.. 4't�-.fc� � ��, /a��c.��-- �(o � � � • l 1- � l ;j� . 1 l�. � � �.; , ` / 3/ �7 j l�-- 'r �r 14 --�' - � � � 1 � : _ � ��. ; �;' ` , �4 - 3 ! << � t «<��� �'`� �c� �. . � i��;' ; ;;, ,�� � �` II -�- 7 .� "// + , �:� r � S'_� � , r -�/-3� � � � � �� . � � c ��- .�,V-a7�', �'c7 c�,`����f-- ,�c•.� !J _ 1ai �S`,�,`�� � �� � � � 20 � 13E �t'� ��4 � / 1 - mc� 2 � �cr�cC l r - �. �i� 2/ A A �_ �� a � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si atu e• I fur er ce 'fy that am r ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at - < < S rnfis�pr�?p_.te ha �Y' .1D2 � .� ti. / � � ��;JIS� a, Ln FOND � `� • :�,.. . n�?v SrY C(1l1NTY b'i j � � � .•'� r ,- �� t��n�res D�c ?9, l��," �' �::x.x tt'..T';xr��n>'+,-!� ,:,x,i •�'�se�Z„u?!����- . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. <�-:> r I _ T r' .,_; - <; .. 'tt • T ,— O _ „ _- c:": J -t1., � , `;c, _] . . , , .. . . ��yt s � - PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pl^1 ted (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ��' — '� � —� � � � 1 � . � : j �� �- � � � .r' ` / 2 ����.,��---�c,� . �c-�.�... 1� - �- `� ; f -�f �.{ / � ,G'�l ir �:��t' �..: .� L ,,, l �(.� � c��< ' ��° �.i".� . . � � �:� �-�� j , - - �� �,S%/� 1 r� '�` � "1 (, �� �,� � ���� �-: �� ! 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Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $j �d Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �U:'Zf�� `'�. �`7',�; ' �f �'?i�;, /`7� (_ �k�{�_�.-- /-�.1_ �' ��_� A �"-}.t„w � ., _ � . Ja�/j<< �i a C- I � ./ r� ��f. ? • i. / ' / y � - - ' _ . � �° �� .�� /<� !J`' �- � _�,.1.":2_.i�-[��.' !_f`..�iA-Cf— �� .�;, /.�J I y � �/.� � � /� n � j � j ., .. %::.Cl_%�c� : , ,��'; ,—�i{�k�r" _�:.'1�:�-� � ,, :..;�,. . �!/ �../��ti �;;"�' t� ,��i'�1.? t 1 f.y�� � � A b i ��� � ( ; � � • , � �i 3 7 i _:. i ( � L '%' ��'. '� �"�r ✓��� j � {�� y- � \ �C j ( �j`"" °�p° . j / �. _. .n ! . � %l !Z �"`�, i �{ w..`` f `-' 1 / / `�/:� (._ti i� !� � <' �/� /� �� � �_ 6 � � ;,, , t _4;, �� �! �-_ � �i �' J��' �' -. ,�_,- � -- �.. ..� �' F 1 � �` ! — �� . , i � SS(/ �, . 5-- /! � -� , e.Z 1�'6 u � � � � ��-r'��� �.���. � ��a,'z � l� �a�� 1 ...�y� ,� t]�Q � -a. ���. ,�:,�i� , G-b r'CC� '� .%;,� � `-` '9 l "�� ,�' _ T- �t' L � - ti , _ �,l �: �- � j �,.� -, i �� 1 " ' " , ..- � � � >>Y , . ; . . . "�.-i.�� �/w,� __ , '. , � ?� - � - - �-Z. Gl-�.. .. �- - ��V' � �� �� r 12 . , , � ; ; �- � ,' -.` 'C-� � ,, � r.� - ca � y-r_-- �1 � � ' / i�.c.l�-t_c-L, C_ C GG�--� _ �:� ���1 \ 1 ^ � �) � � � �/ .� 1 1"�...�� � .7 �.-. ���r--�=-L`�� ✓Lf �% �'�j `,' .G'� t_. �" ' -.-� �� � S 14�,� ' �/ t; ,�.yy��, ,�' �� - :��J`. �:_ �,�' '-�,, �� � � � � � I `1 � �� '�1 , ,.,,ru�, � :�-i v �' �- ' �� � / / 16 17 18 19 20 21 .� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my �knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made thei signature; further cer ify at I am�re ide t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �do � F. � � Subscribed and sworn to before me ' .�� ' � v' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r. , - ' < . `':� - � �. f -- ,,4 �r - � o - .�.� � _�, _-,, _ f F . � �`,� � PETITION - INITIATIYE ����'i - This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P1"1 ted �Na�) $'1 ned Addres ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ��' t�OW/t� 1 C�.X��..�� u-�.��..�,��_-�' C f� r s� � �o s- � � ,, �� _ y � 2 T�'n/A �, �-�-�--cc_ ca-�...-L..��o�-�`` C� I TS C / �os,����-t��-.�� �" � , �.. � � � � y � '. w; ���/ S' � J— / t-- f F� 4 ���'-'-'-��,�✓�' �� 4 ` �,.�-c'�t`'��; 5 J � C N O�/E��f�/ !``�!��t ;..� ��.` t f� � ��v -�?c�... , ��` ��� _ �,� �D���%;c�?�/ f f���-: c.L.�', � r�....�... i � ° � ,. f� �S�t R�e t�No�S 6 ''� 2 � � �, �� � .-�.r / � �f �.� c''� ,� � ��- 1 v , � .-� � .1 ' s��o�/ °3 ✓ ' �,��-�t �'i' ' _ Mi4�o�D ,' / ,> c�- sr n`r_r r', ; _ �� � �,, � re � ���- 9 r ,A C � w _ �✓I Cl�f�cS ,� � �- � , �� � 1 .. 10 �A.� � .� .�o� S�H�r,q�f'� � � � � �,r� � , . r 11 , � �. � : 12 �� o+�cca.�, �, �2t}�l� �S I "� � 13 ' s � ,� � M � ::, 14 ^ L � � / � 151� c' �,Q '�j'�� /��t=e:UC_C'.� v t�' F� 16 ' /J ` � t �'� 17�°,�`� , �N�E�4,e�r��/ � � r, � f. � 1 ' / L ' � � � / � : 1� ' ��-�.�� � �� " �_ � ,. 20 � � � ' ► �— � � �� L F'T}-/L�'R�7' � f-L � r� � 1 - / �J _ 22 2 - ' Q � !-f F-�'�—/o 24 � ► . / I 1- S� 25 �� �a(�� � L�1� � /-� �,.� 26 �C '" ' � �� � � 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furthe cer ify t t I am a �esi en f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at c E. '" Subsc 4�i��,�,and sworn to before me - � '�--�' � l �/ ,�� ..,_ � �s�.,.:;as'�[:�::Y�ar.. :�u�; + � • �'. A �. _ i s� C �� �''T ' „_UNTY .�.,,� � . _;. ri �. �" �"�' �'�'es DeC.2°, 19b'� �.��C�3,'itt`�i�:i�`�R'x� � `. tt1CJL�lt�, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � 'S�: �` l .. j. /�. (� i.� � ���, �� �,;C'.,,� �"-.' tO ~��',�(�`, ` �.. �� -,�., . '�'f .�, � i- �-,� ..;:� L� PETITION - INITIATIYE U�f 2 � 0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or d�mo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinarrce passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $'I ned Address ELWARD N LOISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � 7 v� C �� �,� ,�� _. r O � � � 3 � o L. L� o � � s` �- �-,e�G-,� �r � � S� � � , � t , b � � _��— " � r � - I �- � � " : �'�/- s ���� ' ��� � .... � S�, ��,� t— c� 9 Mo SF,P , � �h� - Y �o � 10 � ._._, "� � � � �� l. 11� � �� '��'` � �a , _ � ,,, /� � a,,;� _,,,.-,_,�.����__.�_. /'� � . iL!� � � ,ll.�- �,O � s' � , w � , / �; � � / ' �',� ,�. �;4ti �� � . �� °1 "� _ � �,�, C- �;' �' ��� � /l� � .,� � n1�� 1 2 � �� ' �� �� /� 6 � 2 a . r � •�. ����l� �. y, 17 ; , �� '� �-g' � �-'�S/� J _ - � 8 `` � .� ,�i��� �:: 02/�o G�i�c�� � � �� -v:L 19� � ' t ' r � r� / --- y � 2 , �i ' S,c� l•� .��.in,�.�..��e...�_...�. �t �� � / - °� � � � � � t C � � � I � !/ �S.����� � � 2 - ' '1 ' 2c ' � `� ' ` � ,�—,l - � 23 � 24 � 25 ��! � � 26 ; 27 28 29 CERTIFICA ,ION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; furthe ce tify at I am a re ide of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � , ,.,�. . - / �/ Subsc ' ���sa����� me - � :x�x. �,;:,. . ,?�ISE A. LA f•�ND `,. ,..•"- '• 'r.Y COUNTY • %'y C,cr„rrissi�n E�p;rss Dec, 29. 1 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � r� �=,� <�. _._ _- _�_, .. _ -�, �r=y r'll E S�':l �"'� r' v _ r � � = -i _ ' ;.., ; �-n �:� �. ``;�. ` . , . �„,�•. . . '. - � .,. . Y. PETITION - INITIATIVE ����'� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of -St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1`� ��c P��e �l, cQ{ 2 — �r`1'�o r� ,fc � �' l ! -� � 2`� , � ar � � �`� c� ��� �� �5 � � r � ,�c� �� >>'�'`� 3 �--e ;� ��� �--c� �'-C�-�---Ep � �. ' y 4 �� .�� � t-. a � 9 � ,L d �_. � ,�-���°�'' � �� �---�� `.�_ �y� ��41��L � �. '� "� � �P�q �t L 6 � �� � �� -1���� � �f ��� u,..�-- �� , �- � �`' w;� � , , � �y���� l� ,� � � � � � �v �. � , 8 � ���� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cer ify at I am a re 'de of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Sub ������'�tdr�'�'m� � -'�'� , .:�:11Sc A. L ;z � .a: , , ., > � .. .. ,. � ;. . . , . . , � • • _ -�a � ' .c - � ,. C.mn•issio: � �,�ires D!c . z�_��s�x"��L.��-'�i'�L''�'�''�`'�+� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , Stat� of Minnesota. ,. �.-.. n r� �. - _t� .--- . (.� - , ;,� - -tt -- 'r Y �.. � t- _ r' CJ ' � S,-. . _._. �: S-rl ::a PETITION - INITIATIYE ���r4 / � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. � Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ' � .' � �' �a� f � .��.�' �� � � � 2 � � ,L, , ', i ��-- l �. 1 �� � :� J "a . 7 � � � 4 L J� � � � � �� � , - � . /�,� ����� � , _. � ti'� �-� ' — , �` � � �� � � � _ Il ��- i :� � � � � � ;.,�� , a- 9 o t /.I - i`�` 1 ^ `, ,� n r�lp ��, �\.. - ... �;.. 11 � � G G `P . N- �r 12 p� R�',`Y- � ai 1 �i , :.. O 14 � I Sa. , � ,. � ,� _ �-�` 1 � /�� . � 16' f,. /. 5° .��✓ _ % �, fy��� n , 1 - � / � � / 4 . 1 ) ' C� /' �1 — �S� 19 "'�,�; "7 --i � 2 � �� y1� � -� � 21, _ ' �, � �� � — / O 2 � � � rt , ,..�� l�/ /a - 23 � ..-± � -- y-� ��..,,,� � _-,� � 24 ' ` - j / d' � !�J -..� 2 � �* c:� 26 � �� � � �� ;� • : ., f��- ,,,�,;7 � � . • �� .� 27� ' , � Q ✓� ' .� .f . .. � s t� ;i ., �.c��; '��. `�� � 28 ,�. �'' ^ c ,� � ` �.. 29 , ti �-'� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their ignature; I further cert'fy t t I am a resi en of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at , ..,�?Z^" / � Sub ����u�x��K��:,re,me�r- � ..�;'_11St A, LA FOND ' ;, � � � :� rnt�NTV Y�<< r , frmn iccr� >, p. >4 l �i ; .�1�Rflw .;.:i,� ,��n.ay,�i.� .:�?�n 15�Y'�''J�a ..,,� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. _,.,, �-, r'' .� "'- c,^ _c � —�= —n .�_ �, °? �� � �t= r' O - fu, 5�,, - . `, _ , ��� ` , ��� ;:�"�:J t-.l - t . ! PETITION - INITIATIYE �f 5 � 0� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Sivned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � J bi-11I �" �� i �A'1� /l tJ� � f ,V�ll " ,y�� � 2.� '"� " ? � ' / , �� • � r (,i-L 1 ti �. - Ir' � i ;)-I_ � 3� - �' _ - / G3 1r� ES i v le - v`�/ �� � / `� � 4� ' �" yv �c. _ - . /�C� � 7f �3� �� "r ' 5 � � � �, L-' %9i � 6 �� '� _' � �> � !� �'`�./�e �,.?"�-�° ���. ,�� �.� t.,�. 7 / ����) C! j , - � �, - " • )E `� � ����Lj!/w� // +0 9 � � .___ ` � <t - 1 (� lo '� °'`� ^ Ca� � � ' � `� ii � �� - .�� �� �� � ". / � � ' � 12 � C���. a a �+ - a c� � 13 � � � � �L.u�-� �' ' _ �� 14 � Q '� / �14 � � � t � �`` 15 ' ' � + -- � �' 16 t,�'" ` � t °-- � `�' �� �,t''" /4�� tF O� r -�� , 18 �/'� �� � � / �_ � r 19 �/ . . •� G A-� _ 20 ^'�� �.T°- � G,Gi� � .� 21 � ��� �'/ j �`' _ -� • . 22 �'�,� � _ � �. �_.. 23 1/' .��� � I - �o 24 " 7�'�.� �' ° � ` � 25 �,�,✓�v'� � � `� - � � � � 26 �� �� � � ��- 27 � - �,�,y.v � 1 - � � 28 � � ��� `� s�' � ���t�Q,'1 ' � 29 i5�' G�y� �� �����:.�J'�2.-� �� ` � �' CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made thei signature; I furth ce ify at I am a re "de of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �o _ Subscribed and sworn to before me � �--�` l d . ,._ . , � , . .r ,s•�.��.irs,�rr ?�. . " _�; . ';.:,� .. r!1;�NtY � ';..� SM • �.� •?i��J - . • -�::�+r . ,;z�+s� -�.-� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-� � � �, -� - -'�-: _ -�.;:_. T - , .. r- _ .;� t-- � _ , — _;� �. .. "_ � s� � , .;y... , • . l�� , `y. i'i� PETITION - INITIATIVE �0�(iG / This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removtng, altering or d�molishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. - Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau] Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � , �� ���.� � ; � � , _ ,M.. ,�, f� e. ,. �. :,,,3�r e � Y ,,�� ,�° �✓ r ,�( � � �� / 3 --� � ' - ..�� b ��'" / S" � ,/� ,.� / , .�S//'� � " G:''� _ ' �D �� � � / � -�, ' � 6 � 3 1 .�' / �. ... ,� 8 �G ti , . � lr 9 �` � - `�' /' - .4.=tL�<_:rc-:� �t�.r�.. �.. ✓4(% r'7 �t. ` ' ": _... � � l� .�:� %/ � � ` }� `-r L. - / �,(.i, 10�/ � , �_- _ � � y _ � 11 �' � !� /� � „ � �.S / U 1"�' � �� �.-- � , 12 �/ , I' , � t , � '� �, �. 13 '�— � �- ~ �p� � 14 j S' ��-- � i5��� �1�,�, /�'97 �- �,�.d�-,�G(d. �-��.�� .�s` �o � 1 ,�" � � �-� ?=�� 1�/ � � � � r;� ��,�' . �1 is ' > /0.3� /,�'.r,�.� ��� �'.s'/v .r � 19 �� ,� �� � ��� � ... 20 ' _ . - ;. . .. - _ .. � , � � � Zl�'���'(� '' _ �..� �- -, , �� ,� z2,�,, � ' � �- u — 23 %� -� ` �.� � ; � C .�. ,� � �" �fs"_ ,i � 24 ^ '� ��r-- � 5���// '' A t 25 � � � � . � r� � ) 26 .� ��� ,,3 /I�r�' �'��-s�I SS/d l�t ,�{" , - _.._ {/; 2� /� 6 �' < 4.� 28 ���q ���G t,r , <� 3 ' 29 �. .� . �-- � b ��. ��°� CERTIFICAT ON The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their ignature; I further ce if th I am a re id t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at C � � Subs ��;��d.�sworn to before me ' `c� 9 �� 7 �DU �4 i- :r. MINrYhS07• RA�S�Y GOUNTY ���Y �emmissiort E�pires Dec. �.������ 29.1l��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . r,^_ C> r ri .� �� rn-< -_5 r� [_ :l � . '�J ("� �-- ,=-:� r rn __,�;, v . — �-, _ _ :,'� _._ . <, _ � �rt � , ,;, T`° .��"`�;� . � N • '•��' ti :��-' / PETITION - INITIATIVE � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demoi�{����I� Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ►� ,�e � I�c�' �� � �t-� '1�' 2 �� � �� ��1�w,�nd� ,, 7 t ,, �_ �,,. 3 � - '� . , ` � �- v a '' . � `� ,� , �. 4 (/ l - - /t ---,,_ t,�, C ACs�o�/� , 5 1/� �c-�� ?�, /:� , � -'��� .--� 'C����� 1 - �� 1 6 � ' � N �le � �° � :� � - .. f t°� z,.. 8 i�" '. ^ �.�i2 s �A e.�-.✓Tz . � � , �� � C 9 ��3'oi,n S . 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L 2 3 �/'"�� ,,% •�"'� -1„� �' � 24 �; ;2�,�—� ,��� ,��i�' $� - .�Lr -C�_ �— 25 � �s�� � , . 7,3� E-, d �= /.�` . � , 26� � , 1�Ruse r � �'-H �2 �+ , �. 27 �'`- �c�. �3 ' ' �._ � � � 28 �''� ^ � ,,, D � � �mw 29 �- � � ��d l �-� , CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furthe cer ' y that I�m a esi nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � , .. �J _ ' , efore me -� Su �-_,s�1�,:����, . . ,. , - _. ,.. _ .w.. � � 3;;' • ��,,:,;.i{'i::i �y' �- .�• � � �'iY C.ORIji11�6�5��"�M� � �-� •"°'c�r ��1�bqey29, 19 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue i� the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � -- ,- � ', � �� ;., �. T � ".. ;�)' i . [ ,"_, r- c7 . <, _ _, � —,s • � C? � tY"1 ..y—,7 . . . ..:'� _.' �, ,���+�_, r. r . .. yi'' .. .-` � n PETITION - INITIATIVE ���eg This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESI6NATION 1 1 �� � � �� �� /� � � � { � �� / � � ` � � 9�., � ���� I � ,� �,l ,--� 3 ✓ �s' ; �� - r 4 ✓ �,�,,.�..�,,.. 1 � 3 7 � v�5/ o � /o - � z 5 - � ? ? 7 � � S s ( (� c� �, s� � 6 � . eu ��' , . , ,� -� a �, / �} ,� � � �f i�✓, S')%� � �. - l f 8 � 'f`r,sR L( SN�R �,�, �c� � � , � � �Y � l � 9 ✓ _. -� T� 3� �Sd �5�.�//� ' .��"/�s �" '�- '-�;� . � :. �o � H � — �/ � � ' Ss'�� �t �� t� 11 �•�- j �� � '� ' , �� � �..'"' �.. 12 � � � a �4 � s�.1 /� / � - � 13 7`�'� �.q�,,.�».. �-L�. .n c� S-S/G S� — � c� 14 � v�' � I v 3 15 � .- '- 16 t/ /��,e�,�s.�,,� ,,1�� _ , r. - .� 17 ✓ ^ ' ' � � � � � 18 ' � t .� �- / � � �� � � � .. 19 ✓ , 20 � o S� .�� ,� 21 ��wis � . ,. ... 22 P��A r� �� / � � p t� C,� � , '� . ,� 23 � � � ,�,,,--....`.. 24 �, �� 1 � ..(� 1 '� �-� L-- 25 ir` / � � a �, l 1- -�'- 26 ` ° �. <� �; -- � 7 27 � /0�4�c� `L / b — 28 e � -� � �. ° - i 29 ' �CC'�.�� ����'�,,.� ,(l �2 � II� �-��,.. . l:�:�-� I � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furth r certify that am a resi nt f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at (v �ie � Subsc ��,�. orn_,to before me `� � �` % �� %' IOUiSE A - �,�-'�—�- °� � / ---.. � � '.r�•r rqeNirasOt♦ a����sEr courvrY �Y Commission Expires p�.pg 1� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � °, � :-� - :, _:., -- -„ .-, , ;��� _ r � :_ , - -,; ; c: _.� :,.a ���` I . , '3�',. � . , .u!a,>.��•. ... 1C'�.... . . .:i'.. k.`�l:rk.,, .. ♦ y r � � PETITION - INITIATIVE ���r� This petition is to prohibit the Cit�r of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of t�e next election or special election. rinted �Na�) $'I ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �/ �' � �' �i � � L-.,.�. �6��5 r(-o ! ,� � �� � � %�i�'SEl.L 1/.DGse� �► /�9b �l-�F�'' . ',"" r 1 � 3 a � . ��F� �y 9�� . � � � 4 D���� CL. �r ��9 5�, � Q "` 5 ��i'''L �c�i�. ..S ^ �`%" ��/ ?'�'G'- ,�� e � w����. - �-� �_� � � � � �� � �� � � � Co,BE�er �.T, �i9,ev,v�4 - �.,,.�,� /�s� T Y ..e /�✓E. 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" _. -� � :, ;, � r- ;_ rn _-" r- o . _ � `> . -� ln ,� s . i': . . . � PETITION - INITIATIVE ��o,.�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION - ����'/V�9�' �> ,�- ��,��-'�;,�,� d��-��._O�!-�;�.��.�.._ 1-�'S�..�� G ��_. f� 2 ' �" �' ' � _ �� , .�� Z � 'r � �.3 ''lt T ,� � 7 �l � �c� �/� S . �t0 `� -.. � �, �• � � c� ° i'�� � � �+ . �� � .- ! � � Z j �_ C ` �- ►/8 � , _ .�,�� °�� �� �.� � �_ • �---� 9 ` N .�� � . 10 * � � '�� 1 .,-�� 11✓ c S-o � � ''". ,�"�` 12 N�`�'' � .� � �. ,� , � j� � � 13�/ � �' 3 ��' 1 - �4 • � ► 53 � ��� �� � �� 1 -�,.. - � � / �- 1 16 (� � .- i 1�� ��� � ��_vl���'�' ��`� 3 � h-I�,�- /-����'k 1- � 18 - c � / — '� 3 � �-• 19 c�y� S�,e� ��o� � - � � 20 � .: '✓ � j Z �l � ' �p t ��- �v !� �' l 1.- - M:- , 21 -^,� ' '2 v Z� 22�/✓ . _ � :, �' � � .� / / 2 3 '��-�,�„�'�,•. ���. � S p ��`/ �i�. J 1— ° � 24 � � �' 3 '�1/;' � -m�� 25 � � ` � 0 9� �,�, �- z6 .� �� �a�� ������ �2� �.. - r i� 2 1 �-7 4 - 3 2s ,'- ,a � r o 29�' c ��� � �� � `�� c�; `' � f �.�. I -� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made thei signature; furthe ce if hat I am� re iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at C � � Subs ::d[L�,na��n_ +� ��'��'�,�- ' '"�'`��. G'i Ll �,��� � � i��,15_ n. LFl FONO '" � .. A.�MSE� COUNT� � � * ";v CoRn-issio.� •�xeires O�c. 29, 1g7� �.. ����t4�ri[�— zT. . _ . � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ,� � � . _ � _ � ,._; � r<� r- � . , � . �� �� � a� . . . . � , .. �' � ' PETITION - INITIATIVE 000'7�1_ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersig�ed residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pr' ted (Name) $'i ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION � vs_ - , � c° _.� , � - / � , � �� � � �� �� .��� � , �� � � � � � i- L C� /� � S�- �� _ � �'"��Lc) �� �° - � Gc.J , .-- 1 1.. • ' �C-� L D �r--. 1 . A� ��� � ' �� � /� � 1 /�� � � � , %'�� i ��`a'- � , . 8� 4 vt � � d � , a�%u�C` (-�` • � 3" "` r , .. - i 1- � 1 � � i C�. / % �� <� /�--�:�:i, L>9G ��' `� � �° . ,�� �� --�1 ��� C • .�-�n—� �,.. �.:,, 11 • '°� _� �., , 12 � � �0 � `=�' � l 1 1 � � _. 1 ��' �-?ir�:c.� !� G�(J . 1`? �Cti.�► -- 15,, ' J , � �' i6 � .� / i� 3 , �' - � is �. 19 j � �- / ! 20 , �5 , ry �. - ��� ;� 2� � 3 S � � � y �' 22 ��' � /�� � �vs �� 23 ' � , � �,2 r ' �_ ,.r ._. 2 � � G � _ � '" . 25 , �ip�� , ' i l � �' 26 �� � G S�� ! � � ��` E 1 r' 27 � ' �' � � ,��� ; <, =''�' ( � � 2s ` °� �I d �' °- / ,� �, , � � �. �� . _ 29� � � ��.� - < - � + CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further rti that I am a�esi nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � ��- - S •�,a�t� -sw�xn_ be fo re me , ��`" _/p- � � ��>:,isL a. �A F�►vo ?�nnSEr.. `�V°T, _ ' �= COUNTY yY C.m�.•�sie� :'rr,i�As D� 29, �j ���;Cic-�lC�f''�:��,,�_„�, c Ig"' ° . G�"i:i�'��,�,_�'!;•�3 :.r.; ..�_ . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:�-= �. — -� - ,.` ;_ � r" o ' ^ 't ;-:� ,c�=� .�� ':,� Ke .t ? :,. �. { � PETITION - INITIATIVE � 00��2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. ___ __ _ _. _ Pursuant to Chapter+��f��he St» Rau] Legi sl ative Co�de, ir�e, ..the unders i gned res i den ts and voters of the City of St. Pau1,�Minnesota, propose and petition; as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attacfied ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�� $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � " r � ,� """ � 2 � �: � ��� /�-d-�� /� � � -- 3 �,• I � 1, , ' �.. � `�-? �� �-(�-.-y� /�'1 IZ '0� lv S'kl��t3o � � S� 1.�.'v-'��.�-.��-v�t�� ,,,}s� < 5 -I(,(��? ���.Y� n C.�..G G t CC.-�2�t� � j`� �n tv r�L � ` ,� _ _ ' ���zT� , � � o��r/�; ' ` � � -� ' • �i►1 d�c� D u�c��� n �v�cC�. �S ' (o (o�l 1�/ , i-�b `�.-r- , 93� ' ' ,�� f.s; � l� �1�5 ,�� � j � �, G� ., , ,� �� . ��� � � � io �� � �..� �� ��� ��.�� �" ��:��� �� i� � �`;�� ,/J � 11 ° �,�' , � �,� _-�..r"�� ', �1,, �� '�� /, �� .,s,R:� �� ��� � f' � �' _�j � 1 r i � �-� , � f _ , . ,,� 1 „ �- �� S c. � � -� l�t_�� � �C; �,� � � �� ., �_-,a��'`-� ,� 13 .� -- ,. :u--� -�-�'-�:J � , - � � � � ��l �-� ��- � ,�'"" � � l ;. 14 •�, -G;��:-�� '�'y l ���c) .�_ ."..." !�^ /7�, �. �� �S s �.... 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LA FOND � — p, , .,ner,s[r COUNTY 1j # ; ,. _ ,. � - �. , r�. :9 19 :: x ' - .�-��:z) r a�.e�i-i��:'st� ��,.'-�:. ._ . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the Ci�ty of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � d - , ",, <' �- -�, � -. _ � . r- `o _ , � � - ; ��r� ,::� _ . . r.• ,, ;,:, > ,r` • � PETITION - INITIATIVE � �o�r�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway � Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. � " �` rinted �Na�) Si ned Address �� ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION , �. � ,�a� �..�� .. �.���t� �Y. ��. � ��. _M �.., .. � � � -� � � ,��:.. �.s ::� � - .. , Ia - � ��/ i ��v . � -� - ; -�- , � —� �"� �7v �J :�;� � � �� � , " plI �!. � (.�� � : a� �_ �� � ��.�.- .;-�'�:� - ��-�,> /:�� ��������' -- �.o. 9 �F `' -I I�f (... .�,�..,..-l�..Q � � s;.. �, lo >� !- n t' ,,, �--�... 11 " ;r�:l . 1 , — � , ..t��.�-� �;� a-- t,..,. 1� � , ' 3 � , � 14 , ����, � �' 15 "� % ' �.. 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' -> -,n {,..: Cn r- �c:� - � :. . . • ► ' PETITION - INITIATIVE r, / 000l4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. — Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na � $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ` ,..fi�. �_ k :t _ � `w ,�,. � '*` � ' :, �2 ��• .A� �,�" `�';t , � �^ �*�' ;:,�,� ' � : � `� � � ..� .� ..:��' �. � ;. ry � ,N , o _ �`�°� �� .4 1 e�.._. '{�.1°v�+�......"� ` \�� l: '�M"n i...'..,.i.�,�m` .l�y � . F �. 9. / . ' . 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Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pr'nted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESICNATION 1 e�'�e. � c:. E� .� �����r�e_ � � ' ,L.. ��l b � � � ;Z � / 7�.�',��J i L./.� ��'. -y..- +�'� � � . � ` � � �/ -'=��> �-�-t �� � Z.- � i 7�% � � � � �:� .,� ��r � �'"°'�"" �� r � � Gi�l ✓1-� � �t l5 � � ► ' � �} ,._ �' �- v� h. 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' . , i • « �PETITION - INITIATIYE �QQ'76 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT rinted �Na�) $� Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION ,, ^ �, , � � -'� �, I �'�%�/'� ��� ,�lZ�h� �Lc- �-....�uv` /UO� � �`� � ^ � y �L � � ' �C �i/ �"�� ��� � �C/ � ^i �/ 3 ���� - 0 tJ N'�G (� �i �7 ��,G� l- c 1��. / �'�u .2 � � " 4�� �; = v'�, ���, i� ,��c � t� � �`! �r�C CG���u���.� ��t.�-r�- . � ,`�= � � �' , � �� ��- 3 c� C. � ,,,�-/C C ,. 1 �i`- � - c� Gc.�CX`� , l,�c� � � C �, ���s,� � '�� , ;l��� �'3�� �`_��� � �� ��r�,�y' :� � �; .�� _�r� �'� 1 � E' ° �� / ,� � � { , l� ,� I ' J e ' � _ � Y . i .� � • 7 � C_. � .�1� ',-_ ,� ,.� �_r=-^ -�, - r ,� �-� � �� 5� � � ��,�..� - 7 y � f- G� , C� � > � . � // � �. � �� � � � �� �� � � s� �' -'�-� ••L� , � � �� � �.� -� ,�, � �-�L � � � � � � . � � � C f{�¢ �- i� h 2 � c• r �c� ti � �.� � �G�. 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CERTIFICATI' N The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made the signature; I furth cer ify at I am r id t of the City of St. Paul,, residing at � 6 — � S� ' �="�'' `'�"-� p t��'�"' � � '� / �'/ �� . J`� ��''F�R� � , �... � ,C % ' � - �"v f,omm��s�c^ ��Mres Det 29.1 - . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. -n f� . ,.j x- `v _� �� i. , , - ..� v , . . .. .. . PETITION - INITIATIUE �00'7'7 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. � Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the und�rs�.gned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELNARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION v � � '._. o�-� p f��-��S �s�' .� �r� ��'�. e -7 �1t.� � r-� /� �'������-�TZ 7� � �s .�'� �T' (, . - ��;�- �� s! J d�. � �, � � ��..� �- Qv t � � � �,-� � 6 � ��, � a ���._./ / �.. _ C. � � 7 i�� t.� : . ly -- �. � � . ' //�a .� .� /' ) - j. .�-�t,� �� �r�a� � ,� � , �,_ .� � i� i �-- � �� ��� `� " � ' �"� � �.-.- � �f�',.. `: �. ^- ,� � C� . f � iy L �. �, ,�:� _.:� ,. .. � .. ��.�.� / I . � y_ � �` � ,- , �. _ � 8• . . �- o � �- ti — � . � . .,.� o � - � � �� � �� ,, . - 21 � 22 , 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature; I further cer 'fy that I am a eside t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � S to before me � �`� � � t�IJi$E A. 1,A FON " , . `t ; � .SEY C01�►NTy�o*. �� + f.^m� � iD:: �rpnas �wc 29, 19� � ��lt�'�LUA�lr"tt�1��+l�.�;�' ;�'�?�".r3a,:,,:x +._,<n�_._ i.y:X�'�' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. _ ,� ' , .. {=- ��, _ � : . o , , -" =� � � �� . , . ., � �p � f PETITION - INITIATIVE � 000�8 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � c � � � � �a � � � � � waa� /— � ~ � � G2c'� ,� ��:�,�rJ l/�v 7 �'.S/.9��'S l c�—I �p� � �' s � � � � - � 4 '� �7 7� ' ��-� , 5 � / [�-� ' /�� r. v L L / �2 � G lr��"t T S cv�e 7�, . � > ""� �(� oG� ET�vS � 1�3� /� �LL �S/^, r� v�= I — � �. ,Q�—� ` �1 ,�, �.,e.�l �.� ��� 1� ,� `7Gl `'`�'�. � L' — 9 ,P s- ,h► G7 L � ,G : �" ��i 10 f �� ,., �� � � - � ;�` � � %n.� � �� 11 � � � �_ �� � � !� � 12 (;; (� �`o� �{:� � , � � 13 . `� � V � a � ,�1.l�� � � 14 � ` r `"� y' �- � � � " � / �5� � �G 8r n �/ � � � T� � i. � 17 • Ml cee( �. R�IT� , � l� i2 -� 1 �/� r� c� oN 3 C�'� � : ,� _ � � " — � �� - -- � 2 ' � ���� � _� � �� �--��----_. , �.� / . �� 2 � � �X . � 22 � p� / 2- / _ � -� �c �� � �� � C, ;� ,� � �/ 24 25 26 27 • 28 • _ � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatur ; I furt er certify t I am a esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at . �k` a / Sub . � � � �d / ,�.r.:, l OUdS[ A. LA FONp �... . ..�a c. ' ' SEY �n�.iNTy L�' Iv:y Con;m;s�;o� -.�;;,�� D�c.29,18� x - ORDINANCE , •The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �-': . - .�, _ r= � _ �-- Q . ; , , .m:-� . �. � . . ;. �- � PETITION - INITIATIVE �Ot�➢`7� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed am � $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ��3 J [-- j G � ` � � i-'"3� `%J a�c.��' -- // ��.5 �� ��: r , � �'"� /4 �-( �aQ . _ � � � '� �zR-�.- � ` r'�� o. � �--__ l. � j �' � �,,,.,. ( ` � r ��- �� � Gr' �'�t'iL.� ��'. '�:� ,, `�- �� �,� � ��_ � c'� �.� � , — � � � � � i />. ,� /L' � .``'..fjL'�'.:: � vK,2k-± / U �-? l. c..'7v c� Gcc,^2 , 1 1— "- 1� ( • - ..� -.� � ..� � �. -- � � ` i � � � C,� - - ��. C ti-- la ' .�.tG�Q.�u.�.u?t..i /L� � �L��t1-cr-�-� t y,..- S.. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18� 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e• I further certify that I am resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at S� ' Subs efore me '- � -�-� % lOUIS� n.. Lp F.1ND � .n• �: .-�-° Cr��kTY It;Y !;omm�ss�o, ��pires Dec.29. 19 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� ,.,, _ R:; . �. . -. .--_. _ .� c_i-: .Y � . . • ' . '. r.. ....... . 1.. �- r.. rn .� k,,, :� �,i �_�� _ _ . .+�w iN+►+►�+� 'r�,k1 � � . � � � . ;�.e... PETIfION - INITIATIVE ' 000�0 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of. St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pr t@d �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ' �TzE�t1 I��r E �� /0�3 /(1 1/�c�"� c� � � �G a ��3�`� �,Io h �_ � �y- ! � � �. c � ' E a � � � /�-- �" _ ---� ;� �,���.�u-� � �� ,/�'�s c�. � -�—' - __ �` l4�' � a, y.z� , �- G � f� • ' �. � G' 1��,,n n� �-- , H�wr Y M � � , l � 2� 92= '1�..�.t-���. � � -� � . ,_ , / � � '_ �' � Z�- �� L'Zt � y' l.. �/ - ��, �����'�-C.i; / �,,�. ' / // / {� � / � / .//i � ri '�2A T',Z f_=� ��2 f�IV�< =��,�-��- � �c�.�, v v/LS�v �o Z�E:c,.L-�� a-- on�E y � �,�� G'. ` ��' /i/. " ��`b' w � ���• ��G f l2 - �0 1 ,�� � �� j � cC� / ,,���- v f � ° � r > L �I!' � b�t� r)- .� l� ` !� ' � c�-- . 1 /'G�'c l� � / .S /� i7' °2.� � � ' � �� �-� � ,r �-e _ 1 �� st� r I�,�' � , f .l1AV�. � 1;� ' 'f' � � .- l 1 - O ' � .f �f 1'X/ � C_,. e res t'a 1 �'' l— _1�=�s7""e 1'-��i-7`L,a_ ��-'E/s �'L�o.l1'�J i�,�'[�'r��i�t'/�hl��'i `�� L��I i����� � .. 1�✓ � � ' � � � 2 a-Gs�C�-�� �G���d .- � - ��� �5�a �d���&-e , � .� � � _ !�: ,;��� � ��F_ T. i?�i ��t;i 1��I�1 c: ���-c� l, �i�.�.���.-t; ��Y` /,�� ���1-�` �L — , `-�--�' _ `'� � �% �' � � �%�� % ''��` c� 1` Il/C- L� .,v � �,71i i JY " y�I �L��...� < . " / � E C �ke .�i �'��� i'�.� � �u�n�T C�FC c ,__ �,� � ��_ , 2 �vL , G ' z�h �T� . Gt/,�L� � /�9` �� ' 27�/a'l�c�i A� � /�wa... 7c �7 f,c� l�� ��� � � � ' • , �'' � 7ic� �o� i'� '� ��3 �L �� , / , 29'1 �.-' ��' - � -,G-. �v�C h' �e ' , C IFI TION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat r ; I further cert �r that I am a re ident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at 7 � �+. J�/o Subs ' ' �"'" 1 GU�S_ A, LA FJNil , c ' � ' � CnUMTY _ r'y rn�^:.-�,o �<p�res Dec. 29, 1 �d'�u�i:uY�fi��� . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibi�lity or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � s. �� � ,,.,"� � -; - : _ _ � c__ . �� _" r � ---�� � __ , r�� _� ��: ..;�:: �; . . •;�x•;r..s•� ,�`= ., , ,,�"�'�::. , .. � PETITION - INITIATIVE �o��l This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $'1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 . � /1r� �..j` I') �`1 /— /� � �✓ ` ,,,!-... �� ' ,�.. //L� � i � � �'� ?--�' � ,.� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 � ' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this .page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natur ; fu ther certif at I m a esiden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' ! S u ' „�;�1^ ' 'L' ' /� ' 101SiSt A, LA FONO ��� � . Q:i�-'$�Y CC1I INTY s�',y C;m^��ssion �>pires Dcc 29. 1�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �-- .. -,�; , � �.- �„ ,_ : �` 1 r . _, ti� -� , �. .�� .. PETITION - INITIATIVE ����2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code; -we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petitton, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION ✓ 1�A�a��'A � �c�l���N �Gl � l�D � ��` �l� �� #r" '� z� � , L���-�r.o �� . �a . ��c'�s s%� r � ��.'�. ,EGL �//� � �/,%�� � ✓ . �t'l ..a � /-3� � �'� . / ��%� 5 LC.�',_ .�iL L�+.l � /S�1'C /fi14/Lo.✓ �tJk- A*.�..— Il+,{ �S/a 6 C7_� 6 — ; � l3� Glc� �,, �{� �iv� � J ; �� ' � ✓� - : .�o � �� i /.3 /!� . -- ; � C . � l�e.V�cvl� 3 5 � �°���/p� � , , �` � ,, �� �/�,�.., `�; � 3 � �, � l � � Gv�r/��� ��/�Q—, 1 R, �► C�i=�= �� � s ;�� ° ��'siu� �3 ' �.b Pr�, N 2 ��' 1��2 36 l,�. / , 7�-- �:�-� � v _ , �4H�%/�o � i " /G`�`y,Y . G� Y��- � ����-�o� 15, (]��}' �� ,� �' ? ' �j ..�Q/� � ��l/L'r� .d / , � _ 16�° �. — ' ' � � � ' /o � ` G 1 �� /�. �3�r .�.� �.� �o ,✓ �,i c , '` �� �� - lo�� , �8 . S, � p r � � l - C �i �. '�s;�'�4 S S T,�iP� v c-, M �✓ .S�.S!��6 � . 1 '� 1 � � � � 20 � \ � � �'•` � ' ` �� b�I 21. � � ', l� t� 1 f . i o-�/ .} 22 �c / C;�,c.5� �S%d� 23 �r i � fzyliy�� U• f�Awl� � /�"o� � G /� r � f 24 �, ' ~�''� T ! l � r ��-i c. L L, . ,, . � 25 � �%'�;� �� `�'°� - � ,��°��`� ► ��a�/�J � �r c==:.-, :, , 26 � ,� � � '� .��"�'''.' y-- /� !v- l -�? �-� 27 ,/f .� --',� , `� ` � / �"' l o —� 28 ✓ � � ' ^ t _ ,, , � f� /� tt..�� ':�.,L.�.4.. < `Gt � �f ;,".�r�� , ,�;`«�- 29 L...r � ��? , /' ��L- ��� l ��. SCC l� � � '�' `�' t CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; fu ther certify that I am resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 8 SubS � ��si ` ' -�i � iOUISE A, U FONO � 4�� . :�:��co��r�rv --_ ------. _ ��°� Gr.rr:;^.�ssion ��pires Dec. 29, 19� / Y, r � t ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. _f ._ } � �, �� �:r1 �n-^ �'I[�) _ .� f < • rn �- �� r � .1.J� ., ��; fi � J j ����/ / � ! � �� -/ .. . ..R.t.,ir,_ ' �w . . . ' .. .+ ^,h �' � . � . � � . . . � '�f . ` . t . o � PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0�00€�3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION .: �,. i✓E[.A N� s G�2�."��1J ` - � e�� :'; `�',� l `/� N r4 L.�3�'a2 l ca �- 2°�i v I�,v �r N-ln c �- i j 3 7 �r d u S'f,PQ�I / U,����a �. � �' ��,- /��°S" L a ,c�o-+ S% � � �Y �7 ��'' r � fc'� H o� T S I'l Iz C.t7 D�V S r S i �,n�� s s rog' 5! � �-� 37 r� �`"� 5 � G� ���A ►1� O s T I� I � G �t-�-r� (� ' /��G � /-fv�v n, ��( I''�„ I � �-'�/a S �f `th cm a�� .�� c���...� �s�� 1-k.�.�.s�. �t. P ( �1vu'�s/c�`� �' -+n ' 13 � 1 Ct � .�Sla� f 9► � � � s�� � �' �'�S/ 1� r�.J a��,Ir1 C .�} � n� ! � V ' � � �C�_� .�+ �� e l� ' ` (j ' . /v-�,� � , , -. _ �2 ! ���C�r� ��� s �- �,,, ���r � � � ��I _ -� �-- �, � �3 � -- _ - ' t�_�. �4�-� _ ,�C,U�L� `�1� 1G._i'l C� C�u. �5 f-�. � � 1�1`�CZ.� � �. � ' v � � \> ; 1 C� � C �r6 �I: �T L� l��� . � .���}. ' � %,� � ��� -t����.�-i- � ; � 1 nL- � �,` ' �l �� � I( + � ,�,G �^ C�,�L ,�,�-� /v_i c:�,,r� is �.� � , � 6 -l---- , . �9 � � �'d ��'� � �'�� ����� �� �� zo -� � . �� - �'/ Zi �-s✓ `' a r�� `"� _ ,:�t i-1' � ��� �rll� 5 ' `,�-�- � �. ' � a.. , ,. 22 �;_ � �? La � , -� ,� �C� • �o —� s 23 ✓ � o /o � _24 ✓S�!�.:c.../.�o�,����o,,�,_J�- l�.,Zr_`�? �-�y�;a � � �� 25 =�= 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natu ; I further cert'fy that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � � 1 . Subscri � , ; >���:,� � , ,�:,. / �� is� a ��-"� � . .,.,,, . �a fuN� � _.. � --- 4:i:,".?"Y ^OIINTV r A;y Comm,ssio� t. v 19� .' , ?ires Dec.?9, ,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ` . _� _ . . . , . _ ; __ �v Y ' � i . :. � 1: _- ,�� � `, ��,,,', \\�\� -. �+ !'�, _�= � . - - , ` � ' . �... � '� . . . . . � _ ,: , __ � _ .. �� . , �.� ;� - : .. V �'� ���`�.. � �-. ..� -`���� J\�;', . . 4 1 �� . . .... . �'. �� . . �.�� . ��r '���� � J�•. _ {; � ;F� _�..-� � � �., r h. �� � �' ; s-' o :+Un L•-' ,_� '" ..ry . � r tZ� �� . . . . . .. . _ "Z. � . • , � , .��,' ,,l _ } : � 1� ,, � PETITION - INITIATIVE ���,�� This petition is to proha�it �e City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishin�dway , Stadium located in St. ;�Pau1, Minnesota. ; Pursuant to Chapter 8_of �he St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT P inted (Name) Si ned Address WnRO DISTRICT DESIGNATION �Gti' , � , G �,� , / C'`� ,� _.,; � � �;��� � -�r�-- i 5��� n��' . � �; �� v � <_ , , �� �� � � 3 �, . � �, 3 ` S � 4 '�,� v�--.'— ,� � �,�C��I�I C.�. �'J��� f �'�-�1''�?� , � ' � ,�j _ ' 5 l� }�.� ^i ^ i `TJ�' 1"2,MuKSIa �v� � ;;.. , �.._.P.�...,.. �. ,. �'D N I f 6 . - , /, ��- �,.. .�Q"iL ���— 1/f� D -J � � ����� , , , _ , , 7 . �G�� � 11 c.�.. . g '�� ,., ��.. �:''�+�i 1 a, �`'''�` �� ,,U`��� ---__ -- -- .�. . C. � ��, _ ..._r_... 9 �j � -- � . `�, r. �' .----�.. j / � , .� ' 10 . , �; ��f / .-, . 11 �/ r f�; � c � � � ;j � 1;;� -/j �i2� � ' __.1��1,;'� ' � t... ( ���,,',�;�,✓� --__.__.._.. �, �: ,��, � ,,� � � �G � � � � � 1 , r,,, �'1,•�.�,r.L,,,� �- �t - ` -�Z��� ' -� �� �� , 14 ���' � `� � ��L � s� /l% /�. , 15 �� � � � " � � ' .f�/� k1D�13 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 � 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si n ture; f ther certify hat a ,a resident of the Ci t Qf St.f.P ? �n-o�� � / �N�� � � �� Subsc �d swort��s�oA•��g�,, � '"�� � .,r. �.-.y �.. t�i_ �: .#,s+,.�.. G , ."�'.f ��:'.,4�K'""`> �R�H� � � ,.�. !T...___— ` t?; •.,n .. . . . .. _ _. .. — �:— ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from r�emoving, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minr�esota. , � �,r: n , ...i ^.,� T � , .J }.� �... - ['h — r. � . ',cn � , � ;-� � i�l �.� � .. '�� - i " . , ,�-s�. . ^'•"�' ,t PETITION - INITIATIYE ����5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. � Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. � Printed �Na�) $1 ned ddress E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � Q � r �� � �. / • . r � � _ --, . __ __ ,, �W,�. ,��� .� l�� ,�(/�._. � . a . _, / , Z ,'�.-/- ' lSls� �` - � ,� � ; :; 5 (r p E � ' /�j�j� ��'��J , ��- /u � �,�,vK f� �v��r , � �/'/ �j� D/V \ � / I J� � i`/- i ^Q � 'KI� .._• '11•`I� .