275750 WHITE - CITYCLERK �`a'7��C� PINK . - FINANCE � / � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA IT L COUt1C1I �j �� BLUE � - MAYOR File N O. � �o� To ALUATION BUREA ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�EAS, The CoLmcil of ths City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 233730, adopted May 31, 1967, did vacatre, amr�ng other things, that portian of public street locat�ed in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, Stats of Minnesota, legally described as follaas: That part of Webst�er Street lying north of th� north line of Jatr�s Avenue extended and south of the southeast line of West Seventh Street ext�ended, lying within Stinson , Brc�m and Ra�n.sey's Acl�dition to St. Paul arid. Wt�REAS, Said vacation reserved to the City of Saint Paul and other public instru- m�ntalities, public utility easements c�ontained therein and thereon; and Wf�EAS, The Council has been reqi.�st�ed to waive said retained eas�.nts, an�d the affected City Departn�nts, Northern States Paaer C�npany and. Northw�estern Bell Telephone Cc�npany hav� filed written aertificates of intend:ed non-use with the offioe of the City Clerk, which Certifica.t�es are incorporated herein by reference; and WI�REAS, The affect�ed City Departn�ents and the above mentioned utilities have con- sent�ed. to waive oertain specific retained easements in said vacated property as fully set forth in their Certificates of intended non-use as heretAfore mentioned; NOW T�RE BE I'I' RESOLUID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended., does hereby waive, release and extinguish the easements retained. by the Public Works Depart�nent of the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Pawer Cc�ypany and Northwestern Bell Telephone C�ny in Council Resolution C.F. 233730 adopted May 31, 1967; B,E IT � RESOLUED, That the Co�cil does hereby wai.ve, release and extinguish easements in the vacat�ed public street retained. by the Wat�er Depart��nt of the City of Saint Paul as follavs: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt F' e nt Services Levine In Favo[ Direeto Maddox „�•- McMahon __ A al Il S t B �`/`�' Showalter g - Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary ��� gy. � Approved by Mayor: Date _ Ap ro by Mayor fo u i io to Council By - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK g�a ��µ++{{{ PINK - FINANCE "����� /�0 CANARIF - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUIICII 4 � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. H�,TURN COPY TO VALUATION �TRFAU ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date That part of Webster Street lying north of the north line of James Avenue extended and south of the southeast l�ne of West Seventh Street e��tended, lying within Stinson, BrcNm and Ramsey's Addition tA St. Paul. Subject to ths follawing wat�er main easement: The east 30 feet of the west 35 feet of Webster Street lying betwePaz the north line of West Sev�xith Street extencled. B,E IT FUR'I�R RESOLUED, 'I'hat the above mentiorbed waiver a�d release of said ease- ments are for the City of �aint Paul and those persons for whcan the City has reserved. . easements in said vacated praperty for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public instr�itality. -2- COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays „9=" -�- e a na ement Services Levine � [n Favor Nl�ddox McMahon Director Sl,o,,,,e�te� __ Against 7'EdesCb w�son ' OCT 2 19�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou ►1: . Date Q Ceitified :sed Council�Secre ry t /`�v . Y l OC'T ��� App by Mayor for S is i n to Council r e by :Nayor: a r.1-.-, By BY PUBt(SHE� 0 C'� � � 19$0 � . -� � . _ _ . .�><<� _-► ������ . •,- N _^��-== - - -<-��z � - = �. � � �� _- - .�- ' 7 :',�_ '_= __�_ " .�qr;� . o�i `�^ - _? _="�l` •`%�3;u '�� �// ^ �:� _ _.. _... .._' ^..�= !. '�^) ✓ NV%f�x �� _= "-r.7_^n` -`'�~,- "� p C� � � v ^v�G ?r ^ _ '^~?� :.J.,,�a""n p A� . ^ ro� �- >" =°="'y ' �-'="< ^ >� � � ^.'. H;�1 , �'�'� '', '�_---_=�s�^�-=_�^<3 ^ � .' T> �.� -^= ' ��� ^-� � � p . � °���� = n�_c�n=�y�1,�,�,'-�^�? � x�� . �.-,� � �<=_ _�<` o Cf 7�x :n � �..; 7,,,,•.3i."7i.�.v�i� 7 mN�� O ���^`�!�..�a,.. N N��r � ^- _��;�"-����M�� � w~C' �—�:�• �n���c=g .+o • . • � u :�Gn�[:'�<�C�^30'7a''.P�+i � _�_. _.__ . - . • -_. �// �<��7 � . _ . . . � � p G°�^y!/.''