00-917Council File # O - � � � � '" � �� � RESOLUTION ,� �, CiTY OF SAINT FAUL, MINNESOTA Refernd To 1 2 3 4 5 C� 7 Green SLeet # 10335 �� An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the Deputy Chief of Police class CommitYee Date RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Deputy Chief of Police be changed from that set forth in Grade 28 to that set forth in Crrade 31 of the Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers 3alary Schedule, and be it FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requ� by Department of: Office Of Human Resources ���W�tNC �lL�v"`T h3Y � Form Approved by City Attomey By: �.7'�� S� ! O� �U �dopfion Certified by Council Secretary �`� �,,:�. � �. ' x. .% . 1 i '�,,�� � �,. ����/ ii Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��/�� J"� U G:VSLazed�I-IICCOMMONVSfIOCF� BS�PoI.Deputy.Chidncwpd Adogted by Councii: Date � .� 3- o o� � GS =' � nErnnzMErrrrox�c�courrcn,: x,�, R�,�� CONTACf PERSON & PHOKE: John Shockley 266-6482 MUSl BE QN COUNCQ.AGEHDA BY (BATE� As soon as possible DATE PI1T)pTED os-os-oo � s� � r. a• • r c� i .�,>, GREEN SHEET II'U1WAAtE 1 DEPAKIME!!L D➢t � " � 2Q3YATfORNEY ��` PIIInNCinl.SekvDW ;.�.�co�.�� rr���+cr.r No.:10335 , rnrcaoNCV. ` m ' [ iTr.�t�/�lr_5�•� Uc+-q1'1 IIIRIALDA'[E AC170N BEQUESIED: Approval of a resolution changing the rSte of pay for the Deputy Chief of Police class from grade 28, to grade 31 of the 13on-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, �alary Ranges. R&COA4ffiNDATIQNS:Appmvc(A}ac%ejai(Rj PLANHING COMI.4SQON — CBCOtAaIll"fEH — ctvn. ssxnce coa�nsstrnv PERSONAL SERVICE CONTItAClS D1UST ANSWER'IHE FOLT.OR7NG QUFSfiONS: i. HaQtisP�'� wawadad mder�mmarttar this depnmmt7 Ya No 2 AastiuspcnaJfam erahenadtywp{oyee7 Ya No 3. Does duspecawJfam Poaus%¢akiLLnotnamellYP�%`td bY aryuart�s dty employeeY Yc No 4. Is ihia persw✓fum a tmgekd retdorT Yu No FspWio all yn answm oo uponk aheet aod attac6 to psen theet A117ATING PROBLEM, ISSU$, OPPOATUHII'1 (W60. W6a; Whe0. �ere,Wdy): Positions allocated to the Deputy Chief of Police class aze in the unclassified service. They aze appointed by the Chief of Police. Tfie positions were last studied for appropriate compensation in 1985 when the Saint Paui Police Supervisory Group was decertifred and the positions became non-xepresented. At that time, there were three Deputy Chief of Police positions responsible for managing the Operations, Support Services, and Administration Divisians of the Police Department. 7n 1996, the third Deputy Chief of Police position, in chazge of the Administrarion Divisioq was eliminated A subsequent deparhnent reorgazuzarion resulted in additional duties, responsibilities azzd an increased span of wntrol foc the remaining Deputy Chief o£Police positions in chazge of the Operations and Support Services Divisions. Aiso, over she years, new programs and projects have evolved, further increasing the responsibiliries of the positions. The Chief of Police has indicated that he is having difficulty filling the Deputy Chief of Police positions on a permanent basis. Ae believes that the pay rate assigned is an issue. Therefore, he asked that Human Resources conduct a study of the positions in order to detemvne appropriate compensarion. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: commensurate with the level of duries and responsibilities of the positions will be established DtSADVAN2AGES 7F APPROVED: Nane. Increased salary costs have been DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFD: Equitable compensation will not be established and continued diflicuky in making permanent appointments may be realized. TOTALA1130TJN'C OF 7'RANSAC170N: Approximate aslary incrcaee of 57,060 x 2=S14,120 FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMAIION: (EXPLAIN) �.:.� :_{��� COST/REVENUE BUDCETED: ACT1{'IlY NUMBER �s. �w.€� .�.'«�.: - $�'a�'��� � �:a�T ��� �?��ar�� �an��� � `�..���� ��� �w � a 00 _q�q CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT CLASSSTUDIED: DATE ST'UDIED: Commander and Lieutenant 7anuary 2000, by J.FI. Shockley PERSONS CONTACI`ED: Police Chie� WilliamK. Finney Commander, Richard Gardell Commander, Thomas Reding APPROVAL OF C ��. �� AND COMPENSATION MANAGER 5- S- (Date) Background Positions allocated to the Deputy Chief of Police class are in the unclassified service. The incumbents aze appointed by the Chief of Police. They aze not represented by a bazgaining unit, and they serve at the will and pleasure of the Chief of Police. These positions aze Police Aepartment division managers. The positions were last studied for appropriate compensarion