���,V�; / \ ���� 4 .`��" l . 8 I�Q b �� * b�' /v ' ;. jt. ! "! ' � � �' / / �� `(/ /.r -� 0 �� j , ^ < . - �' t �r O � _____�___` 12�� es �� ,<<.�� .:� 13r� � ` f l( d � �v+c �" . 14� - �.-- J �- 1 �RR S oC .�s�.� —� �QO Cli�`��- .�� . /: � 1 '� hn a�e.r' �.,� - �..._- -- c�5� �r .�rr�e. --� 1 lC.EI L.,/rw� ,--. - W, `Cl L .�� ..b._,.w._, 18�' � Cl�f/�Q � ��. �� �`�'.� . 1 .�. .5�, <'� �. � . 20 21 22 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatur ; I further certif that I a a resident of the City of St• Paul ,. residing at r Subs . - k mE , -l2- " �V r..�tS= a, ta Forv � , ll °''� Cr^'M�►iSSiOo �pC�UNTY . �. . '� Uec.29. 1 . - -�z,i� �i ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Pau1 , State of Minnesota. , * � , ' � _....� } , . ���� • ,t .�.�. , t '�> , � ,4 � �Y� 1 � C� ry ...t� --1 ... `,;� r-, ��� �� �r "� l✓ ~1 �� fTl � � ,:: f`�`i r O ��Gf� t.' - �..• �: .-r: ..,,. ,:= ,y _. . �� � _� . *y '�' ' . • � . �. '�' v , .:,.:�. : . PETITION - INITIATIYE / 00��6 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pri ted �Na�) $'i ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ]✓% � ' � � , .��! ' �.0 5�� C=zc- � t��_ �. ,�� � � .,`� T 2�/-�L G;l�- �n�/�-N, i7 ��t��-,.cz l�/�cr' � ., J � I� c�-c�H� � d-�� ' �►� � �( G�- ' e��CN �- '1 � ✓� �,�/�L-Tf'2 S ��-.� C / G�v: l-✓� Ec=l�c-�= c:.�� �_ ��c�✓ � , v ,. // a��%�,-� .� / `f�2 � ,;_� � a�T N � ,f�i4 G.S i c► ,U • ot r G ` � 4�_ � .:'a -;:�:. — L � c .� � J"� ` �c�- �' '� �2� l,� � ��c� �� ;2 �D ti� � v-� �� ';� '' c�..v ,o /�,o,�l � r � �. 7�7 c�. ,�' � l� ./� 1WJS'�=vE/� H�r� 7 �7�1L t� �/�ih S/Z� � �e�r ' , g- � -�� ��� � f�-ia �3 � ,;;C � G � rl' S,�_ '\UL, �. �/i4 --f� .1 !� (� � �0 ` � ~ i.�[�, � �' � f,, � � . ,� � �d_. ,'` e 1� �.�:�- �,� � " �� � � ' � ���� �� �- `�L � �- � �� /�-[_ v`� ~ � ,�� ' � `o S' " � � n � u, ,� e �� r� 3!� � �,� ` �'.. , �, ( o t r---i O .` � �c.� � s �r ` �'�o o G �c�t-�-t��-l�� 'l `l� ,. ^C Tj ;l ;':, � G � d � S ; /��-f , '� �� � ' _ ' �' � �� _�i �L`+ (l'lrt=: �/ �c- �_(�%" � � � /N p�� ..�� � _ � °_ ,e:.�.� __ ._______.. _ _._ � � �� �'� "L � � , I — C�� �rr��s �' uJ � �2� �03 �e�.�U•�.- l o - � �� � �� �v�/ � �.' , ,-- , � ._�s �- � r � ,� � �., , 8 �- x %��'°'`�� " � �� ��� s,/ � �� �'� � —' ' � �' r , 4� � /I 29 �—�..,�-/b CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatur ; I further certif t at I am a esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at / Su ����� before me ` "��`' l ,? �^UISL q �,���� ' L�i �" � R�`'�'`''" Cf�UNTy e�or� ` r.'.y r�^missipr� :rU►ras D � � ec. 29. 1411 . � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . . �: ' . . . . � � � n ��; ��, :< - ,-,� -�r, _-'r,�. !., �� ;?: - r C? �' .U� " 9, , �� �� ., � � C . � 4Cfl �' _( � ' , �t . • .�.� PETITION - INITIATIYE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Leg�slative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Si ned Address E�wARO N LDISTRICTVE DESICNATION .� d o c1�� ,t�r �r..�����, 7S/�o..�.��� � ��� � ✓� '�i i s� �� ' - �� °� G' � � �-r�'�,..� - � � � � � �'��L. �'_ �, ,�..�. �� �('�" ,�''� � �"�� � �L, � t',1�, r,�' r�!'�.� �3--�----� / /t A S�' � i' ✓� ,��,�r�r� �w.�rz s io.��-' ,�,��s r'v,�� PC� �- � i J-�/G L � Lj � � �9�'�s�' .� �� c� � _ �J 5�// � io � . � , � S'a l � ��!���- � �� � _ ; i - ' t��.� �� � �� ,�I ��2 ���� i L�. �Q � ��I 0 /Y `' ' �._ ^ � � ' � �. �� �I/ _ �.� � �� ' ��? � � �,,� � �J�t � ' ` - ti}J/7 ✓'.� � �`.jS �-�: lis,��^,� �u�v?J G'�iiG,lZ-� V!%i J r ' � y / /i' � � �y�! _ a� I Ja� c -c,Q�. :�.• �-. l3� ��,,�.� c�.�.�' ��l.�,�- �%� : �JI6 � ✓,,, � / `� ,�-9,,�-� � .�;�, � �- /� �� .5 � � � O G � /p-�<_. T• a�T/ i �Jr � �� �g �4- � � �C° �,� t- �C� ...�•S-� � <-� ����(J '`� ' < < � � o r� � -J -� �7`c ��i� � o ., .. zi Q e � � � � .�'� � �-�� y',. �2 CI�� � !�/�� �'� �1 � � � �z 3 � ;� : ,�. � -� - �� ;s �1-;° f �` � �_ 24 � ���� � �t-%1'_ �� - ��� /�1<t�-�c ��-�� 25 / �l3 c�-�— . �� � �� r��- �� 2�.; �_ ,._ � .� / � r �' — z �`� - � � � � ,� v �o � a�. � '�9 �2G13,� �f v�,�� ,�, - !,� �0 7�/ /.,/ ��,..L 3�� Y CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed a�i made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature• I further certify that I a a r sid t of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at q7-�¢� `, �/ f � �SlD � _ �-- Su � ' � t.Ot1►SE H, L4 fUND �� .. . R 4^.ac;�v CO11fYTY 'i�r f'q f,r.r.�i��ion �xpires DtC.29,19�Ij ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , '. ,.. ':, • . .. a . . .a � . � . r ^ . n ';i ..,,� --; �y"'`' ..,� �� �,. J� T �r��} ,- C:�. ;�: 1�1. (- rn �--,r'� L" O � -�-� W ~fl ii ' �� � � . ' m :.� , „ r ,. .,�.: � . ,, e PETITION - INITIATIYE ����$ � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION .�1 /�'1 a� Jr� �3loc_� ' / �: ''� d a � 1 ����� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature� I��further/�erti that I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at '� -� �f Ua�e Subscribed and sworn me ` � �" r' ���_ 1 � O111S� A. La F')ND � , •;`� �� � v COt1N7Y � ��S�'r J ..^ h1.4 frr't ,.S^tl ,"PI'0S�'C.29. t��'.. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , P.'�. � €y. �{ �,��e �n�" _ .-1,_� � " '•`� t` � ir,T,� �: -R: �-, O - "� ti:. -r _-_ -� " _ _�.� ." �� , ��� � � { .. �s . .. ' ,��....k�'�f } PETITION - INITIATIYE �����'� ( This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or �demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted (Name� $1 ned Addl"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIC�IATION �,�s w. ��ock �'.v � /y�sa. sti��n� .,, ,�°` ,.�` � 2•�� r a E �So/� � O ��� � f�`; �� -�- � 71� � � %�.3 0 �.. � � , M �� N u - �`� ' � Y2 G e .u�`f� � -�� z. /�- � 6- c-�. .�, U L — ," -/�� 7 f�� �� ,� _ C �Y� G( ' ,� k� «�� A • I 8 am Sla� - �v,,,- �� � .. � 9 f � ' ' ' .� . U _ �` 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; further certify t t I am a sident f the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at S'f � Su before me ` � �� � �) � t.0;�15� A. 'La FJNp �..��.or• R�.�'SF'� GOUNTY N p'•Y Cemmission Expires pec,2g� 197� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the �ity of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �•�, C7 ' J ��3 I j(.��'� [..- �,C"> >fl �- � + ��, � f-/,. r ° -r�' `'" n :,:� ' : `, � c,� <' y '',# t. . �,; ; �. , _ . _. , PETITION - INITIATIVE / 000�0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 d Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESICNATION ' 1 L � � /� �. tP-c�,c,� /i✓.. � J� �U - 3 ���, � � � �.- , i� ' ' N�r�� ��_ � " 4 ��� a�/��, � � � �S � /�� ��� 5 6 7 8 9 � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further cert'fy hat a a resid nt of the ' _ ,� t= Paul ,, residing at 7 - � � � Sub a - - � -�" / � - x nd swo�n .q, . _ .. . , .n,. � iz �. �•Y cr;rission �•:pir2s Dac.29, 1 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prnhibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �.� � ;r; _� .-a �„.� - _��_� ::_..L� � _ r� �l , . 1'�.:. f"' _�= rn - r o %' �_, __�, -'-_„ n � m -,�� . .. _ ,• ;�,;�%; � ' . �","�.� %� .!�'4:s� i e . . . . . ., ,;.r�'4M PETITION - INITIATIVE ����i / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD OISTRICT DESIGNATION � n , �..__, 1 „-„ -'�-,�-,. , �`, � , -" C - 1 S/C'� G'-''. 2 ✓ � y � d /� /G, 3 ✓ - S- _ � ��- ��� �_� � `� , � ; a i��; .. 5 , (�•~ . ,.� �ic `. � ��--i.e.—'� '� /// "f - ,� :^ i � ;, ' ' ' . � 4; � '� �--- 6 �i`�-�'c,�; - l �/�G� '� G � c� /� , ��'v�� � _� " , --�� 4.�.<e�� ���� / �f `�'� //�� � C ='� L � v �7 z Ci_ v � � r -.� ��� /' , , � i , -, . !/ �j 8 , _. � � � � /� G) / li.-�r��-r�- T� C �C)' t .{,„ �: J 9 �� ( ' �� . �1 l ,. ...{ , .:,,t,, 1� � `< , , , -, , � � f ,< '� -~ . / �.. Cc� ,j S`J,"%/� ' .. ..,�w, � . � '' _ � } B 11 y�,� ;.. j `�111LG d ../.i�GeGG7�" � ��' '//�i�-�Gc/�Gl�.G�� _C;��C7'� �/—/'� � . 12 ✓ .� � S (.� _f S �.� /..�/�i ( ! �i3� _ � {l ' .� � -f � ' c .S� i4 �, �� J; , �� , ; n i S�� ✓ , l'r�%'��� ����y /a - f� _ ;: ,: , . .�. . `� -_ `� � �G � )�� � ,. , � ,iI -. .�! i! , ,�r^ �. . ;. „ n 15 ;__. ' � , ,. -" j:: 16 �� S � �' �, � v c'/tI /(1-- .�' �� �� _ � �: -�-p ,� � ,����.f�� �� �� �.,,� �� , ��.�,r-,�, v �� - _/a 1$ � _ 3 5�tv 19 � �;e�t�; . r 20 5t +� , � , � . i . � t 2i ✓ ,� 4 � r _ /U zz ✓"' S, � �'` ,,S - �._. ,� , a._ 23 � ����� . .;. . �� ��. �s ��'�� � � � 7 S S �' �Z.�, t���_,.�.e�c� ;��� t...� P � �j� �- , -� ,; 24 � � � p�- c� � . ,. 25 �. b � :� - -` � 26 � �_ �n? r;�. ��3 c..��:_F� _ �,,►�� ,,�'� �;.. ,_� ,; 2 \ �,�. ' � � C� (J �,, t . ; ; t ,� ��� 2H , , -�..�,, ,�'` l f/ %`J ✓ �� J b_ , . ��1 � � � , � -��;�, � � ._ ' �, : , v_,� ;; ; 29 � .- . � .��� ;, � _,.,,,.�'' , /� j �.. - �', - l�� -��`�- �',� CERTIFICATION J The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma�e their signature; I further certify tha I am a ,�esi ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �`. � f Sub ^ �� �.i�� � _ � ,_ �._— / f x lOUiS� h. i_; F,_,rdU ✓ tt ncoi.��. .v.. �:r ' CtiI1N7Y �j �'R +.'y rommissien �rc::r�S Dec.29. 19 ` _� .E�'L:`;":_„�,�Cr- - r - ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,f.� � �� ,; - ,.:: �,,-, -t. . ..-- _.. -� ,w +' 4-'_, t �O F- ��- �, . :,; .� � ti� �'� �:'" PETITION - INITIATIYE 0�0�2 / This petition is to prohib�t the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul�, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the at.tached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION . ��`�1QI�-�5a. VYlr�.h�lski _�v�,.t�eoc. 7�2«�i0.�l,�c� l�La� T,r,vcn //- ��� _ 2 . a i wuS ` (4�p uua-� �l-� 5— � J //., �� � 1� /� � /�. �� +,,,�-��_ �� Q.��Q '�7t'�'11�-k1 /�(O�JI.t.C� � YL.(.�`/h. 7�R '�•.vL l SS .R f��/l� � ' �`� /�7 �� � —6-- 7 �^ 1 �f �� 61 ` r i � P it' - . f �I S 1 ` ���'� �i�l/� l ,;, _ ,� �. io � � � � rt- ���� ,�..--��� ..�. �� ' �-�s �-1 ; � � ►� 7° �J .�: 1 �L�/�\ �///) `� A . \ � ,/� . .! V 13 ' l ✓�—u Y LC'� L 0. r �'_ �.�� �J �4 -� � ��,�1�� � 15 , ' � � �� � 16 �, � ��, /� (� � 17 � I/� �/��`� ! / % Q�T �j �/��/ � \ / � ,. ����°�. � A. ^ � � j , � 1 � ' ` ' , ��` � /-�i:� 20 � (� �/ � ' , �--.. 2� � �1 � � � �-�l1 �y�-� �o�q r t `f� 2 , ��. � co � - �` � , �ZC1 �S� �t`!�R/J�� �l � ;%`�- 2 � e S o o - ^- 2 , � �� 26 � C9 f S �v o . _� Ci� � � z . _ . �, , .� 2s . �� / � z� �/ lJ'� ' 29 . �,�2 �' CI O ; CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furt er certify h I a a es 'dent f the City of St. Paul ,. residing at J Subscribed and sworn to before me ' � / y� a�,�-vxe�r,�rar��ifxix^:,��J�� i t ' A lq FONO � — l/ ,r . ° � , .. aA1Nr•G`-iOt�" � ''�"'° �; �; � :QUNTY �L � ,.;mm� ,o, i,,nireE �ec.29,19R " _ ,�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � r^' C% t"; .`{ U�-� �--• � -;C.� .._.._. 'C;1" ,.�,� �.-;�1 G'iJ 1�-- �-" . r:� r, rn ��'� �„ ° `*� -- -„ _- �� ... <� .� rn ;� �� � � r � PETITION - INITIATIVE 00��3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ✓�'' L` 1, ` c,� �'° �; 2 `J � 1-/;; � 1 YY Z I�i�`►� �/ �� 4 � o� ` '� ,..� - 5� �y�� _. �— � l �o s-{- �. � � i _ � � �1 !j _ ��� g'� 'r� - .P�i.�u.f✓ __'"""""_�.. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; �urt er certify t a I am a , si;1�e�,of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �� � S� �. �/�:� ,fS/G��� �.'���ll Sub - ,����k�'��,�'� �' `' �.�,o, `:)1�E. A. L;^, F ';N') li:; q j�- - ..0 ., . "I 1 � ...� . 1n.,�.j�-Y .._:, i��,t r',r Grmm .sion Er��r::s L�� '9. t` :: — — �,rx_,,�'�FtsnuYR'�il��'�' tt� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r��: �� _ �„--< _. _;�-� w_, - ,.. T c_; ; : � r--s'� r,-s r _:c,' �...� a _:c-> : __� _ .. c� .� m � �. PETITION - INITIATIYE ����4 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pl"1 ed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION .�� � �'z� �,,Q� � r3 �e�v 2 % �, � � , ''r., .,��, i'.t..'_'l%�'-�: ..,� ,�..� - .. r �: ...._..._. �`' � , d � ,� I�i ' { ;r � ' .�-� � .� -/� �f G -C.� "� %° .-�._,c... .:.Qi-s�-� ;� - � 6 � l� � ./� - � 2�-�- � � F;--! � � . ,� � �� �� ��,�� �--�,,,,; �.�" �. 8 `� �(� -------' 9 � -�, / > t-� � U� � _I ti 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si n ture; fu her certify h t I a a esident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at q� �y�,i�� � 4 S1 t -�� � � y 0 - Subs - s�worn to before me ' ��'�" � '';f:` '� . F.,�ti� °o,. �� � =��!' COUNTV ..; ;�.,r�- ;.��; � j.- r��ira,g Gec.29 � _. • �, ._.. ��� , 1 �.,-�u.,�� �� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of tfie Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �'1 E, ''' . e—."1 _.'1 u (!7'� 'C7 �� ' �"t f` �`, f-- ` J� j- r,� - ..� c=� _�n `_: Tt . -r� ,_�. c> t=� -� .� J '�,,� . . PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0�0�5 This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. M ELECTION LEGFSLATI4E PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION i��� lv �' c .� r.� - ��j . _. �1 � �6�'�G .E���sa,✓ �o�i C'�3ni �,�: �4 �' � ::---,.� � !:� .�Q �� �,�n-,, �-•N, ��� �-o�l � �, � �f 6�G�,� ....._-_,�.� 4 r �'� " �� �/ � 5 � ,� ' � � GJ � 53 ' T � � y �� , ; 6�; "� — �� � �l�l�-�. ------- r � ,f; ��'�C'� J�� .� �' � z f ���, �-�� /r��--��� S-s-la � ::��/j � -�, . 8 '' .f � ` S a .�7� '/ , �r -� �"� -� -���u`C��( `� � �'. � � �� ` l� "af� - . ii .� ;�:�� � � � �_� % ��.; 1 ,� vV�-fr_..lJG � ,.— .-f. r � � � S� ��-� 13 /�,�d.j � �'S o / _.�, 1 .. . / �� __._. ,S',Sj �3 � ;; 1'5� P-y�,a.,�cY �ll �G� � 9 �� �.5 l l y; � t ,._-�- A r� 3 16 � �,.''".�! �-,, �' ,�` �G �.f// A "�; 17 - � ""� � ;; ; �$ , 1 � �� � � � � ,5/-`� �9 ,� � �; � �; r �' z �/l �;�. 20 `f ' � � � . � . u - - � l — 22 . � � �'Vl OL-"C"�` nl-P2 7.� 2� -.o s.�l � -� S `� � Z - r`�o� 23 � S % f .i/ �' � !.� � - '�, z 7' � :,��7d,6 �%"�1 25 �J°r f/if�t°f�`� � . v'../ 26 � ��C� � �-�^l' -��, �`t-�-'� z�� ' �� � ��'%U`� � ' ' �:�,:- 2s� � /` G 9 �. ,�, �,., 2 , - s � .,�e� � ;� �`% CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• fu her certify at I am rgside t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � %4 ' -�� _i ha _ c nrn , � � -��`" � l�UtSE A. LA FOND - � L.0� � v COUNTY (� i;. �` r���,�: �r �. � �r�S DeC.29,197�, �'�r{:c2'i,N%��:��1.�:A='��.:+'�::ii�..�u�: . . .. . ' -___... . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ��4 :-., �� � <,�-� _.._ -i c j L--� -:�r- _ T �� � `\_ r C`��` rn -�-c:� r v __.:o _ -•--�; _ .- .'_.�� �.:. c� r� r� J , ,, :� ° _ .c:cs� . � , ':yi ' .. '� +7 �• #4 PETITION - INITIATIVE 0��9� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul �egislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec, 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinence passed by the City Council of the City of St. Pau1 or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $� ned Address MARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION "1 1 e' � ✓! �>LL� , s��G'��. �' �/E' " G �• .,,� 'r" �`-Z�� tU � � �� OE/ -.f,f� � �� �'��d.5 �1� �':. ��� �L ��`�' ST �c. h�.e h�,�. i�; ; , _ , �,_ ,� �S S - ver s� �/� . �o � i '��' � �� � C;� C., � � �J '�� . c�, ��` � Ipa�a� 1�Lt � o:l(.� �� � �h�- s�/�q�M - � s`3� - �- � /,,..c,'' s � ' � � . � /� �� ��Q.,�,a..... Q 8�? ct�,�. s -, f� 10 �' ..� � //��✓. 11� % ��" a ��' - � � 12 g�(� �Gt�e_ _S�S/o 13 ' s-( �� �'LQ �d� � r� . —/o� �.� - 14 � �/ � � �. S�"/U� ''._� a ,, r .� 1 � � � �- C�>> �� ���_5 �,� �'/ �� �- l�;� � "'; �.. 16 � �!� -{� � � � A..��c_lv G � ��� <_o � �� � �.L�h,�=c_�� �j'`',5�- � S J 1� � �1/1,�. ' � � �) �` � t �- ' �. 1 , C � �o T � � E Ssio Z`'; 1/ 19 �' � . ' T� � ..5 ��6'"`:.' Z � /S�'�' S/ � �� �., 2 ,,� ���� . -.� ,� � 2 C `�� ►� � � � a-� : _ 23 ` � � , S_S/OS% � 24 v,,,. -so Q� .�^ ` � 1'�// _ � 2 � , �_ 2 ' � .S U'� 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION 1'he undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur her.,c rtify that I a a resi nt o the City of St. Paul,, residing at �-n-.e � �-�-E� ��C� � Sub �,and_�,,,�rn to before me - � �" � l 01JiS� A. !A F � �-;�w�SEY C71�ilNTy�o�• ':';'- Cemm;ssion Er ,���s Dec.29, 19� '�����es�Y cV'1r ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1QOO No. Snellin� Ave�ue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . � s. �,._Y G�-..�< ' ��� -D',Tl C„T ° � r>: ;'. � � '--V) 1" 7Ty _ � t,_� C7 �:TI __t� •__'7 _ h r'17 -3 -� � � . -� . . . _ �.t�+ . "' .. ,. .. J;'� -i3 � ' �- . Y� ��i xJ?� PETITION - INITIATIYE �o��� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Pau1 from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Peul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pri ted �Na�� Si ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 L✓/� K 1E F. (o.�L LLGAN/, F Z ZO 0 tJt�B�I?'N /q'✓1EN'w.IG • � ° l a' > � 2 � r 17vtI • '' �._ �_ ` � �' . �` � , 4 ' ah:�� . � 9.3 �.�,a-�a� 5 i� 5 ���� � -, 6 �� �1 v 4 �v� !4 �-k �,r. :.�..�;�� � �� `�.:c�-� - 3� G � ��--•-� �'--� ------- � �. _ �����-�-- f-�"� , 1 � � �n,� , � ' ��� . ' -��`� io ��,�,�--Q ��,., ��s Vv, �-��-�-�-� L� / _- ii v` � ,`,`` - �J° s i7 �?�!!� � � C�, , ,� � . L � � � 13 . 1 , ... ; , ; : .. .. , . ;� 14 �,� �j' ; ti ���� // 15 �''�� - '� + I� �' �z� . ��� i� �u- 16 a S 0 c�.��a�rL ` � 17 � ' '�' -, �.'� �.� 18 7-t-�� � `�4 `f ?v�=,-�,_ ' . . � 19 � �� � ` ��S % /:� �;`-� 20 '� � (� �- 2� '✓� �'�/ -�% 2 ,C /l���n-�-� H l/ C o2� -e �. '� _"i:' 23' �'� / �D� � , �� � .. 24 � --�; � ��'Z-� � �� C�, � -!:� 2� ` ^ ' c2/o�9' �� - � 2 � C �� / _ �' /o..� L� ,�� z� � ���� / o� � .�� i� � ,��� 2$ t �/��c.G.e�.✓ :9 . ._Ci `S,S /a /� .�lr i 29 .l� '/v`�,y � .�-�•-�-�--'=' 7�=-;'z-� '> 5 ��' �-' CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natur ; I further c rt f that I m a res dent of the City of St. Paul,, residing at ? �` ., - e � ' Subscrlbed ` ' � � �n+�ISE A. LA FO � � ,:r_, ,4�-. faf�*" _ . i: a „ , .29 1 � - :'" . - ��,`--�ion Exr,ires De.0 +,�(�i�8���''�'��r•t�^.,,c,�f�"'�'-"�' �1,�'."'"`"��. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snellin� Avertue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � "„' � .n-! _�.. �y,-j _.._. . `)._ _ f..-� �n �_ r..� � . r�;-: rn r �" �, ° =�-> . :k=n - � c' _� ��� � ,;. _ < .:,�rl,;'•.x� .. , • + . •,xK� ., � � PETITION - INITIATIYE �o��$ / This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT :Printed �Na�� Signed Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION Vl . � , - . � /Q / 2 � v 8 .� � -�:�� A�eS C'��e ✓ JO .�`s. �✓e ✓G�l� �I"�6 �� ,� � �� 3 , , �� sd�r -e � .3'`l Jl�'� � < < < � �' _� ; 7 � � � � -, �°/rx- . V ���: 9 ' ,t�C j - �, � c , /�� '� 1!� ✓U , D� � �. < � �`_"/d 1 � � `�. k �. Sb'_ v ��, �z3 , o " G 0 %� �C7 � G�.�.-� ! "� io . 4. 14 � 15 _ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to bhe best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si ature,,�• I further certif that I resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ���„-�.e.- � �l`,U�.�� �rt.n, Sr%�� ��������-� Subscribed and sworn to before me � "�" � _ � �. .;i��e^'%j �,' ... ', E A• LA FONO ' 'y� .:'...,�� f } . r FAtNw��OTA �' ' 'r`' C�l1N►� � i ('cmm ss�o� cxr.ires D � �i�r.nm�,�.--- eC.29�l9�- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � F �: E-;� �.,�-< _._, . _...,,_; _:, -,.= � - r, -,, = '_�- �-. � � - r-- .�; r� -__��:' r ° -:�_> _ _ . ,[' j _'_,. �> ' i�� ,._7 r.-' � ; � PETITION - INITIATIVE pQ��9 / This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address MARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION ,�1 Cece lia �c�hhSar� lo�'� �'$.irr,�o�ni' i __ _ 2yJ I - ,.� � ;� : � ; '-, ._.------�- � .� �i_ �. ; ;,�o , � 4,/ �-=�w��' � .;Z c> �Z 3 � ,"� �'; :; � ''� - � ��6 0 � 6 ' � � ��-s a fi sti�l/i�� ' /� U -� - �--3 � �--� ��'� /� s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat re• f rt er certify h I m a re iden of the City of St. Paul,, residing at �fi � �o Su - ,�e � / �� i ^'11SE A. LA FOtYO r. " . " '� S�_v COUNTV �/,' �� ` s I � . yGires pec,j�,lop��c �u ir.�rcNSC�'�'C��=� � �l � ;s ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c.; c� �, �—� " cn-< -.--- -��, , _ -r,r y,m -n c�� i'�,' � !� `� r� r. ��' �,� o -r., =.:� - , _� -..,. � .� rn �_� • .`� . .;;,, Y' ♦ / ' PETITION - INITIATIYE 00�.00 ` This petition is to prohibit the City of S,t. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway t, Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT ,F�rinted �Na�) i ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION �i C.R. 5tc�aN�,e ` �Sr,��.c � ��� / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature•��rther certify hat I am a esi nt of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at . �5%0 �(� _- , ,�. Sub � _ " ;IS: 4. LA FORID _f �EY CO!INtY � �'° "�an Expi�es Dec.29.1� 1 s ,r ,—,�, ;,��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �;C� C� t_.�t —i ' cn—= ---- _.a� __- . -[:;' .'Tl T,,, n C' Y"+ f"-' �-^;?` � (TS �') L,f � —�� - �, _.� �,l :i (�Tl ,:�..:.J . :. ' r °' ;;t>ti ' r' � •. k t . r :. d:n�` PETITION - INITIATIYE 00101 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election, ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARO DISTRICT DESIfNATION � �\ ,.r- /D— /o V C(, ' l�G: �• �P�.( ' G� �Q � � �' �f✓�✓, L��" ��1�Cr dnl� �_ f�' ,,y�,�,.�1 2�� Sd ��� � ,. j� ;a L���Yv � t%�'G�/�'S o,,l a��5'�.�i__,Pn,�,vrJ ,�v� .% _ �%- � .w..-----�-"._ � ��sL -�- J,� - ..� �'�-� ���,� �,��-y ��� 5 , N''' i ` �I V. W� I�e� /� % . �6 � �� �2� �� T(,D !.� /5� �!��.�'So7`o / $� _ U1 Di�n) L.- � �Iv�.ILL CJ2 I Il��•�At..� �i, �� J` -- ., rX ����-r�. _ G .L, ��. �f �v {� G S �� ' i s�° ` � q0 .�- � �ft iC�1 l:�S . L D N �s ��J ' --c / '7`t/ i �/`„%°�l 1 o h N 1-/�R�v��v��--� � � ��� ;� �;;: �z ��' ���-�� � �- �v D �3�, � � ���� °------". . 13 ✓ � ' , l �f� r3 �a r�-1 a � ✓ s i I�i5t���� 4 a ;�����.rr���. r.v �a.� • i��: �ic���s / �� � � o `�,"f"�cE� icJ �l w t' 0 E��2.� � K . . � �. ; � i . ,. , - _ _ . ; - . , ' >1c��E ' / �- � l� '� G' _ L; ` �,,,� i, =z� � r� ..� r t v1 . G ��l/wv�-/L.r�n-,�..�.. � 0 � � ' �'-°,''� � �3�-�— � �}�l G— Ci��� ��t/c,. ,l-'3� �C, y _ t, �1 �•J� • - � / 0 / � � .�i • flw�'1 O 2 y�� r � p %��� 1 c .G �►t�'/c� /t�U�' .e✓ �1�CCi1�.Q.� 2 .�,, t`ri�..;�� �{�- /v _ � _ �`t� fl/�c�c7 �v�r.z�8.� �� L���4�v'"�.'"`-' �T!J-���'E-'/JC" �-� Si'� � , %+'f, 2 3✓�cLh,es C /��'//�✓a�, �Zf-�-va,,, ( /�-/ L�� L�l.� f:, .•, � 24 � Q� > � ; 25J �, �,.. `� "' N �, ., ;�'6 N A���� ; � ;- ;_ � ;� .�� . �_ l � �s �' - � , �-,, �'� r 8 , �' S� �'�G1 :;,: .j r � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, informat�ion and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further ce t'fy that I a a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at y7 ��-c..e�. �l. �7' S-s�� ;,,-u � �:. �_ Su • __,. . • f .�'�.r.�. , ^'•)1SE A. LA fti�VD i:i ,- ,nr'MF40T� �tt � . � " 1'emm�ssion cxpires Oec 13,�fj�r ,� ' �r��!n 's'��L�S,' '.-'-'��1� -_ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ' . • � r;; =� —� �,� . ___. -�;-, __. z::� �fT7 � r—.' i� — r—— f_' - - j,- m _._ ' i_._ ° -::e-� �.... E_``-i .°_.,� .._.. c_, • i�' � �,. e� .�. _ � 3 ? � � ��. PETITION - INITIATIYE � , OOi02 This _petition is to prohibit the City, of St. . Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the S� Paul Legislative Code, we, tfie undersigned residents and voters- of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance .on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �,�,�t ��:� ..�� .,� , , �- J=/ I,�t� - �L-��- 3 , � �'' /`- .. � �°�'�U 5_ - f , I. � `C ,y !�_ ,�� • ., c+ � � � .`C--uu�/ ��0�� � � � � � Ir. � G. :�:, ��ws �,� ' f'' o-y-• �1. a.... ! �� A i ) �• ' t / ♦ � � L /' Y �' ..-,�_ /L� , ! $ =� %� ✓ !S r - 1 y � ,,e,�(�aj� l� 9 ` �R cx�—� � � ��g � � ���� ,. .��� , ' �. o , / G✓ 5�-- � �` i �� ,� �' ��� � ..-� � � � �n c� sz���.�v� , �, t �"'� �� ' � ': V � � � Q �. � � �f �• �� � � � < <ZUe/ � 4 Ge.�l� � ���f�'?`/U4 -/ r / n ^ -�'�' �/��G2�/�i`� .$"3 /5" .�' 1� D-�-�.� ` G�.�� �6 t = � /l �-� r� � c� - �' ,�„r��. ����� d �S' /� -�� � c 1-=. � � � � �� _ ?�, �� d � ;�� �� /"1/'�i? �'- R G SG�v S ������-�`-� .5 S5^ ' -L S'S�! �o � � - � f _ � ���K -<` J��s / �.� �< ��� �� �5 5`�lu� ���- .5 S� ���. � � ,� ��- �_ � ��� � . S s 22 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 • CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; further certif hat I am a residen� of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �? a,c�. ti � i� ' � ' Subs . ,__ ; e me ` ' -4!�' � � �' . l n��tSE A. LA FOND - * ��:ry C(11.fNT1� COmfl � i� rRirc;s DeC. 29, ('� �i t��'u i ,�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . . �� r� =; .� �:, _ __.. � --��:� __. �,;- _�-, „ �_ -. � - r= --- : rT, _ ,:� r o _,_� _. X_T '".,._. �-� � {T7 _:� ,..�� , . ..r. � . � .. . _ . . . .. , . _ :� � . , t � PETITION - INITIATIVE ����3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, P �nt d �Na�� S'1 ned Ad S ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION Q� Q / , G� ` /�� �t�? p r;. � � I,,� � _ ._, i ' �.. � � , � � , C 32. �— �� � , � � 4' � .`�� f � .//7.._.r C�� .,.r. �� �_,.j. ,�,� `/. '� �� .. � 1 ���j ��� � � ✓ � `---� �lf� ^"',r'Y�s F r J�Z , �►.�J'cr r—" ''.J � "�L'?�Ii .;1-��'�"�`� � ✓t `_, �C ,� - n , c_.-- �' ; � _ , �- x 3 � �.-�t� ; �j I i—.� ✓7 �-':� ;, =n.; � � � � �. , , , � ,. , , ' , !-�N.�. hf OG�`l�' .�� ..��:v,,-,� �� t `�YL,--, �;��-.-..,���� -� / `�� `i c� C�v-- l� �v �s ' ` ' /� -�. - �L'; g �" �-- l r i � ., ,f� � ,., t ` ' , ., � f : ;'� `� , lOV<< ,� .�� • �`� r < ,. � � • �`_ �� �� �.w. et.. �'�'�. � : /'� c; s L.s C-.c,M-v a ' �-�-,a` ~ f:. �Y � �- ��� � �r � / �"� �.-� � 3 � �;^ ,:7 1� � ,,- � �� �- �: o ��N L ��� '� -� d � `,\ � �3 �-, �� �� ` 17✓ 2�'Z- �1� � �� f �� � Y �'I /�� � 18�/ ' c� 5`S' � 19 / ��. � � � �' �;� Y1 t���, 5�'�� .ti r�� ` � Y��,�< �- �► '%r"�, � � 20 � �-- , � 21� � �. �- ' l�� � � � � � �;,,,, �� ,� � ��` .:.� � `� ��/� � - �. , ��` ��_ � Cl � ��� �GlJ�t�G /�0�� / � . :-. �.=-U'y „r f�'. � ��.-.� 9� �' �-�-�.� f �� �• -� � ,�1� ; � ° � � 2�.-� ,y � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fu`rt�her certif hat I a a esident of th _of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at 97�n,,r�,�c.e,� S�f �' )'YL�- �S/��� ��� l`���� ,1.�,, , ____ Su � �� - � ,��4, �� ,:�c. � y�T� _ '�itY � � t ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c� r=;-. � - Cn-< ___ —�.-� r_;-i �r T�"t -+1 1� �� r - '� 1-. m - u• c� n�=�� �T :`--,-� --- `-, � rt� _�, : .�y : � . �- �. . . . A�•n ��.* '�. . . !k ., '�.�.y . . ., i � .. . • a r �� �1� i� .:' � . . , . : . w� ... , �c � .� PETITION - INITIATIVE p���4 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative r�e place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �i.ior�.v .�. �.v-v�s� . �✓�r�� 66�,fa► � -� ��,� C'. �'J,qr,��s �' � �� � ✓� � �� �� � � " .. , ��� �.�/h /� -- ` v4' 1.�� J, c ��c� � � S— l- d� . N ► � 1/ }-�' _ fl /�� �, -, , ,�.k _._ :,7b p =� �' ' � �� ' �'/ '/ � �t.�-� �/— :> ; ;' ►� '' ' c�C � �� ' �l� 7�: � o`! s �\ � y`� �� ' a� ✓ �' - " �s � o � s� `,r r�� Nl.� J Ii�'/��.�`a�f i t��;� ` ' „ t�r � �'' �a�`��-•z,'r'r �¢'�.e_.� / il-�,�„�,. 4�����.<.._.�� �� � a� � �o/ ���.� , ���C�� 1�'o�,v� �e 2 �-r �t'��Q- �%- 2 r _ /i/�f � �� v - � �� � �.� l � - /� 3 (.cJ � �!/ 7/v S ,� � 1 , .�4 ��..� .:- ;, �,.. �ti ,�a I 3�� �lu ��.,., �' � , i„�..:.:..- q � �E.', E � r , /cx�..: `J— 15� ' � , r... / - �6 �MA���� L , � �P4 .4 C"!���A/�l� �qS �'s .��,.�,.� .�• � �� f i7 I� � � -+�.""'' .�'`�:t��'._ 3 c� � 4 n-�-�a�-v.s-�... � . �-c.. �J=� I.Cii � o m �.�.z ✓ F� , M�:. ..-:.�,�.�.�� .,.,. 18 __- - - — 9 cZ rY�. l� %�V'v� , � �v� `%'pF�"` //�cc���-t �,,..z "��,, _ � � — /2- 1 � r �rac ��l �v ��� . l�� 1f .-_`-- 2 AR . /h��s� i�.�� i l-/� 3 ,p . M . ss�i���x �e a r `t'9 5^ S, Arn�� '2 ve .5�. a u � ! /� " � J � 4 E 1 E F� D U L ��rf � �. u'�-Qn�n cfLJ �����.� ����6�-� ,�� �---� 25 � �.p—� ��i .- � �l'�'.��-, fl'�u�(� � S �.�/� %l�a�� 26 27 28 � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further cer if that I am a resident of � the City of St. Paul,, residing at � /o �� Subscri � � �'�' � ' ��"`" � � IOUIS{. �a, C+� FJPd'J r ,, ... . IMi ti,v C,mm sc+, `•.pi�es Dec.;!.19�T i � .-,z ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � i ��, E.;� s„ . . . . - � ' —i ":] �i1'� .�._. `i i7 . -;i .-7 .�.� �"- t'� � - � rn - v --� -- � --r: �-n __�., n r'� � -ti Ri r ' � , " J` • . ,. .. r �i;2.:`+>''75' �b PETITION - INITIATIYE �og�5 � This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and` petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the. ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. , � ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address waRO DISTRICT DESIGNATION � / s �. �/� O S . OO N o E. l � Y /�� � � 1J —/�", —���i �c � �Cu� C�. :�w�✓c.2,� D�'-c..�C�Ca .A ��6�2 �a.c�. 6'3 l I -/l �`T3�Gl�iY� � ( ��ri�r�.a�P �i�� C�G��`"Z / ��Z �/GLt/l�laL�l� �� /t /°; �;� U � � �r`-f:�� r� h� .� �/�/' J i � ..S/ � L �� , � � � ��� C��� � �R O/�i�An p 3 - � � � � �_�<�! 1� , �i � � u v��°S .�IE' v'i t� � Ca � �- l l-:�r � '��`• �_�'Y V/I�� !' 1' / ��4'd7 �a.�/ ��1, LC., �'�'�'4- i!,'r � � //� � � � r �°` � -e � , '�I � '�o �o� �� �' S �- 1s� (� ��1� �� � --�� � �G . �G � . � ---_ , , Gi �'� � `7 S � G},,�. �- {. 1 � ��� r° . �O _� � � J� ' 1 � ._-_ , � .� � _ � � , - - � �, 17 ,, y � � m � '7� ' � N��.��� � �� �=� 19u �Z�1.o�... �ah a l� �d�� /D � 2 �����`,�.�`�d 20 ` v ��� � � 21 G�� �, G� �-� �-��c'.� � /� , .. a� �� �S �C S�� � �, � . �4 c �� � �OCJ �J r .�—/ �" J��.,� � � �I I� IZ . i2�', --- . , . � , : _ � . . , �—r _, ._ �:. � . j, _��-..� . ' �� U�' �,,. �.,�,�//-�5 2 , �- .. , z$ � �,v�l�� � ,�J��� z � `'� l�n � ,� �=�;� 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur her certify hat I am a r si�dent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � - C - '.�� Su ���_ z���be�fore me ' � '� l �1 �a,�i � '�' _ � � S_ a. LA F;:1Np ` , . �' ; S;` COtINTY'ore N^y C;:mmrss�o,� �xP+�es Dec.29, 19� t�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �:_:� � � � v,-� _-- -��., �r t;.- , -n �_='' �'� r- ��"' rn ::�U' � o — --, �.�. ;�=�-i - ` � � i.n � • . .�. � . ��..�s. ';�r . , �>•� �� . � � ;�;,�` •� .. ' • �. .. � . . ��,s . :R•i :.:�• PETITION - INITIATIYE � 00106 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned ,residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) $1 n d Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION `��- c r� 5 �w- ��— � �o �c �/��' �� c���. �! M ,����,���� � �� � `, . ��i e r-�s A � �tc c o�t A /��Cyts�= .. �. �' �� �/�'�f� n.� � / . �j� c�. 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NO �7'• �/�tl C�_ ;� 24 � �;,r/L� . - . 25 �� � - %� 26 '� � , a � ,,__ ; 27�`�i , � ' �S" ' - , , �- 28 ac,� O�J/ �.�.�_ 5 - ;; ry , 2 �r,:(� 'c��1 �i � o.` � � '1 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si�nature• I f rther cer if that I m resident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at �?�-��, ��� �5�6��������T�. Subsc before me ' -�' - l � �o�, � _ � �:�. S� A. CA t �:�.'W � . eAti�...jM�,r. ,... My Com ; SEY COIJNTy � m ssion Expires pec,p�, 1 OROINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snell.ing Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��� � � � � �-� — �,� �_� -�� -� C�;t1 ��- f". r"- r o .�..J7 r' �O i-'t'1 yT � . n _s rn ,� :.�.+'t'�K'# .�+_�� .. . .r: t , , ;�r:. ��„a�� s v: , ,, .,�.j ¢� . �� :��:;: ��� xi't" , � , � � � ,���.c�. � � �� PETITION - INITIATIVE - �0,1�,� �' This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. ..�..-- Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. � ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $'1 ne Address WARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION � R- Z- ��� ��c.. L ��\`�-�---� .5-- _ N/f T �D.��t/l� C�.� S ' � � _ J - ' �a.�- �� T S— �o �r'f/�vt L/wC / l - :;' 4 ,� � /a7S 7 �c,�- � �.� }- � -. 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LA F.sNo N(?.� °''•_ � COUNTY �f - �ty Commissio� f.pir� Dtc.29, 19f4t� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c..% c� r' =a ro cn-� '� �;.� c_::� -rt -v,1 r r' r-:T? C'` rn {�� r o "...c,n r= �d r--n - :.-:-n ` �7 -J (Tl � ,�,.s.:b; :�::tiKi�• ' , a�..,. :�C' '. .'%: . ,�.�� � . . � : � �� r,� ���` � , .�t,,�� 1.r;. . . . _. � ... . .. .. . . . . PETITION - INITIATIVE � O�f08 This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION `�• .Fbw. /� .:z v�C►� � .a, . �.,w�.<.e'� �r1�� S� ��'r.�c�� ;, � - _, � .�1 � ��� � f ' . � !"t �,,.,}�'Y, e '�tiva....2'°.. � �X� 9'? '"P^! � � ' '.,s.� l` � ` ' J - 4 L 1� 1�3�'�����u-� ; : _ ;� 5 �� �` � e v ; , ;�, � , . �l iy � r __ J ' j� � � G S� � �� - � �� '�D 3 � C: � , 9�1� U t� t 7 ��. lv ,.; 1 � L_ L. � � / L L, t C� �. �� o � � � �-.� / u! � v ,� � � �z �G�C'� - � .�' �-��v� — � -- �� ��.�.,� � � ;. ; ___ ___ 14�.. � � �...�.--�-:�?� � r 75 Y � �-1`� /�- ` , 16 . �� .. _�, 1 %0l2 �/�'1 � �� � , . � - � �� � .� r; �� � o v � v s..'s/ri� 2 / k — / �,✓ " �s --� 1 21 �S /�P ,L N,E w NJY�o�� 5 S�a a-�_ /, 2 ,��►�. L � �,6 7o SSJ� z S , - � .� �- `o ��n b Q L �f _ - ; 2 � - � �f N�L/✓ 1�i o j 2 � k �'� " ' r� l't �d ��r� �s� � ve s'S—�� �v 2� �b " 6� � S b ,; 2 , � C�l; ;i,�.�i1=. r"� 2 � ��C� � t � 2 , � _ - %I CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their signatu e; I � rther certify hat I a a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ? � � Subs rn to before me - � �"� � t0U1SE A, . , :. . <ur. ~'' �SEr COUNTY � h'.y ('omm:�sior EYnires Dec.2!, 1�' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:. v� � � � �� � --t_n �'s� `t.'� � G^7 �•` � r� r o :..cn � =o '"," z-�, : �='*, ,« . � � �, ,� _ . ___ _� , ;�.;a�. . . .r�-.:.►r;s���� � .. _. , ,-t�q*., �t . -.. • �: _�:i' i PETITION - INITIATIVE � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or de�m�l�sh�ng Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION N 1 �a,r� l�ro c�.v� `�.c� c�, l 9� Q �r►�. � . / / � Z� // 9 2 c.v.J�s .� �" /9S1� �e / �z-� ✓�' 3� Vl���( �l w--���, �'/Z��i-� � ���-- �.� - � N 4� m� �,; _ / . G � � :� _ �6� �N Gv�-a�� .l�"�.� .��.�.. �a-y /�,v.� /�'�4 r l i .� r f: �7� �.� ' // '_,�% � �8 ��J e Q '_ ""� � 9 vCc� � �ict � 7 / iJ'' � - /� �0� QRC. W q �.- ,� - �_._. �i 11 .� . o��l� ,�,�a ' 0('� l ZO C—V� l � U'_ w. `�12 {,�e� i n Nlur l`b�b (�1el��slc �v� - � _. 1 �- —� • � - 13� , _ ✓ E' �,- '� '"F4' _ 5� c. o� �iV S o F"iv. �� - ` ,.. _ � , �r, ��-fs ��, - � 16 �`� " l��� . .. �7 ` O�I �Iii/�F,� � �� ' � �d���✓� �%/�� //- i y/ 1 � �, � - ���� � ,� �� �-�! .�.. 19' ( �)c 1� �� \ /�� � '�� f�. � ` l 21 ��� ` O' 1� J'r CJ i. ") \ / .� � : _Z��S�PI"}�W 1.�01�k('S ��� 1! ti7c31.Ci.e 7f' �Q P� . 2�'�q�`�� ���5�n e� �1��an� � � �-�3 I �c }�-� G , `�� ��� (�� r ' � �r� ����� � ��� ����-�,��� - � ., �6� 4� .� f.4f�.�an° ,� � ;... .�G S � 7� o -; , �� ��C. � � � aQ�;. _8' �� /S P.nGJ!�' �� ���ti� ���f � s--�Pt.�.s/�!"�c'-�-�t.�._ !f °` a ,_.'l. ,,� , 29.y�, r ea C ti !�dP r k .�,� r�,laL..�.�. •2'-f ti 6 Mc Mec,e�.,v .,..� � �,+;:". �;;,f r � �,.-.t`�,,;..,. — CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nat r ; further cert'fy th t I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' � " J � Subs worn to before me - ► � � � .,., �o� � ..� .-,�. , .�i� .0 .a�:, , � R;p'�SEy COUNTY�or, _ �".y Commissio� Ezpi;es Dec.?9, 1� ; ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. G� C� �'j � (i�� �a �1.%7 -'V�` � '1��'�l r�• � ��- _ rn t-;;� r o ',u� c= ..1_T � �---, ' � � rn � .;..r ;lw'� , .,. . N .r . � .. , ,� PETITION - INITIATIVE � ���.i-l� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ' ` Cc�'- � e 1> r— � . � � ^ � ; ;� CL�4 h . : � � C��� 4� . �'�' ^ ` � 4� ��j `-� t t � � iv �3--- ' .