^>�,�n7=�0��7 . S" ' � a � •'_ .r�- -If9;'��=_o`T��-_J.- ^�°c=?��� ��..._7._ _�^�>' _�.. .. .-• " -' ..� -• �% •��l�n��.?�`�.�^;'f^0�..��...'�,___..__,� r�_ '_ t ��.-`�.?^r7 ~.�~„ �'h � 'KC��..�=u���g�-:.<_r=: '! _^ __� � __�7=n.-r'�o� 7�~ � � .. ' o����.-r"`= �_�r��-°,� _ _ =''_�j=.�J__;��.�~��_Ex .�'." = ��'� n - ,j� �7r��,-o -�.~•Sr...,�� .�� �-r -� Ji "-7^ -�,j��-. G7n`� o ,. „" „ ..�-�;_. � �y'�.f.' ..=:-r<=:� =3^_. ��' _ _ �=» .+ .. ..... �< O!. � f!�t n �� � _ ' - - '� -� t,j � ' . <.,...�,�G U �7��= =-.K J��7 _ . '=t a� 'l._ ___ n_�� . .:_ ���:�= ,Yw�. - 'y...� - ��r - - � �'7J=�= �O fi�:�'O �l ! ?'<� ���a=,r__ - ��r .<"1 f- ' _ z�_ - ..-�_-.� 7- ,,~ �e��3 � .:n �:=3/~ �.��7rp=...� - -_ = -- ' _ --:'+.' � V.:C" n7 .. :^;.^o — �����^' n ..�"— _ _ �'v.�=_^^ �__ ..� _y;;3' d C •t���^ -i Z O_. _ � R _.�-f f:.� '<£��r] [���n '! . .',' .- . -1 rjl`:_ ';�� �. �^� „ y, 1�,..' 7 -�'7 :��r, " ,n�y��_,".� ,�y O� _-7a n�� _-�..n f. _. C YO u+.�.� � .�.. . �'M 7= ' i - - � ^ _ _ -7n � �J'Ir � �r O �� eD O' ,�£ '�^ '!��M� = �'7 �..y �_'.�- Ji= • _.+�,�,� . 'J n i�7 G'• , � ���O�' ��~ ��`�_7 �-,^ :.�'� _Dfr:'�-f ?3 :'f.� 'a;< �.�q^O .Oj ' � �� O�r� � - � � � � C � .� y ��?=:,=y�.^.,� =���' �?Z,.r�,' _r -_^"?.��� 0 7�Snc'-.7�¢ a<o�M ,+1 ' . -:r�7., 2'� � '�= r':j ^^= ^- ��o�m,. 7� �w� ( m M=Cn^p7,�3 %"'t�-^�iA yi ,� � 1 AY � A�3Xfi4J0-.O_ �`� � � � A . y A�•�• ti � . .. L.-r . � ���� �C� THE HOIGORABLE l�AYOR AND I�MBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certif�r that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing deacribed realty: That part of Webster Street lying north of the north line of James Avenue extended and south of the south- east line of West Seventh Street extended, lying within Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul. �.. Dated ����,�,� � / , 19� . Director of Public Works City of Saint Paul General Mannger, Water Bepartment City of Saint Paul Northern States Pc�rer Compa�,y By (S�AL) Northrestern Bell Telephone Cam�pa�y BY (SEAL) �� -� � � �i���� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OE` RAMSEY ) On this __ day of � 19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, _____ to me personally appeared personally known, who, being bX me duly e�rora, did say that he is the of NORTHERN STATES p0�+1� CpMpANY, a corporatioa, nantied in the foreqoing ir�strum�e�t�ate and that the seal affixed to said instrumeat is the corpo seal of said corporation. and thatr$�ionlbs a�uthecritY�ofiitsd and sealed in behalf of said corpo Y Board of Directors and said acknowledged said instruta,ent to b� the free act and deed of said corporation. �. Notary Publie. Ramsa'!r County. Miaa• , My commission expires STATE OF MINDIESOTA ) ' ) ss. ' covrrr� oF �s�r ) ,��r On this _� day of • 19�D , before me, a notary p�lic within and for County. : /p�,�e�.r.�d� �� ,�.c� to me •�- personally appeared �e dul s�rorn. d�d say that ' personally kn�o being by Y he is the � � �-- of NORTSWES�RIQ BELL ��� Cp�pANY, a corporation,, named in the foregoing instrumant. � that the seal affixed tc said �a�str��WBS°�°���°,aal of said corporation, and that sealed in behalf of said cozporation by authority of ite Bosrd ..-✓ ackaowledged of Directors and said .d'.��•�� ration. said instruine=it to be the free act aad eed of said corpo , �-c-� — Notary Public. RamseY CountY. P'iinn. My commis$ion exPiree���2..�—�o IUTARGARE� NUTZMQNN ' Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, MMn. 2 My Commission Expirea��Aay 24, 1982 ��'"�, �3����� THE HON�ORABLE MAYOR AND MEMI3ERS OF THE COU1dCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAIPIT PAUL INTENIDED NON-USE The u.�dersigned hereby certif� that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the following described realty: That part of Webster Street lying north of the north line of James Avenue extended and south of the south- east line of West Seventh Street extended, lying within Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul. natea. c�-��_, 19 �G . Director of Public Works City of Sa.int Pa.ul. General Manager, Wgter Bepartment City of Saint Paul ftorthern 8tates Prn�er Compa.�r By.