in 1985 when they became non-represented following withdrawal of the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group certification as exclusive representative of all Deputy Chiefs ofPolice. At the time of the decertification, there were three positions allocated to the Deputy Chief ofPolice class. Prior to that, in 1979, there were four such positions. In 1996, the third Aeputy Chief ofPolice position, wkuch was in charge of the Administrative Division, was permanently eliminated. The current Deputy Chiefs aze responsible for the Operations Division and the Support Services Division. With the reduction in the number of Deputy Chief positions, the subsequent resttucturing of the department, and the evolurion of new programs and projects, the current positions have been assigned additional responsibilities and have been given an increased span of control. The current Deputy Chief positions aze responsible for an average of 270 employees, and an average division budget of $18,857,500. The Chief of Police has indicated that he is having difficulty filling the Deputy Chief of Police positions on a permanent basis. The current incumbents, who hold the Commander title, have been assigned Deputy Chief of Police responsibilities on an "out-of-title" basis. The Cluef of Police believes that the difference in pay between the Depury Ciuef of Police class and the Commander class, which is the ne�rt lower level of Police Department management, is not lazge enough to encourage qualified employees to accept a permanent appointment. Therefore, the Chief of Police has requested that Human Resowces conduct a study of the positions in order to deternvne appropriate compensation. 00 -q��j stua� comQonents Review o£job changes and organizational charts Interview with Police Cluef Interview with the current incumbems Comparison to similar positions Review of existing 7ob Profiles Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) analysis and recommendation Job Description These positions perform highly responsible managerial police work in providing leadership and overall command direction to either the Operations or Support Services Division of the Police Department. These positions work under the general administtative supervision of the Chief ofPolice. They e�cercise general supervision directly and indirectly over Commanders, Sergeants, Police Officers, and civilian employees. The typical duties performed by the positions are: Directs the functions of either the Operations Division or the Support Services Division of the Police Department on a twenty-four hour basis. Birects the development and evaluation of strategic and long-range pianning for the division in conjunction with the mission and vision of the Police Department. Develops and oversees the implementation of division performance standazds that support the mission and vision of the division and the Police Department. Oversees division budget development and coordinarion activities. Authorizes the allocation of resources; reviews and approves individual unit plans and proposals; deternunes division staffing levels. Develops and oversees the unplementation of division policies and procedures. Directs, supervises, assigns, and evaluates the work of division staff including authorizing overtime, hiring, transfer, suspension, promotion� discipline, and other related supervisory functions. Commands major crime scenes or disturbances on a twenty-fow hour basis. Investigates complaints regarding division services or staff. 00 -9�'1 Inspects and reviews faciliries, sta� and equipment for conformance with division and department policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. Serves as liaison with community groups, media, and other law enforcement or administrative agencies in order to develop comm„n;ty support for police programs and initiatives. Networks with individuals in the ]aw enforcement community both local and nationwide in order to eacchange information and maintain i�owledge of current and future trends in law enforcement. Represents and/or assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Chief of Police when so designated.. Comparisons The only unclassified and non-represented paramilitary division manager positions in the City similar to the Deputy Police Chiefs are the Assistant Fire Chiefs in the Department of Fire and Safety Services. They are also in the same pay grade as the Deputy Chiefs, which is grade 28 of the Non-represented City Managers Salary Itanges. There are currently three Assistant Fire Chief positions. These posiUons manage fewer programs and are