� � . , L'�I�.2c,.� 2 cx�+ L � <-- . 1 � 4 6 � � .� ,z, l R3 a `��X - - ... � �II� a�� JZ��u f�-�� Cp� � ; _ r. /{�J r.-.. ,�/ - _ � �i�T S�f / /L l�0i"W�L� `��s�,c�i��6���l`l�. �'7`'�`� �l� �'e'c-� ��'�� 9 10 - � ' s � � �C� aia�.3 � � � - � � , ,-� �; 1 r� `f" a � ��� r-�'3-� ^ �.' ��`�I `/ �l � ��e�r , �"` ° :�C. 1 �- �`��c� c¢_. f� � =� 1 � .vv._. j d'�'�-e.. �/� l �v _ , 15 � ` t�-L� C' .z..r./ �/ `t ca G � C� 1 '� ' ' . .. C��' f� i'�'` �r� � �/ /i� �- � ;� ,+°f' ,� _ • . � .. / . � !-' , ' - ..� : 1 � � � _ , � �'� ' ,�-- ,�- �c.`��c"�, '� C� IL --i U 1 `�, � � p C(�-� � l- 19 '' � � �' , � ! . , ( ^� r1 r . � ' .. , ��!'� .-. . ..f'� ' � � �' �' ��'-��! t." �./ �7C..� Y . _ / %.t 2 � "; ; r _ � / , . .� f' ,�' r.,.,.�'r , . r; � � .�c..�� j�E��J �a✓ � :i C_ �� / t _ - .. . .. ' . . . " � � � ! .... .;+`. 22 �.e%C'ya/ � ��'� � ` _ � `1 �' 23 , 24 ��� c�� ..5��l�- ,� 25 � �' � a�,. 26�/' .� � / �/ �-�.<.Q � t. 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION - The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e; I furth r certify tha I am a r ident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at �7 �rtic�-�c� _� J`S�0 - -�..�.� Subscribed and sworn to before m - � �� � E �. �� F.�NO � ._;�,.,.�: . ;,. R:�!."SE� CO;�NTY A�;y Commissio^ E+r.ire- Dr^ 7.?, 19�1 _, - - ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �--, n S�� �� C r'"� v �a� �i� T t..';T� � {--z� C`'�°. tn t`�'� r" � ,U� 4- --(� �--�(^ �--r 1 _ . �-="Tti � ., � :� k �r � , ,.. . . . . ;�i � . . Z, ,� `� .;+'<.!� ,', . PETITION - INITIATIVE � 001�1 fihis petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St.' Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT P 'p� (Name) $'1 ned Address WARD ISTRICT DESIGNATIpN ' . / 7 1 0 .t,e�'1= .�P /6�1� ���f/O� 2 :� c./o ,.3-Y �// � 3 ` � 4 s . iw+ � .v.E�E �o � -�- � 5 � �L� ,.� ._ 6 � � �_ �-.; �� o �, Ldwe � � � ` u� -J � $ � � � _ , 9 ,�C✓.�u '.�' � G •.��.c.-r.a-�� l5��2 � � � 10 hj . ��/!/��'Fi+tl ' � O ,• , � ���G-E � ��� ` 9 lv�S" 7/.��/� � '� �? 12 � � 3 � / ' �-�- �-- . �? c�o /' � . ,� J 13 � � L L ii I�fiC'C" �Z—�J iG�!/Z J7J.r/�� !/� �„' 14 L,o� T' �/ — _-,,', 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natu e• I f rther cer if that I a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �7 �e� �� � ` ��/�' �� � Subsc ' � �` � 1G�11Si: P.. lA F,:lVU � kra�f;SEr CnUN7Y My Cemmissien Expires Dac.29.191� ORDINANCE `� . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. t..� f7 rss � _;,r t rs--c i;� t -i __ �„ T i._�.?.7 (�'`�_� {�-' . �=�- m - �:, � v , .. . �� _ -=-�i - .=_ri � _ C-'� :,J {'1 ;�'°9 �:i .: 1 ' • PETITION - INITIATIYE 001:�2 / This� peti�ion is to prohibit the City of St. Paul fr'om removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT rinted �Na�) $'1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION '� �7�0 _ S�r a,ccC_ �� /i- .. ��yN �P drl� �- - (,,`� C � . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 �3�' ,,, , Gl�� � � �5 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si ature• I urther ce tif. that ,� a a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �f /0 �-c�AU� - - -z;�;x• �- / -.. , , ,; ,,„_ . , _ Subs � n�°���'�`�t�1'� f . . . ,�. -.�� My Commissan Expires Dec. ?4. 1"`, " ,�>,`r � - r �RDINANCE � , The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , . ,�. . ,� , ' ��' . ;�. , . ' e. , . ' . .. _ ' .,',...�. � t�� e� '�i --+ 1 ---- �' _;� --�r, _,�-- -n _ ,7 I�: t� .- J'• � �- r a �...{i� ,._ �=r-, - _ , - ; ^l � ' �.� _.� (Tl �..".":'7 ,.�' Si . PETITION - INITIATIVE 001�-� `This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT P �nted �Na�) $'I ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIC�IATION .� 1 A mo N o E rs� �=C - ,�Q �D�o y ��r� S S/e. �✓ 9�i 7 </�c 4 s.%'�- l C? � ���- 7 L .v.� � a,�.-- � � �3 , �r� � �� , , ,,�,; � � �+�°��'�- r e "r c �� ✓ , �. � �r ` �/ ' 78� � � ��S . � �ib �� ' �t'_'f�/�� �Z"'' ���✓ O.c/ � � / 5/� 3 1 �r— ��z.� -- �-o I2 e rvR- F��E R� o �i�u..=•�- � - / 7���P�r��1-.��.c� s s-�a y 1� � , � - i � 1 �v S E ��1 �. �u,r�� � G. 3 7 7 /�/� E"i✓G C�.S l� S<S'/1 Q � —�' 13� ` �,. � � 7�l�S � � �i� 14 � - G�� � 15' � � �.'' G' /' r 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sig ature; I ur r certify t I am a esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residin�a�_, ? �'�-�e, - �Or , �� �..�_ �� -� Subscr' �ak��w�'��q�o,r.'e,�me, `tt , _,.,- / � --� t .� .t INTV • . t h,p CommisslOn Era��� `� `' . I ���'u:�� ORDINANCE . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �r �7 t-s l �{ �� (J%`� -'-- �n c..::� ^"7� T z� L�:D �� T� r:� s- o �v' -_ =o -_-n -- ��i _ n :� �s� ,;�� PETITION - INITIATIVE p���� � � ' E �°has petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul f`rom removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, i� the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Si4ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � � / � � , > -- � � ' C j ��' � w � L;. � �/" �a �( �c i+r�2 �t s M � �i '? f�r Ec- � 4� P r�: � �� � --, / /� / , r � f�0/�c/2% !-/ '/�►�SSl��(1 `� Y f Gl�i`„ ��� OLC1�i2 J�� .�%:" � " _ / r �/i/�Q F��C.,V ad • vvY� � / '^� `"� RA iC, ft ' ��'r' � � �«� io ~ � . � - �L � � , � $-Cj r .� �K� � :�� � �i F -► !a�✓ 7 .t1` !i� . � o�r �..a�.. ��.�,�� "S` i4 ,(� . - � �;�.. �u.s�-,�,✓ I�t/� Q s o� � �o�� E , � �"�? .1'-� , :��� .3 16� � � ` � _/ ,;� � " � 7 �� �'� �'�, � ��.��- ���.�.., ��- �-� � 18.� y ' ,� ( 1 1 - � 3... 19 � x � a � 6;e�,�- � _1 20�. � _ /Q --y u � 22 3,�� e . L�' /CD�"/ �. �—� 23 � � � S ir.� a2a G�• I (Jd� .�u�' 24� _oo ��: � 9' " �• �� 25 � 6L►��4Q �� �S � L � ��SO �d7��i o — 26 �i G2 ! G%. , ' 3� � �. ---� �' 2��/�� " � -' � :�� �/ 2a 6o A� c • ��1z� .e /. // � .r�.o•�� I o � 29 '- • 4F� C�C J � l�� �� L�°,3 CERTIFICAT The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; f rther certify tha I am re ident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �� CJ Subsc ��� fore me � �� �' L���1S� A, LA FOND � " � • •o. �'�; S��Y COUNTY �'i �:�� fommssio cxpires D ^ "?. t�'` ____�.__.��:���L�,� � OWRDINANCE ` • Y The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c�`' � t�;R �� �1 �� ��-1 C� i �O� �.a.: C��. �,�5 � Q r� �= .�rv� i+: i C? s=-ty ��j Y � � �� . '.,y ' _ q , PETITION - INITIATIVE ��� �� �his petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Pau] , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION "��/�08E/�T �T. AN7`DNSDN /7".�J�s�1"A•G��ev�,�.v,-r iZ0/S�9.Ai1!/TO[J b� '~ a» � � fi�� ����_��� � . �G ��� ��r-.ranr �����,.�' �����1� �� � Ys�� �� ��,���� s �: . Ca — $ �ET�'74�`-�E`��'a►' --��E�� /8y/-r'?:GtlO'r9�� � --- I L.� V' 1 c L .e o � /Vo a M� .� --- "1.-'1-• � ��ss r L L -$�n.�0 3� �.,w�,,����.,,� S�� �3� � .d�v.�A9 r L� .( �; " ��.- i � 6�/ C �e, - -_� - 2 � � --C.� �S ' �� ( �o c�3 .J G ��7 i .�. �. `� o F �-r� . � � �� . �e �.. � _ �. l�i`"Sclda.�-t IDerks ��4•a.n_ �.�-� /y76 Surtnv v`/oP� .1�h� �l/` / - 1 !S o� Lw u C. � � ` � � `� � e v e ,e d C4' � �. _ 13 ' � ��J � - I ( 14 3 _ / . 1 " � 15� �� � , �� - ` ' s- _ �- • �/ ,l- i6�, _ ,� �, -� -fiti �- G � .� .-. �.- : � , o c��v � 7 �-� �8 � �� —, � �9��°� � y, - � , � _ ��� 2 �A��. . u,�r� . 2-3t�'1 t�aQ�r���U� • 2i. � J i 7 A S! �oot � c� % wkee< . 22 JU.p� � �_ �"' 23 � r OS� p � � � � 24� '-' ?_r 25 �UEiP� �/�i D 3 . � � �?�, 26 ,,�o�, ,.9��C o�06.�. � '�` ' fi 27 ��'� 7 4 O� 28;,}�'�i�I � — �p � ' � 29vd" �vl�'`�-c�r�L.-- z.- � -;� ����' f� N [' G- !� 2 �.... . �<<C!'L .11'.� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; f rther cert'f that I a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at �C� 7-r-�-t.e�S��=T �l0 � Subscr e s ` �' � . . .��. . t,� ., � ,�t . . . ,.,,. - � n;y Cwr,�:�ss�;;; tx�„�es DEC.29, 19 ORDINANCE � � The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � 1 ��--f ,_ l , I d' � ' - ��r� � �-=t; _� .-- �:�-- ��-, - - �f-- -�+ �=rt, k r�' -`_1,1, ; ,.. �� _;- t-- o ,_<n .� �7 . , , � . -�1l ^_ - rn ,� ' .�:: .g,: v;�.. ,,:� .,.�;K � PETITION - INITIATIVE � 001�� / fihis petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �1 • ��� 14l2.� /�C_,� f� � LO Z ,(�U �U^� � - / � ✓ �, i -- , � 2►� c��c�h C�S � �4 Dit/AL So �7� ` �"" / � . i S ctO�i '= ~�7 �6 , c ub c � � ��i1/�C.�' si .�' /// r ST - r �� . $ �fJntGS L., ��,L`i'17��� �- 8'3�C� �� �- � � 9 0 �f • - � � �S� � r — ' a !�o �a,� � �� 2�� ���S 2� � � � - �' 1 �6�t, ��`G�.Q.�'C.. ' � � j` f �- � 2�� ���,�Z. '' �a �� 1- r � 3 A/ / �. � ���S ^' 4/o c� - �' 1 � � Z�'1� -a �5 � . � . 7 �'�Cl'!d� ' e�, ,a_ " (�.G �._� r-�V �» � � (J � /�i ',Zl S ` f,;� °"' / �/�fYf G�/lG�� t/rzi O � ,r,� _ ;,� �..,. �9 ,� ��- � 20� �3. ;� .G I I - �,� �`J��, / o s l� ' I 5�G l �� �$.� •� �: � 2 cssC , /3.� �: � � �-� . ,.r 2� ; Qil�,� +S ��-�-- . -��• / C 4� ;. .- / y��, w, -�...... 24 /��' �w S. ,� 6 �{i ..t.c�..�..� �- ��.r ,2�r: 2 �I � - ,� / -r� 26� ,�. .,; 2� � � �G L� � � �1 2$ �- /�/ `�' U � !� � �` � 29 �/ �� `/` �/��'�'�7' �� �/c'f�G.. �v/-- �✓� ���1� CERTIFICATION �~ - The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e• I further certif that I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �'/'��, �� �./���,�n..,, j-S/�� ��c�z����-+ l�. Subscri s � '�'�' i.�i c A. L. F �tV� v�: • � � . r �•Y COrt1m�RSiO� Expir�s DBC.29. 1� - - r - ��A � 2��� `+��' � �� � ��,D ORDINANCE To .. The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �i ' �'? �iS � „L �s7 c.r , �� i ,� _ ' i T✓i} `. � {��ry � �L �,. �'�•� '"i i .n i :�� ;i' • f � L7 �� . -� , .. _`l`:y!\"..,;..`. . ,. ... . r'. Y!/�^.�'�J' F. � . '.. . , � �y'� � ^ c �• . �6 ; A PETITION - INITIATIIIE 0�1�-� � r �This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNITION ��2,2�J� �- ��=��V 1�L= LG r� Vt' ,� --� t., ��r�T L�t 7.T 1% �sj�' S-� —![� � � �_�b > /% � � � c- .�'` 5 — _ .. 6 �.L�'/P� ������ �O' � � C-�d /�� � � 6oH Q 4��t r� � D !�c 710 � �v' F_ � s s f ��c.v.,�� / �7�1 �l it z�< w �o o���s7 � tJ ff �/C Q• � Q�:Q.s-w s-� 1�� 2�9 �� k .�.�- 0 �. �j�d 1 G-'re o r {�Ye- ov //'�15' 12 �O � J•✓� .L�/�G� ' /..� / . / ��f 1 fZ � � 3�' � i4 � o �.w �. 15 ��..� D,-a ���f�•.. 16 � � � � S I�Z 17 � /���. - F�� ��O - . �e1.�/'����'�Oaz f'7� °v i �o � .� 3��/ ,�/ g �' � �e� 1 � G'. �.s �-d ���� �..�`' � zo n �_ �� ----ReGP1t LI�. E�'I►�r�2T" � '� ��u,'� .2E�0 No2To�iA STPA-uL Iy1�.v�:J _ � , � �'-�� .` !/ 2 -L v �J�E�.J /� � G�c�� 2 , � � I —! !� �"V G�R T R�l�� /3 �:R 1'R A i+� D .5"a u• ,Q�--t� lLv�. ..�t• Q�r7� : + �`F� � � wY �� —LL. 2 0 � T' , 2 <,u, � " r� �� z , , �, ,�� � � , � , � �z 29,�t 2 ��.c � • • /s .� r'- ���, CERT I FI CATION ' � ���' The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma e �heir signature• I rther certi ,y„ that I,� a resident of the Ci tY�of �t. �� �n a_ % � a;�•};�. �.:.. �:����t�� Subscr sworn ��o �bafa�e�:me � ' �'' / ,• . ,��. f. ,. �'cY COttNTY• _ � - .. ,C. ,y emm�ss�a� �Yp;,,as � . � ORDINANCE , The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . . � c�' � ��� . �" r cJ�'c <.� --�C'� T -rt 1��., .. � T'"�--� ��'"- (� G�:;, �. � ��� Y- .i��.., ---�'� ;-'1 r ' .-�.r` �a • > r C� � �� ��i � . D ���� � ' . , . . . . . . ..,.'�.�G.. -.. - PETITION - INITIATIVE / 0�11-8 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternat�,ye we place1the� ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. �� � : �j\; , � � r+ ' '� , ; ! ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �-1 me) �ti $1 ned Address NARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION ,S � S �S' � '�' `1 oN,�-� �� � r�. � � � �, N, .,, �� N �o �rL rvv � �(� � ' ��' Y� L J a t,.... � 1:..,��cz.. � � t, �S s` � . �— � 5 6 ' 7 8 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at Subscr � � �'" � � iOt;iS•'_ A. LA F.IND � ,-.1�, • . . �R�.� i:FnT. � r �`� jl A'.y Commi;sioa EKpites Dec.29. 19 �-��' ORDINANCE . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �.:-, c� r±`a � __-•- , �-c -i n =- -Ci S� �st CU �,*•- �` �'� r o �cn ,_ -o —� �� - i""(� �� � . � � � . � - . "..'Sr . . r �"""�ETITI - NITIATIVE 9_9 � . 0�1 'This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Pau1 or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pr ted �N��� Si ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � �ec,� �'. �L e�� - ' ,�,� — �j�- � a,�'�� _ r— ' Z-�v 3✓ L .�� �� � � 4 � -�� 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signatur ; f ther certi y hat I am a r siden of the City of St. Paul,, residing at "/ Subs and sworn to before me � - ' '�� � �-����,������-� �, �� tt .�S«� .�. . .�. �� !: Mfh'i�<OT4 tt �'^ �.�"diJ Y C0:_INTY R•r �" n'�� ;o' c r ��es Q�� 79, 14� . �k ....J::.z�.t�.id��� �X''�ti,��i�ilLt!"�,` .. :,l ORDINANCE � The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or fur.ction of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in 'the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c.=3 n *-n � ^J �}.� "'�- _i� �_� �•r � `,.�,: c'_ =q �°" � r-= j.- c� �r� � --o _,� x�-„ --�- � c, ,n �-n ;� �. T �"� � r PETITION - INITIATIVE o�i2� � � . ` This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �rinted �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION L Sc � -� o � � � �lt � � �3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature• I further c r ify that, a a resident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at �%. ' Subs ' �`" � t CiUiS= A. Li1 F.':NO � r}:: ..... . . :�nr• ... _..M .,I � n;y Ccmmisaior; Fti:;iras Dac 29,19 '� , �` .;���i��`��lt=; r ♦ ORDINANCE . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. G�� C7 r;� � �� C��"< � � e t ?�;�� T �;:`.'t {ti+.; r" -- - rn . `-' r o T c'n �= --c-_+ ---�� - a:.-,� --�_ C7 -:7 t�7 �� ti PETITION - INITIATIVE / oo�z� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo� �shing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $'1 ned Address WARO DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1. �s � � ' I�s� �=�/ S�f�L- �' �:S' � f �� �.S 5��� A�� _ ��- `� �o - h`�r� C � l� ��� � �/ �-rr� � - 4 �1� �ti,ao I G, f z P,� � ��� 5� ---_ F�5 Av� c � _ - ,Z . � � �... .. —�Y�(� �r��l�i G�� ���% L=, .�E'SS�r r�, i'� � ��e I - ! 0 ,. �� ���� � � S �� ' 8 a ? Y �e SC'c ✓� � 02 %l S � �(- �, �.,�< <..,�at•� "� r .�' � � t= �., r < < - I I — 10 � v _ 11 ~ 4 � . _ � 12 �,(� c��� � 3e - l�� l 7`�� 514 `�� `• . •1 ��'4/i S�� �, ,� /C' ,�> . _ �� ___._:.: 5 _ _� � _.'7.�7�-- ., � ; __ —� ��. � � �� ' � .�f� �' � �•� r � � �' � I I- I , � �.�� � ,� 7� , ._ a , � G _.. 1 _. . � � �, '22 . �� . ¢ ° � �— �j h� ' y � � � �- �e� � ,� ��.� � � �a�_� 2� 0 �- �.3 • � 28 ,� � - � ,3 29 `�y3 - � � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first �worn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si atu • I further cert'f that I .am a re ident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at � SS��"� Subsc ' re me ' '`d` �"� ✓ t_OUISr A. LA F7N0 � ____ _ .-„�. ,. ' _ �'1� + (;(}i�N'� g� . . :�;i frR"t:9S c r v:ir� � � ., ��� ���y7' )t° ���� �L:�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , � � J � � C u,,. ,y;-, �� -n -�, -� , � ` r �;� C r- o ��� � =� �-„ _- -�, :- '� `� � S� w 4,, � r PETITION - INITIATIVE --- 00122 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name� $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ,Jc�Tl�v`'�Cv1d 1� {�W`�..r�� �S �- i•-- �^✓l � 2 � � �i�c.�,' � ___ �' ` �r9.�01� � �. d�t� i� -�r 4 ��. �.,-z,�.�s�' -�� aL � � � � 5 � � � �( .. ,� 6 �� _., 7 °-". 8 �Jc-� . --- 9 � 1 � . 10 + o _ �I - � 113 ��. � �.�D .�ds r- P�, ��.�,.-� �� - � �- �2 � . ` o�-d�1 -- �e�'ta.,K.� � i- ►�- 13 � �' � F , • 14 � .��:�:.,,� � •�,: �. r� ��.�., G-�, ll- L(� 15 1 �`�. �7r� ' `�� . „ / l _ 4 I/ ;�� _A, a� - : � 16 ��,�" � ,2,ej`�$� ',C� 17 � o2•(a., ��lC7,n,p G l� C�� � � v�.��., ��� I I � �tf' ,`o,c-�r ,8 �' .�, ��� s•-- f _� � � � ,, ,� �F�.Nr; 19 � r iZ �:�'7` 4' zo �e� �. ��t'� ��.�ee;�z: �t.,�c�c� �3? �ti��� ' '`�``���r. � , . � 2 � C1�,�'��uw� � -; ° 33� , � �Qz�� ��,�:.:, � ►�• N } x ��..,� :� .3 � zz�� � � �,► ,�� �a �w, 3 � � 23 � � ��a �% ��� ��{�' II ° 2 24 � � .1� Z� /�'/� �TG,q�r �� _j�'��� c'� D � i I ;_ �5 � Ef ° � � 6 ,� z. / � � �� �� q ,,,�,�.�� , � - _ 2� , 1� � � I � U- � 28� at4s' �� . � ��- �� 29 � r7�1 un�.�.��' � � f � xl �► CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signa �" ; I further e��f�at � re ident of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at C'7 a1-�- ��1�� �- J C� � $Ub �,_..and c�nHn tn hPfo1^��� � � ! � y� �Q�%i5c A. lA f rao �.1���' k��f�:SE r C(1L�N?Y , !�y Com�r;ssion EYpires Dcc.?3, 1��� ��' utttt ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. n '� � r� `,,�c s;-, �� � � -�,.� � _-�_r t`� 'cn cr ,.�; � O ��U� �.. � �C ��i .� ^�'�;� �i C� ;�' M ,.}: _ . PETITION - INITIATIVE �U�23 f This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1� ;�, '� .57�1/� '' 0 6../��l � � � , j��t-/�� ��/�i�/�u�' �M - �� 2 �� a.e-�- ��.�- .,� �`��1 �kJ� C s j � � ; � ,�.� . : � 3 � � �, �- ��D - la3 S � I �3� 5 � �r '� 4 '� � Ci � � �1- � v 5 � I�I n� � (�l C.� f'Y1 UI.�Y �'S�� �;�, �,�:,�, : � , . 6 . �,� � � �y �'��- ��� ►r- � �. � itY �� � � ,'�'"S r� I� _� 8� y e . � �� _....__, � � _ 9 ' � � --�a� . �e � � n ,►- � �- io ��1�_� a //�v� c-s C �. ���>>� ��', _�..�� �.:�. 4 �. � ii �- ��' S—_ ,3 ��= ► i i�" � ' ' _ �r--�� 13 c���u�-��--� � � r� �Q . �1 f 14�j �, � � �!° 5 1-Vi.2. 21 • 2-�-�� �/ 6 ��GL C � � � c — 17 � .� Z�5-1 �-�''�`'-}-�°`�' i ( -f �' 18(n C/j� ; � _. �.�--� �c � c"-�. �� l� -I � 1 � �„ .`..� � �" � �i : 20 N '�h�' ���r` �✓�SS �u c !Cy - � j 21 ��'� 11 _'� Z2 � � �� ' 3 ' cJ S� �_ � �' �u--� _ , 4 �'�`Z ' `� 7� � �.�d f-� � ---- � _. C� 2��� �1�� � � �! - �{ 27 �=:��--�/ ��.i : ; -1 � � � 2 � � �� � s� . _� , � 2 s" ���i' (J ��' : CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed'and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si n ure• I further certify that I m a resident of the Ci t Paul ,, residing at �1� �' i "^ /0 ��a-�..� ' Subscr swor, ._ : � �"� � j . lA FJNJ . . . .. .`.,nr � ! �,y Commissia° Erpir�Dec. 29. I�7� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��: � ,� � s. ��1 ._ � �� r -*?t� �-�.:.� J O �si :'`� � i/i /• Y � s � �, 3. . .s �;'� ,,�� � .�� � ' � � � .. �. - � PETITION - INITIATIYE OID�2�4 , This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code,. we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address E�waRO N LDISTRICTVE DESI6NATION � ` �.���� ��� ,�n�-_.�� � � � q `�j�c� �� � ° � __ ,�` �,; , `, � � 1�� , � .� v v � � 1� �w f1 `� - '� (f ,�' �, � �I � . � 1 J� � �, ` bl—) $ �5 ' - -<` : � l s'd' ���� � . .. > 6 'y� �� y1� _ �j � _._ , •, r �L' 1�/ � �i,/�� 1� %: � , _ � ` � � � � .._.._. ,,� ` , ,� , �:L u � .l% ��� `; ? � � r ; � r% .� � ' �� `� � #�� �, .��. ' _ _'"'"""_ � �-- � r�� � � -� -� � � � .� �2 � `u,�° �- � �c.�.��, � 4/�,�C� ? ' --.. , ,�3 �. � , j�►�, , ---�- � , , / �� ��LIG� � !1S `,��a,v��..,,, II - 14 . �1� ,,t?�� �)Citi�`�.�' r � .� � ���� � � �1 %°� 1 16'"� �l CI" � S�°�� � � � � � � � - G - r _t �� � �� iKM � _ . �. _ , .a.�, ,.� r.�. ! ��L�! j;2,� '�_, i B- `� 9 � '' � � S %"� � � . .�.. � ,� 20',. ` � /� �•[-c�_ S�T-_ �� `� �'�... I a l S� ( 1- i � �2 --"' 3 �'__►'�'^.,.lae� � Z Z �-� rrz-tZ-- �-'"" � 1 � ��z�(.�� �� � 2 � � � �s-- � ��-� Z ��� � ,e .2 0. / `7U l -c-C/.�C� .��.� ��� . / '�7 `�� � � �- j -���t-�� ��t� � ° Zs � ' ' �� . �� s � /� � �� � i� - t 29 �j'j�� ���1�1,�,r.l�e /G1 9 �- �7 .. �: CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I rther certify that I am a resident of the Cit ,.f St. Paul ,, residing at �� ' � Subscr swor,r� „ ` ' �z d •�. .� . lp ;ry�� �� �"•y Comrnissior, FKpirgs Qec. 29, 1! ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��� n `=� � r'' :l-� • � /� ,,.+ ������1''. -i�.� t�S� r ° ,f`;: f- �� . �.�\ � ..Ah S�t1 `'� . .. . � � � -'n .. _ s. 'h . "# .. 4# , PETITION - INITIATIIIE 00125 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul froro removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petitiorY, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Addl"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATCON w 57" � �v 9 r� . �. cc: r� = P � ���( oZ � �- e z °� -r,, , . . `�'�lS, �- �-.� 1' '`� /,� �Q' � �.,.nl .j �,.�A. , �� ����` 1 , s ,�`+ � ' .�.�,... � Q�- � �' � �;,-� �., 6 . ���- �z.,� � �'�l[ � 1.fZ � � �� �8_ �. � y� � �� �g �;�,� � ,� �' ._. 10�� � � � �� �l /i - � �l4 ��` f - � ��� � -� 2 , ` � t _ - � .�_ 3 n�z �►r�� - yS �'�'; i I� c�. �n c- � 14 t�- • , � > , ( _�Z � � , , ��- � ^� 7 � �('�" ,�: , _..e.:� 1J i� I C i I �O / �� � �t� ^L ' � ' , t e �,,e i6 r�, . ' ��� ��. �. /l 53 �f ,L�������� ""� .�-��� � �. �� f 17 � � ,��� ,� � 1 �� . Z� �Z i . � Vk � �('� �',� C 7`� �l/�'� �. �. �� ' � ' � � �� 2 ;' 1G __... . �� ,�` �.._ ��` . t+: � � � 1 /`z��.r ' — � J � .. ' —J� . /; ,� . ` . .�ya�.�. 1 • �C... J�G'�" � 3 ' � ��.� � �n.�z��L .. � 24 ,r �� " �, , . _ 25 � . � - a ) _- r,:; �.�h,,.���_.� �it l . ./' �!°�� 26 ��f�.. � i , �� lI� �,. � : t,, , ,�:�>�- ��.. , n ,� . 27 � . i �Tc �� /"� (� S j � � �.c� � i:,> � � :. 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si n tu,�re�; I fu�ther certify t t I am a resid t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � �� �fi -� ��C+ Subsc ' - m - l o �s� a. L� F ;rau � ,: „ ,.;:• COt INTy $ .• S � .'�Y Cnm�7 sie• ` ��r:s Orc 19, i91 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. 6.t� n " , �� �� :��+� �..i..,l . .,;r-, -m r- �-' i,:.��'� �„� d i '� " �U� _ C? ! , -S1 . -i` ^' L� � �� 1 PETITION INITIATIVE UO 1 26 < This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNCATION �111�L1.��� N-� 5o aW Wt 4� c �a- � � 2, � �� _. �� ` ` � � � � c� �� - � �`� 21� ' ,sf' -._,..-.. - ��J ,�'� c�.c��-��r�o � �_ t 1 - �- ^ � s=—�/ � / .� � • ' I I ' �.�� ' I I - , 8 �� ��i� .��.-.�..�.r� �.� l "��-�--��. 1!� `� 9 ► �2� ����� " � �� 4/ Ed, � ioc�• � �.�GS` � _ S.j1�: 1 I'�l ; ' 3b �b � < < -.�'.�:�Q �..1� � � • �3 t �� �r - tl� 14►�I yU j c�.�l �,� �C,�2.,�,rS tr � � _ -�,.. 15 � � _ � - Et� 16,� l �G/� / � _� . 17 , _ , _ c_, � � ,-� � �n� 11� 18 C� � , - � 19 � ��- � {� �� a� r ��Y � 2a ' � � �,,e ,/��`� � I � ',�' - ��, / �y� �� i� I _ t i3' D � 22 �' p �/ � � ;�'` �' ° �, 23 • � J ,� ��,��i�1 /� ��� • � ►.�� ° '�" � � ,ovt� �,51� ow o��l I�r►� I Il� �� " , ,� � , � z5 y���� ���<<� , , � _,. t; 26 �'M� •._ i��-� � �� ; ., �Ji� '�e.�����,��G � , , c. -�„ �� _,� � '` 27 '� � � ' � �� � �� �� �l ;' '�� ��;3�:'�t�' �.,t,...�.,,:�:� ...J �� � ' �,� 2s �,�:� � C 5 C ` � �l�-�-� .� � �7 r'� �; �.� 29 ✓ ., - . � , _ . � _ � C'�T" �` " rr�„��i,�",�� o ;. <.� � �� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rther cert'fy that I a,m' (� esident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �'7 ��.n�-w ��T����. ,��/f>� ��r� �YB�n���� Sub i be,c�,.ari�.�s,worn �to f before me ` �"' l �_ .�...�.�. �—��t��a�oa � 4JIS: A, �A Fi7Np � ,,..,..rsor. R4tiv1SEY COUNTY � PRy Commission Exp;�� p�,29, 19� . . . __.. _ � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �.� C'� ,n ..�v � a �i� �� :.� � F` � -�•(?j E". ` i , ; � d i' • - �-� c= .�- ,- a.� .�, � - 'f._,� • -; a s�� � ,.a < PETITION - INITIATIVE 2r� � 0�1 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) $� ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION `� 1 � ` ` � � — �- � 2 Sc u� � �`, e�,'`� ")_ 3 ` ,. '' S S.� ;�_ � � ,� j 1 �-Q �! � ;. � 5 , • � . I '_ _ .--. l� � ���(� �I-. 6 � C � � �- � , � �� .� g �1� � � �oa � �� Y . �� '�- I 9, �� 55��_ , ��/� (.�`°,��� � � �F�� � � 1 ' �`` � :.� li � � Q I� r �� � r �� � 1� � �y � � � C% 7�7 �� i�cc��� r�r�f� t �-� � 13��5�{�1NF Pcz �Sf �-c>7 Li�rcc,L � � c : 1�_ �� 14 �A r� F'.�J 1 �-I(�.� ,r ?' � 1 5 '1� ..� � .-�,,:.. 16 ��'�t�� . ' �i C� �e ��� � ���_ ;� � 17 � �_�f� ,� �(/. � �d0�J R _ 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 ,r 25 26 27 28 • - 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; fu her certif t t I a a esident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � S�S�D l Subscr� � ` �i'ti�"'`"": �� �> ��11 c A. �'�_)N'J ,.,�,�.Rv . . . ..sc,..,..c��.or � . , .n ' /L� ----��---� � " My Ccmmissior, "c,:Cires D�t. 29, l ` " � x ��L�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , ' . - _ r .', � �r; -:� � � . ��, �.�%�' � r'� � �, `�. � �, - s-- o _ y'.� `,z .. r? ' - �-c� � .. .� _� �� yy� ...' i , `. , ' � .`�.ij� '4 , . � . . .. .. ...... - . :r; ' PETITION - INITIATIVE � • 001�8 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT �flrinted �Na�� $1 ned Add1"@SS WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION •�A1. � a yf W� � ' �i O .I�+f�EiW,Os:T �( -� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� tx:-` 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 T� �3 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature; further certif at I am� resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ���n,t . � ,� �S�)%0 ' �� •L;, " ���t Subsc - � � z�--�'_' � " .�„_ a. L,a F.'+NO ..,�. .� . , .,. .a. - i�iY 4 . .0 A9y Commission Exniras t,��c. 29, 1����� '�����°��.�.?� . . ORDINANCE • The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �;,. r� , � , -z, � � � _ � `�- r o ;; ,. � -; `�;:� �_:.:� _ . w 4 PETITION - INITIATIYE / 00129 This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Prj ed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � 1 O� � ���� / � -4 2 ,v � .�_ � L�C�-e � 1 .�i:,. �� 3 , e e ; „ �, �� ,..� "8... 4 �n� �. W NI ,�, , � � �.,.— 1g��l � �G---� �� � �� R� � - All���, �1 . S a�n�1Q�� ���� �1 . b��� ���� � ��h1 � ,�� 6 ''I �,� � �` �(./ �J "�� 7 - � �� �SSlO � � � � • l3 � �T � � � �9 0 ' � le . �.. 9 a-.^ /� , q � � , _ � 10 �� ` a l�t Q ti'/� �-� f- E s .��.�aL- `��-y l / Sr` cS J%n 11 �' � .--� . ,. , �✓ ' .r� .� � I - 1 � U ,�� �� .— � ' 10 13 LL 1 ���d f��-,.� �V�n i�T'� ��Q� �� / o ��ao�C�...-e� _'�!o � � �e� � a /8a�f�H�Au� �¢c�� ST�,q,�,�I fs�s�of� 1 n � o �s A. Q a �x ���� , �� �'�1 i��s.�//.����� sP P��. s-�-�� i� ; , ' f ,^ / � S�� ,' , . i o H�N F R.datr�L=S t, ��� 0� :S� ' . 19 S ,. � � � � " 20 ��.Q /��/�S�n/ o�`° �"� m�t°T��9 � f/�' .�'r!`"v - 2i ��2 �'2 — 3�� �� _ � E r —�1 22 � / c s� _ - � ll� _ �� --� �� � �! � 23 f� � �� / ` � ,-' , �, ,� /: �-� , ;: � 24 �/e� � o ��( � ��vc�� �� Sf �!1- 25 � �e r��v � � . �y� 2iv 9`:? , .-. �a .�t /� �-�l�� 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certif t at I am reside t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' � - Sub�cr..��� worn to before me "`�` " d � __ _ �� ; , , � t� . �.;�sF 4 . w :. -�,,T, _�.. ;� � , C'll�n�rv , f ;�S�o., ��Cx�,::dx���.'�Ciarx�_� ... Dec 29, 19 e ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c.�_. : '',', � `n_r .�--' �{,-� ..__ T'rt1 � y,..� k��..�.� T �. �.. r'� r p ^,.U� v� :- � _.-_ . -�, _ . _� __ J L) � f't1 t..� . . � 'k.e ;. - . . , � s PETITION - INITIATIYE 0013� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. P �nted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N `DISTRICTVE DESIGNATION S ' � ` 4 -.� � /�" �;' �' , --�. � - - - — .� /G• G- �� � � ,�,,,,l� � I . �� . ���C� L*.., - � � 53�� NJ `r, � �� � V� , ��-1 � J�c�.:�.� ,b���� w .�� �^�`�"� En � /s\' /^"� .�� p I�._.�T fJ d - / � �� �F A��� " S = -7'�.�Me s� U � ��-c-- /� (, ` !�� �� ' � v n $ .�i��/�.�SL�"ic -:E'.D%�G' ��'��.c� ���� � � C� ;� i/��' {�-�� ; - .� � ��s�,c,� �, r I �, �... 1 �� I►e-.p,� G ". �-.� ��. � �z--y-�--` j� ��- �.�.�� �i d til �"j r� i� - 1 � �b` , � � �� s s 5 �-� ���. _._. � 1 `� � ; �� '�`� � �.� i � :�s ���%�� 11 � � ` , J j_. a , . ,, � � 0 i �. , �- � � � II - I . <�•, ���. �,,� v c' ".c-a--r•L. ,;:.,,,- ,�,,� ._-�.;=� / 7 Z... - ,c � �• . � _ , r / ,� / �1 '/,� '7 , ? / II �� ����6 15 '' , �G /:l"..-/ /t./</C ,�(.,L« t/� ✓ '�./ �'/c' � "��l'.Ll'-���� ll`t� �-S' � . � ,7 r 1 -��� < , � a- � r ,�.. �,C.';►�1��°� _G'� �'it,�� ° 7 !'� 'r �. ,.fR,�,+� � 17 ' ' • ,,; ,' � �G �li ; ,, i� ;? t' -� ��' �' S- / ;' � ' � `� I�143;'/�<� i8 �� � c�: , � , �_� �,, ���� I � .� , � �' � � � : �c.� ;�: ; ' �. .- /. .-'" /° � ., , �� �y�i �9' , , - ��- - ;. . �,! ,-, �;,< �.� �, r�' � �,`^ �, , � ,- -, ? °�- � . ;�. � �:� r '/ : -�r � ;� �: �i=; �L _ . .�.� , , � : _ ;,. ... i � , � (� , / . _. /J 2 .� i /L ��l�� .1 � � l� � ^J` , . ..,' ,�.v' ��,� �`iG1 (� ^y� ��� � „J 's S 21 �� �? 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P i'" ;' % 25• �. ,, �- , � . : �� =�:; '" ,,`�,,,, ���,,_ �7 `�' � `J `� �;c. ...l?�-��� ' �� ��.' 2 t�v s � C. � �� Lc-, � •� �' � � � (/ � i - I i J � �� 2 � � � �� � `����r--� � ',�;c--c��, � C�-.:i'_ .��.��-� Y�� �C��'.• 2s r�,n� �-Ar� �5 �-h �'k� 2 ; C.:7' ti� ',C � 1� �' �; ' �.. � - , �a t' CERTIFICATION �m��` The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nat r ; I further c r i y that am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' ' ' Sukscribed. and sworn to before me ' '� c � ��-- ,.�;:: ' ^'�ISE a. LA �—. .• - -� � B•�OT• `- d" � >. r_ Cnl!NTV �/ � f:� ��n 's�. „ _ �Pr 7g�19N x �'�iiz3x„-!xK�x�l�'^;i.x��#„�'�!'��s. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:F C� �.-3 � �... CP� t-�^ �,n -� �;�' . ,- y..rri �_ � �=F, r p - _u� ��. ��i . �y—r� �,,. •.;� C7 � � .. . . 5 .. . ... ' . ii>n. 4;�� .. . � PETITION - INITIATIYE ���.3�- This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed ( ame) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ;�° �6,�ri�r.� � 1�''� E � ' �� .�- i�T � �I - - � � fi _� _ �J C'� � � , � �`� �. ,` l�`r 7 ` r �` N G � , � �.� �Y _ , � (� . � � a � i r�� ,c..�.�,,� �n—C�ti�'� ,� cs _�'� ��-� � . . 4 � - ��L�'' .5�,�✓ _� f,° '! �_..��i.���^ .. �4�,�^ ;.�c:'c��'✓�=r,, c:; t�L- � 1'- /�L/�...�� Z... 5 '`v , �,,?��i2�e'( 6 ��CG� , . � � � , � w : -� - � �� � � � �� -� -��� r. ��� i -�,�i � � -! . �� �� ,v , , �> �-�- � � , � �-� % 5�i�� � 6 � , << s✓ '1 �, � .�, � o n �.r ;� ,, �( � �- SS�� � " O �.il,fol �7 a� S-�$/�4 io � � � � ��-M ii � �, � 3� � .��o¢� i2 �3�0 �� 13 a � � �L 1� - " �LR�N V!r 0 /7F� 2v, ilr �? f' Q'.,<. �S v . 15 t,2'z h ��� � \ C� �F � � ��{�a i6 ��I,� � C s� � ,�.�.�,.- 1�q C� � ( ��/ a �. ��,� �� �,,�G,�.� ��-� 18 " ��K E. PR� N G-L E" C �' 2�ss �qN� �'�'oR s7'P�►�c. s-s�i c�- ' a�� , �Q � ��-�1 19 � 2 " - /c�S�� /ci�/ � " �'' �- '� � 2 � l,�i � � � ,�l 1�f 22 F an��9,2� G .51rniTrf �� /�o� Q �� 23✓ � � �.� �i z� �'� 24 , _ � 1 o[I� 44 25 (�eyv; �: ��evt�s � ,i� � .Z-%"���-- i? 7 7 L«� l �� ����� . � 26 27 28 29 � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sig aturg; f rther cert'f . that I m a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �7 �'1 ' � ^ S,t�,�;,���orn to before me � -� � �� , ' ^,!IIS� A c - .�� . . - . �,;,�. .t .�-.CS�Ot• , c�,�Nrr �7�;��'� Y , f � _ , ," �,� �9. 19�x . dJ:;. r.: r�.,rf w r �x:. � '-"i<«itl '�. .i.�^f.�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � . �.°, L i 5;-, � �ro U'% ' y. .. .- -) � ...�(f ,+ . s.D_ ,_tTM m `� - r- c� � ;,=: _ , _ �, �� -�, .- ��` -� �y�� .. . .. . ... _ . . . 1,,... ' . �. � � PETITION - INITIATIVE o�i32 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. � � �..,.. . Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of �id Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St:` Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Print d �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESICNATION , _ � �� 1 � _ ' >t t� 7 cP�L' � �S /�'S� 2 ��`i n � C�ti> � .3 .� � 5 S �%o 3 � � , �`� n.� r ` i�,��,. f � `1 1'L ``.i( / D J .- e �� � v 55+v `' �w ,�� �3 l t,i 6� E. s. � 1 I �'Z s G,,����. 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LA fOND - - , . .-F,-,r. C- _.. '�..,F ��ri:. I ,.M ..: Vsr ?9.1° ^ r : � q � z;�1,a_R�' 'r�ill'�'� .S�L�'�'�'� . �![txiti�t �n�.��.`�.�5—" - ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r ` c� � G�'<' �°-, ._t n .. 'C7} T '-_ � �.,;._7 �..:' T7t t""%": f" O �,-CP ._ �O -�-�� � ' n i Cs1 =� '�S .. . :e!Y•:..:.:,. w.,,,, . , _ . . , wr.;,�.* ' . t '^*'� `. � PETITION - INITIATIVE ���3� This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �' " - -- o �°- � r �s � � �V �� � ���-r ; � ylt� � .. I � - ' Q�-c��, 1`H� `�'� � �'-a.�- ��Z� �o- � .�— ►�- 3 ✓6 /.3 S'� � s t1� � a � `�, ( �Z , 10_� •, �� . L � 5� 4�z� I U"1� Y9 � , S�JO� �o ss���' 1 -- l` � ` 2 3 % ��- i1//_r /�/�U�.. s s��► _._ _. _ _ . -, � ., ,, .� �l �-� ` � C��� .� �--s c —. 3 ��- �. � �°y, '� � �;.1 � ''� �` '� 4 '� �..c;'w. � � � �` � ( � �1J. �� �� �.�...�' .�� � 5 � �, �, _ _ 4�s:_��. �' 6 � ` � .,� � � ,-� , _, • _..: , . � 7 <.. 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C�✓ �--s-�� �. � �'~',�° ��.-� /r`� G ` _ �!/��� /i � l.-�r'l�v�^� .J `��/'�L�r V'� ,� � r 3�S� ��i I� . ��. � :5�//3 � .� -- n ��. ����� 9 �.�d� ��►Ys° ������ ��� ;S i� 9 ■ r i— ,i��T, CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si na�re; I further ce tify �hat � am a r sident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' '� ' � Sub � � ' "� ,� ,. ytSE 4. lA FOND `� �- * — �` ;".�. Cni iNTtl 1 '� �,w -s�o: . r.ac ?9 t��si �'"ti�r.:. •., , ..,.s, -���sr-y-��,;;�r�li+,�,};,u�j,.T.•,�z;�+,�`i ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� �:; .� _ � y.. U% �i r^� -fl �'"`�� ti`�.. � . �ll -.�- r- c� . .; .�. =r-> ---.t - _ �� - .� � `'� fn � • ' . .�.. . � . . . .,1„ . � ::.9� . � . � � � � . .. . �1-.:��.� ` PETITION - INITIATIVE / ��134 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Addl"2SS WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � ,j' , "` � , a_ � 9 .� 2 � ' �- � 9 3 � 1 � � ��.,�,.� + v-� � � � 4 � S-� I 1 - �.� �%�'�cx.�..� �.iu� �- �d'� GJ,�cZ,��i I � U R�.�w �a-�I - � �� . � � rv - � � G � � � . � , �( 10-� ; >, �� ` �.3 ��o�,►){' � , � G . �. 9 . �� � � � f . � F.t�" k � J 1 10 � �, ' �-1 �..- il P � � � �. I�- 1 , 13 �. .5� S c.ti S 7`�'-�—� � - .3 4 � - � �r� � ,� c� "' � . 15 � . � _ /' i� - � � � ' ` �—� , �� i6 �� ; ,f. ,-- �°� � � � 8- � �� 2 L , ✓� c_3 u� �`��-a� -/ �/ S*�� � � 18 - c. � 7� ' . ' �.J ��� ; S;�"r o �_ � 6 - � - 1 �y le� �O - IJ � � 20�+:: • ��� � �� C��1��' C� �� ' 21 �� �;c � � l � �/ , , S�SC� 8'� :Y2 � c •�� C� /� "� . ��,,'� �7 23 � �"c�� -> S 4 • /%/S' �i, l��v� � ,`. � ' _', 7 �. J ,.7 25 '" � ' �s io 6 26 � -= S s jp � o 27 ' r ��� 8 �- �. 1 ` � l( _ ,�. r �. -`,,, 9 ?,: , f , _ k� i � � '�� � � r��,.� I''�N '^ '� � � — , ' CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rther cer if that I a a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul,. res i ding at ' , - llo .and sworn to before me ' "'�� �� �'� �2 LOUISE A .:H ,t,;::,'i �I1NTr':ntw � "�'+ Com!�•�-s�o.: ' ..,c DeC 2!. 19�; v��»: . ��.��.:3.�:�� -'�z.�i's���,�a ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r.,, �� r;� Ji � �.. (,^ r� �� .,,- �i -c3 r- _. r�;� �..:- �� ,�.= r o T.u> �. �� -�_,-, �_ -�-�, . c, > ti,� ::� l �..:.3�:'i r i,: �. :t�.,:.",. :�..i ,s_ �`��� �.4 "� �a . � . , � e. ,,�'��'� 1 _ 00�35 � PETITION INITIATIVE This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Si ned Address E�wa o N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION y 1 a5a ,. �' �S. � eN .,Z -�.�- -- � / G'�'�i�f' /jL,A / 3 ` ' � c. o��� 9_ (p4 �v � �/.�� .�/.�G �' �= /.�.' �5 � Z� � � - ll� .._.r ��, �. ,�� � � / � - ._._ � �' r --� Q �� �� . � 8' � 8 _%� � � 1— �..__ � � / �, r / � /D 1 �dG�Gs � - ! , 4�o 't �.- � � , .�ri" � l�l' ; �� - I � ' / �� / VV / ,1 u ;;� i C7�'J J -lC:��� ��'�t� -� �. ,P �`.� � ._,- ��� � � ( 5 -�--r� � , � , c'" �c�-:_ q_ �6 � 3 � � . ,��, ��' c, � o _.e� � . � ,_,,S� ,.� � - � � _ s' �,� � �, :�..� � �'� � —� _�� I o � �'�_- �.