275745 WMITE - CITY CLERK /� 8 PINK - FINANCE , � K CANARY .DEPARTMENT � � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � � Council .��� i 4� 4 �? ,y BLU� � MAYOR File N O. - , , , _ Cou il Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A resolution amending C. F. 266996 regarding policies concerning citizen committees. WHEREAS, The past volunteer service of citizen committees has contributed greatly to the formulation of important decisions and the solution of problems within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, citizen committees will continue to be needed to provide valuable information and advice to the Mayor and Council in their duties of managing the city' s affairs, and WHEREAS, The Mayor and Council concur that there is a need for a standardized policy concerning the establishment of future com- mittees and the appointment af inembers; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That C. F. 266996 is hereby amended to read as fallows: I. Establishment of Committees A. The City Cauncil shall refer each request to create a committee to a subcommittee of the Council for review and recommendations . B. Committee members on other than ad hoc committees shall be appointed to staggered two-year terms. C. The document establishing a committee shall define the charge to the committee, its duties, the expected work product and due date, and the life expectancy of the coznmittee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter _ Against Y Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY -- Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY ���������� II . Appointment to Committee Membership A. All committee vacancies shall be announced by the City Clerk to the Mayor, the City Council and the general public: l. at least 45 days prior to the expiration date of a term, or 2 . immediately fallowing a vacancy created by —resignation. B. Appointments to vacancies shall occur no sooner than t�ve�tp forty-five days after the vacancies are announced. C. Alaxtes-a�d-a-b��e�-�est�te A completed application form including the name and genera ac groun o each appointee shal be publicly announced at least seven . days prior to the expected date of confirmation. III . Committee Membership A. In nominating committee members, the Mayor shall give priority to residents of the city. B. Loss of committee membership shall occur as a result of absence without excuse from three consecutive meet- ings or one-half of the announced meetings within one year. C. Members shall serve at the will and pleasure of the appointing authority. D. No person shall be appointed to serve on more than twa city boards, commissions, or committees at an one time. 2. WHITE - CITY CLERK 4 � � PINK - FINANCE COUIICll � � ��� BLUFj Rr - 'MA ORTMENT � G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. * � Co c 'l Resolution . . Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date IV. Meetings A. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. B. Except for committees comprised wholly of City employees, at least every other meeting shall be in the evening. V. Records A. Each committee shall give the City Clerk notices of its meetings and membership vacancies, minutes of meetings and annual reports. B. When a committee completes its work, committee-related materials shall be given to the assigned staff person for proper disposition. C. The City Clerk shall keep an up-to-date manual of committees and their members. This manual shall be available to the public at cost. VI . Committee Costs A. The budget shall contain funds to provide staff and materials needed to support committees. B. Members of committees other than ad hoc committees may be eligible for per diems, as determined by the City Council. C. Members may be reimbursed for all expenses directly attributable to attendance at committee meetings, as determined by the City Council. 3. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: t1u��- Levine [n Favor Maddox .,,,/ • McMahon l�� B sr,ow�ite� _ Against Y r.rssee Wilson Adopted by Counci�� Date OCT 2 �g80 Form Ap v ' , Attorney C,ertiEied I?• .sed by ouncil Sgcretary B n App by ;Vlayor: Da e ��+T 6 198Q proved by Mayor for Submission to Council By .�" ►Ww` By Pl��ts�EO 0 CT 1 1 1980 ... � _ � \ . `. � _ : . , , � . �5`745 � , . , - 3 : , ; . ; . , , , - f ; � . , ( . , _ - w , , J�y I6. 1979 � . , _ , �. . ` " Cor�a�iim��i B�oa Maddca�' � Cbairmaa L�gislatioa Committrs ; , bv� 7�14, City A$lI ' `y F St. Pau2, MiQa�eeota. , - . , D�ar Ca►�ailme� M�ddca�: . . , � , , Tbs City Cou��.1. today r�aacred ta thM I.egi�latio�a Co�itt� gs� , � �der�tion- the qa�►etio� of a paeisib3� polic� provid3n� tbat � , a person aay b� appoia��d to only q!�t oitls� eo�ittae,.bvard ox � co�ahtiseio�t. �' , , ; � , ; - 'Very trul� �our�. � . . , _ , . A ' Ra�o M� : y . Cit� Clerk ABOtdcr . . . � esc: Mayor I.atla�er. , � , ' , . , , .� . , . _ ' ' , • � , , � . _ , .�i.� . . . . . , � . , . . . . . . � �� 1 � � . . � . - C�1T�Y" OF ►��- .��Ii�T � ��AUI. .=�,:__-�� . . _ � � /' r/ f ` `�-..� , OF���iCr OF TH1!. GI�.L�-Y CO:J�CIL C�l�`-t�G- .;1/ ` .�;�''��:1�•.j a�, ',`;.,.:q �1� �;� ...� y �ti �� ��'�� .� Da t e ; September 24, 1980 ,�_l\'.- _ ���_. �. '� . � �._ y C 0 (�� (�}i 1'�T � � � t P 0 R i TO : �oin� Paul Cit;� Council � . FRO � = C0�'1i71lfi7eA On Legislation William L. Wilson , choirman, makes the follo�rJing reporf on C.F. ❑ Ordinance [� Resolution � � - � �ther � �' 1�'L E : A POLICY ON CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS - The Legislation Committee recommends approval of a _ policy on citizen appointments that would (a) limit _ the participation of a citizen to a maximum of two citizen committees , boards or corrunissions , . � (b) set a d'eadline date not earfiier than 45 days from the date of� the announcement for submission of applications, and (c) provide that uniform � ' application forms are .completed for all candidates under consideration for appointment to any com- . mittee, board or commission. CfTY N_AI.L SEVE'ti�Pci FI_OOR S=�I\T PAUL, :�II\'\�SOC!1 S�IU? _ .:�:-..