responsibie for fewer employees than the two Deputy Chief of Police positions. Other similaz departmental division manager positions in the City aze in the classified service and they are represented by the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). Classes such as Lbrary Services Manager and Purchasing Systems Manager are in SPSO grade 29. Assistant Ciry Engineers, which aze the Public Works Department division managers, and the Water Utility Division Managers are in SPSO grade 30. As managers, these posirions haue a similar level of responsibility to the Deputy Chief of Police posirions, but they do not manage as wide a variety of programs as do the Depury Chiefs. They also do not ha�e responsibility for as many employees either as direct or indirect reports. OES Evaluation and Anatvsis When the Deputy Chief o£Police positions were initially evaluated in 1985, there were three positions managing three divisions. With the increase in responsibilities resuiting from the elinvnation of one Deputy Chief ofPolice position and the subsequent development of new and varied programs, the QES factor awards for the positions haue increased in several areas. The award for the factor of Mental Effort has increased from a level five to a level siac. This is due to the increased number and broad range of programs and units assigned. The incumbents in these positions have also been given very wide discretion in carrying out the mission of the Police Department. Therefore, the awatd for the Amount of Discretion factor has increased from a level four to a level five. In addition, these positions are required to develop new policies and procedwes and be the primary authorities for review and interpretation of current policies, procedures, rules and regulations. This increases the awazd for the Impact On Policies and Procedures factor 00 -1�1 from a level four to a level five. Finally, in regazd to the factor of Hazacds and 5tress, the addition of new programs and staff has increased the amount of stress placed upon the positions. Tlvs increases the factor awazd from a regularly encountered two to an occasionally encountered three. With the increased points assigned resulting from the new factor level awards, the QES evaluation supports changing the grade assigned to the Depnty Chief ofPolice positions from non-represented grade 28, to non represented grade 31. Rec m�n►endation It is recommended that a resolution be introduced placing the Deputy Cluef of Police class in grade 31 of the, Non-represented City Managers Salary Schedule, Employee Crroup 17. Following passage of the resolution and implementation of the change in pay, it is also recommended that the name of the class be changed from Deputy Chief of Police to Assistant Chief of Police. This title is more reflective of the purpose of the positions. Finally, it is recommended that the minimum qualifications for the positions be amended to correspond with the recent changes in the Commander minimum qualifications resutting from the consolidation of the Lieutenant and Commander classifications. Council File # O - � � � � '" � �� � RESOLUTION ,� �, CiTY OF SAINT FAUL, MINNESOTA Refernd To 1 2 3 4 5 C� 7 Green SLeet # 10335 �� An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the Deputy Chief of Police class CommitYee Date RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Deputy Chief of Police be changed from that set forth in Grade 28 to that set forth in Crrade 31 of the Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers 3alary Schedule, and be it FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requ� by Department of: Office Of Human Resources ���W�tNC �lL�v"`T h3Y � Form Approved by City Attomey By: �.7'�� S� ! O� �U �dopfion Certified by Council Secretary �`� �,,:�. � �. ' x. .% . 1 i '�,,�� � �,. ����/ ii Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��/�� J"� U G:VSLazed�I-IICCOMMONVSfIOCF� BS�PoI.Deputy.Chidncwpd Adogted by Councii: Date � .� 3- o o� � GS =' � nErnnzMErrrrox�c�courrcn,: x,�, R�,�� CONTACf PERSON & PHOKE: John Shockley 266-6482 MUSl BE QN COUNCQ.AGEHDA BY (BATE� As soon as possible DATE PI1T)pTED os-os-oo � s� � r. a• • r c� i .�,>, GREEN SHEET II'U1WAAtE 1 DEPAKIME!!L D➢t � " � 2Q3YATfORNEY ��` PIIInNCinl.SekvDW ;.�.�co�.�� rr���+cr.r No.:10335 , rnrcaoNCV. ` m ' [ iTr.