�� � � , .�� �.. � � q 22 ' �.S ` � ��t� L�it�f� �' �- ?-� �A K 1�I A�i E!2 `� 23 ��� " � �`� ; � � G�—� . 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cer.tify that I am a re�sident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at � � S� , �.�. ' �� me � 4 '% LOIJISE A. u FONp � ,,,. * _ . ,°y::: , Cc�i�rvTV g S'�e Car���s:or ; •�, p� ?9,t97� ,:r.�-�::1t�F!�aw-q � � • . ... . . ��i:.p,�t]�S�tk��7i!!Rl!i�'�I. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. f r- �� �;� ��.s � �}�- :�� —'�' _ -�, �:�� r.��n ��- rn . �;;.; �, o =..v�� �" `� _ _ � ,_. :"i5 ' �J :a) �s� ,;� .. .I.�!r_: .. . . ... . .. .._ � � ' . PETITION - INITIATIYE O�f.36 ` This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �1 (���, _ .� G'I �•�at � �."r .���: �� (°_ J�<�. �� t,�S�r � .'C�`�� �3 �S/ �'�.n� �_ � �� I�, `_) �`' . � . .��� s.....� �' � �Jt S` .� � � - i � �1Z� .�e� 4 r `.�.z,/ � >� �'� � ` g ' � �- � �� ' 5 � / �__ ;6 � �,�, � � (o � -C h .-#' `� ., �..,.�. '� ,� �'�,� �- I `J���. <,� 5�.. S� �� .-.,� ' ��''`' � L��1.c..L� (�2�A.-t:../�- ��o :� lti�4r--C�-z-�C� � �` � � . , � � o , � - , � � 11 ��� ' � � 7/'�,i � t"��`/ � � �� `lr`�. �' � 12 � r1r�_ _ C ,� � , ` � �`- 1� /. , � - � �� �,,�. : ; t�,�sC�% "Z � �/ � � ,� - . ,� �� ` ' � 9 / 1 J� � T ' i-�;v,%" , i5� ,�. �\ - ' �a ����`�` S a� \ . �.. 16 � ' L�G l"' �f C' �L;� , `�T , ) � � � ��a c . � �'` �� > �' - 17 �� (,G,� ;, �^ � �'�' �--�{�� L%� °(. � 8 � -_ �i.v'�-L'-L� ,�` `�L° ''�'�vi--'" '�`�' '�vw :L/�" ��`..�'r/ �,-� r � '� i /"�'�_✓ �...� � 20�+ ~ �" i��� ., � '� 21+,� � Z � ( �� '� � y' � „ 2 � - _ ,�,,{�,,�, '� � � -2 , _ �____�._. 23 _,., - . ... ._.,. �._v l. ��_ �.�...._...._,�_.,�.�. ��-� , : 2a�/ �� / � �� C3����- .� 8 - I ,- ,, . 25�:; . �i � � ,� i� ' � ��1�� w i ���J�� s� �/�.,�� , 26 27 28 - 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signat re• I urth r certify h t I am a �esident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � • ' �� �� �y Su �,,� sworn to before me / � ��-, � � LOUI .:. -� -a: . ,. .,. Fsor� i11MSC1 COUNTy u * M.Y�R1193t00 ��:iroq p�� �,.t9�i ��'��0'F.�f?I�z�fq_�Ji�1f$,'$'ritl�tNf!"+)t�,.. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the �ity of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c�-� c� r;, � �� L�-C - _{� .�. -n r— � .y{�l C=� �'�.� �-" r-:� r.. rn .G� �, O �L7 ——sl --" C7 :7 1�'7 i� . .. + ..•b: -:..:���:�;�,�i.��e:., . . . . .. � i . , . .. .. •�k. . , !.y.�.��.. ,+ . s1'. , ' �„�,:!' PETITION - INITIATIVE cy i �� � ���Jr/ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned resid�nts and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESICNATION �1 fi -_ r tiu-�. '' � .5... ' .�. , � 1�, �'. .�� � ,I�.� - '� ���r�.�-\�.; � �� -� � . `` A z 7 ��'i��l/' �i' � t.� .�- G 3 1 I" � � �? � ��r.� , �� t�U° � .�4 ���� �A.J� ,1 1��- �� � ' � 1 � , - --� ���- c�:�-�-� � I i- �� � � t, , � � � .� : � �a � �'-��� � �1 '�. �� �'�, ��� �'� �' 11�� � . �' � � -�= � I I- g . ,� ✓i � � �-�-u,.�c�- I� - 10 � • �t / A5 � , _ t- 2to 11,�, � � � ! � N 12 ��'��l.U� � �3 � � � - 2 ( 13 ` � -� _ ► �v ,� `P ��.,.�..� �. 3 �� .�__���..��. 11 - 2-I _ 15� ' ( I - IJ �bv � ��-.—�@- �_ --� r�'° ��S 1��'� - � Zd �' ��vuvr �/w-�s � 18 �a. j f, ��, � I , '� � I �� .�/ �o ' aR 1 ` � 1 3 SI �-�is,��ei r9�� �- 20 21 22 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur er rtify that am a r,�i nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at -�. ��. %0 ��-�,k=� , • � -�� $ ',��,�_s,�nr.n._ n h_���� ._ . �� .r �-OUiSE A. lA F:�NO �,. ' R�MSE` C0�1NTb tt My Commission :, ires p� pg, �g�'i ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� �_ :. � � ��`- - —�<-� -�, � _ , ;��;�, ;�- � c� s. � ��� `� -C� ' ;:..-r� ,__ -n n -7 t� '� . r. . . . . f�, . .i . • ' , .. .7,. . _ . , ' - . ' .. . ' . g��1.�1.^i' . � ✓ PETITION - INITIATIVE �Q�38 ' This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium loCated in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 � � �"� "y' Q#o k- _�2 �c��;a!i c l�nT� ,�n�a c:�e ►a: �����l/ v !/Z,�� i•v�r4- �� A`�_„ � . , � . � r 4 /`�/ � ICG-S C� G � C D/�� �/ � ,� �5 l�l/A // ;' r�c� � y ��� w G-�4 �us�► � �✓� � 6 /�Q�/ � :f��,- � � .� i� �-'�-v � � ''� p � � � �� �_� , l�o C� 117� !a1 a��raR�� ��`, �� $ /l� � o � C,GV`� '�• - ti 'L �g � `' `� '� � --.---~ :� � 10 � � ? c'"�'��_ --- ��a9� �����n� �/��� G�, �I/���'�� � - � Al2 :�t�����r��c��� �� /.�r � ���,J-� � -.—�r— � t�0 � ' .Z � . � .. .� � ��� ` � �1 t o �- �� � - � 16 � ' U � a�G� �� � .,... 7 �5.-� "" G _"'L,. � 9 ` �. ; � " __ �� / �., p � , 23 � �- ►o `9� .� �"� � ' �� . , , �25 ^� . L - � � .a 26✓ ✓ , � / � �12 S���So-J �� i �.- �r �� � � , l � -����,�� 281�"v cu.�L ''� �'�.�� �d/� L /� 4� �, r O 29 ��1� CY S� t-/ � l� �-�-s i%` ; ��/��f�- 7_ �Z.. � � �p � Jo �!/ CERTIFICATION �-� ..�'3� � �/�'1��/c� � . td The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presenci by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further c�rtify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �'�i-�-�-,�e� �S/D'�'� �'n�-5��� � �1.� ���'�-������ ��.��'n t^ before me , .'�l�� � �a, .�',� ' , � 'OUISt A. LA F-�fV � R 1I �.. . .G1try►e f . T �+Si_� COi iN7r ,,rJ ��� C�mf�+sso:� ., �r� M�C 19, 1^ /�,C.r% 1•� ° �,�' e"���l�''.-- '�"'��x"�`�'��'s�.��1'u!t�r•�x�_- �� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ���� � ,:� � 0 � / � � 1� �� � �� � � l , �..��... � M �-:? n t�� � � L�� . _..,� E_�._'� � �� T - �:1 _._C-.1�.. i`�-- .1— . . . . _ !Y r m,. 0 _ "'.r(J� 4'1 � .. . . . .. .. :�.�-� . � . .. _ -_,1 �=-7� •- '_ . . . . . . ... . �} .^� . . ... .�. . .. � 1-71 c"� .. ,. . ' '.4, '�� PETITION - INITIATIVE � 0�139 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. � Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the "City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed lNa�� $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �� �' � � Z `� � �s� � 6 1�V �-� � �y� � s r � 7 �,�i 1��..'� P � ��I� ./ d $- $ � �'- S 5 �„/ y- -- � � 7 a r � � �'� - � G�� � i� p 3 - - ��v�:�t�> ��� O ,� � — � ,� lo � �l 0'� � �. � • � �3 Iv - ► � , �. d c� � , 15 . G�� ,,,.� � � • �' .��� � , �. � �� .a � + ` �� � ! Q' `� � � ,Z� �1. - , /D��� � �� , '� % �,� 22 �s� (�li�/ � � �• 23 �. . �� V �� � � `� -I — � - 2► — 24 j,"'� %��L'c���� �Ih /�� � �- Z� 25 �/�li.c.L!!`—� � Q `f' �'��--�`y`'V'— $j � 26 � a � — , � � 2� Q " ioo� Gv ° �s �f 2$ �� ' ` - ' � � � , 29 -' � �• CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify t at I am a i n of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 7 �' !0 Subscr,,�,�_„��„� or to before me ' �" �� / D ;�; ���, ..; �� ��-���st a. tw F�; � '' k�M$( � <�ro�. • "'� Commisswa :. C01lD cT1► . , .. :r. :.�},... ,,... 'u ��19�: _ _;�.i.__ �,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,_.,_. �� ,-� �, = �.,�-< __ Q _, �, _., �_,;:} � �='�� ;`>: r=- __.;:� r m _ �,� `� ° ,_ _ _ , . _ , .� <-, __,. -,, - - -.,�� -- <_:� � ►n .-� � PETITION - INITIATIVE `� �Ol4Q � This petition .is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed �Na�) ' ned Address ELWARD �D S��it�= °-BESIGNATION � , `' 1Z - I� 2`... S ' ; . 6 � b � 0 f!/� D ' � � 1 � �� f ' � � u �� ' • /7�"t.3 � 1 Z h � s 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 16 . •17 18 � 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION ' The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have ma their signature; I fur her ce ti t at am a resident f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at `�C� Sub e�t ar�d.-�r�orn_to before ' � �, ' ..i�:z����f - � ., . ���ISt ,a. LA F:�Np ---,..:y, . � , . . . �'eif 6 7A - � '_'� k,ti;s. C0;!nrTr � t "rv Commissio} :K,,�r��s p�c 29. 19� �;, ,rz.,e-'x,-��;�:°'�r��.. , . "'ft�;'�t^.��,MT�, _ �� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. .4.; � rn � L <n-t --__ � ��7 �-'--' -o r � T��� — c='� �'i.�. �-- r-%� rn r a`J' �r• ° °�=.� ��} - LL c� -_� rn ,_� •. Jt.: PETITION - INITIATIVE �014,� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � m ���E� y� I� �f �e� Ay� 6 �' �' 2 ✓ � �� y . _ � �y� i� 3 � , i ��- � 6 , -� i, �-- C = ,�4 �v�.�S ���C�S ► o � u � �, .�. �'1 ' �/-,sG �i � ,r >30� r� �; ' � .�6 S �'�c - �c�e,�-� /�73�lcu� ! ; .�. �' � Jr, / �`� �O`7�� � , . $ � --; . , „ �` ;. n. , ., �' ��> � � 3�� �-�2- C ot, _ , a����`.�- /� l�� � �- l,� ��'� �� � V� ',� � " .�o �� , �'4 � v �� g� � .� � - � 3a � ; 16 �� � `;�' � 7 i'' .� 7 � '" - � � , __ � � /�� �� 9 � � �' � �' 2Q� � ��J �. 21 � 1 22 �'• ' � � � 'l� S � ., / �? 1� 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at a.�.c� Subscribed and sworn to before me ff'' • 9-- /5� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:.:, �, r,.. � .. <,:-�- — :, �,,-, _ �-.� � �-�:� i� r=- =r p _.<n `._ � -._-,� - C> � �i -� PETITION - INITIATIVE 42 � / 001 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ✓ G . '�L, i� , ;r ✓2 ��°�ks w. P������ sR j�_��,�. ��4 v���, � ' �� � �a : ,, � .� � �/zc dU �'oesc�� �R. ��.�„�.�� c.v �.-�.���i. ?Z� ✓aµ �' ur� � `� ��8 ''4` /Z ^ 1�� 1� � . 3 �LA B 8 � � 1� / v r <' �;J � ... . �' �EY- �l1 '/C ��3 � � ,� ' y_ � �? �� ,�'`� _. , � � ��� � u �,.,�.° � . � �t aa " � „ � , 8 � � ci�f- � � � �' �a � , 9 J m - b�e �2� f� � ' � b� f a �� b l�. �' � �' �l� ��8 ��'1 �i �u rd� � u ���/ �l ��-�,�-� � ' � �3 � !z� ��-�� a � ' � ,. ,_ �3 g ?° ��� � 7 �' � lV °� � `' 14✓ � / r :2 >U� .,,. �_ . � '"C � �. l.�-., �f, � ,-'�--►:' - � 1 , � � � :�,. a � �� / ��r�Q � ��, � � L � P►�3z S6�LC w�?e.,� a 1� i 2, W. �r; 1 l.�W nc x�+--�0 ` � � ' L/ P 20 E� ' a t� 2 " �,r ? �' 8 � ' -;. `�- � � �LLi i3�� � � � ,� �a- z , I�t G �' '� 2 ��,�,` � °���,,,,:� r �- � �.; - :���z. Z��/7 'C{'/O� ��llN2 ��' ��Nt�xc�/'�� �S �l� � � � ZQ►�l,/�.��(�/ � /'` ` ��s �. � ���p //� . � -� 7 fo t�J i' � �7� � �' � � � � -� Ua /►' c t� dJy d� rl1�.d�-,�i�t_ ,�. � k 7� J� � 2 4 6 S l�l� I � _ � � lG l � �.. CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furtMer certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �.e� `�-! ��- �, 6�6 G��- Subscribed and sworn to before me ' � _� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c� -� .l-� .�-_• --`= - �;. � � F /l � �fi '� _� .r O . _ ^.� ,, �r ,,_ ._;: ;._ ,-, , . — —n .. ci . .,' r.� �rtl PETITION - INITIATIYE ��1�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing idway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address E�wnan N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION a`!l laFS /U ` l -�2 ����b�crz,A/� L. ,�cf/ u�s� /` �9'��,.°�d, �.; '_ � ° i� �¢,�� , 3 �G��c.�d ��� �" g�!- � � � � �" � — ;:"�� r �.�..� , g5 � ' � G e g S v ' ' � s,���;r-.� � .����o�.� _s,.+r�- M �i�z��l� ��� _i,�_._.�-s�-� � � --�--=.� �� � _ > � ��'is��r /►�. ��P: .�.....�_ �,,- �G--� a'-�- 6-" �7��� C (�Tl� -� _� 1� — ���enr- 111 .��1►nlo _ C;l . /Ip,we � �� 6 �f7..s6 UiCJ. n ' � �('s c,e,,d c,o �. ��,t.£t. 1J��f. .��R,�„�..�n� �c. 9 a f ^�:� .� � .�� �-�-•�. 1 " � E; 7 � - ... . 11 .� � ' r v�✓�� . _ 1 � G�6' � � ' � � � � `� �e���=�: �_ , _ 1U� G �� � � ��`'a� . _�, �� 14✓� �� �.h, �L..� 01, J�� �L� 6 � a. l 1 � � � i15 i 1`_�»,► � �10 r � � , �l U 3 �' �. �wiJ �� � _ � _ _._ �/D Q r 8 �Z�6 3 f , �:f � cS '� � � o� � K:•b�rc ' �,� TM , 2i��', �� -�� /� 2! � o ►�p A��.. U .� � , 2 ,; ; . ; F 1� ..� 23 � /� � � a�( ��1 w od /,% • ,,� 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at,¢�-�-��� �s� �— Subscribed and sworn to before me � J��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �> ;=. t„.�. " =- -n _ ,- -;� - E. ;_ �_::-- ;Y, _ r o _ '�� _:-, -" , . -� „`, �' y rn - PETITION - INITIATIVE 00144 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ' Printed (Name) Signed Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ' 1 � c;c rlt r-� .�C / / "e� 2�-r0� �/"a r� � , , '�2 ;�- �� � �.� �� �� � _ —(� -7 v . ,�-t ; � •'L. �� �2���i��' .��G �4. �' S .. f� -�—� � � , � ✓5 � / � ,t. 6 �f�� ��, �m, ��7 -� � C5� r �-� � ,.• s . _ ;r ,� y� ,"t-��,. , �D ��� �/-�-e�l,v �-t,� S'-� F �'`�L..--� �,,� �� ` � g - < . , • -� � ��' ,� r��/'j - .. J , �, '� ,' l � �. �,, `� ., -��13 �� �.��: ,3 � �u� �'� �- . f '�� ,5 j I C.�� - -�; �.� � ' .� � ��%�°* �.��� r �4, • \ . _ i ° �r.,, � � '.-� ` i z � s" . � I � � � ,� �8 �` /+ . '-f �9 / ,, ,,, � �`—� _L-�/�.. ��- ,��,.�,��.�� ��C�. i��C� �� ��? _ �E�:�c�f�, .�� ?C� 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~"'`� �— -- - ---- 28 �, _ � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signature; rther certif that ,I am resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ���a ' Subscribed and sworn to before me � -�" � "� . . , Gt�c�c.-4—�� - - y� .. . . .f tiy.:M��M!��T �.'f�.i"i'.'P C.Q��NTM � � G,w �".on.�r.�;:a; �>�.i;as Dec.29, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �,: r� E_,. _- -„ , - ��, d -�__.,; ; ;n � .,;�.. � ,,y.... .. .ep.r,�l+le•..� . . . . � ' � � . ' ' . .. . � ��'�. .��4 . . '_���,�� a . . \���l.�'��. _..�.r r PETITION - INITIATIVE 00145 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�� $1 ned Addre ELWARD N LDISTRICIVE EPRECATION �G � � � .,. � �� � `e � �. � � 3 � � � -tc� 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 � 14 15 � 16 • 17 18 �" 19 20 21 � 22 23� . � }�,- ._.._.,..._�� 1► 25 26 ���,:;`' 27 `M`'' 28 • �� �y�h�,�, ,� . � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first.sworn on oath, certify�.:t�dt to ttt:�_,best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petitit,`�t�was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to 11ave made th ir signature; I furt �j c r ify that I a resi , of the ity of St. Paul,, residing at � .�" � Sub� ' --��'`" o' � �0�11S� A. �A fOND � ' 1�'`•�NF Il� �'-1:ti:>F T (',()11NTY �'.; i�+m;�.-ss:o€ �,;,1-,� Dec.29, 1 ;�i��na�:� '. ,,.� ,,.�+► ` _ � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City af St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r...; �:-_, , : _ ' - ._„ _ _ _.—. _. ��, _ ;� - -,; . ��"Ci ,`.:.:3 t, ..e � � � , � 4 � 4q f�. .... . .. .:}.� - , � � �. .�.0 +f . . . .. � �i W.Pp t 'l} . � .. . ' �:y� .` . . - � . .. . .. . _ . .. _,. . . . ,v., .. , �. � m PETITION - INITIATIVE � oo�.4s. This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or emoltshing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � � � -- :a � � � � �-�. �'� ' � ���������! .1,. 3 ' ,�� f's�-. � �� � S f. _ . � ..��,� �% �*,.� , i 4 U ;� . ;, 5 . ��. �(�� � G�C� � �d- .;' f 6 r ` " ��" �� 7 e C�-c:�l,t. �� � /r �- � 2 � ,l- , 8 � G��.,.� � �e�� �C!� �-;,�c•c,I� %��� �f � u � ��3 9 ° / ✓�UGL lP�' C.�/'i�. •f` � 10 �O Z <-�P/ < - � :.� / - ,�, .��, �r / � _11 b ���-�����-�_ �� iv 3�> C� �� l% � �f 12 � ��.M-�� `' � �-�,�-� G �-� , � �3 . C � = ' `'��-'/= l� ,i- ,y 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _ 21 � r 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their signatur�g f rt e certify h � I am a reside of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �`J �f- � Subscribed nd sworn to before me ' , LOUfSr. A, �q " ... .. . � . . . v�•xr�F_60TA ._ . .�,�:�5r.• COIINTY :4'.y Co�rrr:�ss'oc, �r;�uos Dec.29, 19�' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �. : �-, , ., .� �. ' ,.._, , . - Yj ' I' rn - r o i r� � . s: � � . , � _ . . _.>-'�.a1�•:s �A�eµ . . ., � � ,f . � �. - �� ,..a��� +,¢, . PETITION - INITIATIYE / oo��r� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $� ed Address ELWARD N `DISTRICTVE DESICNATION � ! a � �P�'v S l o�6 Dl��`-oe'ro i� r_ ws, 2 �3-r`�tv� ', > � '� � L/ � S�: �, � ��n►�S � � ���- a S�4 � ( �- �v� ����-� �� �c � 1 � `�6� 3R`s7' � �7` ' j�' � �y /S```f-7 �t,rc.� ,5 . S�'. f��,� - ° � � � ` k m.�.�, �l �� d J D l � �� s �, �' s -�, t�G� . . . �'R�►.1K a►�(;�w.s; s��s3 FlZErr�r•�r �AV�. s�. p�,� J 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 — 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made eir signatu e• I urther certif at I m esident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at Sub .�' ��nd,�worn to before me � � �' � � �c� LOUIS_ A � a. . , ..,, _...,.� '���•��' � c�uNTy. �_ � Priy Corr,ri:�ss:or, ��;�res Dar, Z9, t I g��l�[._�lxJ_t u_,___..�s.�'�CttJ�, ,,,, ��'',.s�;�'z,�,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. : � , � • �' � �. -� �., " .i} _...'"� c-. j:.. � �...,_.. � .._. �..�1 F- rJ ' t, 5,.� '``'` �� ';a�, ;;� � t ,:`; PETITION - INITIATIYE � 00148 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �. r -- � J•�,c,.� �acc��v� ��o� � /�"` 6 2 ��--r �� v' c a � �� ' 5 � � �� /i — / � ;. �� ao �a � � � - �,� 5 ,,r � �-�. - � �� 8 �'�z � � .. � � � f/6 � - i , , �� �h- , � ,J� o�� � �.,.��-�...� - SC� C U�' i - 0 8 � `�< e� . ,�, � .- �, ✓9 � 103 � � �� j 1L,.1? - �..� 2 /� � f- L✓r .. � 3 � �"� k q S-c.J��s' s � �` � �t4 -�' � � ; r�/ i5� ` �..� � � ?� �6 b �-� ► ti � 3 :� �, ��� �� � � �$ � ' �� (Q ,. a�� . 19 20 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made t eir signature; I u th r certify ha - I am a siden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ,l Subscribe and sworn to before me � ' �� ,�,c. �`� t-�kis���ia�.�stx:�!:u'"Ji'��� t LOCi';?,�_ ,4. LA FOND � :,�., , . _ . .'lY ... . Pi:y Carr::;,s r . ;;r, D:�c '�. 19 x �,"'�-{''`��r:�"C?�� ci•i"_ '. .x'E:�:ft�.w ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , C.i.. C7 S'' .- �"y;i � (I7� f' ` i:'7 ..- � � � _„�{Tl . � rt �`.. r �-;': r' o y cn c: �� _-E-. ��i J, , . —ti � ,.� �*, ;.� r �, � � ��_ ,�e, ��,� � Y?�, rr t��}, ��..� ' PETITION - INITIATIVE 001�'� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned ACICIf eS5 ' ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION `� 14 a �' ` , v � / ,.? 1� 2 � (�,� ` ;Z�„2,�c,-� C- �� ����'� ,� �" . -! - � ..�* �' 3 �� ,�`�;a;� � I -!� o J .s�� ��a - � �.- 4 , � 1 S w � �`� �d` � : � � o o v , . - E l� . �7 - '�6► ""' ,o�� �'�, E �'/ �N k�, � � � �� .7 ^�'� � ` � � �b/1/� � � ' $ �' � �� � t- � -:w. �l 9 � � _ �,,Y _. " ��. �f .._ o! ��. � � �01- � � ^ , o 0 �1 ° c � - � - s�--,�-r��� �, - -� - c , - i/ , ��iz, �,.-'�c� 'S � � 5� � � , �. ' .13♦ � //____� _ 14 � G�-�E �. �� �- � � �� s � � - ;. 5 J -- ��� � �. �, � -i� 16 '` . � �'r (,,� �' C�J� , . '� � 'L1 � h�`' �` ' � -_�"'°� // �„i (,. 17 i 7 ��' � '^ �,�R N Z 18�% _ � � �- �=� ��. 19 ✓ /S� � ' � � � 20 ° � S j i �`..{ �' a.r�° 21 � � :'���� Z 2 � �L/� � �-/� ���,aw,;� s i. ��, s s r �-�� 2 — �— � , �-- `. 2 - . 25� , � <�-��C '' � -:.:t 4a 2 � i G �_ .�-� � - �1 U 4 ; � , . 27 l � � _�/ _ 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I rthe certify t a I am a r iden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' - i � � ,� , Sub �,,�•,��.,ar., +„ r � - -- ���.� __ . ��. r � J�i _ � ��v Gorr, � , u:c 29. 19� �� 7L Tt H�l A ._�:�LM._�l•I�'_.�?�:'f� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . .. _ _ _ _ . �, __ . . . � --. _... . ;, ,:,�'�., - �f � �� _a — U''� � �� � . �'�� `� � � ;j7 C-,, _c^ " -n — _ _:-,Z .. � � .� �� ;j . Y0�" • _ Ot)150 / PETITION INITIATIVE This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Si ned Address E�w�aI�N �oiSTRICTVE nESIONATION ✓i D Su� 76 Cu.�d A ; � ry 2� R v �:�?�!�/� 9�3 S � rn . � �3 �xi�v� �2���1 �,�-. ' 935�. .�-.� , ; .� � � g.a o - D �:^ �� .���. � � � _ 5 � � � ,��, 1 �- �r' , ,6 ly�� Jc j _ � � � � , � r n� � � � .�� �,/; ,e eS C° - � 9 , � _ .�, -� i.V�' � ,, � � , r . . -,A ���, s � ' 1 � C � �' �' �' S .._..,,,�.. ` �r _ W {1 ; e . l �f 124 / � � � ` � � ,; 13 ' . ,n,.. � '1 � � � ��� _�_ � �-� r r. � V �14{ , ` ' ' 3:G . � _ / � �-�15� ��o-2��,�' ��r�'�u'--� /�3� �' �c��.�i-n-� .�', /��c.�r�. ,,� l `l i6 S"-Fu � f � s°3�r �'�N-� � . P4� ���- l� �� �.- S'� �.� ���" � P � �� � � � � � �� � 19�. ���� � � � L� >.� � a�,r�' A ; ,.. �'� � ` � S P �. <. �7 � ,.� �,� Zi,� �- � �. ' � / �b l�.� �� ' ,�� . �l.�.:.,,, /tt ,� � 22 A�; .. `"'_'� � � ;< �: 3 ` �s/ i t�o E�E'1 �.'. (o p 24 � � �C'� Lv��� �` .': , � -, � , � 5 t-_�-.�...�.. .�-+C� 41��"� ��C%G� ; _ �a s�'_ .M./C� .� �j J c ��� � /�I �� � l� �l►"� �, �� � ,� � . 3 . � , � . �,�� _ . _ � .._ 2 .� . . , � :, �.F c� �/� — ,, � 9 � % — tt R � �""" �'�� �(/��3't t`� � � S�' S S"/ 0/ CERTIFICATIO The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma 'r signatu ; I r rtify tha am a s 'de of the City of St. Paul,, residing at :iD Subscr' ' � -�'`� I�UtSt A, LA FOND � R.4RaS,-:r COUNTY 8�� b7y Comrt:issiee er.;iires pec. 29, 1A9�,;� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �t_ � S�� � . ._ ,. . . __ . . , _. ..�,:�.� !~ . ,. . . . . .._ — -Tl .., � � � C��2: ���`� f41 t"�= r � _ �.� � � . . """'--—r; _ " �-i1 •� � '7 . . � S[1 c:.' .. ;�,b , ' � . . . . � .... 'il.d. i..a' . � ���. ..� � �� ��-.: ; .�.f:: f.. - . . crr.k: PETITION - INITIATIVE ,� 0015_l. This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the Ci�y of St. Paul �or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pr'nted �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 e o e �., /'��l/,ni e.^ , ' " p w � o � � � °r ., 2 r.- � , - �99� 1 „� '� •. i ��` . rf�t ,� .; ,, ;��.. ., .t� � �v � � � ( �� � .. r � �. :, � cr' . _ , � �'�L� s�� r�z 6 - � � � LL � _ - �;.. � C � ` - ����� , � - � ,r�r : t � -: � G 8 0 � 1' S C �2 �. S o I�J ! — W v 7' — U � . �j� ,: _ 9 � ,�• — ` ST" G SLj� ,. icY� - c r�, /o� . �/pa-.Q �o ' 11 � 12 13 14 15 16 � 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e• I f rther cer i y that I a a res ' ,ent of the City of St. Paul,, residing at � �� � S�� ' Subscr� d. to before me - � '� �'�' � - - , .- IOuISc A, . . . ..- ..�•N�.E807F R S"�Scr COUNTI► � � At1y Comrr,�ssio� �r,�ires Dec.29.19�h ;��`� '� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the �ity of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c.== � ��'J � �� E.^�ti , �!�-� T �� ..". ^.� �: 1`Sl G,.,. v ,- r _ '�;, ,�. -_'`� _ il � - _"Tl a • � � ,� j - -,;�.,qry; , � c- , 1 �.i . s'<.. ��, .. �, y� �r k . . . y r ' .�:� ���'. , , , , . � � '::�f�"' � .. �... . "U..D ay ^ , � • .. > ' PETITION - INITIATIVE ,(� �[J�a�+ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $'1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION • / ` � v + O *--� i� � w � ( l / � ... {. A - "/ �. 3�'' . .0 �- � 13�G ti� .���e _ � � _ ,� �. .r� �- . 4 ` � � " _ �c.��-� c� � r r-� i „�,�-�,.c,.u-�- 5 � ^ . ,� r i' 6 � � 2.� �' � � - v ,�, ,i- ,, 7 ,' � � � � � 8 �i�„`�., _� ,L�' �' //1�r' LU�.Q-e�C��-1.�� ls � �� .�z �; °��l 9 f,u��a.-�--...- '3 °I/ C�G���.... 0 z �3 f ; , ._ 10 � � �-r �'r�— i � , „ � , �. 11 y t - � ! 12 !'r � v7 q � � 'J , 13 ;/�� -��--c� '= l � � �.��.�'�l� ,v �'�°� w'� , . ,�j 14 ������%��s � � � 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rther certify that arg(`� r sid nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � /Q �� Sub " - _ i - ��.�X�- � �� it"c �. LA FJNJ ___ . ! R�-;5t� COUNtY .. . hty Comrrission cz�ires Dec. 29, 19�x u , x ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. G�:- �' `--a =-+ <_' ��, J� - _�� `T\ ('.I,��� � rn +`�4 r a ---c, �,-, � " ��� _ .,:=-Ti � ' �-_� , _� _ �n .,:� . . . . . � �. ..; , ; PETITION - INITIATIYE 001�� / This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said ' Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION �o,��-�> ��vso �/ �"� � � ,�-�.� � � � � /Z �.�� � � Y 6 `��'� a ��� � �✓ � �� � � '� � �� � �.13 g3 � o -� 3 ( a G�'' ' /z- -� / .-, _ � i ,� �� �-. 7� �r�Fx�' � � � �� l�J. � ' � � , � , � � � � 8 -� . � � ?� ��� � G �, � � ,� �.,a-f.��! ��'�4��`��t C '„� � C C. !� � � /l _~��.. �� . • - ,/(� � r' � _ g r 7� ! 'F , � 11 �' ' --�-�- ���� /.3 S�` a� �� - 7 �Y ' ; __, , . .� , z� ���� / � /� �� � ".�.'_ % �'> L / �' � 1�^ f [-e'-_ 7 c: L' v- ' ` � � 1 �'�l X-s� �� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signatur ; fur her certif t t I am a r, i nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at S � Sub ..il d�nd_.swor to before me ' 'l� d , LO'JISc A. LA FOND • .. �. ,� .�F/� ..... RA�^SFr COUNTY g hiy Colnfr.►ssioa c����as Dec.Z!,191�k ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at . 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c,.-� �� ,:- �, � ,,,_:_ _ _- n f_ — " -Tt ; — '�i ++�.. ('.� � . �n �_..-- r o _<:= �-, L-'Ti � , �, � {1 �.> . � . . � ':� i .; � ' � � � . ^ ,�...�..'�.�:GM . ,. s "''JI!k PETITION - INITIATIVE ����;`� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P inted �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � �v� Gr� °^ ' i 0 s �1 .2. " � 4 ` //�lyL �� � � - ;f 5 �� � /� �� � �� °� � 6 „ � l� 1 �� E � ;7 , , , � 8 s !e� � •� ', �r , � � �, ��-,� , .- 1 1 .�v�� �� --��z� @icv. `'�C1 ae �_...>�/�` f' - � �/ � � ' � i2✓ ' /��� ° r 13 / �S�i o� �;��: � � 14 �- •� ,� �• . � j / • � � s—.t.�� �� _ , ;: �,, 1 �� � . � : 1 � , r i If 10 19 20 21 . 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir sign�t}�r�I urthgr certif t t I a esiden of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � 1�t-r-b f0 S �,�,�� , f r _ me . ' � �` l.0!.11'SE A, �A i.OND ' i i _ P.9r:iS;� (',OUN7Y �� �' hiy Comrrisswe :�;uras Oec.29.!?nt; i�%'w.=.^`fi)'��lr�v�+y!w:.�anv!4�r•-.. .... __.. . __._ ..'YY%qfi�Z. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �..,:. �, :; �s _-.- " -- -�, � - ;,� m r o � - ,, . � `,r, ..:� +r !�'�':iL:^�'.+rS:+'.- ,r.ls•.r �� ` 4 4 J ..-yr.' . PETITION - INITIATIVE O�l1J� ,� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ►����Ig ���` �/�i���.I- �1��'Q ,/��-7 �'��,��--�,�� �'--���/_'������ �:Z, � .: .:.� �;:, ✓2 �.3j rZ N/-�2 p S. �`�I!4 2�'i��C �'�,�.�j���- /6y� �4 : �i � � l � �r`c n 1t �u J Ic/[ �.,... �atic..,�/_ s/2 G�. ��sai+.,i,,,. � , � - � . - - - - - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f ther ertify tha : am a re 'dent o the City of St. Paul ,, residing at -c�, � � l Subscrir � '� � � % -� D ,s `�`-_ 101/1St n, U iOMp -. , u� Sf v C4:iNTI� S tiiy t�m�M� `,'.« � �n x,�� 0! �eC. ��. �iJ� , '_'�'-���+�`'"���II3taT/fr1lle��arw�.�, f �L_LF�; ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway 5tadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. • << � , ' � � u�-� `` _ 4� _ v —.�t`"' T c:"�:%3 ��`° ITt t:� r c� � �,;� =.�-? —_ --n ` 'c> - -, rn <::� .�.,.�' � . .ti" . '+' •:,., i, ,. �v:�° �,r. ,; , _ . . , PETITION - INITIATIVE 0�156 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $'1 Address ARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION ,.,:'1.! D/.. �'�l 1 �� 3� /��� � �v s /V /�, �. 2 ����� �''� ',� 3 � ', '' �,�, 4 - ` .� -1,fi� � _ � a� � _ � � - � � ,; ;� 6 � � � � � 7� C- �_ , � . � 'y �-1 9 � �� �:�P�. 13y �,:,� �,�'; ' , ���;.. �� I � � �� �' ,� ..�._ 1� ' / ���� _"V4 , � �/� � P�/yr�i-� �� .� � � �y , ��,� � � � .., . -$.. �2 � --, ._._ . � -�_ 7 ; 13 � t.. � _., ��� :, , <� ,_.�. ,�� � _ �� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made eir signatur ; f t � certify tha I a a s 'de of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at rit.r� Subs ' �i■�I��i�e� ' � � .. LOUtSt A. LA FOND , � P�R�S'� CO�1NTV . # bly Commissron Ex;,ir� (1�. q9,19� y��- -� ,_.:�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �, �_�� F-.� =, -� �� � --��, _..- -�r-- �� � �� ��: � �'� rn r �v' �, c' ��� - u`C-T m...-. � �� m �� ..A. t • � , � .. � .. .. . a.�W.. ..5. ;- ,�„�,�� �. is .� Y`. . . �- � . . ! PETITION - INITIATIVE 001�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, '�rinted (Name) $1 ned� Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION V 1 �l ���y,Q �'S S�S� Sa � d� � �" / l/ -- ., ;,, � s�lds"' s' � /� � e � � u � � �' 1 .�' /�' ; _ ,s l 5 � � �-�� � J ._ � � � - � �� - .�� �- � � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• furt r c r ify that I a resi ent the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ��n�2-�s�0 Sub .,.an��n_tn _ for � �� � C� L0111Sc A, LA iONp ' Ra��s� Y C�uNrr - � Riy �omm,ssic• rc:;l;vs 0!e. �. i� +ds7[`•�iiCis�C -- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��� � ,_,, .�, —7 �1 '� —{C�3 ....;...J ��' T-i"1 'Tl C;'U {\.� F_' ��''� m r 3:��' c; v M?�T' �..... � _:_7 m :--, ' .. . 4: . . a. . . . .. .. . :( + ?-'��.. , . . .4�' ' ���' . t . .. . .�.�~ . ' . . .J. � � � �� _ r / PETITION INITIATIIIE ���J$ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned ACICII"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION j� � /b n i' i ✓1 � .� , � ' 1/-- / 2 � , � ' � �� e � � . `1 3 -- ;� f �� 4 v.5� h �3 l�t l l`�? t � � c � , � / - /! .�" 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above peti.tion was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made th ir signatu e• I furt er certify tFj�I a a re�ide t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at -�,a, � Z Subs i,��� rn to before me � , f� � LOUISE A. - 4__, . . ,., , .� M,n,•�.eo�. .._ R�x�s�y �ruTr � 14Sy Co�rrrvssiar; cr�;� Dec. 29. 197�: ,- ;�.�.s,����-t a��,��,.-,,,_._.'i ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-, �::,:_ �_, -,:� ��-� --- -�n ---- -.,r- ;-i -n i-.`- i'•.- �= r r-n � v . -_ ,. �,� - �-, _ _�y_e1 ..:'—�.� '_.. C? Ri --� .�►� ., .._ , . .. � , ,, _ �{. . . �. . _ f . � � .. .. ' - � �Y.. � .'_'-r PETITION - INITIATIVE r � 0�$��� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION J1 GL Y.D �, �s� � � % � �� r �� ��--`� — �, ,,,� �� `� 7-�1 3 ,- _ � �,7�l.� t�.SSF� , -- 5� i�� 7 �4 _ -__.,_...---� - �____.-- -� '/ e;� 5 � � �� � /�Zt.d�x�� q,,u,�� �2�.,,,,✓ �y��, � , .R -=.� �.�� /3s s/.L-�CS�� �;��- � ll- l 1 S1 /A/�L,, � �/// !�///�//L�f �17 � � - � C.� �a � �-��0°v� I� ,C y� l l�`,;� c C C��—/G 7 �2 .-�-�.e.� � �� 9 - �� .e.�.�,� c�.�' �:y�..�.�c�� � ��� ` ��?� � io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -- 24 25 26 � 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their signature; I f rther cer if that I a a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Su �i�4�$fi " _ � - '�-T _ . ll� LO�11SE A. l/1 FOND '� ' N(?'• . ..�;� _.____.. uNrr �/ � .__ _ �` �y Cotnm�ssnn E►A��!s D�.29.191Q :� +'}�'1?�s�7x; _ ____. ,�_._� _ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c_y �� �<; -� -� �n-+ y -- �) _' _, tl �-�.,:� �.' 'r'l �.�. - C _ _(:� �;, -;—7 _-:-�Z ' c] _� rn ,J �.r'•.� '�'.1r_,-;K,.�,<'+�, �'A. �. . 'i': .. Ml .... �4'V��A .N. � r�- � � .. . . , < . ��i!A.'i'��r,' z PETITION - INITIATIVE ' 0��€',{� This petition is to prohibit the Cit of St. Paul from removin alterin or demolishin Midw� 9� 9 9 Y Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. inted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION —���C�� ''� � ` � � � � � m_ �� � '� �FL �1 ', F ' G t�'2� /- / 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their si at1�r�,; I further cer 'fy th t am resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �l` �.�� J�1� Su� � �6W�'s��� � !� LOUISE A. LA FOND + � N �t7•, . M•w��.:�alr�re R��:tSEY COUNTI' ._. My ('a�missaon E•pi-es Osc. 29.l��i i,Q�i�ii i r n r �lF7i�►'' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �.°� � ��; _3 � � � _{,� ,� ,, ,� -„ '�.-- i�� �;, --�-• r- c, ' �� c, � o - -;.�-, -- � � n :� ... . i. �' ..... x...r:.rh'�...4:.�. ,., ♦ . . ... .,� ' , , ri 4 � . � . . . , � . ;*? . � .. % � . ..� . PETITION - INITIATIVE �� 001��1- This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undei�signed residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in �ec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION , � �_ � � � ` � � � �, � ° •2 7� /E' -E� o �r T. �-�� 3 � �� Z �% �h . ._ � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 � 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• f rther cert'fy at I am resid nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 7'�t.o � 'i� Subsc me � � - lOUlSF A. LA iOWp tic....r ; RA►;,Sfr C�11N11► g �Y �nm+ssMn �r;�res �X ��1f�T Y..�s�f:n;�.'r�,�R,�rg,,;c:. , D�C.1y,�4 _.__ � 'R;,;: ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �;;_: � i```;) � �--, ,e„ � � �_� � t,.,,.::.. `� -1`. � �j =:s�� r �. ,�: _ �, _,', : = _-;� . ; �� -�::> s�� ,4 .�. _ .a':. �. , ..�;.. ., . . i , . _ ` ;�,r� . . . ,. �. PETITION INITIATIVE ����� /, This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pri nted� �am $1_9�1P�_ _ ) Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � -- 1 I—f�/��. , L� ,L. O N /S9 � • oN � ��/a � �� E 2 � �{�� � �.� �35��.'��ss `�cr� ��J. �S- ��. 3 ✓� � � .�7 A-�-�-- �- � 4 � �� � �, � �� � , - - �<: - --- � , 5 • .< � —� � - - .. 6 � " � � �' - - �; o�. , 7 A ' b o t cLut.. S _ � -� 8 � �,c' l � � S � � ��' . ` 9 � . � 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signa ur ; I fur h r certify t a I am a r si ent f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at`� � � � Subs me J / � �.ouist A, LA fONO .� RAR.as�r COIJNTY � ti:y Ccmm�ssie^ f:r;,�res D�. 29. 19 '` .�r-� -�� �iilF»'�,-;1��n�i?�1L� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. - -�-� . _ r .,i �i:�:l ...�� . ... , ... .;�'tr;� � � R .� ^ , � � �:!?�!l!�*`rt` '; . PETITION - INITIATIVE G 001(�3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election� Printed �N8R1@� ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Siqned �dT"@SS NARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION i A I� a t'� ' a , � 2�� , __�� � ��� g"�3 ,_�--c�/�,,J_ v� _ ��o ` Q �o�7 �_�C�'a�i 4 � , , ,�a�, `, , �� k � �, ., _ �-. �• ��S 4 � .. 6 � /�D � G�?/� ` j.3�/� _ . � � �' � � � � S.�' /� 8 ' � �. a. � 2 r = � �j ���� 9 L - -- ' , — — � ! � %� � , � -� G — _ , G _ , 0 � � . �� a � � V i�. �. o�D� � .- S�// y: .. i� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 19 `�20 21 22 23 24 � 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have m e t eir signat�; ��r ertify at I am reside t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ` S i���wr� � " � �/ tQU1SE A, tA FOND y ��.�.�� MINN A �. R.���SEr �OUN � hfy Commis:io„ �xpres Dec.29.19?�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c-- � Y._�� _, -,� ���-< - �-=-1 - — T - — �.` � _ r. rn ' �-cn c� ° c� -�.. . .i.=-r �..... C� J m � ,. .. . _s�thff'�!!�:.;ivs�:-�1��i�. .ro4L. . r. � �,'+ly ' , � , .. , .. . .. ��.i,�T� Y . .i." . . � - �.y�a..^^ . . PETITION - INITIATIVE ��iC4 / This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LOISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � 1 w S���' (G�/A�� r ��—'� ,5 ���.t�` �- r?�_�Ji � �'r.� -7��'�" � �. � 7� d ti�'/V� ���" r �� � � � . __ � � �. � , � � 06 _ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rther certify th t I ; , re ide of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at . �{. �z. " r� cribed and sworn to before me � � IOUI'3E A • ' MIN'�lwo�• '• RAI�ASFY CO1INTY � � My Cemmission cr�res Dec.29, 19'T�� , .°mR�3+:r:x ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �,, �, �� ^, (7'_C. '-.i T ' n -- r � ' _ �,. ._ __,-, _ � ---:, � .. �_� � ,n ,� . . . -� � .r� .. . ..�.� ,. , . . . . ., : , r � � . . .. .. . ,.. . . `.CS •e.: � � . ... . f'. . . PETITION - INITIATIYE 0�1�5 This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or emolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � - ,c e E 1�t,c �e .�.c.� �-�a 6 e��c. ��� ; . , r � o� s � S' �_ � � `C �13� . �, � � � �r-t' c�. � :�1�.% �:� /��� d � i�� � 5� �_�.� _ � 4. - /- , ,. � ` -� o _ .�, � �l ,� , - 8 �! � b�N r � l � l �1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature• I urther c rt fy that I am a re ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �� �if. - � ic� � •�>� Subscribed and sworn to before me ' '`'� � �) � IOUISE A U FON ti�.,,.... �,���:.r.,,.. . FtA�,sSEv COUMfY �Ry G,mmisSq�l i�Wrr.s D!!c,?9. 1 •:��:!�i;;: . A _ _._. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �_,.; �` --, �:, �-< -,�., _"� � .