�-�- CzTY' ��+' �i.E�z�7'.� �ATJ�. . , �J-`��,�=`��'!<� ��,�'�-�-� �,, • � . � • �•i `+�\�:. ' O��T+�ICI� OF THL CITY CO��C�L r ``/ ' �'_V: t;`.� - �.w„ �.:, ��� �� ` i a� !� ��� `�� i `���� D a t e . September 24, 1980 ��� - - - ���� • C � �� �� 3�� � � � � � � � � T O : �oin� Paul Cit� Councii . �RO � = COi°tli7t1�7�� OCl Legislation William L. Wilson ; choi�man, malces ihe follo�rrinq reporf on C.F. [� OrdinQnce " [� Resalution � . � Other � I�L� : A POLICY ON CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS � The Legislation Committee recorr�nends approval of a _ policy on citizen appointments that would (a) limit _ the participation of a citizen to a maximum of .- two citizen committees , boards or commissions , � (b) set a d"eadline date not earlier than 45 days from the date of the announcement for submission . of applications, and (c) provide that uniform � application forms are .completed for all candidates under consideration for appointment to any com- - mittee, board or commission. - � �o-_ �, =, ���-< <..; --��-; w,.. ,�;-- , . � ; � , . . �_=-�, �� — - r - "T - rn --U> ' p _- � �.; . , . ..'.�.i ;�--r� ._..,... . � , �� .�7 � � . m �� C1TY N_AF.L SEVEivTk-i F7_OOR Srt�;lT PAEJL, :�'II:4T\�SOT�1 5�102 .�� �J __ WHITE - CITY CLERK fi � t� ' PINK - FINANCE �� i *T COUIICII �yt '�� ��t. CMCIARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y . O F S A I 1, T l,t� l.! L BLUE - , MAYOR . File N O. - Coun- il Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A resolution amending C. F. 266996 regarding policies concerning citizen committees. WHEREAS, The past volunteer service of citizen committees has contributed greatly to the formulation af important decisions and the solution of problems within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, citizen committees will continue to be needed to provide valuable information and advice to the Mayor and Council in their duties of managing the city' s affairs, and WHEREAS, The Mayor and Council concur that there is a need for a standardized policy concerning the establishment of future com- mittees and the appointment of inembers; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That C. F. 266996 is hereby amended to read as follows: I . Establishment of Committees A. The City Council shall refer each request to create a committee to a subcommittee of the Council for review and recommendations . . B. Committee members on other than ad hoc committees shall be appointed to staggered two-year terms. C. The document establishing a committee shall define the charge to the committee, its duties, the expected work product and due date, and the life expectancy of the committee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �ev;ne [n Favor Maddox McMahon A gai n s t BY Showalter Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By sy� _ Approved by Navor: Date _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BS• ----- - -- BY — -- — WHITE - CITY CLERK C�4►iAFlY - , DEPARTMENT -� COU[IC1I ��`� i �� � BLtPE - MAYOR • GITY OF SAIYT � AUL Fite NO. �y �`� ��s�' ;- � . Cou�cil Resolution Presented fl �' � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date IV. Meetings A. Al1 committee meetings shall be open to the public. B. Except for committees comprised wholly of City employees, at least every other meeting shall be in the evening. V. Records A. Each committee shall give the City Clerk notices of its meetings and membership vacancies, minutes of meetings and annual reports. B. When a committee completes its work, committee-related materials shall be given to the assigned staff person for proper disposition. C. The eity Clerk shall keep an up-to-date manual of committees and their members. This manual shall be available to the public at cost. VI . Committee Costs A. The budget shall contain funds to provide staff and materials needed to support committees . B. Members of committees other than ad hoc committees may be eligible for per diems, as determined by the City Council. C. Members may be reimbursed for all expenses directly attributable to attendance at committee. meetings, as determined by the City Council. 3 . COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine �(1 F8V0[ Maddox McMahon st,o,,,,ei�� Against BY rede�o w�i�� Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap v Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary B gy, Approved by Vlavor: Date pcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �----- — ---- BY — �)� �'�7 r ' � ; � � . e� z�'� A�_� II. Appointment to Committee Membership A. All committee vacancies shall be announced by the City Clerk to the Mayor, the City Council and the general public: 1. at least 45 days prior to the expiration date of a term, or 2 . immediately following a vacancy created by resignation. B. Appointments to vacancies shall occur no sooner than twe�tp forty-five days after the vacancies are announced. C. Pdames-a�d-a-b��e�-�estut�e A completed application form including the name and genera bac groun o each appointee shall be publicly announced at least seven days prior to the expected date of confirmation. III . Committee Membership A. In nominating committee members, the Mayor shall give priority to residents of the city. B. Loss of committee membership shall occur as a result of absence without excuse from three consecutive meet- ings or one-half of the announced meetings within one year. C. Members shall serve at the will and pleasure of the appointing authority. D. No person shall be appointed to serve on more than two city boards, commissions, or committees at any one time. 2.