�t�/�lr_5�•� Uc+-q1'1 IIIRIALDA'[E AC170N BEQUESIED: Approval of a resolution changing the rSte of pay for the Deputy Chief of Police class from grade 28, to grade 31 of the 13on-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, �alary Ranges. R&COA4ffiNDATIQNS:Appmvc(A}ac%ejai(Rj PLANHING COMI.4SQON — CBCOtAaIll"fEH — ctvn. ssxnce coa�nsstrnv PERSONAL SERVICE CONTItAClS D1UST ANSWER'IHE FOLT.OR7NG QUFSfiONS: i. HaQtisP�'� wawadad mder�mmarttar this depnmmt7 Ya No 2 AastiuspcnaJfam erahenadtywp{oyee7 Ya No 3. Does duspecawJfam Poaus%¢akiLLnotnamellYP�%`td bY aryuart�s dty employeeY Yc No 4. Is ihia persw✓fum a tmgekd retdorT Yu No FspWio all yn answm oo uponk aheet aod attac6 to psen theet A117ATING PROBLEM, ISSU$, OPPOATUHII'1 (W60. W6a; Whe0. �ere,Wdy): Positions allocated to the Deputy Chief of Police class aze in the unclassified service. They aze appointed by the Chief of Police. Tfie positions were last studied for appropriate compensation in 1985 when the Saint Paui Police Supervisory Group was decertifred and the positions became non-xepresented. At that time, there were three Deputy Chief of Police positions responsible for managing the Operations, Support Services, and Administration Divisians of the Police Department. 7n 1996, the third Deputy Chief of Police position, in chazge of the Administrarion Divisioq was eliminated A subsequent deparhnent reorgazuzarion resulted in additional duties, responsibilities azzd an increased span of wntrol foc the remaining Deputy Chief o£Police positions in chazge of the Operations and Support Services Divisions. Aiso, over she years, new programs and projects have evolved, further increasing the responsibiliries of the positions. The Chief of Police has indicated that he is having difficulty filling the Deputy Chief of Police positions on a permanent basis. Ae believes that the pay rate assigned is an issue. Therefore, he asked that Human Resources conduct a study of the positions in order to detemvne appropriate compensarion. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: commensurate with the level of duries and responsibilities of the positions will be established DtSADVAN2AGES 7F APPROVED: Nane. Increased salary costs have been DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFD: Equitable compensation will not be established and continued diflicuky in making permanent appointments may be realized. TOTALA1130TJN'C OF 7'RANSAC170N: Approximate aslary incrcaee of 57,060 x 2=S14,120 FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMAIION: (EXPLAIN) �.:.� :_{��� COST/REVENUE BUDCETED: ACT1{'IlY NUMBER �s. �w.€� .�.'«�.: - $�'a�'��� � �:a�T ��� �?��ar�� �an��� � `�..���� ��� �w � a 00 _q�q CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT CLASSSTUDIED: DATE ST'UDIED: Commander and Lieutenant 7anuary 2000, by J.FI. Shockley PERSONS CONTACI`ED: Police Chie� WilliamK. Finney Commander, Richard Gardell Commander, Thomas Reding APPROVAL OF C ��. �� AND COMPENSATION MANAGER 5- S- (Date) Background Positions allocated to the Deputy Chief of Police class are in the unclassified service. The incumbents aze appointed by the Chief of Police. They aze not represented by a bazgaining unit, and they serve at the will and pleasure of the Chief of Police. These positions aze Police Aepartment division managers. The positions were last studied for appropriate compensarion in 1985 when they became non-represented following withdrawal of the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group certification as exclusive representative of all Deputy Chiefs ofPolice. At the time of the decertification, there were three positions allocated to the Deputy Chief ofPolice class. Prior to that, in 1979, there were four such positions. In 1996, the third Aeputy Chief ofPolice position, wkuch was in charge of the Administrative Division, was permanently eliminated. The current Deputy Chiefs aze responsible for the Operations Division and the Support Services Division. With the reduction in the number of Deputy Chief positions, the subsequent resttucturing of the department, and the evolurion of new programs and projects, the current positions have been assigned additional responsibilities and have been given an increased span of control. The current Deputy Chief positions aze responsible for an average of 270 employees, and an average division budget of $18,857,500. The Chief of Police has indicated that he is having difficulty filling the Deputy Chief of Police positions on a permanent basis. The current incumbents, who hold the Commander title, have been assigned Deputy Chief of Police responsibilities on an "out-of-title" basis. The Cluef of Police believes that the difference in pay between the Depury Ciuef of Police class and the Commander class, which is the ne�rt lower level of Police Department management, is not lazge enough to encourage qualified employees to accept a permanent appointment. Therefore, the Chief of Police has requested that Human Resowces conduct a study of the positions in order to deternvne appropriate compensation. 