-, ;,, � _ - � r :,; 1" rn ':'r. c,, o .r. ' .':'---ry ..._.. C-� m _� �:.:� _� .. , .t .•.swr e- , .:i * <�; ��i; � , _ , :-� ��� ,� PETITION - INITIATIVE ��1�f This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � ! � � ; . ; �� ` -EI�n '� t0 b • r10 � � - , 3 — ,.4 1 � � ~`� v �Z �� � +�S �a-�', C�/!/ I J _ , ' �/, 11� (�E: e U�cSo � i � � I - �. lj o �� r-�-�, �e.,za,/ z y �u„/�,� �j ` " ` � ' ; � �2 Z U 13 Z �-/�}� s�(�r-(=r-��ca ► � (� � � . � � � �. 1hl JO �.o� � � / �� ,� ,d C k.�--�►�� � l i N-�..,� S-+, S I((, ���= �� �J', /',c s�= � ��7� .�i�r�_ �, ��-s��� , „ %l� � / 6 �v a G- �� �-.� � ���/ � ��� - � ar � y� h ..SS� 1 �� �L ���R. c�� .�c,�. 95"9 �.�z �4�c��d v� ' 64/-� � - i9 � c ' tr y �t, � - __ , . rf ci,c�� ' /�S'� �.� i - - ` �. - �G � ��`-5�fa�I2�r/� � c�+,.� a.�o� � �=.� � �-sios - ., � �� , ` � �� � �.33 ��u, ' � � � - :�� . � o N ,�o eN t�'N �' \�j'a„ � °� ! � . � ♦ ; c . � J � w C�3� , � �; � 1���� �� �r � ���� � � o ti��L�s �— i � ���� _ .__._ 2 ' ��� .�r 'h. ti-� �3.s�.�,h.,�-�� .� � � ,..�.� �1. :S o; � i .,��-Cy��c.t:� �.�,-- jy y["� �1c-ti.-� '. S�ii �, ,� i 2 , � � .,. � �'� '` c:.E'�'1 �"S���,� 1 � �. 29 l�> � � � �- % /7'0 �'�.�:�� ..�//C� � , � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si�qatu , I,further ce ify th�a�,��I �m a r�esident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at ej��-a-�-e-�t�,, ��'�,�n..SS�C��-� t�-��r Subscribed and sworn to before me � -'�` �d` ,.. , iXLf....,. ... . 1 • t �' Yr: . . 1� I� � _v. � J a[nri�rt l�s . �.'�r�tSEr CpUNTr �' My Con!miss�on �rp;�es Dec. 29,19�. � , . �'R�^xcz . : ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �, �_- . i...,1..: --j 'll �,,_,t �_- _7 "T7 —. . � � � "_,,,, r- rn , � ca -_ r�� ' .:� � Gla'.- . . �S/iT L .♦. . « .. . . _Y u . { ,j ' _ . �. . - . �^� r � ' � 5��, �.�� . . . � � � . '`� . ' , ' ' n r��r. � . • . , . . . -. ,..�. � . .. .. � . , . PETITION - INITIATIVE �� / Of)1�1 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted (Name) $'1 n d Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � - �-J �-� �' // / � E� (/ �/��t�'�-�. `��.3 /� w�i,�°� i°,- i 7 m� '_ - ! I- / � � � � �- � � � / �s � , .�� I1 - ;� 6 ' " t H c�. � _ , � ! � — j�9 /� . ;' .S �� ✓ G r•a � % � ; . � ' � /SGiV d " - cS � R ) � � , � , % 6 J , � �3 C� '" � �Z� 3 � � �/ - /��� 14 � — � �pB�R"7 , c l�-c� ti �� ��� ,� � - ;� _ , �- -�o ��71 ,� , - ; :. n � ��� . � ,� ,, � , , � . 1 �r �`3 i � 9 �� � � ` � �� � "' � r/ � � ,� � � . , /ZLE� t1 — ��'c� r��- � c.F � `7 �v��z � �I�� -- G �� 'i , � iK� ►` 1�7,;r' ,�s � (,�N � 6��- �� ; � 5 �.� ���'�e, 23�� Sc� vb��FF�L�- __ 4 IC. ��'7I� � �( � �C�;�I�t'-���+ � //.� � ,,tr� i; . � '� j`�� i � �� `'�,� �C C 1,+.�`��� � + `i-s�`t.-� i' �'�, ',��i,, -�-�,;, � ;�. �6 �..� r� ' :��� - � � G� ,.�,,� " ._ c�,,.--a-r�.=-- �3 �—� ,� _ � � , . ; 8 �l ,�G t'/f� � ��-�-e.�_�%%��.;7 ,�� -�..� ' �-�� 7 ., � � , �� 9 � � '�` ' � � G /� �.� d �< l/— / CERTIFICATION ' The undersigned being firstlsworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature bn this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to' have made heir signature; I ft�rther cer i tha I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at -c�- �/ �n SJ%� Subscribed and sworn to before me � � � l.OUi A A ` ,,.-. ..:. .,., �ra.,�, • ,._ +���ASLv �f+UNri j i ' My Ccmmissio� .*p��rc Dtc 29..19�j i� �'�'i:':�.,r n,i.r��'k°��'�!��'�L'R'Xti�t�'s�!a�! ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-� ;-� �-:� _ .�., ,�, r ,;;_. , , , _ ,7 __ -r, � , _ � � r n ' _ �:, _,' -- - ` .,. ' ,-; � ,,, ,� . .. , _ . .< . . ,. . : • � � . �� .. �.: . .. . .. .�r< a . . � . PETITION - INITIATIYE / 00 if 8 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION / � V�,�/i�1�r� C �� � �. : / n �-�G �� �� P.l� ,r- Jv 1 i -'�% r/{ e � �. I�0 � C�.C��. �- � �� � � ��.�1�-�--�� � � �`� , �, ' r� � �' � G�� �t�rt-��� ! l����2� �,..� eQizr�-�,�" �`' % . �`' � �. d� �C�v� "�l,�L- 6 �, - � i 1 L� ; ;. _ , 7 � — `\ ` � ., i' - ', -�(,� � �j -. _ ICJ�� �li/'C.l ,�/l��r�C� ��� Cc?/1.D .�/�� 7;7�'� J , , . ;-�•, �,es�er ,b,/..eon�r�so ��/�19- �� �'f'• 11 12 13 14 15 16 i 17 � 18 � 19 2p I 21 22 i i I 23 � 24 ' ; 25 ' � 26 � 27 i 28 � � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their signa e• furthe� ce tify t �, am resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul,, res i ding at q�7 S� ��� � " ��'- � Sub� . • _ r ,t,�,- . � . LCU15E A. LA FON� '" ..����.,�:.. �. . . R,4�A Er �Y?11NTr � � My Commission t�pues Dec.19.19h� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. {;:�_ �' '-� ._� � �,-- ._ � -, T _' "", ... t� � in - . r o . � �;, . �: �,i _' , , � . . '�.> � . .. . . . . . ,�y� ..... ..� . . . r�. f PETITION - INITIATIVE / OOi�fi9 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo� ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Seco 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance o� the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION u dr � . � ��C. �3s� � - �y !� tl ,h� ' l� � o._ � � � � ' � /� � �03�- ; : .D. � � _ � �.iJ C �1 0 .0 3 0 '� �� � y � /- i �7 � � 01[J 7�/1w c�C� — '`� 1`�•�..� � fr 1/ <-� '�' �e . / ����,�J � �� �'� ,.. �� 10' � A N ET .G ��N� " r . . � _� , 11 �f s�2o u�,J _��--� � � 1 ��/ � � �t � 12 q � s J � � -. � �- � . 13 ! ! 4� �' �L� � ; _ 1 U �vCy�� �--�� � C� �'7 � � �j4 r,� 15 �i4.(l � �tJ ��✓ i l - -. 16� a , �GC,r,�� �=�—t ' /ore�� . •�Ie e� � . ._.. , � \ r . 17 � - . _ ., , "� �-- O� o �O 18 � � 1 ���' � S , Q- i 2 ,� �� Q �D� `� � 21' '� "�� /V� �� ;�',�'l��i' � e �L2 � ;r � ,� — Q r � n Cr C ��r � C f— �� (�,(Z�(I i �b.t , .(G'�., . 23� .�` �2u�,�� � �` ? ,�� , 24��� % E � � , ��� _ ` ,- � 2�5 �l + C K i �c�.1/ �CIS ��,c�i�t' �-'�:�r� h�o�Z /gT1fi w"oo c� C� 1 Q`�'= � : �- � . 26 � R� � G- �`�v , � _�} _ t C 1�. P 27 � C, � � � '� � 5 _ a 28 c?y Ti= �/�t!�U ��2 ~ ' �ss �' ��� �- - 29�.. ��J p p cJ �� � � l-;<. CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sign�a ,ure• fur�her certif %i�at a a resi ent of the City of St. Paul,, residing at �� ?� . �'�'-�;h�-n.S ��d ��� � S _ �c�„�h��and sworn to before me � �' � � � �w������ - . ....•NA��rsFr ni� ��..�.� y � wTr �� Commi�ion E�� p���� jg�'�; `�?�'BR�,uN_ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in th�e Ci of S Paul , State of Minnesota. � �f£"� Sirv�Qylsoi'! �.-s2�,�!.��' ���-Q-o�'� �'!''l���^;� �,c/ - d/ L��C/�- ��,�,vl� �E"rs7`�d �y� . ��f.. t`�a sL (�'l �L1�C o w T�O�a,.�. �`�.'�'`°`.�' 3 9!o /Llo, G' -:.:__::.. --T, i .. T� i-� � �1� �- _ r._. PETITION - INITIATIYE 001 f'� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing dway Stadium located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and vqters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Si4ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 /N� ,� - a S� S1� / � �7` � 2 . % ,3 �' — c�� �� ,;� � y ��5 �! � ��� � / � � ���. � ; �w / � �"'` ,� l . � ' . , �� � � ,s ` r�.�::�.. f- � .,. `_ l� b � � , � L < < < io � ��� � �,� _. ii y"'r _ _ � v� ,�. _ �� `� °`��" � 7� �CJ. �t�u�, ,� � s� �.� � , ��� �;� � � `f- �► � � �✓�lCl((�7 �� I' ' "� '� , ,S a �u,s� S /d� ,- �, ��� `�% U _ � �, � � � G�-�-�' S"S"// 18� ' , l D:� ` ,�G�c�:S�,�/D .. 1� . . � 2 (J � �'� 21 �� J ^ �� r' z / �a..3 �Crn� �-r..c., �f. �� '`"":¢si� . c.�-►�- r S � 5 i� j'�9.s�'�/6' � � �. � � I �� 2 � � i � 2 ; � � � �;'a 6 / -? � . 2 � � � �r f0 �c _ �, . J/ / 2 a �-° � � ✓���.� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fu her certify hat a a resi nt of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �t �. ����. r"/0 Subs ibed and sworn to before me ' -�� _ - '���. - �, . . '•iiotn - . . N,4�A$FY Cf)UNTy � � �y Commission iYa;r3t Dec 29 l�' ��x�K� � ,���M��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �.� -T, � . rn � o �5:.. � . � . ., W'+iY.'.."r . . . . . ` . . ,- . +�, , ..�ib. e;tt � ••'�Y`�<.� � PETITION - INITIATIYE /'`� 0���j�- This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted �Na�) Si ned Addl"E'SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 _ l . � / -� ,� C9' 1 �'s .,�.�Q-� � ��� : 2�f"� , � , �.�.����.� a d�3 � a..�yx�/ � , � �. � / L �a�l;��=' � �.5 � G��-Bvl e � ,�-'r ,J' ,�. i �..J � : � � l�d s- �-�, � � �. ;- , .,� � , .. r zs- I �--K �� t�+ ' ��� / � � r / . / � f d�U f� �T � !. 1� /'/ � � r� n- — � 0 � • S�/4 � � 1 %�vo /�rcc�� l-��� 5 5 1��. �% 17 _ �'�'UG �r �' � �. ~ v /.-� 18 ___. � 19 - ' 2 � # � � � `S r�/`'� �o 21 /`..� � .5�� � 2� . �U `�-- � �ti�1�� � .� ��� !---E � y S � � �: . .�: 2� ��a,r 1�, /7�S•— ��.� U 2 I v ��`� �'� � �� S �, 2� �L�_ 1.� 1�Q � �. , , , . . , �� � 1�:� 2 - a � �-� � � _ 2 ' �� �-_ , / ; �. V 2 -- ��n/:, I �-"< �. 1 '� S' ��a2� - ' -�..- /� / - _ - /�- � � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; urther certif t t I am a s 'dent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �' cribed and sworn to before me - � � �� �� d , x L,j:j � � _ .., -• ``knrnSEv 't:.:... � COIfNTY � Mv Ctmru�,si0^ �r�;•�s 0� 29, 19 iZT�x.7:@!7�'N"�►;•�1'!�'"�g�,+�[� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,r,�" "� - - --:�, ._, . <r, --- i__:� - -r i i'. t"" - rTt _ r o •=, - -,', _ . � . �. � �rl �� � . . ... ,. . � ... b . . C?�. d'. � , �. ... . . ''? a � � . . .' ,.,� .[.� , • PETITION - INITIATIIIE ��iM�2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 31 � � � '�L lR i � � � 5� � f2i,� - ,,a� s s , , � .,�. a , � � � ���l4� /� � c �.w�� /.5 C� (T � "7 � ' , -c� / �:.� �' � � ` � � 9 �� �i io � ii✓ �,� �� S �� 9 , r. , 12 13 t; � �S 14 � _t c.s c`�S d�— �. �(� �j'' °�-`j�/�I' � 15�'�� � 16 ✓� � 6� S� ��wC,i �S� ^ ,. ./� ,p 17 ��'�7� LP�-r,�e - ! ����� �►.. E�M�r��z a.. �► °� i�' . � S�S'c� ��-- �� ��' � �' �' J L . �t_ l� �� � ;:7 - � / � 20 (� � �� � ��.<.SZ � b�1;aS' �/ ,�,. u�/ • � a� � � , ���S �v� T ���- /tN S"��� -1 2 / r}, s 23� ./ � t � . ., � .,�l ,pc',: l�ti; . 24 � — �S%/� " .�R "'Y �,,,,, � 25 - � � a. � �JS� 26•�, ' ,��-6 �.�¢, � ,c.J ��,/ 27 ,• . .� ' 28 + ( � 29 �.cv-� i�FP� �-t� (. �.� ��. n.04 �c��.�.,.�e�+ '�n� - ��_ CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e; I further rt'f that I resi nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �' �n ` ! � Su r" and sworn to before me ' � ' � - ����� . � , c L,i:.:►<`�� � � ._._._..._... � . . . ; ,r�s�.n1• ,'" ~��;',1c;-y COlINTY � f _�,ty �^..r.mr,icsron :r;,:r�c DeC. 29, 19�•; �l�akY�iz�r��c.�__�7r�"'�Ett���n,..7! x��rt�i�y,c ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �. � _, -� __ , ,. _, _ .1 - --, : �-..� — r rn _ o ��� � , . '� . . ' j rt `y. ,. ' PETITION - INITIATIYE ����3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION f i /F4 � 7 u r�°_ V � � ��' �� � , � � � l S � % � �, , • D '�r .n�i�ra �;�� �� ., {P ' Z il � �� 2-o S� � ' �l`' -�.; �. � � � /.� �/ � � � / �o � �- �, i ,� � 11V a�.3 7 G�c.�- .� 1�/ J u,�;� � � �� �� � 13 � � , C> 1 "'� /`�'Tti r � Il� � Z � :� ' � / � � � � ��� �� � � ° 1� , � -'x �l�C� , 1 �'�-- �-- 20. ` ' /a � 7 � � .�..- �. - 2�/ �� ` ,�f ,-� � � ' _ °l1S ` , f �i Q ���e �� �- �� 2 7 � ± e l�n �; � . � �.�f�1( r'1' � � �, f 26 �'" ' � a� �� � r' � l r� `. � � � Y ~ ' ,:� �✓ - �� �S � EfRTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signa ur ; I furt er���^ 'fy that am a r ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at i SU 31�-_:.nd_�A _n tn h fnrp 111Q � 1 �—�'� l � 'LA FONp � �i: � '�'= A• � c � � . .�M, �,��.r COUNtr � _ �' f v ��rrr, On !r-;��?5 D!C 29.197�i: �Y�!g�lit�ft''Ft�'k��.a�`"•�hw� . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snell_ing Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �_;- c� o-:� � _ t n-. - _1,--. .._... _- �n � ;'".. r . � . r Q \.- __} ('t1 � � .. . � . .,�/� , ' } �. , �t,:i , , .?';c� . PETITION - INITIATIYE 001-'�`� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $'I ned Address ELWARD N LOISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �'�„ �; � - ��.e � p � il.� ��!, `"�G� �� L --U U '_,f i - �'U�3�.2.i,�!'1 �c.N:4 c..5�c ,/' '✓%'��' / 7!�.3 sc.r,rt1 �� F , � � �;�� C � t � � �o L � � � / �✓� n �en��-4,-,� 1,,,� ����-•�'%� %7 9 5 �'�����` ' � / �' a�r/ �L� �c�,(�' �� ° �-� � ��/ �-�► C � y , / � � ; .. �o`� U � ,�O ` � � u,�'`y -.J�:115��'1 � -�� - � .�f�.,.�-��e.�,r�i i (��Cj Pc-�G c_�_- ��!L. . I �� � � I �- � t� i G� ! �'\� �d��s T` � � �-/ �� .�.c'S 10 c'� �l�-�.�� '� ,1C�. ���, 'J�:. � �' ,-- 1� '� ,.�;.�- I - - � -- �,� i� p @ � %,�,; �� 12 �� ' � �� �. � , ; ,� � � i.`%� � � 1 ,� �� Z -_-� - � -a � � � l 1� �� � o �' f �I ,� r C-Kl��7� l�'(/.C�� �%��jV-C�� i � 15 .�. � �.c:.u Tc�'►�C S i L �e S�tPN�� ���C-� r, � � r � � �3st; 13�..f��� 5 � r 16� ;c - � '� � �p i./ �% �' �-� � � ��3 � � � ' � '`�'� 5'� ;" � � o 1 �� � .,,�;, r� t5 t. a �. I `5� � � �.� �� , 19- �� _ � �, � , � . � , 2 c�. �=: �. � :s.a-�.., i�� i£; 4� ��� C `.�%�-.r<--� . �v...�. �` ��i C`-, '�.'`'� 0 f;= f� �7- _ U .=r�'S ' � � 2� ��-� � c� a c r-� � -;,�,. �F� � (".,��;� ��,�,.� �'�� b � 22 ���-� J'r�►�'t�j �2,c�G,.r� I ��I� I��'pc%I,_�k� ({-a; 5� �f`}-L(i, #� -����%�` ' j , ...t ��...► �>�.�� � �1 �C.�� J� ' ,�r/ ,� /� L � - � �,' ' s _, , �, ,� � � -+ ( � ,� C V ' � r / -�'' `,� ' . � 25 �;�� 4 � � `��, � �` r� � � �,� �- `�, � r� , ��.�� ,�,� s�,�� � 26 /V c'' � c 'vNc�✓ l'✓v L�r .�.Z% ,� rr�I� �� y, �� . d v r ,°� l � v � �� � L� �, �;�. 6 � �,. / �: r�,; �"�' � c � � l /."'�._--... z� . ,,�, L- �� D�l- �� � �s�� � ��lm ,�st� s�. �a�� 1h s�i�, g 2 � � � �c��r ' � - � �� � �, ��� � � �� n r • � L� � �L�-C% L!U '� � .,� ��i�� _ <-Zc%L �l� i`7�L'c�L'1 ��- 'i� 1�'/�o Z� I � �� � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my resence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur her c rtify that I a r si nt o the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at ' S�/p ' Sub ������� :� _ � , _ / �.; ,�;� a. L� F�iND� / � . '�; �'� r r C(111NTY g�l ,... � � ^h� �^c,mv,��s�n �-r-:�rr:, Dec, 29, 19�j`:i ��4i'��i�__ _.. . G�iiI�IIR��I� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , ., �..--, .� ,>>-- -- - .� _ �`,, ',` � , r. ,J .r�� -' -r� - . -�': . `7 � �n ' • • ; . # ' PETITION - INITIATIVE ��1'75 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned r�siden�s and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION V 1) � � 1 � e c'� n. (��E .c � �'..uz��..� � � � � 1;�.�vPi�.- �'. ,, <�^° �' ,e�a� �� ,�f P�J�Pi a �:.��� ��S`� , � f°` o� P l,s�'� �� � � � � � �' _ .� � � � w �/% , �" �� � �% �� i� ��r� �' = . . � _ � - 8 �Z oio -� l ,, /�� /`�w ` .,�r'�� � �� ,b�t� ,� `. io �� j� ► � �� ��: r sa � � � � ., f 11 /��S � �. S , ,}'' �' '`+: � � i2 � �'���L. � �, 2� �� l=� �.� �r'r.-�� ��-� . ��.� V ' p /, i3 � � � ���- �,...!-1� ? 3 G�-�,�,� �, .r� � 14 � �..�._,� � � ��� �: :r; , � , 1 � ��. -c�UG�2.�1 � ��3 �:��.._. ,. > > ( C; f 16 � .w� � o�� �� �^� �`S�'�� � /� � ,� 1_ �' ��N�I�I'Lr1��ti� !-�j l [�'iiz�/ �ir.� �f�a<..� �-S-I�U�/ �� ��� 18 ` " - - --� ... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworr� on oa�h, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I urther cert' that I m a resi ent of the City of St. Paul,, residing at � '� / ' sub _��� - � � � �C��:�5: a. Lq FUND r . . � .!'�K�tf)7� �_iJ�, y ��) � P�,y Ccmriss;on t xn�res Dec.29,19�;• c ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any. way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. �nell�ng Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� � F.. . --� U,--t _ T �r-� _ k=., � y l-- v ..`� _.5 - .._:.1 ' __ =':} ... . `' (i'1 .:� . µ . . . . .`�;.F_ . ' . 'i.'.:,'i.- . PETITION - INITIATIVE / 001'76 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION V' � ^ �.��✓� � Sc Hw�4 T� ''-�� �z�� 197-3 ,�,��r� �...�: � � T � r I '�O r�. r , - 6 ,s�� Q3 �=, � .,:� � /S" �. -� °� �,�FF.e•r`/ � . �/�[ L I�. � J 9S9 ,F, U � �;� � ✓� e �� o �!� ,� ' c- S( , � •� � ��� � � .z� c i �.��..� 0�5- � �� � _ � � , . �,� . � _ ✓4 t.o.u���� � �� ����� �' S �� "� �; io ✓` l�l - ,� �; ��. � � �5� ��v OJ. S��c���;� � � � Y�. S�• ' fi t� ° -s'� -- 9 =� � � � � ,�- � � ,. a � ._;�,�`—�, � . `i14 L- � /� 2,0 3 7� �4. �r o l a ✓ d� „�, : � � ' /� i /�� �,. �-; �6 � � �.--�'"° � 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I f rther cert' y that I m a res 'dent of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at '?� �� � ' Subs,�ri�e� and e�rn . � _� �- �<,�;'S: A, tA fOND - � �:�.�r.e«A71� � +.(>•: �.,,_r Cr �t) g'. __.. �; - Ks�., +•,,res D�C. 29. 19� * �. ,.pR T. � y:.�,�w�ur�'�X� ,;y.t''.�:r t;Y'�'7�Fr � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��h � � l��rc� � �'� �?�drF ��, � S'f�°��'� -5,.��/a� �. , . � �, . . . � . . .� �... . _:�E� :, _ . _< �: ,,_. - -- -�, _ F � :- �, . r� �j U _r,, _--r� 4'3 — 1'fl .��;,.�.::5 . � ' �. � . _,_ ' .. .�Y'v'r. '•^� � ' ' y�L�s: r� . . _ . PETITION - INITIATIVE � ��1'�'7 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. w__ Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � �! � �.S/{� � °.,,�- � � � � � 3 � � /'� O� ' s� o , '" . ;. � — ��-��-- � � ,�!��-- —.� ' .-. � � � l� ,�'G � � . , � s�� � � `� �' l'j � ; - la��5"S"/o `�` � � � �.=� �''�� � � �'/ .ti,' ��f�. ,�..;' �:,� , . � ��-' �C . � �''. -� -7 -�� �;� . � ' � � �1 ���lo � 10 � ,� � � � .�" � � l � 7�5� S� z- �_ �� i✓ 5"�i � 12 � � ' / U � \ ' �" �' .�Jl � 13 :� Y � ! �, r. � � l. - � � , �, r ,, , 14 :�°'I ,� � '� q .�" �` -� - s' ; .., �,,. ,�-�*�;-. ��v ,{.-7r�i ,i:.C-J � .i;! ( ,ir� ��r •''!� � ) 1�� 1 _ G J s ��a �.��i �,.�� , �ss o.� 16 � .. � .Q�-� �`; rs'�// 1 � Cc�v1 � l i uw� _� � 5� � 18 �� �+�—�s� � G -C, r `� �~~�,.� �;Ii�� ''"°�,,` �� S- �7 � � �9 � �,�;-��� '� ��/'�. �--�� ��0�(� _ �G�� , � ? ,� ,L, ��_ �,5����. G�'Q=�t� //3 G:�,�,�,L,.K� ac,c� � �'"3`�l �l � �� �.. ;����'�7� � �� �.�� �s � 2 fr �r f� r 23 �fe��u�CQ �, /� � � � ��!r � � �,,��.� 24 � • lyo a. c �- u----�. ��YS—/1� 6 25 � �, . �/7 .�' ✓C�'e .� �. // I , L o-, +'" � ?"''�. � ,: �'a-,-�'' �s-ra 2� �� � � 5 G� g5 � < < 2 � . �o-� � . - �� �'s-l1 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• f rther certify that I a a resid nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 10 Subscribed and sworn to before me ' -� � . -� ,; !ri,'r.. � .. .:•I.4(l�• � �. NA�,�S't r COUNTY g� . . �`v �ommissa� �+•�ir�s Otc Z�.157� ...�k�� �y�g�:�:c�t�a-m� .. . . ' . ��- � ���� � �-�da,.� s�. ORDINANCE S `��� / 6 y �,���' �Z The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. .. __�,_, � � �_r_ E.-, t:.�� �;.� _ = ;:` � . -_-� r-- _ _, r n.� �J _.. > ;`--r7 _. .. i'-� R1 � m� �'' . . � . . • . r . � �� ... . �.� , � � .. _ . . �� . :"�..: .. .. . . " � . .. ,:..t . � PETITION - INITIATIVE o��r�8 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing M�dway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislat9ve Code, we, the un:�ersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � -'��C��ti�2� � ���� ��7`��„���i'` � V �_ �Vf�y� / . ♦ _ S /� � � �/ ( `. `� m � � � a; �� � �A� n . �� 1 �....' 7� � , �°..�� � �; 1> 9 � � ` - 09-� � � io �/.���, � t�� f¢'S� 1-U u.�� � . �� � - �� - �-����- :�� � � �_ - S � ���� 2 �� � � � � �' �' �' ,�' �� ;�i1�� ' -/, � � � , �� �� a � � , � � ��` ws =i �3 W - Ca� ;�_ .5�, ��. � (� �—s6 ��� r. �.� ' � _�,. . � '� � ti" � r ' ! / A ���N l��'� �b(�7�J"�` � /r �2 -i i,�� /��S �.(�7(n�"� �1 • ��:,�v , � � . � � ' ��_� � � � � � � � (� � pG �> ,, , J C�.- � � a' ��5S �, ���� s 1 � - u,u,� ,,.:, . �, r -. ',' ��I��t���-�� /� ... f � � ,� ,�� � ;� � � �� C �� � ~° � � � � l� i 26 `� � ��� � ��- � � �����--t� �'f' � " �,�i: � ' � � �'" 7 f' � � . g , ; ,/� . � �N "�''D>� ��(��Ci �. CERTIFIC�TION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above pe�ition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fu ther cer if that I am`a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � Su��r�d���.�►"�to.,�f�, .rc�z.�e ' 'r-�� / � � iQ'�IS� � LA FOfVO :� H�ti��r r eou++�nr � ; R hty ��m.mission �.xpir;=s D!c. 29,19y,j�� 1i�'i3!��u 3r:+R"=i'?�"e!Rb':y?�X�""„;d`•;!1��,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r_:, �� „ :�{ --� c �-< ----- , ,.--� __:. _ � ,� j�,. � - =.:� rn _ • 1— U _.cl � =� —. �—:i -:, c� �� rn �� . . ,, ,,Y .. .. . . . •Y� ♦ .... . .. 1 . . . . • � r� / PETITION INITIATIIIE o��,� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, alterin or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. pr ��-�- �. �r '-}-�� LP��I�� �, � . 1�-X ° Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. � ��� ��I '"! ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT P1"1 ted (Name) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � �" i C�-ti..�.� ; Oa°;n� �{' I I . ,� - � ,p . 2 � � � � i - C� C�/ � � . � _. 3 :_ ,� � - -� , ��� 4 ,�,�,_N �'���-�.� G�,����� �2��� �i.� �=' n���'�� l-�`'��� ,"" 5�o i./ L st nl d v C C/ �'C�-� �°t�,-,c�C.-c..c.�..� �.o v .: 2"�I�.!i f1 r1'L St P,q..,� /J� � 6 u � � l4l �c� ^ ^ � � � � a. ��- I�o��,, ! ' . (��u ,� � � ' � vrn J� 9 � .�l_ 1 r'' �' y ���C � r � ) 1,�; 10 � =lL � � i�l& ��r � �U--a 2�1 �1IQ. � ,�- , 11 _� �� / l �I �� '1 \ �r' �^ / �2 e�. 6 '�r � � �1 S, �v��.� � .�� , ���.� �3 � �l l�� r4�� 1��� tl��i�1�1�-1,�a � �•��� � �,,., ��. � � o , ,� .14 a � ar�� �L� �ufc���%F��� y�L� �ca���.�� -s����i[,: � >_, � � 15 c' /� � c, � ��'�.v � � ,J - h'J�i � . .�E 16 ,i'� �� L,�� C G �- �� � /�E; r , ' � , r�n (,�ro � 17 L � �� /�' i� � 18 � C� � ���� � , 19 {� S� � �, �c. �� - •� S ��`y, 20 Ew� t�� I t' — — , /G� i �n-. ` . � �/ 21 - ��i� � �C�l�1 G ` l.,C� 1 �� �3� u,'f T i ��l. �E�..�� 22 );, �� r � ��V��2�'i!�l F,t.,� -1 __ � �� r �(' '1G(� �btl �+�--'�� � . . , � , �9 � . , � 23 // ' � ' � ' � � ` . .. . , ,� C� s � :�� 24 ti .�, � ,, - � �� -.� � 25 � ' ��� ,�( � � 26 � . , - , 7 r� _ , - - �..._ � 2� , �:� ' � � G , ►�`�� � �-S � � G� � ( � , S , � ����i�� ��Q� � � , �,/�._ ZH � �� I i � i c� /` � G._ � L 29 ,� l�7 D ►�..` Z � I - '�'�, ^ �� �; - �l�°�' +��,v��i,,,.�: CERTIFICATION �� The undersi ned bein first sworn on oath certif that to the best of m knowledge, infaf�mation 9 9 � Y Y and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have. made their signature; I further certi y that I � resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' i S •'x',_.j., `�l�1���"Ille � �' l V ,�� � � Q�IIS•_ n. �A FONO , .,� n.. . . ��;:.. <CS1lt♦ — —', ___-.—. ! l�,v Commiasio� E�, �s J�c 79. 1G ,''"�' `;�,' -�,alx': - , _ _:.�,,.,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r LL., � ,: �� -�� U>-� __ �!t,.� r: .: ,T, T C.:-J �.,.._� � r.� � -.�:;, r � _.:c> -- ,i _ . c; n"i =J .. r .. . . . . � . . ,:i . , - �'r�. . l . �'� ' _ ,.}K� . . .. . . , . . . ..x.�`., �.'� � ' ' . - �PETITION INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARO DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1 °� 1 --S'��l .S' �- 2 . '4.� { �-.. . � ��w � -r � � 3 �. � �, _ " ��, ` r 1� 4 �o �L N � ��- /�� � � � � � .��= :,��_�-. �1` 5 ° � � I �Z � c 6 ,.� a� ` �- �e�' ��� � • � ���� ��_���;, � .�. � � ' � 3�� G �- � �����.� 2�r �� �� 10 � �— 1 C� . �" • �,, 11 � .�� f��``�� �: �.;�� 12 � `- �� ` ✓�'�� Q-.� �; � , � 13 f (�.� 14 - ' � /�� �' ,✓� U o,� r' -, , � � r � . j' � � 16�� ^�(flU � . �/� — ��y,�. /� �!'.q �ySh �� �Q�c_ '`: � �� �% ����� ���"%J -� � �' �r/ ;� - ls ' � ' � c � _ � � � 19 ���� .¢ i � 2 ' , i ��35 � --� � �` _ � 21 �2 � .l � _Z� ��� � ' /_�, 1L����c����� � � G � �'r-R�t,c.�c� �l�c° ' ,�,, _ %� � � ��,: 23 , ...;,,� / i « .i � 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma � t eir signature; I urther certif that I a resi ent of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �` S lC� S ' �I�ild�i . i ,��. y v, . .Q!,15 a.. L,� P�ND H!��,i�`3 CC!'NTY �f11l: M�y CAm1�iSSin� i r-,: ,; D+c 29. 19J1j`� '��1�� � - -• r,Ft�s�au�.'� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-, ��: - . � :," -=-� ,. ,,,__; _ -,, � � (-- fTl _ . (:;J i�1 -� :<.: ... ' . - . . . . � .. . . - � .'=��.. i ;� `. Y '�� ,` . a PETITION - INITIATIYE �0 �1 r 1 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION ►__. � c��5ep G-i � �c�� S �'b q Q✓rv-s � � �'4�l.�,1�'I � � �y �,� f 1� o� � �. 3 4L� •'\�J YHa .U;� �, ���.-N� ��7-� 11/ Gt GEN I ��' L -- 7 D�u��;�� � . l�l��f/�-t,�� f ! `f h ,�i G��?�S /�-(�'�'---�`n» it`-,� lN/✓di�ir��J'''�` � 6 `� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cert' that am a r ident of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at ? "�� Subscri bed .a d__s� �� ' . �' -� � _J'iIB: Q. CA FOND ; �H,�����r cC'�_:NTr g, ; � . Piay f.omr issi � .x-:"; ti D�c 2?.:"��j - '�RI[z4 sc�'!R',�''i.,rxh'tT,�!u3f"�1�1r ft,'�3.'Hk.'1(i�l'x�.• ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c-� s'r`: . v:, -t -�- • Ln-< _ . —;�-, �. .. :.v��i � c:::�i �^_ � �;� , � � `._�J: !-- m - o _ _ �. _ --,, � a rr, � � t,.Q.. . . �. , 'ri `, '• PETITION - INITIATIVE O�i�2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Si ne � Add1"2SS ELMARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION t2.�. t:_r.-...;,. 1 � � � �1- � �`z �lwU��L �7` �f�t/L�'� �� �x' �" � � O �-� , ._ �� ���- , ��'~ ��''i . , 4 3 � S� 5 �" �.�!� �a s � � � s�sl��. 6 y''' �' �, � ,�� �, '� �-�-� � I� �7 ��� S.��i,��' , / /� i, „�°a,- 9 J�'� � � � SS//� %1 �, , _ . ��.�..�..� ��� t . 1 "� � � 12, lMp �J//fr � 13 �— S' .� '� ..,'°"" �4 � IZ � C �`l �4 � �z� � �\•m��. �. � v � :��- 15 �' � 16 17 18 19 • 20 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further certif that I a a res 'dent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � Subsc ' �4ai�E�w,�� t' '4"4�_�bef�ore me � � � -�- �� � ' 10U15� a. t� F �� � �/.a�.)7♦ R p,�MSEr C�uN?y „,, _ MY Comm:ssio:i E;,;i•rs Dac. 19, 19K�I � Y � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. n `�- � ��; �„ . -��' , __ � �-. �=- ;- .< <�, - - r � , , ; . . >_-_. -_ . �-> ; ,t �,., ._� ..,,,..,�.� . .:;,±�.:+�. .. . • �,;�,,�r+. . ;� . r:... . � � �p'.�` � � . . . .. .,�r . ... . � PETITION - INITIATIVE 001�3 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of� St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $� ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ,,� s- �„� � �� �'�r � , 2 � G � ��3 ,� �-- ,. 4 Z ��-�- � � 7 5 � � �' � � � �31 G � � `� $ � (� c ` 9 -T-�` ' 6� ' � ti� Up� s�. lo �` �j'a,�1..� , C° -� . c i �� " � � � ����.0 �� �� �- L-�U� �' �,�•�-;/ ---- 12 .� � � ...- 13 ��� ,t,� - �4 �j� ' � i �✓ � � � � r__ 15 � � ,�. �� � � � y � 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certif t�at I am a residen of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � '' � � Subscr' before me � -�`��- �ou�st a. �n Fo � Y� . . � " - y`.. ..t�:i i T A ' •,.. _...,.... - Qn�+sEr coi�Nrr , i Niy C.�Rm^s�n�! i::�:�1es Dtr, 29. 1°�x -�•c�K�m�e:�.±� ;.�,�,�.�,u���.j ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r__ �`� E-c° '.�>-< � --r,j _..._ � -Tl f= - r.` � _ r. rn - -�i� c� '� -Ti - '�' � �`� �� �. . � * 1 �Y- �. r"'''- PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � 3�� � �9�� �F��e-s'/-��L� .S' .�—.��� - � 2 � ,9 �, � - �t / C -� �� 3 ' � n �� � ✓�� � � . �7 � �?� .Q�� � � .�.. � y 7 , e�� ' <� � �p���. � - - ,,�p�a � ��� �° �, �� �^ �c ,.�.-- _ �� ��E t��f�f�+�� c� t-.t �'�3 i� � 1 � o .S ! W � � .cc,,C� �'�°'�� � � ,��� � q � �'rrza. � y� � , � ��o �' .��.vr�-7� 4 � �I'l � /�S �� C,�.�z� � � I 5,1 �,. � 6 � /� d `s' D l •� � .� ,� � 6 ,.,i`� �� �'� �.J;S��.5"'� /�L � ��� � N.��� `� � / � — � o, o,� . 116 1 ` " c . 20 � /o�� . � �' � ' 21 � S � �\ S V �� —�•� .,� 22 � 4 /3 E/ ,8 3-f- �l ��s`.�-�/6 �3 l,� ` .�.�. 4 � `�' � � /�, r 5 � �� '' i� � ,`�..,.e � � , � �` � ��"�. 3/O J , S , , - � � � l y � _ ,S� / � _, � _.. . : �" �- -� ' ` -� � �- -��. 29 . '� �s��os CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �ne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si n ture• I further certif at I am a esiden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at " / Su�� , , �� �, ��' Y �_OUtSE a. LA FOND C • si •., . — -- �; n�sEV co���rorr'` g�� — z �' My Cort+missio� t r;�r�s Dec. T9. 19�5(i, G � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. i �� E�.�i'', � � �• � ...._- . `ii ' ` �-- : �- rn _ o _; .n � .. .. . �.-��k ,. . w: . . . .. ' r��. . ,,� . . . . � s. , �.•�AJ , , . . . . . � �� ' . �� 001��5 _ � S � ���6i ����1'� PETITION - INITIATIVE � c.�� r -�—�, p� This peti�ion �s to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. - - _ i Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISSRICTVE DESIGNATION � � �� zC ��r � ���Z�r�� �rn�' ,� � �i �,5���/� �``� "'2 l � ln.) '? /lo H L ca ,l `�.i G � _. . ��' " � , �r�� ll `/Z7 ��c�c/ ' . � � ��� „_ � C � y k � �� , Z �-�.� .�U�. � � � s-� y, _, vl f� cv1 v (.tJ . G� nl� l� � `,H c• �" c� : _ _ � ; . 1 � �,-� �J � �C�?.� � ��.�.C.�d'= ��� � � �,��� -�--�'� i�l�.��./ ,� %C/SL ' � - ��'l >. �' �J-- C �i-iu � rt ` � �� � I ; �` � d � ,� � �� ���..Ss,�_ ,= 9 �/ ` ` i� -�. `�"1, .� L�vr.: ; s v�� ' �� �� , �-.:F� �� ���: �f i�, �, / .5.,,``/c� s � .��� ��� � " � / �/i,� ' S� 5 s`// 1� ., y. �� � S Ft �I� _J lC ;i - � d � t 1 � 01(� r� t� � , j j� � � � . � 14 ` . � ; � . 15 � ! � - ' • r - r , i� � T7 � t � � �- � �� ��Y % '��� ����y � f �' .� ' ���" � .-�' s,��- �� 18`� a �� _ f �� j0 IE _. �,, GT.��.f 19 � ' SS/ o �►- ;� 2 - ;r,. 4, ' � b ' �' � v � r _ ,r , )! !> //-/,�: r � � '1 � �--�.� �' .� � ���_,t � _ � II- Iu S/ U � 0 � k.�r� �S�.S�/o ���� �% � 2s�- � ` �%� ��~ D"�" �� � 26 h�u ""��r /�l� � 9�e-�-f � `�� �5� /�R`��� �. ���'io m �� ~ � �S ���� - �D�/� i � 5� ,; �� _ ____._ �-• ���� ,_.. .�p v o �`.G z� �_6 2iE'eG.sa � "�-c ,.! �Qe-�., J��2�����.. ,/�.���L_. �S/�� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signature; further certif that I a a resid nt of the City of St. Paul,, residing at c � SUb��l a xa.n�1��� t�f - � ,lt,(,, Q' l� t.OUIS� F, LA FON'J �'� N�� � ._-�_'__"_ . ' - _�, RAR4SE� COUNtY � ..� ! Mv Corrnis�ion t�,irns Dec. 19, 19�;- �tt�`x� 1�u;x;C��'_?"_:�..�.. x�` u °r""�._.:'�!�JL���IIl�Ifmicllses_�snr�nr$aww, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � t� _; u�_< -`� _,.�, -n ;='' .i, � r;'°: s- e� _- , c? � r� � .� ;F ��e " PETITION - INITIATIVE � / 001� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Pa�l or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �,�1_�.i �T('.e� �� � ��� �L�1C� ��" ��� i �f' -. �/ � -J 2- 1 I ; � �G'a �� ; � �,�.��..,� �-,�' .�.� �� 1��,�--�'.� ��-�--C � ; . . 5 � � i - , � ' ) v6 �;�c 7 C� ��/.��t��.� I - ; . .. J� i!�z.a .� T - JI�J�-d e.� �( .� �c.�a�'. � . i ° .e.C./ ..�-x..J �,J��� -e .-:�� _ �j � �t I I�a'i 10 4 i ' ' �. � � 7� s`— :�; 1 � 1� :�i� - .� �_- ' 13 C�O I - �> ;. ia✓, d � � S. G . - 15 z,�"— � ��. �� ;� � - (;. � ' ' ' Il , � J /� � �� -_- � ` 1 __._ � _ .- �- �� ; p . 19 � ' •� �, � �i � � ( I - � o � ��j, , ;r � � ;i - - � � �Y3 � �- -- � � -�� 22� ' ^ I'�S`�' � ^ 23 � � '� .. ,�, �- ; / 24� ° l.� '-- ' � , �_ - � � . . . V � � , � � 25 , - w; ; ' ^ � II _-- 26 ;r` ,� � - ,� � � _ � 27 i/ ` � "�� �. a 1 � . 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was a�Ffixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si natur • urther c rti that I� re ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at " -�G � ' Subscribed and sworn to before me � � ' �v � �� .Jryy,. . ... " p/1k1SE'' ���e`rire ' co�!r,�r �/ ! '•�• �o,. s�o ����„� ox 29 14Ti1"' " _i��rl rft: ''r,5 ;:5-`�"$ _�• � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. E a'. � �:..- —{ .+ �.7'. e�' —_i�7 ...._. "�'t r I� � t___� - 1-- rn . o --�:� _:_ « � rn � . .. ..>�;,r� '....�..� . #y:� ., . . , .. 1'�y`^dS,• �,�y . . - .'a!'!' • z �. PETITION - INITIATIYE �Q��rj This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. S�-N�T�(k,'F_ ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT P inted �Na�) $'1 ned Address WARD OISTRICT DESIGNATION � � ' J v°.1/� , .a � � _ : � - F a e�E F ` � �� � - � � � r � � 4 � � � � �_ r` �.,E'�"� � �/ �'����;�� �,.z.� '� �d � -c�-� S�S`�a � �_ /r�a � v/ ! 73 6 ar�li�ll v . j�S%r� � � � �� �, . � � s.s � F, - � ;�,�- , �� � :s-> � , - � � io✓ �T �� , '' �` � �s.s�a ; ; � ii�� � � 4 _ �i1.cv►�i'.'L �n.ct.Y� a. r� �: �Sh r� (c� � �Sa.(� S.,�.ti,,�,�r 7- u�S( a'S 14J � F S' S�f� (C� �Z-taac 1k c�S %ZG S clst�r� r ✓� 5�!C�j� 13 G 14 `� " ` - '�' � _,�,�,r�,'��, lP�� . �j�! r k,�T l�o� h��}�u� S��a � , . 15�'��-c� �I a,��� CtQI t/lr2 �,�a c�c3 r 17i�� �'�� la nd_ SS%y , � � i � ' S/G �;- � . ����a��. �.a.r,�.�-S �-�.� ���ti� ��-s z ��Y�. ��za y ;i f - — 18 �,V N �. .L L 5 L./� �.�., �_ .�.�.v��, _ /� a a �L�.._ .�s/�!� i ' ; _ , 19 ° ' �..� . `t`� N'C.. 5 ' 1 i- = :' 2o au � � / � � � �' r /r � � I ,. 21 � L/� r �.5/�`S ; 22✓ � ��—�' .S f� �u �-� ��— .S� .�� 23 � ,(� � f ,� 1� 24 U✓ C;t� ^r�►-�"'r1 d 1� � �r , �'1 U ����r✓/'C 25.,� � , � U _ � + - 26 J y S .5�►,�a� ' SS �v S " � 27 / �� � G°�' y � f 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; f�r her certify at a resiflent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at , � D -' bscribed and sworn to before me � " ~`�' � � � �"'���''`"�'��.�,��� � ,-,� ! '� •��,,:. `. • GND 'w� . � . ,.�c,�ntn � A, �nMSFY COI iNry $ '� Cotrrisr.io� t -�;;,g � � ���:•; Ox ,. � ,r,�,,,��„����:�>_�, 199�_� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:- � , , �� ._.-- cr._ _ _ _l _ � _` s-_ c�^`' i i- '', r' p ,--> .. �=__-;� ' _ � .� r� �a � � • , � PETITION - INITIATIVE 001�8 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � a _ � � '' ` �- �'� � � � �. , � 3 �n �' '�--21 * 7 S� ` - l ! . i � `""� '`'-s" 5 LlV` �, , _ � d � l -� � � �S ��•�r i e,�r� ) / �a --�. 6 � J� G' 1 l . _� � �' �� /� �' _�`�+���`� r' �� ��� f- I i-- , .. ,��y r ' ' � 1 `,, i `.<.. 8 U' "" -"� �° ��3✓� -�" • / 9 � �� ��� � - 10 � , ��. -�r -������" , ,� � � 11� �� � � � � � - ✓ 1� 12 "1 :7� �',T�,�IJ�+ra,u l �` g ` R��E. r 1 " 13 U" � � , _ 14 �.���-�/ �`Lc � +.,� �. 15 �/ 7? � s ���.. . �-_ 16 . �_ j�-/� �,( / - % - ' �, � ,Y`�f� � w `�,... 1 , �� , - r r I��P�` ,� ,���� � r (.. :,., , .. ..�o � /� �-`. � , .� 2 � �v/u e +�,v� .� . 21.:, � CL����l � �/�b � ~ 2-2 � — � `� �/ e � r r �, — � \ � ` �_ � � , � . � "� _� ��� - �� � �-��� 9, =����'� � � - � �L,(ti z5�l� ��� �� ,c���� � l � „ . ,� . 1 26 � G-tza�or�� O �/d2� I I -�! '' 2 /�S� trllcs � ll - .� i 28 l�� . � /t-�/� �Gv�c- � i = - 29 �� a�7`� TE/�fG-� G'� ��. ,�, CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I rtf�e certify I am a eside of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at . ' �f S/C� " S .' �,d._�and_. sryqrn t� before me � � . .r., Li:UiS_ C. LA FDNf� M:'� . , �lTr , .... i —�.,. _ ' li�l�.�t L� �������a: � Pr'�y rom-r _:�o� r ,.-.,� DeC 29, 19���� ���4'i�ifundtt��}� x x � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. E� : � �.{ `� �r C^ ' y ��; _ — -�1 � y`,.� t' c::'� �n �.. r. o " �n _t -:-s � " _ _;'� - � 4,. � ti1 7 PETITION - INITIATIVE 001�9 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election Pr ted (Name) $1 ned Address ELMARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION '�µ � � ` �� -- I �. �f'/" / � �/��f'� ��v CJ .S L ' '�. 2 � � ��/J' ��- S� Z /`l't t� /�I N. '� b �� G �v �� �.v � � O �� �_._ S T.�a � �. 1� � ,U " � • 4 � ��'� �i � � ��e8 � � � � �` ( , , . ,� �f,. s C ,. ,; � " � U �1� �d � / � GZu ���� J l� anI CQ Y a f�c.w��G�v,�` ST �v��'s�s�/�2 � -- � ��`� C , q-�'L�� ' '' � �� � � L � $ � o�(L.cics AI �1' �Q il�t.�� �� 7 �e /-7i}i�►i /� �i� �� �R � S^3"%/.�o �� � �f � 10 .��_ � �' .�' � r�� f � J .�' � 131� � ,�j �r� :z GJ� � L 1 � � � �� � �.`t"/ i b�, � Q .; i3 �� -- � �^ �� 14Vr � � � ���- :� �. :..,` � � �f. I 15�� � r � "7 /� / / r l ' . . 