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WHITE �- CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ��5�49 BL}UERY - � MAYORM T GITY OF SAINT PAUL F Ieci1N0. � �� C°� T° v N ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W[�REAS, by Crnmcil �,esolutian C.F. 269107 adapted May 19, 1977, the City Ca�mcil of the City of Saint Paul di.d vaca.te certa.in portion.s of Exchan.ge, Sixth and Auditoritan Streets all in the City of Sa.int Paul; and WI�REAS, the legal description of the vaca.ted property did not properly reflect the property actually being vacated; an.d WF�REAS, it is clesirable to properly deseribe the vaca.ted property. N(Xn1 Ti�E�'�RE BE TT RESOLUED that the legal descriptian of th�e property vaca.ted in Crnmcil Resolution C.F. 269107, aclppted May 19, 1977, is hereby corrected to read as follows: � � All tha.t part of N. Exchange Street as originally platted and all that part of W. LJ �`��' Si_xth Street an.d Au�ditoritan Street as originally platted and widened lying within the follawing deseribed line: Beg'�'� at the point of intersection of the east line of Lot 8, Block 2, Rice and Irvuze's Additian to Sa.int Paul an.d a line distant 27 feet 4 inches north of, measured at ri.ght angles to and parallel with the south line of said Block 2; thence an an ass�ed beaxing of North 63 degrees O1 minutes 29 secands East 73.22 feet to a point where the ea.st line of Lot 9, Block 2, Rice an.d Irv.ines Additian intersects the nor�thwoesterly line of Seventh Street as origi- nally opened across Block 2, Rice and Irvines Additian; then.ce North 59 degrees 26 minutes 49 seconds East 124.63 feet; thence North 48 degrees 15 minutes 11 secands West 284.52 feet; then.ce South 55 degrees 07 min.utes 14 seamds West 142.88 feet; thence South 57 degrees Ol minutes 47 seconds West 120.07 feet; thence Sauth 55 d�egrees 07 minutes 14 seconds West 405.04 feet; thence southwesterly alan.g a t.angenti.a.l ct�ve, co�.�.ca.ve to the sautheast, radius 1,451.85 feet, central angle 03 clegrees 50 minutes 43 seconds, 97.44 feet; th�.nce southerly alang a c�zd ct�v�e amcave to the ea.st, radius 10.00 feet, central angle 111 degrees 59 minutes 55 secands, 19.54 feet; the�.ce South 60 degrees 43 minutes 24 secands East 94.97 feet; thence easterly along a tangential curv�e, cancave to the north, radius 182.98 feet, central angle 59 degrees 49 minutes 47 seconds, 191.07 feet; thence North 59 degrees 26 minutes 49 secands East 381.37 feet; thence l�orth 76 de;rees 02 minutes 58 secands East 75.00 feet to the point of begiYming;" COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Fir�ance & ement Services Levine [n Favor Maddox �- McMahon B Director snoWatter __ A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson For ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �`� fLf�� By Approved by lrlayor: Date _ Appr by Mayor fo S bm s on to Council By _ _ � WHITE • - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE i CBA4uN�ARY _ MAYOR MENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUQCII ���5�49 . File N 0. �"�(JRN COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT FUR'I�R RESOLUED Tha.t in all other respects the terms and canditions imposed in Coimcil Resolution C.F. 269107 shall remain in full force and effect. -2- COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays ,y w�- .� Fin�ance & I�.nagement Services Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B �T•e�ar• Showalter, - __ Against — �edeseo Wilson �l.T 2 14�� Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adopted hy Counc� : Date — l C;ertified V .sed by ouncil Secre,tary '!`I�u � Ap r d by ;Vlayo • Da e - — OCT 6 1980 App v by Mayor fo b i 4to Council — BY a�is�EO 0 CT l l 198�- _�� �. H :iVr ., c�rv c�.r-.kK — ' •""` i, � " — F 1'�A N C e �* g �^S COUI1C11 �� .� GANA'<'�' - .rt.��ARTMFVT , �) I I,�� l.�.Al.� �,�� � N'� �,a�U �i ;�',.r ��.�E _ �,,�,•o�< .File (�L'. , . �- �� �e�so���i�� �, ��. , �'a�y���� .� � ����� �a.. y Pr:�sented [3y - --- --t.__"----"-�' - ____.._��.� heferced 1'0 _.._— � __— _ � Committee: Date — __. Out uf Committee F3y__.