�' �� .t��^-x'�'�.1 ��) North�estern Bell Telephoae Ca�pany BY (SBA.L) _ ��'����� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. courrr� oF �s� ). On this � ]� day of � lg�, before me, a otar�+� lic within and f said County, `-- t . � ,�,�,r,�1- to me personally appeared '�� � � did say that . personally nawn, o, being bX me c�tuul.y s�orn. he is the of NORTHERDi STATES PO� COMPANY. a corporation, n in the foregoing instrument• and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signe� and sealed in behalf of said o� ion y authority of ita .�.�...�........ �.� �.��- Board of Directors and said � '�-"''f acknowledged said instrum�nt to be the free act and deed of said corporation. � , ,._ , � ,.� Notary �:�.C�A�D � �inn. . �,.�► � NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA: COUNTY My co .. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. ' . co� oF �s�r ) - On this_� day of _ � 19 , before me, a notary p�lic within and for said County, per ally appeared to me personally known, whc being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the of NORTSWE3TEAN BELL TELEPAON� CONIPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing �at�ate/ aeal that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corpo of said corporation, and that said instrument was eignecl and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said $�O�l�g� said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. - Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn. My commissicn expirea 2 � t�������� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND M�+IDSRS OF THE COUNCIL OF TFiE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Il�'I'TIQDED DADN-USE The undersigned hereby certif� that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follrn►ing deacribed realty: That part of Webster Street lying north of the north line of James Avenue extended and south of the southeast line of West Seventh Street extended lying within Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, Subject to the following water main easement: The east 30 feet of the west 35 feet of Webster Street lying between the north line of James Avenue extended and the southeast line of West Seventh Street extended. eatea Q,�� , �-q , 19 �l� << Birector of P�lic iiorks City of Se�int Pa.nl �.��-�w � (',eneral kanager, ilater Departmeat City of Se�int Panl Rorthern States Prnrer C�r�r By ���) Rort2nreatern Bell Yelephone Cospa�r $lt �8�) i w'' P.a? :�u�� ��� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND �ERS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE CERTIP'ICAT$ OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INITsNIDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follaKing described realty: That part of Webster Street lying north of the north line of James Avenue extended and south of the southeast line of West Seventh Street extended lying within Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Add.ition to St. Paul. �t� Sa�d6�C .� , �9� � ector of li ks City of 8aint Paul General Manager, Water Bepaxtment City of Saint Panl l�orthern 8tatea Pcver Compe.n�r By ��) Aorth�restern Bell Telephone Co�paay BY (SSAL) ��_?,�E.s' .4v.c�" �� " � . p yi y \ _._.�— _ � -- j �� w .j e 'i � � :::'" . G� . � 0 � � k�"- . �� � ' � � ' � � . • � � �� i � , � ��`r.� i �• � ' ;•; 1 ��� , � � ,I wyti� ! �+ � � � � � . 1 O � , I W � � i . . � . , . � • -- � � �, , ti ° '0 ���% � j � �----r ! ` r�! �� . �-,� \..,. `a1 y O'�/ � �::,� M • /�� - - i , •1�'�.::.:4�i:.'� � fi�.tir:_ ��, �� _ �•• I�ie. • . r�__ J . � ,t� � �'P/ e � / � i;t``. '�'/r/� � ��� , ' "�' . . � . � ° � � , � � � q ; ;� a �; w �� � � t, � t1 . � ti � � � �, �; . ::� � * � �,. � w w. � � �. . - `'• � � � � i .. . � \ � 4 V , • < � ( a� i � YJ.�.4'i-w���r'Yr..:' � . ` . , � � OM Ol: 12/1975 Rev: : 9/8/76 � ����0 EXPLANATIOM OF AQhtINIS�TRA„�T,��IVA,.E, 0�, � � � � � * '� �� ��' � r �� � '� � - L �� I,�."?� _ NlAY_OR'� O��C� Date: September 18, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEOR6� LATIMER �� � FR: J. y�in, �onovan, Va1. & Aasmt. hngLneer, Finance & Mg�nt. Sexvices (Fact. 7019) RE: Release of certain utility easements as set forth in Council File �233730, adopted May 31, 1967 (Webster Stxeet): : ACTION REQUESTfD: _ . Mayor's approva7. for submission to C3ty Cwacil. PtlRPOSE At�ID RATIONALE F4R�THIS ACTION: To relea�e eertain utility easements in area describ�d in Cauneil File �/233734 , ATTACHMENTS: l. Cauncil Resolution � 2. Copy of Crnancil Fi.le �3373� 3. Certif'�.aates of Intended Non-Use fro� N.S.P., N.W.B., P.W., W.II. (�+) �+. Area Map _ . _