16�''�"` � � 1 I�.�C`1 !�. �.. � � r � i 1� ,�' �. .{�� �� � �7 i � ` 6 ., s- � � � . , � ,. . is �^ � . �+�t p,�► �.n.' ` � , � . �' � E , , ,- . z � �y� ► � � �'-;1 �-- � o���F� � • L� �S` ,6" � 22� " 3 . 23 ��-- ` � _ 2 � - � ' S,-� ��,,,-� , � ,,- 2 ' ��`a �=--� �"srr.� �li.-ut� : ; � z �� � �� � � �`` �'` � � � � , , , 2� ' ,�,� ��� � S��% 2 L��� �.-t- , : _ y ` S�'i 29 .�� Q � � i� ; i i � ; _ CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; fu er certif hat I a a �esi nt of the City of St. Paul,, residing at ' Sub cr�Jll��„� ' �'�`� � L!7;115•� v. lA FON� ,�.:r tb r r�. vnr,;� C�:'kT1' ,� ��, >' N:y P.ar .-:.. �.c 19 1��ic 's�s�s,i��:r�'�I�:���::h��'��til�l ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� .:_ _ ...;> _ ,, C_:'_.._: `...;. ` — _ c r—' - 1-- rn — '"'� l7 , -��-c:a ., . ._".'T.' ...... . �? J . . � . �� i"---7 ' ..� � � ' ,�.yl;*F;y=i�61,1��,i:.�r _ : .. . .. �{'^ . � � .. � , � ' PETITION - INITIATIVE ��1�0 ,� This petition is to prnhibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'I ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION —1� 5. 1_ `� (�,•[ ;v �` " j�� .� � f � i � � � - �J li� (�� r G� ';^ "e � � / . � �- __. ' � .l 1 ' � ' i,r� — � �-7 6 ' � � '�� i.�J '�Io�' `i � � j % , / .. f c ,�� ;r�n V✓ �-r����_ ` �t o GwraQL��r ,� .. - � -�-- 9 ,�'` ,p , ./ � �-L� ,�-G 5�`_ 10 � _ ` _ , . 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' � /' ✓�`��� /�1!/ 2 Gl/��: GZ �� cJ/"`j C' ..C��S-�! ��� C=' C�c-ciz.L �iG:(� l — �( � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signature; I fu th r certify�h I am re�id�t of the Ci ty of St. Paul,, res i di ng at ' t? _ ' �•., ��' ' �I't"slnna;,.s�.e�_,�wn�+n �n � � � �� �;_�``�. )':IS' 4, �r, F�:'ND� _ >, • "?� � � C^:'NTY R ^��y corr � +.>�-r�.. p,c 29, ! g�� d!�tta:e��,?'�u: ��` �;��.�i� tt :c c, - �� xr`� -' - G� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ![ ��.1. t .. � . � . . . . .. � � �)� � ...;/ � �.. . . .. . . , f: . '. . , . - . . - , . ' , " , � � `: yr�� �1� ��bl\ � � � `�"�; � 'Y."'r. ;a, j, � -�.r�j /`+y j`,j i� . -�, � a�► . I- . :;',`��" ��;,��' � �J ��= r � � �� � . 4 ,,r � ` S ' � y I . ^ yJ , 1 .. ; ,�;� �.,i;�� '� 1 I �. Y � , - . . , . { , ` a\7� `: ��� � ; .;±�,) \i C'., � ` � \ '-----� ���\�'�� ., ��. �� _ , �� � �_ � � � l.���� � � - � � � � '� ��,_ ^��` `, �'y.l�t�\��` �.:� '�v� ' r t A�� V ,_��\`•. . . K��.,\1�„�y .. . . � . _� , .. � .L `. �. ' . .. , .. . ,trt� \ • . .� . . �. . .' . �y ; ��� ��'� ,_.��\���`� f ' i� \.��_'�. - . � � .. _ . . `. . .. _ .. . . . . ..._�---�. ; ,. . • . � . . � . . ��J.:'_s'' . .. . � �, (/�'-.-�'L�'�, `�'�,..._-, . � . . .� .� �--?C�. • ._ . . . -Try i_' . . " . . . f.'1 . . -Tt c=�n i•,., r= r'=` m �U� � d M o - � ��,; - ; -� -_:: � •.� r-+� � ��,� _�,` S.h �,.� . ,.. . . . - . . . k}..'� . ,. [ PETITION - INITIATIVE o���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul $r, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION . L � „ -i;. . - 2 /� •=� g►� �- r " :�: � � � .., ;�� i� �� � �-��- .�,�` T r,.� � � � C,. �5 C � ' ,� v�� O /�,�� .� ' �:�--�. 6 � � .�: s' , � 7 � � -�''Z���/�G - 8 ��, ,�� S 7e rf��If' �` .j� � .� � �;1�� � ., � ,_ 9 ' ,, ;' 10 C t� � ,� � �',�� l'/ � � ,• r' � �� ,/ �� � � � �,. ti: ,��� �� � .v ���= � ��f1�� m, , _. 1� 1� �f c% l /J C� �' �i�i���k� -� � 'i= � - ti 13 , ;�,,, , �rC�.L h-�=' �- Y- �` � � �.- �. .- y' 14 � r � .C�� .,� � /� �� • [�{ ,� Jr , • �- � / � i5�: ,r�,, � / _����3 , . �- r �_- !'�.s- s= � 1��.:,� '� 1 -�l- :Q.��l��. � l�:' D ����i. r�/. � 7 �-t��-�� —��� �'-t.� . c, - 17 V �J � - i3 ;. < � ,,L -�.r �S 8 " � ; 9 L i �S�� °�-�- 20 � ; , r , . r 2 � . � ` Z � ��' � , 2 � � i y � /,� , 23.� � Y �v � l,� -ll 24 "' _ � � yo� CC=: .-- , 25 ,� C �o ' 4 ° i 26 --� - � <,.. ;� � : e�-,b��� 27 _ u)��'�'c , t��i�/ c5 � --�`� 2 � 29 �,r� . L o 10'C �-�A/� ,� � � /U,�'�` `I CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify t t I a r si nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at * � Su�s ti� `�"��#�� , J � � � ')•;IS . h. lA F:,N� � �V � � t __ T --- � ti, ' � C�!'�'.Y x: _ �1x"�s,tt�u t��r»,�,�.`.S.�L�, I�•� ��� 1° 1S1��u. '�'�"�l�C�i�,'�', i ,� w • ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. „�. r _ � °�i c:-� � --t.-, -c�.= �'_ry �'1 ;-- i� r .4; t-- rn —t� o _�� -� , rn � �.� ' , � PETITION - INITIATIVE ��192 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of' the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Cliapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. "--��� (Name) � ��. Address E�wnRO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � c.�; a ck/r-°'' a 3 2 s �3 F _�c � ��'xc •�.�� �' - " 2 , e�.-;�-;�.�:�� .�S 7��-� : ; f�` ��s-io�s° 3� a. Z� , �s�� ��10�, C�. o � 3 e� �e. , a,u.L �sro� � �'�'r''' �'. � a �« �2 . . ���3 S ti A�-v��._ STG'�� .s-�'ca�� ;, � . � . �, � �-�� � � � jd �t l7yy �- C �r � ' � �� � S�S�J�� . , � .. - / J� I �",� 9 � N I" 1 'Scr,�l r /� 4 � l0 - �+��e� � u rn� ��. /��� ^ �� ��- •��Q- , ! �- )�. 11� � ES� � G��iC �1 l� �� �� y 1� ��� 1 �f Y � v _.� �� ��/`:/ � 13 ' �� �'�Ve h�t�� f l. �t � v ' .:, 14 1+�'� �/ —. .�, ,� `-� j ! ;c� �a,' , '��. 1 ' . '� � / , 15 V � � �z. / " �� - � �°� ��. c� � " -S�. � 5%0 � �6�'`C�� �L L �,-� �. � .,�. � c r� o ���; I �f�- � t' � �'<<�� .�;3;�� 17 ' r ds 6z /1� s �.z 1/ 5� i " �' , i , -� a �� — 18 , � , , �.. ^, s �- � , /� J .,� � � �� �� �. ,. ,� �i��� � 19 ,, ,� '"!^ ',.�,z.-� �.,.� ' :� �" C. C �"L,.��. ;� - �,c , �► �_ / � ' ; 20 �/�' ' ' .�_ /t ,.,, , `..�� � '� 3 ✓ � �- a �� �' 3,0i� - 21 � � �1���v"t � �.�Y�.., ��1 � c 'a' �. l � � �:..i/ � � � S' �� f`' � '-� t��•�.- ��i -�+ I���.k- � �<,. �,, `� ,',,, ',_ _22 �'V��i�.�.�;��,��1-� ,�,��/,r / ,!� �f C'�1�=`'�Z�� ��� I�r / ��. ��,�; � ! �, .. ` � ,^ `� /, _ . � ,i 23 � i % , .� — � G� C'�. ,,� ���, ..".� f �p y� � � _ 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signat r�e•?>I fur er certif at I am, .,r sident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' yl' � S scribed and sworn to before me � ��' � � �/ . _..,,.� .5�rqs, - C71'�1TY *. �#, r '�" �T, .�lo•. ,,.�.. pA� 2?, 1�7St» .. . . s�c�k j -,�..-r,-� , �. � - . , -��!b���S ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. <-, .,y ...-..Y t�I_T .. • ti-r '`.'l f- ''' � lrt: �... . ° - r —c� !— r:� - ,, --_ O , `,, —. c- !�� �_j .�,..,�, .�•. :c ;X.�YGk,�+.r�',y�'�`•+t" ?�c T ,;�►.:,. � .. . �'+�,�� � T nY ' .y�,. .. .. . :ti 1F a . .. ... .�.�.. � • . . .. PETITION - INITIATIVE �01.:�3 - This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the nex� election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address E,YFAR9-- DjS��-'�� , � � � o�h / Q�t r�� � O '.,Uc�l � ` �G9�ps�r�� 3 �l � ;a ' � 1a , ; �..c� ��-�' � /'��2 � , � 5 — �' � - , r ' . � �� 6✓r __ F �O h o � � ; .-;� n�,t t.v� �.� � a �k , _ � 8� � l/ � � � �-� -�. � - _ 9 �J i� �.- '�' �= > rt �r . ` 3 � � -�=� 10_ . _ - ` - 11 ••�y � ✓ � g 1�Q�''12�'/ �O v>` ^ 3!, t' - 12 e W. e � � -�� / - K 13 � . . � � � . 14 L � /� .� � �� , , 151/rj o ss�riT �' F►-r -Z t,?�t���D u�a..lc� � �'.r�� d`' ��' �- �.- ; _ �. 1 ,E-. � „ ti�,- � {- i ° . . . / 1 17 � y � 1 �?1 �� ec 1 C'.. . 1 � C! �, � � �' �., ,; � l�c�is �o n n a 33 � _ :>� 20 :� J� y� , i - � 21 � � � �' � � 2L� � �N �' , i _ .h/ il�.� ��t�� ��f'f� ' I 23 " � � �'� G"�'� l 24 • . l. �� , � � � � f � � � 25 � � � 8�" �G,��� � 26 '�. � � � ' � � ��% \ � _ 27 t U I �Jv�ti� �� / ;✓i�� l- 2 � V / /W�� / ' �/i�WJ � l�'� 3 l , � � �:�si� ST 29 _ ; _a ' O . t � " jo �� �, CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify �hat I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at I �s a � Subscribed and sworn to before me tu.._ �kV� \� � - a v �� � � .�\c,� � �.= ORDINANCE � The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �-�' . ,� ,--� /--..� --- _� G � ti �`' J �� �_ ___ .:.____ � _�_�. �?��� __ �� � ,�:_ �� �,rs ��� � _ �. �r `., � , -i� - . � ���i�✓� _.��'�«����v�� __��r%��,-������-�•,���-�-%�../����J . :%'��,���'----- ____.._. . _ __ ,_.. . ,,� ; ; ; . �� � ? . -��� k ���_.. � �a�� I ---- 4�L�'tdr4�... .. - � �-�y�. , , /Y�e/Y� ,,�, cY�/Y,cS - - �---F=�- - _.. . _� �,U' .�. `1.. , __ _.__�_� . � ; � -� e� ��o�.� __: ���� �. ��—___ � . � �--.�-� , __ �. _ � __ , _ :�._. __ _ j _ I- � _ :_ _ c____ . _._ �r ,�o�.��..____�.____ .�_� ._._..__. ----- -- --�__ __ /3��'"(���:���� ---__. . . . � � � �G`� a���/ �7F� ���il�_a_�__':._:�__�._�_�_����-�..�c--._.. .._ . �.-- _7_`i-��,Y��l:c� _ � �� _ � �__ ��� , � � �� � ��"�.r ��.�a ��.���-._-_...� �-��._ -� ���-- o� ����_l_ ---__-_ _ ___ __--_ � __ ___ ._ - - -.- _____ _ _. _ �--_ - i 7 ' �-� � " . - . ��. _T�_.����..__ __._ --.___.__ --- ._. . ___ �_- -,-.�=-- _ �_�-- ,�-,�,�' , . � ✓ � ' �J � ��`� � R _ -�� C'R►s �, � �e �►�be�e��_____ _____._ � _.-----_ _._ ... __. ________. _1 -- - .�_. �. _- ---- ---- — Y �-126� ' �b'�� ---------_. --- `�-- --- _�- . ...�.'"���o��. ��_�.�/ - , � .� � i ��r _ . � �� - __ __�_.�__�.� _ r G-�-�--'��t���-- - �:_J.rf:,T.' ....G,� ._��rC��-�/....__ .______ _w.., .0 . . � � ; _ '� r,.l,�,-� , ��`�-__ (`��� � . -- _-r:;�z-_ __._ . !'�� _._�._ _��,---- ' � - ; . , .Zsc�c� 1_- _ _ _ _ __ _.. . __.__ _ ._ ... .. _ ��' G . �------_-__ . _. . __ .__ ..____ �� -___----- ___ _ ��,_ ____.. _. _...__ ... .....,_,_.. .._,._.....__...........__"'.'_.... .....e ' .._. ......_. . ....... . _. ._. . . . .. . ..... ...... . ..... . _ ..:_ "Tl __'___ ` i.:. . , ... _._. . ----- r- ._..__._.__.__..._1_".':.''___`_—'_'_�...r-..__.__ . _.._ .___ . ._ _ _, r. ____._ ..._..__._.__..._..-- ---...-----------�----_.._..��.._ , c, , __�. . _.�-- ----_.` _._ .. ._.. � _._._ --- _....________----•-_—_---.. _. . _�..__...___.. , iT+ -7 --___..�____._CERTTF����I4rL__ ._.._....._....__ __.. _. The unders�ned bein�_first sworn on oath� certify that to the best_of my_ knowledge�___ ___.....___ ..___.. _.------__ _ � ___�._ .__.. ___ .. . _. _.... . information and belief� each signature on this page of the above petition was af ixe and made in my presence by the person pu.rporting to have made their signature; I ; __ -------_ _-------- --------_�___..__..__..�__..__. further certify that I am a res3dent o� the City of St. ��aul, residirig �at��� �J� _��C� � l� ___ _ __.__ __ _ -_-------- _. � � � ��� Subscribed and sworn to before me » � � ^«�� __._________._---' - ---__._ � ,� i��a.___ .,_ __ _ __.------ - - ,..�_ _ _ ,�----- `__._-- PETITION - INITIATIVE ��1�� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ,!, i , � ,. G ! � �r/ r ���� � ! .S% ��.;� ' ,�~ I - " / „ 2 �.v�i�/ er l I /g s� � � �v � ' 1 : ,s-r�..� 3 � C r ,� 4 � 5 � G��v�e ,�, / S�-;� . � 6 V � � - � , � �' �� ,�� • � ��.. ;; , � � ���� 8 � � .°j , � ��.5' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . �2 23 24 25 26 27 28 �., 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knovdledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul,, residing at �orv Subscribed and sworn to before me tr..� ' c . i� � , ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �-��� --�� -� �.�--< .._. —�-, __. ,;'"� � c._:�) ��' — �.._;�_: r rn -.-v> 1" o T�� - �� =�-;; .._ -.. � `J �`� ,�.:._:3 PETITION - INITIATIVE ` 001�5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Si4ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION �1�eo,eGc. ,�, . ""�r�rve+J ,m . �,,�-n,, �/�7 �P_�.Q, �J�- �3 (�� � 2 M�cNAEi �i �.Uc � � �. % ' � -�5'�' � ��.. 6 y� �'�� 3� EN� F�=� i z � � � C'1 ��x�-x.e �-G�'� S� S �ars�-��2, ��� G- L3 �' � +� r �-y '4 � C w �'!rc Z �/ `/�c+rn.�,c .�a-*/k4-....,.--v � G� rt !,l v , �� . �', ��s �� s� � �-t� 7 r,�l� ae�•k� �� �� r�s n �.. �o� S- ! 1 8 � �UGF FOL�� S S' . 9 10� 1 ,, io►�o� s1w 1 ' • J � �I� ��- �� 1 *� � /3Sf �1 ct,r� � � • �2 -�- �" �� �, �-y�, s'Ifi,��.�v >9 �c�c,y c.S�� e'f- -- -,.� %7� �k�; �._ 13 ��� LL �i �E "�`� ''<'-�e�� �/� JSS� t �'1 � 14 .. 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Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec, 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � , �I-�-�.. l� ...r �� � 9 � . �2 �Q�r� ►� ���ss�. a t����,,,, � ����n�.,�,,,1�,,,�` �'a,..ti.e. �l1���,�. �n • .�-- Ch�.� s N� C�� �f � q� �/� �• 5 T ,��� �nti, i� - � n� 4 c� � 4 - - 5 �s,� .6� � o s'� N� ,��a1�L S . �'� u L ��;�-,� a � , J/ � � I 3 � � , � � . . Q�i��=� ���- -�'�J � '� c�� v c �'� �P� ��r,�, � � . ��.�, ' 11, 10� 7 " _. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on aath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made �in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sign ture; I fur er certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at I Subscrlbed and sworn to before me - - � c.-c- / d ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �, � ��A cn-! �, __a , __ -,;r— _ � r—: � � . �- � ,, r, r,7 �•�-t,� � _.._�. _...: _.,......a . ---i --., �''. f�"i �_� PETITION - INITIATIYE �� � 001 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Pri ted � a�� Si ned • Address NARD DISTRICT DESI6NATION 1 �0 e , �D /� �� ' I.� Jo� o ►N� - o v 2 t � . ` �. 3 MR2Y F. Pa,pi,�16 6 p .l�' � �0-�� 4 'r ' 1 � �` d � 5 f �fi . ' � �� -I � � ,�� � . "L �_1`}- ' :�,,�.��� �� ����� �^ ��� l �i_�ztr�':� 10' � s 1 � y ,. �� :� �� � ` 'r i a—$ s�/ ��, ;, �r " � � � � �.0� ` �• '�! ��y' . ,�� " �-. 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Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. L�W�'� ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION �1� V Cf? � , �o/'� �,�2� , � ` ��t �� I o- 2 � I 5 " � �l "`" 13 �� � � M � � � � � ,.!�►��'�i�� !I t,+r���t. I' n��-r..�,�-�:;�. l��� 7 ,�� ��nb� �� �.��_� �� ���- 4' ;� dJ" � �( ' ��, ' � l� 1���� �� ����• � d , �, _ , , � , 6 �/ ` ^ � �� � � �� � � , � �/ c / 3 ► ;3 8 ,�,�� l� ��' •�� �, ��-�- L-- .z-� �-.-P �G- I'�.- 9' da'lU > �8�1�T � 0(� So ��s s � � /t�0� — ?� 10�1 a is-F c� �.w �� ' � 11 . vt.-c,.� 1^(��rt Q,.�� - ```' (�,�� � `��� v�.�Asc r.��. 5 t. t���t 1�J� 1 ' �'�` ' � �-�(,� �-c�h l.. Iw5�v� 1'�' V � 13 � � � 1 L 7'�R �L �H / N G- GJ �„��..,° /�9 0 !� .Q'�ss.� 4 15 D/�j�� !� h�l 6 E N-N E � � � 7 7 +��� ,� �S `°Y �..;;� �� J �� � ,�. 16i ' � ���llr4� � -- �,. � �� 17 � � � • , �-� - ,�u:, .�� � ��?�. -� ��' ` �, . ��_ ' ' " ' _ �� �8 � M � � n� ��� � l� ' � s���. `,�'!�'� J 19 • �G �t'!4 NG�f� b 7 7 Si�rps'o ss�.- ,,�,�G t , .}'� d/�'4 G,,.1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and roade in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at n� Subscribed and sworn to before me � � � 1 ► _ / ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ,. � '� ; �. ; ; 1 �� � �-.: J �� (f)� ��� --� �y '71 `! �- j`�. {_ r--'� :-; .V7 � C7 s,,� �7 t�l .� PETITION - INITIATIYE `' / 00199 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. . Printed �Na�) Si ned ACId1"2SS -MUIRD- PRtIlATION +1'� �'�C.� ��" ' � ��S i I � � x � j'� � h � � � ,� � � �" �_ , - � - - ,�,,,� � � 4 rt � ,- �G% �j� ����1.� � �5 � 5 L� Ef� l� � G� � t.� 6 :�h A� � � A .� ' �9 � � �- , � _ � � 7 ` C — �� /r- 8 '� �0 ���l5'(' c �-v�.� 7! l G�� �C� 1... 9 v�. d L � ' 10 ;� ��li /os3GG o�, � . � - � 11 `��� � n �L� �c�� t G�..-- C�u:� ,j�-/ �f�� /-.,�"� 12 � Cs � f �..� I - � 13 � ' -~� c C� �' '' , �� I 14 � � e � ���- �'� �� 15 .,/�i 1 D�$ � � `j ' �l s �°� • � - ,�: . 16 � ,C ' � � ! -�.,� 17 ` / � 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ( Subscribed and sworn to before me � t�. i j c � ,---� . . b..�'.4 . . RfN� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. .� � `�_ =, - �,�--t �, _f � _ -n _'� . ,� � c�� r � � - � �a PETITION - INITIATIVE / 4ah�0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ► Ge � e ' ��� rro�/ r ��'� � 0 8 ,� '��L ��s�; i� `�`' � u��Y��,� ' °" ' .� � � �� , . io - �. � - � . _ � �os�P�i l�.�v o � �''� � i 6 -,J' ��osE�� � �i�eG�yN ' . �� - ,� � ✓�d �8 � � ' ��� PA.� �. -� C3�`z� �� �� y �� w . �,���,�L, �d�.� �9 L � L�� 10 �fJL� � �L �cO� � � (,�� � g � � i� -- � 11 • � � Ll S . � ) � S T � C� ' .f.a -- G�' 12 _ � � Q {- Q -_ I Cv 3 I O�# , , J � ,, �` � ` � 1 / ( � � 4 � � � L. l � ' /��� � D r� �c� �y-- - ^ � �o- � � S J � .,� , � 1 � , � � ta � L � � / L V � 1 r' �� �, � ) _� , ��� �� �.`, "' `°"�' t/�( � ! 0- ,_. ^ lb � 19 / � ��_S / � _ ;� /o_ � � �� `e ll['a� ���t--1�f O � -� � C-'�Gz%/�-C'�e� ��/�c�/zc-•^���'`�� o 2 L' ' � `c� � �.� I�e� .e ° 'i� � ` � �O � �"G � � own� I� - � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made =n my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me � �c_t_ A�Ut�S � d ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � a=' _; � �� _,,� �:� r.,; T �� b�.� r= r-;�' r �n -��' _.; � _ c::� — � � °_-ci -.._.. C7 J f'�l �,� PETITION - INITIATIVE / 00�01 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION / � '.. � � 1 � � _� ��" ��. � � ..� � ,) �i`.f'�;. _��....._.. '_ __,�� �,� � � ,r � � �r—!' - . � ! ��t�' C -�� � �Z U � _ � �C�- �i_ ( ✓Ll�,%C_x= `� � — �� 3/ � w�-r� �.�� �l/��% /Ut-�1��2 S T ��- i `.� � t.►�/"e _'n -� .�, .�. ------.,�.� �.__�,,`t,� ,,� j--..r1 �,) r :.�.a'_ . =�� �P _ �. . t .f t ��� � ^�� 5�� _�.: � • �. `� f ;� . .,_r F,, � 6�t k� /�N2g�.�r� ►�h.i� ��u,�C.r�f��Y /-hu.lf�4...v t�rcAe �.,im�n(,YG�.,r►, .�.. Z_rCd'1 - -- �7y , _ �s w' zy io �� e, . � � �CV LC.,Q1�� ��SC I=C3 G' S C � �C t �LL��hJ]r SC_ �" �� - J.-• )rt�' . 1-GS(] h %�� ..-•f � ���3rvr.P I� . I�a►�Sn n �ial�ro � _ �['�cTr-;, RMtsu P��,L.,.� 1i:;,,,p:,,..� �'' / � � s � ' r 1� £�� � `�' � [-� - �' 12.,��TOM 1�A v!S' ���/3 �946 N/ c�t�s> .e�. �s�v��cc; � 13 � � - L� � S �4� � � �J �o , �� Cu �� � ��� �-� � lu� � i Qu (m,��si�� � { ! r, .+ VY , , �, - � R 15� irL , � � � < < � �,, ;� ;. � �� ,i :a'��P-� 16:� � -�. ��'I l� '��- ,o ,�,� -�G�� 17-y�: ��I t,v S �2�— i8 :i � ( � a ` ` V- � ' /' `' Sf'c� ��„ f - /f /� �E� '��". �,i''� � 0 — �' � / � � i fy �� ! �.1 /� `� „ / � . � 1 d, � K �� � � ✓�� l�-G., Q `'- / .' 2� )1( /� � ( l Q�'�. c Ss��� `'l I�1(`� ( !�r � �9C�1c� � , � � �V�` .. U�a :23� �'j — �: � /��� '�.,�" �7SC� J''S�Z� l�?, ��P/? �Y'G'ri� ,_ 2�:;� RT N� � �1�i I � � �N �� � ,�.,��-ti- < z e �' � = � 2� y� ,,t,�• �3� �'������� � ���ia� 26 ' ' f E L -�-c� ' c,e.�.��� �11i'" � 27 �Su� a � S�� i Z �, IvW o .Szsa 2$�� C� ✓' 3 5� — � S , i' u.t�PS . ��-�� � _ �� �� � ; CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and mad�e in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at i��q ) Q�rv� �� Subscribed and sworn to befor me ' �w � r � ,�,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �--�--,-. . � . � # . � �� � ' �-< � �� � �,�- ��P� � C.:e7 R'..: — r�' r" - r- m ��:.`-�' _t ° -�o �;.� ___ � _� ni ,- -, �'��'�7 5�.� ��-� - CITI' OF S,�!`�T P:1��1_ ��` ,.., '•. OFFICE OF THE CITI" CLER� .}� ; ; ,,;,������ , BUREAU OF RECOi:�,> in�jt u►u = n' `. - . _ 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 5�102 _ . < 612-?96-4231 GF�ORGE LATIMER �1AFOR Sept. 23 , 1980 Aeceived of Edward DelaneY, an Initiative petition rel�.tin� to Nlidwav St;�dium consistin� of ���? n��;es . . �ose �ix �it � erk bv � �� r•: "-� V Lr7'--� �) -{n C..w,� �r ~n T C� ��� �-- r�: -_rn N o _.p �� n (.i C..:�_7 .._���=��...�,- � : . . r � � PETITION - INITIATIVE a� `� �,Q 0 / OOOi. This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter�8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Si ned Address E�waRO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ) �is � c' . � /1� � � D l� ' /� _ � v �r �- � / �.� 4 o b r L � -1 � y- � ,�� F 3 _ 6 v� � I � !/l� V � tf �S P V�/��/> �-1 /-I U � �,: � �' �/-� � ��� 1 L �. rn /� _ / 2 0 �ni e �/ RJ. � � �v �-U n ornA r ,v � ��� t„�. c� �c w T:� ��� . r �� � �i- c 1 �A11� El ��¢. .��� K j�, U L.0 S��o . +�,a �, � 11 qs � y �- 1 1 �. �~ � �. ;� �� � 1� 1= !� � �'..�,�-.�. , ��9 �?'�-��L�-R .�� � � � , � � . - 13 - , _ CJ�� _ <�� - - v - -- ��- I'nr mrs� -J hn 5• � r, n e K�' 14 ..___ 15 � ' _ . . . , ' - --'�- '_�- 1 � _ _._.. _ ..... __ . ✓1';...<_� • ri 1 A� A LT»R d,�=:�/� s 4�,dp.�,. � l� ��fB �' � 17 � �� d � , S / � 1�... / L. 18 � c a W ` Z � r� `� l�-- � � 19 � i �� G d -; / Z - � f� 20.� �e-G S� ? s wv r��. � i. ��"`/.d�' zi .�v,��v�v Lu-c � E �.S-� �,y�—�o S-S i6 2 _ � g�_ � 2 ^ c, G ,C �°� � �� '�-� 24 � U �= -r.� �,a .S�- /.� __ �I= 2 - , ` . /._ ;--' � � � �, � � "� �:�. � � ,,,,�,�,, C� _ 26 27 . 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St, Pau1,, residing�t Subscrlbed �nd �worn to before me D �'� � �. �=�� ` . . , T ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �j 4'_+:r r:� --�1 "� CJ7-�C � --i�j i_, , 'TT I""' �»rr,� ,�„� C::�"� Y"'� t\d f'.. '�N w r�t �. �. p - n ...,-� �'�7 -- • 't7 --- C'� "y 1'�'1 '�'�"� � �,. PETITION - INITIATIYE pU��2 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. % ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT -Printed (Name) Si ned r. � ��`��. Address WARD DISTRICT DESIfNATION � �, �.� .yl � � y„� � r --� � � ,� � � � �� - ��. 2 � ' / ,� -- �' '�/�MES R —r� � m2 �� � �-- 4 � 35 � ,�,�.�-� � �' � , ��z-�u.s�_ �5�-�:. -_. .�' i a _ �� � � � - % .Td G'� .,��Jr�'. � 5 �Jr � � i�F � _. � Cj � 6- T� G � L-�. �� '��� 8 �� � . .a., �� 3 � �,��.. � ,�..e ,,, ��� 9 � �l_T�?Q.L.T � �ti1.�.�.1 � � � � �/C>E7 P> fl .°V ` :_-' .,. (�/ i � �� 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residingy Subscrlbed and sworn to before me ��. �. ��.�� -� � OROINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �{� t-;� -=� -� <'�-� r..� _`�c� c_r.� -tx r- ''"r'� '� r� r'`� r'- .a,.�' w o :S;� -'�[_ry ;�'x7 ._.�... � ':� (Ti �....•� PETITION - INITIATIYE ����5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing idway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ��i J �� r . S' 2 X o a_ � " � 2 � �" ,��-- 3 A! 1�� �,, `.�� >�.�r�4 � � ,��f-�-� ��..-� � � j 7 ! I/✓ � ��/ � _ � ' �'. (�S G �^ y SK �"'` `I t �/ti°ti�� %�s � 9'-��- .�'��/'� ,� �' � ��,� � au,s. �l /� �- � �� � S, , �- �- 8 � a - �o o.s . Z�c � M � s �T s /,��-�i ! R �. 9 , _ - � / �, �~•,� 1 , ��L � S r�i �1�� �� l�d,✓ �� i -�l 1 � C C ' z `"c E�S E � - G � ` � I� - ir�, o t�u n�� .�9G l�u es s S7`- � 1 � K� � �� S - . :� � _ - . �� ;, 5 M L/�i� 3 15 y � � . s ,� ,,N ;�,. ;,� - _ _ i � s 6 - t ��k�(�1 �`�'C t � c=S � � _ . � �� ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing ,�,yt _ Subscribed and sworn to 'before me �z-t�� �,. �_ � � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, dltering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � r-,-� -_� -� �-� r., -+;� ._,_, -t:r 2�-r*t � C�L� �`.-K C.'' 1" �� � O -,�b _,,,� .� � - . "rl �.... � .a fTi � PETITION - INITIATIYE QQQ�f This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � ' �--� � �,,� . ��. � � � �. __ �. F S o�.� F S� o-�� �7� �- r o ,�/ ���l���G�R G �9��. �. , - 3 q�, . � £ � 4 , � ..3 5 L.0,r�0�2�nJ .Z-2��/L �� 4�33 �, lC��� 1- � ; /� � ��i � ��-7''�'� � 1R�.�r l, �4�, �...� �' �����--� � 6�,B � D . � , ,--- _°C��F,�, ��1`L �.�1��o O M.v.0� � ��2.t�J�� , � ��R l � ' .�� O 1 1 � �.�, �. � �,' z.z--<, % , * �2 � — �3 13 � /'� '� � � �� 1 ' ` � � ' �� /.� - ��?�� /O 1 - '" � — ' � � _ % , � � ' 16 � � , _ �� l �.(�.lv�.C� �� ,e��ih i ( '�G.V'E �n�,h Kl� 1 � ��� �l.e��-ua, T-� —��. . -� 17 � f / I8 �' � ` ��% a � ;. /C� 1 5 .� /�0 S G�'.�C�-c�' r": ts. 2 �� ��� _ r-� < < �, �: r. v S L .� E � � . _22�/� � �'�� ��/��-� � -� z � �-�-����.. N6 5 r ���t � S- in_ 2�.1 - K�- 3 0 / �c _, 24 , tl ��' L.. lr.. � � �, � �� � �r" ..�� 25 � �l L N. .�..-�. . `�a,�.2.�— � 'y., _ ' � � 2 � �- �` � � .� la "�z..�� 2 � �� ��` � �F � - �. �, t..�,,�,�: .� ��" �'a w� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing a Subscribed and sworn to before me 7 c�- o• I-�-z- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � �;, =, -� cn-< r..,, --t� s_., -�r-- =>'-n -n c:t' �, r �� rn �y cn w c� �o �, -=� -,�- ,- -�n _M�_ e� __,� rn � PETITION - INITIATIYE o���+7 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Si ned Address E�waRO�N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION , � �. .rz-� ��� /� �� S--" , � .` - s. _ , � , �. . / 1 � i L- f.v J e -so ,� a�v��,4D�Arrz " 6 � E'� ' .3.2 �r - �� _ r ` � � " /l- y t . � ZS'o-2�� 9 � GN•� -,! v �� �i�t',`�'i�/ �' ' �... 10� , � _�, t� /i- ,. L 1 .� � e ` � � .� '77G (.tJ /�"" � 1.. , ,� 1 0��n ���h � v2 vi✓,t��=L �r°� i-� � 1 yNE � .0 �z — . ,,�, 14 C' /L S' G� c K�4 ' ' 17 �h-C) "� �l 15 /1 1.�5 J' ;�'sG k ' ,�—,� � /7�J G�.��. > 1 /` ,c�/Tsc,�� �.� � / � a - i c.� 17 � �. £�n�/� ' /� �- i �... 1 � � �,U�d � � o-/ 1 �0�3�1� I` s, %� ,ES T � 7s�d i�ah►•�S i�- �v 20 ��� ' CZ� G � �'1/1� - �e, -= 2 � �� �� �/s ` �7� ' � �� - � 2z A �` F��� _ �i1_ :.._ 2 � � �� �---- , s�� �S-�z��11/,�/�!`�' � i�- j' 2 6�'�-� c�- G�,v �� �� � �� r7s- � � ..���-�o 25 J � C� b S � i 5-�- ��u� 1S�ra� 2 C /1 � l f f" � io� ^��tvY, S� a� �S /U 2/-1 r ��W��v�� �.S <`ne� ,�T- ��`I-�L,j 5.���� o �r � i 1� n �u✓�a �ve�l s/D � � /�I �` k P I�, P U e r � - �����,� �'q0 �i7�le roo �ve�'��sf�� CERTIFIC`1�TION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing .�,� Subscribed and sworn to before me ��.�.,� �'a� —�4 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �� , F-.� � --�a c�:-� �..� J � . �L'� _� ��}��. _°!"� � c� �, — r�c ►_ ' w '-�' :-cn �_ c� �.o -.„.-n ;`--,i =,_ c� _ � rn � . PETITION - INITIATIYE p��0� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ! Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELNARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ��� - �t �� � v� �i� ��� c.9.-,�,�,� ��- � , • o , LyA- c -t-fl� -- �7� �7� �f' � b . � �� � ; � ia � U — � d � Q `�� � , r , , � ��� ,�`� / � 7 ' ` ,� - � � r7- � .� . � � L� ` 9 - ' � � ' ' r ���- � /t1� � ;- 3-/, v(.J /�l.� 1 � `7��6 �a�iv�..�r� Q.t,� � g` - ''�:� . ii� �,�,� � �: .,. � _� �z C�����,�' C��� � - /� �3 � � 37v � . r� 5.�ia 141� " � � � �� r: 15 p C � ' j�� � 'iv � f= - '�-.�3 , _ 1 ' L ?3� � ��� ,. � 1 ' r A � �J � � � a 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me � �� �z��_ . ��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �, c.r: e.� -f "C1 C/s-< �s �� •_. , '7 t'" i»r'ri � C� ^—�.,. r—;�cc r°'`�' r=- �,�� l�7 t"s7 C,. C� �.p :"=-�j ._._-.. G� � �ry� �:� � PETITION - INITIATIVE �,�a�9 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 _ �� ^ �-�i,z - �e e 3 � �B � �� � �- � ' � -� Q ��� , ' . , � �' i�v ti� � � L� , r/{/� ac/����`vZ� � � ,J i � _ ; ;1 5,� ��v•� _>:1-�-�-Q,—h /?'U�'/� . _� ��Zp/.3 %v .1� P.-r .� ` / � i 6 , � � (�� f �, � � - � �� � ,,Q �C i�- � • _ . , � . � ' r � . t� _ 9 �f� �'�.r � � r /,� �,��y��,m.�-,��-.� �� ,��.�I �� �P �° � io - w - � ��- �� ii - _ _., „ ' �'� � e c �. ' - �2 G E �-s s �a' o �'�:��_ 13 E . U �l ° r�� �,�-�-�.� ti r- 1 �1'�' ;��,: w, � �' _ ? �.:. 15 �tca��t �/' �l.c,�,�. �v Z�' t/G+ti. Cln�a� 1 �..- � / � 16 e�'i'�.�/ � � .S - / ca -- � 17� . S' io� l �; ' -� ��/���E�� I=�s�N�R ��ra c��R�s� ��..� ��o� ,� - �-1 - - —. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing ,yt Subscribed and sworn to before me 0 s s%lt,G4 , Z ��.�� y�.,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c� ,..�;= --t � cn-t � --t n f, , �r '�m ..� c� _... T r-x �i`= r 'V, w rn �• o -:o � :�--n _.m,_ c' �� rn � � � PETITION - INITIATIVE 40��� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) ' ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIC�IATION � 1:� e �/� %G i t/�ur���✓ /U �S, y ' 9a `�_ ►,a� ' � r - r` �� � _ , y `.�° r � c � � r 5 /_, �" _ �6 ���"�� /�y � �� �, �r c° �� y x �y�— ���,�-�.c� � . �� ... /t� � �e y� �',� �.� �., u� � .�. ,�--- � � F.� � , ,, �.�. - .� ' � . : � « � �. _ ,�. - � .1.2',�-e -- 11 � 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 — 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing � Subscribed and sworn to before me r''�° - .��—� Z �- . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c� e'`r =,� ^a C''>-{ P'^,�-: —�1 C,i ,.... ^7 f._ "�'1 .m C::.1 �.-�= 1"_ �"-'K rn ::..c�� t'''� a � �yv� ^1 'Y� .,'�..� ..�-» � ,.._,.� ��� f'� PETITION - INITIATIYE Q���i This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � �" ,�r.._ ' ' G �� �� � U,�r.��'. (�/��,r��" �dP, °: ��� • �. � S I �� � � �' � .� ' �; 3 ' � _ � 0 � At �. �,o-�✓ �,,,: �' � � � d.+� � � o � ?� Av S E K �_�,� �. ��.q,�k�-� P 76 �> � /a - -�� � j c�' �: - / 8 `� � �� � 8—�' ��: /� 3 v' ° � !3 � :;� a � . �" i.� �, � ._., ��M 1 �'��,k.L 7 �t � _K,„�. � .. - �C�e.6 / 0 3 �' C9- C� � 6� ;;� 13 `- - � �, a e c" S—� r' �'' � ' o O< c�w� . G {� � � r 6 r� .v ` . " p� , ��, .. � 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify tha.t to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certi y that I am resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing ayt O Subscribed and sworn to before me L�—�' �-�� �-� � �� -� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited, from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c-� �;�' =a ,. c•�-< �., -t� ,�_ -c r- �-''� -*� c� _ r-� �' r=' t,,f m -�.-� � o �o � �-�",i �. c' :-� r�n � PETITION - INITIATIVE � / 0���2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION 1✓ �„J u,v�l �/.� 7 G[.e 8�f 7 C�a� , .� � -;/� �a /it r e G� J —� I (l S �.—�sC�+��-f' 7' aG.` ;�, c. f !� i !� � � - /� c� � �Y.�C�2. - o��T'" "'�S.3_''./o`/ ,. : � , 3 6 � � � �°�: � �� ' / ^ r� i'� �7 � cu�-� �� !�c� ��l_S7_'_' ,: ��J!���At )S �`7t% ��>��.r112� 1�VQ .�� p�,,,0 �` .� 1�3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 � 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I m a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me � ' ���-�'. C�. �- �� -� , �.. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �� � ,-:, _� � «-< ,� -,�, ;�..� T- r-rn -n c,� rv c= r:; rn w o �v' c .:o -.o ;�=-�',� --�- y n ,� (j1 --'7 . i • • • / PETITION - INITIATIVE ����3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Si ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �!( i�c.�c� C-�Nr1�2,��a,. ' �\ �,�L / Y�t��n�2s •,/, J�/RN� ! S o/UN�/v' � � 0 7 � � �/� r_ ✓� ` a, — � � -.�� � f��iV�J 1/ f / .�G� I � J ('2c �.���c.iL-�%vt — � �,_ � `� �� �.� �" r.� �,...ry.,�'f . - ^ � •! f 4 Lf r S ! l '� � C.. / � � ^ � �7 �iv-�, 10 e � 1 e, `�� ` .� .�- ��� �. r-- � � � . d� , s�- ui ��,�..� -.�-- 1 � . , � . =�`� � 1 � �, � f. �" "` /d �2 0�o - � ,� �� �.L � �rf a G� 1 �LG_il/ L , �F_GLj� �+�._., ,�° S p ��—� 1 RA�'�'ati!N Q P, ��IN/k��L'.,r(� UC r� �• � � GZG'—� � �.�. 1� A.,�2..3 ���'� � ' � `'_ � . ����•. � ���i� `�3� � ,� �1� � 1� r � s� 8 � R���-� `� ,� ��i�.lt�-C.2_` / C��irn,w,.� -r-L s�`i s.3 1 �t l'�-e 11 � � / ` - <<" {� `�j 2� � �. ! � ` f j � 2 R1 M 2d - - _ - � � � 22 �-= �' � . , 2 � �. �,u-c.,� �v n�� F �u r s ��3 ° .�-: ,�' ���.�,�`-� ����� �v �.,,,� � � _ . ��V ' �� 1'1 � G����`rs,r .T � /� `l�j r/ i��Lti '��r/ �S'sa, � a_. . c. . R � i 26 -� �—� � %i. ��y ' ��G,— � .,,. , f.,.e 27 ` �'c�Gcl�'�'>I � ' p l,_� 2s r �--lc��l /�'i �. ;�,�u� r�l,.� �:...� �� ��� � e.�-�-�--�-��-�,.�1 �---�'�� : 29 � ni � �.r � � ss- , � .� �� ��, CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cert'fy that I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me �r� 1 �.�� ����. �- ��-� . . : , . • ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��, � �:, _, °p �-,-� ,�� ��, �� .J r � �.� �� 40...t� ��•� ��� � {�� � ,.f � �+ . �r� '�'"i�! �.v' �^u° � �1 � ^� �'�� f"`S PETITION - INITIATIIIE �fl��4 � / ' This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , �linnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and yoters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said� Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. rinted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION -�' � G� �+.c. ''KE ���.��.1,-t'�i �(. 3.r/ ���� �-� � YL1��-Incuz �' ' G Ll�c w�tter � 0 l �ILt/.c u � �� ' s �' � T � 8� 3 �/� � � � _ �/ _ / , n � �. �,�o N r�r�n 11� 1 rv �3 �R A- �� �� /1'.�c�.c�a: 7 �6 �•����-c� _e�� �C} �,'f � , ., � G 1, , � L �. � -s s � �. �s`.3 -� " � s� .� � ��- � a � �� l� s o D I �,.� 1 � � 1 u �" 1 ' � � C3. � .,- • _ ! Q 1� c .-�. �4 � - S � C �ov- ��' ' � 15 ' i ;-� � . . �n � �% (��3� ;� �. � 16 - � ,r . � � � �����/�� � a� � � , �� ,��� �� � ��� � . i��' � � m; � ,�� � 19 �,�P/w r/ e plo .�/ /o G / ���r.v �� �� �..- w � �"° �'� 20 �To�;� ��� •� �,- ���,�� l��3� ���,���.:.� ��,� �.,����'� , z � �l� �' �¢ � � � i� ` " ",} < , 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I a resid t� of the City of St. Paul ,. residing at Subscribed and sworn to before me � ` � i�.r.� � y"- n1.�22- .� � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �:��:. � �-.: _, -u �� � ��, ��•_� - — -�, �'�� ___- � �� Y`" r" _ w o �� G so :'__.,-, :� .'-7Z . .so n i� {T� 1..� , • � , PETITION - INITIATIVE �00�_5 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION o�o� �h e L p s !�" � /��� 1.���.� y/� , o�,` a U ��,r,� �m �.""' 'r� � �e .�.,�- �lJ - �e 1'v �.� 11�. � :�. r � G'r o �- �- , 'T` � -'L=��.- �. �" ���- �' c��<�. - a� s 3� �s �� /� (l�.�— ��,� / � � o � � � �� � � - r� � � � T�E-s�-- ' ��a� �' `r�� . ., �.. .�.. .;a 4.�✓ r �, � , �� � ��� ��J .1 � `�1�i - . , G;u.� d�SS�/ � �,� �� � � ; � / . � 3 � �.s'� li� V �.� � � � . 1 � ; Jf � � C'� c� " ` � �� o � � , / .�,: 1 � - � c..A. 5���� L� �.m� -, %� .f i - <� - _ - � _ �� ,� 20�,� 0 � �J D �-�� 5 s� / �� -� � L L� S t�/ ��TZ�� 5 aw �s S,�11 2 `�'��i1� � y�. C 'C �t r F >� � .�.��..�.� 2� , . . Qrn_ f 24 U !'1/ G %,�G ;v _ ,S'� � ,... 25•�� , � . �� � � i � �' � � �-- 26� � C� ,�•--. - � :;:., ia 27 � ' 0 28 Y• e �(2 l � S/ �w- -�� `� 53�� 29 �/ f� �� S_` � , � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify tha I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at w Subscribed and sworn to before me - . , � 7��--,� �o . . � • • ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �-'�� t-�, _� � <,�-� � J� f_n_ �r �.�� � �� �� � r?e fYt .s.� � � _� e_-�y,� � n p_.:"� (�� C� ����� PETITION - INITIATIYE / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION �;�- N�i��,,.. SL�. :;c��..,� �,a.t';;,. �a,.,.,,5 a;�,�1x. I `17 �� .O�rc,,��cK,�►,u j,j G , i ;;, � ,,I' '� - , C�� � -��" r 1 �""�' /C�;,< /� � �_ � �_ . � �'e � - � �� 5 � ,� .. C �e � �' � �.%,�► ' ' � '�` �� - - J,N��� �-� ���L �:.:� �� G�-✓ ��`��� "-�� ����*��'' ���v o <<_ - � � � t� �, , .. y�- ` �_. . � -�=- , �✓'' .�tG� " �' � � .,'��-- � ,'� .�► �. 10,,,�y^ c� � ' �4� � _ � c��._.c.� �' ��� �� 11 y/� � 1� , � 1�,.� � l ^ �-� � � 13 , � a.r,e�c � �—, c_' l`� � 14i�'�?�.._.__ -Gc 1c� � �'d�c....—J ...�C� � �:;. 15 � 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporti ng to have �de`thei r si gnatur ;� fy�r�her ce�ti fy that I �rm a res i de�t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � i.�,�.-�:. >'f? ,_ � .� � _ me . ' ` � LO�JiSE A. LA FOND � wYr.�.,•..� . i. , � �� N��..:iAA1� ,�; �'r romm�ssan E���:es Dec.29, 1 ;� 4��Ls�,'�631�,��x��6''f ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � c� ��;°' � 'm cn-� r� -�� r...�_� -a" �rn T �� � � r%C rn w .�w� � ° Mo ��?' -�� , n �. C'? ,."'°£] �71 ,� � � �' . PETITION - INITIATIYE ������ / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. inted �Na�) $� ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 f5�l1 � J � r � T / 'lArf S �"� �a �. � � . / o ca � db/ C� 3 °�� a �' �� ,,,,,,' 4 ,, ; / � � �A � / ,� � � �- � � y�:���.<. +(, w.., , l�3'I rI . � c� l v �` I E' G � �`" (�.�� �, .� - �� � �,�/� __ ��- ,� n�j �% t. ��,,.,-<? ,-�. ,; , ->-�.,� Z//`� �Ue� e� � v e , � 3 °9 _ .�f .��a��' �Q�'L� i 7 �7 �� ,�s �� � 3 �'/� r�f� lo� ',i � — � r ^ �;.3� / �, ! 