00 -q��j stua� comQonents Review o£job changes and organizational charts Interview with Police Cluef Interview with the current incumbems Comparison to similar positions Review of existing 7ob Profiles Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) analysis and recommendation Job Description These positions perform highly responsible managerial police work in providing leadership and overall command direction to either the Operations or Support Services Division of the Police Department. These positions work under the general administtative supervision of the Chief ofPolice. They e�cercise general supervision directly and indirectly over Commanders, Sergeants, Police Officers, and civilian employees. The typical duties performed by the positions are: Directs the functions of either the Operations Division or the Support Services Division of the Police Department on a twenty-four hour basis. Birects the development and evaluation of strategic and long-range pianning for the division in conjunction with the mission and vision of the Police Department. Develops and oversees the implementation of division performance standazds that support the mission and vision of the division and the Police Department. Oversees division budget development and coordinarion activities. Authorizes the allocation of resources; reviews and approves individual unit plans and proposals; deternunes division staffing levels. Develops and oversees the unplementation of division policies and procedures. Directs, supervises, assigns, and evaluates the work of division staff including authorizing overtime, hiring, transfer, suspension, promotion� discipline, and other related supervisory functions. Commands major crime scenes or disturbances on a twenty-fow hour basis. Investigates complaints regarding division services or staff. 00 -9�'1 Inspects and reviews faciliries, sta� and equipment for conformance with division and department policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. Serves as liaison with community groups, media, and other law enforcement or administrative agencies in order to develop comm„n;ty support for police programs and initiatives. Networks with individuals in the ]aw enforcement community both local and nationwide in order to eacchange information and maintain i�owledge of current and future trends in law enforcement. Represents and/or assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Chief of Police when so designated.. Comparisons The only unclassified and non-represented paramilitary division manager positions in the City similar to the Deputy Police Chiefs are the Assistant Fire Chiefs in the Department of Fire and Safety Services. They are also in the same pay grade as the Deputy Chiefs, which is grade 28 of the Non-represented City Managers Salary Itanges. There are currently three Assistant Fire Chief positions. These posiUons manage fewer programs and are responsibie for fewer employees than the two Deputy Chief of Police positions. Other similaz departmental division manager positions in the City aze in the classified service and they are represented by the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). Classes such as Lbrary Services Manager and Purchasing Systems Manager are in SPSO grade 29. Assistant Ciry Engineers, which aze the Public Works Department division managers, and the Water Utility Division Managers are in SPSO grade 30. As managers, these posirions haue a similar level of responsibility to the Deputy Chief of Police posirions, but they do not manage as wide a variety of programs as do the Depury Chiefs. They also do not ha�e responsibility for as many employees either as direct or indirect reports. OES Evaluation and Anatvsis When the Deputy Chief o£Police positions were initially evaluated in 1985, there were three positions managing three divisions. With the increase in responsibilities resuiting from the elinvnation of one Deputy Chief ofPolice position and the subsequent development of new and varied programs, the QES factor awards for the positions haue increased in several areas. The award for the factor of Mental Effort has increased from a level five to a level siac. This is due to the increased number and broad range of programs and units assigned. The incumbents in these positions have also been given very wide discretion in carrying out the mission of the Police Department. Therefore, the awatd for the Amount of Discretion factor has increased