__... _—___. V � llate -- - ��t����, �"ra�: upon the �ti�f.Qxt �sf th� ��u�ing �.nd Red�v��.c�,��a�nt �`�t���.or�ty �►a�cl �k�e S'�. Pau2 Com�ni��, �r�e., thc�se s�c�iaz�r� c�£ �ub2�.c s�r�et� �.��r�in�fte� d�scri���?s ?�� an� ���.e s�me h�r+�by �r8 vaca��d aud dis�or.tf.nued a� � o.ya. •"'c..'° t1r1sA co,;, �?�LiC BL��`C�E3tS$ JrD� 8E@ � , . . .. . � � ftiW ►VAN . I'f i..R. �L�b ��� �� Ai• .L4+�C���IgO 5����i. S� f K� � JFOC ax�c��.���.l.y pl����ec� anr� �11 tha� �a�� a� RGP UEE �IR �7�.�:t� .rs�:�4°'l: 3�i'�C� �1LiC�a�.tQZ'].LtTtt ��9C��.'� ��s r;�r � RLR{ � AJO �J., �� ar�git��l�.y �I��t�d �nd w�,e����� lvin� r";� , VHP v�it�i�.n t��� fallc��'i.�g c����r�.3��� �,ine: DEY \+ Hegi.ra�x�ng 4� th� ��.�� �J.� A���+�,�.,�Ct�O� P.S.�y H.f1.R, o�` t�.e e��-� 1 in� a:� '��t 8, i��,c�c.c 2,F , ' Ric� a�c3 �z��ine`s 1���c�iti€,�� �� ���nt`�at�r� ��ed � l�.n� di�ta�� �7 f�e� � �.z����s or�€:i� �►#;s �easv�re.}�i �t rag�ht �ngl�s �� �r�d�r— �].1��l w►�.th �l�e sout:� �ine a� ���id �3l.ock 1; �kh��r��an �n ��sum.�d l:�eariag rx� �ic��th r'� ���r��s {��. a�intx�t�3 2� s�conr�� 't�".��t 73.�2 �°�c�' f �tn�.r�,�� �:orth �4 c�eqz�e� 2G min►u���s �9� _. � /ti.s�=�'T ��ar�c�s ���� 1�4�63 �ee�� th�nc� �c�r�h �E� �?,','��Ch��O ������� 15 ���u�.�s ��. E�cond� '����� `1�3���� ���i: �h�:��� ��uth �5 d�greeg (�7 ��.nut�� �:� _ sec�vx:d� ��r�� 3.4?.88 f���t the:�c:� wc��tl� 57 COUNCIL;4iEN Reyuested by Department of: Yeas N�ps I3u tler )joz-r.a _ In Favor - — ---- - Hiint . Levinc _ i___ Against �Y ----.- - - Roedler Sylvcster 'i'edesco Form Approved by City Attorney Ar3optcd by Cuuncil: t)ate _— — _—__— ' .'rrrtiiied }'���scd 6y Cuuncii �er_retary �Y - ---.—._,�_.__----�_..�----- --- �5' -------- —_---------:_'_.—._._�_.______._.. r\ppro��cc ',,y 11:ivor. i�ate __--------_�---�-,-.--.__�...__. Approved by i4layoc for Subm;ssion to Cour.cil �y _.--. -------------------------_____._,_.---------_ ____ �v _.._..-------------------------�-- ------ --_ I " � - l � , . : l _ . �t�"��� 2 � degrees O1 minutes 47 secon ds West 120.07 feet; thence South 55 degrees 07 minutes 14 seconds YTest 405.04 feet; thence southwesterly along a � tangential curve, concave to the southeast, radius 1,451.85 feet, � _ � central angle 03 degrees 50 minutes 43 seconds, 9?.44 feet; thence south- erly �long a compound curve concave _ to the east, radius 10.00 feet, central angle 111 degrees 59 minutes 55 seconds, . 19.54 feet; thence South 60 degrees 43 � minutes 24 seconds East 94.97 feet� � thence easterly along a tangentiai curve, c oncave to the north, radius 182.9� feet, central angle 59 degrees 49 minutes 47 seconds, 191.07 feet; thence North 59 degrees 26 minut�s 49 seconds East 381.37 feet; thence North 76 degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds East 75.00 feet to the point of beginni,ng; • subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: I. That the vacation be subject to all the terms � and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. A) Tha t spec i f ic underground s ewer. ea semen ts be retained in those areas of the streets herein vacated lying between elevati.ons 40 feet and 75 feet City Datum (City Datum: 0 = 694.1 ft. sea level) for the protection of the City sewer tunnels, alI of which will be located and described on the proposer� St. Paul Companies Plat No. l. _ ,�+� � '�°�� `� 3 ' �'"�;� ��.,�, �p �. ' ��," �,F 'n� .�. , ,: W`�,� B) That a specific underground sewer �,' easement be retai_ned in that area of Ex- `a �., change Street herein vacated lying between ` ,,� elevations 18 feet and 35 feet City Datum ` '� { (City Datum: 0 = 694.1 ft. sea level) for � 4 �� the protection of the Metropolitan Waste `� ' .i �� �r�- ' Control Commission Interceptor sewer tunnel -�' - ; �;1�.1 L which wil.l be l.ocated and described on the propased St. Paul Companies Plat No. l. �� � ����w,r � � , Said easements to be subject to the follow- � •ing surface c_ons�truction restrictions per- ta ining to tnanhole access to the above . referenced sewers: a) That no bui:Lding or permanent � structures be allowed wit�.in . the access easement areas. � b) That ro change in grade or sur- facing