1 � � � � ��/�,��" J , � , . � � �� 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 _ . CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signaturei I rth r certify t I am a .r id nt the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Su cribed and sworn to before me � d x - r �. LOUISE A � NC?l'<ii.;. . �,�i .^. . M'h')EinT• Ftt - R �"�'�SEY COt!NTY c - - t�l � ��"y �:ommission Exp„es Dec.29,191�q �:s^�LUvu u u - -•ff ��-�-,�-,r, � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , � �,-, � . .�, -� �� �: -i� �.� -n;- D-rn _ .-Fi c�� n„ r:- '_-'" rn �u' � ° --o _., �� �� . � _�� m � PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���.� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway _ Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. __ __... _. _ �.__.-------____--_ _ Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election, rinted (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION - .�J' � ♦ � �� - .� ': '1� � l � 4 � • ,. � � � „_ , ,�2 _ ` L � . . _ ' - _ • - � ,� J�".S f _ - f � . '�, � � � _,,,�,_._ ��C,, - . - � _ � ":�.,.'- ;�, I 7 ['' , ' � ^��r ''� . . ...._--��,.�..,..... `J t;' \ � f� �' r . �� .. .. - 8 a?�U � 'Z -,� ::-.� � �- % a�- L �._.G // - `33 9 '1 " . �_.. � �i n��°��� � < < _ 4�. . _� � � �r: � / � � � h � � � �- 1� io ' � � � �-� �,�z� .. :�� � �/- /8' 11 I .ST,'.: V r"-``: f��p� ^ � � �V�� 12 � � �� f,�/ t; � .�=.,;:�_ ., , � � ; - ,� � _� 13��' , . �_ . _ :� ' - , t*-,- ��- , ,..r-- � �, 14 � �7 �/��i��s'�° L�!/ �/ - ��' ' f i5 1'�f3� t {� 57� �a.r,�,�_ rSl��%- .� � 16 = f< < � « �� �i� ;d .- :. 17 �� � - �, , ��4� { � � e ..�� Z..�e.. � c��"�� ��._. �` /��� C�:° Tt_, �C� � ! . ` ��' , � ; > . � `' 1' � 7— � 18 _. 1 i ; 19 7 � "�`"� � � . 20 - — _ _ � ��� � . ��., 21.J � - - 22 � � T ' - �� . z3 S/ Gt/•/ i 24 i, �� /� ,�-�,� '.�`. f � � �/ 25 (?� /.�i � � . �.l.� � t�( 7�� - / � ' 26 , '� �, � l `� �` � . � ,r ' ��'`""'f'«�fi 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn, on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on thi� page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presencE by the person purporting to have made their signat r •� �urther ertif th I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at yi+�- t �'9 S 'Yo' �1� . � Fdf�`'�'� , - � NC�tnP. � ��il.'C MIMNE!!OT• � l � � .. .. + c�c..c, c ___ __.__._______ My-Comm�sion E�pi;es Dec. 29,19 ^�' . ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c7 c�_a r�� --t "'� v�-<: �: -i�, ;.�_, -��� �'��.,� � �—'-% 5�.�• f r�c m T C/) w � �� � �� -- . �'i n :':.� rn � ,4n �� . .. . , r •.Y�". ,..3� .... . c Y- t: ._. , � . . r . .. .. . . .,�!"pt� . r �� . . . . . . ` d � . .t , . . ��-�,} . y;. i .. ... .. .. . . ,. . � , . . � _..5... y . PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said� Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special eiection. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION 1'`y� ��� /�'a/'%'l/GC`" d�1 �� � -- 2 .3 F Ll�'j �._..._...�._._. 3 ���e�_ �._�..._..,......�_ , - � , �— ��.� , � � n��l�" ,�.,- :�:::� ; _,� , , , �� `�, �= -.�� , ll � �s.c'; , — __; � �� ,�- �. ;: � � ,., :, ;, � ,. �-. 6 ,. ..�,, �'� �, , .,Q,t�.-s��'✓:i JC..--�_,,,,., :'� ...----- , , �. _ � .,� .. �;` .�,._. 8 � � S O ' /�-. 9 1 � Z �J �p � . 10 � �af` _ ` • �-�v 11„� j� � w�.- .�.•�,.. . � � ' �L3� 12 , 13 ,� • • , . . 14 . r� ..f��; • • 15 '�— � 'K, � _ �� 1 � �G' �- �`� 17 �� � ' / (� ,• � �s �-•-�-,-�--�� / �.��-��,Q--� 1 ! —I� i9 g _ �:.. 20 �`'/�' . // - �. 2 ' 4 �- � �. 22 _�.-r.� i���,;� ,—�'=-- %� 23� i._�.-% �w . a a... ;:• � 24 :; r�/ � ,1 i ��t��� - _ :. f % I I i I � � � , � �.�� � � � 25 � . 7�` . . 26 ` 7.� . • 2�(� s '^ a,, /1 --/� 28 � • ,/ i/ _ i� 29 ' � • .� ac,c,�-� ll -� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f the�^ �ertify t,�rat I a �i nt q�f the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �� � ,��.�,�' � Subsc ' s n to before me ' o� � d ���,��rru�,�� lOUISE A. La FON � �- O - .t ��1bL'f; M���,.�Y\nT• � RnrnSEr CCUNTV � _ r�„ � m �o� ,.��.�s Dec 29. 19j� ' �s' '�cn?�x�x�'�srr K as,t•� �-'x�����I�xfi7r'x'�inrsi,l��r, ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �F 1 � r.-: ;., -� �--� � �� t�_.� -v r- �rn .� T C�J ('�.J ("_ r--%� w rn 3�N w 0 %'� - �� _._ c> ;-a ('ri �� � , „� . '! � ,y � � . � . , � � . r , � .. �.e � � . .. . . � . � . . �► � � . , . } � . . . .. . . .� � � . . � � •. � .. . ' ..a .. . � . � ,. .� . ..y , � a .. . , " .. .. `+ � . k ,. ' � t i ` PETITION - INITIATIVE �J:��� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P � ted �Na�) Si ned ddr ss ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIfNATION � � o � -s ��"l � /-/ te' G - ��$��v i� � � '}QQ _� � - c 3 C � � - /�. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signature; fur her ertify a I am a ident o the City of St. Paul ,, residing at / - �-� � -� . ��.��� e��-�:��:��� � � � LOUISE A, LA FOND , tt �+;:° � i *-*. �,;�; R�,'fSFY CCUNTY �f�tti ,� My far�m,<sian Erpi�es Dec. 29, 1375��.� b�i�ic'� K tt�,z .Jt��,"���z r, tt ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. f,_�`3 c'� r,: --S � U�-�G t�� --i C7 _� T--.��,-t "*1 ��� �_ r r-�` rn - t,.) � s..N W -^`7 -?7 e��.� - - _.,,.� _.._ C'� _� rn � ' . w � PETITION - INITIATIYE 0�021 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removjng, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) i ned Address ELIiARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � 1„i+-vi..� Ti �L'Yj�' � _ . �° �Y �a�J��e- � '� �- v v U � .l9;� _ � �-�.� ,� -S < _ !Z �.-. � !� '�� ,f e � ..� ,q�� �. / — I � o� �G "�,..�' S �� �w" .S-6 .3 7 ' I�/ �N � � �I��" ���'' � �� l.�-1 s'�' �'``�� /��rL . 9 ` �� ` }� , � ,-, ;-' � ! ) :} F_ - _Lf�.c„ �� .�� '� ,� �-��"' 1 �--t 1•'rir � �1r � ��:f l r'�V� / jr,r l� 3 ' {lyo !�w f 'I i/ '� '�� ,� f� �' ��p� ,�,, f ' f O ��—�� 11 12 ����� 13 `�-_v�.�-,,�...St� \u�\ � �� >> �v��q . _ 1 � '� �5 s s i y i6 ` ' /� � �� '�. � • d� S,S�O I �'�` � i8 � � J�v L b''Sl � i9 ,.ss'G G� . ���.�c 7` ���� S�SI� 3 — 20 . S.�l� � 2� �• �','� Lt' � � /6 22 !'p �J• !� � 23 �� ✓ . � � Gd c � � .S r � ' �. ��' �: 24 J � l�`�,3' 253 �, �_ � _�` 26 ��1r���? r�,p .�� 27 JY1 J;,��� � � � ;.: �.�� �r .,�:�,����/W�. I- � ; 2s � � � V-�i �� M1 �� 29 �� ,�,�/�• RTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e; I f th cert ,y that I a a eside t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � / : _ `� � , �,�����_ � ' /' d IOJISt A. LA fOND , � RAh1SCY COUNTY � " My Comm;�sion E�pi�es Dec.29,1911j '�� ORDINANCE . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��� - ' " '� =� u,.� �. �c'� `-''' -o rn -n G� N � .�� w cy �u'' w ; , �o --� 6� �,�. . c, :,� rn v , , .. r, 4. 1 � � . , � , � . � .. . � �.s.��l�. . . . .. �.a. . � . . � . .k.�.a. . � � ' ' �.'�r, j+'� . PETITION - INITIATIVE Oa��2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of �t. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Prin (Na e� $'1 ned Addr SS ' ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ✓ �� �� .�o �� s�� �1 ..�r `? �� Z � �� � f�/-� �; - ,� , , '�` _ �.c:- ��-�' ..�'��`"�'�5`� _/S � - ��� ...�..�::�-�-� �.�_ � ...��...� .�.�--��� �.��` �, // //j�� � � / A. �(/�• .L. � ..� ��°� � _� C � .5� s �.� � , . «f�— 3�0 ,, _� �' �o — ,�-��� �3 � 12 �� >, .; ; .y +,, � n� a,�,�,� �; ,� , ..,1 . .__-. ' _: _ � - . �� .. , . -. ,.� , , �,� � ,; �- , �, 1� � � /�-/ 14 -,.�....� 1� 7 -� � a-� //�9 �6 ' P i� �: � i�� ` �_ 7 �,,, � ,� � � �4,'� , „/ ► "-c7Z f°fl � � � � �� �9 Z S � -� 2b�1.�c • . � �� Tl �� � rra�° 3'�� � _... 2� _ � . S � �-�'-�� ��..Y�.,� / 23 .�. ,. .. 24 � - ��—�s� /��� s��.yEJ' �ie..�P. /� 4<a,Q .1�'f/°� ���'-'`<� 25 � . y��r�l�, /d "� 26 �; ....� , , / �", � _ ` ��� _� -Z � ���;' � - r 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made �eir signa re�., rt � certif hat a r ide of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at 1- ,o � .�.� hr�_ .� . Subsc � �� r� � d �., �:_�•• �,: LOUISE A. LA FUNO � � . 'Jfl ..�..-��__._.. "__.___"__-_ __._.__ . �� ` - R���SCY COUNTY : R! � PAv Cor�rt; Sior E°oi-2S DeC 29, 197�1];� �� lilt7t T:�.S:�.;.T.f.,;u��(`?. I•k. IS2;:':;!� -tt..� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-.r. � r�� _� "� 'v"a"'� T�: �n i�._. . �[T1 . _ 't1 � �� �� r r;� rn .-.,.� w v . . , w �� -?:, .�� __;. � w� . a r" r� .. y, � � �, , _ PETITION - INITIATIVE ���~3 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � ' !�L ti , .�, ., �'2 4 �''�'j ��� ,�'�,;���,�,��, �'�� 7 �/�;�. �.�,� t__. �� �.,.� 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1� 18 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I_f,urther, rtify that k�a a resi, n o� the City of St. Paul ,, residing at " `�; /��� Su��e�t�=:�n,���� to before me ` �d' "---°--tt���,;� i O �t't;�gi',t :'�, UlSE A. LA FC1NU tt � K'; . -.,�, - - _ � �-5 �:'., R��^ M,.ti,v�soi., .. --- ------- --- �, ,�.� � � �SCr COUNTy �.. , < t'.a'tttt r Com!r t�rn t Pi•es DeC.29, �71L'" �C�'3_iLt1J[x��u sc�r��:[:�r_,,;:��xlllfsiro-x�r�..-,T_19 s ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. r.-- C"7 j%-y:1_. -� � Ct5"< T`a: —1�-� i�� -T�1_' t�rn _ � L�:-7 r.�, �:— r� m �cn 4i o -� -� `_T`� — „��..� _...._ � s:3 � C:� I PETITION - INITIATIIIE ����4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION / r ,� � / / l ,4i'•' ��� � I ' �� � � ��, � "�.' � � �, ,� � '� �, �, � � �? ���c - � a . . ..� • �r4s ' _ �� . ' 3 � d ` v� . ' � ��v • �r�- � , � ..� $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur er c rtify t I a a s ' ent f , the City of St. Paul ,, residing at Su orn to before me ' � LOUISE A . — '•M� •c MwNasor• -- -- --- -- - N � kA�^SEY COUNTy �Y Comnrc�p;, EXpues Dec. 29, t. '___,�,'!fr�'s�vr�,� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments �re prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � t°.:-: rT? -I ` U�-'� h._. --i�-� ;�� -n r t..m -n c''' �;: r r;� rn �r(%� w O �O �� — .., -T7 --...� n :�__::'.) (TS -7 .� �. a,�.,a �. �- r. . . . � � ��� � . . ... . . , ?��� �: . . -� � . : . � .. -.�.:�,•.� �t / PETITION - INITIATIVE ���25 / k This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election� ELECTION LE6ISLATIVE PRECINCT Pr�Tlt (Name) $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � , �� // r � / � v V 4 ' d -. +� 7 5 ' �_ �� _� . 6 � ` '�� �` S. �.. "��,.�' � � ��� s ' / .�. � 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ._._�,,, 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f r er c tify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �� � ,� � } Subs '�,� � � �.rn to before me � c�� -� ``� ""� � N ct'a i x,���,-- r - c� _ � �' / . �ouisE � _�l� --_------ -_ _ _ tt "' k/' Scy� "ln�rrc_sc�r. +� �. COriNry S ��uV�l��:��Y Ccm,-��sio- �-pires Dec. 29, 1(�j ' X�"1��,•^u'���uXa�tiYYf/�OVar_..._— �"'�I�� ORDINANCE � The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �� rr; � � Cl�—! n, --�I� ;A, -o r _-'�Trn -n c_� �; 7_" r:� � w �� � � �o � .--,�, _.-�. � Y3 r � PETITION - INITIATIIIE Q��2f � • ` / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISSLATIV DESIGNATION � �N �lC r�'�/fI� �✓ G` �►� ,.....-. 2 D � G ` �~/� s /A � �-� �� � V�� � t � Y�� 4 ��i \ ��d � � ` �� � � � �� 6 �j r�C ti�� �,� ��.L � l O b -. +,,!' Za �� �_._.---_ . 8 � r4-v�, �S/o — � G ` �/I "�" _ io ,��� �'r " � � --3`- / �,,� ii �J S C.� �.� ��.� �°a .. ; ,, 1 e � �..M.��. 13 � �. �;� 14 `� < < l C ! I .. ,µ, �5 � s�b �/ - I i6 ' � _ �,�— � •�S� c?�,f„�,;,,.. � � ... �s'�' _ -= . 9 19 J �_ , '� /� <; =� ,' � �" �' / � ��.� .. . . f� �; ,,, c''',., . � y ; �� , . ,_ 20 ;�::' , � �, �'��:� � � 4 �`:..{..���:.:�,..- (� .. � .r, � � r ,,�.�-`. -,_ f � I ..7 5 ._� 21 ,� � I .-.� ' 22 �%: . - , ' ` '� 6�S � J��� 1 �<,�� 23 � <j S' cS�cS�I� y 24 1!/{ l 1� ���� .�/ � 2 � l� � J � ��` �I-..!. 26 - a? � �' ,3�"- t`� 27� ` � (o c� ,�s.�, ��... 28 ! � �` � � �' .�� 29 _-----..�,..�....�.�.� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made heir signa ur , I -,fur er cer 'fy th t I �resi nt of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at C� y� � r .� � Sub�cribed and sworn to before me � � d u°tuuNx�tt�u'7,h��s,u��aiy�yl�7.�rM "sc '�x•-��t��l:i`:i�,,,�:tl;iuu„;�;p x LDU� � ' � ' �.•F f, , . ...�r� �; � ..� _� (� i'N'V d � ; ?a� 1` l �/,� . , � °: �Pr, 79. ;?�7 ; �: JL`�� '�`t�:�� +._:;�_�::�"1-�'f'Cli1rKHYTi?CfrT�..u.�m�: ORDINANCE ` �`' . The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � . r: � ��. r r, � � �"'� f'�...:s —i Cj c�..i -o r :,.r� -ry c:;� �; � r�: m w �=cn �a �' .�° --9� ;...-.� _�_ � :-�� � rrt � � T PETITION - INITIATIVE / Oa��'7 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. "� �Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters �of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pr'nted (Name) $'I ed Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION J c �L � Lc•���c o�S A 1 D���. �,'6J �a� I � � � '�1' � ��-s- G� .s� S . a �~ �`"//„3 �,a' �h R���l tr �' - °��- • l . y ���z��.���sa s. P,�,,,,,� . ,�-�. - � � 5 �� ` � e�. /�/'v�. .S►SJ . �y�- �"�- �' � . �i �y � i� ' 3 • $.._,�� • � • b—���„� So • • ��� ,�, 9 � 20.2 - ..s�.�" / � - j� io ..� �lf S 10 t'1� Sl��:� l�l�C Ilb. t. A��l ��i L �� .�.:� � � 6 � �- .� - � 12 � s.!' 7 �3 ,� � �� ; _3 �� � • �i 9•jJ . o ll�� l . 1 v -3� . � . 1 = � �•� J 1i1 i� I/ —' y � ,1'b �- /� 1 '�. G69 a,� • �-�4 ` a�- i9 � � �.� � �`l� 2 i�i�a � 3 . ' - 3'c'*/ � . . .�.0 s7ri`�y �'�/ 2 /� 0 �. � /I� 2 a + � ' � 7-�,�- � �' 2 � ' ��r � ��'��s.. � ���'C���2�:.� �� - .� � l��,/ _5..�/)� �, :;� � � � ���..� cu,�� 5���� 27 � Narn��--� � - ✓ - � /� � a l S' � � � ��1/ �/ �„� 28 . � .. ��� � q�d--�o . � W � � r-�� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and rnade in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e; I fu ,the certify hat I m e ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at C� � _ _ � , . . me � 3 / o' LOUISE A. LA FOND `� � , _ ___-- .._.. N .1- _.._ __. . - ��'�SF� C���NTY �y .� CC'^m.SS10:7 �CI':$ p'C.29� 19 'M�!���Aitl���'�ul':y::j,%.:�!�� '�[Y.�-`•�'_A�r�YC$�IIL � ' ORDINANCE i The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing - or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. E . � � � .. � ��.. r�i � ���5 G�-1 n: --i� ___ -„r ��1 —r� C�7 e��:: -- r� . .. r- rn �-cn w o �o �� �--i _�---� __�. � �7 (�7 � � A . . 1 .. � . . '� � . . �.�'� Ct' . . ' � ' .. �.� a� � ; � PETITION - INITIATIVE �0�2� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Sta�d�n located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LOISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 C. . �- _"� . • Z � iv-3 �,- s�r�:��;, ;f�� , . _ e�/� . . • -rr1. c - . s'r. , • � • � . �� �n�nrR st,.� �T sr s't� • `� x� _ ��.. � � y �1 ..5� ���� - �� _ �� �/ � — :- `'S� f�i e 1 ` � S' S/ia- �� �� ' � �, �� � � s'�'/ 0�6 1$� � � � s� � !� 1 � P � — � 5 0 7i l/�/ •- �` �/ � � -E E � . n1 �� � � 7 � �« �� � �' �� C� o e9 t�F �, TT c�n � °--fo ' � ��` r � � i� 3. ' ' cl � `'' `� / � .� � � .�� i f � �,+ � � � �� .. �. . w � r �� �„�/ � ,� , v / -r� 2 - �'1 2 � / � �� `o . �.. ,� . /t�. W � /V 24� �' � a v �' -��..�, �\ 5 � /o? � U � f 26�( , ` ., ( -� � �-/c� 2� 3 /y , � �- /.� 2s � � — ` „� u.�/� � 29 M ���. ,�(/ ` l.�J.ti� ��--+-/ ��-'� CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signaturg; I� f r her ertifyfthat I �un ,a e�ident . the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � � , �'t. � zz ��-�� .� Su ' �d��g to before me � f ��� urttau�x��;�;K,.., u u i � � i . -x�,., I.OUISE A, LA FOIVD ------- --- N ' t _._._. � �+ESp7e � �� �- .'_ Rn •gc v COIIN7Y Y i R' i � l ^.T s� � ��i � o t xtt�tt�.t�x"rc - -�'�r �W tt:�:�x�r�ruc,r,,9, lti,��,.ru 5� � ORDINANCE � ;' �°� ,J � r�_.j �� The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, dem, "`� g, r. or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium lo , ��t 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��" � c.� . c� �-.-� -� —s,, c�;�`- �-' _._{n u.� �`��� � G.:J :ti: f"_ �� W � e°u� W v Q -'C7 f.y T -�. • � ��7 � � PETITION - INITIATIVE 000�� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ,�rinted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � ��I� .����. 5'-�/,� ��_ � o �` ��` � f��,v�S�c.� i y� � � - ��r� �� t�l p,l sr. F���.Orav� 1�6! �(�� � �-�,�.. 5 c - �- l� rno� ' � 2c� ' Le �'/� /� C �E�,��r 5 S � �rL� ,�r�-`, � . s� � � -� ' C oL �, � /J"� e ,� N .�I ��,. - � $ � L. �}� �- �¢> . 9 , � y���'S{� �° . __._ io ����- H� ���, 7 �i... �� - ,,�.�� � � /-�� �z � �� — � .,- .--, -- i3 ,; a,,,, ' �� /�i S C .. �4 .R� l� (/�� 11'C. � '� =' , �.i .... 15 ;' ~ � � � .` ' C ; �� ; � �l 16 �� " �. �" � 17 �A !je � f/°��n� � 18 � ° �,- 9 1 9' , . a - o ' ♦� ,c--.. ��, � zl F� ,,, � � .. ,c- 22 ` �.. :,. ..� 23 � � ,�"... 24 ' . �.... 25 Q,' �i1 �!'f �s S �'Q.�� NA,w� t�� � _ 26 � / / � , ; 27 �� v�t"�r-�-6�.--��� � _ / �---� 2 / l � � .�. -. 29 � /D�� GV,��ti4�J �� a�s-c.�� —°".. CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I ur e�r cert' that I am a�re ident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �' �' � ` r Su ���j��j„��,,r,�me - � l tt � x„y� x � �-;, �-OUISE A. lA FOND N�1T '.� -�� �t,: 17� �SFfJ l^+1������T� . .. . ___..._ . '____.-_____ ...__ _ .. . � ���� f " ) �...� )q ���� � ��CGs'LLL�:.L!� ��. _ ��.ni��J'���' ��; i OROINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c� �:;- � � � c�'-'= r� °t c� .. _ ^7, ;,.;,z c��: -n f".%•: Y'..� � �--,✓'i W f'i L...� 0 �ca ....� « ��� �-� .. C> _.:� m � . � PETITIQN - INITIATIVE ��'��� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. �----� .`. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION . 1 �� o �,�� E � �. L �. �� E —.,� -- . a 2 ,�;j �,� ��_� �_ 3 ��� a3 ` J 0 � - �a� 5 � � �' � -�2 � 6 � //- a.3 7 K,�"F'?" �(�'� � � � J!-J.'-� � � � � ` ����-�3 9 � p, � , j � I � ��'-/ 7 ii � 7 .� . �r -�o 1Z � � J , .S'/0 ���' s �,o� � � � ��� ��d � � � 13 � 14 � �- � /l- 15 i� � (,� �" 16 �' � 17 �i.t r',� .3 � ir-� 18 _ �`/C�� 33 , , , � 1 � , �' ���a, �- �� - � � " � F / ��j l0� , • �J � � 1 • • �' �D 22 ' /� - /�� 2 i����� . r � �4 �J („ •� i'� �r . 2 /�-,� Q 26 ,,,�t, t=�:�a� /f,�' /�,�ir.e.c,�.. dC f�� ,'-a 1•�.—,a� .�.� �-� ,�,,� ; �� � .-- , � , 28 '�� 7 O�S St' �Atic�.�' �.,�S���f 29 •� �, ` //� ��� � CERTTFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence� by the person purporting to have made .their signature; I ,,furt er cert' , that I am ac\re dent f the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �% 7 � � ' '\ � - .> � Su � ' % � 1 OUISE A. LA FOND � ��a�. c +��raFSOrs t !�(� , r. . . --- -.. ------ ..__ W y C�^,r ;s:;,, .r,�r�s D�c 29,19 ��i�? • _�_t r.:5::3�:s;r. . r ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��-�,� � { : r� y-,. � -,. ��� �� -;C� . -.��- -r, ._" '`'.__ i �'-'= m � y�, c.w � v .� ---�i c� : � tn ;� PETITION - INITIATIIIE ���3i ' This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ,Printed (Name) ELECTION LEGISLATIYE P EC.1�lf�- $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT �fiTION � a o y� i�-�y �-- • ' i �- �� S �✓ .'*�J � " p�� �� ,,/'`S/'�� �v � / '� r�an aG �cr,�.,.r 3�" , y�C/� /�l,�,f •� . � 0� � � /�7 2 I�I�/6S��it �O • � --i o �1� I �S�� I� i � � S- I 8 � ,,� ��2$ �. .�r� �� • / / //-�? � �i� a! �-�'t� •` o,, � , � .�/� �,.�, i�-3i 14 �' //-j/ . 15 7 /�_3/ 1 � � �-{ � / -.�:� 17 ,� � �/ , �f 'f ( �I I-��a 1 , �/,�� ir , 19 ' � �N'����S�E/�' � 20 � ' /Q�/ 7_� l 21 �__ �I 7- It 22 /��-? 2 � � � . f �_��-� 24 � )` ,�(, /S��21' �: � //-z3 25 �� ��-- , 26 3 i � � � � .. .. 27 � ' ,,, � / �j � �/-/d 28 � ���.��.� �- a �, �����es�w sT � ��-� 29 $ � /-33 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I furt er cert�,€y that I. a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at�'''-� �' �..� , � � � � S � d�C�llf;��F N �� , � ~f».'��... • •;rl.'C MIN�'fL�nT• Ny Ccmm;ssion �.�p�res Dec.19,1 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. .� n �A i'*� --t � �� N --1� c� �� y rn -ri r� �`` r rn -r-u' w . ° _o �-�; �-'� �_s . -n n �:.=J m � _ .. :. ., . .. , . �4.� .� , "y� ; .. . . . ,C'�',y: ' ,4 .. .r j.ry,;' S . .. ., ,.': s . ` PETITION - INITIATIVE � � •. 0��32 ' c � r This'petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolistii-ng Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P inted (Name) Si ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 4- �►��i ,�' /���J` �.t o�c.�r��l` ��- �3 6� ,�-ao ���`.'` � L� /� / „'/ [" �.f L� �L��/ t���l� ' . //-oZ d • //� � � //-.3..� e . ., , _.�3 , C 2lLZ ,,;�� , . . . i-.� � � /�� ,�.��2ie ii-�3 � /�-�3 ��� � 12 , //-,� `1 �Y . /�-�3 �7 ir- � " ��-�� is � — ' : - ` � � �i-i — � �► � �. n���. 7 r'� e � i-3 3 1� r � i�-� �9 - � e� �r � Wellas( ��-3� 20� O O �`s l��, �j��S /f'��6 «;. T 2� . r ,, �� Avt SS'I o .� -�.� . 2z • L a t �- a 2 . • ��_.3� 2 C. C� �' ��-� 25 � �, �� - 26 � � 1 � j-�f� 27 � - / ��€���� ,��,�: 2a =� � � � - � ,i�ao �`_ 1 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn-on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my resence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I furt er cer ify tha�'I am a .�r ent o the City of St. Paul ,, residing at " . � > Subscribed and sworn to before me .�..�._...._.,„...._=�.�: �:_.:�,_ �,.; �� .,�,,... . • orvo ��- yr• � . ' tiE r COUNTy ., fJ!y s� '� '',�'�Fiux ii����l � ri:��....���„—���_[9, 13��x' i � / � , •ORDINANCE . �� ' � The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at - 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c.�: � � .:'a (/'�-'� N . . --{n 4_.+..) �rn T T� C:� � f'^-= f"" ("'� w CT1 �� w C7 �M� Wu�� � ��� • � ��y �.ri�� 1!• lr.� ; � i p • e j � f ' M" PETITION - INITIATIVE � ' � l �0�33 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Ne�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � 1��t7�� L�A��G� -��a- Gv . �Tf�6C �zA � �..�.- .-�. 2 � C �7� ��,�� v _ � � 7- /3 3 �,,,,. �a��v E 7°�.3 i� 4 V'� '�`` � ��Q 2 �a- 9 5 I�� � ��� ���� � � � ��i� 6 � /sbc� �n � �� � � 4 � �� /U-� c,� �`" /�-� � , , - �� .�.��,�� � ��- � � i�-9 11 '� � � �,v�,���— � �� r �2 � � - . � 5 �- ° � ,o-y 1 . .. .. . ' ,y, °-µ� �/�„ `I �. 4 14 c �r, '' Q � �/-/0 15 � ; '�7 /�- � 16 ✓ �.,�vr..� � � b � � �Y i>- > 17�� � ' �l_� �� '� �o-y �$ � � ., �o- y � � ` � � i�- � �;. �`;,5 ,,� i l � i l � �- � 21 � - ./� �/1�-��- ` � � � �r /o-`"'1 __r-- 22 N. � �. ��� �i..�d � • � �dV� 23y� c� � 24 '� ' ' � � � '�� , � o - 9 i ., � , 25 � � y�� � �� -;j ti`} �, l `/�i�,�,: /o - `1 26 y� �..1.�-��Z�1�L ��� �,� � %� -`�' 27 '� j�;>G a✓;�- 9u irn r� �G1 L/ /U� �'Lt�� L� �o-`1 2s� ' �:, � �! l <_ � ��, io - � 29 v� (X1,,, '�-- �'�,. �' � !�- I ��- � �1 CERTIFIC ION ,��+�'����� �>� /�7� A' + ���✓� u•v' �` ��.,,:� ���r� Th undersigned�-Sein irs o n on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, inforfnation and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their i nature; I further certify tt�t I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at �' � Q- ftV . Subscribed and sworn to before me � � / . ' �� ���Q� NOTARV PUBLIC—MINNESOTA �t��` RAMSEY COUNTY �.. My Commission Expires Aug.26. 1986 r Y - ,. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue fin the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �-P�I� �/`.�aZ2 �JI� ,��' 9� � �.. C7 �n --1 � Cl�"� N —i n s.._a A� � �� i�: r W rn �u, . W v �� � . T �, c� ,�-;.� m � Y�, PETITION..- INIIIA _I11�, 00034 _ � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ll' �� �V'�(,G�C�pS�.'V (•' 4�" /W c � ��1 C/�e_lr;�t S�r� � —� � � � 5 r�.l�.-1 ��✓ - j s��/_ � � � /-�. ' �,.��',"'� � �-3�� _ ,, �� ' � ��i� ' SSiCk, 4 " �"� .f.! I Z6 6 G�4x 0 . ST"' 'I„i ✓l` �f ` ,4ro , o Ma� � /- �. /O t,,� 2 �� �' 7• � � � � ��� �-� C cJ � d / - r d 1 6 /' � 1 � �� ,rj o/j� -.�'-�Lw.2c /-� 1 L- �"�/ N .-r���. �,G� .� �-` � - � � � _, 4_ � r� "� � � .�i' /- �. 13 'c,,`- ,�J / _ J'' � �L, � � �- , -� _ � 15 ,n � � - � � � dr� �-/ 1 � � �'i9v�- %�`s7_"� ��� �7 a�w eG%�' � — �/ 1 �1 Z �,r�t� � a�L ,�,��,-,�.> ' l -/3 1� �(j � � � /-/� 19� r e�►�� ��h, ,�f � . , � � � l� �'G�.✓-�-, �- G 20 i'�� J� v Q- c�¢J -le 21✓�� �� 's � T�e, 1 �__ �� � a� � � / - 22 ��,'�,� � ` /'7 � �6 c� G� � ? �� l I 2� �� � 7 5�� ,� ..,��... 2� � / -/ 26 � I �-i/ 2j✓ o � . - `� �O o �' l -.i� 28� �) �• � '� � �i �q. �c � /- s � 2 ✓ f t � c�a7l �1�/ �' ' � �" `� IF ATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my-knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nature; I further tify t at I am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul��sidi � ��~ ; e s.s,� ,SS . '— Subscri bed d n tQ�,��p�rn�+e�� 'Z �� 2 °"'�"` Notary Public e County,Minn. Comm�ssion xpire ;� � Sept, 13, 1984 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , . C� ��' � � C!�-<• rw; .–'1� '.,s.1 • �i ��f'Tl '�7 G-^� C�: �-.- !-'%e m �� w � _� �� � . -n n , � rn �� w,�/ L, i .� PETITION - INITIATIVE �Q�;;S This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �Printed (Name) ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT $1 ned Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � �o�� m , ���� ��r � 3� s;�«.,��� �i — ; � � , -� �... � r � �8s � , �� - � � � �r � � .� - 4 6� � z 3 9 �� � /— �✓� �� � �� i -� 8Y ' ' v S � TD � �' a� 9v' ������ �? I�A y . . � � ��-.r io ii 12 13 14 15 �' �`. 16 �. . . 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad_ their s�ignature;, I urther , tify a� am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �.� > !=�_ss�'� �-a-�- Subscr .,,,, ALAN D,BURCHILL !r� Ramsey County,Minn. Commisslon Expires � '' Sept, 13, 1984 ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. C� �C.'r;" --�I � v�-� r_, —f n c�;.� v r ��T� -*t c.::r� �` � r� rn -�cn w o z° -c� x T _._ � � rn � PETITION - INITIATIVE ���3� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanGe on the ballot of the next election or special election, _ _-. �' � � ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT C Print �Na�) i ne Address WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION �,��e^or� � � _ �� ✓1 � �- � � �=�� � � �/vn� �r' �i� � (n�. or�. t' b� �— 5 t��� ° � �.� 03 i - G � � �� � ' l6� U�'.C�' u�r2�'i� �- ���.,n�/�� .�.si���� � aD�✓a h� ,�-� � � �Rf � ✓� StPAU � I SS�o.S 6 � � l��� e5 t e �5c°aJ � / — 0 . � � ' S� O` 3-6 Y u��n�� ����r� : � - _ � ,�-�v 7 (� �� . ���lU y - � ��z-i0 J/D , - �. er-,�Ty ,, , � y-io -"�G <.�G`J � .�' l�rt/ e�J g /' /'� � .p � ��.�D _ � �- ° r- � ��� v�o �p� � ,2 �� 1 s_�i� i 2r�a ` v P � ' ��.,� � � � ,� �o _ � 1� �,�� � 9'�� ' 6 � o.��a 3 ��' o��` �� / �a" 3 �•-� � � ��-� �� �.S SS/� i�S`` ` ' i'"7 � — � 4 � __ � ;� �� I 93 0 6; ��5� 07�-� ��� � 16. ,,,,,� a P c ,�y�c 3� � E-V v � S�! / � � C aeof��� i F,3; �+-� 17; , j�o I �--�-��� Sr� ��-Q ,S' '7 ;�'�' 18 .. `^� � -!� �..^ S� � ' / -S,"' � o S �''S/ ! 19 � 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made�in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat�re; � f ther certif that I am� re ide of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at - " . �� �, � r,�a,,,� , � Su ' ��du+��cs� , -r-� / LOUISE A. LA fONO NCi-r�aF��, M N. :,np.'SEy (IOUN?y �l tJl�� C,;:Tmi;s;nn Expires Der,. 29,19 �3iJdhuL`L�;�'�_''--'".�.=—T'��'[�ia8lfft ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � f,.�� �� M� --r t\; ��3 C_a.y -C1(""' �-�'r:7 C'�iJ �^.- � r x r�" r �� w rn -Q 4� v ,.: `.h _,5 h � � a r . . r.. -9 C' �' ��:� ' . l � ^y� ' } (..i'. :.... ' . . ,. � .. PETITION - INITIATIVE � ��03'7 �t This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legisl�ative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. r..�C�AL, � ! rx �ATu�2E Printed (Name) Siqned� Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �---� .- a^-..'°""' �i L���- /�IR� � �� /�2 D �► �y e o �� � �S -Q- �"3i ��.,.. � � ^ � :-(_,, � � . ,,�,=��: ,i r c�-3 ,� � � io-7 . _ � /�` 7 � Tl� �.LL ;� ° /�-� dJ�� ` / 5 �"' -� �a l� ;, - � � 9 '�� ° �� ° �� 3 � � ;� S T,'S� �o— � 10�� � �� � /d- � 11 /,�-� 12�� ��,i 3 `�c�t�,r.�- - l 41 d� �a.�t Q3 c.�.�-K- �a /�2° 1� S �3 ,/ � ��-9 14wM e .}� � �v-� 15� S � //-/3 a-�' 17 '� �� c6'� �t��7r� s -�3 �-' 1 -/,'/, �- � � / � �- c 20✓ ' g� - /� _ �o 21V � —�— �%'` 7 � 2� � � //-,�=� , . 23 [� !, J //-�3 24 � S�� S � . ��_ �y 2�/ 2 � ?- y . 2 0 — � i�- � h � � � io - G � 28`�► . � S„t(, �:^. s ./� 2 ' 1� J /8- li CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatur , further cer 'f that I arr�a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i ding at �? -� ,� ' Sub ;��p�`s�dorn to before me d " Tt K��iu�,.- _ LOUISE A, � .�. . `; . `�-.' rC. r4rtinTf50T4 r ��5E1' COUNTI� _ f�y �;;":r� c,� Expires Oer, 19, 13�1' ' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � t t � c� f°"' rn� -.I "� Cf�-�G ry �0 n �.� v r-' ;'-m � c.:.`e� �y t" t`—:�c rn �u'+ �,�''', v :�:� —o ..�� -s�- � ::::z7 C'�i 0 �„�. PETITION - INITIATIYE ���38 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, Printed (Name) Si ned Address E`WARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 u�-�iS �u/°rp Gr L1 �� ��m G'i� .Sf/.�1"����O 2 �, ,- f ------- .. . .-- '� �,,d /a _ ,- �� �f�" ►� ' i� �1C� � lo -� ''�5— ' �: , R � e `�-� � � � � /` �� � s� �; 6 ~� y:, � �-; : . �-� . _ -�-_--� t..,�;. �a=� � � _ � ;� a �. � �`�S v ��c�r�N o ` , �c,r.�.a�,a 1s s� �'. C/f� , ^ s'� �� � � , � -/a g� �{_ � /0- � � . �' 10 r� g� . �,� 11� � � � l — 4 12�� -�r. ' � ,,,_,�. 13 ; � 4 --- e � �, , � � � 14 � ,P ,. � �, � , � 1� �. , ' .�,..._. l� ` � � �/ c f/1 P � 17� �`� �„�' . _ � �'�''�..� !!� (� i8 �^�� �'�� f ° ;' ; ,�, ,' � �"° %� ° -. �' 19 �' r ! 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I ur. er c rtify that I am a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ~,� � � � �--�- H .� /�/7__� . � ' i ��h4.I � 'PJ?^ ���1 � �OUISE A, LA FOND �"��� . 'vl� '[Jf• --, .';�Y COUNTY . �f.y Cc*r� ;�c� EYpires Dec 29, 19 � j' tt• ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ��: =, —a L!�"< N --i� t�J —o t`"' � ;�-� d cr:x� N r' r a� � rn �� �.t� � -o --:� �T � . `�'1 n �� � C� ' .s:+M1',��Ih•o�r� . f :, `S ' , � .. � •.�a�. . : ;k � . . .. , ;.' 4 . � ..�t+;^ . � PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���9 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose an� petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the Gity Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned A(JdT"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION �' o,�fs r� J�,�,:d �-- �� ' �.��� i�—�� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I urt r certif hat I am � r sident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �!7 � . t ::• -�J:rui ��fi��i���������i�C��FtR,be��e me—_� " 3� / � d � _ �,: ,��,,,. . , .� ,.,- '�: n� 1V ' My Commiss^n Expires Dec.29, 19 --^ - --- ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �., c.f:� r-,, --1 '�' �'"{ tv "^f�^j c�.�.> 'ro r" %,'.;�t •�l L':::'77 `� � r;�c rn �� w Q �,.o .� ;�.� _W... � :�� rn o . - .•�.,"�;RR ., .r . . . � . .�a+�. . . , .�. . . PETITION - INITIATIYE ����0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 Cf J� �` , l 3 �9sr.� Ca� /�~� , ; � 2 �i '��vt Cr'�i C��v j"ij � � ti� � �� v�-it�`?r�i�. � i- �or'�.� ( 's . + �1 �' " ' ��_ i1 £'��� c c�,.� f �� �, {�-�.L ����i tE:.�.��� ����.. ,t�L-:. —p,�,, �y I �, �! 4 i%-� �7�4 'l-d � �i-- �� � s�_� .`._° 7` �f".3 /l�`;'�L<.�-�� � ..�. ��:� 5 r� �"-� �-� i �� i" t� � c' `� �,_._..«. �� p ,,� —T-7--n�---.}h►-�,� -� 6 � !� �-��i�-i i i� C` 1.�- . /��'; ,,;'� ��1 .;, Sa-�h ic C;4.- /f `.� . 1j� tt � L ; ' 3 ( �, ;� 1 .5 r �� � � - � ll`..� 8.� I . �,, . � ° � :�: c / c�ml /d�t,--" � .be,eT� Rv��/�n� . .5"� -e ; ` �� 1 �� _1.�: 1. f�'lc i�c�►���� t� �c_�r ' ` ��' �� l��'7' 1 �- . �`�'' � , ii _ /-//� 7��� � �� �� '�C�--`r / � v �,r --�. iz �. ° - - �...�.- �— %�� �:,r;'� 1� �/J ` '�1S � ,S / � n/��f�l'�/ �� f� � p 1 '' ( �� ' �,� � � �, ` ; �'.. . �-- ` . , .• r. _-� 15 - � ,. _.:;, . ` , ._ , ,,.=, �._ _ ` � � - c •�.,i`� � ��� �- � _I . r� � 16� _. , . � ,� �' �.-1 � , � �� �, � .<;yj/ '�-_ � I", �y' ,,'.;' �,�' �' 'i i /'" .. _ ,--, . . . , , r � \... • 17 �- , F,.� � :1 h ( � '�� ���-� ���> )1`t_. I .. . ."�. r ti--<.��.�:. �"'�._.-�,..�. ....;� �� . ) ;:d 1 ���i,�'` � i �� � � 1� \ �tLf� � ` �' � l, �-t�c / 1 i W � �.• �/'r �.,�[ :\�_,/ "�� j � r 19`�, ,_ �-� � � L ��, , , , 20 - � �, ' ;f', ;- ���,, , ,�'�' �iy�..�,p �� J 21� ,� , 22 , . , ,--. _ -.� , � � ',: < '" � _� � ' � 1 � 1�� :�� �__ , ' . � 6� � , �, .- ;�C: r -' , / �1C'S` 2 /� - ,� ` - ' , ! �:��.� ��, � �. L�� <� �� � �, ��-- � ;:� ; ; i _�t� �-fi/��� �' �> -�(�-[�� �.�/�1�i � (��_'� ; i 1��� , � � �'�='✓% < < —=e. ►�+ �� _. � 24 j 25 26 , 27 28 29 — CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presen e by the person purporting to have made their signatur ; I fur er certify that I �m a re 'd nt the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at�`� �'� � � .r� ' � � Subscribed and sworn to before me ' � d r al.ra.�-t- ,,�:a•.IG.MIN�dE60t� � .. , � R,�.MSFr couNrr r 4�y C.orr,^-_^sio� �xpires Dec.29.15��, . �'����it��;, ,,�.-,n� n --aT:�, , . .... p��p►. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the �ity of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �%= :, � � � � . .... fn-< 1�) • �C7 r}� -v r � �ni � �� r-:: �'`-' r ��' w v �,�o .� �-" . -n -.._ � ,..�s rn � . . , . ..,,. ''�,V ' :�s.�''. s PETITION - INITIATIVE ���`�� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removtng, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 �` :tj�e� St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Pau�;, �Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned AdCII"2SS � ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION r � N U N E�I 9 � �'- M�2 S � ^ ` � , ` S - ,s.vC � � � l rf , � -T � 5x� ��L � .. 4 � �tl L�� � ��� ; 5 �� _.� od �D ,�c� a' ,sT • . r. �V- $ S tZS �1 � � ' . �, �. _ �• % i � .t '\ ' r K . / .. � 1 � I � ?L/ �Q--L_�� ` <-� �� L.-�i^ c.� �� 11 ,/ ��C; j/C..� y.t �'G ''��.,r � /�''^��+1�e 6 �/' �..,�.,...�.,,. T. 12 13 ,. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 • CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I urther certify th � am a r�siden of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at " ~,-- � � `r � ,.. . ,- ' � �� , ,� before me � � / d lOUiSE A. U FO � � R,1.��SEV _ M�N..t��os� f COUNfi� � �r'S' �cmmiss�on Expires Dec.19 • �,tt � # , 19� • ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function t�e y Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of M�i�neso n � <, �� _� -� Cl>--G f�.F �n C1.J ��_ 7r T7'1 � f.�'C C^�`` r :r U, l,r m ro w ° ""� �;;- � ,� . rn � 1 _ .., s . "a�', . PETITION - INITIATIVE / � ����2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Si4ned Address ELWARO N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � 1 f � � �-e-t� `Z � � 1 � �.v 1�� � �. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 � 18 19 20 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further certify that I am a resi t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at r^ � ^� f ''' �-r�- ' ri;b�c� ��.d,sworn to before me ' "�. � . d � -�i'.i��uAl��JCLS[���'L�'"til"67iR LOUISE A, � AF i � � 'C M�NNfqOT• 4=, , � RAMSEY COUNTY �f ! My Commission Expires Dec.29, 197J� ��'�xy c� . __ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �=R _, -� �-� � ---i�, r_f, -t;� T-� � C�] j'.,,:� f"' r:� rn w � �«' ev ;.�° ~c? �-�",.i �::_ .� c� .� rn � �. _ � '�...; . . . '" R. PETITION - INITIATIVE �;���3 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) Siqned Add1"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �1 � ,� „ �-� �d - , 0 C.e� � Cc. � �. �3 U�- ,t,r-, �:� // M��i= �'�` �G,�o/�� 5� -lf "G�^ � _ -�(— , . , - / - U– /..