from a level four to a level five. In addition, these positions are required to develop new policies and procedwes and be the primary authorities for review and interpretation of current policies, procedures, rules and regulations. This increases the awazd for the Impact On Policies and Procedures factor 00 -1�1 from a level four to a level five. Finally, in regazd to the factor of Hazacds and 5tress, the addition of new programs and staff has increased the amount of stress placed upon the positions. Tlvs increases the factor awazd from a regularly encountered two to an occasionally encountered three. With the increased points assigned resulting from the new factor level awards, the QES evaluation supports changing the grade assigned to the Depnty Chief ofPolice positions from non-represented grade 28, to non represented grade 31. Rec m�n►endation It is recommended that a resolution be introduced placing the Deputy Cluef of Police class in grade 31 of the, Non-represented City Managers Salary Schedule, Employee Crroup 17. Following passage of the resolution and implementation of the change in pay, it is also recommended that the name of the class be changed from Deputy Chief of Police to Assistant Chief of Police. This title is more reflective of the purpose of the positions. Finally, it is recommended that the minimum qualifications for the positions be amended to correspond with the recent changes in the Commander minimum qualifications resutting from the consolidation of the Lieutenant and Commander classifications. Council File # O - � � � � '" � �� � RESOLUTION ,� �, CiTY OF SAINT FAUL, MINNESOTA Refernd To 1 2 3 4 5 C� 7 Green SLeet # 10335 �� An Administrative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the Deputy Chief of Police class CommitYee Date RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Deputy Chief of Police be changed from that set forth in Grade 28 to that set forth in Crrade 31 of the Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers 3alary Schedule, and be it FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requ� by Department of: Office Of Human Resources ���W�tNC �lL�v"`T h3Y � Form Approved by City Attomey By: �.7'�� S� ! O� �U �dopfion Certified by Council Secretary �`� �,,:�. � �. ' x. .% . 1 i '�,,�� � �,. ����/ ii Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��/�� J"� U G:VSLazed�I-IICCOMMONVSfIOCF� BS�PoI.Deputy.Chidncwpd Adogted by Councii: Date � .� 3- o o� � GS =' � nErnnzMErrrrox�c�courrcn,: x,�, R�,�� CONTACf PERSON & PHOKE: John Shockley 266-6482 MUSl BE QN COUNCQ.AGEHDA BY (BATE� As soon as possible DATE PI1T)pTED os-os-oo � s� � r. a• • r c� i .�,>, GREEN SHEET II'U1WAAtE 1 DEPAKIME!!L D➢t � " � 2Q3YATfORNEY ��` PIIInNCinl.SekvDW ;.�.�co�.�� rr���+cr.r No.:10335 , rnrcaoNCV. ` m ' [ iTr.�t�/�lr_5�•� Uc+-q1'1 IIIRIALDA'[E AC170N BEQUESIED: Approval of a resolution changing the rSte of pay for the Deputy Chief of Police class from grade 28, to grade 31 of the 13on-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, �alary Ranges. R&COA4ffiNDATIQNS:Appmvc(A}ac%ejai(Rj PLANHING COMI.4SQON — CBCOtAaIll"fEH — ctvn. ssxnce coa�nsstrnv PERSONAL SERVICE CONTItAClS D1UST ANSWER'IHE FOLT.OR7NG QUFSfiONS: i. HaQtisP�'� wawadad mder�mmarttar this depnmmt7 Ya No 2 AastiuspcnaJfam erahenadtywp{oyee7 Ya No 3. Does duspecawJfam Poaus%¢akiLLnotnamellYP�%`td bY aryuart�s dty employeeY Yc No 4. Is ihia persw✓fum a tmgekd retdorT Yu No FspWio all yn answm oo uponk aheet aod attac6 to psen theet A117ATING PROBLEM, ISSU$, OPPOATUHII'1 (W60. W6a; Whe0. �ere,Wdy): Positions allocated to the Deputy Chief of Police class aze in the unclassified service. They aze appointed by the Chief of Police. Tfie positions were last studied for appropriate compensation in 1985 when the Saint Paui Police Supervisory Group was decertifred and the positions became non-xepresented. At that time, there were three Deputy Chief of Police positions responsible for managing the Operations, Support Services, and Administration Divisians of the Police Department. 7n 1996, the third Deputy Chief of Police position, in chazge of the Administrarion Divisioq was eliminated A subsequent deparhnent reorgazuzarion resulted in additional duties, responsibilities azzd an increased span of wntrol foc the remaining Deputy Chief o£Police positions in chazge of the Operations and Support Services Divisions. Aiso, over she years, new programs and projects have evolved, further increasing the responsibiliries of the positions. The Chief of Police has indicated that he is having difficulty filling the Deputy Chief of Police positions on a permanent basis. Ae believes that the pay rate assigned is an issue. Therefore, he asked that Human Resources conduct a study of the positions in order to detemvne appropriate compensarion. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: commensurate with the level of duries and responsibilities of the positions will be established DtSADVAN2AGES 7F APPROVED: Nane. Increased salary costs have been DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFD: Equitable compensation will not be established and continued diflicuky in making permanent appointments may be realized. TOTALA1130TJN'C OF 7'RANSAC170N: Approximate aslary incrcaee of 57,060 x 2=S14,120 FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMAIION: (EXPLAIN) �.:.� :_{��� COST/REVENUE BUDCETED: ACT1{'IlY NUMBER �s. �w.€� .�.'«�.: - $�'a�'��� � �:a�T ��� �?��ar�� �an��� � `�..���� ��� �w � a 00 _q�q CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY REPORT CLASSSTUDIED: DATE ST'UDIED: Commander and Lieutenant 7anuary 2000, by J.FI. Shockley PERSONS CONTACI`ED: Police Chie� WilliamK. Finney Commander, Richard Gardell Commander, Thomas Reding APPROVAL OF C ��. �� AND COMPENSATION MANAGER 5- S- (Date) Background Positions allocated to the Deputy Chief of Police class are in the unclassified service. The incumbents aze appointed by the Chief of Police. They aze not represented by a bazgaining unit, and they serve at the will and pleasure of the Chief of Police. These positions aze Police Aepartment division managers. The positions were last studied for appropriate compensarion in 1985 when they became non-represented following withdrawal of the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group certification as exclusive representative of all Deputy Chiefs ofPolice. At the time of the decertification, there were three positions allocated to the Deputy Chief ofPolice class. Prior to that, in 1979, there were four such positions. In 1996, the third Aeputy Chief ofPolice position, wkuch was in charge of the Administrative Division, was permanently eliminated. The current Deputy Chiefs aze responsible for the Operations Division and the Support Services Division. With the reduction in the number of Deputy Chief positions, the subsequent resttucturing of the department, and the evolurion of new programs and projects, the current positions have been assigned additional responsibilities and have been given an increased span of control. The current Deputy Chief positions aze responsible for an average of 270 employees, and an average division budget of $18,857,500. The Chief of Police has indicated that he is having difficulty filling the Deputy Chief of Police positions on a permanent basis. The current incumbents, who hold the Commander title, have been assigned Deputy Chief of Police responsibilities on an "out-of-title" basis. The Cluef of Police believes that the difference in pay between the Depury Ciuef of Police class and the Commander class, which is the ne�rt lower level of Police Department management, is not lazge enough to encourage qualified employees to accept a permanent appointment. Therefore, the Chief of Police has requested that Human Resowces conduct a study of the positions in order to deternvne appropriate compensation. 00 -q��j stua� comQonents Review o£job changes and organizational charts Interview with Police Cluef Interview with the current incumbems Comparison to similar positions Review of existing 7ob Profiles Quantitative Evaluation System (QES) analysis and recommendation Job Description These positions perform highly responsible managerial police work in providing leadership and overall command direction to either the Operations or Support Services Division of the Police Department. These positions work under the general administtative supervision of the Chief ofPolice. They e�cercise general supervision directly and indirectly over Commanders, Sergeants, Police Officers, and civilian employees. The typical duties performed by the positions are: Directs the functions of either the Operations Division or the Support Services Division of the Police Department on a twenty-four hour basis. Birects the development and evaluation of strategic and long-range pianning for the division in conjunction with the mission and vision of the Police Department. Develops and oversees the implementation of division performance standazds that support the mission and vision of the division and the Police Department. Oversees division budget development and coordinarion activities. Authorizes the allocation of resources; reviews and approves individual unit plans and proposals; deternunes division staffing levels. Develops and oversees the unplementation of division policies and procedures. Directs, supervises, assigns, and evaluates the work of division staff including authorizing overtime, hiring, transfer, suspension, promotion� discipline, and other related supervisory functions. Commands major crime scenes or disturbances on a twenty-fow hour basis. Investigates complaints regarding division services or staff. 