will be a llowed without written permission of the 3ewer � Engin�er and the Assistant City Engineer, Operations. ' c) Thai: the easements include the p�rpetual xight of the Public , Works Department to construct, , - Yna inta�nr operate and repa ir the sewer manholes, together _ ', with a permanent eas ement for , ingress and egress to said e�sement. , r. _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . , . r.' • ° •• • � �����\�v.aL l/'� �_ ���� i . . � :��� . ; �: >; - � � - � � f` ' 4 � d) That the petit ioners and/or its � assigns shall be liable for any damage caused in the maintenance ' of these sewers through the man- . . holes withi� the access easement ` a rea . � 3 . That the petitioners and/or its assignss at their ' own c�st and expense, agree to follow through with the recordation of the proposed plat of St. Paul � Companies Plat No. 1 as proposed by the Department .of Public S�7orks . 4. That specific easements be retained to protect the i.nterests of Northern States Power Company. 5. That specific easements be retained to protect the interests of ?�7orthwestern Bell Telephone Compa ny. � 6. That the petitioner, being the Housing and Re- development Authority, not be required ta pay com- � pensation for the vacation, pursuant to provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown . Community Development District 17, adopted by the Ccuncil of the City of Saint Pau 1 on June 10, 1975, ' per C.F. 265595. 7. That the City of Saint Paul convey to the petitioner all the streets being vacated herein; said convey- ance to be made by Quit Claim Deed approved by the City Attorney and to be made pursuant to Chapter 87-A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and to be subject to the easements being reserved herein. � , . ' . f'CI.ERK �!♦ _ � � ��r� —. � . � ANCE �� I •I'Y O 1, �t! j NT ��A t.T I. Councit Jr-�� " ,pARTMENT . �jle NO. , •�ron � � ,.f Cou���l Res�lu���b� � � ;j�-pu�;� :�. � � � �nted I3y _ - - � � Referred To Committee: Date _ � Out o# Committee F3y - Date - � — 5 8. That is� �.ieu Qf a bond, th� City be p�avfd�€� with cQV�ant, �onditioned to inc�,m�mnify ancl hoAd I�rs�less fo� ��y anc� al.l s3acna���s, +elai�.� for daa�ges, cas��f �harges, jud��nt� and �.x� penaes c�f every lcand and �r��cire ar�.��.a� ar grar�i.r�g �ut of the streets �aerein c:��eri.b�d �t� be vacat�c3t COUNCIL1�EN Yeas Nays Requested by Departme�t of: Butler �� [n Fa��or Hunt Levine __ Against BY - --- - Roedler Sylvester Tedesco ���f 1 9 ��;'�'y�� Farm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — --- Certified Yassed Uy Council Secretary , �Y - � ---- - � �, B}• � - _, _1`-.-'_ ' M� �-�:�7'� Apprv��ed by 11�yor: Daic� _--__�- _--_-- ___..___ �PP«�'ed by 'VtaS�or for Submission to Council I ---------- ---- BY -------- �Y --------.__._— ( OM nl: 12/1975 _ Rev. : 9/8176 _ �... R � �'��� � , �F�� EXPLANATION OF AINNINISTRATTYE OROERS, �FF'c �S�p2 �Q ' -Y.. . '�Vp�R��ry� 1� qiy,�c M�OFp�cTo hrs q,y�,R Date: September 23, 1980 ��'�iCFS T0: MAYQR 6EQRGE' LATIMER FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Val. & Assmt. Eagineer, Finance & Mgmt. Sex�v�.ce� Ext. 7019) RE: Chaaging legal description in Council F'ile �/269107, adopted May 19, ].977. ACTiON' REQUESTED: � Mayor's approval for submission to City Cauncil. P�ftPOSE Af�[� RATIONftLE FOR 7HIS ACTION: The legal de�cription of the vacated property did not reflect the property actually being vacated. ATTACHMENTS: l. Council Resolution 2. CopY of Council File �/26g107 3. Area Map ��� �;�N �� 4 � .. . . . � �Y• .1F6 ��� ��lNf�l� i'�1�� �� J�',��(}{ (M�pI � ` �F Ur� � ��� � � � V . . _ . : ' � I MM�• �� ���� ��, f' "� „ . . _ , ,,.�'„wt�r+�j}:'�A W . '. '�. . . - .. � . ,.� . . �! *XA'YM ik�.�� ,:. . , . . � . �. . . .. "hk� ' , �. . . , . . . .. .. __ . .. 41�� i ... . . �� . �,"y�._.r.�� � 4 : ..� , "' . . . t eZa. ;.e� ..,.. F. . ,. �.. . J`.; . ' ""� . � ��L .'. . . ,_ , . . . . . , �.r � . . ' . �w ��.1� �-' , . - ��, . . �, w�.� .. .. ' � .,, - . . . � .. . . S7�a -.^ �..:: yp . �.. -'� 4` � . ,.. . .. . . .. - � • . . . 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