� G � .J ., j / .,� �- r,=��� ��,,- r �t „r�-� � - � �� � ��1� � � �.. � � � � O � � . � � � '��" r � � � �1��J� � �- - Y �► ` - Co o� 1 � . � � �. I�25� W� ��SS�.w, �h �e �v o • � ' ` � � 0 9 � � �-- � « ' I�� ^ � S� z -� �Y Y ��,. ''�.S �EC L�i•r�6 .� ._.---- 12 '�' � �m � ' '�' _ c� 1 � � ��i - � l_� � Y � ) r �' � �' /T \r' 6 • � '.S � ��tC-�l�' ¢ �C�I ,�.c��f��f� S-r-P��eL, n/• SS I��S-/ , /a_ / 18 �'.� f�� U Gt � ' / � �l�l,,De S1.�1�4 19'� —�-'� �-- �n:�� l �., � �'� � �U-� �C.,�-t �� S.��1� � � �, , , ��.. 20 � � ; ! �, „ � �..___. 2� ' _ � � � j/y ,�� ,� Ss �� ���,� /S � �o-� ZZ , �` � I'/�:'vN4��� SS/D n��1- 23V J�.� /� ' �"�� c_`�� S / �'�� �� �/�� .��%� f�P�2� ��✓lo� `' 24 1 � ��� � � �� � o r aP '� .� � �, � , J �;� _9' - i ..1 - �' 2 L cl 5 �� � � _ Q ,_ 27 � s�`s'y� .� � O - l�� ' � l �� 2 , � -� .��--- ..�-:'�L S5l�` �`-C,- �� 29 . " 3 � .S�f�$� � � - i-� CERTIFICAT ON The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certify that I a a resid t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 7 � � '' - scribed and sworn to before me / v A. _. N07�qQ\' n,;_. .�. H�. � .. , '_ R�MSEr� '"��••T. COUNTY �,� _ MY Commission �x�i�es Dt�.2g, 1971j' ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � r;; � � v>-< r�.� -�� .1� -�r- �rn . � �� l:,,y, r m �t" lj''v' ° �,� '; ,_..� . . _."�t ..._� _.. r n `.-� rn Q � ,. N • ' m� _ . ,. ..1�t�- � � �' ' . . �, 4 PETITION - INITIATIYE 4 / ���4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo7ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Pr'nted �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 I h lV3 � 1� n � l� /!`- � 2 �� � - a � � �` •v►c � `�1 (/� � ,�,' ✓ � � e �bo � S-� � - � �4 ` � � v� � ���1� .3 ,�� 5 7 � �� .�,' � � % S.�/0 ,%-� -r� � � l�' U�'1 �d� S10 � $ -/�' , � �. . 1 ' �� � z �' , � -� /gg `t1, ,5�� sT /��,u� ..ss- ..�.�....�. � � � l r �, "�.�-__ , � 12 � ``` � � .` � rlq �� ,S 10 �� -f ✓13 � . �.�� i _-io , '�14 ` , � � � C� " f'�o .0 15� � r `--. — l/ � 5 � � � , G�- � !� _/%� �t1� � ` s� � � � �. 8 . � ��_; :. � t �� � 31 y- �.�-�� t�5s 2 � � � . � �- . � -� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ' -- CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f ther certify tha I am a,r�sident-�of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at "� , �.��-.� _ �� � � �' Subsc ' , �sw�or�n�to� b�e�fore me -��' � ' � a ' �o . �,:; ,.,.. � ; �, ... ... -' RA!✓iSEY in�NASOT• ! CQUNTy Ny Commission cxn,;,;, ��: `��u,f�'i�,'�j''�C�J���a�, �'c. 29, 1> --�--�+nr�l�i�r,'. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c_:-` c� r:� �y "'c� �-� �-� --1 n C-n-) ' � T}"t "rl G Z7 r..'.: r' �'= w v :�U' �', �„o �°� �-T . C'� ;.", m � � . . .;, PETITION - INITIATIVE ����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pa�l , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION �1 ����G� r�9 � �� �_.r ( / 4 � h .fZ v�.1 � C � .J- I 1 1Z > i _ l d � , i .�: `� `= 2 /",�� � �° �,.��. ��� � 1 9 z z �� e ��,.� ,+ n c� ,G �'z . � �, ,��.,� ) , ,�— ' 3 � � � �-�/CJ ^ � r ,- 9 � ° � c.u�: � j,�. -�' � I , rf 7 �SS �( � -� ;;-, � , �� v�"' ��-�� ' �� c' �^ j - �:z.u��z��t�.�.- '� �Z - , li' ,��- ` / � 5--� �� S f� �.-t � - �7 � �- ,� � � ' ' � � r � V9 / � ` � /�3� �--��- �� , �_�� ��4.�� :� �' 1 � �t�C�.��,f � ,�, , �`' ` 11 �J `.�. ; � � � ' � ' . _ ( �G.-� c- .t - ;� . � . � i2 � �, °�-� -f� �'�' � -- ' [� �� � ' /..' �vt.. / ? � '`•, � � � 14 J � y � 15� ��/'` � Z��l �` � -� "Z ZTZ 16 �.� S�� � ��S �� e,�. ' � - ":)c �9 7� f' �S' . �� , ;� ;������ t,, � ��� ��,� �j� .�� y' ��' = �l� / G��i� 18 Q, .�. �/�2 .•`, w,y�l� ° � , -�✓ v� Z � ��"�'Z L 19�' .�-' .S �G/�c /��' _ �v S% UL. '�y�'7��ca� 20 . ' -� ��� �_ L rj � r �c- �-- ' ,,�%-lG1_ �-, j �� , , f ,� 2� - �� �� � �l = '� a a/ ' �� - 2 -�'.._.� I d�`' � �.t�.. 1 �`� x �.�.� 2 , . i. C'� 'r— . , -� ,,�'Z'/ / L- �� � l� 2 /'c � . _ '„� _ `.� � G 2 .Q.�c,� `r `G�lc .� -�cJ /' „` �f��,7 7� �-.� � 2 '4 �rG�! �?=� _ � - �- -1 � �,��� 7 , 5-s' 27' ' � c4-��i �a�.�(� � ''�1 ��J.._._ �-- -� - � � S- , : r � �'�' 4 29 yl�� i�' � e /�! " ��t . 7�,� S's-��6z"�,� � � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sign tur ; further c r 'f that I a resi ent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at 7r� " " ' � a , - d , s� .�� � � LOUISE A, LA FOND i a ^iOUF . : _ R1�;�ASEY COUNTY � �ly Commission Expir;s 02c.29, 197tj=' x � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ���' nY -� '"�y �� n� -!n t,_� -�:- �-�YY 'y'1 C;J �,,,w r !—" m w �cn �� v • ;,�o -� �� _m c=� ;..� m � PETITION - INITIATIYE �����, � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P inted �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N L ISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �c% �ou e G �r� � `�j� ��� �- � _�'`'. . o�- annc. � c. s � 88 iw�s v�¢ . -// ��i�u,�'! X/ E'��/'rr ��" � � `, /l�v��-/-o.�d��c /(i -/ ,�: �.vr�s ! -- // 5 � ' • V."I� To C-rz��" " ' 3�� �'� R t.A�vr� t�� l�7 a 4 � 6�r S a� .� : �--� �� � � �" ��! �f ,; ,_, � w_� �� � '(,� �lv� /� -� ' -', .��. . � , 3-(� ,j _.i' .. 11.✓ � �i��C� �r�s r-�` �ti•,�. 12 . � �` 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 — 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further certif t at I m resid t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at . � ;1� � � "` .� �� x_ . . S ��.� _. .,:,.; �: c / � " ' �QtnSE A. , lA FOND.:,, °�Y;Cq[C�tli�s,�ori Yxii� s�_��c 9, 19 ; �., 0 - .__ _ ,�.,� .:�_�:'��� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � �;N „ _, -� G�-< N —!n c_=_� 2't i: T C �7 n� �- r-7� rn W o r� �� .v�J _�7 �.� - .�� �W. G7 ..�:'�°:7 rn � ,:;��. PETITION - INITIATIVE 0��4� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 � �B b-e r�. , S�'o ��'S JO�i 7/� �o l' -, > 6 2 � �e� �vh�. /�� � �- .. 3 - � � L ti+�� � - �` _f . ;- � . ��� �S � y . - � �, � ,� < L� " Co(o � �- 6 �-� U�� �-1�9 . �- � � � �' 's �/ ` -�� ` � .,� � � � - �. :� � ''�� .�` � - � � . � � .:�; ,� -�.� ' r� 9 " �,�,����_- '; „�%-rc..z 2��- % i� Z.� �r�.z �-- �-�.i 10 �,� _ � � � : � �.,���_.�... —' � �v :,�.% .,��- �-2, /?i � �i�i' ,�'E�rv y� 11 � o . 13r e5 �.f � .�3 �. I I 3 .d rn r C.G � �- _.�'...� i2 � �s�d �.� � �a , 1 � �� /� Q ��� �� /1-� � �,� t� .�. : ;<. i4 , ,- � �- ;�� 1 �P o �o -/� 1 � " ' � .s � 17 ` ` /� - � �.. -�`:�1 18 r � ,S� � . � 19�' � � � „� . y� � � 20 � � '" � �' � ,� .�1� - - � , 21 ; �� ��.. 7� �}� -' _ _ � � �� 2 ' �'' �` a. � ro c- a . a -i a 23 p Q � � ,� . 'f �� � � �°/b' _,6Lti.�l�[�:�_,�4/. ,C��i�/� f���Y�.�/ >>�.�� � E_ �l XJ 12 �/� .v iv ,D .cl i�r• lG��n � - .,1 � �Stp heh B ehh �,ti I � a � a � � ! 2 � e � r `�� �, '.r� � � �� STEv'C SP�Lr11Aa% �ti.,�. - � f 36 3 a��� l�6 C5' �- _.� 2 ,�/`�U/� ,� �= cSo �J � �!� � - f CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e• I further certif that I a�a r sid t of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at Yr. '.:s f , . _ _ -. S -��r�14�� ��s` G3� .�`«''a�, !GUISe A. LA fOND , A4. FY CO'.JNTY + _ � ` My Commission Ex�n;us D:c.29, 19 " �r� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. c-> ��'� r�� --1 '�7 G7—G f�.> �C� c._.> 'V t—' '�.+-r�7 � C�7 f'—� h..:' �-+- ..�"..�� � Q .-�.`-4 n.,7 'T7 �^�^� =i� � v � C:,'� � , ��, . - .. .. p . f. � � PETITION - INITIATIVE 0����� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec, 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Nam � $1 ned Add►"25S . ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 �—�'?s�' `, � � �2 -Pv �° �� O � �(S � �1,� �'- 7 �3 � � � ,__.__-.-W-��° � 4 - � 6� 1.,� 5 Q,�1�YL `� Q � . 9 - � � 6 G �` �: 1 �- 1 7 � ` � ;°� r -2 � �` 9S _ - �� �o � � C 3 c��Y , �.-�� �i �c.,�.. �, S �R� c� v�n � -2 �v- �:. 12 � 13 14 . 15 . � . 16 ;' 17 18 19 20 _ ,. 21 . ,�� . 22 23 � , � 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 GERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tt�e best of my kn and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed an: by the person purporting to have made their signature; I further cert�fy th ` the Ci ty �f S� Paul ,, res�.i n�� 7/ �t��c� � � � � S bef6re me � -�,� Q ' ) lOU1SE A. !A FOND � � � Rf�MS�Y �or• � courvrr � Fly Ccmr�issio:; cypi::s Cec.29. i _`'��&!R�'�:t;�;� .Si'�'�'R�il�'�.�rs a.iE 3�' .. ORDINANCE � The City c�f St. Pau� and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reduci.ng the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul ,_ State of Minnesota. :�_' �__ � � �' a . � ; ., � , � . :� � �,r: � . aJ. . , ' . . � i'� � t . . . . � . .. :;y�,5\ . . . '.:�� .�i ' �hY . .. ' . . . � . . P�\' �. �Z�. ? r . . y yj' �. �� G,m.. , , � �.���� ,� n �.,.}• . . . . . �� ' �. Qk. .�' . � —F3 ... - . � � � � � . {i;�"5: . , . . � � � . . . . . :t, �`;k4; . �� '�; . � ' .� . .. � ."S � � .. �� ' I>r't -rt � � . , . , , - . . � •. . C� �; !_ r x r,� ` - � .s.v' � o ` . � � �o -Y . , �..� _� �� - n ,. m _-� 0 '�i,. / . x _ � .i ? ,. . .. . � ..}`.�� ' ti�e'��R :: r . rt r . . c.,:.,t�:�:�:4� •r � PETITION - INITIATIYE ����9 � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) ' ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � )� � / ♦ 1 A�11 ��4 G� � �n/�'�"��Oli'�r�. ��Z //_ .::�-; . �2 � '� ,rr�'"� � � ---_ � �—''.�SG�I � l � �`��c.�� t�,�4 ..s -S'" �4 , � �. �� rav. , � =� � G�t�e c�. �; �t��'�,,,- '=�''D.� P�'C���,�� � �,_� j ,, �� ' . �,�,,, ,� S8 �� Rt Sw a � �� ' .,�,��.-.��.. �'9 �,�,� �o . h! r" P a - �7 � �ii ` �.,� �.,�.�� .�...�-�. �' ..�.,�.-�- ' �- �,.�-r-�-� _....°�"_. �2 "o ''o ��' Pc ,�- � � � 13,� � ,�,�a �` . -7 ' ' 1 � ' C� 14 ' _r_�. �5 Q � `! � � � � x� ,�.«.._ 16 ��' �V� L \ 1i , f� �' ,5-- / 1��i-.a 1� �:GUGr�� 5 2d `�� `�� �f� � "t l�' ,�e- K : is 19 20 . 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatur ; I f r er c�rtify that am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �'� "� a.� Yr � - Su cribed and sworn to before me -,` � ! � �� �'�� -���- cv,�. � Nl7Tnp�� � � 0 � "�•v:._�r +w�n/1VE60Ta � � � � R,a^.�S�Y COUNTY My fomM'�sie; E r�ire 4 �,� �u�f�q,�,r���,,,a„�,, s D„c 29. 19'1l7� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. cf � � � -° ] �� � �� �LL � G� s� rn r�= �,, o �„N N a„O -'L) �=-Ti,� '�"- . o n -',_,�7 m o , � � ... . -� PETITION - INITIATIVE ���i�� + .� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demoltishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Pau1 , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. .� rinted (Name) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � n� (�(/- � ,,�- ` �� g-� � .�'- � s � i-� � , J/ ��- .�� �� �. � �- � �. .� � � �, � ��- � ' ,( / /-� � r • � ! N � 7 /,��./ � f , , �_. * - � �. , _ 3 � // :� ,�.: 4 � i w �;. '— /� ��.. � ,;,,. �iv�'.. 7'Iq C%�'��./Lll+tr► � '� l � �d� l.G✓-� � "'`�, ' L�rGtd �t�// GU. G , � l -� �7 s ' • /,�� �.:� ; r'�' —�' � �/� g �� .;�� 1 a ' � _.- i� �.3 0 �. � ,;�- �f 3 y-. �.�;. , . ' 3 `+�'� �..� �a�.w �-!.� /1•. n: / ► - . f 6- �:�s 5 , � ., ,� 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I ft�.�'th � certif that I am � r side� of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at �i �-�, � �� !��.�.���, „ : :,�.,,,,.� ,�,���,. Su,�ss�.�' ed.,L.and. s��r�. �o before me ' d .,�� LOUISE A, LA FOND � 'u� - RA�fSEv COUNTY R My Commission E<pires Dec.29, 19��;� °'`1Cu ix1��? __ ,Z .. _ �; - ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. - c r� � `-'� �� � ,��..` ;r F,r-� .�.., ,_ �� � � ' r'r» �,,, o �u' �.' rt� -•�J :+=ri "�" . w . G7 �.� �'1 L..,":� '�. v ' a . � . �-�:�.' . � // ( PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���1 / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name) $1 ned d(I1"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � �' 6� �'_'/.�• � U�U �• �S Mr(� �-t,�� ef t) • 3 ` �' .�3 �o� �� /a. G a l 6 � S L�. h , ,,,- . _ �. �' 4 G�en��. , �l �I`�2 `k� �N v i�c,v Tan�-- � �. s �7�56 C � �,Q a -�,�� ^ ,u� �'2� C� , ��l �� �ii !c o 2 � 3 S N• S' fi�Q�d �n:"' `� o��t��ue 1�o e ,�� ` 13.5�/(�. S7rj9��-.-b /,� • 1" �9 F o � = �s—�1L��-�'� , �n!�0,�2 e � /3 c � , ,-�.- �-� GL n�r.,„S'' 1 'N�aty� w L�e.9c./-{ � �o �/ Q /�w-�' • � 0 c��- �!" e � ��. � � , ✓ /� w � �` S14 1 /�3 � �5 c.��e� � M� e�� � � �� 0.� �, C� .�'3S � � � Si� � �s ��n n � l� ��-��e-C-� , �.-�-c,�.�n C�J �e,��> > � « �c��,e�,S�Pc�,�,e. , i9 ' ` /C� l,c�h�. .�cc� ` �o `� �CLS�U� /G c',1�G�,:c,��.. J(.� � �t�i �C,c�e�' �LI h.e r�r� 1 � �, fo m L �, ' s�.,��,��. 2� � ��'�,'vJ..e��./ . � 3 h�'' Cc�-��'%"'_ 1 � " i� , % � . y a 7' � n _ � 4 _ ��C �' �-� i�n n� v� 'F2 I 3 �� � .� � � '- � � �_ _ _ . �'�����-�, '�`�,�.,c �'��� _ � � � � �j I � �9 � � '/ �_ �� � � / �-�.;.: " � CERTIFICATION �� The andersigned being �st sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat r ; I f the ertify that I am resi of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � ��.���� � ^�D Sub , t f<� , � .,. . LOUtSE A, tA FOND ' < . ' � .. ,,,-: � , - _ ' '�r o�Y C1(}f�j�r � —_ _------- apy C,mrv ssr„� [rA�'eS (leC.ZQ.] 7 . !g�-�p'���7t�t ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � � � � -�, Cl�-'C �,.) -^1 n W 'U�` �.rn -n �� �, r r� � w �� fJ � -�..O -p �� � � � � m � � � .�" �' �-► �tX .,- � �. , . ,� : , t _ , ;. PETITION - INITIATIVE- ���r�2 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION !��i�F R�A R� IY)F}RL�//i I b__ ���¢�.�. ���-d.�a,�� 5� � ��.� �' "!'�� S-G'-�� �:. � � � '�2 ,�v ����e��' c rn .�� .:� s�� q�� s"=``s+-�,wC�, - • ` � ' — _.f� �.. c __ ? (.� /� ��fj� 4 l �,/'�F�P v] �r�P:-r/7u.7 l ,�r,ti1p,�,a�/.Jis,.,., ,r�: !�'� 9L=�J�Lfil .���_' ..�� - � �r'r "il � � � `/ ---- � � � ...��n�►e I-r a n c Q s � a � �,;�- �t��-wc� �� o-'G� d'� �� �s'f� .�,:�. ,c�:,�G,N.`' �: . � t. �`��f . !' i I�:E, lN/f4 ► �C.' ,�l � � �� i C - ,��lL <' ... �7 , _ � ;� ° �;r-�:�� fd��� � �� Cr.�--��c ��� s"� �t.�u�' , �r 8 9 10 11 — 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; � fur�her ertify that I a res e t the City of St. Paul ,, residing at G • _ Ldl�/ � �`//`� - " � S 'a�� �z�e ' �"1f A tt IOUISE A, LA FON� ni��-.n, .. ,��... ' nrt•iv�tifOT1 tt� '� ' � Y �' �J'� Cor^mi�s��or� �-xp1•es Dec.29, 1� u ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �.,� � cr�� �� -� N-< <-= ,�� 4A� -'��'"� "'l1 T'�� ".• c�a r�,;-. n r�= w v �U' �' .�� _`., -n � :-�n c7 _-r� f!'1 ,.;.� . ..s,, : • . .,, p,- . , a" . � . � . �Vi-:`�:R..�� • PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���3 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. 1 ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�� $1 ned ACIdI"2SS WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION �� , ,� - �.� l i - -� � 7 � I -a � .� � _ �a `�a w►_�c � � � �.� �,� ��� T��- � . � �- r`Y1. � ��i i-r� , , -- a� v ,'� ri `�5 � �� � �Z �� ' . � �/ � ! 7 � �,��v��A� a�a� S � �� t <%� � i AE� �rua R 7�?_--�=_� �^ � � _ � 3 ,.� ' - � O i l - �? �9 � s b� � - � � �� ° ._ a L �- .�O _ �� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 , _ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my resence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rth��certify tha am a res e t the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res idi at ''� .(� � Sub ��, - ��for me i � � d � �OUISE A. L M�NNf3�T� N�,.,�.:. ...tl:.�c T`f � � {�,y Commiss;or, '"p�res Dcc.29�1 ,::�;;:���— ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �, �:,- / �-�-,` -; -� �� N _""f� t�) "'C 1..._ � �y"1 -�l L:.�7 - r-� �"' r w rn �� �, o �° -�, �-� � � �x� rn � ,,�" /� PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���4 �.., This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �►R�N7 f+��+- �l�q an�C Lkr,A�- S�y N9t�e�� A p�Dk�t S Printed (Name) $1 ned ddress ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION �1. � � � � � fl - 5 .�/H/K1�--- 7 .tN.li / ; — - _ �- �. I - � , �.4 2v , . -� �� "— /f a � ,�.�•,.�..� '�,"'� � ... I 7, K/ / • �[...�.- I� - l� �'f i r'� �. c y�' �0 3 � ;� ,�- � I � , � 2Z. i I ` ; ; , . o ' p � _ . ,r ._�: � �.i4u� d c U r � � :� � N►►ES � �E u E� 'P. �,�1� toqd �a•eo c�c.N 1�\!E st �,. �.. : 4 r C � � _ . :� le � � � - �. � �. �/ � � •��" : - : t�� �l Z.� �� ' K �r �� 8 - �� _ � < 9 ,,c � � _ ~ � e.Q , � , ,r ' � �7�• •�'�1 d t/'�. �� - � � , .¢�c�- � `�� - e�..:� � ; �t ��, � � � fl _ Z �l �r �— . // -� :� 5 � I — � i - � _.,- �6 Le 5 � L �,�, � . �� �� � !/- � ,— . �-o d ` �V � i - /`� 1 a ��g ' _ - , l CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this 'page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their sig at re• I urther certif at I m ��es ',dent of � \ the C�t of St. P� ' ' at '� yr. -t� - 5` ' — - - ' y ,�'�,���. � ., � {�t� �::..fie�and�.�wmrw,,�o��+b�e,f,Q me � � � ��j _ , �,;, ;��Y cOVNTf -- _-------- �I My Ca,*.,mission �rp�r� R; � ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . , . . . : _ • • "� . . C, �;� • � � u�-�• � . . �� �.�� , -v m -n �;� �, r"" r'= w o �v' �`' , o -�c� � � �, � =�-rl -•_= '`� 1 • n �..� m c� � ; i .:r� / ' PETIT - / ION INITIATIVE ����5 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�� Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION ,/ �3' r 11 �,( l�S C�.�'►;��C' . � „�� �7��, G�i�r'. , �d_ � � � , �2' — ^�ract �q 3 tr ' • >� !�� I�O 1I - 33 rcqo+-Y I�► S �, • �-' �l � � .� �-, .. - �- � .� �(�ori - '� or 5 � f/'3� � --- �, . ,r r � U � �c� ��cr� . 5�-�{ �s� ) - �z ym � o � . �-e-u�r� Y-- .5 Q-� Ss i o s- ;/- ,. n G ��u P � ��aJ //�.� S, C'��� , �' �'s�r �r - ;;.;�:. rietw GnM � � . 1 f ? L' - , � 33 ss. � �`_ � o � � � r / � �:� 1 �l 12 F � k 551�q/L-- ;t- y. �' v � / �' ,.�� .� 3 r � �+Y4 R�e�PSj % �/ - 'S ?� � � .-v /O S' 4 � �~ � � � � �[i� a`'►'l�'S '�' v�'�a.s 3 `S"� '� , t 6 `I E2 0 ' � rc�-� �- � �. u�,� ssr ` � , � � � (J�.��}�'a�� ���+s�^�- _; % - /(��'� �a-- f �'�..�. �'� - -� �";•t, �S-� U. - � � D �o t5 � ,� rp — /-'�� S. s ' �- a-� s' o //-- �� o � � �` �,.� � - - - o �� "�� �°— l G� � �� C/) � � i�'��- � �� �� � 2 - • ._ 3 �� L �� � S-� SSr� � .i Er1.►� l3EC.r z �� Sc2,f-r�z,E i--. r c�s ' 5 L ;:�. I\. • . �6 • �..c 27 .-- • � �e. ss��T , 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signatu e; f�urther certif ,that I m . (� es 'dent�f the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � '� ,��_�---� � � � .� �'��;�, _� � . ,.�:fore me ' / "D ��� LOUISE A. LA F�N� vn+. ,. � _ - ----. __.__.----�--.__ _ . . �'�'°rIS�Y COUNTY �j M My Commis�ion �Ypires DeC,pg, �g�y ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. . � G,,., � -cr cn-� N �� u� f" ..� �rn " .. c� t� r' r* w Q �� '� �,;o --o �� � o ;� rn c� . , - „ - - , . . . �. n a � s . �� . . � ✓t- . , . . • . .. . • '� . . . . . . ' - i .. � � � ' . .. . � + 1 i��' . .. , ". . / � � . , . � . . . �,Y ♦ • �„ J� � .`F. ` 9�� .. .:��.. e`�.�..,� � � . �, • .'� . . }r. . . . � . , . � , . � ��'. �. � � ♦ , ✓ ..t . i , ' �* _.. _'. .. � w i.+::. , . . � . ' « . , . �e _ , • '� `. . . " ' G .�,= _ , :,y;.x, PETITION - INITIATIVE ��a��f This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. �rinted (Name� $'1 ne Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION � � ����� 1 � r, 62 ,� ' ' �. �; � • 3 , —_ � Fs c�en l�. . i- i � ` ✓ ti ,�-n�:¢,� a �z. � ' w�,�,r ,� - � 3 , � . ' • S�✓' �(n ��-.� � , ,, � �� �.✓ y ��/ � . � � - .� �- b s ' i - � io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I, further certify th t I �am a resident of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at � � �r� _ " � . j '_" =i' ..e_ Su � ` ~ -�y�d..Lta�� +n � � ` � LOUISE A. LA FOND � NA/p . C ._.___. ...__'"_"_'_ "'."_ _ . Rn'.+sEr covrurr � . • Nfy Commissien EXoires Oec.29, 19� Ei�����,�.��3r.:._� -+�'� '�:UHtn�?ttsn�. ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of t�e Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. ��� c� �, =-� -�' cn--� . rv �� :_._� �m �^ c� r� r- r� rn �U, �"' v N �O Z� --- • � w C� r_� �'T� O _ *� `�,1 , _ . t PETITION - INITIATIVE 0���� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo-lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name $1 ned ACICII"eSS ELWARD N LDISTRICTyE DESIGNATION � ��, �1 � ��.� v,� - � C� �'ac S'�. � �� � ,�: s ' //° ��� . ✓4 ' �. 6-� p� / - � � � ' __ j ._ -. �- 6 � it - � � ✓/ Q l...�_ • .�/� �ll �'� r l 1 '� 1 ' .,. � �9 L � � t ,� �0 � � �..�- � ��� �. z,a 11 � S � 7� ". ! 2 � � p � f (,. 3 / / '�` � I � ,; 14 �� ' h.�c�. �nZ l0 /��.0 /�f�� ; � . {., 15 � / "' `� e-a ' .,+��6 • ^ � � _ 7 ' ` ' � _ r E; ✓18 ���.e�.vL_.. . ✓� 3 9 • � Gt,�.,�, . l i ' ` �� . � 2 �(f ,��N � � t,� � _ �� 1 �r .� ->� . - //- :� 3 '� � ��S �-v � /�,�-•�-�. ; . 3 _ i'�, �°92- �c/'�` � � : .5' 2 / — � � " � � I/-� 4> 6 u 1 / �e - •�►� ��O� P��e,� , , _-s 3 2� �' � ti.. �.�5 J3 � `�Co� //-�� / //- i .�-' r�. �� . /.'._.i.. � - CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I, fu ber cer�.ify that I a resi nt of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,. res i di ng at '� ' , � � S� ' me ' � ,� .. LUUISF A, LA fOND rv o,�.-. - � - aa��S-Y CO;JNTY My Comrr,i;sioa ;_xpires Dec.2g, �g� �'.��5�� ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. � ;. ,� . ` � � . „ , _ . _ � ,�5, � � �y"'' N �°!� ,_..� 'S7 t" �t1� � �:C1 r�� f- �� rn �cr+ �' v -� ��;i _w.. ,x � � n� � , PETITION - INITIATIVE ����g� / This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Pau1 , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election� F'R�� F�.�,c. N��� s�y�K��r.�Nts rinted � (Name) $1 ned ACICII"2SS ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION :�Q �'t ,a� ,3 ` 3 ` w • • � � � -� � t� l� G-��i!'� /�{ � � //- /� ---�.�: ,�'1� w,� ��� I e,v �-��t.�.,� �'4;.��',.._ �j�a� ti�/• l�c �- ,� ��e f..� � � � /.�"tZ /. � rl 6 N �[N" F / f++�/ �t� � r.� :;� .�i�t�+�. � 1 $ (� � - �� . s 4 �- � /� � � 9 , ,� �/_/: 0 � f f=� " � ���9 ,;� � �° � � i „ �. �, �.s a,, (3(� � e r Q,i `%-/' ..�� 3 � e;. � ;.,� 2 �����-�' `� � �S //-� 4 �'ti.� �' �; , : ' • ' 2-0 3 !r � i�"='. i� j Gt,t;,, I 1�E,r_� �� �'✓ /. - ,i �� . 6 e F' t3 ' ' ,e �a �'� G od�D �+�! //�/ ,�� �'' a� �� �,,�,�� ��T� � t U /G.r �� • //�c' N:� �r �`'� l� ' �- � i � �o ' p" 3 f_� �— r � � 1 � Y'' /_� " /2 � '� ,� ;i: � '"' � Gc N,� No s l,�v 2 �7 s CA�2a o l, ,4 uu� �/- � . , q • � :�� ,,� o��s. g aC -� I w ' r ' / �- �� // /� � � � % ZI�� // ��/ 8. • • ��_ _ 9 ' i 3 .,�-��� /- /b ; J CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their si nat r ; � ther c rtify that I am a ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at - Su - -- � � , .OUISE A. LA FOND ^�OrnF.., nt�euC-M�Nr��c;.Ot� = �� . :. .. _ � -.. .... � f n�'•y Comcis�ion Expires DeC.29, l!� �� +.�F�. , _, �` b '_�.�� ... . • ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. , . .. . � - .+F�.. . �k.: . . . . . . . �. , ' .' . . . � t . . .. . . . . � L . . . � . '�F'' � . , ' . , � �'� . � —"cf � .. • � ... ' . . . � , , �� (�+ .� fJ_) ��.W � . � . , . �S'Tl 'T) .. � , . � ., . ,. . �; . � ,� C�7..- f�� �, t r;-•. m W . �� �.�� � . �d -� y� . � ' "�` • �� �., . n .� . rn � � - ,.,r �Y :� ;4 . PETITION - INITIATIVE ���J� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ��NT �w�.L NArnk �EWA� S�yN��NR.� � aaR�s� Printed � (Name) $'1 ned `V ddress � ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION .� 1 �t� � /�t 3 $�� � /-.' ;-� � ��I� d �o�z ��eK�� Prv�. ; �� ✓ ' 3 � s: e,a� /�.� //�%'� � 4 , ,p � .r n� ,� -..-. � � �_ : � .� ; 6 ?' �' .�i�3 0 0 . ' _.-' , - � � � � � ,.,,.. 8 S-�� ��- ..� ! � � /� ,=:� ; _.. ° �� i ` �s �� � Su m r» � �- /�-v� /-/,�. ii R C� j�'- =� 1 A 2�I o S�e r (I v�oK.�, n ��`1 � �'�z�'z�-�Q — , /- ". . 3 � , .� :.�- . ,or � � . Zi0 �'� 1�,���`�s$`T ot�t�' �'S`6 5 ' ' � "� l 16 � � � %, :� :� M 7 � ��..�;;: 8 2 C�n �.i � r _� , ��_��r__�, �/•�j �/.��� / 19 ' _ � � � � ,--. G . /�-" _� 20 � i' / y�/� r�.� 21~ ��l � � � 2 � ' � ' .1/ �° � • • . . 3 _ � 4 ��' - �;. � f Z� �� , /f,..C-��--cJ � / -� �5 � � v i_ �� ;� , 6 � �r.-G-G /;;_ � ; " ` 3 ' � • , p� _� � s � � f�_� 9 Q , �Zv� l: y CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed an� made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fu th certify that am a �e ,ident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at - D '> >� - � rr,�_ibed and sworn to before me ��`'`° �r��,�����s, , _ �o r � - ----_ __----- - - "y.' NnT - ' ,r. J;.'(' . �1�Nr�..t:GOTq �'� ����SEY COUNTY � � � �^y Ccmm,ssir,n Expires Dec.29. 1^.7Y•`♦ �L.'il[�I�Zftt�-�.��,r.rw....r.�_�._a,-..r_ ORDINANCE The City of St. Paul and its departments are prohibited from removing, altering, demolishing, or in any way reducing the value, accessibility or function of the Midway Stadium located at 1000 No. Snelling Avenue in the City of St. Paul , State of Minnesota. �. c..� cy r„ � � . U�—6 �,s ""�C7 ,'-=-' • d : -v r �.t n -n .F �� r^.�. �_ m ��n w � , �.o _.� z�' _,� . -� C'� .::� rn � PETITION - INITIATIYE ` 00��0 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ���ur Fu�c ti'A�t� C.��r�� 5��►A���. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) i ned I�'di�E�S$ ^ ��S MARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION � ����..� � �� �-7��-- � z� ��3 �.��z c-��; � I-�: � C���' �6 ' .� I - :� , 3 �l ,� ' ' F�, t' 1 � � . ��._ i J �/.,;� . _ � � �� I ' �" ° � � l�� �� i- � �° 5� + , �. . 4.r ..��� �i!G� //-/ � � R��►t�4G EG _ q ., �-: IJLa.siR� • eL �/ 2 ,r r... dU'D�c.�'e,�/`f"�, 02 �-� ✓� �Y-2 'd " ." ! ,���' Q.D� / c?d o-� ' �i i Q � � �7 c �l'� CP �lo � ; _�!`o 2 b`63 ��^- / �b _ a � ` , �� �� ,�4 ,�,,� � � - 5 'r � � � oI. ,� .� � ..: 6`� " � � � � �h R00 �.� riC�/� � . ..� �, . ' �.-, y,n���.� �t / . -.� 9 �► ��' . / av ,;�� �20 /as" l��D`i�-�.�e ,� r��,,� . w i-� ' � . /-�ir � 3 o jr� ai,t� �a�►GGt, �_ , � Q ' 4 . o!.r �,�..,�, � � 2 � M.� . � ,� �d � � � . 2 ''� - ° Z� �a � � � f. ;� . �1 K ;J-'�.� r� 27���� � .�. 28 • Ca ,x, < � �� �. (� � 29 � y� /"�c��s.,,� _f - � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I fur her cer ify that I a resident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � --�� Subscribed and sworn to before me � �d it„`�x,°g�:;i��.c',��+#�'�a�Ntt tt��- F!� ' LOUIS� A. LA fON� �" '� NOl wN`.� ��'�iJ..IC• MINNfesOT� �x RAMSEY COUNTY h � My ComTis�ion E:pires Det:29, 19 ..�t�i�te�&�N�a�'uxl[x�tt,][�J[tt�tt � � PETITION - INITIATIVE � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or�e�mol'ishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. � Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. P/QtU3' FK� A�1� L.C�kAG S�4MQ7NK� A,�d�f6S ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed ame) $'I ned �3. WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION . /' � 2 N�n��►�' - / � . . . ICJ � -� ��; lo � wf�' ' � �1.5 . _ � � 1� • �.. -; ��. r���� �-� � �Ct J �.�z.-c,-c �L-�� � "' `I � ,��� f �'�� �J-�� a�-t-�v � . «; �- ' � F � r �' � e� '`�r Q�C�.—� � 0 .S-6 J -- ��. �;�;' �/�3 �,.L ' ` �' �:; 2 ,e.�, ,-�—R�f�. �7�'/ t�..3 YV" . P#. t / �� !� 4 • � �r- � � �� .�b(��✓ �-�� d� � �,�,�� 6 3 �.�.��� / - /' 6 � �- � � '' -�-� � � - '� / z G�:� �. ,f- , 8 -� .,�� 9 ' .._.. . .:,, __. � � ... �; - 0 1 b S s�h ��� sa �1 l - R ld� �1 �, ' � 2 C�� u. Q I � s , ll. 3� . , r- �;� 4 �Q` '� �,'. � '% � -�� 6 �i�-.� �/`� �G.•�. %' f:� � ,� �� , k. � �% ` � � � � � s' • �,�; &; 9���+.c�C-�- � d..el�� ,� 1 �' � � < _._...._ CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature; I f rthe,, certj�y that I arrr� residen�,of the Ci ty of St. Paul ,, res i di ng at �i i�,z�,�,��, _,�,..T�.,�. T� �,.-��,/� ' �� �'� •.�.�_ � ,��before me � �d ��.NG � ,_ .. •Oi11SE A. lA FONp�J, � ,. vna., . ,� , ------- -- :.� -�--.._ - ,q,�•,•"ry COUNTY or• _ �'9 Ccmrr,iss�on Expires Dec. � ,c 19. 19�I � � PETITION - INITIATIYE ����,2 ' . . . This- petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul fr'om removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) $1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION • � G � I"� • ' � a� 3 /�1 S ��{' - i , �(�� 1 �--�; 1 ,� - t � � �a � , ` ���., . �� �; �� t� : . �� : �,e'� � , �� - � � �� � �zL �,,•�-�.e..� � - .3 G � 7 8 9 `"�� SZj — I lo S / LS ��.� — ' T6. � , . 12 1 ` // ' �a 13 - � 14 � � � '! ��� 15 �,/ ��— _ �,_' 16✓ � �./ � � � / 17 � 18 19 20 21 _ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION � The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have ma heir signatu • I�f r r ify tha-�t JI am r 'dent of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at . ; _ , Subsc.r� an cw r to�b�efore me � � � LOUISE A, LA fONO .C-C • . . •n.r�. EY�t• p �. A'1 '.SFY (:C'�1Nn �J` � �"y "crrr� ssien [�pires deC.29. ly(7:n� •d�f��„i�'R�g+�'c.�K�rt r:: z jt � PETITION - INITIATIIIE Q���,3 % This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo•lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed �Na�) Siqned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 O \ � .�- i3 2 � � _ 3 �� ,J� ' , � i _ 5 � ���" � , �, ga � � . "" #��/ � � n , - . � � . A � 1 `' . - 8�I�'�D/> ��D� I��s I D� �i C� Q,Q...a,� ,� - .� � 9 ' �9 ;� - iJ 10 iJ- � ;L 11 �� �� `'' / - � ��� -� �� � ���� /'t� 12 � p � r� �/:� ✓:� 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 19 20 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature;, I�urt er certi y that I a r ide of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ��� �� � _ ,, S ' , . _ ''�'�' �_ . . " d .. �OUISE A, LA FOND � � .���,-.�c. � — . . .0 �11�+ntEGOt• My Commission txpires Dec.29,19 PETITI - / ON INITIATIIIE 0��➢�4 This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinanCe on the ballot of the next election or special election. Prin d �Na�) $'1 ned Address ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE DESIGNATION 1 ✓ t � �' : �%� , 3,,, � - 2 .S , �"f/s./ 3 ' �3-�a �. . . 4 5� ` 5 � V. � {�i t 6 � ar 6 � sr y �. � � �-, — , � 8 (� IZ Z �" � �' 9 �r � , �. J -� , � v % �� � ;i ;� /I �' �� � � //-- 10 � � .�, a � G r.� ii j �/ o 12 � 3 o ar � • //°!o 13 � , 14 15 .� '� '� � �1 v �2 Z 16 � � • � �' `1,� � ► � � 17 � ,S ��/ ��..i�; i8 ,� I v t�C �S'l`. . a«�.� 3 �9 Q . �yo-i; � 20 ' � ' � . 21 ''" r / � ,�,�';-���. �d, �, ,s -, 22 �.J. � � c�1 5 s%s�' 23 L d � � L.�m �. �c o`'_ U 2�. �' • ' �%1 25 � p . 26 �- _�, -•� ,; . ��. t � ; ! ���j _ �� ,U :" r'` � �.� ' � � i: z� ✓ - 33 �- � � . �,, Zs ,�-,�-` � � � �- � �3 /���C�� � � 29 � CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to tne best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have mad their sign , re• rt certif,y� hat am \resident of the Citx.of St. Paul ,� residing at� Z ��� ^ •.�t,:�.i�,�S�Kt�?,�,�it ' tt,, SU C and ��qa^�n. QA p '' •.�t�.,. . . .. r MiNN.'E.RO�• X h�� �= Y My Commiesion expires Dec. 29, 1 '� % PETITION - INITIATIYE 0���,� � This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8,04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. Printed (Name $� ed Ad ress ELWARD N LDISTRICTVE SIGNATION /� � / /�� �r� � ��'���5 -�G, � � 'i �-�-- G(1.��" �?.J L� � �� "f,�-�� r � 2 IoZi �7 - � (f z: � o� _. 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Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �Na�) Siqned Address WARD DISTRICT DESICNATION • 1= S.5 e—L.L. — L �3 7—� r p � G ,D'7��' cJ � / �4�� ��C� s �- 7 � • � w. � � � `! �.-t�C� , • p S� � --6 � / � � �, ' � � � a � or ` .� � � G✓..�"f. � � � � .� � �� �,e�'- ; � ;�.= r� � — 35= � �/ �= � , �} . �� � � � , � - ��.. iz�}-. � / 3 SS � - � 13✓ ' B� �o / � / 14 , � � 7 - i : `�" � ._.. � 6 � _ L�.. 1� � 1H r �.,1 i9 ./� f�� 2� , P �'� . R �.� 2� � 9 � "'�,.��.. 22 � �._ -_ - n � , � 23 � � T.�, t,J o c��8/�'J�G� --° 2a f.� ��� .� �~1� 25 ;r� _ �9��. ����— �, � - l - �rs � 26 ` o l�.e� S S . a 27 28 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signat e• I rt r certi tha I a a r sident of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � - - - _ , _ -- � � Subs �<s����.�e���:t�,� / CJ' �n��iSt a, �A F�rv� -1t" w��,�. ' < '`�� n�F 50T Y IIN * My Ccmmission txoires Dec. 29, 19� 4 G��ttd�ttux-:��ic��i s: z:s �' PETITION - INITIATIYE / 00��� This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demo�lishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place the ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election, t�Riu i Fut� MA�� �EC�At S�f�1q�N�Z,er AD�R�ss Name ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed �} � � $1 ned Address `�l WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION " + / ��� � ' �\a K e �i' �2' /l -�:,�,:+., �' ' � � � • ..1.� �� G� � � : l.���.. ` S �, ` � " .�a�� � -- ��Z _ � � �...C�,,.�.� �� �,2 � � / , , t � r � / ? , � >� J � � � .� f ✓! � i%' ° .�,.�' ,� � � ��� � _ .��, V 7 � I.�✓��"'''�l �^ '� � �� � � ��rJ f� `_a: ./ .� , /� ` ^ rj � l:y ea � � ) rj � �/ " 1 / � �'r.U/' T .�/�" T%.��'u� �i� 1_ la'' ' � � � , ,�3 � .,�, � � � t�, e. r f � ..� :s , � �I�-�- /�f/4��N� � �C�4N �' •. . �t' - ',� S ' � ir - :� - I�� � � �, � a ' /M �{t�uAr•.D /0 � A � � �-�► � �'r l f-�? �' � . � P F�. �_ / ,, � l, � �'� ,2'b` � � r , �;.° 21 � 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • � 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• I further cer if that I a.resid t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at ' � I�uh� re me _ � �� LOUIS� A, LA FOND � r . , NOT��t�. �� e:. ��l'. t.�� N � � _____.._____ __._._ ' h:'.^SEY COfJNTY � T_ t , �!x Commission Expfres pec pg, 19 ��l1-xfr�x,� - � PETITION - INITIATIIIE ����$ This petition is to prohibit the City of St. Paul from removing, altering or demolishing Midway Stadium located in St. Paul , Minnesota. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, we, the undersigned residents and voters of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota, propose and petition, as provided in Sec. 8.04 of said Chapter 8, to have the attached ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of St. Paul or, in the alternative we place tKe ordinance on the ballot of the next election or special election. ����F�« ���` ���' S���A?�� '40��tS ELECTION LEGISLATIVE PRECINCT Printed (Name) $1 ned �� � WARD DISTRICT DESIGNATION `�1 tt.,�a.�� /` 1�, � !'� ��y `�l C.—G'-u'��._ i. �:' c.�c�� �e ; ,; ' ., �, ,.�'=-� - � � 7 �� �.. ��� - � ,.. `�`Ca,-,� � ` � � �-�C.���' � �_E ���r� c �q �1 .(���(Su �� u�t ��'l.�l�� ( 80 3 �a,-� ��7� !ETr� � _ � /� �� ���� G� ��� � � 7 �� g,, . ,, ... �, �, �G'S'��Sw �''�.11�I-��� / - „� �"" . - � �� � �, ���5,�� - --�i , H� r ��: �- ��7 �� � - �.,�.�.,�- -y ,�, �- � . �� _ t�. 1 S � �.�✓�' . S e� v fr � i � i� ..� �-- ]� ��.�j„ � �2,�r ��� � , ,.�,;� 1 C . ! S �- lI �~ ! �lr►NN M. C� N ;�_ ����[ • l '�::� � �� ' `1 1 v ( l�.. ,� :� �/ � r ` G� F� � , r ._: � ' ..; . � , � �S` ��.>. ll-_;� z� � �� �`� r ° ' 1 � �—� - �r �c — � , � , _�� 2 , , ,_, - 2 /`�/I-� 2 � '; ' .� � � ._ �_ i � � ` � /`..2.3 25� G � /�,,a' 26 �c'<<��.�e. ���1 r�c Y� :�, �z�., .. �' . ,..� �' � ,� . , 27 :.`E c���-G 1, � � 5 �r �� _ � 2s , .C.�,�.�,� .4.� ' s.t'1os'>,.-e 29 CERTIFICATION The undersigned being first sworn on oath, certify that to �he best of my knowledge, information and belief, each signature on this page of the above petition was affixed and made in my presence by the person purporting to have made their signature• ,furt er cer f tha I � a resid t of the City of St. Paul ,, residing at � � -� .� � Subs���,# to before me �- / d lJ • .- ��uJ,`�–& ._ tt ,:.;� .. LOUISE A. LA - -- . _ ----- .-— n N'�FL ��'� � �I OT4 �,�;�.��— R,ti^,.��Sry COUNTY �^Y Commissior. E�nires Dec. 2g, 19�7'" �tttt tt tt tttt^'tt, � ��israra.-,�.,� .