00 -9�'1 Inspects and reviews faciliries, sta� and equipment for conformance with division and department policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. Serves as liaison with community groups, media, and other law enforcement or administrative agencies in order to develop comm„n;ty support for police programs and initiatives. Networks with individuals in the ]aw enforcement community both local and nationwide in order to eacchange information and maintain i�owledge of current and future trends in law enforcement. Represents and/or assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Chief of Police when so designated.. Comparisons The only unclassified and non-represented paramilitary division manager positions in the City similar to the Deputy Police Chiefs are the Assistant Fire Chiefs in the Department of Fire and Safety Services. They are also in the same pay grade as the Deputy Chiefs, which is grade 28 of the Non-represented City Managers Salary Itanges. There are currently three Assistant Fire Chief positions. These posiUons manage fewer programs and are responsibie for fewer employees than the two Deputy Chief of Police positions. Other similaz departmental division manager positions in the City aze in the classified service and they are represented by the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). Classes such as Lbrary Services Manager and Purchasing Systems Manager are in SPSO grade 29. Assistant Ciry Engineers, which aze the Public Works Department division managers, and the Water Utility Division Managers are in SPSO grade 30. As managers, these posirions haue a similar level of responsibility to the Deputy Chief of Police posirions, but they do not manage as wide a variety of programs as do the Depury Chiefs. They also do not ha�e responsibility for as many employees either as direct or indirect reports. OES Evaluation and Anatvsis When the Deputy Chief o£Police positions were initially evaluated in 1985, there were three positions managing three divisions. With the increase in responsibilities resuiting from the elinvnation of one Deputy Chief ofPolice position and the subsequent development of new and varied programs, the QES factor awards for the positions haue increased in several areas. The award for the factor of Mental Effort has increased from a level five to a level siac. This is due to the increased number and broad range of programs and units assigned. The incumbents in these positions have also been given very wide discretion in carrying out the mission of the Police Department. Therefore, the awatd for the Amount of Discretion factor has increased from a level four to a level five. In addition, these positions are required to develop new policies and procedwes and be the primary authorities for review and interpretation of current policies, procedures, rules and regulations. This increases the awazd for the Impact On Policies and Procedures factor 00 -1�1 from a level four to a level five. Finally, in regazd to the factor of Hazacds and 5tress, the addition of new programs and staff has increased the amount of stress placed upon the positions. Tlvs increases the factor awazd from a regularly encountered two to an occasionally encountered three. With the increased points assigned resulting from the new factor level awards, the QES evaluation supports changing the grade assigned to the Depnty Chief ofPolice positions from non-represented grade 28, to non represented grade 31. Rec m�n►endation It is recommended that a resolution be introduced placing the Deputy Cluef of Police class in grade 31 of the, Non-represented City Managers Salary Schedule, Employee Crroup 17. Following passage of the resolution and implementation of the change in pay, it is also recommended that the name of the class be changed from Deputy Chief of Police to Assistant Chief of Police. This title is more reflective of the purpose of the positions. Finally, it is recommended that the minimum qualifications for the positions be amended to correspond with the recent changes in the Commander minimum qualifications resutting from the consolidation of the Lieutenant and Commander classifications.